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Lesson 2

Communication and Globalization


Globalization is the communication and assimilation among individuals,

ethnicities, races, institutions, governments of various nations supported by technology
and compelled by international trade. Due to globalization, the more you become
exposed to diversity --- the valuing of the uniqueness or differences in gender
preference, color, age, religious affiliation, ethnicity, education, social and economic
status and political beliefs.

Globalization is not a new process or concept. Years before the advent of

technology, people had been purchasing and selling each other properties, goods and
other objects of certain value.

Concept Grounding

Communication has since been increasingly global, blurring national boundaries.

The ability to communicate effectively in a global setting can be a challenge. Hence, to
effectively communicate in a global context, a general understanding of the differences
in conducting communication from one country to another or from one culture to another
helps avoid miscommunication.

People’s background and experiences influence their view of the world and the
values, beliefs and behavior patterns assumed to be good. The following are possible
cultural barriers to effective communication in a global environment:

1.​ C
​ ultural relativism

2.​ L
​ ack of knowledge of others’ culture

3.​ D
​ iscrimination and harassment

4.​ L
​ anguage differences
To get the desired outcome or response, the above barriers must be properly
addressed. It is the responsibility of the parties involved in the communication process
to eliminate the possible hindrances in their exchange. The goal of effective global
communication is to achieve communication that gets the desired response leading to
harmonious connections. Krizan (2014) suggests these strategies to become an
effective global communicator:

1.​ R
​ eview communication principles.

2.​ A
​ nalyze the message receiver.

3.​ B
​ e open to an accepting of other cultures.

4.​ L
​ earn about cultures and apply what is learned.

5.​ C
​ onsider language needs.
Local and Global Communication in Multicultural Settings

Engaging: Putting Things in the Right Perspective

How do you get to communicate effectively across cultures? Indicate whether

you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:

1. I am interested in interacting with people who are both like me and different

from me.

2. I am sensitive to the concerns of all minority and majority groups in our

multicultural country.

3. ​I can sense when persons from other cultures seems not to understand me or
get confused by my actions.

4. I have no fear communicating with persons from both minor and major

cultural groups.

5.​ P
​ eople from other cultures may get angry with my cultural affiliates.

6. ​I deal with conflicts with people from other cultures depending on the situation
and their cultural background.

7.​ M
​ y culture is inferior to other to other cultures.

8.​ I​ can manage my behavior when dealing with people of different cultures.

9.​ I​ show respects to the diverse communication practices of other people.

Note: The more number of agreements you have indicates the more prepared you are
in expanding your communication arena by welcoming people from different cultures.

Living in a globalized world, you encounter people with diverse cultural
backgrounds. Such interactions occur in social, educational, political and commercial
settings. Hence, in today’s era of increased global communication, it is imperative to
understand intercultural communication for us to enhance our intercultural awareness
and competence. Intercultural competence is essential for us to live harmoniously
despite our differences in culture.

Concept Grounding

Intercultural communication ​refers to interaction with people from diverse

cultures (Jandt, 1998).

Forms of Intercultural Communication (Jandt, 1998)

1. Interracial communication- communicating with people from different


Interethnic communication- interacting with people of different ethnic


2. ​International communication- communicating between representatives

from different nations

3. Intracultural communication- interacting with members of the same

racial or ethnic group or co-culture

According to Gamble and Gamble (2008), communication style among cultures

differs; it may be high-context or low-context communication.

High-context communication is a tradition-linked communication is a system that

works on straightforward communication.

Improving Intercultural Communication Competence

The following guidelines may help you enhance your ability to communicate
effectively across cultures (Gamble & Gamble, 2008).
1. Recognize the validity and differences of communication styles among


2.​ L
​ earn to eliminate personal biases and prejudices.

3.​ S
​ trive to acquire communication skills necessary in a multicultural world.

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