Modul Bahasa Inngris Kelas 12

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1. Oki : Can you tell me how to get to the bus station?

Anggi : Just follow this street, go straight ahead, and then . . .

Oki : Thank you
A. Take the second turn on the left
B. I cannot tell you where it is
C. Go back here again
D. I know how to get to the nearest station

2. Fizha : I need to finish this product proposal today and I have to catch a train at 5:15.
Alisha : ...
Fizha : That’s very kind of you.

A.I am sure you can finish it soon.

B.I don’t think I can help you.
C.Can I give you my hand?
D.Can you help me?

3. Metta : Doesn’t the bride look beautiful in the traditional wedding dress?
Lisa : Yes. She looks amazing. And the groom is the only son of a rich businessman. I heard he
inherits the entire fortune.
Metta :
A. Oh, wow, awesome!
B. Good job!
C. You’ve made my day
D. What a beautiful woman!

4. Melati : What do you usually do during the day ?

Dika : I start working at seven A.M and finish it at seven P.M. Usually, ….
Melati : You are a sales, aren’t you?
Dika : Absolutely right.
A. I meet my siblings for a discussion
B. I help the customers to complain
C. I sellall the declined products
D. I market the products

5. Rachel : We are holding our house-warning party next Saturday, . . .

Felix : Of course, I won’t miss it
A. Wouldn’t you like to go with me?
B. Would you like to come home first?
C. Would you be interested in coming?
D. Are you interested to come back?

6. Lina : What do you think of last night’s concert?

Rani : I thought it was interesting
Lina : I enjoyed it too, but in my opinion it was a bit boring
From the dialogue, we know that . . .
A. Lina thought the concert was interesting
B. Lina thought the concert was not interesting
C. Rina watched the concert but Lina didn’t
D. Rina got bored with watching the concert

7. Adzkia : I need to find a lot of sources for my script. Do you have any recommendation?
Adna : ... And I think it is easy to do and of course you need reference books.
A.Do you have a calculator?
B.The script is not so difficult.
C.You can help me find it soon.
D.Have you browsed the internet?
8. Ella: Excuse me, . . .a little more slowly? I didn’t catch what you said
Ria: Oh sure. I’m sorry
A. Would you mind speaking
B. Can you talk about
C. Don’t you come closer
D. Could you say clearly
9. Firda : What do you think is the best
for us to get to the conference?
Baiza : We take the train. We could get
some work done on the way.
Firda : ... That is the best plan, I think.
A.I am not sure
B.I don’t think so
C.I couldn’t agree more
D.I have no idea about it
10. Ibal: Ilham, are you going to be in your
office Thursday morning? If you are not,
could I work there? ...
Ilham : You are in luck, Ibal. I’ll be out
until Friday.
A. I can accompany you all day.
B. My office is being painted.
C. I left my key there.
D. I will be off.

11. Costumer service: Hello, ABC cleaning.

May I help you?
Coustumer : Yes, this is Andita. Someone was
supposed to mow my lawn today, but no one
Costumer service: ........ Let me check the sche-
dule first and see what went wrong. Can I send
someone over first thing tomorrow morning?
A. I will personally check your next order
B. I ‘m sorry for the inconvenience
C. I ‘m upset to hear that Miss Anditha
D. We are sorry but the pool is just allright

12. Supervisor : We are going to have the sales

meeting this afternoon.
Shinta : Of course, sir..... I still need the sales
manager’s signature.
Supervisor : Do it right away. We don’t have
much time.
A. Finish the meeting result
B. Get the report ready
C. Sign the report
D. Send it to me

13. Daniel : I think every kid has the right to free basic
Dina : ........... It is the right of every child in this
Daniel : Yeah, you‘re right
A. That’s not always the case
B. You have a point there
C. Whatever you say
D. I beg your pardon?
14. Aleesha : Have you made any vacation plans?
Mika : Yes. ... .
A. I’m going to go snorkling
B. I was in London last month
C. I went to Dieng with my friends
D. I have been to Raja Ampat in Papua
15 Guest : Good morning. . ...Agency: Good morning. When will you be staying with us?
Guest : On august 17
Agency: Is that for one night?
Guest : Yes, it is

A. I would like to take it

B. I’d like to do the delivery
C. I’d like to book a room
D. I should celebrate it
16. Memet : What is Mr. Tito doing ?
Icut : ... .
Memet : Really ? Is he leaving now ?
Icut : Yes.

A.He’s going to work the whole day

B.He’s painting a beautiful view
C.He’s preparing his luggage
D.He’s baking some bread
17.Caller : This is Mike Andrew here. Can I speak to Jason?

Michelle: Just a second. I’ll see if he’s in. Hello, Jason , . . .

Jason : Okay
Michelle: I’ll put him through. Hang on a moment. I’m just putting you through
A. I’ve got Mike Andrew on the phone for you
B. This is Mike Andrews speaking to Michelle
C. Are you talking to Mike Andrews right now?
D. Mike Andrews wants to call Jason Carrey
19. Gatot : Your math score was so good in the final test. Did you make any preparation?
Lutfi : … and I understoodall the item tests.
A.I joined education exhibition last week
B.I always revised math’s problem after school
C.My brotherwas good in solving the problem
D.My teacher gave extra lessons to other school

20. Indra : You look terribly ill. Can you continue our hill walk?
Silvi : . . .
A. If I weren’t ill, I would be able to continue our hill walk
B. If I had the strength, I would have continued our hill walk
C. If I was ill, I would be able to continue our hill walk
D. If I had not been ill, I would not have continued our hill walk

21. Ikrami : Which sport do you prefer, Fathir?

Fathir : ... I always do it every week.
A.I enjoy doing it.
B.I am keen on riding horses.
C.I like reading sports magazine.
D.I’m interested in writing about it.

Part 2. Reading Comprehension

Questions 22 to 34 are based on a selection of reading materials. You have to choose the best answer
A, B, C or D to each question

Questions 22 to 24 refer to the following descriptive text.

The charm of Indonesia above the clouds on Sulawesi island can be found at Lolai village,
Kapalapitu sub-district, North Toraja regency, South Sulawesi. From a yard where Tongkonan Lempe,
Toraja traditional houses were built, visitors can witness settlements and Tongkonan traditional houses
which are covered by clouds as well as the peak of mountain which appears among the clouds.
Business center of Rantepao, the capital city of North Toraja can be seen from the north, from the area
at an attitude of about 1.400 meters above sea level.

The best time to visit Lolai village is early in the morning until you can enjoy beautiful sunrise
while drinking Toraja coffee which is served by the owmner of the Tongkonan house.

Waiting for sunrise is an amazing sensation, witnessing expanse of clouds slowly from the low
land up to Lolai. In certain times, visitors pretend to step on clouds because the cloud overlays to be
aligned with a stand in Tongkonan Lempe.

22. What is the main idea of the text?

A. The visitors of Tongkonan Lempe

B. Views of Lolai Village
C. The beauty of Lolai village
D. Cloud on Sulawesi island

23. Which of the following is NOT something you can see at Lolai village?

A. A yard of Tongkonan Lempe

B. Expanses of clouds and sunrise
C. Makasaar city center
D. Some traditional sentlements
24. It is said that we can “step on cloud’ there because.....
A. Seeing a sunrise there is an amazing sensation
B. Sometimes the cloud a ligns with a stand in Tongkonan Lempe
C. There is a cloud generator machine we can use for free
D. We can pay the people to bring us closer to the sky with plane.
Questions 25 to 26 refer to the following biography

Mohammad Hatta

Dr. Mohammad Hatta was the first vice president of Indonesia. He was born in Bukittinggi, West
Sumatra. Many people called him Bung Hatta. His birthday was on August 12 th 1902. He studied in
private formal education and then he moved to state school. Since he was a young man, he wa
interested in politics and joined the league of young Sumatrans.

He studied economics in The Nederlands. While he was there, he was active in the national movement.
He was finally arrested because he was too active.

He joined a political organization when he returned to Indonesia. The organization was called
“Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia”. He reminded Indonesian people awareness, especially in politics.
Because of his political involvement, he was arrested again. The colonial government considered that
his activity was dangerous.

Soekarno and Hatta finally proclaimed Indonesia’s Independence when the Japanese surrendered their
control in August 1945. Hatta became the first vice-president of the Republic of Indonesia.

25. What is the topic of the text above?

A. The biography of Mohammad Hatta

B. The educational background of Moh. Hatta

C. Information about Hatta’s political involvement

D. How Hatta became the vice president of Indonesia.

26. What can we conclude about Mohammad Hatta from the text?

A. He was active in the education field

B. He was the first president of Indonesia

C. He was politically active while in the Netherlands

D. He had a good relationship with the colonial government

27.Why was Mohammad Hatta arrested?

A. He did not support the Indonesian government

B. He proclaimed the independence of Indonesia
C. He studied in the Netherlands, the colonial power
D. His political activity was considered dangerous

Questions 28 – 30 are based on the following text dialog.

Bunga : Dinda, do you have something to do this evening? If you are free, can you accompany me to
go to Fia’s house? I want to borrow her science book.
Dinda : Ok. What time do you pick me up?
Bunga : About 6.30. Inform me as soon as possible.

28. Who are Bunga and Dinda?


29. Based on the dialog, Bunga shows her request by asking Dinda ... . borrow Fia’s book
B.that she will pick her up
C.whether she is free this evening accompany her to Fia’s house

30. “Inform me as soon as possible.” (last sentence)

It means that Dinda has to contact Bunga ... after she makes the decision.
Questions 31 – 33 are based on the following text dialog.

Wiena : Does the hotel offer a courtesy shuttle from the airport?
Alisha : Yes, we do. Pick-up is from the Arrivals at Terminal 1.
Wiena : Could you reserve us three places? Our flight gets in at 2 p.m
Alisha : There is no need for that. There’s plenty of room on board, and our service runs every 20

31. What is the purpose of the dialog?

A .To inform about the flight reservation
B. To tell when the flight gets in
C. To check the pick-up service
D. To provide the flight service

32. Based on the dialog, What will hotel officer do to Wiena?

A. Arrive early to welcome her
B. Pick her up at Terminal 1
C. Reserve three places
D. Run in 20 minutes
33. The underlined word in the dialog can be replaced by ... .
A. reserved
B. polite
C. free
D. full

Questions 34 – 36 are based on the following text.

UNESCO Beirut office launched a Media training programme for youth NGOs to enhance their
communication skills, through enabling them to build media relations, increase their capacity to
produce media material, push their news through national and international channels, and efficiently
monitor this process.

Mr. George Awad, UNESCO Communication & Information programme officer, talked about the
programme, its stages, benefits and the commitments needed from each NGO. This was followed by a
brief on each NGO current communication status, which was lead by Ms. Nada Hamzeh, UNESCO

The second session was a panel discussion with Mr. Sam Menassa, General Manager of Radio Voice of
Lebanon and Mr. Ghassan Hajjar, managing editor at Annahar Newspaper. The two guests shared their
perspective on “Understanding the Media” and how it is dealt with at different media outlets through
their own experiences. Mr. Menassa talked about the structure of the media outlets and the changes that
have happened over the years. While Mr. Hajjar emphasis was on the quality of information to be
shared as not any information is Media Information and not any information is important enough to be

The Round-table also addressed the fact that Youth are not interested in Radio, nor Newspaper and
even less in TV (as per UNESCO latest study). Social Media is the Youth Hub nowadays; that is why it
was crucial to develop websites and phone applications in order to advance at the same pace with
Youth on the level of Technology.

34. What is the text about?

A. Radio voice of Lebanon
B. Media Training Program
C. The quality of information
D. Understanding the technology

35. What will the NGOs probably do after the discussion?

A. Develop websites and phone applications
B. Ask people to be interested to newspaper
C. Develop the programs of the panel
D. Publish some information

36. The underlined word in line 1 paragraph 1 can be replaced by ...

A. decrease
B. improve
C. manage
D. reach

Questions 37 – 39 are based on the following text.

What do you have for everyday meal? Yes, we have rice for our meal. Do you know how do the
farmers plant the rice? You can learn the following steps to plant rice.

The first step is selecting the seeds. Choose the seeds there are completely dry. These seeds must have
been storage at least 40 to 50 days in the storage.

The second step is seedling the seeds. Prepare the seedbed by hoeing and loosening the soil in the
watering sufficiently in the surface of seedling. Finally spread the seeds.

The following step is cultivating the soil. While you are doing rice seedling, you can hoe the whole soil
for planting. Plow the soil and spread the fertilizer. Mix the fertilizer with the soil thoroughly to make
the soil fertile. Give the water for about 3 cm above the surface of the soil to make the fertilizer settled
in the soil.
The last step is moving the seeds from the seedling to the planting area, pull out the seed carefully from
the seedling and the root of the seed stick some soil.

37. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To ask to do farmers’ job
B. To instruct to grow seedling
C. To tell to make our everyday meal
D. To tell the procedure of planting rice

38. What should we do after selecting the seeds?

A. Store them in the storage
B. Dry them directly
C. Seedling them
D. Spread them

39. “... plow the soil and spread the fertilizer”.

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ... .
A. loosen
B. plough
C. dry
D. do

Questions 40 – 42 are based on the following text.

Bali is an Indonesian island known for its forested volcanic mountains, iconic rice paddies, beaches and
coral reefs. The island is home to religious sites such as cliffside Uluwatu Temple. To the south, the
beachside city of Kuta has lively bars, while Seminyak, Sanur and Nusa Dua are popular resort towns.
The island is also known for its yoga and meditation retreats.

The southern tip is also world-renowned for its prime surfing spots such as Padang Padang and
Uluwatu. Further island is Ubud, a hill town known for its spa treatments, yoga and ecotourism, which
may include a trip to a monkey preserve. Ringing the island are coral reefs teeming with sea life,
making it a hot spot for scuba diving. You can also get a taste of Balinese culture at a gamelan
percussion performance or one of thousands of Hindu temples,

40. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To invite people only for a meditation
B. To ask people to come to the place
C. To learn how to do surfing in Bali
D. To describe cities in Indonesia

41. In paragraph 2, the writer tries to explain that ... .

A. Gamelan will be banned by the local government
B. We can do surfing, diving in Uluwatu and Ubud
C. There are so many volcanic mountains in Bali
D. Monkeys can be endangered in Bali

42. The underlined word in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ... .
A. complex
B. original
C. general
D. visible

Questions 43 – 44are based on the following text.

Keumalahayati, or Malahayati(16th century), was an admiral in the navy of the Aceh Sultanate, which
ruled the area of modern Aceh Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. She was the first woman admiral in the
modern world.

Malahayati's reputation as the guardian of the Aceh Kingdom led Englandto choose a peaceful,
diplomatic method by which to enter the Malacca Strait. A letter from Queen Elizabeth I was brought
by James Lancasterto the Sultan, and it was Malahayati who led the negotiation with Lancaster. The
agreement opened the English route to Java, and they were soon afterwards able to build merchant
offices inBanten. Elizabeth I rewarded Lancaster with aknighthood for his successful diplomacy in
Aceh and Banten.
Malahayati was killed in combat while attacking the Portuguese fleet at Teuluk Krueng Raya. She was
buried at lereng Bukit Kota Dalam, a small fishing village 34km from Banda Aceh.

Today, Malahayati has become the namesake for naval ships, universities, hospitals and roads in
several Sumatran cities.

43. What did she do in the agreement?

A .She led the negosiation with Lancaster
B. She built merchant offices in Banten
C. She attacked the Portuguse fleet
D. She entered Malacca strait

44. The underlined word in the text (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to ... .

A. in a battle
B. in a trap
C. in a gun
D. in a trip

Questions 45 – 47 are based on the following text.

This is to inform that the Ministry of Railways is hereby in need for vendors who can assure an
efficient and effective delivery of railway coaches as per the directions of the authority from time
to time.

Vendors are expected to go through the attached rules and policies before applying for the same. The
shortlisted vendors would be invited to attend the bidding to be held at the address mentioned below on
the 31st March,’14, 12.30 p.m.

Venue: 5th Floor, Transportation Building, Jl. Abdul Muis No.1 Center of Jakarta.

For further details, please contact our helpdesk at

We look forward to a successful deal with you.

45. What is the topic of the text?

A. The railways vendors
B. The Ministry Railways
C. The invitation for a bid
D. Deal between the vendors

46. What will the readers do after reading the text?

A. Attach the rules
B. Visit the websites
C. Apply for the tender
D. Contact the bid owner

47. The underlined word in the text can be replaced by ... .

A. revised
B. applied
C. registered
D. accompanied

Dear valued customers,

We are excited to announce that we are officially changing our company name to IDP Corporation
from I&A System effective from November 1, 2014.

The new name ... (48) our dedication to ID card industry, and significant expansion of the business
activities since ... (49) first began operating under the name of I&A System in the year of 2005. Please
take a note that “Smart” brand of existing products remian unchanged representing continuity in these
new and exciting times.

The company will continue to operate in its ... (50) structure and there has been no change in
ownership, staff and its location. At the same time we will have the new web domain, www.idp-, and all our e-mail addresses,, to reflect and strengthen the corporate
identity. The old e-mail addresses and website ... (51) our company will continue to be operational for
the next two years. For accounting purpose, bank information remains unchanged except the name of
account holder to the new business name.

We look forward to your continues success sharing with you in our excitement about the progress and
changes we are making under the new business name. As always, we will continue to serve our
customers with the same devotion and quality which you have come to expect from us.
Sincerely yours,
Brian Roh

A. reflects
B. originates
C. examines
D. establishes

A. they
B. you
C. we
D. he

A. powerful
B. previous
C. current
D. secure

A. of
B. at
C. in
D. to

Questions 52 to 53 refer to the following procedure

1. Insert your card into the slot and select a language

2. Enter your personal Identification Number (PIN) and select the transaction you want, cash
3. Put in your account number and then verify the number and the account holder name before
proceeding with the transaction
4. Place the cash you want to deposit into the box and it will be processed. Remember that the
process includes verification of the amount and number of bank notes.
5. You will see the confirmation of the deposited cash amount on the screen. After that, choose to
continue or cancel the transaction.
6. If you click continue, the transaction will proceed
7. Once the transaction is completed, you can take the receipt

52.. The procedure is mainly talking about . . .

A. How to deposit cash into an ATM
B. How to make a bank loan in an ATM
C. How to withdraw money from an ATM
D. How to use an ATM to transfer money
53 What should we do before proceeding with the transaction?
A. Place the cash we want to deposit
B. Take the receipt of our transaction
C. Enter our Personal Identification Number
D. Verify the number and account holder’s name
54. “ Once the transaction is completed (Step 7)
A. Deal
B. Purpose
C. Activity
D. Function
Questions 55 to 60. Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.
Four answer choices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text
A, B, C, or D.

Questions 55 to 56 refer to the application letter.

High Tech Company

Jl. Gatot Subroto 111


Dear Sir,

We have been invited to be the one of the partners in your business in Jakarta. We are (55) . . .
in becoming distributors for your software products. Would you like to send us your latest catalogues,
descriptive brochures, and terms?

Our company deals with hardware. Therefore, we would like to (56) . . . software to our sales
range. Our annual report is also enclosed. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours.

Anton Budiman

Marketing Manager


A. Interest

B. To interest

C. Interested

D. Interesting


A. Add

B. Send

C. Make

D. Search

Questions 57 to 58 refer to the following notice

Each division is being asked to look carefully at its safety record and to take action to improve it. In the
last five years, there (57) . . . only two accidents in our post-production department. While that sounds
very good, we can do better. The accidents that did occur were machinery- related accidents that could
have been prevented. I (58) . . . all of you to create a detailed list of the steps taken before and after use
of all machinery, in order to identify areas in which we can improve our safety procedure.


A. Will be

B. Have been
C. Had been

D. Were


A. Asks

B. Asked

C. Am asked

D. Am asking

Questions 59 to 60 refer to the following recount.

Last summer, my cousins and I went to Indonesia for vacation. We (59) . . a few days in Yogyakarta.
It is a special region in the central part of Java.

We stayed in Ibis hotel on Malioboro street because it made us easy to go anywhere. The first place we
visited was Yogyakarta Palace. We also went to Taman Sari water castle. It was nice to see the former
royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta.

On the second day, we went to Prambanan Temple by trans Jogja. It was very cheap and practical. I
was (60) . . . to see the beautiful ancient architecture. After looking around and taking a lot of pictures,
we took a rest at a local food restaurant. Dani, my cousin, really loved eating his gudeg, especially

The next day, we went to Parangtritis beach. It was very crowded with tourists. After that, we went to
Mirota Batik to buy batik clothes and traditional accessories. We really enjoyed our vacation in
Yogyakarta. I hope I can go there again one day


A. Spend

B. Spent

C. Take

D. Took


A. Amazed

B. Amazing

C. Terrify

D. Suddenly

In this part of the test, you have to answer or fulfill the questions based on each instructions correctly
and grammatically!

1. Arrange the letter of the sentences into correct arrangement.

a. A mangrove forest is one of the tourist attractions there

b. It is well-known for the best seafood and oriental food in Jakarta
c. One of the special sights is when we see some wild birds standing on wooden poles among
d. It comprises 99 hectares
e. Pantai Indah Kapuk is one of popular tourism in Jakarta
2. Arrange the jumbled dialogue into good order!

a. Marty : That’s too bad. Can’t you reschedule it?

b. James : I don’t think so. But if my friends cancels, I’ll tell you
c. Marty : I’m going to Dieng Plateau to explore the historic temples
d. James : Sunday? I’m afraid , I already have an appointment
e. Marty : OK, let me know
f. James : That sounds great. It’s like an historical adventure, right?
g. Marty : Yes, do you want to go with me? We’ll leave on Sunday

3 Complete the following sentence into correct type 2 of conditional sentence!

“ If I . . . (have) the strength, I . . . ( continue) our hill walk.

Number 4 to 5, Change the following sentences into passive voice!

4. The government will erase the national examination.

5. Parent must protect their teenagers from the danger of the drug.

Kisi – Kisi dan Materi



Asking Direction

 How do I get to library?

 Is there a pet shop near here ?
 Where is the nearest post office?
 Do you know where the shopping center?
 What’s the best way to get to the amusement park form here?
 Could you help me, please? I’m looking for the bank.
 Can you tell me the way to the Nature Hotel?

Giving Direction

 Go straight / ahead at the traffic lights

 Continue straight ahead for about a mile
 Keep going straight ahead you will see it on the right
 Turn left past the phone shop
 Turn left / right at the second turning
 Take a right / left at the junction
 Cross the taxi rank and you are there


 May I help you?

 What can I do for you?
 Is there anything I can do to help?
 Would you like me to help you?
 Do you need any help?

Accepting services / helps

 Yes, please. Thanks a lot

 Yes, please. If it’s not to much trouble
 Thanks. That’s very kind of you
 Thank you very much. I appreciate that.

Refusing services / helps

 No, thanks. I ‘m OK
 No, thanks, I think I can manage
 Thank you very much, but I can do it my self
 No, thanks. It’s all right

Social function : To offer help generously in order to sustain a good relationship with
Learning focus :
 Offering services / helps
 Accepting and refusing help
Pronouns (Subject, object)
Tenses (Simple future, simple past)


Expressing to giving invitation

 Would you like come to......
 Will you come to........
 Could you come to.......
 Would you...... + (Verb 1)
 Do you liketo come?
 Would you care to....... + (Verb 1)
 I ‘d be delighted if you.....
 I was wondering if you’d like to....

Accepting invitation

 Yes. I’d love to .....

 I would, thank you...
 With pleasure..
 That would be very nice
 Sure, I will come
 That’s very kind of you
 Thank you for inviting me
 Ok. I ‘ll be there

Declining / Refusing invitation

 If you don’t mind. I ‘d rather not

 Thank you, but I’m afraid
 I ‘d love to, but I have another appointment
 I ‘m sorry but I can’t
 I ‘m afraid I can’t I’ve already got an appointment
 I wish I could, but.....
 Sorry, maybe next time
 Thank you for inviting me, but....
 I’m very sory, I dont think I can go



Congratulating / congratulation adalah memberi ucapan selamat kepada orang lain atas
prestasi dan kebahagiaan yang di raih.


 Congratulations !
 Congratulations, friend!
 Congratulations for winning the bike race
 Congratulations Zahra to become the champion of the English speech contest
 Congratulations on your graduation
 That’s great
 Well done
 Wow, you made such wonderful handy craft

 Thanks
 Thank you
 Thank you very much
 Thanks a lot
 Thank you so much
 Thanks for saying so
 It’s vey kind of you to say so..
 This is because you’ are always with me
 I ‘m glad you think so..


What a......
 What a nice dress!
 What a wonderful performance!
 What a clever boy you are!
 What a kind boy he is!

 What big house you have!
 What expensive cars

 How beautiful she is!
 How handsome!
 How comfortable motorcycle it is!
 How cheap the computer are!

You look.....
 You look gorgeous!
 You look nice. With that tshirt. Good job...

 Thanks.
 Thank you
 Thanks for your appreciation
 Thank you very much
 It’s very kind of you to say that
 I’m glad you like it




 What is your opinion?

 What are you feelling?
 What your view on?
 What is your idea?
 What do you think about?
 What do you like?
 What is your comment?
 What is your reaction?
 What do you think of ?
 How about this?
 How is your opinion?
 How was the trip?
 How do you like?
 How about?
 How do you think?
 How do you feel?
 Give me your comment/reaction
 Do you have any idea?
 Do you have opinion of ?


 In my opinion
 I think
 I think I like it
 I personally consider
 I personally believe
 I tend to think that
 My comments is
 In my view. As far I know
 From my point of view


 It looks amazing
 It suits you nicely
 You look pretty in it
 It’s a great choiche, you wouldn’t regret it.


 I don’t think you can’t afford it

 It’s too expensive for you
 You don’t have the right skin tone
 It’s very unbecoming for you


Kind of conditional sentence

1. Conditional sentence type 0

Di gunakan ketika hasil / konsekuensi dari kondisi tewujud alias memaparkan sebuah
kebenaran (general truth / fakta ilmiah)


If +Simple present, Simple present

If we burn paper, it become ash
I feel sick if I eat to much
If you dont brush your teeth, you get cavities
When people smoke cigarettes, their health suffers
2. Conditional type 1

Adalah bentuk kalimat pengandaian untuk hasil yang masih memiliki kemungkinan
untuk terjadi di masa depan


If + Simple present, Simple future “Will” / Imperative


If I meet him, I will introduce my self

I will cook dinner tonight, if you clean the house
If you rest, you will feel better
If it rains, I will stay at home

3. Conditional type 2

Untuk kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan ketika hasil atau konsekuensi hanya
memiliki harapan terwujud walaupun kemungkinan sangat kecil. Pengandaian ini belum
terjadi namun juga bisa menjadi kenyataan

If +Simple past / were, would/could/might+ bare infinitive


If I inherited a billion dollars, I would travel to the moon.

If I owened a zoo, I might let people interact with the animals more
If I were you, I would continue my study
If I had time, I would go with you

4. Conditional type 3

Kalimat pengandaian ketika sebuah kondisi tidak terwujud sama sekali. Untuk kondisi
yang sangat mustahilatau hanya sebuah mimpi atau imajinasi.

If+ Past perfect, would/ should/could/might +have+past participle (V3).


If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attendend your party
We might have gone to South America if she had not been pregnant.
If you had told me you needed a ride, I would have left earlier.
If I had cleaned the house, I could have gone to the movies.

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