PP-machine Operator

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Rompin Integrated Pineapple Industies Sdn. Bhd. rorv0.) ROMPI MEMO nm From + Human Resources and Administration Department Date 122 Jan 2021 ce + General Manager Our Ree IR-21-030 Subject Policy and Procedure of Machine Operator “The above matt is wefered 2. The Company requites all emplayess to take care of the Company's assets a times while you work i order to achieve and attain the objective and ditetion given. This Policy and Procedure reqies Supervisors being more responsible in performing their des by selecting the qualfiat and competence operator to operate the Company machines or Vehicles. The Operate will be full responsible to the machine condition expecially in ‘monitoring the nonmal rete maintenance Schedule 3. The consequenes when insdent happen beease of Operator negligence ae * time incident The Operator wil get 1" warming eter and Ber all the cost wolves in epiring the machine, 2" time incident: The Operator wil get 2 warning leter and asigned to voter ask or downgrade he wages pa. 4. This polly ins to ensure that dessins are transparent, consistent and ft. HR will take the eton afer get the incident report fom espetiveSuperioe (Attached i the lw of incident report process). “Thank you, — Pia efi (HR & Admin Manage et eal on TE MERR GDS, ROTA FOTN Or @o Sao ——— odes 2110p 24 oven Anes | pu mom je ccs adden auEpUT wovNvn we wovnv rs wosmuaens wound

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