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Word Skills Adjective + preposition | can use adjective + preposition collocations. 1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. How many foods can ‘you identify in the photo? -_ > JUNKFOOD ADVERTISING ‘What can we do about junk food advarts for children? ‘The World Health Organisation (WHO) believes that junk food adverts are responsible fora lot of obesity in children. Its very worried about this problem. ‘American children are used to food and drink adverts on TV. The average teenager watches sixteen every day! Butrow the food companies are also making computer games with junk food adverts. These games ‘are very popular with children. The adverts are usually or food that is full of fat and sugar, for example burgers, biscuits, sweets and fizzy drinks, Most children are very keen on these foods, but of course they are bad for you. ‘Ard after they watch the adverts, the children eat on average 45% more junk food. The food industry says that this isnot a problem. The WHO is disappointed with this attitude, because obesity in children is increasing every year. The WHO wants to ban junk food ecvertising for children in al countries. In ‘Quebec, Sweden and Norway, they are already banned ‘What do you think? 2. Read the text. One of these sentences is not true. Which one? 1 After children watch adverts for junk food, they eat more oft. 2 Junk food companies say that there is a problem. 3. In some countries they don't have any TV adverts for junk food. 3 Doyouagree with the WHO that we should ban junk food adverts? Why? / Why not? LEARN THIS! Adjective + preposition We use prepositions with some adjectives: Im geod zt maths but Im bad at art. Im interested in history France is Famous for cheese. 4 Read the Leam this! box. Then find the adjectives below in the text and write the prepositions that follow them. 1 responsible 5 full 2 worried 6 keen 3 used T bad 4 popular 8 disappointed DICTIONARY WORK Lookat the example sentences in these dictionary entries. Identify the prepositions that are used with the adjectives afraid /ofrexd/ adjective Ifyou are afraid of something, ittmekes you feel fear: Some peopleare afraid of snakes. 5 was acid to open the door. maf polite way of saying that you are sorry:’m ‘afraid 've broken your calculator. om atraid that ican’ ‘come to your party. ‘kind? skaind’ adjective (kinder, kindest) friendly and ‘good to other people. Can /carry your bag?” Thanks. That’ very kind of you' © Be kind to cnimals © ovposie unkind 6 Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions and adjectives below. at in of to with 1 Are you interested __ photography? 2 Jason loves football, but he isn't very good _it 3 Kateis disappointed __herexam results. 4 Tom isafraid__dogs. 5 Youshouldbekind ___yourlittle sister. bad kind popular used worried 6 Areyou aboutyour exams? 7 RnB music's. with a lot of teenagers 8 Fizzy drinks and sweets are foryour teeth, 9. Ive got a new phone, but fm not toit yet 10 twas of you to help with my homework. 7 Complete the questions with the correct preposition. 1 Which subjects at school are you good __? 2 Which subjects at school are you bad? 3 Outside school, what are you interested __? 4 What foods do you like that are bad__you? 5. What foods do you like that are good you? 6 What food is your country famous 7 8 SPEAKING Workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 7. Which subjects at school ‘ate you good at? ees Unité Food CE Word Skills Adjective + preposition 1 Choose the correct prepositions. 1 popularto /with 2 bad on /for 3 responsible for / about 4 keen on /with 5 used about /to 6 worried about / with 2 Complete the text with the adjectives and prepositions in exercise. Sorneeener Advertising A lotof parents and teachers are ! adver i in schools. Some food companies put up posters in schools and give leaflets to the students. Some companies give sports equipment to schools if students buy 2 lot of chocolate bars or crisps. Of course, a lot of students are» these snacks and are happy to buy them. In some schools there are vending machines. These machines sell rinks and snacks that are* teenagers - they love them! But the drinks and food are also* your health, and some people say they are * obesity in children, Other people say that students are & advertisements and the students don’t buy more snacks and drinks because of them. GEEETD Unit 4 Food I can use adjective + preposition collocations. 3. Complete the sentences with the adjet bad disappointed full good kind 1 Fruitand vegetables are for your health 2 I'm good at science, but at artand musi. 3 These snacks are 4 Always try to be 5 I'm very of sugar and salt, to other people, with my exam results 4 Complete the sentences with the prepositions below. at for in of (x2) 1 Are you interested 2 loshis afraid 3 France is famous artand photography? spiders! He hates them! its cheese and wine. 4 Thank you for your help. i's very kind you. 5 like maths, but m not very good it VOCAB BOOST! GE When you record new adjectives. record ary prepositions tat go with them. You can find ths information ina dictionary, often in the example sentences, 5 Read the Vocab boost! box. Then look at the dictionary ‘entries below and note down the prepositions that gowith these adjectives. 1 proud 4 excited 2 late 5 bored 3 similar bored /bid/ adjective not interested; unhappy because you havenothingintereting to dam bored with thie (6°) 1d) adjetive not calm, for example because you're happy about something tha'sgeing to happen: He's getting very excited about his holiday. similar /'simala(r)/ adjective the same in some ways, but not completely the same: Rats are similar to mice, but theyare bigger. proud /pravd! adjective pleased about something that you or othershave done: They are proud oftheir now house. late /lest/ adjective, adverb after the usual or right time: was late for scheol today.

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