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School at Home

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning viewers, You're watching S! News with me,
Sabella, on Wednesday, February 3th 2021. For five minutes more, I will accompany you, to listen to
some latest news this morning. The news is about study at home And here is the news.

Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered type of coronavirus. This

virus can actually attack anyone, from babies, children, to adults.

CoronaVirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China at
the end of December 2019. This virus is spreading very quickly and has spread to almost all countries,
including Indonesia, in just a few months. So on March 11th, 2020, World Health Organization
declared this outbreak as global pandemic.

This has led several countries to establish policies to impose lockdowns in order to prevent
the spread of the coronavirus. In Indonesia itself, a lockdown policy was implemented to suppress the
spread of this virus. Because Indonesia is currently on a lockdown, all activities carried out outside
the home must be stopped until this pandemic subsides.

Some local governments have decided to implement a policy of dismissing students and have
started implementing online learning methods. This government policy came into effect in several
provinces in Indonesia on Monday, March 16, 2020, which was also followed by other provinces. But
this does not apply to some local schools. These schools are not ready for an online learning system,
which requires learning media such as cellphones, laptops or computers.

Online learning is learning that is carried out without doing face-to-face, but through existing
applications. All forms of subject matter are distributed online, communication is also carried out
online, and tests are also carried out online. This online learning system is assisted by several
applications, such as Google Classroom, Google Meet, and Zoom.

The learning system is implemented through a personal computer (PC) or laptop connected to
an internet network connection. Teachers can learn together at the same time using applications on
social media such as WhatsApp, or other media as learning media. So, the teacher can ensure students
take part in learning at the same time, even in different places.

The problems that occur are not only in the learning media system, but the availability of
quotas that require quite high costs for students and teachers to facilitate online learning. The quota
purchased for internet needs has increased and many parents are not ready to increase their budget in
providing internet networks.

This also becomes a very important problem for students, what time they have to study and
how networks they have. Until finally things like this are imposed on parents of students who want
their children to continue to take part in online learning.

Internet network connection is one of the obstacles faced by students whose living quarters
find it difficult to access the internet, especially if these students live in rural areas. Even if someone
uses the internet, sometimes the network is unstable, because the geographical location is still far from
cellular signal coverage. This is also a problem that often occurs in students who take online learning
so that the implementation is not optimal.
This incident gave awareness to parents that educating children is not easy, it takes a lot of
knowledge and patience. So with this incident parents must be aware and know how to guide their
children in learning. After gaining this experience, it is hoped that parents will learn how to educate.

The solution to this problem is that the government must provide a policy by opening free
online application services in collaboration with internet providers and applications to help this online
learning process.

In the online learning process, it is important to add educational messages to parents and
students about the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. So we find the same learning face-to-face but online-
based. The effect is very good, the program is right on target, and the learning outcomes are achieved.

Some teachers in schools admit that online learning is not as effective as learning activities as
usual, because some materials must be explained directly and more completely. In addition, the
material delivered online may not be understood by all students. Based on the experience of teaching
online, this system is only effective for giving assignments, and the possibility of doing these
assignments is given when students will enter, so that it is likely to accumulate.

So teachers are required to be able to design and design online learning that is lightweight and
effective, by utilizing the right online tools or media and in accordance with the material being taught.
Although online learning will provide wider opportunities to explore the material to be taught,
teachers must be able to select and limit the extent of the material's scope and the appropriate
application of the learning materials and methods used.

The success of teachers in conducting online learning in the Covid-19 pandemic situation is
the ability of teachers to innovate in designing and concocting materials, learning methods, and what
applications are in accordance with the materials and methods. Creativity is the key to success for a
teacher to be able to motivate students to stay enthusiastic in learning online (online) and not become
a psychological burden.

So, online learning is an effective solution for learning at home so that it breaks the chain of
spreading Covid-19, physical distancing is also a consideration for choosing this learning. Good
collaboration between teachers, students, parents and schools is a determining factor for online
learning to be more effective.

That's news that I can convey to you, and if you have some suggestions and come critics
about this program, please visit us at: or you may call us on the number below: 021

Finally, I and all of the crew of S! News says "Have a wonderful day", see you next time and
bye bye...

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