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A Special Customers Only Report

You Increased Your Sexual Value,

Now She is Insecure

CR James

In some cases, a guy will successfully increase his sexual value and something
unexpected will happen.

His wife/girlfriend will begin to behave insecurely as a result of his increased

sexual value. In these situations, the poor guy will experience undeserved
accusations, smothering, rapid questioning, hyper nagging, excessive cuddling
and all kinds of insecurity-driven behaviors (that cause stress).

I do not claim to be Nostradamus - however, I predict that in the year 3077 a

German Scientist will present to the world conclusive evidence of Reckless
Stress-Induced Spousal Slaughter (or R-SISS for short).

These are situations where guys are literally ‘stressed’ to death (but a slow

Basically, this brilliant scientist will make compelling ‘connections’ that clearly
links a woman’s irrational behavior to increased stress levels in her male

And he’ll then display powerful ‘forensic type’ evidence that links stress to many
types of diseases.

Deadly diseases!

A major shift will take place in the mainstream consciousness (the world) where
all people (not just women) will be criticized, ridiculed, and looked down upon for
not being responsible for their own self-development.

Enough crazy talk, let’s get to the serious stuff…

But let’s actually address a common situation that can actually make a woman
behave in an insecure manner.

It’s possible to increase your sexual value by sending messages like ‘you would
leave her if she continued to act in a way that isn’t appropriate’.

© Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved. CR James 1

A Special Customers Only Report

By de- pussifying yourself, you let her know that you will not put up with “her
nonsense” (because you're not a doormat or her puppy dog boy).

It’s a great way to quickly gather a lot of sexual value points and to get respect
(or regain respect)...

But what happens when she is now respecting you more (and valuing you more),
but she has random acts of insecurity ?

Well the answer is you need to respond the right way.

Don’t worry, I’ll tell you exactly what you need to do (if this applies to you)(or if
you ever find yourself in this situation)…

And it’s important, because

Well get to that.

It’s important to understand why it is happening. And it’s simple. Some women
(from a ‘how to operate in the world’ standpoint) have never ‘learned’ how to be
secure in a relationship without ‘transforming’ the guy into Pussimus Prime.

In other words, she doesn’t feel secure in the relationship until she has
successfully diminished the guy into a fraction of himself.

Women are emotionally complex.

Insecure women strategically use their emotions to manipulate behavior in their

male partners. She knows that if she displays anger, he’ll respond exactly the
way she wants him to.

She knows that if she displays sadness, he’ll respond exactly the way she wants
him to.

While a large majority of guys will allow this to happen until they eventually die,
in rare cases, there are guys who will refuse to allow this to go on any longer.

They’ll do things to build themselves back up!

This could include sending ‘I’m not going to put up with your nonsense’ type of
messages to her (that catch her completely off guard).

This rare group of men makes the decision to change.

© Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved. CR James 2

A Special Customers Only Report

(And as a result his sexual value instantly goes up. It has to go up!)

(In fact it literally is impossible for another human to not value more a human
that has made the decision to value himself more.)

However, for the long term, the strength of the relationship can not rely solely
on the subtle (or overt) 'I’m not going to put up with your nonsense' type of

If she respects and values you, then after a while SHE WILL eventually 'get it'
and thus you are rewarded with 'sexual value'... so there is no need to give her
the signal/medicine any more because she's cured…

So if you increased your sexual value by doing this, doing it more will not
continue to increase it.

There is a balance that you need to monitor and respond to...

If the woman begins to show signs of insecurity as a result of your increase in

value, then the "long term approach" is to assist her in becoming more secure by
giving her reasons to feel good about herself (basically you want to build her
confidence up), and/or by 'training' her to react differently to the things you do
as a Confident Person.

And the "short term approach" is making her feel special/appreciated at the
times when she is feeling insecure. However, just doing this is destructive “long
term approach”.

Some people may believe that you should ALWAYS make your special lady feel
good anytime she requests you do something to make her feel good.

I strongly disagree.

It could possibly be the worse thing you could do (as far as maintaining sexual

I’ll explain.

A 'woman who is behaving insecurely for an irrational period of time' does not
benefit from over-using the guy as a 'feel good source'. In other words,
frequently requiring the guy to 'do certain things' for the purpose of making
HERSELF feel good...

© Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved. CR James 3

A Special Customers Only Report

For example, there are "Insecure Women Who Refuse To Accept Responsibility
For Their Personal Improvement" that aggressively 'make' their husbands tell
them she is beautiful over 10 times a day (because it's gives her the short term
feeling that she is beautiful). But at the same time, these women refuse to do
anything for herself that will lead to the Genuine Feeling of 'Wow I feel incredible
about myself!'

For the sake of maintaining sexual value with a woman who appears insecure,
here are some things you should do

1. Do things that inspire her to improve herself (You could engage in

conversations about self-improvement. You could get an understanding
of how she wants to be perceived. Determine her current obstacles that
are preventing her from being the type of person she wants to be.)

2. Do not comply with HER requests to eliminate the insecurity if it's

irrational (i.e. giving up passwords to email and cell phone accounts)

3. Limit her requests to eliminate the insecurity - even if it's

harmless (It's OK to comply to a few of her suggestions, but not all -
even if it seems harmless. Keep the complaint percentage in the range
of 10 – 50%. The more frequent she suggests things, the more you should
decrease the compliant percentage.

Instead of massive compliance....

4. Comfort her and make her feel special on YOUR terms. This is the
secret to increasing (And KEEPING) your sexual value while building her
up and making her feel good about herself which in the long term
eliminates the part of her that has the ability to turn you into a Guy
With No Sexual Value.

(i.e. Surprise her with little gifts that have a significant meaning.
You could even tie it to the reason why you think she is special. Make
sure you are really sincere about it.)

The key is to do it on your terms.

When it's all said and done, you want to persevere the 'recently earned'
perception that you are a confident man who is calmly in control. This is one of
the best ways to keep the attraction alive forever.

© Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved. CR James 4

A Special Customers Only Report

When you make the commitment to do things to:

Make her feel special + Not complying with her requests, you
are guaranteed to take your sexual value to new levels…

It’s psychologically powerful because she can not frame you as an asshole
or someone who doesn’t care when you are clearly doing things to make her feel
special (on your terms). And she also can not frame you (or think of you) as her
weak little-puppy-dog-boy when you are clearly refusing to comply with all of her

When you do this you are guaranteed to skyrocket your sexual value to new

The more confident she is, the less stressful and irrational she will behave.

Take care,

CR James
Author of Super Sex Power (
Future President of The Society of “Reckless Stress-Induced Spousal Slaughter”

© Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved. CR James 5

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