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ELL Level: Grade: Level: Approx. # students: Total Class Length:

2 Kindergarten 26 60

Students’ first (measurable and specific) Content Objective(s):

Spanish 1. SWBAT investigate the texture of their item to their partner.
2. SWBAT to identify specific textures while touching them.
Language domains used: (measurable and specific) Language Objective(s):
Reading The students are
exploring textures. 1. SWBAT describe orally to their partner on the textured item. "This
Writing: Students will create feels…"
connections between objects 2. SWBAT write a report the texture of the item using these
and their texture. vocabulary words (Bumpy, Smooth, Soft, Hard, Rough).
Speaking: In pairs students will
discuss what they feel.
Listening: Student will listen
and respond to their partners.
Materials & supplies needed: - Glue
- pom poms - Pencils
- cotton balls - 5 Senses Posters from Cassandra Donoian
- pipe cleaners - Markers
- string - Sentence strips “I used ________ to make ________ ________.
- feathers (item) (texture) (body part)
- cardboard Example “I used cardboard to make bumpy legs.
- rocks
- felt
- pasta
- Lego
- construction paper

Classroom physical configuration:

The class will have 4 students at a table. However, the students will work in pairs.
Support strategies: (See the SIOP classroom strategies PDF for refresher and ideas.)

TPR- Total Physical Response: The teacher will be done throughout the lesson by pointing, body
movements, facial expressions, and gesture. This will be indicated on the lesson plan in a green color.

Engagement: Time Needed:

Prior Knowledge:
The class will meet on the rug, then say the Carpet Rap 7-10 minutes
Teacher: “We have been talking about our five sense. Let’s think about the five senses
we have and what body parts we use for each one” The teacher will point to the Five
Senses posters for students’ reference. After a minute of thinking the teacher will take
Student: “Seeing”
T: “Yes seeing is a sense. And what are we using to see with?” Pointing to their eyes.
S: “Our eyes to see”
(Repeated with all other senses)
T: “Now let’s watch a video that shows how we use our five senses.”
PBS Kids 5 senses video (1.05)


Teacher: “Today we are going to focus on the sense of touch.” While emphasizing on
their hand and wiggling their fingers. “We feel different textures. Different textures are
Bumpy, Smooth, Soft, Hard, Rough. We use our hand and fingers to feel textures. Can
you wiggle your fingers?
S: Show their wiggling finger
T: “Dip your fingers in an imaginary jar of jelly” The teacher demonstrates and shows
facial gesture of disgust.
S: Reflect the teacher’s actions.
T: “What will I feel?”
S: “Slimy, gooey, yucky”
T: Shows fingers stinking together. “What about my finger?”
S: “Sticky”
T: “Yes my FINGERS feel sticky lets wash that jelly off.” Gestures washing hands.

On a large poster, with a title “Texture”. The teacher reads the title. Reminding the
students "Texture is how something feels to our fingers." Then the students watch a
video on texture. After the video, the teacher writes different textures the students
come up with.

Then the teacher takes out a materials bag. One by one the teacher asks what is this
object and the student shout them out. “Now you will have touch all of these items and
tell a partner how they feel. Remember we are using our fingers to touch and feel the
different textures.”

Teaching (Lesson): 10-15 Minutes

1. Students will get into pairs. In their pairs the students will receive materials
bag. Each bag contains pom poms, cotton balls, pipe cleaners, feathers, string,
cardboard, rocks, felt, pasta, Lego, construction paper.
2. The students will take turns discussing and explore the texture of the items.
3. While the students are in their pairs, the teacher is going around offering
support as needed. Resolving any conflicts on texture and helping students use
the vocabulary.

Study & Application: Time Needed:

4. While still sitting in pairs the teacher will ask students to raise a specific 10-15
texture. Minutes
For example:
T: “Raise a texture that is bumpy”
S: can raise up Lego or pasta.
T: “show your partner the bumpiness” While saying this the teacher will move
their hand up and down showing the sensation their fingertips should feel on the
bumpy surface.
(Repeating with different textures)

If students make errors they will be corrected and shown the difference between the

Evaluation (formal or informal assessment): Time Needed:

T: “Now that we know all these different textures lets create with them. We can 20-25
make many different monsters with these textures.” Minutes
T: “What is a monster?”
S: “scary, big, hairy”
Examples for this activity are from art with Mrs. Nguyen (Nguyen).
T: “Here are some examples of other students. This student used cardboard to make
bumpy legs. And he used cotton balls to make soft fingers.” Showing students an
example worker on the projector. “You will be able to make your own monster
after you write 2 different textures your monster will have.” The students will all
get lined paper and write down 2 sentences indicating what 2 textures their monster
will have. A fill in the blank sentence is written on the board Sentence strips “I
used ________ to make ________ ________.
(item) (texture) (body part)
The teacher will explain what needs to in each blank. “This sentence says I used.. I
used what?”
S: “Pompom”
T: “I used pompoms to make... To make what? What texture are pompoms?”
S: “Pompoms are soft”
T: I used pompom to make soft. What are the pompoms going to be? Their eyes,
feet, hands?
S: “There eyes.”
T: now let’s say the whole sentences. “I used pompoms to make soft eyes” Look at
your materials think which one you want to use and for what.” One minute to think
“now let’s write one together. “I used… Write down your item here” Teacher
walks around makes sure everyone is on track then moves on to the next part. “to
make… what texture does that item have…. Teacher walks around to make sure the
students are on track. “Last word! What are of the monster is that going to be... it`s
head, eyes, arms, legs, feet.” After everyone has shown they wrote a sentence they
can start constructing their monster. “Now you can make your monster.”

Evaluating this informal assessment:

The focus of this lesson is for the students to connect their physical touch of an
object and being able to identify the textures. The work will get a Checkmark if the
students correctly matched the texture to the correct item. Students that didn’t
correctly match the texture label to the texture will get a reteach lesson.

T:” Who would like to share their sentence and monster they made?”
Taking 2 students to share.
“Let’s take about the sense of touch” what do we use with the sense of touch”
S: “We use our fingers to touch.”
T: “What textures did we touch today” While emphasizing on their hand and
wiggling their fingers
S: Bumpy, Smooth, Soft, Hard, Rough
T: “We used these textures to make out monsters.”
Differentiated Instruction Plans:
Lower proficiency levels will receive sentence strips, and will only need to fill in the blanks.
They will also be provided with a word list to fill in the blanks.

Higher proficiency level students will have the option to make a 2nd or more sentences about their
monsters with or without the provided sentence frame.

Planning for Problems:

Potential problem: My plan to prevent or manage problem:

Student could argue an object has many textures. The teacher will explain that some items have
Some objects are more than one texture. For different textures. You can feel all the textures with
example, pipe cleaners are poky at their tips and your fingers.
soft on the side.

Potential problem:
My plan to prevent or manage problem:
Students that don’t want to talk?
For students that don’t want to talk during whole
group. They will have an opportunity to talk in pairs
work. Pair work is less intimated as whole group.
Other important information:

This is one lesson science lesson from a unit. After all sense are taught the students will take a trip to the
rock garden and explore their five sense.


“Five Senses Posters Freebie *2 Sets* with or without Body Part Labels for ELLs!” Teachers
Pay Teachers, 2014,

Nguyen, Mrs. “Kindergarten Texture Monsters (K).” Art with Mrs. Nguyen, 8 Feb. 2016,

PBS KIDS, director. 🎶MUSIC! | 5 Senses | PBS KIDS, 2019,


RETO, director. OH! JANE _ 1st Texture Song _ Sing Along _ Learn English For Kids _
Montessori Project, 2018,

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