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Residential School Energy Calculation Practical 2015

Everything above
this line is put
towards gain. E.g.
NEg gaining body
Kg weight, milk
production, wool,
MEg eggs, etc.
ME intake
Everything up to
this line is for
Total ME intake=MEm + MEg
NEm of the animal. E.g.

to maintain body
current body
weight, etc.

Explanation of terms on the above graph:

Maintenance = Defined as the metabolic energy intake (MEI) where there is no change in weight,
and so MEI meets the maintenance needs of the body eg Na pump, heart, metabolic transactions of

Km= “value” represents the efficiency with which MEI meets maintenance or provides the cell
with ATP equivalent to the mobilisation of lipid or protein from the body.
MEm= “value” represents the MEI required to meet maintenance.
NEm= “value” represents the net energy retained (i.e. it is the actual amount of MEm retained) by
animal to meet maintenance. Some of the energy is loss by the animal (e.g. as heat), hence why this
value is less than the MEm.

Gain = Defined as the metabolic energy intake (MEI) where there is change in weight, and so MEI
exceeds the maintenance needs of the body and allows for the animal to gain (e.g. gain body weight,
produce milk, grow wool, produce eggs, work – in draught animals, etc)

Kg= “value” represents the efficiency with which MEI can be utilized for gain.
MEg= “value” represents the MEI required to meet desired gain.
NEg= “value” represents the net energy retained (i.e. it is the actual amount of MEg retained) by
animal to meet desired gain. Some of the energy is loss by the animal (e.g. as heat), hence why this
value is less than the MEg.
The actual letter you used after K, ME and NE when looking at gain is interchangeable. You could
have “g” to indicate gain in body weight, or “l” for lactation if you are looking at milk production.
Similarly you could use “w” for wool, “f” for feathers, or “e” for eggs etc.

Answer the following questions in order; showing all calculations and the correct
units. All information you need is provided, so read through the questions carefully.

Questions 1 to 4 is looking at maintenance on graph 1 (i.e. the bottom half of graph 1).

Q1. Energy expenditure and basal metabolic rate depends on the amount of metabolically active tissue
in the body rather the total body weight. The weight of the active tissue also referred to as the
Metabolic weight (MW) is generally calculated using the formula W 0.75 – where W is the weight of
the animal in kilograms (kg).

Calculate the metabolic weight (MW or W0.75) for a

(a) 250kg steer

(b) 500kg cow

Q2. Fasting Heat Production (FHP) is the heat produced at fasting. Net energy for maintenance (NE m) is
the amount of energy equal to the FHP.
To calculate the NEm (or FHP) you use the formula:

NEm (MJNE/day) = 0.32(MJ/kg) * MW /day,

Or, NEm (MJNE/day) = 0.32(MJ/kg) * W(kg)0.75 / day

NOTE: The units are in brackets.

Calculate the net energy for maintenance (NE m) for a

(a) 250kg steer

(b) 500kg cow

(c) Fill in the appropriate gap on the 1st and 2nd graph for each animal where this value belongs.

The 1st graph for both animals is on page 5. The 2 nd graph for the 250kg steer is on page 9, and the 2 nd
graph for the 500kg cow is on page 11.

Q3. Once you know the NEm required by the animal, you need to provide ME which will meet the NE m
(i.e. provide ME that will maintain the weight of the tissues or meet the metabolism associated with
FHP). The ME which will meet the NE m is referred to as the metabolic energy required for
maintenance (MEm).

To calculate MEm, you first need to know the NEm and the Km (if needed, refer back to “explanation of
terms” under graph for definition).

Remember: You have calculated the NEm in Q2, but you don’t have the Km.

To calculate the Km you use the formula

Km = 0.35*qm + 0.503

qm = the metabolisability of the diet = Metabolic Energy (ME) content of diet / Gross Energy (GE)
content of diet

If the animals (both the 250kg steer and 500kg cow) were feed a pasture that had:
ME content = 9MJME/kgDM, and
GE content = 18.4MJME/kgDM

Then, qm = 9 (MJME/kgDM) / 18.4 (MJME/kgDM)

qm = 0.49
(qm has no units as the units from the ME and GE have cancelled each other out)

(a) Using the above qm, calculate the Km, then fill in the appropriate gap on the 1 st graph on page 5 only
for each animal (250kg steer and 500kg cow) where this value belongs. It will be the same for both
Km =

NOTE: Km has no units.

(b) Now that you have the NE m and Km, you can calculate the ME m for both the 250kg steer and 500kg

To calculate the MEm you use the formula

MEm (MJME/day) = NEm (MJNE/day) / Km

NOTE: The units are in brackets.

Calculate the metabolic energy required for maintenance (ME m) for a

250kg steer MEm =

500kg cow MEm =

(c) Fill in the appropriate gap on the 1st graph for each animal (250kg steer and 500kg cow) on page 5
where this value belongs.
Q4. The Dry Matter intake (DMI) (kgDM/day) required by an animal to meet its ME m can be calculated
using the following formula:

DMI = Metabolic energy required / Metabolic energy content of diet

Calculate the DMI required to meet the ME m for the 250kg steer and 500kg cow that are feed on a
pasture that has a metabolic energy content of 9MJME/kgDM.

(a) 250kg steer


(b) 500kg cow


250kg Steer – 1st Energy graph – To be filled in

Everything above
this line is put
towards gain. E.g.
NEg = gaining body
= weight, milk
Kg production, wool,
MEg = eggs, etc.
ME intake
Everything up to
this line is for
Total ME intake =
NEm = of the animal. E.g.

to maintain body

current body
weight, etc.
MEm =

500kg cow – 1st Energy graph – To be filled in

Everything above
this line is put
towards gain. E.g.
NEl = gaining body
K l= weight, milk
production, wool,
MEl = eggs, etc.
ME intake
Everything up to
this line is for
Total ME intake =
NEm = of the animal. E.g.

to maintain body

current body
weight, etc.
MEm =

Questions 5 to 6 is looking at gain on graph 1 (i.e. the top half of graph 1).

Q5. The 250kg steer is grazing on pasture with an energy content of 9MJME/kgDM. Calculate the DMI
(kgDM/day) needed if this animal is growing at a livewight gain (LWG) of 0.5kg/day.

Step 1. You need to calculate the Net Energy of gain (NE g). To calculate the NEg (MJNE/day) you
use the formula

NEg = 15(MJ/kg)*LWG
NEg =

Note: the units are in brackets

Fill in the appropriate gap on the graph for the 250kg steer on page 5 where this value belongs.

Step 2. You need to calculate the K g. To calculate the Kg you use the formula below. Note: q m =
0.49. See Q3 above for a reminder of how you got this value.

Kg = 0.78*qm + 0.006
Kg =

Fill in the appropriate gap on the graph for the 250kg steer on page 5 where this value belongs.

Step 3. Now that you have the NE g and Kg, you can calculate the metabolic energy of gain (ME g)
for the 250kg steer. To calculate the ME g you use the formula

MEg (MJME/day) = NEg (MJNE/day) / Kg

MEg =

Fill in the appropriate gap on the graph for the 250kg steer on page 5 where this value belongs.

Step 4. You need to calculate the total metabolic energy intake for the 250kg steer.

Total ME intake = MEm + MEg

Fill in the appropriate gap on the graph for the 250kg steer on page 5 where this value belongs.

Remember: You calculated the MEm for the 250kg in Q3(b).

Step 5. Now you can calculate the DMI needed if this animal is growing at a livewight gain (LWG)
of 0.5kg/day.
DMI = Metabolic energy required / Metabolic energy content of diet

Step 6. You need to confirm if this is possible i.e. can the steer actually eat the calculated amount?
Steers can eat ≤3.5% of their body weight.

% of body weight DM intake is equivalent to (% of body weight) = DM intake / body weight

Q6. The 500kg cow is grazing on pasture with an energy content of 9MJME/kgDM. Calculate the DMI
(kgDM/day) needed if this animal has a milk production target of 20kg of milk per day.

Step 1. You need to calculate the Net Energy of lactation (NE l where the “l” stands for lactation).
Remember the letter you use when looking at gain is interchangeable. You could have “g” to
indicate gain in body weight like you used for the 250kg steer, or “w” for wool if you were looking
at wool production etc). To calculate the NE l (MJNE/day) you use the formula

NEl = 3.13(MJNE/kg)*milk production

NEl =

Note: the units are in brackets.

Fill in the appropriate gap on the graph for the 500kg cow on page 5 where this value belongs.

Step 2. You need to calculate the K l. To calculate the Kl you use the formula below. Note: q m =
0.49. See Q3 above for a reminder of how you got this value.

Kl = 0.35*qm + 0.42
Kl =

Fill in the appropriate gap on the graph for the 500kg cow on page 5 where this value belongs.

Step 3. Now that you have the NE l and Kl, you can calculate the metabolic energy of lactation
(MEl) for the 500kg cow. To calculate the MEl you use the formula

MEl (MJME/day) = NEl (MJNE/day) / Kl

MEl =

Fill in the appropriate gap on the graph for the 500kg cow on page 5 where this value belongs.

Step 4. You need to calculate the total metabolic energy intake for the 500kg cow.

Total ME intake = MEm + MEl

Fill in the appropriate gap on the graph for the 500kg cow on page 5 where this value belongs.

Remember: You calculated the MEm for the 500kg in Q3(b).

Step 5. Now you can calculate the DMI needed if this animal has a target milk production of

DMI = Metabolic energy required / Metabolic energy content of diet

Step 6. You need to confirm if this is possible i.e. can the steer actually eat the calculated amount?
Cows can eat ≤3.5% of their body weight.

% of body weight DM intake is equivalent to (% of body weight) = DM intake / body weight

Q7. The 250kg steer is fed 5kgDM/day of a mixed diet with an energy content of 10.8MJME/kgDM.
Calculate the liveweight gain (LWG) of the steer under this feeding regime.

Step 1. You need to calculate the total daily metabolic energy intake (MEI) for the 250kg steer. To
calculate the total MEI (MJME/day) you use the formula

Total MEI = ME content of diet*DMI

Fill in the appropriate gap on the 2nd graph for the 250kg steer on page 9 where this value belongs.

Step 2. The new mixed diet has a different metabolisability (q m = 0.587) hence the Km will be different.
To calculate the new Km you use the formula with the new qm

Km = 0.35*qm + 0.503
Km =

Fill in the appropriate gap on the 2nd graph for the 250kg steer on page 9 where this value belongs.

Step 3. Now that you have the NE m (which is still is the same as what you calculated in Q2(a)) and new
Km, you can calculate the new metabolic energy of maintenance (ME m) for the 250kg steer. Remember
to calculate the MEm you use the formula

MEm (MJME/day) = NEm (MJNE/day) / Km

MEm =

Fill in the appropriate gap on the 2nd graph for the 250kg steer on page 9 where this value belongs.

Step 4. You need to calculate how much of the total MEI is left for gain (i.e. the ME g) after
maintenance has been fulfilled for the 250kg steer.

MEg = Total ME intake - MEm

Fill in the appropriate gap on the 2nd graph for the 250kg steer on page 9 where this value belongs.

Step 5. As mentioned, the new mixed diet has a different metabolisability (q m = 0.587) hence the Kg will
also be different. To calculate the new Kg you use the formula below with the new q m

Kg = 0.78*qm + 0.006
Kg =

Step 6. Now that you have the new ME g and new Kg, you can calculate the new net energy of gain
(NEg) for the 250kg steer. Re-arrange the formula below to solve for NE g

MEg (MJME/day) = NEg (MJNE/day) / Kg

Step 7. Now that you have the new NE g, you can calculate the new liveweight gain (LWG) for the
250kg steer. Re-arrange the formula below to solve for LWG

NEg = 15(MJ/kg)*LWG

250kg Steer – 2nd Energy graph – To be filled in

Q8. The 500kg cow is fed 17.4kgDM/day of a mixed diet with an energy content of 11.7MJME/kgDM.

Everything above
this line is put
towards gain. E.g.
NEg = gaining body
= weight, milk
Kg production, wool,
MEg = eggs, etc.
ME intake
Everything up to
this line is for
Total ME intake =
NEm = of the animal. E.g.

to maintain body

current body
weight, etc.
MEm =

Calculate the milk production of the cow under this feeding regime.

Step 1. You need to calculate the total daily metabolic energy intake (MEI) for the 500kg cow. To
calculate the total MEI (MJME/day) you use the formula

Total MEI = ME content of diet*DMI

Fill in the appropriate gap on the 2nd graph for the 500kg cow on page 11 where this value belongs.

Step 2. The new mixed diet has a different metabolisability (q m = 0.636) hence the Km will be different.
To calculate the new Km you use the formula with the new qm

Km = 0.35*qm + 0.503
Km =

Fill in the appropriate gap on the 2nd graph for the 500kg cow on page 11 where this value belongs.

Step 3. Now that you have the NE m (which is still is the same as what you calculated in Q2(b)) and new
Km, you can calculate the new metabolic energy of maintenance (ME m) for the 500kg cow. Remember
to calculate the MEm you use the formula

MEm (MJME/day) = NEm (MJNE/day) / Km

MEm =

Fill in the appropriate gap on the 2nd graph for the 500kg cow on page 11 where this value belongs.

Step 4. You need to calculate how much of the total MEI is left for milk production/lactation (i.e. the
MEl) after maintenance has been fulfilled for the 500kg cow.

MEl = Total ME intake - MEm

Fill in the appropriate gap on the 2nd graph for the 500kg cow on page 11 where this value belongs.

Step 5. As mentioned, the new mixed diet has a different metabolisability (q m = 0.587) hence the Kl will
also be different. To calculate the new Kl you use the formula below with the new q m

Kl = 0.35*qm + 0.42
Kl =

Step 6. Now that you have the new MEl and new Kl, you can calculate the new net energy of lactation
(NEl) for the 500kg cow. Re-arrange the formula below to solve for NEl

MEl (MJME/day) = NEl (MJNE/day) / Kl

Step 7. Now that you have the new NE l, you can calculate the new level of milk production (kg
milk/day) for the 500kg cow. Re-arrange the formula below to solve for milk production

NEl = 3.13(MJ/kg milk)*milk production

500kg cow – 2nd Energy graph – To be filled in

Everything above
this line is put
towards gain. E.g.
NEl = gaining body
K l= weight, milk
production, wool,
MEl = eggs, etc.
ME intake
Everything up to
this line is for
Total ME intake =
NEm = of the animal. E.g.

to maintain body

current body
weight, etc.
MEm =

Ca/P ratio required by ruminates is 1-2:1
Pasture Ca = 1.5g/kgDM
Pasture P = 1g/kgDM
Barley Ca = 0.5g/kgDM
Barley P = 4g/kgDM

Q9. In a pasture only diet, would the Ca/P ratio be met?

Q10. If a steer was feed 2kgDM/day of pasture and 3kgDM/day of Barley grain, would the
Ca/P ratio be met? If not what would you do to make it met a correct Ca/P ratio?


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