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Attitude of Senior High School Students toward Same-Sex Relationship

Alangalang National High School


Good morning/afternoon panel of judges. We are the grade 12 student researchers of ANHS. I am
Lianna Mae Cairo. This is Francis Algel Ayuste, Reymark Catalla, and Vicente Zuniga. And our study is
entitled “Attitude of Senior High School Students toward Same-Sex Relationship”.

Algel: Romantic relationships are often viewed as an important, meaningful part of a person’s life (Demir,
2008). As human is slowly changing from simple to complex beings, this paves the way in a new
community called (LGBTQ), which encompasses different gender and romantic relationship, particularly the
same- sex relationship.

Reymark: Many young people still maintain uncomfortable and confused attitudes towards non-
heterosexual lifestyles that lead to discrimination and oppression of the same- sex relationship as Sharpe
(2002) stated.

Vicente: So we conducted this study to determine the attitude of senior high school students toward same-
sex relationship.
In this study, we’ve sought findings among the following questions:
1. What is the profile of students in terms of:
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Strand
d. Grade Level
2. What is the mean attitude of students toward same- sex relationship?
3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of students and their attitude toward same-
sex relationship?
Lianna: Our study used the Descriptive-Correlational design which was conducted with a sample of 100
senior high school students of Gregorio C. Catenza National High School as our respondents. To
determine, a simple random sampling was done using the Microsoft Excel.

Reymark: The instrument used was adopted from Kite and Deaux (1986) entitled as “Homosexuality
Attitude Scale”. To test the reliability, a pilot-testing was done among 35 senior high school students of San
Miguel National School approved by the principal of school.
Vicente: To analyse the data gathered, descriptive statistics were used to determine the frequency,
percentage, mean, and standard deviation. For the inferential statistics, we use a non- parametric test
specifaclly the Spearman rho Correlation since the parametric counterpart violated the test for normality.
Algel: To interpret the mean, an adopted 5-point Likert Scale was used from Yaldiz (2015) which gives 5
as Extremely Favourable and 1 as Extremely Unfavourable, and to interpret the correlation coefficient, we
use the Cohen ……………
Lianna: Based on the findings of the study, it showed that majority of the respondents were grade 11
female students of HUMSS and TVL strand ranging from 17 and 18 yrs. Old , as shown from the graph.
Reymark: We have also concluded that the senior high school students of Gregorio C. Catenza National
High School have slightly unfavourable attitude towards same- sex relationship with the mean of 2.54 and
standard deviation of 1.06.
Algel: For the significant relationship, Spearman rho reveals that there is a moderate positive relationship
between the age and strand of the senior high school students and their attitude towards same-sex
relationship. It also reveals that there is a weak negative relationship between the sex of the senior high
school students and their attitude towards same-sex relationship. Thus, the hypothesis saying that there is
no significant relationship between the demographic profiles of senior high school students specifically the
age, sex, and strand, and their attitude toward same-sex relationship is rejected. While the hypothesis
saying that there is no significant relationship between the demographic profile of senior high school
students specifically the grade level and their attitude toward same-sex relationship is not rejected. It
implies that in a population, the attitude toward same-sex relationship depends on the age, sex, and strand
but not on the grade level of a student. The values are shown in this table.
Vicente: In the view of the findings of our study, we recommended the following:
1. The parents should help their children who engage in same- sex relationship, understand the
implications of their actions, knowing that there are varying attitudes towards same-sex relationships.
2. The teacher should provide insights about learners’ attitude toward same- sex relationships. In
addition, the teacher’s awareness should serve as a guide for having same- sex relationship.

Reymark: 3. The members of the community should acknowledge the LGBT people and help them change
their views if in case they had been disgusted or angry towards the LGBT people homosexual acts.
4. The future researcher should supplement to the existing body of knowledge related to same- sex
relationship and guide them for further related studies.
Lianna: That ends our presentation; we are already ready for your questions maam and sir.

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