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A Research Paper

Presented to the

Faculty of Tarlac National High School Main

San Roque, Tarlac City


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 2









Since the pandemic has begun, people have been required to adapt in this new normal of

our society. Dictionary defines new normal as “a current situation, social custom, etc., that is

different from what has been experienced or done before but is expected to become usual or

typical”. COVID-19 profoundly changed our day to day life remarkably with our extent of

dependence on the internet particularly for new approaches in learning and implementing

education. Nevertheless, we must heed the protocols and change our old ways, thus, embracing

the new and safe ways of living life and learning things.
The internet is the key information and communication technology that led to a

worldwide revolutionary change in the information scenario (Siraj, et al., 2015). The Internet

plays a crucial role in our daily lives especially as a medium on how to cope with the pandemic.

It has shaped our way of living, how we gather information, how we connect with people, how

we promote business and particularly, how we learn. Over the last decades, internet connectivity

has improved tremendously and is available everywhere such as homes, offices, travels and

schools (Ellore et al., 2014). It is beyond doubt that internet users have significantly increased

because education as well as other sectors switched to paperless and remote transactions.

Students are enrolled in distance learning and online classes with synchronous and asynchronous

discussions. Through its ability to act as a support medium in different functions for which

people use it, the internet was introduced to academic institutions as a tool to enhance student’s

academic experience in the mid-1990s (Ngoumandjoka, 2012).

The availability of internet is almost everywhere, most students have had access to the

internet on their cellphones (Ellore et al. 2014). This helps students to broaden their academic

knowledge, research and assignments by accessing information worldwide and also enhances

easy communication to the academic community (Siraj, et al., 2015). With unlimited possibilities

of gaining knowledge, the Internet is a major source of answers and explanations of learners.

Various platforms can be used that suits best the learning style of every kind of student. Aside

from educational matters, learners realize the importance of awareness of every significant issue

in the society. The internet is a platform for several types of information. It is used by students

including secondary students (Akin-Adaeamola, 2014). In this new normal, there are no limits as

to how many and how old the users are. Internet usage will continue to grow as long as its users

are not denied easy access (Olatokun, 2008). With that said, anyone can access the internet; it's a
free information platform. As users continue to grow many of them are also sharing information

that students make advantage of. Some may be forbidden acts, but many are for the betterment of

themselves and improving their knowledge and capabilities.

Study habits are at the core of a learner's academic success. (Tus, Rayo, Lubo, & Cruz,

2020) Study habit is an action such as reading, taking notes, holding study groups which the

students perform regularly and habitually in order to accomplish the task of learning (Jato,

Ogunniyi, & Olubiyo, 2014). Study habit refers to learning which leads to the achievement of a

learner’s goal, through a prescribed pattern of steady behaviour (Ogbodo, 2010). It is deemed

how well a student organizes her personal reading after class discussion to further understand a

specific topic. Accordingly, study habits are good if it encourages the students to bear positive

results or bad if they drive them to achieve mediocre grades.

A survey has shown that students garner equal advantage of learning with the aid of

technology which is mainly smartphones. Furthermore, digital tools allow them to finish work at

ease and help them to save more time for other activities. It is convenient and of great assistance

it is to have these devices which helps students in doing their school work especially in these

trying times where the Internet is our most accessible medium to communicate, share

information and practice learning. It is proven that study habits greatly contribute to students’

ability to learn especially with the aid of technology devices and the Internet. Enhancing study

habits by the Internet and online learning platforms shows promising results and improves

academic careers of learners.

On the contrary, a negative effect builds up when students are too involved in using the

Internet. Students stop being resourceful and creative of Internet benefits and abuse their power
to manipulate contents in the virtual world. The virtual world has become their reality. They surf

the Internet all day for streaming videos, online gaming and social media platforms utterly

neglecting their responsibilities and obligations outside the Internet. This completely disturbs the

supposedly good study habits of students, thus, leading to a bad habit, both academically and

personally. The infamous lazy cut and paste technology promotes an alternative pathway in

which tasks get easily done and learning and reading comes with ease. Due to this never-ending

process, they solely depend on what the Internet provides them, taking away the point of learning

and neglecting the magnitude of effort needed to actually learn something. They stop

understanding, absorbing and recalling the lessons in their heads. Obviously, this shows that use

of the internet leads to serious consequences because it adversely affects the study habits of

children (Wang et al.2003).

As technology develops, a lot of apps are created for entertainment as well as in gaming.

As free apps emerge from the society, students love using these applications because of the

connectivity and the joy they bring. Modern applications are more addicting for their engaging

features that are loved by students. Without realization, they become internet addicts who are

unaware of the extent of time they waste in non-academic activities. Household chores and

school activities are the main concern they disregard in exchange for hours of entertainment.

Despite the school communities, they mostly prefer interacting virtually because they can reach

more people through posting compared to traditional face to face interactions. Instead of reading

books, they prefer to read chats. In lieu of school materials, they are holding various gadgets all-

day. Yet, it is unquestionable that gadgets are a major necessity in life we cannot live without.

A study of Beardi 2013 discussed the study of McGraw-Hill Education revealing that the

use of mobile devices and online activities can help the process of studying but, on the other
hand, they can influence it badly. According to this survey, online activities represent the main

distraction for almost 40% of the students interviewed; moreover, more than 50% of the

interviewed affirmed to use laptop, tablets and phones to text friends when they are studying. On

the contrary, the same survey has pointed out that students take equal advantage by using

technology (mostly smartphones than tablets or computers) for their studying. Moreover, the use

of digital tools for studying permits them to save time that they employ above all for sleeping.

A study conducted in India by Lajwanti and Sharma 2013 entitled Effect of Internet Use

on Study Habits and Adjustment of Higher Secondary Students showed that the use of the

internet among adolescents in India has led to a vast change in their life styles and study habits.

It is a general observation that the use of the internet can lead to improved student’s performance

in thinking logically, formation of concepts, problem solving procedure and understanding

relationships (Temple and Gavillet, 1990). For example- Computer programming allows students

to improve those skills by participating in classroom exercises that closely simulate real world

experiences. Such instructional simulations are particularly useful in situations where first hand

experiences are not available and are not appropriate.

The present study seeks to determine the effectiveness of the Internet on study habits of

Grade 12 TVL-ICT students of Tarlac National High School. It also sought to assess the efficacy

of these study habits based on the students' academic performance. These findings provide

insights that are deemed significant in helping students adapt to better performance in their

academic career assisted by the use of the Internet. Through the finding of the present study, it is

expected to give students a lead to consider and help them adjust their study habits using the

Internet in light of the pandemic.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Internet on study habits of Grade 12

TVL-ICT students. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How will you describe the demographic profile of the respondents?

a. Age

b. Status

c. Sex

2. What is the profile of the Grade 12 TVL-ICT students in terms of:

a. Time Management

b. Access to Internet

c. Frequency of Internet Use

d. Attitude

e. Health Habits

f. Use of computer applications

g. Concentration

h. Comprehension
i. Exam Preparation and Follow Ups

3. Based on the grading scale, what is the academic performance level in the ICT subject?

a. 90-100

b. 85-89

c. 80-84

d. 75-79

e. 75 and below

4. Is there a significant relationship between study habits using the Internet and academic

performance of the learners?

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the Internet on the study

habits of Grade 12 TVL-ICT students of Tarlac National High School. The result of this study

will be beneficial to the following:

To the TVL-ICT high school students. This study will serve as a guide for senior high school

students in light of the use of the Internet on their study habits that may be applicable to other

To the parents. This study will help the parents to teach their children on how they managed

their time and responsibilities.

To the teachers. This study will help the teachers become more aware and critical in assessing

their students’ activities

To the future researchers. This study will help the student researchers by providing data of the

efficacy of the Internet on study habits of senior high school students.

Scope and Delimitation

The present study relies on the effectiveness of the Internet on study habits of senior high

school. The chosen respondents of this study are Grade 12 TVL-ICT students of Tarlac National

High School who are using the Internet on their study habits.

The study is delimited to the study habits for the ICT subject only due to the variation of

study habits of other subjects. The survey forms will be purely conducted online.

Definition of Terms

The terms below are defined operationally and conceptually to guide the readers in

understanding the concepts presented in the study.

Academic Performance - is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has attained

their short or long-term educational goals. In the study, is the outcome of students' involvement

in compliance with the school's grading system with their academic tasks and written works.
ICT- Information and Communications Technology refers to all communication technologies,

including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-

conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services. In the study, it is a

subject where the academic performance of respondents are based upon.

Internet - is a vast network that connects computers all over the world. In the study, it is used as

a medium and a tool to enhance a student's academic performance.

New normal- is a present situation, that is different from what has been encountered or done

before, but is deemed to become typical. In the study, it is the new environment that demands

significant changes and adjustments of daily activities.

Study Habits - are habitual behaviors one uses when preparing for tests or learning academic

material. In the study, it is the learning pattern and study behaviour of respondents with the aid

of the Internet.

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