1993 Minutes of Playgroup Committee

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Present: Caroline Baker (Chairwoman)

Nicky Ogden (Vice-Chairman)
Pat Jason (Treasurer)
Carol Willey (Secretary)
Camilla Collins (Playgroup Leader)
Deanna Cheney (Playgroup Assistant)
Elizabeth Harris
Mary Selby


The resignations of Karen Roper and Jane Devonshire were accepted. The
committee thanked Karen and Jane for their time whilst on the committee.

Carol Willey also stood down as Secretary as she felt communication would not
be ideal now that Christopher is at school. Carol would like to continue as a
committee member.

Mary Selby was elected onto the committee by Caroline Baker and seconded by
Carol Willey. Mary also agreed to take over the role of secretary.

Petra Stevenson has also expressed an interest in standing on the committee and
was proposed by Caroline Baker and seconded by Nicky Ogden. She was duly

The new committee is now:


Caroline Baker (Chairwoman)

Nicky Ogden (Vice-Chairwoman)
Pat Jason (Treasurer)
Mary Selby (Secretary)
carol willey
Elizabeth Harris
Petra Stevenson

As there remains a vacancy it was agree-d to ask if any of the other mothers would
be interested in standing. ACTION C.BAKER
2. PlavgrouD Assistant

Deanna Cheney is now playgroup assistant and it was considered that this was
proving extremely successful. Deanna was welcomed to the meeting.

Diane Griggs is also developing.an excellent relationship with Rosie as weli as

helping out with other general duties on occasion.

3. special Needs Care

Rosie Fish has settled in very well. A letter of thanks has been sent to. the
Christian Fellowship for their kind donation towards equipment for Rosie. This
will be used to purchase some musical instruments and other equipment.

A grant of £150 has also been received from social services which will also be
used for special equipment.

A continuation of the grant to pay for the employment of Diane Grigg has been

4. Fund-raising

Caroline Baker informed the committe that she was holding a Tupperware party
in aid of playgroup.

The nativity open morning raised £62 which was very successful.

Fashion show -This has been booked and Thurlow Hall booked as the venue.
Tickets need to be produced and arrangements finalised. Jane Devonshire to be
asked to corordinate. ACTION C.BAKER

The TDVSA are holding a silent auction on 12th March and have given playgroup
the opportunity of including some items or promises for auction. The revenue
from these will go direct to playgroup. To be included in a newsletter.

5. Finances

lt is calculated that by the end of half term the playgroup will have just £131.45
in credit. It is therefore important to raise some funds as soon as possible.

An audit is due by lst April. ACTION PJASON



9th June (ele'ction day) -Pentlow Farm. Parents to pay. To be organised.


Date to be confirmed -Visit to Colne Valley Railway. Parents to pay. To be

organised. ACTION C.BAKER

Date to be con fired -Pottery session. Jane Stubbington to be approached.



A second estimate is required for the shed. To be obtained. ACTION N.OGDEN

A shed has been offered to playgroup. It was agreed to site this near the
`\ cylinders.

Some of the damaged equipment has now been replaced.

C. Collins requested that the public insurance be increased to include legal costs.
C.Willey explained that a letter had been sent to the PPA, to which no response
had been received yet. To be chased. ACTION C.WILLEY

8. _
_ _ ____i_ __ _ __ __

8.1 lt was agreed that it would be less distracting if tables and chairs were cleared
away after the children had left.

8.2 New children joining playgr(,.iE+jp are:

Ashley Page
Jamie Cattel
Fineas Selby
Daniel Mayes
Elinor Morley

8.3 C.Collins reported that she had attended a couse on child abuse, and some
information is held on file should it be required.

8.4 Nowthat numbersare upto 18 it may be possibleto reopen playgroupagain on

. Fridays. A questionnaireto be issued with the newsletter. ACTION C.WILLEY

9. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be the AGM to be held on 15th March at the Bell, Great
Wratting. It was agreed to invite sue o'Hannam. ACTION C.WILLEY

Carol Willey apologised in advance that she would be unable to make it.

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