On The Block Structure and Electron Configuration of Chemical Elements

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M. Ioelovich
Designer Energy


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Michael Ioelovich

Designer Energy, Rehovot, Israel

E-mail: ioelovichm@gmail.com

This article discusses the main problems of classification of chemical elements in current versions of
periodic systems of elements. It has been shown that despite many attempts to resolve these problems, some
controversial issues of the present system remained unsolved, such as the placement of hydrogen and
helium, elements of main groups with variable valence, some transition and post-transition elements,
lanthanides and actinides, as well as the relationship between the numbering of groups on the one hand,
and chemical properties of elements on the other hand, etc. To overcome the contradictions of the
conventional classification system of elements, an updated approach was used, based on consideration of
block structure, electron configuration and filling order for elements of the given group. Based on this
approach, all elements were divided into S-, P-, D-, F- and DF-blocks, depending on the presence of the
last filled s-, p-, d-, f- or df-orbital. Besides, an updated names and numbering of the groups was proposed.
In addition, an updated design of the periodic table of elements was developed.
Keywords: Chemical elements, Periodic system, Classification, Discussion


As is known, the United Nations declared the year 2019 as the International Year of the
Periodic Table, due to celebration of the 150th anniversary of periodic system. The creation of
periodic system of chemical elements by Dmitry Mendeleev was one of the most significant and
fundamental scientific achievements of humankind. It is a unique tool, enabling scientists to study
various substances and predict the appearance of new substances.
The discovery of the periodic system chemical elements was preceded by many years of studies
of simple substances, various compounds, their chemical and physical properties. As a result, by
the beginning of the XIX century, scientists from different countries were able to formulate the
concept of element and revealed the presence of various chemical elements, established their
atomic weight (mass), valence, chemical and physical properties. In this regard, there was an
urgent need for the classification of the studied elements.
Many attempts have been made to discover a system in properties of the chemical elements.
In this research, outstanding scientists of the XIX century were participated, such as Johann
Wolfgang Döbereiner, Leopold Gmelin, Jean-Baptiste Dumas, Alexandre-Émile de Chancourtois,
John Alexander Newlands, William Odling, Julius Lothar von Meyer and many more, until finally
the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev succeeded in solving of this task better than the others and
formulated the periodic law of the elements [1-8].
Dmitri Mendeleev arranged all known 63 elements by relative atomic weight (mass). On
March 1, 1869, he completed his first version of periodic system of elements and sent it for
publication. This version was published in Russian journal and then in German journal “Zeitschrift
für Chemie”. In these publications, Mendeleev stated that the mass of a substance is just such a
property on which all other properties should depend. If the elements are arranged in accordance
with their atomic weight (mass), then they show a clear periodicity in the properties [7, 8]. The
first, long version of the periodic table of the elements proposed by Mendeleev in 1869, consisted
of eight groups and five periods, each included two rows. Each group comprised the elements
having different atomic weights, but similar chemical properties, for example, the same highest
oxidation degree. On the other hand, each period included a sequence of elements with increasing
atomic weight having different chemical properties.
Later, in 1871, Mendeleev published a compact version of his table of elements, in which
groups I through VII were divided into first and second subgroups. For example, group I contained
subgroups of Li and Cu, and group II contained subgroups of Be and Zn. In addition, periods were
divided into short and long. The number of rows was increased accordingly.
Periodic system of elements of Mendeleev made an important contribution to the development
of chemistry and physics. On its basis, Mendeleev predicted the existence of new elements called
eka-silicon (Ge, discovered in 1885), eka-aluminum (Ga, opened in 1875) and eka-boron (Sc,
opened in 1879), and left empty spaces for them in the table. In addition, he estimated the atomic
weight (mass) and some chemical and physical properties of the new elements. The proposed
system turned out to be very convenient for predicting the valence of elements according to their
location in the group or subgroup. These methods were later used by other scientists, which made
it possible to fill in the empty spaces of the table and bring it to a modern form.
At the end of the XIX century the noble gases, radioactive elements (Ra, Po, Ac), some
lanthanides (Sm, Gd, Nd, Pr) and additional elements were discovered [9]. By 1912 almost 50
different radioactive elements had been found. Frederick Soddy in 1913 found isotopes, i.e.
elements with the same chemical characteristics, but with different atomic mass.
In 1914, the English physicist Henry Mosley proved that the periodicity of the elements is
depended on the nuclear charge, and not on the atomic mass [10]. Using this approach, Moseley
placed argon, Ar (with atomic number Z = 18) before potassium, K (Z = 19), despite the fact that
the average atomic mass of Ar (39.9) was more than the average atomic mass of K (39.1). The
new order corresponded to the chemical properties of these elements, since Ar is a noble gas, and
K is an alkali metal. Similarly, Moseley placed Co before Ni, and he placed Te before I, without
revising the experimental atomic masses. In addition, Mosley predicted the presence of elements
with atomic numbers 43 and 61, which currently are known as Tc and Pm, respectively.
In 1943, Glenn T. Seaborg discovered and isolated two new radioactive elements called
americium (Am) and curium (Cm) in addition to other radioactive elements from Ac to Pu. In
1945, he proposed to significantly expand the periodic table by including a series of actinides there.
The actinide concept, which predict that the actinides form a series of transition elements
analogous to the series of lanthanide elements, has now been accepted and included in the table of
elements [10-12]. In 1969, Seaborg also proposed an expanded version of the periodic system, in
with all elements were subdivided into blocks marked with different colors [13].


In XX and XXI century, after refinement of atomic masses, atomic numbers and properties of
known elements, as well as after the discovery of new elements, such as noble gases, lanthanides,
actinides, super-heavy elements and other elements, the periodic table of elements was corrected
and supplemented. In addition, elementary particles were discovered, quantum theory was
developed, and the structure of atoms, their nuclei and electron shells was studied. As a result, it
was proved that the periodical changes in properties of the elements are depended not on the atomic
mass, but on the nuclear charge (atomic number) of these elements. This also allowed giving a
new formulation to the periodic law, according to which the properties of chemical elements are
periodic (cyclic) function depending on atomic numbers of the elements or on amount of protons
in atomic nuclei, equal to the amount of electrons, whose distribution over the electronic shell of
atoms determines properties of the elements. Currently, atoms with atomic numbers (or amounts
of protons) from 1 to 118 are known, and therefore the modern tables contain 118 different
chemical elements. Of these, 94 elements are found in nature, and the remaining 24 were
synthesized artificially.
Before 1990, there were two numbering systems of groups of elements, IUPAC (International
Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry) and CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) systems [11, 14].
Both systems use numbers and the letters A and B. The difference between these systems was in
the mutual arrangement of letters and numbers. In addition, the group 8A in CAS is denoted in
IUPAC as the zero group. The example of CAS table is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. CAS version of table of chemical elements

The A-groups comprise s- and p-elements, whereas the B-groups consist of d- and f-elements.
The same group includes the elements with similar chemical properties. The numbering of groups
(from 1 to 8) is believed to indicate the maximum valence. An exception is the element He (helium)
of group 8A, which contains only 2 outer electrons instead of 8.
The number of periods (from 1 to 7) corresponds to the principal quantum number or the
number of energy levels of electrons. Each period of this table begins with hydrogen (first period)
or with alkali metal having one outer s-electron, and ends with noble gas having a completely filled
outer electron shell. Thus, after the transition from one period to another is a cyclic or periodic
variation of the properties of elements.
Several hundred versions of tables of elements are known [15]. Among them, exotic 2D and
3D tables were also proposed [16, 17], which had a beautiful design, but were unsuitable for
practical use because they ignored the arrangement of elements in ascending order of their atomic
number and the principle of periodicity.

Figure 2. Janet’s block version of table of chemical elements

Physicists have proposed their versions of the system of elements. In one of them, Janet left-
side table, all elements were divided into blocks [18] (Figure 2). Although this table contained
information on the energy levels and sublevels of electrons, it ignored the periodic change in
properties of the elements and did not reveal their chemical characteristics. Besides, such elements
as La, Ac and Th were mistakenly placed in the f-block. In 1969, Glenn T. Seaborg improved the
block arrangement of elements and proposed a long table, while remaining the periodic change of
their chemical properties [13]. Nevertheless, also in this table, the placement of some elements
was incorrect.
However, also IUPAC and CAS versions of the periodic table used by chemists have many
shortcomings, because there are many contradictions in the placement of various elements [14].

The first problem concerns the placement of hydrogen and helium

Based on the structure of electron shells, H (1s1) and He (1s2) should be placed in groups 1A
and 2A, over Li (2s1) and Be (2s2), respectively. It can be noted that element H is not an alkali
metal, but a gas, whose properties have nothing in common with this metal. For example, hydrogen
does not interact with water and acids, whereas any alkali metal easily reacts with these liquids
with formation of hydroxide and salt, respectively. Nevertheless, the placement in 1A-group is
common to hydrogen. However, this element is sometimes placed elsewhere. An alternative is to
place H at the top of 7A-group, over F, taking into consideration the monovalent and non-metallic
properties of hydrogen. Sometimes, H is placed to both two groups, over alkali metals and
Since He is a noble gas, in most cases it is placed in 8A-group, despite the fact that this element
contains only two outer electrons instead of eight for other noble gases.
A promising proposal is to place the elements H and He in separate groups.

The second problem is concerns the placement of some elements belonging to B-groups
Textbooks and manuals on periodic table of the elements note that numbering of the group, as
a rule, corresponds to valence of elements belonging to these groups. However, this statement is
not true. For example, main elements of 4A to 6A groups (e.g. C, N, S, etc.) have variable valence,
which causes difficulties in numbering of the groups to which they belong.
Regarding transition and post-transition elements with variable valence, located in B-groups,
it is known that they have no more than two outer s-electrons. For this reason, the minimum
valence (MIV) differs significantly from the numbering of B-groups (1 to 8). On the other hand,
the maximum valence (MAV) or the maximum number of electrons that can participate in
chemical reactions also often does not coincide with the group numbering. For example, such
elements as Cu, Ag and Au are placed in the 1B group, although MAV of these elements in
chemical reactions reaches 3 or even more; e.g., the higher oxide Me2O3 is known. The elements
Fe, Co, Ni, Rh, Pd and Pt are placed in the 8B-group, although the maximum valence of these
elements in chemical reactions never reaches 8. In fact, only three elements, Ru, Ir and Os, of the
8B-group are really capable of forming octavalent compounds, such as MeO4.
There are also disputes, which elements actually belong to transition (TM) or post-transition
metals (PTM). Currently, most scientists include six elements in the PTM-group, namely gallium,
indium, thallium, tin, lead, and bismuth. But, there is still no agreement on the elements of 1B-
and 2B-groups, and some others.
There is a discrepancy in the placement of some other elements in the table, for example,
lanthanides and actinides. The lanthanide Ce and actinides Th, Pu, Pa, U and Ne belong to 3B-
group, despite the fact that maximum valence of these elements often exceeds 3, and namely, MAV
for Ce, Th and Pu in chemical reactions is 4, for Pa is 5, and for U and Ne is even 6. Additional
problem with the placement of lanthanides and actinides is also connected with disputes about
where the f-elements begin and end. It should also be noted that Ac and Th belong to d-elements,
while other lanthanides and actinides, including Lu and Lr, belong to f- or df-elements.

The third problem concerns the placement of new elements

The chemical properties of new elements with atomic number above 108, with a few
exceptions, have not been practically studied, and therefore their classification and placement in
periodic table is hypothetical. Currently, only for Copernicus (Z=112) there is enough evidence
for its final classification and placement. There are other "lacunae" of the periodic system of
elements that require correction.

Due to the aforementioned contradictions of the periodic table of elements that have not been
overcome, IUPAC canceled the use of previous versions of the IUPAC and CAS. In 1990,
IUPACK was set a final table version, which was published as a recommendation in Nomenclature
of Inorganic Chemistry: the IUPAC Recommendations (Red Book 1) [19, 20]. In this
recommendation, IUPACK proposed the use of a new simplified table of elements (Figure 3).
In this table there are no groups A and B. Instead, the table contains eighteen vertical columns,
each of which presumably includes elements with similar chemical properties. For example, the
18th column comprises noble gases. Since the numbering of this column is not related to valency,
there is no problem to place in the 18th column both helium with two outer electrons and other
noble gases having eight outer electrons.
On the other hand, the problem remains, when hydrogen and alkali metals are placed in the
same first column. An additional problem is that such typical d-elements as La, Ac, Rh, Lu and Lr
are placed together with f-elements. Thus, although this table has hidden some previous
contradictions, it added a number of new ones.

Figure 3. The last version of IUPAC periodic table

The last version of IUPAC table (2018) shows data only on the symbol, atomic number and
atomic mass of the element. However, this table does not contain information about electron
configuration, type of orbitals, structure of electron shells, data on valences, oxidation state or
chemical properties of elements, etc. In fact, such table is a list of elements placed in ascending
order of their atomic number. It can be useful to schoolchildren, when familiarizing themselves
with the basics of chemistry. However, the information contained in this table is too scarce to be
of cognitive interest to scientists. Therefore, even a research chemist must use handbooks, guides,
and special literature to obtain detailed information about a specific chemical element, its atomic
structure, as well as chemical and physical properties.
For this reason, it is necessary try to improve current versions of the periodic table of elements
by correction their main shortcomings. For this purpose, the electron configuration of elements
and filling order of orbitals were used here to update the name and numbering of chemical
elements. In addition, the concept of block classification of the elements [21] was accepted.


The following important changes were introduced to revise the periodic table of chemical

1). The elements H (hydrogen) and He (helium) were moved from columns 1 and 18 of current
IUPAC table or from groups 1A and 8A of CAS table to separate groups, located next to each
other in the first period.
2). Using data on electron configuration and filling order of orbitals, all elements were divided
into S-, P-, D, F- and DF-blocks depending on the presence of the last filled orbital, s, p, d, f
or df (Table 1).

Table 1. Actual electron configuration (AEC) of outer shell and total amount of outer electrons
(TA) for elements belonging to different blocks
Block AEC TA
S&s nsa a
P nsa npb a+b
D (n-1)dc nsa a+c
F (n-2)fk nsa a+k
DF (n-2)fk (n-1)dc nsa a+c+k

3). Some lanthanides and actinides were allocated here to a special DF-block for the following
reason. Although the filling shells with electrons ends by d-orbital, unlike the d-elements, the df-
elements have also an incompletely filled (n-2)f-orbital. This leads to significant differences in the
properties of df- elements from both d- and f-elements. Take as example the typical elements
belonging to DF-block (U), to F-block (Nd) and to D-block (Hf). These elements have the
following actual electron configuration, U: [Rn]5f 36d17s2; Nd: [Xe]4f46s2 and Hf: [Xe]4f145d26s2.
As can be seen, the typical d-element, Hf, has an incompletely filled only d-orbital, and typical f-
element, Nd, has an incompletely filled only f-orbital, while the df-element, U, has an incompletely
filled both d- and f-orbitals. As a result, all six electrons (s, d and f) of the outer shell of U are
reactive, and therefore this df-element can form hexavalent compounds, e.g. oxide, UO3. Despite
the fact that the f-element, Nd, also has six outer electrons, usually only three of them, two s-
electrons and one f-electron, are active enough to form trivalent compounds, e.g. oxide, Nd2O3.
Regarding the d-element, Hf, its 14 electrons belonging to completely filled f-orbital are inactive,
and only four electrons, two s-electrons and two d-electrons, are reactive; therefore Hf is able of
forming tetravalent compounds, for example, oxide HfO2.
4). The total amount (TA) of outer electrons, i.e. sum of outer electrons, was used for numbering
of various groups of chemical elements.
5). To update the names of columns 1, 2 and 13-18 of current IUPAC system or A-groups of CAS
system, the block symbol (S or P) together with TA was used in order to denote the new group
name, namely STA or PTA (Table 2).
6). To update the names of columns 3-12 of current IUPAC system or B-groups of CAS system,
including lanthanides and actinides, the block symbol (D, F or DF) together with TA was used
in order to denote the new group name, namely DTA, FTA or DFTA (Table 3).
7). The elements La, Ac and Lu were moved to D3-group, and the element Rh was placed in D4-
group. Thus, the placement of actinides and lanthanides has been changed.
8). The design of the periodic table of elements has been updated.

Table 2. Proposal for new names of A-groups

Present CAS New name of
Block TA
name of group group
1A (Hydrogen) S 1 s1
1A (Alkali metals) S 1 S1
2A S 2 S2
3A P 3 P3
4A P 4 P4
5A P 5 P5
6A P 6 P6
7A P 7 P7
8A (Helium) S 2 s2
8A (Other noble
P 8 P8

Table 3. Proposal for new names of B-groups

Present CAS name of group Block TA New name of group
1B D 11 D11
2B D 12 D12
3B (Sc, Y, La, Ac, Lu and Lr) D 3 D3
3B (Th) D 4 D4
3B (Pr to Eu; Tb to Yb) F 5 to 9; 11 to 16 F5 to F9; F11 to F16
3B (Pu, Am, Bk, Cf to No) F 8 to 16 F8, F9, F11, F12 to F16
3B (Ce, Gd, Pa to Np, Cm, Lu & Lr DF 5 to 7, 10 and 11 DF4 to DF7, DF10, DF17
4B D 4 D4
5B D 5 D5
6B D 6 D6
7B D 7 D7
8B D 8 to 10 D8 to D10

The improved version of expanded periodic table containing the new names for groups of
elements is shown in Figure 4.

The improved versions of table have the following specific features:

 The first period contains two elements, H and He, belonging to groups s1 and s2; moreover,
the amount of s-electrons of these elements corresponds to TA numbering of the groups, 1
and 2, respectively.
 In the left side of the table there are groups of elements of S-block, and in the right side
groups of elements of P-block; the elements of D-block are located in the middle, whereas
the elements belonging to F- and DF-blocks at the bottom of the table.
 The TA-numbering (1 to 8) of such groups of elements as s1, s2, S1, S2 and P3 to P8
indicates the total amount of outer s- and p-electrons of these elements (see Table 1). Since
s1- and S1-groups contain one outer s-electron, and other S- and P-groups contain two
outer s-electrons, the difference between TA and amount of outer s-electrons (SA) gives
the amount of outer p-electrons.
 The TA-numbering of groups of elements belonging to D-, F- and DF-blocks indicates the
total amount of outer electrons of these elements (see Table 1). As is known, Pd has zero
amount of outer s-electrons, i.e. SA=0, whereas Nb, Cr, Mo, Ru, Rh, Pt and all elements of
D11-group have SA=1. Other elements of D-, F- and DF-groups have SA=2. Considering
this fact, it can calculate the amount of outer d- or f-, or d and f-electrons as the difference
between TA and SA.
 DF-block includes some actinides and lanthanides having both d-and f- electrons on the
outer shells.
 Some researchers consider that elements of the former B2-group or 12 column of the
current IUPAC table do not refer to transition metals, since they have a filled 10- electron
d-orbital. However, although elements of the former B1-group or 11 column also have 10
electrons on the d-orbital, they are attributed to transition metals [22]. Regardless of
whether the elements of 12 column are transition, post-transition metals or main elements,
they can be uniquely attributed to D-block, since these elements has d-orbital, though filled
 Each group comprises elements with similar chemical properties.
 The number of periods (from 1 to 7) corresponds to the principal quantum number (n).
Each period of this table begins with hydrogen (first period) or with alkali metal having
one outer s-electron, and ends with noble gas having a completely filled outer electron
shell. Thus, after the transition from one period to another is a cyclic or periodic variation
of the properties of elements.

Figure 4. The improved version of expanded periodic table

The proposed numbering of the groups using TA value was chosen because other parameters
such as oxidation state, valence, radius of atoms or ions, electron affinity and others, are variable
for various elements of the given group, and therefor they not suitable for classification of the
For example, the p-element, nitrogen, has oxides with variable stoichiometric valence from 1 to 5.
Nevertheless, the total amount (TA) of outer electrons for this element is always 5. If nitrogen is
donor of electrons, then its higher oxide should be pentavalent, i.e. N2O5. On the other hand, when
nitrogen plays the role of electron acceptor, then it must attach three electrons from other element
to form a stable 8-electron outer shell, as in the case of NH3 synthesis. Thus, based on the TA
value, nitrogen can be placed in the P5 group. The next element of this group, phosphorus, has the
same TA value, 5. But, other characteristics of this element, such as atom radius, electron affinity
and others, are significantly different from those of nitrogen. Thus, only TA-parameter is suitable
for classification of the group containing nitrogen and its analogues.
Another example is ytterbium (Yb) has the electron configuration [Xe]4f146s2. Since this element
has f-orbitals, and TA=16, this element was placed in the F16-group. Despite the presence of 16
outer electrons, usually only three of them can participate in chemical reactions, e.g. Yb can form
halides, YbF3, YbCl3, or oxide Yb2O3. The remaining f-electrons of Yb are not sufficiently reactive
to be form compounds with a valence higher than 3.
A further example can be elements of the D10-group. Although elements of this group have
variable amount of s- or d-electrons, the total amount (TA) or sum of all outer electrons on the last
shell is always 10; a fact that was used for the reliable classification of these elements. Despite the
presence of ten electrons on the last shell, the elements of the D10-group cannot form decavalent
compounds, but octavalent compounds only as a maximum.
In general, for transition elements, it is known that after start of a reaction the outer electrons
are excited, redistributed and hybridized [24, 25]. Nevertheless, the number of hybrid bonds does
not exceed eight.
The proposed tables reveal the affiliation of elements to S-, P-, D-, F- or DF-block depending
on the presence of outer s-, p-, d-, f- or df- orbital. The implementation of the improved periodic
tables can solve the problem of placement of hydrogen, helium, some transition, post-transition
and other elements. Regarding groups of elements belonging to S- and P-blocks, the improved
tables can eliminate the inconsistency between the TA numbering of the group, on the one hand,
and the maximum stoichiometric valence of elements belonging to this group, on the other hand.
When an element of P-group acts as acceptor of electrons, the difference na = 8 - TA shows the
number of attached electrons. Besides, TA and SA difference indicates amount of outer p-
Regarding groups of elements belonging to D-, F- and DF-blocks, the proposed version of the
periodic tables provide information about the total amount of outer electrons for all elements of
the given group. Moreover, TA and SA difference indicates average amount of outer d- and/or f-
electrons. In addition, the chemical behavior of elements from D-, F- and DF-groups can be
estimated. The maximum stoichiometric valence of elements belonging to groups from D3 to D7,
as a rule, corresponds to the numbering of these groups (3 to 7). Therefore, La from D3-group
forms trivalent oxide La2O3, whereas Mn from D7-group forms heptavalent oxide Mn2O7.
Elements belonging to groups D8 to D10 can have compounds with maximum stoichiometric
valence of 8 (e.g. OsO4, RuO4) and minimum valence of 2 (e.g. FeO, NiO). The stoichiometric
valence of elements belonging to D11-group can vary in the range from 1 to 3, while the valence
of elements from D12-group is usually 2. Regarding lanthanides from F- and DF-groups, their
most common valence is 3, although there was a greater or lesser deviation from this average
valence value. Actinides belonging to F- and DF-groups can exhibit stoichiometric valence in the
range from 3 to 7.
In this paper, the classification of elements in the current versions of the periodic system of
chemical was described. However, some problems of the present system remained unsolved, such
as the placement of hydrogen and helium, some elements of main groups with variable valence,
transition and post-transition elements, lanthanides and actinides, as well as the relationship
between the numbering of groups on the one hand, and chemical properties of elements on the
other hand, etc. To overcome the contradictions of the conventional classification system of
elements, an updated approach was used, based on consideration of block structure, electron
configuration and filling order for elements of the given group. Based on this approach, all
elements were divided into S-, P-, D-, F- and DF-blocks, depending on presence of the last filled
orbital, s, p, d, f or df, respectively. Besides, an updated names and numbering of the groups was
proposed. In addition, an updated design for the periodic table of elements was developed.


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23. Group 12 element. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_12_element.
24. Pauling L. (1960).The Nature of the Chemical Bond. (3rd ed), Oxford University Pressю
25. Weinhold F., Landis C.R. (2012). Discovering Chemistry with Natural Bond Orbitals. Wiley:
Hoboken, N.J.

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