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Invoice Box Annotation

Version Number 2.0
LAST UPDATED: 05/04/2020

Global Rules
● Draw boxes around the fields of the invoices and transcribe the shown key & value text/numbers
● Draw a box for every instance of an entity (eg: if the invoiceNo appears multiple times, draw a box for each

○ If the buyername is already annotated somewhere else in the document, shipto/deliver to address has
to be taken as whole including the buyer name.

● Do not overlap boxes with other boxes

○ Exception: table class will overlap the tableHeader and lineItem boxes)

● Do not clip any relevant text with the boxes and do not leave too much space between box and text

● Do not confuse general information at the top of an invoice (main classes) with product-level information within tables
(table classes)

● If a currency symbol is present in the field, it should be included in the annotation.

● If the currency is present in ISO format, it should be annotated with the specific currency key eg) “USD 500”: “USD” is
currency.value and “500” is amount.value

● All invoices must have language.value and currency.value , Country and invoiceType
All dates must be Capture the date in two formats
a. As it is shown on the document
b. Also, the equivalent ISO format. No box is required for capturing the field in ISO.

● If the # or : symbol is shown (eg: Invoice #, Order #:), the # and : symbol should be included in the box as the key

Key vs Value Main vs Table classes

A key is the A value is the actual

description/name/notation of a content/subject matter of
field. that field.
Note: sometimes fields do not have a key:… 1/14

tableHeader lineItem

● Found at the top of the table ● Found at the inside of the table
● Only have key values (title for the lineItem fields) ● Only have values

Main Classes

Group Field Key/Value? Group Field Key/Value?

invoice invoiceNo Key/Value tax (cont’d) tax1Description Key/Value

invoiceDate Key/Value tax2Description Key/Value

InvoiceAmount Key/Value

Country Value
tax3Description Key/Value
invoiceType Value

barCode Value

amount subtotalAmount Key/Value

totalAmount Key/Value paymentTerms Key/Value

shippingAmount Key/Value deliveryDate Key/Value

discount Key/Value vendor vendorName Key/Value

currency Key/Value
dueDate Key/Value vendorTaxId Key/Value

AccountNumber key/value vendorBankAccountNo Key/Value

exchRateSrcCurr key/value
exchRateTarCurr key/value
exchRate key/value… 2/14

tax tax1Amount Key/Value

tax2Amount Key/Value buyer buyerName Key/Value

tax3Amount Key/Value

tax1Rate Key/Value purchaseOrderNo Key/Value

tax2Rate Key/Value employeeName Key/Value

tax3Rate Key/Value
deliveryNoteNo.buyer Key/Value

DeliveryNoteNo Key/Value

comments Key/Value

language Value only

vendor_buyer_shipping_Address vendorAddress.full Key/Value PII Data pii_name Key/Value


extraName.value Value Pii_email Key/Value

street Value pii_address Key/Value
houseNumber Value Pii_phone Key/Value
district Value pii_other Key/Value

cityTownVillage Value
stateProvince Value
country Value
Zip Value

Table Classes
(Usually found in the middle of an invoice in a table format within the table box)

Group Field Key/Value? Group Field Key/Value?

tableHeader.tableHeaderBox N/A tax tableHeader.tax1Amount Key only

amount tableHeader.totalAmount Key only tableHeader.tax1Rate Key only

tableHeader.quantity Key only tableHeader.tax2Amount Key only Key only tableHeader.tax3Amount Key only

tableHeader.unitOfMeasure Key only

tableHeader.unitPrice Key only

other tableHeader.description Key only

tableHeader.batchNumber Key only

tableHeader.purchaseOrderNumber Key only

tableHeader.materialNumber Key only

tableHeader.serialNumber Key only

Group Field Key/Value? Group Field Key/Value?

amount lineItem.totalAmount.value Value only tax lineItem.tax1Amout.value Value only

lineItem.quantity.value Value only lineItem.tax1Rate.value Value only Value only lineItem.tax2Amount.value Value only

lineItem.unitOfMeasure.value Value only lineItem.tax3Amount.value Value only

lineItem.unitPrice.value Value only lineItem lineItem.lineItemBox N/A… 3/14

Main Classes

Group Field Description Image Example

invoice invoiceNo.key/value Invoice number of the

↑ Back to
top ● Always present in the
● May show up more
than once

invoiceDate.key/value Date of the document.

● All dates must be
Capture the date in two
a. As it is shown on the
b. Also, the equivalent
ISO format. No box is
required for capturing
the field in ISO.
Standard class labels
for Invoice No field in
ISO are:,

InvoiceAmount.key/value Current charge should be
Thumb rule is: the total amount
of the invoice is the amount
which a buyer has to pay for
that particular invoice. This is
often referred to as ‘current
charges’ but this keyword may
or may not be present in the
DeliveryNoteNo.key/value Present as ‘Pack Slip #’ or
‘Pack Slip No’ should also be
annotated as delivery note

It represents the country of the

sender of the document i.e.
Country vendor. The country should be
written in the
2 letter ISO code format
(for e.g. DE for Germany, FR for
France etc.)

invoiceType.value A thumb rule to identify a credit

invoice from debit invoice is that
a credit invoice would generally
have the amount as negative
Create a 1-2px and add it.

It can have one of three values:

1) Debit
2) Credit
3) Debit-credit
Look for signs such as :
Credit note

Most of the invoices would be

barCode.value Capture this bar code and
transcribe it with the number… 4/14
written below it.

amount subtotalAmount.key/value Amount before taxes

↑ Back to
● Include currency
top symbol such as $, € in
the attribute

totalAmount.key/value Sum of all amounts

● Include currency
symbol such as $, €, £
in the attribute

shippingAmount.key/value Shipping or handling amount

● Include currency
symbol such as $, € in
the attribute

discount.key/value Discounts to be applied to the


● Include currency
symbol such as $, € or
% in the attribute

currency.key/value Currency value of the invoice

● Refers to 3 digit country

code such as USD,
● Do not annotate signs
or symbols

dueDate.key/value When the payment is due.

All dates must be Capture the
date in two formats
a. As it is shown on the
b. Also, the equivalent ISO
format. No box is required for
capturing the field in ISO.
Standard class labels for
Invoice No field in ISO are:,

Also shown as ‘Due Date’,

‘Payment Due’

● The following are NOT

‘deliveryDate’, order
date and ship date.
● Transcribe in the
original format and
● this format: YYYY-

How to Identify an Account

Number… 5/14
If an account number has to
AccountNumber.key/value be captured, look for a
unique number/value that
references to the client. This
may be located at the
header area or payment slip.
An account number may
appear on an invoice with a
different label but always
keep in mind how we define
an account number.
Examples are (but not
limited to):
• Customer Number
• Client Reference
• Client Number
• Client ID
• Customer Reference
• Customer code Customer

exchRateSrcCurr.key/value EUR in the right example

exchRateTarCurr.key/value Target currency i.e. GBP in

the right example

exchRate.key/value Exchange rate i.e. 0.89295

in the right example

tax tax1Amount.key/value Primary tax value

↑ Back to

tax2Amount.key/value Secondary tax value

tax3Amount.key/value Third tax value

tax1Rate.key/value Primary tax rate

Also known as: Tax Total, VAT

Total, GST Total (Canada only),
PST (Canada only), QST
(Canada only)

● If there is only one

unique tax amount
present, it will be
always tax1Amount
● Currency symbols can
be included in a value… 6/14
box when they are too
close (such as $ sign
right before or after a
tax2Rate.key/value Secondary tax rate

Also known as: State tax,

municipal tax, PST (Canada
only), QST (Canada only)

● Currency symbols can

be included in a value
box when they are too
close (such as $ sign
right before or after a
tax3Rate.key/value Third tax rate

Also shown as: Federal tax in

cross-state /cross-province

● Currency symbols can

be included in a value
box when they are too
close (such as $ sign
right before or after a
tax1Description.key/value Type of primary tax.

E.g. “GST” or “VAT”

tax2Description.key/value Type of secondary tax

tax3Description.key/value Type of third tax

paymentTerms.key/value How and when an invoice

should be paid

Also shown as: ‘Terms’,

‘Payment Terms’

deliveryDate.key/value Date of the delivery of items

Also shown as: ‘Date Shipped’,

‘Shipment Date’

● Transcribe in this
format: YYYY-MM-DD

vendor vendorName.key/value Name of the sender of the

↑ Back to
top Also shown as: ‘Sender’s
Name’, ‘Remit To’

● If a logo if present, it
should always be
annotated as
even if there is another
occurrence of the
● Do not confuse with
receiver’s name (‘Bill
To’, ‘Invoice To’ etc.)

vendorTaxId.key/value Tax ID of the vendor business

Common Identifiers: ‘Tax ID #’,

‘VAT ID’, ‘Ust-ID’, ‘Federal ID#’,
‘FED-TAX-ID', ‘FEIN’, ‘EIN’ etc.… 7/14

vendorBankAccountNo.key/value Bank account number vendor

Common Identifiers: ‘Account

#’, ‘IBAN’, ‘A/C #’.

● If an invoice has both

account number and
IBAN, then IBAN must
be marked as

buyer buyerName.key/value Name of the receiver of invoice

(typically a company)
↑ Back to
top Common Identifiers: ‘Bill To’,
‘Invoice To’

● Do not confuse with

sender name
● Notice that “sold to,
to..etc should be
Address key if it
includes an address.

purchaseOrderNo.key/value Purchase order number

Common Identifiers: ‘Order #’,

‘Purchase Order’, ‘PO’, ‘Service
Order #’, ‘SO#’, ‘Sales Order

● Don’t confuse it with

the invoice number or
delivery number

employeeName.key/value Name of person invoice is sent


Common Identifiers: ‘Attn’,

‘Attention’ etc.

● Must be the name of a

● Not something like
“Accounts Payable”
or “Supply
Don’t confuse it with
sender’s name
● employeeName should
only be labelled ONCE.
Every additional
instance should be
grouped into
buyerAddress or
shiptoAddress (if
already exists)
deliveryNoteNo.key/value Number of the delivery note

Common Identifiers: ‘Delivery

Note’, ‘Delivery No’ etc.… 8/14
comments.key/value Additional information from

Common Identifiers:
‘Comments’, ‘Additional
Comments’ etc.

language.value Language used in the invoice,

determined by reading the text
in the document and
determining which language the
text is written in. Draw small
1px x 1px box on the page.

● Must be written in ISO-

3 format (for e.g. ENG
for English, DEU for
German etc.)
● If a document is written
in multiple languages,
then all the language
codes should be written
and separated with a ENG: DEU:
comma (for e.g.

Vendor/buyer address: Address of customer How to type accents:

● Usually found in the 1. Hold down the letter on your keyboard
header of a document 2. You’ll see a small pop-up above the text eld in which you’re typing, complete with
● We recommend you look it near company logo or in a number assigned to each available character.
up on Google to select the the bottom of a document 3. Hit the number corresponding with the accent and you’re good to go.
correct labels for each field in payment information
● Usually follow the
hierarchy: Street/House ● Annotate all instances
number -> District ->
City -> State -> ● For customer.address.full.
Country. value: include any address
● Not all addresses contain info that is not already
all of these. Sometimes, included in address target
an address contains two classes (see ex. 1)
cities. ● Typically, we don’t label
● Always transcribe the invoice addresses.
field’s value in the order However, if you see an
of the original invoice address, and it is
document, includes the the only address on the
accent, punctuations,
space and line break
page, label it as customer
address Example 1
● If you see something
called a postal address,
do not label it. It is not a
Target classes customer address

● Address.full ● DOES NOT INCLUDE:

Complete address of Phone, fax or email if it’s
vendor and buyer separate or far away from
other address information
● address.extraName: the (see ex.3)
name of the department,
building/ oor or unit.
For example: Midway
gate 3

● .address.houseNumber:
House number of the
customer. E.g. “701a”

● address.street:
Street address of the Example 2
Customer. E.g. "First Ave."

● address.district: The
district is like a
neighbourhood or area of
the city. In the hierarchy
of addresses, it is
between the street and
the city.… 9/14
 Examples of districts are
Kreuzberg and Mitte for
Berlin. Or Manhattan and
Brooklyn for New York City. Example 3
● address.cityTownVillage:
City line of the Customer.
E.g. “Sunnyvale”

● address.stateProvince:
state, province or county
(in the UK)

The country must be written
as is. If the country says
“Germany”, the transcription
should be “Germany”.

● Zip code of

the customer. E.g.
“95125" or “1153 PL” Example 4 for .KEYS

PII data Any Personal information : pii_name

Name of any person and any Pii_email
information that is NOT for Vendor or pii_address
buyer and it’s for a Person only Pii_phone

Table Classes

Category Field Description Example

↑ Back to top tableHeader.tableHeaderBox Draw a box around the entire tableHeader is

● “Subtotal”, “Total”, and Tax-related

keys and value classes are NOT
PART OF A TABLE. They should be
part of the Main classes

t… 10/14
amount tableHeader./lineItem. Total amount of the line item
Also called
↑ Back to top
● Amount
● Amount Due
● Extension
● Extended Price

tableHeader./lineItem. Number of goods or service


tableHeader./lineItem. Any discounts applied to items


tableHeader./lineItem. Units of Measurement used

Also shown as: ‘UoM’ , ‘Unit’

Price for this object

other tableHeader./lineItem. Description of goods or services

↑ Back to top

tableHeader./lineItem. Identifies what batch the product was made in

Also shown as “Chargennummer”

tableHeader./lineItem. Purchase Order this invoice item comes from

● This may also appear as a main class,
if not within the table
● Oftentimes, the PO # may appear
within the lineItem.description.value –
in this case, break up the description
box and
and lineItem.description.value (see
example on right)… 11/14

tableHeader./lineItem. Unique code that IDs product in system

Also shown as
● Catalogue ID
● Item No
● Part number
● Item Quote
● Service Code

tableHeader./lineItem. Unique ID of a product (rare)

Also shown as “Seriennummer”

Identifiers :

tax tableHeader./lineItem. Primary tax on this item

Also shown as: VAT, MwSt, GST
↑ Back to top

tableHeader./lineItem. Primary tax rate on this item


tableHeader./lineItem. Secondary tax on this item


tableHeader./lineItem. Third tax on this item


LineItem lineItem.lineItemBox Draw a box around each lineItem are present.… 12/14


Disclaimers should
not be labelled as

Do not forget to label the language and currency

Example of Completed Annotation… 13/14
3/2/2021…… 14/14

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