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Examining The Characteristics Of Effective English Language Teaching For

Elementary Students

By :
Laili Zahrotul Maulinda (185300052)

English Education Departement

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
PGRI Adi Buana University Surabaya
Examining The Characteristics Of Effective English Language Teaching For
Elementary Students
Chapter I
A. Background of the Study
Before focusing on the characteristics of an language teaching, let’s
take off some light on the definitions of the terms such as effective learner and effective
teacher in some degree. The perception of “effective” is perceived and interpreted differently
by assorted researchers in different fields such as education, medicine, science and law. In
spite of different perceptions on effectiveness, what these ranges agree is the language
definition of effective which means being successful in producing a desired. When it comes
to the approach of effective English langauage teacher, it is natural for the teacher to own
particular characteristics of the field as well as the general features of an effective language
teaching english . Uniqueness of the subject is not supposed to decide and determine the
apply of the English language teacher. There is still no unity on the encouragement therefore
an effective English language teacher has various definitions and determinants in terms of
different perspectives such as affective factors, classroom management, and field knowledge.
Sanderson (1993) focuses just on academic and field knowledge of the teachers and defines a
good language teacher who uses the object language commonly, has clear and good
pronunciation, stress and intonation, gets students involved in activities and is flexible with
perspectiveto objectives. The language teacher as a communicator should have clear ideas
and concepts about his subject matter knowledge not to the student and teacher relationship.
An effective teacher is teaching who shares knowledge, uses appropriate procedure, trying
and encourages students about the subject matter, and shows a concern for students, all in
such a way as to leave the student with a continuing and vivid conviction of having benefited
from the effective language teaching. Successful teachers have a lot of instructional action,
program and techniques that return their knowledge of the learning english. Because learning
is a independent activity, the teacher’s job to “sell” their ideas to the students is very hard if
she cannot “sell” those ideas in an interesting way. Therefore, the teacher must shows interest
about her topic, she persuades the students that the topic is important and make the topic
interesting. Based on the above definitions, an effective teacher shows wide range of skills
and abilities that lead to creating a learning environment where all students feel comfortable,
interesting and are sure that students can succeed both academically and personally. An
effective teacher is not characterized only by the factors of ability, knowledge and teaching
skills, but also communication skills and the relationships the teacher has with students.
B. Identification Of Research Problem
Based on the concept of effective language teaching,we cannot ignore
the approaches of procedural knowledge and demonstrative knowledge. The demonstrative
knowledge combines all of the things teachers know and can articulate. It’s exprience about
something, for example, about grammar regulation. On the other hold, procedural knowledge
combines the ability to do things or knowing how to do things, such as being able to bring on
conversations in English, knowing how to plan teaches and knowing how to teaching in
elementary school. to be a good teacher in elementry school class requires a combination of a
mechanical component and a mental basic. The mechanical basic of a lesson combines the
skills required for the content of the lesson to be teached in the most accessible ways for
students, while the mental basic encompasses the teacher’s belief system about teaching and
learning as well as the teacher’s personality. Thompson (2008) proposes that good language
teaching build compatibility by caring about their learners, demonstrating patience and
respecting the learners. The teachers are well prepared, able to select appropriate frameworks
for their teaches, lessons and able to design interesting tasks. The belief that the teacher
should be affectionate with the students in order to get their commitment to participate in the
learning procedure exists in levels of elementery school.
The personal relationships are extremely important to students, and it is
crucial for the teacher to be close to teaching the students and show interest in their personal
exciting world. Teachers might need to examine to what extent they are willing to alter their
actions in teaching order to relate to students in appropriate ways because this can help to rule
out behavioral problems in the classroom. The Characteristics of effective English language
teaching that appeared overall in the study as those felt to be most desirable involved (a)
knowledge and command of the purpose language; (b) capibility to recognize, explain and
clarify, as well as to awaken and continue interest and motivation among students;
(c) integrity to students by showing neither discrimination nor prejudice; and (d) apportunity
to students. To complate, a review of current reseach concerning desirable teacher
characteristics in effective language education gives an overview of effective teachers
together with the idea that these diverse characteristics could be classified into divisions. The
researcher determined to operate four main categories in this study. These are English
aptitude , pedagogical knowledge, grouping and communication skills, and socio affective
skills. These categories compose characteristics. Brosh (1996, cited in Park & Lee, 2006)
identification characteristics of effective English language teaching as perceived by high
school teachers and students in elementary school with interviews and a item survey on
teacher characteristics.
Groups attributed the highest importance to items respecting command of the target language
and teaching explicitly, although neither the teachers the students approved items regarding
positive attitudes toward native speakers and teaching in the destination language. In
inclusion, the teachers gave more subtance than students to items about developing
motivation and having an applicable research orientation, whereas the teachers teaching more
weight than students to items about considering students fairly and making teached
interesting. Based on studied students’ perceptions of characteristics of effective english
language teaching. analysis revealed the following characteristics that students studied to
reflect effective teaching: student focused, competent at instruction, fair and appreciative,
and provider of competent performance feedback. Examining , the teachers approved
naturaly different characteristics than the students in all with the teachers establish English
aptitude the highest in contrast to the students who ranked pedagogical knowledge the
highest. The student grouping also held different approches of effective teaching. High
accomplish students supported different characteristics than low concluding students
regarding pedagogical knowledge and charaxteristic affective skills, and male students
approved different characteristics learning from female students regarding socio affective
skills. The findings have significance for knowledge based characteristic of effective teacher
education for stream and prospective English teachers.
C. Research Question
The purpose of this study was to examine characteristic of effective of language teaching
which students and teachers section as important in order to decide effective language
teachers. Therefore, the research questions were posed as follows:
1. What is the characteristics of effective English language teaching in the
mindset elementary students ?
2. What is the characteristics of effective English language teachers as
recognized by in this era in elementary school ?
3. Are there any differences in perceptions toward characteristics of effective
English language teaching between male and female students ?

Literature Review
A. Effective English Language Teaching
1. Definition of Effective Teaching
Affective teaching more respecting our students in the class.  This happens
when the educators value and accept their background students, beliefs, religions, sexual
preferences and social status, even when different from other students. Activity of teaching
did not break with learning methods. It means that, if the educator teach students about a
topic, the students must be learned about the lesson. Teaching methods do by educator, an
educator should be help students to learn about the knowledge materials. Student is not only
learn about knowledge, but also students presence and attitude to prepare the students for
future life. The educator respect their students when the educator keenly listen to student,
sincerely ask for student's opinions, and truly amount their previous knowledge. Respect is
present when edicator live up to their promises, when edicator allow them to fully express
with student's bodies, and certainly when edicator fully believe that all students are adept to
learn, not giving up on any of student. Based on Brown (2007:8) teaching is showing or
helping students to learn to do something, giving instruction educating in the study of
something,bring with knowledge, causing to know or understand lessons. In teaching
methods, educator have role to guide students to learn, furthering in learning process and
make a good atmosphere in the teaching and learning methods.
When educator will teach students in the classroom, educator will develop their
lessons and make a plan how to make students easier to understand get information and to
make students to achieve the lessons goals. Students are more likely to remember information
if the educator can explain about their lesson clearly. Effective teaching involves the ability
to bring instruction that helps students to develop the knowledge, skills, and understandings
materials proposed by curriculum objectives, create an instructional climate that causes
students to increase positive attitudes toward school and self, adapt instruction so that all
students learn, innattentive of student's ability, ethnicity, or other characteristics, conduct the
classroom so that students are commited in learning all or most of the time, make sound
accords and plans that maximize students’ opportunity to learn, and respond to initiatives for
curriculum change so that the new curriculum’s to lessons students. Murray (1991, as cited in
Bell, 2005) Based on that many researchers and professionals for educator development and
evaluation have been seeking to provide criteria for assessing effective teaching. While there
is little agreement regarding which specific styles constitute effective teaching english
language, researchers agree at least on some dimensions that describe effective teaching in
general regardless of the subject matter. These include interest or expressiveness, clarity of
explanation, and rapport or interaction.
Based on effective teaching and educators have come into the conclusion that
effective educators are interested in having students learn and demonstrate understanding of
meanings rather than merely memorizing facts or events materials, educator ask students to
reading because reading affects success in other content ranges and overall achievement
gains, and students have higher achievement increast when the target of instruction is on
meaningful approach, especially when it builds on and emphasizes student's own knowledge
of the world. The students to analyze the characteristics that distinguished the educators from
whom student learned the most from those whom student liked the most. There are
characteristics of educators who were successful were found out to be making greater expects
of the students, more teaching skill, more knowledge than subject matter, and educator better
discipline. There are many ways to characterize the factors that make up an effective
educator. These factors include materials knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge,
curriculum knowledge, pedagogical materials knowledge, knowledge of learners and students
characteristics, knowledge of academic ends purposes, and values, and knowledge of
educational materials (Clark and
Walsh, 2002). Found out that there were identifiable personal and professional
characteristics of an effective educator in his study and these characteristics included being
prepared, having high expectations, showing a personal touch, developing a impression of
belonging, admitting the mistakes, having a impression of humor, giving respect to students,
forgiving, and being compassionate student. Giving positive brace, interacting friendly with
learners, and understanding students’ feelings were the most generally mentioned desirable
characteristics. The non desirable characteristics of a educator in this study were: devide
some of the students, giving specific students advantageous treatment, contradict students
chances to perform or to talk in front of class, contemtible at students, and demanding
students to learn and understanding the materials. Brosh (1996) asked second language
educators and students to identify the three most prominent characteristics of an effective
some language educator from a list of characteristics and the results of the study revealed
that the students’ and educators’ first and second rank ordered items were identical which
were the educators’ adequate command of the subject matter involving the educators’
mastery of the four basic skills and the ability of the language educator to transmit knowledge
in a way that is easy to understand and remember, and to motivate their students to do
student's best. In general, the desirable characteristics of an effective language educator that
emerged from the study were knowledge and command of the target language, the ability to
construct, explain, and analyze, as well as to kindle and help interest and motivation among
students, integrity to students by showing neither descrimination not rejudice, and
opportunity to students.
In this chapter the writer will discuss of five subsection. There are research design , data and
source of data , data collection, data analysis method, and validity of data.
1. Approach Of The Study
Based in this study the writer wanted to get the information about the charackteristic of
effective language teaching english in writing a research proposal. In this component the
writer will use the pattern descriptive qualitative. Descriptive research is studies are designed
to repair information concerning the present status phenomena. In qualitative research, there
is little or no statistic that qualitative the interpretive approach ordinarilly uses words
(qualitative data) rather than numbers or perceptions that can be quantified (qualitative data),
upper class description of phenomena can be composed. This research combine the category
of case study using descriptive qualitative method. Case study has the characteristics as
certain by the authority as a study that is control intensively, detailed and extent toward an
organization, institution or certain phenomenon. Case can be an individual, an institution or a
companystudied as a unit in the research. Corresponding to the explanation, this research was
a case study because of its characteristics of effective english language teaching for
elementary student. This study attempts to explore certain information about a characteristics
teachers. Descriptive method is a process that researches the status of human, an object, a set
of condition, a system of thought, or even a class of aspect now.
2. Data and Source of Data
This Research conducted English language teachers teaching at elementary school. This
process data collection was conducted by interviewing four teachers and 2 student to
interview each of them in person.

3. Data Collection
The researcher chooses interviews in collecting all the data, they are documentation of
teachers and students’ research interview. In a interview, it may be effective for way the
person asking question by turns and add the research data. Interview the students and the
English teachers also esential to conform the informations which have not covered in the
teacherself assessment There were teacherself assessment and interview guide. Teacher self
assessment was conformed from the approach of effective teaching criteria. This concept has
decribed use of English, pedagogical skills, personal skills, interpersonal qualities and
assignment and assessment. The author gets information directly through interviews by
visiting his house because the teacher and students are my family like my mother, aunt, uncle
and cousins. this is my question to teachers and student to get information:
1. What should you do when you teach to English outside the classroom ? (teacher)
2. Could you Describe the qualities of the teacher effective most. (teacher)
3. Why do you think she is an effective teacher? (Student)
4. Which characteristics do you think a teacher should not possess. Why?
( Teacher)
5. How you can manages the classroom effectively ? (teacher)
6. what should you do to make teaching interesting and motivate students ? (teacher)
7. Do you interesting if your teacher teaching english ?
8. Do you like learning english ? (Student)
9. can you tell me what do you think if your teacher teaching ? (Student)
10. What is you polite and respect the personality of the students it constitute
characteristic effective language teaching ? (teacher)
4. Data analysis
In analyzing the data, researchers using qualitative data. Qualitative data relates to the
problems in this research namely using interviews.The method used in analyzing the data is
using narrative analysis data. Narrative Research according to James Schreiber and Kimberly
Asner-Self (2011) is a study of the lives of individuals as told through stories of their
experiences, including a discussion of the meaning of experiences for individuals. Analysis of
the data from this study has the first steps, namely:1. to collect data on the case of sources by
recording the sources in turns. 2. Combining information obtained from interviews with
resource persons. 3. Perform analysis 4. Make conclusions from all the information obtained.
5. Validity of the data
Types of validity were established in this research study to improve analysis data , the
researcher used data triangulation. triangulation is an attempt to check the correctness of data
or information obtained by researchers from different points of view by reducing as much as
possible the bias that occurs during data collection and analysis. According to Moleong
(2010: 330), triangulation is a technique of review the validity of data that cover something
other than that data for checking purposes or as a comparison of the data. Based on data
triangulation, the authors conducted interviews to obtain correct data that the reader could
understand which could encourage valid data analysis.
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