امتحان البايو جزئي ف

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To reach the full mark answer 50 MCQ and 10 short note question

1- About Cell which is wrong:

a- Anthony Ievinhock discover microscope in 1591

b- First Cells has be seen are :bacteria ,yeast ,blood Cells .tiny animals swimming around drop of water

C- protozoa ,bacteria are unicellular d- Most of organisms are unicellular

2- Site of manufacturing ,warehousing ,shipping of cell products is

a- Golgi complexes b-peroxisomes d- centrioles

3- G2 phase of mitosis ,which is incorrect:

a- Tubulin synthesis then assembly forming microtubules. b- centrioles duplication is finishing

C- synthesis of RNA regulatory proteins ,enzymes important for mitosis d- DNA duplication

4- correct sequence of mitosis stages is :

a - meta - ana – telo - pro. b- pro-meta - ana –telo C- meta - ana - pro - telo. d- telO - pro -ana - meta.

5- A duplicated chromosomes have

a- one Chromatin b-two Chromatids C- three Chromatids d- four. Chromatids

6- cell growth &duplicated DNA occurs in :

a-prophase b- interphase C- metaphase d- anaphase

7- epithelium Is found In-

a - inside wall of viscera b- bones C- muscle d- line body cavities

8- Regarding Smooth. muscles ,one Is. Wrong:

a- Spindle shape b- striated C- mono. Nucleated d- involuntary

9- -The main mass Of body. tissues. Is

a- muscular tissue b- nervous tissue C- epithelial. Tissue d- none of above

10- storage of fat Is function of:

a- Epithelial trissue b- Connective tissue C- Muscular tissue d- Nervous tissue

11 -which cartilage has not posses perichondrium:

a- hyaline cartilage b- fibrous cartilage C- elastic cartilage d- ail of above

12- Folding of inner mitochondrial membrane are-:

a- Clstenae b- cristae C- peroxisomes d- alveoil

13 -Cell specialized In protein Synthesis must rich in

a- lysosomes b- Ribosomes C- rough endoplasmic reticulum d- b & c

14- Actin ( thin) filaments interact with- :

a- cell membrane b- lysosomes C- ribosomes d- myosin ( thick ) filaments

15 -dead cell & cellular components are up taken by:

a- phagocytosis b- diffusion C- facilitated d- active transport

16 -Diffusion of water molecules from low solutes concentration to high solutes concentration is called :

a- facilitated diffusion b- Osmosis C- phagocytosis d- active transport

17- Nucleus division Is Called:

a- karyokinesis b- cytokinesis C- diakinesis d- kinesis

18 -About cell , which is wrong :

a- All cells are arising from pre- existing cells division

b- All cells contain genetic material ( DNA)

C- The cell is smallest structural & functional unit of life

d- Basic structures of cells are : a) cell wall b ) DNA C. ) endoplasmic reticulum

19 -site of mitotic spindle fibers formation is :

a- Golgi complexes b- lysosomes C- peroxisomes d- centriole

20 -prophase of mitosis , which is not true :

a- centrosome is divided into two centrosomes then moves to opposite b- chromosomes condensed

C- chromatin - nucleolus - nuclear envelop disappear d- chromosomes are arranged in center of cytoplasm

20 -chromosomes appear clearly during:

a- metaphase b- interphase C- anaphase d- prophase

21- During Interphase the Cell:

a- DNA duplication b- grows C- active in metabolism d- all of above

22-Meiosis produces:

a-2 Cells b- 3 cells C- cone cell d- four cells

23 - CNS is composed of:

a- brain & skull b- brain & spinal nerves C- brain. Only d- none of above

24-epithelium is derived from:

a- ectoderm b- mesoderm C- endoderm d- all of them

25- Mature bone cell is :

a- chondrocyte b- osteocyte C- megakaryocyte d- osteoblast

26--fixed C.T cell , which is wrong:

a- Fibroblast b- Adipose cells C- Neutrophils d- Macrophages

-27transverse canal between Haversian canals is:

a- Volk mans canal b- addison canal C- nisei canal d- Golgi canal

28-Flat sacs of Golgi apparatus are:

a- Cisternae b- Cristae C- peroxisomes d- alveoli

29- Two types of endoplasmic reticulum:

a- white & black b- solid &. liquid C- simple & stratified d- rough & smooth

30- which of the following need energy:

a- diffusion b- endocytosis C- osmosis d- none of above

31- DNA replication occurs in:

a- G 1 . Phase b- G2. Phase C- G0 phase d- none of above

32- prokaryotic cells have:

a- peptidoglycan cell wall b- cell membrane C- nucleoid d- all of above

33-The cell organelle that can divide is:

a- Mitochondria b- lysosomes C- SER d- peroxisomes

34- Microtubules important for-:

a- Mitosis & meiosis b- Vesicles movement C- organelles movement d- all of above

35-Mitosis produces cell with :

a- haploid number b- diploid number C- 22 autosomes d- none of above

36 -Regarding epithelial tissues , which is true :

a- highly vascularized b- based on structure less basement membrane C- have capability of contraction

37- which of the following is not tissue :

a- cartilage b- bone C- stomach d- blood

38 -Eustachian tube is lined by :

a- simple squamous b- pesudOStratified C- simple cuboidal d- stratified squamous

39-Elastic fibers is composed of :

a- Collagen protein b- Collagen protein Iii C- Collagen protein I d- None of above

40 -bone resorption & remodeling is function of :

a- osteoblast b- osteoclast C- osteocyte d- osots progenitor cells

41 -MOSAIC refers to:

a- Many phospholipid lipids move - swap & change b- many ribosomes C- solubility d- many proteins

42- cytoplasm division start in :

a- prophase b- metaphaseTELOpHASE C- anaphase d- telophase

43 -Endo membrane system includes :

a- plasma membrane b- nuclear membrane C- RER SER GOLGl lysosomes d- all of above
44 -Tetrads formation is character of :

a- prophase1 b- metaphase1 C- anaphase1 d- telO phase1

45 -Two chromosomes with same shape & genes are called :

a- homologues b- chromatids C- tetrads d- chiasmata

46 -Functional & structural unit of nervous system is :

a- S Shawn cell b- neuroglia C- muscle fiber d- none of above

47 -integration & coordination of information function of:

a- muscular tissue b- nervous tissue C- epithelial tissue d- none of above

48 -Epidermis of skin is example of :

a- simple squamous pith b- pseudos stratified columnar epith

C- simple cuboidal epith d- stratified squamous keratinized epith

49- phosphate of cell membrane is:

a- polar b- hydrophilic C- head d- all of the above

50- The cell membrane incorporates :

a- transporter proteins b- recognition proteins C- channel proteins d- all of them

51 -which one of the following is active transport:

a- exocytosis b- endocytosis C- facilitated diffusion d- both a & b

52-Peroxisome contains

a- digestive enzymes b- oxidizing hydrogen peroxidase C- lipids d- carbohydrates

53-cytoplasm division is completed in:

a- prophase b- metaphase C- anaphase d- telophase

54 -the liver architecture framework consists of:

a- loose areolar C.T b- reticular C.T C-dense regular C.T d- dense irregular C.T

55 -Eukaryotic cells , which is wrong:

a- cellulose cell wall ( in plants ) b- cell membrane C- nucleus d- free ribosomes

56 -Each chromosome moves away from its homologous & up opposite

Spindle pole during:

a- prophase1 b- prophase2 C- anaphase 1 d- anaphase2

57-DNA is found in:

a- nucleus b- mitochondria C- nucleus & cell membrane d- nucleus & mitochondria

58-After mitosis , the chromosome number of daughter cell is -------------- the parent cell:

a- the same as b- one haif C- rearranged compared to d- double compared to

59-supportive Cell In CNS are:

a- Schwann cell b- neuroglia C- neuron d- none of above

60 -collagen & elastic fibers are secreted by:

a- epithelial cells b- connective tissue cells C- neurons d- muscular cells

61-urinary bladder is example of:

a- transitional epithelium b- Simple columnar epithelium

C- Simple cuboidal epithelium d- Simple squamous epithelium

62- electron carrier is …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

63-homeostasis is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

64- fermentation is …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

65 – aerobic respiration ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

66-oxidative phosphorylation ……………………………………………………………………………..

67- chemiosmosis ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

68- structure of ATP is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

69-osmosis is …………………………………………………………………………………………..

70-regulation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Compere between

71- eukaryotic and prokaryotic

72- hydrolysis and dehydration

73- type of muscle

74- cilia and flagella

75- what the composition of blood -


76- the cell membrane



79- microvilli

80- what's the Na and K pump

Best wishes

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