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Form 1 Short Story

Ali Majod

1. Setting :
(a) Time – the events happen over a few days.
(b) Place - classroom
- canteen
- compound of a school
- book store
- road junction
- Zahid’s house

2. Synopsis:
- Zahid bought a long pencil. A few days later, it went missing. Zahid saw Dollah with a similar
pencil and accused him of stealing his. They fought. As Dolah was able to convince their teacher that the
pencil was his, Zahid was punished. When zahid hit Dolah the second time, he was punished again. Since
then, zahid became defiant and he disturbed other pupils in school. He was eventually sent to the
Headmaster, who was patient enough to understand Zahid and got the whole truth. Dolah too admitted his
guilt. Since then, their teacher treated Zahid with patience and Zahid turned over a new leaf by being
friends with Dolah again.

3. Themes:
- The story tells us that violence (punishment of Mr. Jamal) begets violence (defiance of Zahid).
Zahid’s possession of the pencil and penknife does not bring happiness to him.

4. Values:
(a) A happy family is important for the development of a child.
(b) There are reasons to explain a person’s behaviour.

5. Messages:
(a) Children should be treated with love, care and concern, instead of violence.
(b) Teachers should be more understanding and patient with their students.

6. Character Analyses:
(a) Zahid
- rather small in size, he is shy and quiet and feels somewhat insecure.
- He buys the special pencil to attract attention.
- He has a sensitive nature.
- He feels very hurt when Mr Jamal chooses to believe Dolah’s story.
- He is badly affected and changes from a quiet boy to a rebellious and violent boy.
- He is intelligent enough to know that Dolah has stolen his pencil.
- After the unfair treatment from Mr Jamal, he changes to become rebellious and stubborn.
- He even becomes violent.
- He damages school property, sticks his knife into the able and cuts Dolah.
- Later, when his principal and teacher show him kindness, he changes back to being a nice boy.

(b) Dolah
- He is bigger in size than Zahid.
- He is very dishonest.
- He steals Zahid’s pencil but denies it.
- He is cunning as he carves his name on the pencil so that he can say it belongs to him.
- He is shrewd as he cries convincingly to win Mr Jamal to his side.
- When threatened by Mr Berahim, he gets frightened and admitted stealing the pencil.
(c) Mr. Jamal
- He is always prim and proper in his dressing.
- When he goes to teach in school, he wears shiny black shoes.
- He is strict with his pupils.
- Instead of showing them understanding, he punishes them before he finds out the problem.
- After his discussion with the principal, he changes his attitude.
- He becomes more supportive and understanding towards his pupils, especially Zahid.

(d) Mr. Berahim

- He is an experienced principal who always practices wisdom in handling his pupils.
- He is very fair when he listens to both sides of the story from Zahid and Dolah.
- He shows kindness to Zahid who decides to stop his rebelliousness and behave properly.
- He is diplomatic.
- He tactfully points out to Mr Jamal his mistakes in handling Zahid’s case.
- He shows kindness when he buys two similar pencils for Zahid.

(e) Zahid’s gandmother

- Zahid is brought up by his grandmother.
- She loves Zahid very much.
- They both have a close and loving relationship.
- When Zahid is sick, she cries.
- However, sometimes she is firm with Zahid.
- When he asks her for money, she asks him to earn the money instead.

Refer to the text and answer the following questions.

1. List down the characters in the story.

a)……………… b)…………… c)…………… d)……………… e)…………………….

2. Which character do you like best? Why?


3. What is the theme of the story?


4. What lessons do you learn from the story?


5. Do you think violence can solve a problem?


6. Imagine yourself as Zahid. What would you do in his place if Dolah stole your pencil?


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