Todd Crandell - Chemical Dependency Professionals Board

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: BEFORE THE STATE OF OHIO ‘CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY PROFESSIONALS BOARD 77 South High Street, 16" Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 In the Matter of: TODD CRANDELL, LICDC-CS.161323 Case: 19092 Respondent CONSENT AGREEMENT This CONSENT AGREEMENT is entered into by and between TODD CRANDELL (herein afler “MR. CRANDELL”) and the OHIO CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY PROFESSIONALS BOARD (herein after “BOARD"), the state agency responsible for enforcing Chapter 4758 of the Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Administrative Code Section 4758. MR. CRANDELL hereby acknowledges that he has read and understands this CONSENT AGREEMENT and has voluntarily entered into it without threat or promise by the BOARD or ‘any of its members, employees, or agents. MR. CRANDELL is fully aware of his rights, including his right to be advised by counsel and his right to a hearing pursuant to Chapter 119 of the Ohio Revised Code, on the issues that aro the subject of this CONSENT AGREEMENT. ‘This CONSENT AGREEMENT contains the entire agreement between the partes, there being no other agreement of any kind, verbal or otherwise which varies the terms of this CONSENT. AGREEMENT, This CONSENT AGREEMENT is entered into on the basis of the following STATEMENTS, UNDERSTANDINGS and ADMISSIONS: 1. MR. CRANDELL is a Licensed Independent Chemical Dependency Counselor- Clinical Supervisor in the State of Ohio, holds license #161323 otiginal date of licensure ‘September 21, 2016, and is subject to all laws and rules of Ohio regulating the practice of chemical dependency counseling. 2. On November 15, 2019, the BOARD received a grievance citing unprofessional conduct by MR. CRANDELL with a client. 3. During the Board's investigation it was discovered that MR. CRANDELL, through the agency he owns, participated in numerous outside activities with clients that created risk for multiple relationships. 4. On October 1, 2020, during an interview with the Board MR. CRANDELL admitted to crossing boundaries and entering into multiple relationships with clients. MR. CRANDELL therefore admits, and the BOARD finds, that his conduct in these matters ‘violated the following provisions of Ohio Administrative Code 4758: Base 4758-8-01(B)(1)(a)- The licensee or certificate holder shall meet and comply with all terms, conditions or limitations of licensure or certification. 4758-8-01(8)(1)()- The licensee or certificate holder shall maintain an objective and non-possessive relationship with those he or she serves and shall not exploit them sexually, emotionally, financially or in any way that could create a multiple relationship. 4758-8-01(B)(6)(0- A licensee or certificate holder shall avoid multiple relationships and conflicts of interest with any current or past clients, family members of current or past clients or other persons encountered in a professional setting which are not in the best interest of the client and might impair professional judgment or which increases the risk of client exploitation which ineludes buts is not limited to accepting gifts, bartering for services, accepting free services or accepting discounts on services. d upon the above STATEMENTS, UNDERSTANDINGS and ADMISSIONS, the BOARD and MR. CRANDELL agree as follows: 1 2, | MR. CRANDELL agrees to a Written Reprimand of his LICDC-CS. - MR. CRANDELL agrees complete six (6) continuing educations hours in ethics specific ‘o maultiple relationships and provide the Board with verification of the completed hours, These hours cannot be used for renewal or any other application for higher licensure. MR. CRANDELL agrees to reccive clinical supervision by a qualified professional at a monthly frequency and provide proof of supervision to the Board on a monthly basis for ‘one (1) year. In exchange for the agreements of MR. CRANDELL set forth in this CONSENT AGREEMENT, the BOARD agrees not to proceed further with any disciplinary action against MR. CRANDELL for the matters enumerate under STATEMENTS, UNDERSTANDINGS and ADMISSIONS of this CONSENT AGREEMENT. This CONSENT AGREEMENT shall not in any way or manner limit or affect the authority of the BOARD to proceed against MR. CRANDELL by initiating a Notice of Opportunity for Hearing by other appropriate means on the basis of any act, conduct, or admission of MR. CRANDELL justifying disciplinary action, which occurred before or after the date of this CONSENT AGREEMENT and is not directly related to the specific Spon ofe is within and shall be no evidettary value sad call Monee CRANDRL es 8 any dlscpinay action ot appeal by iter paty went serees that should the BOARD reject this CONSENT AGREEMENT on By te akg Boceds fearing, he wll eset uo cain tat the BOARD oe aoe mosag nit fd discussion ofthis CONSENT AGREEMENT or of oy ton relating thereto, 1 Se oe NDELL waives any and leans o canes of ston bo may have agit the State of Ohio, fio Bost, and member, offices, employees andor agents of ether avising out of matters which are the subject of this CONSENT AGREEMENT. 9. FSeGENSENT AGREEMENT shal be considered a pblcroord estat em is wed in Sestion 149.43 of the Ohio Revised Code. The BOARD may report this action to sppropriste datt banks, government agencies, and other persons or efter 10. This CONSENT AGREEMENT is not an edjudication ower within the meaning of Section 119.01(D) of the Ohio Revised Code, 11. Upon consent of MR. CRANDELL and the BOARD, the terms and conditions of this CONSENT AGREEMENT may be modified or terminated it iting

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