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Northwestern University

College of Maritime Education

Laoag City

Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking

Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime Specialization

Among the Different Types of Courses in College

In partial fulfilment of the course requirements in Engl 101

Purposive Communication

Submitted by:

Tristan Joezer M. Patoc

Richals Dave P. Domingo

Joshua C. Patoc

1st Year College/ Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation

Submitted to:

Mr. Ildefenso U. Gonzalez III


January 23, 2021

Chapter I


Background of the Study

The implementation of the K-12 Law requiring the addition of Grades 11 and 12 or an

additional 2 years of High School to the basic education ladder was implemented in S.Y.

2016-2017. The Senior High School Curriculum, as part of the K to 12 Program, aims to

produce graduates who have the following characteristics: Holistically developed; Equipped

with 21st century skills (i.e., learning and innovation skills, life and career skills,

communication skills, and information media and technology skills); and Prepared for the

future, be it in pursuit of higher education or acquisition of middle-level skills, or geared

towards employment or entrepreneurship. Specialization or tracks to be offered will be

distributed according to the resources available in the area, the needs and interests of most

students, and the opportunities and demands of the community. Each track has different

strands which focus on the specialization of the course.

Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime or also known as Pre-Bac is a modified program of the

STEM strand under the Academic Track. In this specialization, six specialized subjects of the

STEM strand were retained and three were replaced with maritime – related subjects. The

goal of the Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime Specialization is to encourage SHS graduates to

pursue maritime higher education. With this, the country will be able to produce more

seafarers at the officer level.

This research study aims to know the advantage and disadvantages of Pre

Baccalaureate Maritime Specialization (PBMS) among the different courses in college. Also,
to know what are the factors affecting their interest of choosing other courses in college that

are not aligned to their preferred track in Senior High School.

In the policy, which was issued in accordance with the pertinent provisions of

Republic Act No. 7722 or the Higher Education Act of 1994 and by the virtue of Commission

en banc Resolution No. 944-2017, CHED noted that “all Grade 12 graduates beginning

Academic Year 2017-2018 are eligible to enter college regardless of the track or strand taken

in the Senior High School.”

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study generally is to determine the Advantages and Disadvantages

of Pre Baccalaureate Maritime Specialization among the Courses in College of Northwestern

University. This research seeks to answer the following questions:

1. Influence that they choose PBMS track:

a. Friends/Peers

b. Family

c. Own choice

2. What is the preferred course of students that they will take in college?

3. What are the perceive advantages and disadvantages of PBMS among the

courses in college?

The Significance of the Study

Teachers. This study will help the educator’s awareness level about the background

of the student on what they choose course on college. Also this will help them to increase

their teaching strategies among to those first year college students who not choose their

aligned track.

Students. This will help to choose or have interest to their preferred course in the

future. Also this will help them to have more knowledge about the course they will take in

college after graduating in Senior High School.

Future Researchers. The outcome of this study serves as the basis in formulation a

new study related to other program or activities to uplift the interest of choosing a course of

student that are aligned to their track.

Scope and Limitation

The focus of this research is to determine the Advantages and Disadvantages of Pre

Baccalaureate Maritime Specialization among the Courses in College of Northwestern

University S.Y. 2019-2020. It is limited to the first year college students in Northwestern

University who take PBMS in Senior High School only.

Definition of Terms
The following terms and concepts are defined to clarify a context in which they are

used in this research:

PBMS (Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime Specialization) – This specialize aims to encourage

senior high school graduates to pursue maritime studies in colloge.

SHS (Senior High School) – these refers to the Grade 11 and 12 students in NWU enrolled

the school year 2019-2020.

College - an educational institution or establishment, in particular one providing higher

education or specialized professional or vocational training.

Course - is a class you take in school to study a particular subject.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

According to Neil Alcober, The maritime curriculum, which was divided into two

specializations, will be taught to incoming senior high school (Grades 11 and 12) students

where they will have the options to work after graduation or to pursue further maritime

education in college.

Under the TVL maritime specialization, senior high school students who graduate

from the said track will secure certifications allowing them to work as members of a ship’s

crew. They will be qualified for a job in the maritime industry after graduating and acquiring

required certifications.

“This is a program that will allow our graduates of senior high school even without

going to college to take the certification of ratings and then they are part of deck and engine,”

Luistro explained.

“Part of their training is to allow them to go on board after graduating from senior

high school. Unlike other senior high school programs, the specialization and immersion in

the industry is during the senior high school years because the training hours required in the

shipping industry is quite long,” he said.

“They will comply with everything after graduation including their so-called on-deck

immersion because they will spend long hours of training and that whole period they can do it

after and then hopefully they can qualify [for the job],” the DepEd Secretary added.
In the pre-baccalaureate maritime specialization, which is a modified program of the

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics or STEM strand under the academic

track, six specialized subjects of the STEM strand were retained and three were replaced with

maritime-related subjects.

This specialization aims to encourage senior high school graduates to pursue maritime

studies in college. This, Luistro said, will enable the country to produce more seafarer


At least 54 private schools and six public schools applied for certifications to teach

the maritime program. They were given provisional permits to offer senior high school

maritime specializations in the next school year.

The DepEd chief said that they will closely monitor schools offering maritime

specializations that do not comply with the standards set by the Maritime Industry Authority


“To run a senior high school with a specialization track in maritime, the permit is

given by DepEd in collaboration with Marina, but the actual permit is a DepEd permit.

They’re allowed to open but during the year, for example, after one-quarter we found out that

they are actually making fool of the students, we will revoke the program,” Luistro said.

According to Krishna Yaswanth BobbadiI, Advantages of Marine Engineering the

deep blue ocean world is a great resource gifted to the men. It has provided men with a lot of

beneficial aspects which includes that of navigation, treasures hidden within its foetus, and

petroleum or other such crude fuels find deep below its bed. All these resources are bent upon

marine engineering course for their exploitation and utilization.

The export 35 web, Advantages of Marine Transportation are, It is much less costly

than air and road transport. From the port to which the goods are loaded, until the ship arrives

at the port, the ship will not face any customs procedures or legislative enforcement, even if

the ship is subjected to a large number of ports and countries.It is unlikely that there is a

chance of accident compared to road transport.Ships capable of loading thousands of

containers at the same time allow high capacity shipments according to other transport

Chapter III


This chapter described the research methodology, explained how the research

instruments was used with data of information collected. This chapter also includes the type

of sampling to be used for gathering data, the population of sampling and the procedure of

gathering data.

Research Design

The research method was used in this study was Quantitative Design. Particularly the

research will use Correlation Design whereas the researches want to know the effect of tracks

towards college.

Locale of the study

This research study was conducted at College of Maritime Education at

Northwesthern University along Airport Avenue. The university is the only school that has

maritime courses in Ilocos Norte. Also this research study was focuses on the students who

took Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime Specialization last School Year 2018-2019. There are

students who took PBMS last year but they did not take maritime courses after graduating

Senior High School.

Population and Sample of the study

The respondents of the study were the college students who took PBMS in NWU S.Y.

2018-2019. The sample respondents where choosen though the use of Cluster Sampling

where the respondents have the same characteristics to other respondents.

Research Instruments

The instrument used by the researchers was in the form of a survey questionnaire

which was consisted of several questions related to the topic that was prepared for the first

year college students who took PBMS last S.Y. 2018-2019.

Data Gathering Procedure

1. The researchers chose a topic for the research and ask the adviser for researchers to

have some help.

2. Ask an approval to the Principal of the school to conduct a research.

3. Start writing background of the study, find the related literatures and making


4. Since the researchers have the consent they convey surveys to the understudies.

5. Gather information and examine the outcomes/discoveries.

6. Translate the information in easy way of the gathered outcomes.

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