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Compwers & Strucrwes Vol. 48, No. 2. pp. 273-290. 1993 004s7949/93 $6.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain. 0 1993 Pcrgamon Press Ltd


Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt

(Received 13 March 1992)

AbMract-Interest in the analysis of forces and stresses of horizontal axis propellers and turbines has
increased in recent years because of the need to develop adequate analytical tools for the design and
evaluation of wind turbines rotors. Most structural failures of wind turbines occur in the blade root
section. Hence, a three-dimensional analytical model to compute the deflection, stresses, and eigenvalues
in the rotor blades is proposed using a bending triangular plate finite element. Both membrane and
bending stiffness are considered in deriving the element stiffness matrix. The consistent mass matrix is used
in generating the overall mass matrix. Lift and drag forces created in a steady wind conditions are analysed
as normal and tangential forces on the blade sections at certain angles of attack. These forces are applied
as boundary loads to the computer program to analyse statically and dynamically rotor blades of
symmetrical aerofoil NACA 0015 series. Constant chord, tapered and twisted blades have been analysed
at rated and survival wind speeds. The validity of the computer program used was verified by applying
it to a standard cantilever box beam using the beam theory. The results showed that maximum stresses
occurred at the root of the blades for all configurations in the spanwise direction and that a tapered blade,
in addition to saving material weight, diminished the stresses obtained. The twisting of the blade lead to
the increase of the stiffness and decrease of the stresses.

INTRODUCTION thin-walled beam. Although the isoparametric beam

elements are attractive because of their consistent
Wind energy systems erected on windy sites are often derivation and their ability to accurately model
exposed to heavy mechanical overloads due to severe complex geometries, the computational complexity
climatic conditions. So stress and strain mapping on associated with large size problems can be prohibitive.
a rotor blade provide vital information concerning The small contact surfaces between blade and blade
wind turbine design and lead to the detection of root can result in high stresses and stress concen-
the blade’s critical section. The analysis of static and tration areas detrimental to the fatigue strength of the
dynamic behaviour of a rotor blade is a basic prob- blades. The blade footing problem has been studied
lem in rotary wing and wind turbine blades aero- [7j by using a French Atomic Energy Commission
elasticity, and it has received considerable attention code using the finite element method based on a three-
in recent years [l-4]. dimensional element that does not allow rotation. The
The analysis of the torsional behaviour of an theoretical results are cross-checked by a laboratory
isolated rotor blade has been treated using lengthy test which used a shortened-blade device and a rapid
algebraic procedures, the various sets of equations, bending test carried out on this device.
which are available in the literature [l-4], used The present paper focuses on a geometric and
differential equations with a global [ 1,3] or a local [4] structural modelling of blades as a first step towards
Galerkin method. However, there are several draw- the complete analysis of rotor blade aeroelastic
backs associated with its use; the amount of algebraic problems. The main aim of this work is the analysis
manipulation is so excessive as to prohibit the treat- of the stresses resulting from aerodynamic forces
ment of complicated blade configurations in a realistic in addition to the computation of the first natural
manner, and recent developments in wing technology frequencies of the rotor blade. A Fortran 77 finite
have profoundly modified the design and behaviour element program using a triangular plate element
of rotor blades which means that the available analysis (including membrane and bending actions) has been
methodology is not able to deal with all new features. written and applied to the analysis of the three-
So alternative analysis procedures become desirable. dimensional blade structure. The program was run on
Finite element analyses of rotor blades have appeared a Tower-NCR computer. The combined plate element
in the literature [4,5]. Bauchau and Hong [6] have used proved to be powerful, easily programmed,
investigated the static and dynamic behaviour of cheap to use and extremely versatile. It is shown to
helicopter blades using a tinite element approach based be successful in this analysis as will be shown by its
on a three-dimensional isoparametric beam element validation when compared to other finite elements
including shear and warping deformations of a applied on test problems.


NUMERICAL TECHNIQUE the rotor radius (m) and V is the air velocity
Formulation of the problem The resultant normal and tangential forces acting
A windmill operates by virtue of the forces that the on the blade are obtained by computing the resultant
wind exerts on its rotor. These forces are transferred air pressure on upper and lower blade span, using the
to the load (pump or generator) and the interplay pressure coefficient C, [9] given by
between rotor and load causes various moments and
forces in each part of the windmill structure. In this P - P,
c, = -i---Y-
work, the aerodynamic forces, torque and thrust, #VII
causing loads on a rotor blade will be analysed,
although there are two other types of forces applied where C, is the pressure coefficient, characteristic of
on the rotor blade; mainly the mass forces of airfoil section and depends upon the angle of attack
weight and inertia, and forces due to load, pump rod tl [9], P is the total pressure (N/m*), P,, is the pressure
force. at a given point (N/m*), p is the air density (kg/m3),
V, is the resultant or free stream velocity (m/set) and
The structural model. The rotor blade under is given by
consideration is made of aluminium, of 2 m length,
a 400mm chord, of symmetric airfoil NACA 0015 V; = (QR)* + (V)‘. (2)
section whose characteristics are given by Abbott [8].
Four blade configurations have been analysed. The From the velocity triangle, Fig. 1, eqn (2), for a
characteristics of each of the four configurations certain section radius R, we can get the angle of
having same airfoil section and length are: attack a. Knowing a, we can get C,,[9] then from
eqn (1), the relative pressure (P - PO) is obtained
1. Constant chord, zero pitch angle. for upper and lower planform areas. This pressure
2. Constant chord, 40” constant pitch angle. is then converted to normal or thrust force and the
3. Tapered blade of 0.4 taper ratio. tangential or force-causing torque. Those forces act
4. Twisted blade of a twist angle ranging from 7” as boundary condition forces.
to 40”.
Finite element analysis of three-dimensional structures
using plate elements
Blade forces and wind velocity. A typical blade
airfoil section is shown in Fig. 1, where CIis the angle If three-dimensional structures under arbitrary load
of attack, 0 is the pitch angle, r$ = 0 + a, 4 is the conditions are to be analysed using plate elements,
angle between the stream Wand the plane of rotation we have to provide both in-plane and bending load
or inflow angle, dL is the lift force, dD is the drag carrying capacity for the elements. The procedure to
force, V, is the wind resultant or free stream velocity be adopted to the blade will be illustrated using
(m/set), R is the rotational speed (rad/sec), R is a triangular element. A typical finite element


Fig. 1. Airfoil section with wind velocities and forces.

Analysis of wind turbine blades 275

Fig. 2. Finite element blade idealization.

1. Equilibrium analysis. Triangular plate membrane
element, Fig. 3. A linear displacement field is assumed
o(21Y2) 2 43’“2 under in-plane loads. This displacement model
guarantees continuity of displacements with adjacent
“5 %‘“3
92’“l ‘5 elements
(X,Y)% u x*Y
3 45’“3
(Xl*Yl) 1A ql=“l fdx, y) = a4 + a+ + a6y, (3)
where a,, a,, a3, a,, a5 and a6 are constants.
t X The resulting 6 x 6 in-plane stiffness matrix is
expressed as
Fig. 3. Triangular membrane element.

idealization considered in the analysis of a wind

turbine blade is shown in Fig. 2. The blade root is
fixed to the rotor hub and is treated as a cantilevered
box beam.

%=hk- 1

Fig. 4. Triangular plate bending element.


where the submatrices [&I,,, corresponds to the stiff- WI

ness coefficients associated with nodes i and j, and the
subscript m is used to indicate membrane action and
(e) denotes the element. In this case the relationship
between the nodal displacements and nodal forces wz,
can be written as w2

px, 4 t (7)

-wx* ’
px, = [k’“l, 4 (5) w3
PY, 02

u3 WYI
03 - wx,
wz3 _
where ui and vi denote the components of displace-
ment of node i (i = 1,2,3) parallel to the local x- and where w, and Pz, indicate the components of displace-
y-axes, respectively. Similarly PX,and PY,indicate the ment and force parallel to z-axis at node i, My,,
components of force at node i (i = 1,2,3) parallel to and M, and M,, represent the generalized forces
the x- and y-axes, respectively. corresponding to the rotations (generalized displace-
Triangular plate bending element, Fig. 4. At each ments), wyi(OX,), w,, (O,,) and w,, (0,) at node i
node of the plate element shown in Fig. 4, the trans- (i = 1,2,3), respectively, and the subscript b has
verse displacement w and slopes (rotations, about the been used to denote the bending stiffness matrix. The
x- and y-axes; aw/ay and -aw/ax) are taken as the 12 x 12 bending stiffness matrix (in local coordinate
degrees of freedom. To maintain geometric isotropy, system) can be written as
the displacement model used is

w(x, y) = a2x + a,y + a4x2 + a,xy + a,y2

[k”‘], = [{ZJ]b [922), [$:3,lb . (8)

+W3 + a,(x’y + xy2) + qy. (6)

The relation between the forces and displacements Combined plate element. In the three-dimensional
corresponding to the bending of the plate can be analysis under consideration, the in-plane and bend-
written as ing stiffness are combined to give the total element
stiffness matrix [k@)],as shown below

W,,lm I O O O O I k21 / O O O O I w,31, I O O O O

2x2 I 0 0 0 0 / 2xin IO 0 0 01 2x2 I 0 0 0 0

0 0’ jo 0’ 10 0’
0 01 $]b IO 01 IO 01
0 0; 10 0; 10 0;
----- -f-------- T____~______---T-----,-________-
[k,,], ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ I [k32]m ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ I [k,,], I ’ ’ ’ ’
2x2 ,’ 0 0 0 0 , 2x2 I 0 0 0 0, 2x2 , 0 0 0 0

0 0; [i;,)b
/o 0;
0 0; /o 0; 10 0’
0 01 IO 01 IO 01
Analysis of wind turbine blades 271

The global displacements of the nodes of element

e are converted into local displacements as

where {q(e) are the element local displacements,

{Q(‘)} are the element global displacements and [It] is
the transformation matrix.
Using the element local displacements vector {q@)},
the stresses inside the element referred to the local
system are given as

Fig. 5. Combined membrane and plate bending element.

The stiffness matrix given by eqn (9) is referred to

the local xyz coordinate system shown in Fig. 5.
It is necessary in the analysis of three-dimensional
structures, in which the finite elements have different where (D] is the stress-strain relation matrix given by
orientations, to transform the local stiffness matrices
to a common set of global coordinates. The global {a”‘} = [D] {e”‘}, (16)
stiffness matrix of the element is then given by
where {@} is the vector of element strains and [B] is
[K”‘] = [A]qkk”‘][1], (10) the strain-displacement relation matrix, formed from
the combination of membrane element matrix [B,,,]
where the transformation matrix [A] is given by and bending element matrix [&I, and it is a function
of element coordinates

{c(C)}= [B]{q”‘}. (17)

The local stresses of the element are then converted
into global stresses axx, oyy, ozz, To,., tn, and lyx
and by using the stress transformation relations [13]
- k s nox 0 0 0
10~ may “0~ 0 0 0

loI moz hz 0 0 0
9 (12)
0 0 0 10~ 6 n
0 0 0 10~ may “oy
_ 0 0 0 10~ fiz noz.
where (I,,, fix,, no,) denotes the set of direction
cosines of x-axis [lo] and [0] represents a null square
matrix of order six.
Once the element characteristics, namely the
element stiffness [K(‘)j and the element boundary
forces vector {p(e)} are evaluated in a global co-
ordinate system, the overall or system equations
are constructed by the assembling of the elements
stiffness matrices and elements force vectors. For an
equilibrium problem

WIIQ} = PI. (13)

Equation (13) will be solved for nodal displacements

{Q} after incorporating the boundary conditions
[ll, 121.

CAS 4w2-4

2. Eigenvalue analysis. Modal vibration analysis shown in Fig. 4, the consistent mass matrix of the
of the rotor blade was made to determine if any element can be evaluated as
of the frequencies of the many possible modes of
vibration coincide with the frequencies of the cyclic
aerodynamic loads as resonant vibrations must be [m @lb= PP’IWI dv> (22)
prevented. 10
The eigenvalue physical problem of the free where [N]=[N,][&‘,“~N,] and [t$’ are given by
vibration of the rotor blade is expressed as Rao [lo]. Then

[rn@)lb= P([~-WWW[~ dV. (23)

where [A] denotes the stiffness matrix [K], [B] is the VW
consistent mass matrix, y is the square of natural
frequency, and {X} is the mode shape of the vibrating Assembly of elemental mass matrix. The combined
structure. mass matrix of membrane and bending plate elements
is given by [MC”]in terms of [ml,,, or membrane mass
Consistent mass matrix of a triangular membrane matrix and [rnb or bending mass matrix.
element. Refering to the element shown in Fig. 3, The eigenvalue problem given by eqn (19) can be
the consistent mass matrix of the element can be solved using the Rayk+gh-Ritz subspace iteration [12]
given as to find the solutions for the eigenvectors

Equation (24) - see opposite page

[m @)I,= (20)

given by
where p is the mass density, V(‘) is the element
volume, and [N] is linear shape functions matrix
given by x2

{x}i= x3
VW, Y)I=
1- X”
0 N, 0 0 Nr 0 0 Nr 0 , (21) associated with the lowest eigenvalues y, the natural
N, 00 N,
0 0
N, 0
0 Nr
0 0
N, 00 N,
0I frequencies of the structure.

N,(x, y), Nr(x, y) and N,(x, y) are given by Rao [lo]. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Consistent mass matrix of a triangular bending Validation of the jinite element used in the analysis of
element. For the triangular plate bending element wind turbine blade
1. A test problem was used to validate the effec-
tiveness of the finite element used in the solution of
deflections and stresses in the rotor blade, a
- Rosen (1983) cantilevered thin-walled box-beam has been used to
---- Bauchzu (1987
-.-a Present F.E. simulate the rotor blade fixed at the rotor hub.
The torsional behaviour of a pre-twisted box beam
under a tip torque and tip axial load were computed
using the present combined membrane-bending
triangular element and compared with the results
obtained by Bauchau [6] who used a three-dimen-
sional isoparametric beam element to solve this prob-
lem, and also compared to the analytical solution
TIP TENSION given by Rosen [14]. Figure 6 shows the comparison
between the present and previous results. The present
finite element solution is in agreement with Bauchau
and Rosen works for angles of twist ranging from
0” to 50”, then there is a deviation, at 70” and 90
twist angle, this may not be a problem in using
Fig. 6. Rre-twisting effects on the torsion of thin-walled the plate finite element because those angles are
box-beam. impractical, and the element used showed to be
Analysis of wind turbine blades 279

(m)b #lb
21 22
(mjb (mjb (mlb
31 32 33
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000
Cm), Cm),
41 44
(ml, (ml,
52 55
(ml, (m& (mIb Cm),
63 + 42 43 66+
(mJ Cm&
41 44
(mk (mh (mh crn)b crn)b
51 52 53 54 55
(m]b (mk (mJ crn)b tm)b crn)b
61 62 63 64 65 66
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000
(ml, Cm), (ml,
71 74 77
Cm), Cm), Cm),
82 85 88
Cm), @lb (mh (m], crnk crn)b Cm],
93+ 72 73 96+ 75 76 99+
(mjb crn)b crn)b
71 74 77
Cm& (mJ @lb crn)b crn)b crn)b crn)b tm)b
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88
(mIb (mJ (mIb crn)b crn)b crn)b tm)b tm)b crn)b
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000


effective and adequate for a wide practical range of Table I. Natural freouencies of a box beam
twist angle.
Natural frequency (rad/w)
2. A cantilevered-box beam was also used as a Natural
test problem to validate the natural frequencies of fral=ncy Rao [IO] Present
the rotor blade using the present plate element, number 60DOF 2ODOF work
when compared to the eigenvalues of the same box I 43.029 43.758 41.80
heam used by Rao [lo]. Rao has used an eigenvalue 2 88.414 88.682 91.96
economizer to get the natural frequencies of the heam 3 170.81 171.23 167.20
shown in Fig. 7. JBOF is degrees of freedom.
280 N. M. EL C~ZLY

Fig. 7. A cantilevered box-beam.








-7 -

-8 -
- at x = 120 mm
-___ at x = 240 mm





Fig. 8(a). Stresses along blade upper surfaces.

Analysis of wind turbine blades 281

Rao [lo] has modelled the top and bottom by using For the configuration shown, the stresses will be
constant stress triangular elements, the webs are calculated for the maximum gust speed and the wind-
represented by shear triangles where [keel = [k!)], mill rated speed, V = 50 and 12 m/set, respectively.
where [k!“] is the shear stiffness matrix. Figure 8(a) shows the relation between by, CT,and
Table 1 shows the comparison of the results Y, the station of airfoil sections along the blade span,
obtained by the present work and those obtained by on the upper surface, for different positions in the
Rao [lo], for the first three eigenvalues, they are in airfoil section (x-direction). The stress uv appears to
good agreement. be dominant and to be the most serious stress causing
bending at the rotor hub or blade root, which is then
Analysis of a 4 m rotor blade, NACA 0015 airfoil the critical cross-section, while 0, appears to have
section, 4OOmtn chord, zero pitch angle, zero twist small effect.
angle and zero taper Figure 8(b) shows the same previous relations for
The finite element idealization of a typical blade is lower blade surface. game trend takes place but the
shown in Fig. 2. values of the stresses are lower than those on the

11 -

- at x = 120 nm
--__ at x = 240 nm







-1 -

-2 -

Fig. E(b). Stresses along blade lower surfaces.



- at Blade Root (y=O)

____ at (y = 1000 lmll)

Fig. 9. Stresses across airfoil section. (a) Blade upper surface. (b) Blade lower surface.

upper surface and of opposite signs. The upper length at the blade root to the chord length at the
surface is under compression, while the lower one is blade tip.
under tension, the higher values on the upper surface The effect of tapering the blade is obvious; it tends
are attributed to the high relative pressure which to decrease the stresses. On the other hand, from
tends to lift the blade. aerodynamical point of view, it improves the wind
Figures 9(a, b) show the stresses distributions rotor performance [l&17] although it would increase
across the airfoil section at different blade station manufacturing cost.
or y coordinate on the upper and lower surfaces, It is clear that the setting of the blade to the rotor
respectively. The figures show that the maximum hub at an angle greater than zero decreases the
stresses occur near the leading edge. stresses, this is attributed to the decrease in angle of
attack a on which depends the pressure distribution
Effect of tapering and pitch a&e on the behaviour of along the blade span.
the rotor blade
Figures lO(a, b) show the stress distribution along Effect of wind speed on the stress distribution along
the span of untapered, untwisted, zero pitch blade, the blade
as compared with that of 0.4 taper, zero pitch, and Figures 1l(a, b) show the stresses resulting on
with zero taper and 40” pitch angle. the rotor blade due to gust and rated wind speed.
The blade taper ratio is the ratio between the chord Very high stresses occur at high wind speed, so, on
Analysis of wind turbine blades 283








Fig. IO(a). Effect of pitch angle, tapering on stresses on upper blade surface.


Y (4 d 1.
1 I I I t t I 1
200 400 600 800 1000 _c.-.-:-_--m l -*

Fig. 10(b). Effect of pitch angle, tapering on stresses on lower blade surface.
Analysis of wind turbine blades 285



- wind Speed 50 m/set
---- wind Speed 12 m/set

z 4



Fig. 1l(a). Et&x%of wind speed on stnss#r along blade lower span at x = 120mm.

- Wind Speed 50 m/set

---- Wind Speed 12 m/set



- -6-
=; _7_

Fig. 11(b). Effect of wing speed on stresses along blade upper span at x = 120mm.
Analysis of wind turbine blades 287

- o” Twist
--____ 15’ Twist
-*-*-- 22iJ: ;;;:;
-..._. 40’ Twtst

Fig. 12(a). Effect of tip twist angle on uv along blade lower span.

- 0' Twist
L-_--- 15“ Twist
-.-m-+ 22.V Twist
_.._.. 30" Twist
_..._. 40' Twist

Fig. 12(b). Effect of tip twist angle on Q,,along blade upper span.
Analysis of wind turbine blades 289

0' Twist
______ 15' Twist
-s-.-. 22.5" Twist
_.._.. 30' Twist
_..._. 40" Twist

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200


200 400 600 100 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000

______ 15" Twist

-.-.-. 22.5' Twist
_.._.. 30" Twist
_..._. 40" Twist

Fig. 13. Effect of tip twist angle on CT~

along blade span. (a) Blade upper surface. (b) Blade lower surface.

designing a rotor blade, we must design it for highest in the analysis of three-dimensional structures, as it
probable wind speed. takes into account six degrees of freedom at each
element node.
E#ect of twist angle on the stress distribution along
2. When compared with other numerical and
the blade span
analytical results, the present finite element predic-
The twist angle is measured from the root, set at tions are found to be accurate and in good agreement
40” pitch angle, to the blade tip. with those results, as obtained from the analysis of
Figures 12(a, b) and 13(a, b) show that increasing the torsional behaviour of a pre-twisted box beam
the twist angle from zero to 22.5”, the stresses under a tip torque and tip axial load.
decrease then increase for twist angles 30” and 40”, 3. It is found to predict satisfactorily the eigen-
this means that there is an optimum angle of twist values of three-dimensional cantilevered structures,
which will be beneficial from the point of view of the when compared to the analysis conducted by Rao
strength of the blade, after which, the stresses become [101.
worse. This effect is similar to the effect of the twist 4. It proved to be a simple element which can treat
angle on the wind turbine power and efficiency which specific features and configurations of the blade, as
increase till reaching an optimum twist angle [16, 17] tapering and tip twisting.
after which they decrease. 5. For all blade configurations, the maximum stress
occurs at the blade root, fixed to the rotor hub, so it
Effect of twist angle on the natural frequencies of the
is the most critical section which must be taken into
wind turbine rotor blade
consideration when designing a rotor-blade fixation.
Figure 14 shows the effect of twist angle on the 6. Setting the blade at an angle to the plane of
three lowest natural frequencies of the rotor blade. rotation increases its strength and so do the tapering
Increasing the twist angle, decreasing the eigenvalue, of the blade.
this means that twisting decreases the probability of 7. The twisting of the blade tip increases the
reaching the resonant frequency. strength of the blade as the stiffness increases, but
at a certain twist angle, the stress begins to exceed
those for zero twist angle.
8. The twisting of the blade tip affect the free
1. The combined membrane-bending triangular vibration of the blade in such a way to decrease eigen
plate element proved to be a successul finite element values.

1.7 *.\
\. ‘1
. ‘\ ‘1.
‘\ ‘.
‘\ \ - First Eigen Value
1.5 ---- Second Eigen Value
'\ '\.
-.-. Third Eigen Value
'\ \

I 1.4 \ '*
\ y
\ y
z 1.3 1 1.
: \
: *\
& 1.2 '\ '\
t \
2 \, ".\
5 1.1
c, \ '\






0 5 10 15 20 25 Tsi twi&(Dei!)

Fig. 14. Effect of tip twist angle on natural frequencies.

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