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Sponsored by: G corus dts é. & : «The Steel Construction Institute Design of Single-Span _ Steel Portal Frames Contents Page No. FOREWORD ili SUMMARY viii 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 TYPES OF STEEL PORTAL FRAME 2 2.1. Pitched roof portal (fabricated from UBs) 2 2.2 Portal frame with a mezzanine floor 3 2.3. Portal frame with ‘lean-to’ 3 2.4 Crane portal frame with column brackets 4 2.5 Mono-pitch portal frame 4 2.6 Propped portal frame 5 2.7 Tied portal frame 6 2.8 Mansard portal frame 6 2.9 Curved rafter portal frame 7 2.10 Cellular beam portal frame 8 2.11 Gable wall frames 8 2.12. Hipped roof frames 9 3 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS. 1 3.1. Introduction 4 3.2 Frame dimensions 13 3.3 Rafters and columns 15 3.4 Eaves haunch 15 3.5 Apex haunch 16 3.6 Base plates and foundation 16 3.7 Positions of restraint to the column and rafter 16 3.8 Dado masonry wall 7 3.9 Bracing 7 3.10 Eaves strutitie 18 3.11 Eaves beam 18 3.12. Eaves beam strut 18 3.13 Connections 18 3.14 Column stiffener 19 3.15 Purlins and side rails 19 3.16 Horizontal forces at the column bases 19 3.17 Vehicular impact 20 3.18 Design summary 20 4 LOADING a 4.1 Dead loads f , So 4.2 Service loads 2 4.3 Imposed roof loads & 22 4.4 Wind loads 23 4.5 Crane loads . 25 4.6 — Fire loading 25 4.7 Notional horizontal forces 26 4.8 Accidental loads 26 4,9 Load factors and load combinations 27 1a SECONDARY STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS: 19 1 sosondordr nasi. : 1a "Eaves beam * = sf 132 bows sttle » a 13.3. Golan and eater stay 7 ” Butding vegleons 92 2 FERENCES 100 dead plus Imposed load 43 Peer tine uplift conditions ae APPENDIX A 74 Dean summery a 8 COLURMY DESIGN AND STABILITY 80 Ba Geno 8.2 Column statity at 8.3 Design simmary 82 9 Racin 62 88 APPENDIX Works wx ss inteduction ei .1 Frame dimensions 8.4 Design summary ie iminary design methods 10 GABLE WALL FRAMES 6a below the apex Eaves haunch stabiity Rafter ability above the haunch (between purlins Ps and Pa) Summary | 11 CONNECTIONS 6s 114 General 11.2 Types of hott 68 12 BASES, BASE PLATES AND FOUNDATIONS 70 Frame Desig Proyecto en structuras aporticadas de wn slo vano de acuerdo con ta BS 5950-1:2000| Resumen Introducién al proyecto de extucuras qporiadas de cm existent para el proyecto de ete Uo ton comin de as epee proyecto ei bts Dor teh ‘recomendiaciomes existentes. a Antes de comentar en deslle ef proyecto de toe entamades de un solo vaRo, ta ubicectin reposs treemente ls dferenes ypologis de extuctuta aporcadas de ra Se trata en detale lp tan dversasaspecos de lar stwotones de serve det eso lite dt ue, Imétodos de anueproyecio. En dos aplndices mis, se norma BS 5950-12000: en to de elas con ccalo ida de ordenador ‘mana yen el aro com una Dimensionerig av enspannshallramar enlgt BS S8S0-1:2000 Sommanfutting luiion sll dimensonerng 2 enspanns allramer i sd befniiga hanledningar for dena vaniga Pyggnadide. Tyngdpuntien 0 befnlle handling. ing av hlleomar (deta. Kon alls vitigare ingdende Lomponenter (elare, sation Aunindningen eli ach plats Dealtas ur alla syevinkia. Bruker ‘tessas Bvergripande inven pl by Overlogsmesiga Dderaninsexene! 2 ind och brandaimesioneing bere ascend uormning. rentioneringsmetoder sammanfatas bateras pd BS 2950-1:2000 presenters Yarae det ena visor on manell berthning oh der andra dasorpropram 1. INTRODUCTION 5 0% of all constructional szelwore wsod in the UK is i the nidanc in his palicon coments on he dig of sages Pra foe ual {scons tthe geno! Pcl aso ap 10 ‘ule design of poral frames are as flows + Section clsifcation + Laera-trsoual bucking ‘+ Byuivaen:unlform momenefators fr buckling checks 3y 2 ‘TYPES OF STEEL PORTAL FRAME oral frames are generally low-rise srocutes, comprising columns and ‘or pitcbed rajers, connected. by morient-isising comeetions Tho tame ned by 4 suitable heunch or despening of ‘This form of rig frame stuctre is span that is unobsraced by bracing [A number of types of erence can be clesified broadly as portal fame. ‘Those are described bit in Sec of this eseibed can be designed of appropriate fixity is an impor Sand i ‘hss ft of eomsaton aogh oe 2.1 Pitched roof portal (fabricated from UBs) A singe-span syumetriealpithed roof paral fame (Fuze 2.1) will pically have ‘+ A-span beowesa 15 yond 50 a ‘+ An eaves sight besween 5 and 10 1a ‘+ A.toot pitch becvoan $° and 10° (6° is commonly adopied) Ai ing berween Sm and 81 (the greuer spacings being ‘ssocited withthe Longe span postal fue) “+ Haunches inthe aes att eaves ad apex ect ah ator Vapor ene | "eaves haunch Figure 2.1. Single-span symmetric portal frame hese characterise ace dictated by the economies of portal ames ‘connection at these points. 2.2. Portal frame with a mezzanine floor (fie accommodation is often provided within 2 poral frame stvetare using & eal Width mazzonino floor igure 2.2), frame must be desigood to ststilise the mezzanine a shown in SCI Innplane stability of poral frames to BS $950-1:2000 (F292) Figure 2.2 Portal frame with internel mezzanine floar 2.3 Portal frame with ‘lean-to’ frame may create an asymmetric ‘The main advantage of this inva eT Figute 2.8 Poreal ame with exterral meszanine 2.4 Crane portal frame with column brackets of he fame at of the crane, ‘The epread can be reduced by a numberof approsches, oc: + Selecting stifer members for conn snd raters. + Reding the pte ofthe roof + towodsciag Figure 2.4. Crene portal frame with column brackets 2.5 Mono-pitch portal frame Duilaings Reis a simple variation of iad tens to be used for sulle buildings fp {0 Figure 2.5 Mono-pitch portal frame 2.6 Propped portal frame Where the span of a poral amo is lage (greeter than say 30 m), and there io aed to provide a clear span, a propped poral frame (igure 2.6) cat tho taller size and also the ‘oth stelwork and foendation costs “This type of fame is sometimes refereed 40s (o-spen portal fame interme of Figure 2.6 Propped porto! fame 1m designing these svete, the following poins should be noted + Where the prop is designod as an arilly-oaded pin-ended member, comection st both ends sould be deta However, pin-ended prope red ‘asin ereston, ro auch props. ‘+ To redase the deflections due to horizontal loads and improve the fame stably, the prop can be de ‘Tho uso of haunches either side of the cental prop wil allow the tater section to be reduced, becuase the haunch ie beter able to resist the lage hogaing moments ove re redoton In the rae sae ‘wll tea to decrees te fame + Depending on the nay be poss me of heh ‘This eesti shouldbe ied tock into vertical bracing the bln. ‘Where te prop is designed so resist mom Inch, the caves haunches can be mide s ‘cab eral Beit o ‘Where & propped frame (Gee Section 15), the prop sould be tire pro ouside the frame asa clear singe span for design at the fe limit state onjunetion with an apex et, this inereasing the 2.7 Tied portal frame LA Hangacs may be 2 \ovtdted Sons spans ass ‘he eaves i relatively expensive, Sach connections mst i fre from moverneae to prevent deletions ot ince in the design calculations, For tid poral frames, BS 5960-1 Clause 55.4.6 rogues that the in-plane stability ofthe frame should be checked ating second-order analysis. Tie ine Figure 2.8 Mansard poral frame 2.9 Curved rafter portal frame A aumiber of curved efter portal tame buildings (Figure 2 (a) have been ousructed in cece years, many fr architectural appiions. ‘The tte con be ou ‘Those pov frames ate olen anuysed using a model in which the curve is Fepreseoed by a series of four straight elements, For guidance onthe mernber ‘afiers in pon ftames, s08 SCI publisation Des of curved cured. of straight lament: Gigute 2.900). the puclia cleats to eebieve the Figure 2.9 a) Curved rafter pare frame i Figure 2.9 (b} Quas-curved portal tramo 2.10 Cellular beam portal frame 4a reocat years series of portal frames have been ‘beams. Suen frames commenly have curved tafers ‘ily achieved using celular beams, Where splice the a spor, they shoulé be carefully dete, to preserve the achicearal orm of construction, son range of 40 m to $5 ms have been 5S used caanot develop pase hinges at Werion er plastic design, 2.11 Gable wall frames Gable wall Frames ae located atthe ends ofthe balling and may comprise rots sported rae el frame (Figure 2.11) it the bail bo extended Iter, s portal frame of the Same size a the ‘esta ames is prefered Flaure 2.11 Gabe frame to. portal frame strscturo ads on the end ofthe balding ‘The gable posts are commonly design simply supporied members spanning Dbeoveen the foundation snd the reo ‘racing in the root The raters eats spa ‘eto belted consideration of gable frrnee 2.12 Hipped roof frames Fipped roofs ae often use to ence the appearance ofan indus of hte a more trddenal roof shape is sequited, for example ie a sopermuthe, spor bal, ore pat Hipp roots canbe const in 4 nome of way: ‘sual eoper than the general s0of pitch feature canbe introduced, whore the inclined raters meet below She apex of the penlinate frame (Figure 2.1). Ths reduces the eh of the ip. ‘Te rafters can be aranged at an angle of 45" co create a roo pitch equal 1p the mal rof pitch.” inthis ease, the spacing baween the penne Irae snd i end frame ‘o half de span and intermediate frames, ay be required; these can tke Ge form of fatopped maneard cone (gue 2.19), tna thee cae, te end fame will aly be a simple braced rater and pot pate tet Pon Figure 2.12 Framing for hioned root with & hip root pitch greater thon that ofthe main root ‘2ot With & hip root pitch equ to that ih a pablette feature Faure 2.14 Freming for bioped roof using tet topoed manserd as the penuitinate trame 3 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS séructra large number of inertia eat each sage in the design proces, instion beween each sage ofthe design ry devin are often developed. together ay ious elements with the fat th stage in the design process Not all Universal eat (1) Class 1 plas pure bending ate ore bending are Class J plas, f members should be considered, $0 small compared with the ie affected, {a} Crass.section showing the (d) Gable frame (0) Root steelwork plen Of column and rater stays, at locations ® © @ and © in Tynical details of ¢ bulléing using a portal kame structure (concluded) 3.2 Frame dimensions (6! Side olevation Figure 3.1 Typical decols of w busing using a portal tame structure (eeontnued icra lah is ‘he finished oor tv to. ‘The caltlton of the eight 0 eaves for arlyss shoul llow fr + The distinc from the tp ofthe foundition to te finished floc level, + Ths clea otra sign. depth ofthe bane sep of the mater GF whe analysis is based oa vente tne ove w define the dep of th haunch because there ae a least es of he less “deh of te sane on point of the centetine ofthe rafter an the ‘he otom of the lkameh (used for some software pub + The dep trom che underside of the rafer to the Bodom of the haune Pigwe3.9. Tie sed by seelnork conbactre fo speci the autng depth of the hauneh and is defined as. Dy in BS 990-1 2000 Figure 17 + Te depth ftom the top of the rafter 1 the Botiom of the hunch Figure 3.5 {te length ofthe trons may be defined etter fom the ceazetne o¢ face of the column. The depth to ig depth) would then, ia mowe eases, be taken be depth less te thickness of ope flge and ents Sea Figure 2.2. Dimensions used for analysie and clear intemal dimensions wae 1 Posts Figure 3.3 Typical ceseraint to cefter adlacent to haunched region of @ ports! ame 3.3 Rafters and columns ii external colamms are staly chosen fom the range of Univers tion because the dominant loa eects are tose dus ta bending tree doad, Sies can te extinsted using the methods in Aen ns ca De used for long spans ce uns) leading conivon, ‘sod a wrod in.» number of proprietary portal frame stems R Beam Rafter and column sextions aro nonmally selected acoowding wo thelr esnance to bend motentphus axial fore. “The mocesery 3.4 Eaves haunch ‘The eaves haunch is equlted to: + Sumleneu the bending resiave of the caf in the ara of highest ‘moment, permitig a smaller rater be weed, + Provide adoauate depth at Zim faves Bane canbe cut fo aot reed ston or febiced from plas ings fram rolled setions are generally prefered, and ies comanton Pees ction to the eoluma or eater, although the aca cee seat ne 1 shouldbe Fecognsed tha i the haunch ie ade fom the sain section sine fae Weigh asthe rae, it may not always be possible forthe commence ure beng resistance. In ems ef consecton design a teapay hunch may be more stl, il reduce the tense force in {he free inthe compeesion ono atthe bottom ofthe hamel vel therfore reduce the Br eguizemens. 1 wil also by the teasion in the als) In the top of tho the welght ofthe section fom wich the hau Soe a increases the subiity ofthe Hauech, ‘he husoch say affect the overall eight of the suecture becanse clients an {patie ler dpi to he nderside ofthe hatch From tis ona unimise the have dept agreed th lly be mos efficient n term of te overall ame design + Tis depth of Naunch below the afer is approximately aqal to tht of the rater, * The engin of the hunch from the centesine of the eolum is approximately 10% of he span ofthe poral ame 3.5 Apex haunch ‘Te purpose of the apex hasneh is to achieve an eins eo theater members. Ie will usally be fabricated from plies ston design, The siz and the pretiminary design sige, 3.6 _Baso plates and foundation ‘The ase pte and he foundation wil gee ly be analysed as «pinned Smnecton atthe base ofthe cota eres four bole are provided | Walls close to & boundary, ofthe base plat, bos, and incon may have 20 be increas resist the momeat die 3.7 Positions of restraint to the column and rafter (Under vere loaing, the internal thanges ofthe column and tow cares ill bein comp both tages of the. Jocated purine aid sheet increased (hase the cepa! and pet eretore be considered: * Ar the putins and side rails large enough in proportion w the rater and ‘umn fo provide restrain? adequately reusned by the sheeting oF an * Ar he pln and side isi int the oo tracing and vere baci respectively? + Are dere site columns, or ae present in {© provide resin 0 the large openings in the sid ofthe strate? + How i he hoxlom flange of the eaves hauach sesiained? 4 plastic hinge occurs in the fame it i neccesary (© provide laeal ‘o both Hangs, Restraint options age sessed in Secon 8.21 le compression lange is is can be provided by usually be required 10 the jon © in Figure 3.(8) in order {8 sestain he flange in the wind uplit case. Pardee detail are givce ta Section 13 i often provided along the an havea sinifcaneelfst om the design peter ofthe ‘of te eroetare, ow +The need to comply with deflection compatible orth masonry * Tl intuene of the wall on the locaton of vertical bracing and on the be reguired at dhe top anor mid height of viding a smal ot colle setion wi of methods of iuetacing he masonry lading 0 steel frail udaings* ‘The location of vertical basing ee the concap 3.9 Bracing Brasing is reatied both in te plano of the rafters. and ve alls (See Figures 3.1(b) and (in order to pron + Stabity, bot daring eestion and in in th side munch Tn sont cases, + Amaleqate schorage for the igh of these connections 1s strengthening of the web Fesning the rater and coh Soe onsdered fn Section 11. 3.14 Column stiffener Atte i rire should be provided on cach side ofthe coksnn web atthe {ese ofthe hunch to preven eb bearing andr beng ‘ner the compression force fom tke oti Mange ot tne he 3.15 Purlins and side rai te cold foumed sections that are avalable “They are required te + Stoport the roof aside wall heeing. + Provide restsit to he raters or eotuans, {© provide outa pane stab relly enacted > the baci plication (ce Figure 3.1 sully be continuous over the aloes (see Section ‘pica he purlins maybe b> spans in some 344), The frame layout sald be not dicted by a few long or single wovlded at bth eds ofthe structure inthe seme bay required io wansmit wind loads ah the tension and compression It don becven the columns to Discontinucas 48 the columns, | = th. 3.11 Eaves beam ~ Jack aves beams are usally mado from ool formed se ‘Thc pimary function i 0 suppor the roo seetng, slong th eaves. Partner deta are piven i $ f Figure 3.4 Singte-span purtins at hoped end 3.12 Eaves beam strut The eaves deam sine (Gee Figuies 3 comcton into the eaves ont and a shea von reveus the eaves Seam flcm twisting Unde the, 3.16 Horizontal forces at the column bases The ales develop age hoczctal forces atthe Bowoat of the columne ‘These forces can be reso ina amber of way By passive pressure of the sil aginst the fundtion, + By ying ho column iat te Hove sab, + BY Promina de aco he fl width ofthe ting 3.13 Connections design of the comections need i Be cn i det the preiminany Frome conieration of these opions i svea in Seton 123, The design stages, altough it wil he naessry to provid sa ion Of aden, Tovision ofthe herisntalrestam may tect pcininty Cea i dee 8 1 SEAM Rosana fasts w te ales ino ascot, seh as dsinage une (hich may ater the developmen of passive pressu ot pa Specially designed eo However, the suuctire should be prvsted agtine fotecs tt aay teeny Sea (OF Bamele, iapact trum vehicles. "Such proeton eal Ne ey oe wndtogs, oF by reinforced Sm height ‘ter measures to provide structural meaiy are discussed in Section 4.8.2. 3.18 Design summary Devsions bout the concept nd pretiinary design ull geneelly be ten inthe folowing ore + Generate x concepl design of | eel portal fsmee ler (Generally between Section 3.4), + Check the clear spas and heights based on these preimina + Select the legit of the eaves haunch (generally 10% of nite dle ofthe come) + Determine the base finy ~ the base wl ge nominally pinned (er Section 3.6), 7 Betrmine the approxinsteposon of pute and serail co supon the lading an to provide member seabliy ae Selon sp * Bete Ye tocain of wally ad he pation of vera brsing (ee Sections 3.8 and 8.9, gier secondary components, such as saves static Gee Seetians 3:10 t0 3.1. + Detemine the means of + Consider the neguisements fe ing horizontal tase foros (ce Seton 3.15), ‘stecental loads (ee Section 3.16). 2 4 LOADING ian gd it 286 combinations described ia this Seon shoud e considered inthe a sizl pera fame, “nposed, wind, and snow Toads ae che, in BS 6398-1 1 RS a300-3, Ler toe (Od mm = 0:7 ma icknees) 0.04007 Camoste pans 40 rm = 190 mn EY By. depending onthe we of te building eavy point loads may ogcur from so} ing unite, end sy be mors spp tame, (0 suppost feats suspended walsways, ait, At the proininary design sage: Service nding ist be taken an dead ond according to BS 639941 * SSRIS Lees loading over he wile of te roof ae of beteen 01 24S, 25 Win’ on plan, depending onthe ute ofthe bling me acer ‘ort speinkter system i provided a Recepis thi some dead load may be removed inthe te of te rune ‘nd, where service loads have & beneficial fect se no more than 0.15 kN/m= + Kentty oder soures of loading {he fal desien stage, te struseghoald be checked fa ds, if known, the speciied service loads 3 for root slopes loss chan 30" ‘maintenance is provided strbuted loo duc 10 snow ove the complet ool atea, The loud depends on the builaig’s location ind height shove moo + Asymmetic snow load due to maior redistbtion of snow When the wind tensors snow ‘tom the windward ce ae area, This load condton any applic son Chase of BS 63004), Prstoe is aot consider dis type of lading except Section 4.9). Frames with abeupe changes fe "Toot height may be affected by ih sontion A detated explanation of th bac and Use of BS 63995 is piven inthe BRE Hance of imposed roof ass ey 4.4.1 Gon including wind to determine the Sze of fumes. "Therefore, wind ‘noted for pel iz, unless the ightspan (restr than say 0.5) ofthe dye pressure nd at higher atudes, or where dynamic pressure is tureaned voc ee ‘opeztaphy) However, fe tv0-pan and cer mulispan por fames, loud cooinaons Meticng wind may ofien decrnine the Sees of the embers whee tone he Dressures fom BS 6909-2. ‘The flowing pointe shouldbe ate Shout be considered for the peeiminary Stability bu, provided eit ive the botom ange of the ot be coasideed at the Chee malas then in Advaory Desk Note AD 219 # is not ecesary ‘hock his design ease at SLS (neal Scion 435 ‘Wind lads shouldbe determined from BS 6399.2, ed the are summarived blow, in onder of increasing ort nd deereasng potential onsen ‘R08 Onrous Valu for de direct faeor see Simplified Hybrid Method - Where the Uhat arc the wing tous Is ot practicable. To oben the ‘signs, consideration sould be given to a hoe gO in mney, ebtntias snd dance fan sea YY wit wind directional factors (8) in diferentes infomation ta defies the wean, opegrapy, fom the sea in each discon around tee ee "Sr bckptiteemelope’ cauains, the singed sande Matos od fr eo Ee Seed a tele essa 4 td yted for oe, Of iforacon shout era, pogipy, cage ame se8 in each deston ig ee sited Mt © then, then th use of doled rast ‘may noe be juste. Reco stianes cote se of BS 639921957 i given in BRE Digese 436%, Med doe Met of BS 6309 aed pry RE Die 0300.2) us te of BS 6982 hve pares levee or pra fame, Dominant openings {Bat if dominant openings are considered shoul be cons that he posiive value of Gi = 0.2 i es likely 0 be {he lrcumstances giving rise this posility lee, and side tees Por is tat the internal pressure eoetiiem for com mse buldags wihout opening windows nip Diagonst dimension # “aproorie composts and fates nace 2 take place ould make sure that means ate in 4.4.2 Minimum wind load nea {Cats mguied thatthe coed wind load shuld not be "eke es es the iis not necessary t include imum ind load 4.5 Crane loads Teatny (nose Beth ver ant Rerzonal loads onthe suture pe of the fSlomtagia, © S20mmie fics. Consideration shuts beri Se following tad: 7 Fie Artal toed wil be congas ofa tad dew he weg Pde, rb hook and ke weight ofthe lied load, Ane be teed as imposed oud see Advisory Dek Noe AD Tene + The tocizonal leads dae et be coincident with te macin rabhing could occur when the ooh ane att stibuton of herzonal fares bemese he ea (08 lide OF the tame depends on whedie fenged. With single Ranged wheels ie Dy one ri lone 4.6 Fire loading Zs fe limit sate shouldbe regcded as an expla toad factors can be used see BS 9980°8 gee ‘ee framed baitings in fre boundary conainons 65 50 reduced For design a te fie i imi se (ste Section 15), it cam be assumed tat he DPreseat onthe coof and dit tt dead lod eae ‘The SCT publicason P33 provides & ‘te percentage that can be aimed inthis condition 26 4.7 Notional horizontal forces Noon horizontal forces are dined in BS 59 be applied to fore pene oon orn frst ae to be ken a + hina aves in any one dirseton at a tine® equal w 0.5% ores rad and imposed loads. "They should We ineluded tend eaied PY Clause 241.2 (Dead aad lnposed. (ret © sould be considered in bot ‘These notional forcs should not be + Applied en cous * Applied hen considering pairs loads (uity © be applicable in a so} appied hosizonh toads, + Combined with cemperaure eet 7 ARS onsite wo the nt reason a he fonndatins. However, where ~ tenet tied in checking adeqicy a ULS under lage donld ar caens orizonalfores, the moments en the ivan should not be snowed fan pe ends Som overtead crveling cranes already ince hould mot be inte when motional forces wil Reve only a very of single span portal fame, so ean te negccee fect on the design ininary design 4.8 Accidental loads “Two binge of ac + Leads that ce spected in Regulations end standard ine 4.8.1. Impact loading {eng tte shoul be protested fom impact las, so consideration of these ‘ds wi aot normally fom part of tie design che portal ge 4.8.2 Disproportionate Appeoved Document ‘he Buiing Regu lapse deals with the sequitements which are sontiged in vions states dt “The pulling. shall be of an accident the building will not sues ona the cause.” al the 2004 Ration oF Approv to buildings having five or move Sorey siictres covered by sem bag SQUBY With the es evan eqieun when dene ‘es tdi or wien conscing changes of we fs anon dennca ead at BS 5950 12000 wil be amsnded in accordance wih the ‘eae guidance in the 2004 Elton of Approwed Decsurear creed tition and amendments the Balding Regulation, the reader ts Free CH th lnformation on ODP ‘webs: wun can noe The Statoner Office 0.20.8} 4-9 Load factors and load combinations Chane 2 £8 he Ha actors and he led eames for ULS in (Clase 2.4.1 snd for SLS in Clause 2's reetines eve for muy years wed thir eogincng judgement vo INSET the concept in the second settee of BS $980.1 2000 Cla ah combed leads shoud be sopied in the most unthvouable rate Seer pare CO tuner consideration” dics and mae not appear in he eos), loading ad is used to '$950:1:2 te ave side range of interpretations, ‘These sree ing much or any imposed loed on a tot when the of a large porta i even more dificale imagine being oer a be wind at masinnum speed. 1s improbabte dit ce root 4 o cleaned during wisscrm, There ae a varlety of cpinions about what shouldbe the ‘sombimations and ica factors fr both SES nat Ue I understood thit thee already are numerous lowetse feames that ae ia sevice th nidnecy it Is suggested thatthe load “2 ond Table 4.3 below he adopted the combinations need. he checked, Toble 42 ULS Lood factors and combinations for frames without oranes a ee |_—__ 88 8 ine 2.1.2 tone ominorion Wee] imped © win 5S FRAME ANALYSIS AT ULTIMATE LIMIT STATE General oly aege ents cvoughout the ame, ue to plastic nee 86 rotations occur a seedons where the bending lods Ustow dhe fil ULS loading. The *ottons ace normaly cenidred wo be Ieelsed st “plate ayes” noeralyadicent pending on de proportions of pox athe point of mama sessing Flowe 5.1 Bending moment dlagram resulting from tne plastic analysis of = symmetrical portal ame under symnetriea! acing Under BS $850-1:2000, most load combinations asymmetric because they include citer notional horizon loads, A fypiel loading sagan an being momen dag au 5.2 Sennanaansenannscasansananae Flaw 8:2 Bonding moment diagram resuting from plastic analysis of 4 svimmetical portal ame under asymmeatic losing 30 A sia bending moment digram resuking rom wih ined bases is shown in Figute 5.3 "In iis cases Is phe, andthe srr tas tobe eg ors higher mame ec cansoncacmomnananacnnnasanes analysis of e symmetrical portal frame under symmetrical ‘oacing Jn ceder to carry out plaic analysis, tho cross-sections of the members ion 3.43) mist be clasied as plate aa 2 of BS'S950-1, This i own in Soetion 2.7) wl irsvarde analy ce esing second 5.3 Plastic analysis arious methods of plastic analysis are explained in deal in the Floste design 10 BS S850". "A ‘brief summary of posibie eee resented, alow 5.3.1. The graphic: {hit etphial method, the tee beading moments are dram sogeinpevd on fie Sed bending momcat dg, with he iaxizum values of Wo ang wethod lad cass "pid method of checking the resis comely, the method will determine ‘or lower bound of lad actor, end 5.3.2 Virtual work - rigid plastic mechenism method al rk matod calcul te oad fete a colaeastming levely complen suctues can be a of the fsa colin The wed bas & numer oF the assumed mech the plastic mement cspaciy socked cael, 10 ensure tise ‘assumed whan not idem any Unload during the ecg bistry + An securate EMD st sty ond factor teri The method ages that form, then reverse and than collapse camo be 5.3.3. Blastic-plastic analysis Propenaltod is euploved by the more sophistited poral frame analysis Programs, sod depends on applying th lod incre 8 ie (Ic gives the bending monsat motode that give the beading 5.4 Elastic analysis Although the we of pti binge Stale is well established ia the Furtheamoee, tare ate situations whore cp where + Tapered merabses are wed + Insti oF the tame ea coming fst, + Deflctions are erica to the design of te structure, of portal frees 3 the uma ‘8 ‘not widely used ata claw saiyis is mare anger 2 ing nominally pinged atthe una erably, which an inportan factor os recommendations on the hase stifuess tht may follows, Fora nominaty rid base [era coun sigily conected to 2 suitable funtion, te ftlewing ay be asumed lobe analyse, the aifinss oan fo ining detections under erve id base sould he taken as equal lulaons. Hom suslysi, the assumed base it be td bose moment capacity. but should ot exceed For @ nominaly planed baser icomected to s foundstion that is designee ro, te base shouldbe assumed to be pied. Selulae Me other moments a the base moment hen Wing elastic loa ai the fame under ULS losing, ‘The scffess of the bas Proportion ofthe colon + 10% ‘when checking true stailiy or determining in-plane effective lengths + 208 when clcuaing detections unr servis loads For 8 nominaly semi base: ‘A nominal bese stiessof up to 20% of the sTbss of the cals may be ‘assumed in else global Diovided that the foundation is designed Jor ‘he moments and frees obaied tam this analy, may De assumed Go be ogual wo the following 5.5.1 Model ta price, for base tity i ually bythe se of spring stifbess or Sununy members the column base Spring stttness Atte ultimate limit tte id base can be modeled with & sping sifess equal to AE lla Pinned base can be modelled with «spring sdtess equa ro O.ABlatealL ci far fate sbity costs Sa fy. * family plone se can be modeled wid a spring sits equal 19 DEL For dummy members: XE the computer program ctmnot provide aro 08, ‘may be modeled by 2 dm member of equivalent ich the tase fsty (Figure 3.4), Fx second moment of are 1) ad Ge Hens (L) ofthe dummy rember shod be ken 2s felons + Fors nominally rigid base: J = fy a8 ULS, . Wy Fined base: = 0.1 Lou 8t ULS a 0.2 Lay a SLS, 4 bh case, the length ofthe dummy member i Z = 0.75 Zan ‘The provision of an additions! support Uereore the fm the computer cu ‘of the axial fece inthe cola, feet the base reactions and 1 be corrected to the value Figure 5.4 Modeling base tity by « dummy membor 5.5.2 Base moments for foundation design 1 should be 5 the baie moment (and asocited forces) for ‘concen, te following applies + Mere para tase tty it used to reduce the somes for whish frame ‘embers have tobe desioned (compared to tine bts) the tae moment foundations. This apties fr bth elite eats te the fame sed only in assesing effete OF in determining ‘whether an ay” Hs an necessary to Bake ‘design + Where « nominal 208 bas its agnn noe necessary oundation desig tas in sed only in defection eseuatons tke aesount of the hase fixity momen in 5.6 Fire considerations s meceasaty to design the bases to ret a tft collapse moment atthe ot nesesary to re-analyse the fame ot (Mes fake account of the edna ZEN special foundations are reuited to resist the moments in fe conditions, it may be more economic to re-design the fame with Igor bese tn sts, Sections used for pla sscording to Tabi hve fomued and eed prior t0 ULS and may * Frames are usualy designe! with nominally pinned bases but inerssed ‘ty ofthe Bases mas be considered a the SL Eo foal frames in ondary eontons at th fe imi ste, ner ‘bse may be reuied. ase as Class 1 plastic those hinge postions thst ompact elsewhere, 8 6 IN-PLANE FRAME STABILITY 6.1 Introduction that they have adequate methods. The in-plane tame depends en the siiess of the frame aa vei ied bythe combined sifiness of meus and their ccencene Frac Of fame cannot be checked by the simple method for mult sey enc BS 59501 Chase and 2.42.7, bcos weal comme eI tat rst. 4 much meter effect on the sabi of the ja oon the Beas of Sammon fata sad ee mods for checking the ieplane stbity of single 6.2 Sway check method checking the inline si iss techs »Y may De ianored. The intra ead cases for use Te mthod may be wed for por dha are noted portals and ‘he folowing geometrical iniatons + Spantigt to eaves is not more than § + Rie of apex above coluran cop sans. 7 Aommane coher saisfes the evitron of Clawe 5.542.169 of BS 59504, ot more than span/é for symmetrical Te RNY Geek mato i he simplest mathe and gives economical desig it Ue sume i suiinty stiff to sity either the h/L000 check mene gs ny frames “sap hrough® sa Snvsnai bays as given in Clause $-3-2.3 of, ©2.1. Design steps ~ sway check method ~ gravity load case for elastic or plastic design Se tne sty Clase 5.3.2 of 5.5.3 of BS 50501 wing the sway tele metho for gravity loads as sven in Cause 5.34.29 of BS ay ‘The loads considered ate dose (sroviy) (Clase 24.12 of BS Step Chee lad ccminaion | Dead and Inposed Lats frame 18 within the geometrical nies ‘(Cisse Stop Chick the sway stfnss of te ame wing i100 chick or formula method 01000 eck method + Calcul onal horizomal forces (NHE), i, 0.8% of the factored vertical doad and imposed lous + Avoly NILF atthe top of cach column and ealelae the cclunn op detection & column Behe + Sway si bs Sway sites if we Formula Method (Clause 5.54.2. of BS $9501) + Check effective spun to depth ratio ofthe afer satisfies BeMtf 9 Tos Palin| a Step 3 IF the 11000 check or“ load fact for ame Otterwise use anplted Method” is stsicd, then the required 4 = 1.0 for he gravity load eae, For plaste design: Ses 1103 from above, pus rime. Apply gravity collapse lad factor Step SP Checc the seeng of he fame. Ensure 4» 4 Step 6P Check the member steagth and outopane stably wition of plastic hinges he elastic pte enaleis For elastic design: st ord) of the fame. Apply gravity and calelute the forces and moments sound the fame Step SE Muliptyfores and moments fom Sap by 2 tength and oucoF plane stability at 2, using the frees and momen trem Step SE £2.2 Design steps ~ sway check method ~ lateral load case for elastic oF plastic design 2.2 o° 5.5.3 of BS 59504, using sway check. n Change 3. ed are thse ia lod combination 2 (dead + wind Jods) sot 3 Goad “+ imposed “+ “wind loads) (peo Clause 2412 plicable to amos that sats segue 62.1 of “Sway Check Method ~ Gravy tone f Sops 1 and 2 given in Step 1 Cafesate the lowest "Sway check med" 2, + Calin the NITF tom tnd combinations 2 or 3, + Aprly IH at the wp of each colin and caeslate the cotuma (op defection 6, os forthe feame for the 38 Ax may be spproxinated using: «gn ZOD op Vans meee creas (see Chae in BS 5950 Ida < 5.0 thon second onder alysis shold be used, equi lsd tctr, 2, for fame sabi Steps 1 and 2 from 6.2.2 sbove, ps ‘Step 3P Canry out plate analysis horizontal Yoads ofthe fume. Apply gravity and or 3) tothe fame, shout aay collapse load ficor Step 4P Check the steuth ofthe frame, Ease» 2 Step SP Check the member stength an out-of lane tabi lane silty can be checked formation of plate ‘hinges, ing moments from the case pase anges For elastic design: Stops 1 and 2 hum 6.2.2 above, ps Step 38 Coury cata tnear Rigi end horizontal lous (load combination 2 or 3) a0 he (oo without NHF and eau the forces and moments arotad he Step 4E Matiply forces and moments from Sep 3% by 2, Sto SE Chest the member seongth ard eu ine sabiiy 4, using the ‘mpi forces and memenis fom Stop at Note: Amplified forces and moments ray be obtained Hncar lass analysis (fis order) of tha am be ‘Rotors to % paral Cctrs in BS 59801, Clotes 3 4°t 6.3 The amplified moment method ‘The smpliied momene inet ttm method that may be wsed where check metho, ‘The tmethod requires the determination ofthe lowest e ic ertealTosd factor, forthe pater ‘The amplified moment method imple method w apply sen the vale of Avis known, "The method gives resonahly economical designs ifthe frame Is realy st 8.3.1. Design stops ~ amplified moment method For elastic or plastic design: Sere Yetited to saisfy Chase S.5.2 of 5.5 of BS 5950-1 wing he amplified ‘moment method of Clan $34.4 Step Catesate 4c (gee SCI F292", Section 4.3 and 4.1), No method of Seermining 2p i given in BS 5990.1 Step 2 Cente the rquired load fcr for frame sabiliy, 2 W421, 4210 40 < 4.6, the amplified moment method is NOT applicable, For plostic design: ‘Steps 1 to 2 fom Section 6.3.1 above, ps Step 3P Casry ou plastic analysis (rst onde) of the frame and determine Pasi collapse lsd facie, Step AP Check the strong ofthe fain. Eosure 4 2 Step SP Check Oe member st ‘netber strength and outofplane sability can be checked ending moments @t 2. te, fount forces and heading momen ftom the 4 oad astro may be sed For olastic design: ‘Steps {to 2 fom Section 6.3.1 stove, ps: linear elastic anais tho forces aad mom ‘de analysis) ofthe fame at round te fsmne Step 4 Mutiplyfoess and moments fom Step 3 by 2, 40 ‘Step SE. Check the member ‘np frees and Noe: Amplified forces and ma une itetly by carrying oat a linear elastic ale (fst © fame by increas the ULS load ‘Go. to pata factors i BS 5050-1, Cause 3a tb and outofplane sally 2, sing the Ws from Sup 46. ative method tat may be used whote the x mest the limiions of the sway chick method {See Sexes may be sed feral portals including ted portale Seiond order analysis isthe erm used to desctibe analysis meth in which the fo of nercesing defection under inreasing ond ae conidred exp, iwayscaleulate redusion of frame strength fom second-order (Pde) The ether methods have thresh stiles value above which ce siengt sot reducee 6.4.1 Design steps - second order analysis For elastic or plastic design: Sips requed satisfy Cause 5.5.2 or 5.5.3 of BS 5950-1 wing second order amaysis as Clause Ror szond order aalyls, = 118 For plaste design: ‘Stem AP Cary out plane analysis of the fram, and determine 1.2. Fr haoncbed segments, Dy < 20, For unehs, te haunch Mange i not sna thn the member Mange ‘The sel grade is S275 or $355, Member buckling sistance check (Ch ‘or out ot plane buckling whon checked using am the spacing of intermediate lateral testans ¢qacing ny) Detween restraints to th compression Mange shoul ive by or $275 see for $355 set Ki ~ 1.0 6 an untauncted segment fora hausch with DD, = 1 4s ona index of te uahaunched rar Fourth method (Append 0) Bis BS2950-1 Append G method should be used were the sondins sapped Go te be saistied, or where rear ‘method ‘rain manual ‘Ge mamber and comp 722 ity in Zone 2 Zone 2 is eeneally nthe aren nec the pont of contafenre (Figures 72 and 7) a —~Aratter toy fain Figwe 7.4 Restrain 1 rafter adjacent to hounched region of a portal Frame kn ths rome, corsona resrant wit be provided at tt ower ed by 2 torsional be provided by ara ‘he point of conifiexire provided the son Wie ided above for Zone 1 (ase Section 7.2.1) may be Ihe rater ia Zone 2 80 posible to chee he stabi 9 ome 2 wing ott ne ucla of 150 5.3.3(0) : sae allowing for moment gradient (Clause 6.3.3b)) i flanges and D/B = 1.2 nh Lys given by ‘at’ SS Sve in second method of Section 7.2.t and g is piven as lows: Forlag >, fet For fi > 620 $= 1-0 KR Ay a6 Fords > 0.75 6 Ri ~ 4 0- Ky p39) For fs 0.75 ook Mere is te rato of end moments of he segment under consideration od A is given by R= abe A Se aye 5075 seat 20 200 Z zh A= at ZF t0¢ 8355 se 20250 R= 80 + m0 K = a3 +0n%e- x £3000 for 2954530 F = 08 + 008-1, 2000 fr 39550 bility in Zone 3 fan generally be assumed 10 provide resint to the Compression Mange and he length between the puns shone bo oka scoring themes given fa BS 590-1, Claws 4.3.5 7.2.4 Rafter stabilty in Zone 4 © OU Just Below the apex (se Figs 7.2 and rants ese i hinge forms st this potion gor > ot esses but considered good preetce to provide a cam be demonstrated that plate hinge dacs ut fone Figure 7.8 Restraints adjacent to plestic hinge position 1 torsional restraint (o 8 purln ator ne in he analysis, ty tbe the form of a rater stay hinge has been assumed to frm hw Hsing distance to an adjacent atc retain is then given by the distance ‘Eo (se Second method in Section 7.2.1 and Figite 73, Where ao plas hinge occurs in Zon 4, torsional resaints are nit reqited in id be clocked between the lateral ‘he nocmal methods in BS 5950+ a” 7.3 Rafter and haunch stability under uplift conditions \ most of the bottom ang snd restcns det wit up rmpression A typeal reverse sown in Figae 7.5, pet ype of bending moment dram ‘ressura/nd uplift aud te members Wi "commended below asume tit plastic inges 7.3.1 Haunch stability in Zones 1 and 2 Tn zone 3 and 2 the top Mange of the hawach we by th paring, No fut 4 Iethod giea in BS 5830-1: Appendix © Ws co the ten rately, the method given in BS $950. ly be used. This me 7.4 Design summary + Determine the size of the 'o being monet and au + Determine sand shetin + Assume suitable bared on the fd capacity ofthe purine by muanutacttes load tae, 6 + Check the sity of individual zones of ne rater unde gravity loods and ten under wind vpfit. ‘These esses ate summaciand bt Bigs) seo Table 7 + Weany checks fu just the patin spacing and or peovide extra retains 7.7. Typical purlin and rater stays and zones for checking stebity Table 7.1. Reiter stability checks Cewee ptdeason UGeay Byam ease yo, 2 _Wingwpttt_Puinto putin Aisland banding 48.3.3 3 Geavty Pun 0 pur 083 73a ‘Paieland bonding 40.83 © Wind uptit ater sty teraier 26, saa 4 fl depts we atten loment aiagren for cota bane subject 10 gravity laeding he column i.e at dhe bo of in compession flange, 8.2.1 Torsional restraints at the top of the column methods are svalale to provide For cohimns of depts Jos than 610. Figure 82 may be sod.” In ovde mended that the depth ofthe sce van, 5.2.2 Stability of the column adjacent to the plastic hinge mens oy Gates 53.3 $3.4 al Appentc G give» mmber of pone prion, eine sably oe ccm acco pe ee osiion, af described below. 9 BRACING 9.1 Plan bracing 9.1.1 Goneral Plan bracing i placed i the horicaal plane, oF inthe plane ofthe rot, The ‘primary fnetons oF the pen racing ar . ind forces fom the gable poste to the vertcal ‘Te firs method assumes ghat a resain to the com; Provided with a tiniing distance fe This approuch does not make allowance ingram oF restraint w the tension fan pression flange eg ven in BS 5950-1, Clause 5 33h ter the shape of the manag eTeoreconeervative The second method Clause $3.3 Aingrar bat uc tee “To provide stable ding exetion + To provide a aiff anchorage forthe puri tat ace used t9 retain the es, 1m ones to wane he wind forces efficients, te plan bescing should connect (0 the top ofthe pable pons wherever possible bd be deemed for dhe forces obtained fromthe cules ise 43.225, © the method given in BS $950.1: Appendic 6, Senge and the meen! ‘This mod is not rcaemende! for mal signed 0 resist anil force de t wind oad, For plan bracing, the following design ctses may be considered 9.1.2 Bracing using citeular hollow sections ‘Rguder conaotca, crear follow section acing member ae generally sed inthe roof and ace designed to resist both, nding, base of the clum so at reve the cola size, igure 9. 8.2.3. Stability of sections remote from plastic hinge positions top flange as posi, lowing for oF in an elastically analysed frame ama mow fom & plastic hige losin or in clasicaly analysed frame, he < » 3 checked using the noc members beocen tie compression ange (.2. BS 5850-1, Clases £34 or 4.93 the OLE complex approach of BS 950-1 Appendix G ims beac 8.3 Design summary I . cf 8 eolome forthe segured bending moment aad Dated on ti toad capaciy of the | sie sued oad ube. ! 2 Rent atone bosom oft hah, Sem OF vr ming ance Fon the hinge posion for 7 + Checé he reining fast ofthe cobiom andthe base, By pre Seton 62:3) ‘Figure 9.1. Pan view showing both end bays braced lusing eleular Ihotiow saction members) tween te adicentcestaice rants “if every (ose 82 spied gable pons, 9-1.3 Bracing using angle sections The of engl an advanag they ae dasigned 9.2.1 Generat i the side wall of buildings are: ing On the end of (ote hich side mils may be stacked so that ty tthe colin, ting erection he form of low sections ina ¥ pattern, low s fons ina K pater vy mal. may he locate ‘Ove ot both ends Bracing using circular hollow sections hollow sections ae very oficient in compressca, fom o an racing Figure 9.8 Bracing ins single end bay with an eaves strut Flowe 8.5. Single diagonal bracing for low frames using cteular holiow sections Eevee oot Pee eee Figure 8.9. Bracing aeongement using the holow section member as a Flawre 8.6. X bracing arrangement for taler ames using creulor vesiraiot and as-an eaves ste holow sections 9.2.5. Single contral braced bay 4 tele briced bay near the conte of a stare because of dhe need 0 sat erection from 2 beaced fl oagth of tl 9.2.3 Bracing using angle sections o (Cross braced angles oF Mat (within ¢ mason * bracing fs shown in Figur a is oa Ye agonal members acs in tion under wind all) may be used ag assumed that only one of | so + Peston of pan racing For the case ofa cena bi ‘ds ofthe building, an eaves stu wll be roauted to eon, VB of on racing Figure 9.7. Typical cross bracing system using angles or fats as tension membars bay. an eaves srs is seyuired eo tum Mt into the werteal bracing (Fguse 9.8) section member tthe bette ofthe cates (Figure 9.9. Funtbee dts of eaves state Figure 9.10 Typical cross bracing a centro ofthe structure to ojow {ree therm expansion ‘ue given in Soston 13.2, 9.2.6 Portalised braced bays Where and mick more open stuetire thaps Tes than ealculted (Gu 1 method thats been wed the poralised bay (aot the main poral fame) is ‘ame analy hecked by using the sway-check met lng the de ‘ray to thet ds bracing shoud be loated a the i dettections af height of th poralies bay [TiN Fiawe 9.15 Typical bracing patter in building using a hollow section ember to restrain «plastic hinge 28 the base of the hnauneh Figure 9.16 Elevation showing position of additional bracing inthe lane of the crane girder set et stones ot eae” Figure 9.17 Detail showing pesition of addtional bach of the crane girder Inthe plane | i | Table 9.1. Bracing requirements for erane girders “Rater log Baha reaatene 80180 Ure sional acing t Yate fre 0 pane ter! tracing bth ple of he shed directly © the column, it will wend to atect vertical leaded crane girders, it ay he necesary to provide an Imeraber to prevent’ fatigue faire of the omection (Pgure 9.18), Lemar” Figure 9.18 Altemative configuration of addtional bracing to prevent fatigue fate 9.3 Stressed skin design ctr fully clad with profiled ste! extent by the suessed skin ation uf the sched with adaqoate can be assaned + Rede swayattl detections, + Roduee secondary omens deta say, * Act restaiats wo the compression anges of members Gf de seeing is connecied dzeiy tothe fang) + Actas plan or sde wall cing to the struc, willbe stitesed to some ‘The ll bones of usin BS 5950.0 ich sets out ianter of worked example Stressed skin action may he determined using Brinciptes of streesod shin design and provides & te the methods, A saber of major dificlies exist ulin tis design method + Be method can be comples. Designers working within lined desion budgets ere reluctant fo use & time-consuming method of design eee rit appears fo be a sail amount of basing which may be toque anyway for erection purposes) {he type of cladding and mabe esign sage. ising the cladding careful doughs, hone is ould Stand in the wey of ap hese lage numbers of sim the consequtacos Pas. See guidance rested skin design fy not wide Sect coo and cladding sysiems den sitanve, and reduce siferental sway effect is dependen Modeen dou si the sufiess of te possess much fess in-plane i shoul be neglected, eas, Eericiticne to Compost or san form of sachin insulaen layer Postes ntemedits sess, depeading on the (© the purty and’ me thiksase of the see shiny one A paper by Davies and Lava ein 9.4 Design summary 9.4.1 Bracing to osedue may be wed 1 design the bra tana oad ‘he wind lade on the 6 large epenings Whore the plan and the vertiat ‘he walls that may fee the bracing system i are not provided lads, the same bay, cng and oer members forming part OF action of the force and the Deering whit a ‘nd overuing eects, + eteinine any toad sharing becween bracings, ensuring that inermediae ‘members are capable of eartyne the fou Check 5950-2000 mere members sujet 10 he old) maximum Sleuderness nbets fr the fora loading depending onthe fad factors Tafer say to purlna and eas You of Hauneh to re an provide restesint including these dat provide one member + Chek that he rosie ae ed ack ino a system of bracing. + Reduce the scsntisies Between the line of action of the force and the lane of the bracing member to 2 nna lows ‘ee6 not generally be designed for specific + Design te res ~ Vertical and plan bracing se combination be designed in accordance with the 4, Clase 4.32.23." The forces coincident with those 85

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