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RULE 108 A: Yes.

Professional character and in the course of

discipline enjoined by the church.
Q: X filed a petition for change of nickname before the Q: However, paano kapag may nakarinig sainyo na
RTC. Can the RTC take cognizance of the case? other person tapos kaaway pala nung nagconfess,
A: Yes. RA9048 only gives the petitioner the option to pwede ba i-disclose ni third party?
have the correction under administrative proceedings A: Yes. Under the Amended Rules the communication
before the LCR that is less expensive and more shall remain privileged, even in the hands of a third
expeditious. person who may have obtained the information,
provided that the original parties to the communication
RA 9048 took reasonable precaution to protect its confidentiality.

Q: Remedy: Lawyers
(1) Denial of the petition; and
(2) Adverse decision Q: Is the information given to a person who
A: represented himself as a lawyer but not licensed,
(1) Appeal to the judicial courts or file a petition under admissible? On what grounds?
R103 or R108; and A: Privileged Communication Rule. The
(2) Appeal to the Civil Registry General disqualification under S24, R130 paragraph (b) now
covers a person who is not a lawyer, but is reasonably
ADMISSIBILITY OF EVIDENCE believed by the client to be licensed to engage in the
Q: Is the unlawful examination of bank accounts
inadmissible? Q: Can a person invoke the lawyer-client privilege rule
A: No. The inadmissibility must be based on law. in order to conceal his identity?
(Ejercito v. Sandiganbayan) A: No. Except… (Regala v. Sandiganbayan) Page 491

QUALIFICATIONS OF A WITNESS Physician/Psychotherapist

Q: Who is a psychotherapist?
Q: What is tender years or tender age?
A: A "psychotherapist" is: (a) A person licensed to
A: A child under 7 years of age
practice medicine engaged in the diagnosis or
treatment of a mental or emotional condition, or (b) A
Q: Remedy for Errors or Questions on Competence
person licensed as a psychologist by the government
(Icutanim v. Hernandez, GR L-1709, June 08 1948)
while similarly engaged. (S23c, R130)
A: Page 488

Q: X the partner (not married) of Y, was made witness

Q: Effect of Relationship
for the issue on incompetency of Y. The adverse party
A: People v. Daen, Jr., GR 112015, 1995
claims that X is always present on X’s mental therapy
sessions. Can X invoke privilege communication?
Q: Any communication, priest: What if nagkita lang
A: Yes. Under the Amended Rules, the privilege
kayo sa Session then you engaged or communicated
communication also applies to persons, including
with the priest?
members of the patient's family, who have participated
A: Not privileged. “Any communication” is still
in the diagnosis or treatment of the patient under the
qualified by the provision that the same is made in the
direction of the physician or psychotherapist.
professional character and in the course of discipline
enjoined by the church to which the minister or priest
Q: Hypothetical Problems;
A: Not applicable (Lim v. CA, GR 91114) Page 492
Q: What if nasa loob kayo ng confession room?
Q: Physicians allowed to be expert
A: Of course, privileged.
A: Provided that they do not divulged kwa (Lim v. CA,
Q: What is nasa loob kayo ng church, under the priest’
GR 91114) Page 492
vocational capacity, pero nakaupo kayo sa may
benches reserved for churchgoers (not sa loob ng
Q: Autopsical Information
confession room), privileged ba?
A: He can only provide autopsy information but not b. Communication relevant to an issue between
when he was treating the living patient parties who claim through the same deceased
client, regardless of whether the claims are by
Q: Hospital Records during discovery procedure testate or intestate or by inter vivos
A: Not allowed (Chan v. Chan) transaction;
c. Communication relevant to an issue of breach
Public Officers of duty by the lawyer to his or her client, or by
the client to his or her lawyer;
Q: Presidential Communications Rule d. Communication relevant to an issue concerning
A: “likely contains important evidence” (Neri v. Senate) an attested document to which the lawyer is an
Page 493 attesting witness;
e. Communication relevant to a matter of
Amended Rules: common interest between two or more clients
if the communication was made by any of them
1. Witnesses; Their Qualifications. (S21, R130) — to a lawyer retained or consulted in common,
Except as provided in the next succeeding sectio n All when offered in an action between any of the
persons who can perceive, and perceiving, can make clients, unless they have expressly agreed
known their perception to others, may be witnesses. otherwise

The disqualification on the child witness is no 4. Physician/Psychotherapist: The coverage of

longer relevant with the Rule on Examination of Paragraph (c) was amended. It now states
Child Witness, which provides that every child is physician, and includes a psychotherapist or
presumed qualified to be a witness (Rule on person reasonably believed by the patient to be
Examination of Child Witness, Sec. 6) authorized to practice medicine or psychotherapy.
Psychotherapist was defined as a person licensed:
2. Disqualification by Reason of Marriage. (S23, (a) to practice medicine engaged in the diagnosis
R130) — During their marriage, neither the or treatment of a mental or emotional condition; or
husband or the wife cannot testify for or against (b) as a psychologist by the government while
the other without the consent of the affected spouse, similarly engaged. It also applies to persons,
except in a civil case by one against the other, or in including members of the patient's family, who
a criminal case for a crime committed by one have participated in the diagnosis or treatment of
against the other or the latter's direct descendants the patient under the direction of the physician or
or ascendants psychotherapist.

Under the original Section 22, the disqualification As with the old rule, the application of the rule is
includes testifying in favor of, or against the still limited to civil cases
spouse. The amended rule removed the
disqualification on testifying in favor of the spouse. Under the old rule the privilege pertains to “any
This means that with or without the consent of the advice or treatment given by him or any
affected spouse the other spouse may now testify information which he may have acquired in
in favor of the former. attending such patient in a professional capacity,
which information was necessary to enable him to
3. Lawyer/Counsel (S24, R130): The disqualification act in capacity, and which would blacken the
under paragraph (b) now covers a person who is reputation of the patient”. The new rule pertains to
not a lawyer, but is reasonably believed by the “any confidential communication made for the
client to be licensed to engage in the practice, as purpose of diagnosis or treatment of the patient's
well as any other person assisting the attorney. physical, mental or emotional condition, including
The amended rule also includes exceptions to the alcohol or drug addiction, between the patient and
disqualification, such as when the his or her physician or psychotherapist,”
commination/advice thereon pertains to: regardless of whether the information would
a. The furtherance of crime or fraud, which the blacken the reputation of the patient.
client knew or reasonably could have known to
be a crime or fraud;
5. Minister/Priest: The disqualification under This is a new insertion. There is no similar
paragraph (d) was broaden to include any person provision under the old rules. However, while this
reasonably believed to be a minister or priest. The provision was not under the old rule, it has long
privilege now covers any communication, and not been recognized that there are other privileged
just confession made to or advice given. However, matters that not mentioned by Rule 130. Among
it appears that “any communication” is still them are the following: (a) editors may not be
qualified by the provision that the same is made in compelled to disclose the source of published
the professional character and in the course of news; (b) voters may not be compelled to disclose
discipline enjoined by the church to which the for whom they voted; (c) trade secrets; (d)
minister or priest belongs. information contained in tax census returns; and
(d) bank deposits. Jurisprudence has consistently
6. (NEW) Third Person: The communication shall acknowledged the private character of trade
remain privileged, even in the hands of a third secrets. There is a privilege not to disclose one’s
person who may have obtained the information, trade secrets. The Supreme Court has declared that
provided that the original parties to the trade secrets and banking transactions are among
communication took reasonable precaution to the recognized restrictions to the right of the
protect its confidentiality. people to information as embodied in the
Constitution. The drafters of the Constitution also
This last paragraph was added under the revised unequivocally affirmed that, aside from national
rule and states that the communication, even in the security matters and intelligence information,
hands of a third person who may have obtained the trade or industrial secrets (pursuant to the
information, provided that the original parties to Intellectual Property Code and other related laws)
the communication took reasonable precaution to as well as banking transactions (pursuant to the
protect its confidentiality. Thus, if there is no Secrecy of Bank Deposits Act), are also exempted
reasonable precaution to protect its confidentiality from compulsory disclosure (Air Philippines Corp.
then it may be construed as waiver thereof and v. Pennswell, Inc., G.R. No. 172835, 13 December
hence, not covered by the privilege 2007)

7. Parental and Filial Privilege: No person shall be A trade secret is a process or device intended for
compelled to testify against his or her parents, other continuous use in the operation of the business, for
direct ascendants, children or other direct example, a machine or formula, but can be a price
descendants, except when such testimony is list or catalogue or specialized customer list. Trade
indispensable in a crime against that person or secrets constitute proprietary rights. The inventor,
by one parent against the other. discoverer, or possessor of a trade secret or similar
innovation has rights therein which may be treated
The new rule incorporates Article 215 of the as property, and ordinarily an injunction will be
Family Code, which is mandatory in character (as granted to prevent the disclosure of the trade
compared to the directory character of the old secret by one who obtained the information "in
rule), and provides for the exception when confidence" or through a "confidential relationship.
testimony may be compelled, i.e., when the (Air Philippines Corp. v. Pennswell, Inc., G.R. No.
testimony is indispensable in a crime against that 172835, 13 December 2007)
person or by one parent against the other
In Cocoland Development Corp. v. National Labor
8. (NEW) Privilege Relating to Trade Secrets: A Relations Commission, G.R. No. 98458, 17 July
person cannot be compelled to testify about any 1996, it was ruled that any determination by
trade secret, unless the non-disclosure will conceal management as to the confidential nature of
fraud or otherwise work injustice. When disclosure technologies, processes, formulae or other so
is directed, the court shall take such protective -called trade secrets must have a substantial
measure as the interest of the owner of the trade factual basis which can pass judicial scrutiny. The
secret and of the parties and the furtherance of Court rejected the employer’s naked contention
justice may require that its own determination as to what constitutes a
trade secret should be binding and conclusive upon
the NLRC. As a caveat, the Court said that to rule
otherwise would be to permit an employer to label However, evidence of a conviction is not
almost anything a trade secret, and thereby create admissible if the conviction has been the
a weapon with which he/it may arbitrarily dismiss subject of an amnesty or annulment of the
an employee on the pretext that the latter conviction
somehow disclosed a trade secret, even if in fact
there be none at all to speak of. Hence, in Cocoland,
the parameters in the determination of trade
secrets were set to be such substantial factual basis
that can withstand judicial scrutiny.

However, for compelling reasons, the courts may

lift the veil of confidentiality which shields trade
secrets. (Air Philippines Corp. v. Pennswell, Inc.,
G.R. No. 172835, 13 December 2007)

Thus, under the new rule, a person cannot be

compelled to testify about any trade secret, unless
the non-disclosure will conceal fraud or otherwise
work injustice . Even when disclosure is directed,
the court shall still take such protective measure as
the interest of the owner of the trade secret and of
the parties and the furtherance of justice may


Amended Rules:

Q: Can you impeach a witness merely because he

was convicted?
A: No. Unless the witness was previously
convicted by final judgment involving: (1) a
punishable penalty exceeding 1 year, regardless of
whether the crime involves moral turpitude, or
(2) a crime of moral turpitude, regardless of the
Q: What if there was already amnesty?
A: You can no longer impeach.
Q: What if annulment of the conviction?
A: You can no longer impeach.

1. Impeachment by Evidence of Conviction of

Crime. — For the purpose of impeaching a
witness, evidence that he or she has been
convicted by final judgment of a crime shall
be admitted if (a) the crime was punishable
by a penalty in excess of one year; or (b) the
crime involved moral turpitude, regardless
of the penalty.
QUAMTO Once inside, appellant forcibly had sex with AAA.
Afterwards, AAA put on her clothes and went
AAA, 12 year-old victim, positively identified the home but decided not to tell her parents about the
accused who is his father who molested her. incident because she was afraid of the appellant.
However, the physical finding that AAA did not However, she told her brother about what
sustain any injury or hymenal laceration does not appellant did to her. Sometime, while AAA and her
impair the prosecution's case. The CA affirmed the brother were having an argument, BBB, the
RTC’s decision. victim's mother, heard her son teasing AAA saying
"op-opya ah te iniyut da-ah eh Lamon," which
Is the accused guilty of the crime charged means "shut up because you were sexually abused
notwithstanding the uncorroborated and by Lamon." Upon hearing such words, BBB
incredulous testimony of the private complainant? immediately confronted AAA about the veracity of
her brother's statement to which AAA confessed
Yes. The foremost consideration in the that she was indeed raped by the appellant.
prosecution of rape is the victim's testimony and
not the findings of the medico-legal officer. Should the testimony of AAA be given full weight
(Manuel Ramilo v. People, G.R. No. 234841, 2019) and credit?

AAA, who was thirteen years old and the sister of Yes. It must be considered that AAA was only six
suspect X, was sleeping in the other room when (6) years old when she was raped and only nine
the latter allegedly raped her. AAA did not tell (9) years old when she took the witness stand.
anyone about the incident because she was afraid When the offended party is of tender age and
that no one would believe her. Appellant likewise immature, courts are inclined to give credit to her
threatened AAA by telling her that she would be account of what transpired, considering not only
killed if someone finds out about the incident. The her relative vulnerability but also the shame to
Police and the Medical Officer examined her on which she would be exposed if the matter to which
separate days. X contend that the testimony of she testified is not true. Youth and immaturity are
AAA is full of inconsistencies and, hence, should generally badges of truth and sincerity. (People v.
not be given credence. Bay-od G.R. NO. 238176 | January 14, 2019)

Should the testimony of AAA be given sufficient King was charged with Murder for fatally stabbing
weight and credit? Josep. To prove the qualifying circumstance of
evident premeditation, the prosecution
Discrepancies referring only to minor details and introduced a text message, which King’s estranged
collateral matters do not affect the veracity or wife Yna had sent to Josep on the eve of his death,
detract from the essential credibility of a witness’ reading: "Honey, pa2tayin u ni King. Mtgal n nyang
declarations, as long as these are coherent and plano i2. Mg ingat u bka ma tsugi k."
intrinsically believable on the whole.
Furthermore, it is an accepted doctrine in rape a. A subpoena ad testificandum was served on
cases that in the absence of evidence of improper Yna for her to be presented for the purpose of
motive on the part of the victim to falsely testify identifying her cellphone and the text
against the accused, her testimony deserves message. King objected to her presentation on
credence. (People v. Elmer Moya G.R. No. 228260, the ground of marital privilege. Resolve.
June 10, 2019)
The objection should be sustained on the ground
AAA, who was then 6 years old, was looking for of the marital disqualification rule (Sec. 22, Rule
playmates along their neighborhood when 130), not on the ground of the “marital privilege”
appellant called her to go inside the latter's house. communication rule (Sec. 24, Rule 130). The
marriage between King and Yna is still subsisting messages are regarded as electronic evidence, and
and the situation at bar does not come under the in a recent case (Ang v. Court of Appeals et al., G.R.
exceptions to the disqualification by reason of No. 182835, April 20, 2010), the Supreme Court
marriage. ruled that the Rules on Electronic Evidence
applies only to civil actions, quasi-judicial
b. Suppose King’s objection in question A was proceedings and administrative proceeding, not to
sustained. The prosecution thereupon criminal actions
announced that it would be presenting Jeric’s
wife Flour to identify Jeric’s cellphone bearing
Yna’s text message. King objected again on the
same ground. Rule on the objection

The objection should be overruled. The testimony

of Flour is not covered by the said marital
disqualification rule because she is not the wife of
King. Besides, Flour will identify only the
cellphone as that of her husband Jeric, not the
messages therein which to her are hearsay.

c. If King’s objection in question B was

overruled, can he object to the presentation of
the text message on the ground that it is

No, Yna’s text message in Jeric’s cellphone is not

covered by the hearsay rule because it is regarded
in the rules of evidence as independently relevant
statement: the text message is not to prove the
truth of the fact alleged therein but only as to the
circumstances of whether or not premeditation

d. Suppose that shortly before he expired, Jeric

was able to send a text message to his wife
Flour reading "Nasaksak ako. D na me
makahinga. Si King ang may gawa ni2." Is this
text message admissible as a dying
declaration? Explain. (2010 Bar)

Yes, the text message is admissible as a dying

declaration since the same came from the victim
who “shortly” expired and it is in respect of the
cause and circumstance of his death. The decisive
factor that the message was made and sent under
consciousness of an impending death, is evidently
attendant from the victim’s statement: “D na me
makakahinga” and the fact that he died shortly
after he sent the message. However, cellphone

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