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TERM 1: January – March






DURATION: 1 hour

1. TOPIC: Data Handling: Introduction to Data Handling (Lesson 1)


 By the end of the lesson learners should be able to know:

 what data is
 types of data.
 how data is represented
 the data cycle
Flashcards: with words relating to Data Handling
3. RESOURCES: Flow diagram of the Data Cycle
DBE Textbook
 Collecting and organising data
4. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE:  Representing data
• Analysing, interpreting and reporting data
5. REVIEW AND CORRECTION OF HOMEWORK (suggested time: 10 minutes)

Homework provides an opportunity for teachers to track learners’ progress in the mastery of
mathematics concepts and to identify the problematic areas which require immediate attention.
Therefore, it is recommended that you place more focus on addressing errors from learner
responses that may later become misconceptions.

6. INTRODUCTION (Suggested time: 10 Minutes)

Revise the skills using Mental maths type questions in the context of data handling in the context of
learners’ environment
Ask probing questions about Data as an introduction to this topic.

Questions for discussion:

o What is data?
o Why do we need data?
o Why do we ask questions?
o Name the different types of data.
o In which ways can you collect data?
o When collecting data, one has to consider population or a sample. Explain these
o How is data represented?
o What could be done with the data collected?

Grade 6 Lesson Plan: Term 1

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7.LESSON PRESENTATION / DEVELOPMENT (Suggested time: 20 minutes)
Learning activities
Teaching activities (Learners are expected
 What is data?
Data is bits of information. We collect data so that we can draw copy notes with
conclusions and make predictions. descriptions and
We draw conclusions about our world and make preditions to be able to diagram
operate more efficiently in the world.

 What are the key aspects of data handling?

These can be summarised in the Data Cycle

 Name the different types of data.

Qualitative Data: when information is given in form of descriptions.

Quantitative Data: when information is given in the form of quantities

such as numbers or percentages.

 In which ways can you collect data?

By surveys, questionnaires, emails, sms, telephone, responses, etc.

 How is data represented?

Bar graphs, histograms, double bar graphs, line graphs, pie chart

 What could be do with the data collected?

Various problems and issues can be addressed, as well as informed
decisions can be made.

8. CLASSWORK (Suggested time: 15 minutes)

Name the six steps required to complete a data cycle.

9. CONSOLIDATION/CONCLUSION & HOMEWORK (Suggested time: 5 minutes)
a) Emphasise that the introduction to data handling is an important aspect of data handling
important to understand and forms the background of working through the process of data
handling in the subsequent lessons.

b) The primary purpose of Homework is to give each learner an opportunity to demonstrate

mastery of mathematics skills taught in class. Therefore, Homework should be purposeful
and the principle of ‘Less is more’ is recommended, i.e. give learners few high quality
Grade 6 Lesson Plan: Term 1
Data Handling: Introduction (Lesson 1) Page 3 of 4
activities that address variety of skills than many activities that do not enhance learners’
conceptual understanding. Carefully select appropriate activities from the DBE textbook,
DBE workbooks and/or textbooks for learners’ homework. The selected activities should
address different cognitive levels.

DBE Textbook: pages 97 – No. 1

Grade 6 Lesson Plan: Term 1

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