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DkIT November 2011

Participant Information Leaflet

Study title: Designing for Senior Gamers, best practice for game graphic design in a new
emerging market.

Researcher Name: JJ Quinlan__________________

Telephone number of Researcher: 087 6363885_________

Research Supervisor Name: NA______________________________

You are being invited to take part in a research study to be carried out at Dundalk Institute of
Technology (DkIT).

Before you decide whether or not you wish to take part, you should read the information
provided below carefully and, if you wish, discuss it with your family, friends .Take time to ask
questions – don’t feel rushed and don’t feel under pressure to make a quick decision.

You should clearly understand the risks and benefits of taking part in this study so that you can
make a decision that is right for you. This process is known as ‘Informed Consent’.

You don’t have to take part in this study and a decision not to take part will not effect on your

You can change your mind about taking part in the study any time you like.  Even if the study
has started, you can still opt out.  You don't have to give us a reason.  If you do opt out, rest
assured it won't affect the quality of this study you get in the future. 

Why is this study being done?

The aim of this paper is to investigate issues that game developers may have to take
into consideration when designing ‘computer game graphics’ for the elderly gamer. As
computer gamer populations grow older, and as new older users are participating in
computer gaming culture. New and exciting issues may now become relevant to the
game graphic designer.
By surveying elderly gamers playing similar games but using different game ‘looks’, we
may discover guidelines about what game ‘looks’ senior gamers enjoy most. A games
company may use such guidelines when producing games for this new emerging
DkIT November 2011

Who is organising and funding this study?

JJ Quinlan is a lecturer and researcher in Creative Media in DKIT, He is conducting this

research as part of a Postgraduate Research programme for staff development. There
is no funding or grants for this research

Why am I being asked to take part?

The researcher is investigating games for the elderly, as part of this study elderly
people with no or little knowledge of games will be asked for their opinions on some
games that will be shown to them

How will the study be carried out?

The study will require both ‘meetings in a group’ and ‘question forms’, it is hoped that 2
variations of a game will be demonstrated to the participants, the participants will then
be asked questions in a focus group type scenario, finally everyone will be asked to
take part in a survey

What will happen to me if I agree to take part?

JJ Quinlan is a lecturer and researcher in Creative Media in DKIT, He is conducting this

research as part of a Postgraduate Research programme for staff development.

The study will require both ‘meetings in a group’ and ‘question forms’, it is hoped that 2
games will be demonstrated to the participants, the participants will then be asked
questions in a focus group type scenario, finally everyone will be asked to take part in a
survey. Each focus group would last a hour or so.

There is no need to look at any private data like medical records etc. This study is
purely about the game design and elderly people’s opinion of them

What other treatments are available to me?


What are the benefits?

The participant may get to see some interesting games that are based on Irish rural life.
By playing for a few minutes on these games the participants may develop a liking for
games. They may also gain some insight into what their children and grandchildren
DkIT November 2011

What are the risks?

There is no risk to the participant, we only ask for an hour of the participant’s time

What if something goes wrong when I’m taking part in this study?


Will it cost me anything to take part?


Is the study confidential?

The study will be completely confidential; no participant’s names will be recorded. No

Medical data is required. The information recorded will be used in the researchers
study, the details of the study will be kept confidential. The information will be used a
report, but no names etc will be used. There will be no record of the participants for
future study

Where can I get further information?

If you have any further questions about the study or if you want to opt out of the study, you
can rest assured it won't affect the quality of treatment you get in the future.

If you need any further information now or at any time in the future, please contact:

Name: JJ Quinlan
Address: Creative Media Department, Dundalk institute of technology, Dublin road, Dundalk

Phone No: 087 6363885

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