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The House Art Competition

If you walked on campus on Sunday 24 th of October, you would find that there was
an abnormally quiet atmosphere around the entire college. Silence in the West End.
Silence in Main Hall. Silence everywhere. You would probably assume, well,
something is going on here. And you’ be right. All the noise was exploding in the
theatre. It was the College House Art Competition, a colourful evening full of music.
People gathered to enjoy and also support students who are divided into four
houses, U Thant, Lie, Hammers and Waldheim.

The competition required four performances from each house, including a whole
house song. There had been a lot to prepare, and it had been especially hard for all
the house leaders to organize people and find a time when the majority were free to
train together. You would notice them zooming around the college, sticking notices
on doors, sending emails, just trying to gather as many people as they could.
Especially busy were band leaders Charlie Powell and Walton Li, squeezing in
numerous band practices. Everyone had to squash their original schedule (which was
already full up with all kinds of subjects and societies!), and try to make a big effort
with their pieces.

On the night, everyone did a great job. For a start, the Waldheim band performed
the song I WANNA BE LIKE YOU, and since I myself was involved, I would say I liked it
very much. Then, amazingly, the string band from Hammers gave us a song from
‘Pirates of the Caribbean’. After the fantastic rock number provided by U Thant was
Lie’s imaginative combination of ballet and Hip-hop that pushed the audience’s
emotion to a peak. The four solos that came afterwards were well prepared and so
were the instrumental solos. There was poetry among the music as well. The last bit
was the whole house song which all of us had practised for ages. Although we by
now know the results, I believe all houses were excellent as they brought us a
fascinating end to the competition. Though I can’t really speak for the whole school, I
truly think that we should say thank you to all of those who worked for the event -
well done guys! Extra thanks to the leaders and background people, thank you for
your patience and support!
Also, thanks Mr. Kokkinos, Miss. Perrins and Mr. Hawkins for attending and judging.

It is through the whole process that we learnt how to cooperate and negotiate with
all kinds of people and also learnt about how to live an active life. What you are
always told is that, the main thing at Concord is study, but it is NOT ONLY about
study. Work hard, play hard and get as much idea as possible of how to
communicate with others since that will be an essential skill when you are finally in
the real world.

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