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Makaye Shingirirai D


Experiment FM: Frequency Modulation

This main aim of this practical is the study of frequency modulation and demodulation.

1. To observe the effect of DC voltage on frequency of carrier waveform
2. To frequency modulate the carrier with audio signal, observe FM waveform on CRO and measure its
modulation index
3. To demodulate the FM signal and observe the output on CRO
4. To plot the characteristic curve of the slope detector demodulating circuit.

Frequency Modulation and Demodulation Trainer Kit

Objective 1: To observe the effect of D.C. voltage on frequency of carrier waveform
1. Connect socket marked “MODULATING SIGNAL OUT” to the sockets marked “MODULATING
SIGNAL IN”. Keep the switch towards D.C. and keep the amplitude to minimum position.
2. Observe the FM output on CRO.
3. Slowly increase the DC level of control voltage and note the frequency of the carrier signal changes.
4. What is the effect of the D.C. voltage on the frequency of the carrier waveform?

Frequency increases with an increase in DC voltage that is they have a direct relation

Objective 2: To frequency modulate the carrier with audio signal, observe FM waveform on CRO and
measure its modulation index
1. Feed modulating audio signal (by keeping the switch to audio position) to the sockets marked
“MODULATING SIGNAL IN” and observe the FM output on CRO. Vary the amplitude and frequency
of the audio signal and see the effect.
2. Disconnect the audio signal and measure the frequency of the carrier waveform with thefrequency
counter connected between sockets marked “FM OUT”. Let it be fc.

fc = …4.27kHz…………..

3. Now again feed audio signal to the “MODULATING SIGNAL IN” sockets and observe the FM wave
on CRO. Note down the maximum frequency of a part of the FM waveform on the CRO. Let it be fmax.

fmax = …20.01kHz…………..

4. Calculate the frequency deviation d = fmax - fc.

d = …15.74kHz…………….

5. Now connect frequency counter to the sockets marked “MODULATING SIGNAL OUT” and note down
the frequency of the audio signal. Let it be fm.

fm = …0.05kHz…………..
6. Calculate modulation index

max . frequency deviation δ
mf = =
modulating frequency fm
0.05 kHz
mf = 314.8 x 10-3…………………

NOTE: External signal generator may be used for better results.

Objective 3: To demodulate the FM signal and observe the output on CRO

1. In continuation with the above experiment, connect the F.M. OUT output to “FM IN” sockets of the
demodulating circuit.
2. Observe the audio signal on CRO between the sockets marked “DEMODULATED OUT” and note
down the frequency Let it be fm’.

fm’ = …50.02kHz………..
NOTE: Adjust carefully the level of audio signal for better demodulated output.
3. Compare this frequency with fm. Suggest reasons for any discrepancy.

The frequency difference is approximately =0

Objective 4: To plot the characteristic curve of the slope detector demodulating circuit.
1. Connect the audio frequency generator across sockets marked “FM IN” and connect C.R.O. across the
audio frequency signal and secondary of demodulating transformer, i.e. anode of diode OA 79 on the

2. Take readings of input from frequency generator and output across secondary of the demodulating
transformer at various frequencies between 1 kHz and 40 kHz as per Table 1.

3. Now plot a graph of the ratio input on the y-axis against frequency on the x-axis. This is the
frequency response curve of the slope detector. Compare it with Fig. 5 and comment on the suitability of
this slope detector for converting FM into AM signal.


1. Why is F.M. less prone to noise than A.M.?

2. Which requires higher bandwidth, FM or AM and why?

3. What is the significance of higher “Q” of the tuned circuit used for demodulation in slope detector circuit?


1. It is less susceptible to noise because information in an FM signal is transmitted through varying


2. FM requires higher bandwidth so as to have better sound quality since FM signals are impacted by
physical barriers

3. A high Q is preferred as compared to low Q because a low Q circuit will lower the amplitude variations in
the output

Table 1 output
Input peak to peak (V)
Frequency (kHz) (keep constant) Output peak to peak (V) input
1 1.062 10.6 9.98
2 1.062 6.60 6.21
3 1.062 4.40 4.14
4 1.062 3 2.82
5 1.062 2.40 2.82
6 1.062 1.80 2.26
7 1.062 1.40 1.64
8 1.062 1.2 1.32
9 1.062 1 1.13

10 1.062 1 0.94

11 1.062 0.8 0.94

12 1.062 0.6 0.75

13 1.062 0.6 0.56
14 1.062 0.6 0.56
15 1.062 0.6 0.56
16 1.062 0.5 0.56
17 1.062 0.5 0.47
18 1.062 0.5 0.47
19 1.062 0.4 0.47
20 1.062 0.4 0.38
21 1.062 0.4 0.38
22 1.062 0.4 0.38
23 1.062 0.4 0.38
24 1.062 0.4 0.38
25 1.062 0.4 0.38
26 1.062 0.4 0.38
27 1.062 0.4 0.38
28 1.062 0.4 0.38
29 1.062 0.4 0.38
30 1.062 0.4 0.38
31 1.062 0.4 0.38
32 1.062 0.4 0.38
33 1.062 0.4 0.38

34 1.062 0.4 0.38
35 1.062 0.4 0.38
36 1.062 0.4 0.38
37 1.062 0.4 0.38
38 1.062 0.4 0.38
39 1.062 0.4 0.38
40 1.062 0.4 0.38

curve of a slope detector modulating circuit




0 2 4 6 8 10 12


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