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-- ,\

Tape x_-oox




Time Segments(GMT)

-- :_ _ .*

From To

15:18:11 16:54:26

Voice fair Time fair

Dump Tape lh5-001
Time: 15:18:11 to 16:54:hl
Page I of i0

15 18 ll CDR We barely could ... it twice, yes.

PLT Yes, ... kind of rack them around. All right ...

CDR That 's it.

SPT How's that?

CDR Yes, that's it. There you go.

PLT What else have we got to drink?

PLT You got to ... first place ... Not going to be ...

CDR I - I really don't know what else we have to reach

/ today, but it's ...

CDR Why I - I mean I can - -

PLT ... come over there.

CDR Do you need help or what?

CDR No, you're all right.

PLT ... Now wait a minute, I can help you there.

CDR You're at the head end of it, here, thoug_q.

PLT I think I want to move it - I want to roll it ...

Just a flatter ...

SPT Okay.

PLT That's very good, ...

CDR Look at that! Okay. Beautiful. Oh, boy. You're

up against ... 1 here.

PLT If you get your SEVA out, you've got to raise your
/ couch up against the - -

SPT Huh? The SEVA is going to be temporarily stuck,

but I can get it out - -

CDR That 's all right.

SPT - - later. Now wait a minute.

Dump Tape lh5-001
Time: 15:18:11 to 16:54:hi
Page 2 of i0

PLT Do we have to get ... B-l?

CDR Yes.

PLT ... up against A-7 down here. Man, that's a tight


SPT Well, that's good. It'll hold it right there.

16 38 hl CDR It'll hold it. Now, we wanted to get the food back
in A-7, we won't be able to do it.


PLT ... is there anything extra there?


PLT That 'll do it.

CDR ... we get the food back in A-7.

PLT ... aim towards you.

CDR Well, we need to stow it.

PLT Well, yes. Okay. I'll ... place for ...

CDR No. It ought to go back in A-7°

PLT Not the dirty old food.

CDR Yes. That's where it belongs.

PLT ... it. We're going to need to get dinner there.

CDR I know, but this dirty bag was supposed to be

sealed and go back in A-7.

CDR Hey, I tell you. If we don't stick to the plans,

we'll get all mixed up.

PLT What?

SPT Over further.

PLT Now, Joe, while you're doing that, let me bring

this end - ... gain sm_y this way or not.
Dump Tape 145-001
Time: 15:18:11 to 16:54:41
Page 3 of l0

SPT Might gain a little - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Here's what's wrong. The handle has been extended,

PLT .•.

SPT No, no. The unlock handle that makes the end ...

PLT Oh. Oh, you can straighten that down.

16 40 02 CDR Joe, you did it again, didn't you?

SPT What, pass gas?

CDR Yes.

SPT Sure, sure.

CDR ... and I ... a little tight fit.

PLT There. How's that?

CDR Wait a minute. That's Just _ ... in and out of

A-7 and it will.

SPT Well, it won't open far, but I can get in and out
of it .... it off over there.

CDR Well, let's - let's ...

SPT Yes.

PLT Good.

CDR ... Joe what it was.

PLT Huh?

SPT ...

PLT That 's right.

CDR We're going into night again. And when we do, we

need to ...

CREW ... Where were we? We need to - -

PLT Oh, oh.

Dump Tape lh5-001
Time: 35:18:11 to 16:5h:hl
Page h of i0

16 hi I0 SPT You know what it is. You ... him ... he's so
darned exhausted, ... supposed to run away from

CDR Yes.

CDR How you doing?

SPT Doing all right.

PLT It's not cinched down super tight, but I don't

think I want it super tight. Because if I get
it super tight, we won't get in that locker.

SPT ... Okay.

CDR All right. Now_ did you ... - -

PLT You wanted me throw away ...? Where is that food


SPT I don't know where it is.

PLT I do.

CDR Does anybody have any more for it?

PLT I'll do it right now.

CDR Okay. Put it back in A-7.

PLT I taped the top -'-

CDR ... we're going to have ... because we can't

handle ...

PLT ... the only way ...

SPT We done put that ... drink.

PLT Yes, Joe, ... the ... drink bag?

CDR What are you looking for, Joe?

SPT The gray tape.

16 h2 33 CDR Did you put it in your pocket?

Dump Tape 145-001
Time: 15:18:11 to 16:54:hi
Page 5 of l0

SPT Well, I might have. I ... remember putting it in

there, though .... 9, l0.

PLT Hey! You get a player.

SPT Yes, your adapter.

PLT Yes.

CDR Yes.

16 h30_ PLT Yes, that thing makes ... a long vector.

SPT I see it. I don't know.


PLT You got something to say?

CDR It looks like an airplane doesn't it? Or another


PLT Looks like an airplane.

CDR I think it's going the same speed we are.

PLT Must not be an airplane.

CDR Must be a particle or something underneath us that's

blinking .... fire, fire.

PLT Look at all those fires.

16 _3 59 CDR Find it, Joe?

SPT No, I - I'm sure it'll turn up. I'm not going to
look for it right this minute. Going to wrap up
these ropes. Then I'm going to get the cameras out.

CDR Have you d_J-T_edthe ... ?

PLT Nobody is ready to dump ... No, I Just was trying

to figureout where Joe might have put the gray
tape up .... feel his pocket ....

PLT Okay .... now.

CDR Yes. I'll tell you, we're getting close, so we've

got to be organized in about 25 minutes, because
it's all go from there. We've got a P52 coming up
in about - ... minutes.
Dump Tape lh5-001
Time: 15:18:11 to 16:5_:41
Page 6 of i0

SPT You want me to go ahead and fill the accumulator,


CDR You can do that.

PLT Haaaaaaaaaaaaa !

CDR ... You want me to read the checklist, Joe?

/ 16 45 22 SPT For the accumulator?

CDR No, the stowage checklist.

SPT ... a minute ...

CDR All right.

SPT Wait a minute .... at the cue cards. Hey, Joe.

PLT Yes.

SPT Can you get the cue card right over your head up
by the optics?

CDR Man, I don't know what I'm doing. I can't see off ...
Oh, I put a shot in it.

SPT Yes, I know; I'll give you another.

CDR 0ks_.

SPT Hold it. That thing, it fell right back to where

it was. Turn it on. Let it go a while. Turn it
off. That's good, man. Okay, good feed.

CDR All right, I'Ii be right with you.

/ SPT ... cutting off .... Velcro hold ... okay.

CDR All right (cough) Configure ... to the ... The

F ... (_ to ... 18 minutesto CX01 bracket.

SPY Hold anything to them?

CDR Yes. Power caps. You think ...

CDR Eighteen-millimeter lens.

Dump Tape 145-001
Time: 15:18:11 to 16:54:hi
Page 7 of i0

SPT Right. Oks_, it's already got CX01 on it.

CDR Okay. Go on.

SPT And ... bracket ... First thing ... 5 millimeter

lens out.

CDR No, we don't want it.

SPT Yes, we do, later on.

16 h8 12 CDR Why do we need it later on?

SPT The checklist has always called for it later on.

CDR You're confused. We used to always put the 75 on

and then switch to 18 - 18 ... cartography.

SPT All right, ... 18. Co--_ander, you're right.

SPT ... light.

CDR Yes.

SPT The bracket is coming ...

CDR Okay. Okay, now.

SPT I'll tell you one thing. I ain't all that keen
on these ...

CDR Yes, it's got ... on its ... like they wear in
MOCR .... they can't ever get this ... That big
gosh darn lightweight headset from our ... trying
to ... in front - f/8 - - F/8, 1/250, infinity, one
fra_ per second, CX01. That's it, baby. Do your

CREW Wheee.

SPT ...lighton.

CDR Day i_5, right?

PLT 189 ... 79 - get it plugged in?

CDR ...
Du_ Tape lh5-O01
Time: 15:18:11 to 16:5h:41
Page 8 of i0

PLT Just like in the movies.

CDR ... Did you clear memory?

PLT ... all around up there ...

CDR Yes.

SPT It's time to look for it, ... alread_ ... I'm trying
/r to whistle, but I can't. (Whistling)

PLT Yes, you can learn to whistle, but it takes ...

d_ys. You got to hold your lips a little farther
apart and-

- SPT Here. See


PLT ... must be thinking ...

SPT No, I am afraid it stays at ... the bag I Just ...

CDR Not big enough to hold it all, but the idea was

BPT Okay. Do you want the TV camera?

16 51 59 CDR Yes. Let's see. Let me - let me - let me go through

this - - You ought to get the TV campra rea_ for
the ... --

SPT Yes.

CDR - - ...

SPT All right.

CDR We got a burn coming up, see that's what's bugging

me. Wait, wait. Here it is ... there's the spot ...

PLT ...

SPT It never ended.

CDR All right, wait a minute, get ... camera CM - TN

.°. CXO1 bracket A-8 ...

SPT Right.
Dump Tape 145-001
Time: 15:18:11 to 16:54:41
Page 9 of i0

CDR Now CM 486201 CX04, f/850 ...

SPT Got it.

CDR Right?

SPT ... set.

CDR 0k_. So while we are at it, ... get the following

•.. PSC 18-millimeter magazine CX04 B-8.

SPT Okay.

UDR And 70-millimeter magazine CX23 B-8.

SPT Okay .... - -


SPT - - is set.

C_)R Do a PSC.

SPT ...

16 53 19 PLT You want the bag?

SPT ...

(DR Yes.

SPT CX02 is the projector, huh?

CDR Right.

SPT ...

CDR ...

SPT Let's use 803 .... All right, here's CX03 for you.



SC ...

Dump Tape 145-001
Time: 15:18:ll to 16:54:_1
Page l0 of l0

PLT ...

SPT ...

16 5h 26 CDR Okay. Where are we? Did you get CX02?

SPT Yes.

CDR Did you get CX237

SPT Yes.

CDR All right. Now, Joe, A-9.

16 5h 41 SPT A-9.

CDR Thirty five-millimeter lens, 300 is in there too,

isn't it?

SPT Nikon is a 300-millimeter lens .... I don't know

what ... some other lens ....

CDR And an A-9, you get a CX21 and CX22.

SPT Twenty one is loaded.

CDR Twenty one is loaded.

SPT Did you say 35-millimeter?

CDR Yes, sir. And ... W07.

SPT ...

CDR All right.

_- , Tapel_-oo3





From To

_'--'- ih:58:13 15:17:53

Much static_voice.reco_nition difficult- words lost.


Dump Tape lh5-003

Time: 14:58:13 to 15:17:53
Page 1 of i0

14 58 13 CDR Do you have the cue card out?

CC Well, wait a minute, I'm looking to see whether ...

we don't have a cue card right.

CC Yes, I think we do, and the only one is w_y the L/

hell in the back.

CDR It says 15 to 1.

CC Well, from what I got here, it's got 50 million

cue cards in it, and they're all Just .... One
in the back.

PLT Right.

CDR They're all here and I've -

PLT 2, 23, 37, 35.

CC They're all here, and I've 2, 23, 37, 35.

CDR 23, 2, 37, 35.

CREW ...

CREW There they are. That's right.

CREW That ... is right.

14 59 15 PLT That's correct. The clock's running.

CDR The clock's running.

PLT Twenty-four minutes to go to the.

CDR ... right?

PLT Yes. ...

_-_ SC ...

CDR ... that's one of them circuit breaker things.

SC Yes ...

CDR Yes, it either it turns it on, or it turns its switch

to COMMAND, or does something.
Dump Tape 145-003
Time: 14:58:13 to 15:17:53
Page 2 of l0

PLT ...

15 00 ll CDR Are you?

PLT Yes. Hopefully, it 's going in BMAG.

CDR Is it doing good?

15 00 16 PLT Well, I don't know, it's a little too warm - bit

too warm ...


CREW ...


j CC Yes, right. The ... usually don't. It really

_ don't.


CDR Probably why it can burn as long as it can.

/ CC Yes. That's SPS DELTA V failure .... DELTA V.

We've got all the cards we want. I think this is it.

PLT Yes, the blamed thing.

CREW ...

CDR All right, we will when we put this burn over, we'll
eat lunch, get the cameras out, and reeonfigure the
rest of the break.

CREW ...

PLT If we can figure this - if we can figure this ... - -

CDR ... you can figu_'e it if you want to. I think it

_- would be a good idea.

CREW ...

CDR We have to go back in the back here in a minute ...

no, we have about another 8 minutes until daylight.
Dump Tape 145-003
Time: Ih:58:13 to 15:17:53
Page 3 of i0

CDR Look at that! ... anything like it in your life?


15 01 52 CC Well, what do you think of your first hour -

2 hours and 1 minute in space?

PLT It's been more - interesting - -

CREW Two hours ...

PLT - - interesting than I thought it would be, you know?

PLT It's great! It ... and it ...

_-. 15 02 i0 CDR Haven't had ... been able to stop it before ... 2
yet. What in the - is actually happening to me.
No !

PLT Wait until we get up there - -

CC What's that funny ...

PLT - - wait until we get up there and see what work

we 've got.

PLT ...

CDR I think so, I think so. Right now I'm hard ...
lockers ...

CC ...

CDR ... Okay, Joe, I won't tell you that you're

psychologically ...

SPT Imagine what this would be like in here without CDR.

CDR Well, it ...

PLT ... I don't know ...

15 03 ll SPT I don't even get a salute.

CDR ... 6 seconds.

SPT Yes.
Dump Tape 1.45-003
Time: ih:58:13 to 15:17:53
Page h of l0

CREW ... couple of good ...

CREW That's right ...

15 03 39 CDR Oka___ Now it says 31 auto maneuver final count,

record advice here. It says down here I got
slew h67 ENTER 00 ... 0 00 _TER.

CDR Now, ... 29 meneuver is far at ... attitude ...

PLT Far ... attitude.

PLT ... attitude. That's 1892 and the burn attitude is

189 and 2. That's 30-second -.._39 ENTER, and
_. '11 55 ENTER, plus 18 ENTER, plus 9 ENTER, plus 2.

15 Oh 28 PLT You still worklng on ... something ...? You want

me to help you?

CDR No, I Just finished putting away the cue cards.

It took awhile .... they had them packed in so
tight, you know, ... which color .... the blacks ...

PLT ... try it?

PLT I did it that time. Like the time we had the earth-
_,-_e in FiJi Islands, I thought the whole bucket of
hay was going to crash around my ears. My mother
was driving some place and never even felt it.

CDR Now, Paul.

PLT Huh?

CDR If you could m,_age to figure out how you want to

put those things against the wall somewhere there.
Building ... poles, and l want it separate and ....

PLT Okay ... Watch ...

CDR I tell you, go ahead ...

PLT Okay. Watch it. We got to do something about this ...

CREW Let's come in ...

Dump Tape ih5-003
Time: 14:58:13 to 15:17:53
Page 5 of I0

15 05 54 PLT The only bad thing is we've got to get into

orbit 13 here later ....

SPT Yes we do. Well, drop it all the way down.

PLT That's all right. I'll put it on and ... we'll

Just pull the tape off.

15 06 02 CREW All right.

15 06 04 CDR First thing we got to find out ... if ...

205 ... seconds - SPS burn.

CREW Later?

CDR - - which means, by the way, very slowly.

SPT Yes.

CDR Well, I think we better stop messing around and

get ready for the burn.

SPT All right, ... I want to make sure ...

CDR A]1 right, you got about 5 or 6 more minutes.

SPT All right.

CDR Can I put my clipboard up? Did you put my

clipboard up ... ?

SPT Yes.

CDR So, I can watch myself.

SC Oops, my fault.

15 06 56 PLT There we go, it is going to stay there fairly

well. At least until we burn. There you go.

_- 15 07 09 PLT Okay, I now need one of two things.

CDR What ?

PLT Either my watch or yours.

CDR Too low. Get it up, up, up. There. Ah well, lock
it ...
Dump Tape lh5-003
Time: ih:58:13 to 15:17:53
Page 6 of 3.0

SPT It's too low. Forward come in toward the middle

don't you? You have to _ right.

CDR Joe, I would like you to do the transcript.

SPT Yes, sir.

CDR I would like you to start 25.

SPT Think it'll go better ...

CDR ... "533.

15 08 18 CDR Probably. Here let me get ENTER. Try to burn

that right now.

CREW 340, ... 600. Burn time, Pete?

CDR 9 seconds.

15 08 36 SPT 9 seconds!

CDR A] 1 right.

CC i, 2 ... 9.

SPT ... one of the troubles ...

CDR Yes, I can; it's hard to verify it in the telescope

but it's right ...

CDR ...

CC Well, you - okay, tell me what the angles were?

CDR 8667, 4.0.

CC All right.

CDR And it moved some.

CC That 's close enough.

CDR All right - the center is right in the telescope.

Give me a hand.

SPT All right.

CDR What you doing? Oh ...

Dump Tape 145-003
Time: 14:58:13 to 15:17:53
Page 7 of I0

SPT Oh I can qualify in a minute.

CDR I am.

SPT Let me get it centered first.

CDR Get it centered and l'll hit ...

15 09 55 SPT All right. Okay?

15 09 58 CDR All right ...

SPT Yes.

CDR And it's an 074 ...

SPT ... I think - one of them's reading two decimal places;

the other one, three.


SPT Okay?

CDR Yes.

SPT Okay. I'm going to make this ... So - that's a little

better. That's 73.6710 and 25.16. Okay?

CDR That' s perfect, Joe.

SPT Okay, ... the stars in the middle of the section

of the ...

CDR Yes, yes. The ... h9 and 52 ... And I'm going
to the burn card now.

BPT Okay.

CDR Now, Joe, we ... of it.

_-_ 15 Ii 08 SPT Of what?

CDR ...

SPT You better hook ...

CDR That's what I plan to do.

Dump Tape 145-003
Time: 14:58:13 to 15:17:53
Page 8 of 1,3

CC Joe, your optics set?

SPT Not yet, sir.

CC Okay.

SPT But thanks for the reminder.

PLT We got to be losing that cloud shortly.

CREW ...

15 12 02 CDR I hate to say this again, but I see the signal

light flash again. (Laughter)


CREW ...

/'# 15 12 17 PLT Good old Jupime£er [? ].

CDR ASS right, Joe.

SPT All right•

CDR ... fire up this thing? Just hold the - hold our
EMS a little while ...

SPT Hey, Frank .... picturesque ...

CDR All right. So what I really need to do is make a

•.. for a second.

SPT It's up end down, isn't it?

CDR It' s - nothing positive.

SPT It's nothing positive ...

CDR The thing is .... minus ...

SPT DELTA-V C minus 2-1/2.

15 13 09 CDR Well, we ought to make it 19 ...

SPT Okay. It looks Just like the simulator, like a big

... in the earth. (Laughter)
Dump Tape Ih5-003
Time: ih:58:13 to 15:17:53
Page 9 of i0

CDR Now DELTA-V ... now here we go to - 30 that and -

19 ...

SPT A1 ] right.

CDR ...

CDR Ali right ...

SPT I tell you, this is the first one to ...

PLT ...

PLT AUTO light switched OFF on _ 7 ... 51 ...

coming in ... LOW. CMC power ON ... all engines ...
DELTA-V in mode ...

CDR All right.


CDR Wait a minute. AUTO ... to HIGH?

PLT RH system is ON ... 98.96 ...

15 15 37 CDR Now, where am I? ... I tell you what has been

messing me up - and it's this thing right here.
That's it. IMU. All right that's not bad. Look
at that. Not bad at all.

15 16 22 CDR ... Okay. There. Fine. Paul?

PLT Yes?

CDR Let's go over to main bus ties.

PLT Main bus ties are ... makes good.

15 16 36 CDR Let's go on. And I'll hold the tape recorder and
everything until 54 minutes. We're not quite
there. We're about i minute away and we'ii go
right by the book.

PLT And I'm not going to say burn again. I'm going
to say A's open or A's not open.

CDR Okay. Then there 'll be no doubt ...

Dump Tape ]45-003
Time: 1h:58:13 to 15:17:53
Page i0 of i0

PLT Here's the one that ...

CDR Here's the one ...

PLT ... (Laughter)

15 17 53 CDR ...

_-_ Dump tape 145-004 (Final)
Time: 19:07:XX to 19:hl;XX
Page 1 of 1




Extreme_ly heavy static renders voice only about 5% usable.

•,• -- L"._ J

, Tape _.45-oo5





From To

15:24:18 15:26:30

Dump Tape 145-005
Time: 15:24:18 to 15:26:30
Page 1 of 1

15 24 18 CDR Okay, g_mhal motors - are you ready for the


PLT Wait a minute. Go ahead.

CDR Here 's your residual. Minus 15. i.

PLT All right. Okay.

15 24 28 CDR Null residuals, 12. AUTO RCS ... and OFF. Gimbal
motors. Here comes 2- -

PLT 2--

CDR - - 2 - -

PLT Good.

CDR 2.

PLT Good.

CDR 1, 1.

PLT Very good. Thank you.

CDR Okay. TVC SERVO POWER l, 2, OFF, BMAGs, Rate 2,

... OFF. We can skip the VHF range. THCs are

PLT Okay.


CC I heard you answer me, Pete, but I didn't under-

stand a thing. Say again, please.

CDR How come you're talking VHF?

CC We want to confirm we got a S-band. S-band problem

at the Hawaii tracking station.

15 26 30 CDR Okay.

_. Dt_ptape _-006 (Final)
• _Ime: 18:2h:Oh to 18:32:59
Page 1 of i




Extremely heavy static renders voice inaudible except for one

clear co_n check.

, Tape 145-007(Final)




Time Segments (GMT)

From To

20:00:01 20:22:0k

Tape recorded at slightly off speed, thus causing some distortion; this

transcript was audited against redubbed tape 145-008 (_ duplicate) to obtain

an enhanced version. Time track good.

Dump Tape 145-007
Time: 20:00:01 to 20:22:04
Page i of 12

SPT Did you get the cue cards out?

CDR Well, wait a minute. I'm looking to see whether

you don't have two cue card bags. I think we do
and the other one is way the heck in the back.

SPT Well, that should be - that should be the one.

CDR Well, the one I got here has got 50 million cue
cards in it, and they're all OWS; at least I think
they are. And the one in the back. Glad to know
there are no - ... cue card stage.

20 O0 01 CDR ... I wonder what that is.

SPT Let's see - that's one of those circuit breaker


]?LT Circuit breaker or vectors.

CDR Yes.

SPT Yes. Either turns it on or turns - switches them

in or does something. Yes, where did that come

SC ...

CDR It should be some place.

20 O0 27 CDR Are you?

CDR Yes, hopefully, it is going in the bag. You feeling


SPT Well, I don't know. It's a little too warm for me.

PLT Power lock burns.

SPT Who gets that, you or him?

CDR ...
Dump Tape ]_45-007
Time: 20:00:01 to 20:22:04
Page 2 of :[2

CDR That's SPS burn rule.

SPT Yes, all right.

SPT The attitude we don't need, we ... don't need.

Power lock burns. Long and skinny.

20 01 16 CDR Yes. SPS DELTA-V failures.

SPT ...

20 01 30 CDR Has everybody got all the cards they want, because
I think that's it.

PLT Yes.

SPT Yes.

PLT I don't need them anymore.

SPT All right, let me put these back on.

CDR All right, I tell you what, when we get this burn
over, we go eat lunch, and get the cameras out, and
we can figure the rest of the burden. How does
that grab you?

PLT We can figure - -

SPT ...

PLT We can figure the ...

CDR Yes, okay, you can come here if you want. It might
be a good idea.

SPT When you said go eat lunch ...

PLT Knock off for lunch.

CDR We're about to go back in the dark here in a minute,

where are we? 02:01. No we got about another
8 minutes of daylight.
Dump Tape Ih5-007
Time: 20:00:01 to 20:22:0h
Page 3 of 12

PLT You're over the desert now, man, look at that.

Have you ever seen so much desert in your life?

/ .j SC No, man.

20 02 58 CDR Well, what do you think of your first hour - 2 hours

and 1 minute in space?

PLT It seems it's been more - -

SPT Has it been 2 hours?

PLT - - than I thought it would be, you know?

CDR This hustling and bustling and - Do you have an

answer to be able to stop at the ... yet?

SPT What the heck is actually happening to me?

CDR Wait until we get ...

SPT Hold that for me, will you?

CDR Wait until we get up there in that big workshop.

SPT I think so, I think so. Right now I'm awed by

the ... cue cards back in the locker.

CDR Joe, the first guy ... distinction about zero-g.


CDR Okay, Joe, I won't write it on your psychological.

20 Oh i_ SPT Can you imagine what this would be llke in here

without zero-g?

CDR Well, 205.9 - why don't I go ahead and put both ...

SPT ...

PLT 20:63.

CDR ...
Dump Tape 145-007
Time: 20:00:01 to 20:22:04

PLT That's the ... time, right?

SPT How do we get a ...?

CDR Huh?

SPT How do we even get a solution for it? You got state

CDR State vector, yes.

PLT ...

CDR There's state vector.

PLT Yes, Just come up exactly.

20 05 21 CDR That's right. Okay now, that's P31 right on

maneuver final comm RECORD, and then, that's up
here. Then down here I go to PO0. VERB 37, ENTER;
00 ENTER. Now, VERB 49, maneuver to the ... X ...
attitude, page IA ... X ... attitude that's 189
• and 2 and burn attitude is 189 and 2. That's pretty
good. 39 ENTER, VERB 25, ENTER; plus 180, ENTER;
plus 9, ENTER; plus 2.

CDR Still working on something, Joe? You want me to

help you ...?

SPT No, no. I just finished putting away the cue

cards - it took a while. They had them packed in
so tight, you know like ... unpacking .._ unpacking

CDR ...

SPT ...

CDR Feel the ... Did you feel it Jerk?

SPT I did that time.

SPT It was like the time we had the earthquake at

• Indic Island. ! thought the whole hangar was going
to crash around my ears. (Laughter). My mother
was driving someplace and she never even felt it.
Dump Tape 145-007
Time: 20:00:01 to 20:22:0_
Page 5 of 12

(;DR Is that right?

SPT Yes.

(;DR Now, Paul?

PLT Huh?

CDR If you could manage to figure out how you want to -

hang those things against the wall, somewhere there.
Those are 3 ... poles, I want them separate and
easy to get at. Okay?

PLT Okay.

SPT ... woops ... a little washer.

CDR Yes, we got to do something with some of this stuff.

SC ...

(]DR Yes, we ought to wrap it like a piece of tape or


20 08 58 PLT Now, the only bad thing is we got to get into R13
here later, Joe.

SPT Yes, we do. Well, drop them all the way down.

CDR That's all right, I'ii put it on, save it and we

can Just pull the tape off.

SPT All right.

CDR First thing we got to find out is ... our good ...
205 foot [sic] per second. SPS burn.

SPT Yes.

CDR Which will be, by the way, in - very shortly.

SPT Yes.

CDR Joe, I think you better stop messing around and

get ready for the burn.
Dump Tape 145-007
Time: 20:00:01 to 20:22:04
Page 6 of 12

SPT All right, ... I want to make - -

CDR Okay.

SPT - - sure everything is ...

CDR Okay, you got about 5 or 6 more minutes.

SPT All right. That's enough.

CDR Now, can I put my foot pad up? Will you put my
foot pad up?

SPT Yes.

CDR So I can lock myself in.

SPT There you go - they're going to stay there fairly

well. Keep this until we burn.

CDR You'll have to scrunch back a bit. There you go.

Okay_ now. I need one of two things.

SPT What?

CDR Either my ... ,Dryours.

SPT Here, I will give you mine.

CDR What the ... my feet go in.

SPT You're too low - you're too low get it up, up, up,
there. Now, when I lock it in - -

CDR I know you ... it too low, that puts ...

20 ii 51 SPT You come in from the middle, don't you?

CDR Yes....

20 12 0h CDR Joe, I would like you to do the slide check, now.

SPT Yes, sir.

Dump Tape 145-007
Time: 20:00:01 to 20:22:04
Page 7 of 12

CDR And I'd like you to use slide 25.

SPT All right. My - my machine.

CDR Excuse me, use slide 33. Here, let me get ENTER.
Yes, your machine.

SPT Okay ..

20 12 36 CDR I think the burn is right now.

CDR Slide 33 and your shaft would be 7._0 and your turns
would be 25800.

PLT Burntime_please.

CDR Nine seconds.

SPT Nine seconds?

sc ... 80 ... 9.

SC ...

PLT ... star check here.

CDR You can see the P52, don't you? ... I mean you
can see the star and sextant, can't you?

PLT Yes, I can. It's hard to verify in the telescope

that it's the right star, though.

CDR Yes.

SPT ... I'm pretty sure.

PLT Okay, can you tell me what the angles are?

CDR It should be 724.0.

?LT All right.

CDR And 258.

]?LT That's close enough.

Dump Tape 145-007
Time: 20:00:01 to 20:22:04
Page 8 of J2

CDR All right, give me a - center it right above ...

and give me a hack.

PLT All right.

CDR ...

PLT Oh, I can call them, wait a minute.

CDR All right, now.

PLT Well, let me get it centered.

CDR You get it centered and I'll hit VERB.

PLT All right.

PLT Okay?

20 lh 37 CDR MARK. Okay. Seven plus star 33.

PLT Yes.

20 14 41 CDR And, it was 074 ...

CDR ... read that ...

PLT Wait a minute, let me ...

CDR Yes.

PLT Okay?

CDR Yes.

PLT ... I'm going to make ... That is a littile better,

thank you. That's 73.67 shaft, and 25.88 trunnion,

CDR Yes, yes. VERB 49 ... Star ... is GO, and l'm
going to the burn card now.

PLT Okay ...

Dump Tape ih5-007
Time: 20:00:01 to 20:22:0h
Page 9 of 12

(;DR No, Joe needs to move back his batteries. He can

be the guardian of it.

SPT Of what? There is a one-g ...

PLT ... lockers, that's what I planned to do.

CDR Yes, yes.

(;DR Did you zero your optics, Joe?

20 15 56 SPT No, not yet, sir.

CDR Okay.

SPT But thank you for the reminder.

(]DR We ought to be losing ...

SPT Okay, the optics are zeroed. I hate to tell you this
again, but I haven't seen a single lightning flash
yet. (Laughter).

CDR You will.

CDR Okay.

20 16 50 SPT Just passed the terminators, though. The good old


SC ...

CDR All right, Joe. The question is do we want to bother

to bias this thing or Just hold the - hold our EMS
for a while, hold it for 30 seconds.

SPT ...

PLT ... in a big drift?

--- SPT Well ...

CDR All right. So, what I really need to do, is take

a ... at 2-1/2 feet per second.
Dump Tape 145-007
Time: 20:00:01 to 20:22:04
Page i0 of 12

PLT The thing drifted down, didn't it? It's just a

positive - -

CDR It's positive.

PLT Minus i00 to minus 98. DELTA-V C minus 2-3./2 feet

per second.

CDR So we ought to make it - 90-1/2 ....

PLT Okay.

PLT Just like the simulator. I can see ... to the Earth.
(Laughter). DELTA-V doesn't check, okay. Now here,
just let you be custodian of that and my pencil.

SPT All right.

20 18 13 CDR I can put the pencil on the string. All right.

This is the first one for me ... all AUTO ... 12 of
them. Guess we ought to go to P40, huh?

SPT ... operate ... light ...

CDR All ... EMS DELTA-V check ... 51.

SPT P52.

CDR And that's three of them to RATE COMMAND, coming in

..., low ... 82, CMC, AUTO ... FDAI, two of them ...
first one has power ON. Plus the VDC thtm_wheels,
I've already done that FPS, eight of them, command
control circuit breakers are CLOSED. All eight are
CLOSED. And DIRECT POWER ... are CLOSED. All right,

SPT ...


SPT No, wait a minute.

CDR That's right. They were in AUTO and they go to RATE

COMMAND. Check the ... to AUTO and the GAIN to HIGH.
All right. RAC2 is ON but it's the ... EMS DELTA-V
COUNTER, we have done that. Why did that get to
0.3 already? ... Wait a minute, DET ... all right
Dump Tape 145-007
Time: 20:00:01 to 20:22:04
Page ll of 12

SPT ...

CDR 179 8.9 ... it ... can't get anything better than
that. _hat's just the way it's in the ...

SC ...

SC Yes.

SC ... check.

SC ...

20 20 12 CDR Okay. Now, where am I, ... GDC, right? I'll tell

you what .... one up. It's that thing right
there ... IMU.

SPT Nine seconds.

CDR Nine seconds, right. All right, that's not bad, look
at that, that's a good GDC. Not bad at all ....
Okay, there. GDC is ... OFF.

SPT Yes.

CDR Lets go with the MAIN BUSS ties.

SPT MAIN BUSS light ON. Let me make sure. Yes, they
are on.

CDR And I'll hold the tape recorder and everything until
54 minutes, we're not quite there.

PLT Yes.

20 21 23 CDR We're about i minute away, and we'll go right by

the book.

SPT l'm not going to say burn and ... l'm going to say
A's open or A's not open.

_- 20 21 34 CDR Okay. There'll be no doubt in your mind, whether

this thing is right or not - -

SPT There's the one that can't ...

Dump Tape 145-007
Time: 20:00:01 to 20:22:04
Page 12 of 12

CDE ...

SPT That' s right. You got a cigarette?

CDR Boy, I sure wish I did.

SPT ... ash tray right back here. (Laughter)

PLT ...

SPT ... cigarette ... it will be released to the world

and go out and then it will go out and everybody
will see.

CDR Doctor Kerwin.

SPT Everybody will see.

20 22 04 CDR Okay, Paul. HIGH BIT RATE, record forward, command


_-_ Dump tape ....
145-008 (Final)
Time: 19:59:XX to 20:23:XX
Page 1 of 1




Verbatim duplication of tape 14_-007

from GDS: transcript 147-007 has been enhanced by auditin 6

tape lh_-008 against it.

Note: This tape 145-O08 was redubbedby DDDS at

the correct speed.

, Tape )_45-ozo




Time Segments(GMT)

From To

15:19:4h 15:22:06

Voice - Fair (much interference)

Time - Fair

Dump Tape 145-010
Time : 15:19:44 to 15:22:06
Page 1 of 2

15 19 _4 CC ... 132 ...

CC ENTER. And here goes your automatic gimbal ...

First ... 2.

CDR Wow! I like the ...

CC 2, 2.

CREW ...

PLT ... That's faster than I thought it would be.

SPT Yes.

CREW ...

CREW ... IN, ..., this goes to OFF, 325. All on the
line ...

CREW ...

PLT Okay.

SPT ... Must be just floating around.

PLT Yes.

(:DE I can't see it, but there is enough stuff that I

can't get ... strap.

SPT ...

CDR ... find out how bad it is ...

SPT Okay .... Baker, ... Baker, start A then B.

CDR All right.

CREW ... Hold ... 30 seconds.

/-_ CDR ... I got a ...

CREW ...

PLT What? ... what ...

Dump Tape 145-010
Time: i5:19:44 to 15:22:06
Page 2 of 2

SPT Roger.

CDR I'ii find you here.

SPT ...

CDR ...

SPT ... time was 23 less 30.

(',DR S ev en.

SPT How come you didn't ask for ...

(;DR ...

SPT ...

(,"DR ... not there yet.

SPT ... forward, ... are both ... check the E ...
TEG and the SPSS ...

CDR ...

PLT ... 59 ...

15 22 06 CREW ... Guess we'll have to ...

]?LT ...

---- ,- Tape 145-oo12




Time Segments(GMT)

From To

19:59:36 20:04:29

Voice and time fair

Dump Tape 145-0012
Time: 19:59:36 to 20:04:29
Page 1 of i

19 59 36 SPT ... Sure is ... flashing.

19 59 37 PLT Right.

CDR Now I can see two lights on it. Far ...

PLT Oh, yes! ... up ...

CDR Not every time. Not every time.

PLT Not every time is right.

CDR Okay, you guys. If you're all ready ...

PLT Well, ...

CDR All right .... we go ... Okay. Both of you

switch to VOX.

PLT ... off.

20 02 54 CDR ... That's 20 seconds ...

20 0h 29 SPT ... ullage fuel at ... 19 - 8 - 16, 17, 14.

Switch to two-Jet ullage.

CDR Okay.

• Tape lh5-ooi_ _Fin_)




Time Segments

From To

15:30:19 16:03:09

Time erratici static qv@r voice

Skylab Dump Tape 145-0013
Time: 15:30:19 to 16:03:09
Page i of 21

SPT ... best way to terminate it now. I didn't do a

... on that.

CDR All right. It's just wandered too far off the burn

PLT Nobody's flying the goshdarned thing.

SPT I called it now - -

CDR Okay.

PLT Yes.

CDR Okay. Joe?

SPT Okay. There.

CDR Go - let me get out of that. Okay, do a P52,

option 3.

PLT Very well.

SPT There's that bright mother out there again.

CDR There's the ARIA trying to talk to us.

SPT There's nothing on S-band.

CDR You know, that could be the workshop, now.

SPT Pete, I just don't think we're _oing to see the

workshop. I don't think it'll be that - -

CDR ... with the naked eye.

SPT ... not.

SPT Here they come. Where did he come from?

CDR He's just floating around.

SPT ...


SPT Well, I'll put it ON now.


Skylab Dump Tape 145-0013
Time: 15:30:19 to 16:03:09
Page 2 of 21

CDR Yes .... that ARIA...

15 30 19 CC ... How do you read?

CDR Hello, Houston. Read you loud and clear. How me?

CC ... read you kind of weak, and we get a lot of

background..., but we can read you. Go ahead.

CDR OkaF - -

PLT Yes, ...

CI)R - - Houston. We had a nominal burn on time_ Delta V c

read minus 15.1; the burn attitude was totally tri,,_ed
...; the VGX minus 0.2, VGy plus 0.2, VGZ plus 0.1.
Do you read that?

CC Roger. I copied .... 15.1; and your ... attitude

was minus 0.2, plus 0.h; and plus 0.1. Is that right?

CDR VGy was plus 0.2 also.

CC Roger. I copied plus 0.2 ...

CDR Yes. It's VGy.

15 31 3h CC Okay. Let me see if I got them right this time,

now, Pete. Minus 0.2, plus 0.2, and plus 0.i.

CI)R That's right. You're coming in a little better. We

Just completed our P52, option 2. Do you want that?

CC ... Pete. -...

CDR ... How do you read, Houston?

CC Skylab, Houston. I can hear you, but I got a lot

of background static. But I can copy it. Go
s ahead.

CDR Okay. P52, option 3: star 25; star 33; noun 05

all balls; plus h balls 9, plus 3 balls 66, plus
plus 3 balls 50; the time 2:29:00.

CC CDR, Houston. I got everything but the time. Say

the time again please.
Skylab Dump Tape 145-0013
Time: 15:30:19 to 16:03:09
Page 3 of 21

CDR 2 plus 29 plus 00.

CC CDR, Houston.

CDR Go ahead, Houston.

CC Pete, you know, a couple of days ago I told you that

we were going to be passing up summarized sunset
times for you for when - around the fly-around and
SEVA times that you see in the Launch Checklist in
the Flight Plan are accurate today. If you don't
want them to the nearest second, I'll Just let it
go at that. Over.

15 33 28 CDR That's okay. Just let them go. We'll ask you if
we need them.

CC ...

(]DR Ha! Ho, ho, ho, ho. What are all that stuff
going ...

PLT I'm working on exposing locker A crevice, so that

I can get lunch out.

SPT Do you want me to work on that?

PLT No, I - what I hoped - what I actually did was untie

that, and I didn't want to.

CDR What is it in A - oh, A-7.

SPT A-7 is for ...

(]DR Yes.

PLT All right, l'm trying to get the couch down a little
bit. Let me make sure - -

SPT ...

_-_ PLT - - I was going to move it up but I - first the food.

SPT How did I get over here?

CDR (Laughter)
Skylab Dump Tape 145-0013
Time: 15:03:19 to 16:03:09
Page 4 Of ;!l

15 35 Oh PLT Day l, meal B. Do you believe that?

SPT Yes. I'll ...

PLT Okay.

CDR You got the purge line that youtre on, right?

PLT Yes.

CDR Okay. I'ii tell you what it looks like to me,

gang: We got ... all to do but the rest of the
stowage until 4 hours and 40 minutes.

PLT Good.

CDR We got 2 hours to get organized.

SPT What happens when the purge line heater comes on?
We do a purge?

C'DR Ahhh - -

SPT ... bring it on?

CDR - - somewhere in - somewhere in here we're going to

do a purge. Fuel cell purge at 2 plus 50.
Twenty minutes ... heaters on.

SPT Well, boy, Paul, can I give you the lunch and the
water gun and I can keep on - -

CDR Hey - -

SPT ---- .e,

CDR - - I - I'm going to be available here in a few

seconds with nothing to do.

SPT Okay. Good. Well, I'll - -

CDR ... the water gun to hold ... - -

SPT - - give you the water gun as soon as you are ready
for it, then. Whichever one of you. Okay. We
may need a little ...
Skylab Dump Tape 145-0013
Time: 15:03:19 to 16:02:09
Page 5 of 21

15 36 i0 CDR I'm going to go over here and make sure we dropped

nothing down the crack ... Hey, you know, I was
really very ... out of that first stage, guys.

SPT That was a ... - -

PLT ...

SPT - - ride, but it sure was - about the first 3 sec-

onds of it were rough.

CDR That was a beauty!

SPT As soon as she cleared ground, it was like, man, it

was smooth and hard .... - -

PLT You got a trash bag?

CDR See if you can get a TSB - -

SPT Bravo ... - -

PLT I think that ... - -

SPT - - ... in the old trash - -

CDR ... bag back up in ... - -

PLT -- out of ... - -

CDR - - ... tape it up?

PLT - - I don't know. Did you ... - -

CDR ... back in A-7.

PLT - - ... fecal bag?

CDR No. Put it right back in A-7.

SPT ... have any trash bags ...

CDR There are spoons in L-3.

PLT Yes. I'm not sure what kind of pudding we have -

whether we need ... or not.
Skylab Dump Tape lh5-0013
Time: 15:0]:19 to 16:03:09
Page 6 of 21

15 37 06 SPT ... pudding.

CDR I got butterscotch pudding.

SPT We got pudding up the gazubas [?] here. There are

three butterscotch puddings.

CDR ... for that. When they ask the commander what ... - -

15 37 20 CC ... 30 seconds from LOS .... We're going to see

you at Goldstone at 3:0h.

CDR Okay, Houston, and be advised that we're on the time

line and, because we do not have an NPC, we have
2 more hours to get organized; and we're in very
good shape, as we are in the process of getting to
... lunch.

CC Roger ; copy. Thank you.

CDR ... medic ...

PLT Yes.

CDR And I'll tell you the other thing we're going to do.
We'll do a little practice urine dump.

PLT Oh, yes. That's the other thing I ought to be get-

ting out and rigging.

CDR Well, let me tell you, we got a good time line here.
We don't have to do ... 4 hours ... - -

15 38 15 SI_f This - this is yours. Do you want to finish this

or something else with this.

CDR Heck, no. I'm finished. What do you want me to do?

You tell me. Let me put these right here.

SPT ... what you got for once today is crackers, butter-
i_ scotch pudding, and orange drink.

CDR Yes. I had turkey and something in there, too.

SI_f Oh, yes. I'll tell you what you can do, here's the
pump that has to be rehydrated.
Skylab Dump Tape 145-0013
Time: 15:03:19 to 16:03:09
Page 7 of 21

CDR I got two - I got two orange drinks - -

SPT ... How do ... did?

PLT Becuase ... color .... --

SPT ... pick of the gravy. You'd better get some.

CDR Yes.

SPT Hot water? Yes, ... on.

CDR Yes .... how much can that hot water heater ... do?

SPT One ounce at a time. I'm pretty sure.

CDR Okay. Well, let me get into my first trick ...

15 39 03 SPT You want the water gun? ...

CDR Not yet. I got to - I got to open tanks ...

SPT Yellow. That must be used ... - -

PLT Yes. .. get around.

CDR I got two orange drinks for today?

SPT Yes. Pete can have two orange drinks.

PLT Looks like it's going to be better to ... the urine


CDR Yes. You're right.

SPT ... half hour ago.

CDR I think we're going to get a very long day here

shortly. Things have been going along nice and
smooth ....

SPT You what that - If they had that Saturn right, it

would be just like riding a cat, you know. About
the third or fourth one you'd really know what the
heck was going on.

CDR I wasn't surprised. I was pretty much with it.

Skylab Dump Tape ih5-0013
Time: 15:03:19 to 16:03:09
Page 8 of 21

SPT Well, I was too. It was great, gentle.

CDR Yes, it was - that was the first thing ... Saturn V
... bad, you know, and was like being up on the
Empire State Building .... bad, you know, and ...

15 40 ll oPT Yes.

PLT ... butterscotch is ready to go.

CDR ... Can I hold something for you? ...

PLT No. The ... isn't wired - I'd - let's see - I'd •
could - get started on your turkey and gravy ...

CDE Yes. I need to put - get the hot water in this one.

SPT Oh, hot water. Okay.

PLT That's right. Cold water you can do yourself but

hot water - -

CDR Darned right .... the cold water gun, you can hit
that ... hot water - -

SPT ... in that sone of a gun ...

PLT You get the CDR to take the first experiment in ...
stabilizing . .. today.

CDR Yes. I get - I had the water gun left open ...

PLT You have to push ...

CDR It sticks open. Watch it. See that?

SPT That's not supposed to do that.

15 41 20 (YDR How about getting ... Always happens ....

PLT Yes, they got a hill to run down.

SPT Okay. It's kind of warm in here. Joe, can you

turn that gosh darn sensor-cabin temperature control
down a little bit.

CDR What's this thing put out? A half an ounce?

... full? --
Dump Tape 145-0013
Time: 15:03:19 to 16:03:09
Page 9 of 21

SPT ... half an ounce ...

PLT Well, ... due to get an amount of ... in here.

SPT Thank you. Get - how did we get that ...?

CDR ... shearing?

SPT No. That might ...

CDR I gave you five shots. That's 5-1/2 ounces.

SPT ... ain't too bad our first ...

PLT Hey, Pete?

CDR Thank you.

PLT ... put this?

SPT Yes. I got to park it someplace around here. You

got any Velcro or anything ... like that?

15 43 48 PLT Yes. There's a little piece of Velcro ...

CDR ... got that ... worked right ...

SPT Yes. I suppose.

CDR Ah, gosh ... got water out of that mother.

PLT Not any places to put any little stuff.

SPT ... is the only place I know of.

CDR Well, no. I - I'll tell you what, I - we - I'll

tell you what you got to do, gang, you got to package
it up in the slip that it came out of.

SPT Yes. Basically, that's true.

CDR I want to take this bag right here - -

SPT It's a function of having some place to put it - ...

CDR I'll put this in my pocket until later. Make this

my trash bag.
Dump Tape i[_5-0013
Time: 15:0"_:19 to 16:03:09
Page i0 of 21

SPT Did you turn the cabin temp down up there?

P].T Secondary coolant loop is not on. Is that right?

S]_ That 's correct.

PLT Get me the tool, Pete, please.

CDR How's your glycol ... cooled off a little?

15 45 48 SPT Yes. It's about _. Hey, you know that thing's on

full cold all ready, Paul.

CDR I should have told you that, but I ...

SPT ... secondary ... valve.

PLT Aw, come on gang ...

C.DR ... paper?

PLT I got it out. Wade through all ... Have you got
anything to put my ...

SPT Yes. There's still some white bread there.

PLT Oh, all dry.

SPT Yes.

CDR I got the feeling that we'll really lesmn to appre-

ciate that vacuum as we work.

PLT ... What are you doing right now, Joe?

SPT ... that. The Launch Checklist, -

CDR ... I found this rather pleasant.

SPT ... without that 3-1/2 g's at cut-off, I wasn't

sure that darn ...S-IVBwas ...

PLT Yes. That 's true. That 's true.

SPT Then the light came on and I looked over ... anxiously,
and here are your ...
Dump Tape 145-0013
Time: 15:03:19 to 16:03:09
Page ii of 21

15 47 24 PLT Is that what l'm supposed to have?

SPT Ah, you threw one across.

PLT Is that what I'm supposed to have?

SPT Got a piece of red Velero on it.

PLT ...

SPT Is that my bread?

PLT ... although ... it is. We're probably going to be


SPT Wonder how I'm going to make out ...?

]?LT We're all waiting with baited breath.

SPT ...

PLT Uh-oh, sorry.

SPT Well, here's the master trash can.

PLT ... do with that? - -

SPT You or I - -

CDR No, wait a minute; wait a minute.

SPT No, that - that thing's not going to ... for us.

CDR I had ... the - the main thing is that we got to

get all the bags in there.

SPT ... sitting on a ... My right hip got hot. And

it's not what you think because I haven't taken
a leak yet.

PLT ....

15 48 53 SPT Yes.

CDR Oh, look - ... oh beautiful! Whoooo! Look out

your window, Joe.

SPT What is it?

Dump Tape 145-0013
Time: 15:0_,.19 to 16:03:09
Page 12 of 21

CDR Well, just look.

S}_f Sunrise. Beautiful.

CDR I never tire of that. Can you spot the thunderstorms

down there - outlined?

SPT You'll have to roll over ...

CDR Hey, you w_nt to look out my window? Here.

S_ No, this is a beautiful view .... better than your

window. It'd be a heck of a ride out of that.

CDR Yes .... look at the ...

SPT Down on Cape ... the Sun's coming up.

CDR Yes.

PLT Yes.

CDR We don't have any straws onboard, do we?

SI_f I don't know .... put some onboard some time ago,
and whether it's still there I - -

CDR ... I know that ...

PLT Here it comes.

15 50 18 CDR It even lights up the spacecraft.

S_ Yes.

CDR Well, Doctor, how does it feel to be the first MD,

U.S.-type, in space.

SPT So ecstatic, sir, that it's ... - -

f-- PLT Now,there.

S}_f - - ... the horizon - -

PLT Those gosh darned thrusters fired, and a couple ...

SI_f - _ ...
Dump Tape 145-0013
Time: 15:03:19 to 16:03:09
Page 13 of 21

CDR (Laughter) Now, I think I'm going to have my first

experience with chicken ... gravy ... Well, here
goes nothing, gang. Where's my spoon? What are
we going to - -

PLT ... grape Juice ... - -

CDR - - what are we going to do after we get done our

EVA shift tonight, and we take ...

SPT What are we going to do?

CDR Yes. Where the heck are we going to put them?

SPT Oh, I'ii try and consider that in my stowage,

here ...

PLT Yes ...

SPT Oh.... - -

CDR ... that would be a good place ... store things. I

know a good place to store things temporarily.

15 51 29 SPT Where?

CDR Right up in there.

SPT With a big bag, though, like this, you couldn't

possibly get lost.

CDR Right here. - -

PLT ...

CDR - - ... tape this .... Wonder if they are going

to have to be - wonder if they need this stupid
plate ... Where the heck are we at 6:50 - 3 -

6:50:03 ... - -

PLT Yes ... - -

SPT Tell you what - -

CDR - - a little over 20 minutes. - -

SPT - - ... me try that as a - ... method of ... stuff -

little stuff.
Dump Tape 145-0013
Time: 15:'33:19 to 16:03:09
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PLT You going to reconstitute some orange?

CDR Yes.

PLT Okay. If you mind, when you're done, I'ii get -

I'ii press on with purge.

CDR Okay.

PLT What do we do? Both feeds [?] or Just hydrogen?

SPT Wait ... - -

PLT Gosh darn, these are tough. I can't get them on[

15 52 16 SPT Yes. They are tough.

CDR ... fuel cell purge.

PLT Okay.

CDR On S-3 - on S ... 83.

PLT Yes.

CDR Okay?

PLT Yes.

CDR Well, gang, here goes nothing .... - -myself.

,o. -- m

SPT Ah, ...

CDR - - maybe - -

SPT ... Velcro, here - right there. Okay?

PLT Okay.

SPT It's a - -

PLT Ooooh ...

$PT - - you have to do - -

PLT ... get it.

Dump Tape ih5-0013
Time: 15:03:19 to 16:03:09
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SPT You do - Fortunately it hung on the bag.

CDR Is there a cow down there, Joe?

PLT Ah, shoot.

SPT (Chuckle) Did you lose any?

FLT Nope.

SPT Here, I'ii hold this. Will a kleenex do?

PLT Anything.

CDR ...! That was good! First thing is you got to

recognize things that will fall on your face.

SPT ... than that.

PLT Yes.

SPT Where does this one - -

PLT It goes right there.

PLT .... ?

SPT Yes.

CDR By Jiminy, it works ...

SPT ... works, huh?

PLT The kleenex are right there in front of the - -

CDR ... Boy is that smooth.

SPT Yes.

CDR I ain't had this since -

SPT There went a ... again .... feels like ...

< CDR piece of Joe,

BY gosh, ... would
after really
this, ma_e
a cup the
of whole
coffee day.
and a good )

PLT A minute, 20 and leave the heater on for lO. For-

tunately, our Germau friends did not launch his SPT.
Dump Tape ih5-0013
Time: 15:03:19 to 16:03:09
Page 16 of 2i

SPT You know, that - that's funny. I Just took a leak

and I smell urine. I have a bad feeling that that
thing gave away at the other end.

l0 55 20 PLT What other end?

SPT The rubber in the UCTA-and-hatch fitting.

CDR It's doing a lot of flopping around.

SPT If it did, man, I got ...

CDR Yes....

SPT What am I after? My bread. There goes my bread.

CDR I'll tell you what it does ...

SPT Yes. And it stinks a lot. It must be ...

PLT Okay....

SPT Heck, I'm ... When am I going to eat all this?

CDR I could eat all mine now. I'm hungry enough to eat
the rear out of a porcupine. You guys ...?

SPT Yes. We're always ...

CDR ... (Laughter) Hey, I got an addition. Look how

well I cleaned this bag.

SPT Yes.... - -

CDR The ... is going to be those stewed tomatoes.

SPT Yes .... (laughter) ... - -

CDR I've decided to save them until last.

SPT Yes. Okay.

i0 56 h7 CDR How about your purge? How's that doing?

PLT Didn't work too well. Two minutes. Turn that off
and that off.
Dump Tape 145-0013
Time: 15:03:19 to 16:03:09
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CDR Joe, if it's not too much trouble, is there any

pills around in those packages.

_?T Yes.

PLT Where are the pills?

S]_2 What do you - what pills? What kind?

CDR Yellow pills.

SPT Oh. Crunch them up and ... - -

PLT ...

SPT No, I don't think we have - I don't know. You're

look at the package that they're ain't nothing else
in here.

PLT Well, they're in L - -

_PT ... something.

PLT - - they're in - they're in L-3 ...

SPT ... I'm looking right down at those ... SPT ... that
is real luxury. Man, this is a good ... do all
right ...

PLT ... some kind of a high ... You know, at least they
didn't ...

SPT Well, there's something I didn't know.

15 58 05 PLT What's that?

SPT Don't mRke a ... sandwichout of your bread because '

there's a piece of plastic between the two ... - -

PLT Ha, ha, ha.

CDR I've had that a couple of times ...

PLT I ... than mine?

SPT Yes.
Dump Tape ii_5-0013
Time: 15:03:19 to 16:03:09
Page 18 of ;-_i

CDR Here goes nothing. Now, that's 5 psi ... - -

SPT I got it ...

PLT Huh? What 's that?

CDR Got 5 psi ... oh, man' Want to put that in the big
package? Hey, we don't have a dang knife, do we?

PLT Got the ... cutter.

CDR I know, but I mean a sharp knife. No, how am I

going to ... I guess it would be easier to - here
comes the first ...

SPT Oh, drop of water, look at you.

CDR What did you do with that kleenex. Is it over here?

SPT Right there.

CDR Okay. I Just wanted to know where it was.

15 59 08 SPT Yes....

CDR ... flinging tomatoes all over the place. Aaaahl

Hey, you know, this thing could be a problem. It
ain't going to bother us right away, but if ... drop
the tomatoes ... getting around - that stuff's got
to get rotten after a while.

SPT Would you put this in there? ... Where's all this
stuff coming from? Oh, it's tearing pieces of bread
off my Velcro. It' s all right.

CDR ...

SPT Huh?

CDR ... You got to eat the whole tomato to get it,
but - -

SPT Yes ....

PLT Incredible! Incredible! What did the - what - what

did you do with the ... - -
Dump Tape lh5-001]
Time: 15:03:19 tc 16:03:09
Page19 of 21

CDR Where are we, here - 3 hours, then, we got to go to

the - ... - You done yet? ... - -

PLT I dumped a little extra H 2 there. You know, they

got to stay on for l0 more minutes.

16 02 27 CDR Yes. The heaters stay on.

PLT Yes.

CDR ... you got the purge?

PLT Yes.

CDR All right .... look here .... we don't have

the ... at _:05 - now it's 3 o'clock, and further-
more - -

PLT There, Joe.

SPT Okay....

CDR - - we don't have a ...

SPT ...

CDR It must be out in the middle of no place.

SPT ...

CDR Oh, we got to get that pad ...

SPT Okay. If you'll take ...

CDR Okay.

SPT Yes. That white ... all right ...

CDR One of these days, it's Just going to have to go

back in A-7 ...

SPT Yes.

CDR ... I got to eat my ... I could eat right through

it ....

PLT ...

Dump Tape 145-0013

Time: 15:03:19 to 16:03:09
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CDR I - I really am ... they were really worried about


PLT Well, I hope we get many days of experience for this.

16 01 55 CDR Not bad ... I'll tell you what I'm going to do: I'm
going to give it a VERB 83 ... VERB 83 ...

PLT ... you haven't had the extremely poor ... this
could be ...

SPT How's that?

CDR ... a sandwich, I guess .... You guys did a great

Job at launch, though. Everybody hit everything
right on the money. That 's - that 's ... fluke.

PLT Lucked out, didn't we?

CDR ... 654 miles, and that's probably not right.

Closer to ...

SPT 654? No, that's probably right - -

CDR Yes.

SPT - - because ... - -

CDR Yes.

SPT - - looking at the ... - -

CDR 650 feet.

SPT - - We're up high, so the closing rate probably isn't

that high.

CDR We ought to be right smack in front of it - right

on the horizon. Right straight out a little bit

SPT ...

CDR Huh?

SPT Where are we? Over the Pacific?

Dump Tape 145-0013
Time: 15:03:19 to 16:03:09
Page 21 of 21

16 03 09 CDR ... Yes. No. I think we're coming over ... by


SPT It's dark over there ....

DDR Must be ARIA .... at 201.6 by 198.8 .... Hey ...

paper. Put that in the big trash can.

SPT Where the big can? Whoops!

3C Skylab, Houston. We're AOS at Goldstone for the

next 9 minutes.

_PT (Laughter)

CDR Roger. (Laughter)

CC ... you loud, Pete. There was a squeal in the back-

ground. Try again, please.

CDR The squeal - -

CDR - - ... sandwich. (Laughter)

CDR It's got to be ... Okay, we got our - our ...

burns off on time ... 9.


__ Dump tape 145-0014 (Final)

Time: 15:I8:XX to 15:20:XX
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Heavy telemetry-like noise obliterates intermittent voice at varying

off speeds.
Tape _5-oo_5





From To

23:12:52 00:12:03

Voice: Fair

Time : Good
Dump Tape 145-00]_5
Time 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page i of 28

23 12 52 CDR Okay, cabin pressure relief valve, two of them, to


PLT I got to get out of these gloves here. All right,

two of them, okay. You want to rig those tools
first? I want to know how you want them rigged,

PLT Do you think we ought to go at it with first ...

on the bottom of this pole?

CDR Yes.

PLT We're not going to use single length of pole?


PLT Want two pieces of pole stuck together ... one

end of one ... The first one out has a mushroom
on the one end. Hooking another pole to thi_; on
the other pole will be ...

SC Okay.

SPT You got a call for this one?

PLT Now.

PLT Yes. May have.

SPT Over here where I can reach it.

CDR Okay, now, where are we.

S_T I'm rigging tools.

CDR Okay, repress package valve still is on, surge tank

is on; cabin repress valve, off.

PLT Yours, that is yours.

CDR Cabin repress valve on 3-51.

_- PLT ...

23 13 55 CDR And, Joe, while you're down there, you might as w_'[l
put my couch out straight.
Dump Tape ih5-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 2 of 28

PLT Look, if my ... I'm going to tell you before I ...

CDR You're going to what?

PLT I'm going to tell you before I pull or push on

anything and which direction I'm going to pull or

SFT Okay, there's something - two other tools in there

to straighten. You want me to have either or both
of those out and rigged ready to go.

PLT No ... No, that's not. Forget this package. Is

that right? Yes, that's the package that goes to
the sail. Ah, there it is.

SFT Okay, I was sure that thing was stuck in ...

CDR Must be the trigger in the box ....

PLT ...

CDR It's screwed down, Joe. It's screwed down. Atta

boy. We have to go slow but sure or we aren't
going to make it on time .... Don't want to have to
do a half-assed - we're not in too bad shape. We got
20 minutes of daylight.

23 14 54 PLT Well, do you want to start out? Have to quit

halfway through, or what?

CDR No, I think we'll get off in 20 minutes. We're not

that far from it. As soon as you're satisfied your
tools are rigged, we can pull the check and do it.
All this hanging around in here is really whacking
across the microphone.

PLT Will you help me put my gloves on? These darned

things sure fit tight. In gloves ... Okay, I
got to go over here.

CDR Now, make sure that's all on. Okay?

PLT Yes.
Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
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CDR All right. Let me have that. Lot of trouble, Joe,

finding place to put things.

SPT Yes, trying to do it in a hurry.

CDR That's all right. Take your time, take you _ time.

PLT ...

CDR Did it go out all the way?

PLT Yes.

CDR Satisfied?

PLT Yes.

CDR Okay. There you go ... All right now.

23 18 09 SPT Pete, you want you sunvisor?

CDR Please. Much trouble to get off? Why don't you

leave it alone, you're ...

SPT ...

CDR Well, I use the sun visor, but I don't think we'll
need it. But I'll put it on.

SPT ... the line.

SPT ... contaminate the workshop. Okay, you got it.

PLT Well, it's the glycol ... going up on ...

SC .••

SC Yeah.

CDR Now, wait a minute.

PLT Gosh darned string is out.

_- CI)R ... that string?

PLT Good idea, Joe. This pole here? The first section 7
< ".

Dump Tape ih5-0015

Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page h of 28

SPT Yes.

PLT Pass it out to me .°. first.

SPT Yes.

PLT And I'll pass it through the ring on my tether.

SPT Turn it around after you get it out.

PLT Aha, Okay.

i- SC Whew

CDR All right, are you ready to pick up, Joe?

SPT You're ...

CDR Are you ready to pick up, Joe?

SPT Yes.


Sl°T Uh, yes.

CDR I wish you'd hang that over on your side somewhere.

SPT CABIN REPRESS is OFF. You want it on your seat -

flat out?

CDR Yes, please.

CDR Well, I don't think that is as satisfactory as

up. But I'm going to have to leave it that way for
the check, but I'm going to put it back up for the
flight. Okay? Yes. EMERGENCY 02 valve, CLOSED,
verify on panel 600.




CDR REPRESS 02 indicator, approximately 900.

Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 5 of 28

S]?T Yes.

23 22 06 CDR SURGE TANK, 900.

SPT Yes, about 840; where it's been ever since we got in.

CDI_ Okay, CABIN FANS, OFF; let's see, the SURGE rANK,
what's it? About 840, also?

SPT Yes.

CDE Okay, 02 heaters, two of them, to AUTO.

SPT They are.

CY_R ]_emember we have this 226 panel to check, Joe.

Sr_f All right.

CDR CB CRY0 02 i00 watt heater i, MAIN A, to CLOSE.

SET CYRO 02, i00 watt, MAIN A, to CLOSE.

CDR CRY0 02, i00 watt, heater 2, MAIN B, to CLOSE.

CDR ... CRYO 02 50 watt heater i, MAIN B, OPEN.


CDR CRY0 02 50 watt heater 2, MAIN A, CLOSE.

SPT Oh, it's one close and one open.

CDR Okay; verify gas connector plugs installed and all

connectors locked.

CDR PGA diverter valve, horizontal.

CDR Install drink bags_ don wristlets and comfort

gloves ; configure couch pans ; and go to SEVA

SP'r I'll go to the cue card ....

CD_ ...
Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 6 of 28

CDR PLT don he]met/SEVA_ do not rotate helmet; lower

SEVA protective visor; don EV gloves and cover
gloves; and don wrist tether, if you want it.

PLT I want it.

SPT Okay, you want to put it on or should Pete put it on?

S/C Yes.

PLT ... drink thing; that son of a gun gets me right in

... sounded like it. There you go. Inner one down?

SPT Inner one is - no, they're all up.

PLT Okay.

CDR Joe, can you hand me my helmet and gloves?

PLT Going to undock before you repress surge?

CDR Yes.

CDR You Just hang on to that for a moment.

23 27 35 PLT Want some help, Joe?

CDR All right, is everybody buttoned in his suit for

the moment?

SC Another set of gloves to don?

CDR My hoses in your way, Joe? You can clip them up out
of the way.

PLT You going to need help with that?

SPT I don't know.

PLT You got it lined up?

SPT Yes, it's lined up pretty well.

PLT Hold it. I'm going to be in trouble here.

SPT All right, it's lined up good.

Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 7 of 28

CDR What's sticking up in the back of his neck, here,

Paul? That it.

SPT Yes.

CDR Okay, now, would you read this to me?

SC You got DIRECT 02 going on for i minute.

S]:'T Okay.

CDR ... flow, ON.

SPT Okay, direct 02 open for i minute. This is a purge.

Don't know why we're doing that. Yes, I do too,
trying to get the nitrogen out.

23 32 25 SPT End of i minute - close it.

SPT Is it closed?

CDR They 're going closed.

SPT All right ... integrity check. Circuit return valve,

close, push.

CDR It is.

SPT Pressure indicator on the panel and the console should

be between 4.7 and 5.3.

CDR It is.

SPT 0 2 flow should be 0.2 to 0.4.

CDR It is.

SPT Okay, and then there's the CAUTION about starving in

the PRESS position until we're stabilized.

CDR You ready?

S}_r Yes, direct 02 - SUIT TEST valve to PRESS; direct 02

to OPEN. Reads FLOW and HIGH.

PLT SUIT PRESS is coming up.

Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 8 of 28

SPT Okay, l-l/2 to 2 psi, suit over cabin, tell Pete that
he should cycle the two suit circuit return valves.

PLT All right.

CDR When you get 2-1/2 pounds above cabin, let me know.

PLT Two above cabin? Let's see, you're one above cabin

CDR Th_nks. Gosh darn it. What are we now?

PLT Seven and a half, which is 2-1/2 above cabin. How's

everybody's ears?

SC Mine are terrible.

CDR All right, wait a minute. I'm going to cycle this. -

Knock it down. Okay, it's cycled.

SPT Okay, keep it on going up to 4. Close direct 02 at 4.

CDR How high are we now?

PLT We're up to 8, which is 3 above cabin. Probably

ought to stop it at 3-1/2.

CDR How high is it going to go?

PLT It'll go darned near 4-1/2 if you let it, but 3-1/2
is a good test.

CDR I got it, I got it.

PLT You got the air, huh?

CDR Gosh darn, yes, finally.

PLT Yes, I got 3.2 on the cuff gage.

CDR All right, here we go. How high do we have to go?

PLT Well, the test ... is about 4.4, 4.5.

23 36 00 CDR Okay, we got it back. 55 minutes right now. Reset

the clock. And I still have A3 and A4 on, Paul,
remember that.
Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 9 of 28

PLT Yes.

(,_R Okay, how high is the deal, now?

PLT 3.7.

CDR How high we supposed to go?

PLT The cuff gage should read between 4.1 and 4.5. Oooh,
mine Just went on up.

(!DR Yes, hold it. Let me get it off.

_PT Okay, get DIRECT 02 OFF.

C!DR I'm trying to. Okay, it's off.

SPT The pressure should be 4.1 to 4.5 by the cuff; 8.8 to

9.8 on the gage.

CDR Yes.

FLT 02 FLOW HIGH light should be out - No, it's still on.

SPT Okay, but it's stabilized.

SPT Still on_ still pegged.

CDR ... got the valve off.

SPT Your DIRECT 02 is off, SUIT PRESS indicator is still


CDR Yes.

PLT Here comes the 02 flow down.

SPT It's gotta come down to less than 0.8 pounds per hour
for 30 seconds or we got to ...

PLT Understand. You hear me?

SD Good loop suit.

PLT Do you hear me?

SPT Do I hear you?

Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page i0 of 28

PLT Yes.

SPT Yes. That it.

PLT No, not yet, there, it Just went below 0.8.

SPT Okay.

PLT At 3715, it's still dropping. My pressures never

came down and the 02 flow is still dropping.

SPT If it's been below 0.8 for 30 seconds, you got it.


CDR My pressure's 4.6.

Sl°T Yes,mineis,too. -

PLT So's mine.

CDR Yes, there's DEPRESS.

CDR Okay. 02 flow indicator should continue to drop to

the 0.2 to 0.4 range. Suit pressure gets down to
less than 1 psi over cabin, SUIT TEST valve to OFF.

SPT Test valve to what?

CDR Wait till Paul tells you its a little higher than the
cabin, then move it to OFF.

23 39 12 CDR Okay, can you put my ... suit depresses here?

SPT ... raise your cuff to the ... position.

CDR Then why don't you Just Jump over to undocking so I

can get off here and start heading for the wing.

SPT Undoeking is next.

CDR Okay. If I get out oF here, we can sort of go around

that way and you can start dumping the cabin while -_
I 'm flying.

SC Yes.
Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 2B:12:52 _o 00:12:03
Page ll of 28

PLT That darned suit pressure goes down awful slow.

¢_R I know it.

C_R Do I push it in?

_PT What do you mean, push it in?

CDR I thought there was a dump position by pushing it in.

23 41 59 SPT There's a dump position by going to ON.

CDR What's the undocking checklist. Why don't you

start reading it?

SPT Okay, your THC and RHC should be unlocked.

CDR Unlocked. Well, I'm not in the right position_ Got

to get you to move the couch over me.

SPT We're just waiting for suit pressure to come down.

CDR ... taking long enough. I can't move myself back.

I can't, ... There. Is the foot thing up?

SPT Wait a minute. No.

MS ...

CDR What's the cabin there now, Paul?

PLT About 7-1/2.

CDR Seven and a half.

PLT Yes, but my cuff gage is a little low.

CDR ... All right, now go ahead.

SPT Okay. Undocking checklist. THC power should be on.

CDR THC power, ON.

SPT CB docking probe, two of them, CLOSED.

CDR Two of them CLOSED.

Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 12 of 28

SPT Okay, the next step happens when you are ready to go.

CDR Where's the cabin?

PLT I want to extend this YY strut. The cabin's about


CDR Shoot, are we off to the side?

SPT You may want to center it before you undock.

CDR Trying to do?

SPT Let's go to off right now.

CDR All right, watch me, Joe. Okay, there it is.

SPT Okay. Verify ... the SUIT CIRCUIT REGULATOR is in ...


23 42 57 CDR It is. Now the one thing I can't do is cycle that

valve again.

SPT What?

CDR All right, let's keep on going.

SPT Well, Paul wants to get out the YY strut.

PLT Go ahead. Keep reading.

SPT Okay, your next step is PROBE EXTEND RELEASE switch to

EXTEND/RELEASE and hold ... 20 seconds.

CDR All right, let me - I've got to -

SPT Get it to minus-X.

CDR No, let me, I've got to move over here a little.
That did it.

SPT In other words, your next step is to actually undock.

Where do you want me? You want me to get down in the
tunnel here now?
Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
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CDR I'm going to undoek. And don't hit the hand controller,
please. Very nice. Okay, how do we undock, Just go

SPT You go to EXTEND/RELEASE and hold it.

CDR Hold it. Paul, probably ought to do that.

CDR Yes.

SPT For less than 20 seconds, then after approximately

2 seconds, the minus-X translation, the probe dis-
engages, then you go to RETRACT/OFF on that switch.


SPT And the talkback ought to be gray.

23 44 26 CDR Ready. Okay, there we go. Now, it went RETRACT. You

want to go to RETRACT?

SPT Go to the RETRACT position, and then go to OFF.

CDR And go to OFF. RETRACT and then OFF.

SPT The tall(backs ought to be gray. Are they on?

(,'DR They are.

SPT Then OPEN the CB's, DOCKING PROBE, two of them.

CDR Okay, DOCKING PROBE, two of them are OPEN.

SPT Okay, CMC mode should be AUTO or as desired, I guess.

(DR In hold.

SPT Maneuver to SEVA stationkeeping position and BMAGS to


CDR Go around_ that's fine.

SPT And the next sequence is CP[D thrust.

Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page lh of 28

CDR Now where - there those ... diseones are. Don't

want to get in their way.

SPT When do you want me to start bag?

CDR After awhile.

CDR I got to keep the discone antennas in sight.

CDR You all right, Paul?

PLT Huh?

CDR See where I'm headed?

PLT No, I got this side .., I didn't want to ... better.

CDR Yes.

23 46 37 CDR You know what? You - you're - I'll tell you your
eyes are ... you make you so nervous when you're down
there with those hand controllers. You're ...

PLT Yes.

CDR I Just don't want to - you know - all of a sudden

get swamped into the vehicle.

CDR You know what happened, gosh darn it. It's burning
the skin on that son of a gun.

PLT Yes.

CDR Firing ... like crazy.

PLT The ATM ... throw a pretty good shadow across there.

CDI_ Yes. That was a gimbal light, and I'm a long way
from that.

PLT Got a way to avoid gimbal ...?

CDR ... bothers me is I'm flying right under the ... -

there it is.

CDR ... think I'ii hit it.

Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 _o 00:12:03
Page 15 of 28

C_l_ Must be hitting it with my thrusters.

C'DR ... l'm going to fly right ... smack into the gimbal
lights ....

_LT ... go ...?

CDR Yes. Trying to see what that piece is right: there

out your hatch. Now, can you see the discone on the
right side?


CDR Huh?


CDR All right. Why don't you - We're about as close as

I can have you. You know, let me get it all stopped
and start depressing.

SPT Okay.

CDE You see that angle ... bent over it? Think you can
pry that back?

PLT No. I think we ought to just go to the other end

and heave on the thing.

CDR All right.

23 49 14 PLT Gimbal lock light, ...

CDR Yes, I know.

CREW ...


PLT You're well outside the ... area.

Cl)R Yes. Well, here's where you've got to ... f'rom, I


PLT A long haul, we can try.

Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 16 of 28

CDR No, I can get it closer, but I just want to get down
in the stops. Why don't you start depressing the cabin?

PLT Okay. Let me get in position.

CDB All right; I got to get into position, too, because

I can't see .... I pull my lap belt here. Hold
it ....

PLT ... you could stay in this roll ...

CDR Okay. Wait, wait. Oh shoot, stop ....... the

other lap belt. Gosh durn.

PLT Adjust it ...

CDR I can't - wait a minute - still trying to get ...

leave it in there. All right. Drifting in there.
Okay, ... go back, I want to pitch up a little.

PLT Okay, now you want to be at this attitude but down

a little lower.

CDI_ Okay. Let me get the attitude.

SPT Okay.

23 50 52 CDR I just ... like ...

SPT Let's start on the depress ...

CDR All right; go ahead.

SPT Okay. EMERGENCY CABIN PRESS select, OFF; l've done

it. SIDE HATCH DUMP valve, OPEN and leave it open
until 3 to 3-1/4 and then close it.

CDR Turn on the DAC .... you go.

PLT What do you want to dump to?

SPT Between 3 and 3-1/4.

PLT Okay,...out of the way. --

CDR Did you keep the DAC on?

Dump Tape 145-0015 __
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12_
Page 17 of 28

SPT Yes.

PLT •.. 3.

CDR Okay, what's 02 flow?

SPT 02 FLOW is 0.6.

23 52 15 SPT All right. Suit pressure should be between 3.5 and 4,

on the MDC.

PLT ... is 3.5 on the MDC.

SPT All right. Monitor CABIN PRESSURE now to 0.0 psia.

Open dump valve ...

PLT ... 16 ... data ...


SPT And the 02 FLOW should be about 6.6. Now it's gone
up. Well, this is after we get done. Why is it going
up now?

23 52 54 CDR Because the suit's coming up.

S[?T Well, .., go up. Pressure should remain stable at ...

PLT 02's high.

SPT Gosh durn. Everything happens so slow here. J

23 53 22 CDR ... Oh, wait a minute. I got to turn those thrusters

OFF, A-3 and A-4.

SPT Down about one and a quarter.

CDR All right ....

PLT How's the 02 FLOW?

SPT About 0.8

CDR ..., when you get the hatch open, I'll drive in |here.

-- SPT Okay.
Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 18 of 28

CDR But you got to really be careful of this hand controller.

PLT I don't know what I can do about.

CDR Well, I'll keep putting my arm over it, and I'll lock
it. Okay, what's the cabin?

SPT Near as I can tell, about a half.

PLT Okay, we're within 0.7 of the 02 flow. What's it

say next, Joe?

SPT It says wait until the cabin pressure is zero.

Obviously it can't get all the way to zero.

PLT Yes.

SPT But it ought to be more than a couple of tenths.

PLT Yes.

SPT Lock pin release knob on the hatch to UNLOCK. Look

pin indicator should be white to yellow - -

PLT Well, I've got to get turned around now.

CDR ... nobody was ever flying in formation before.

23 57 52 PLT Who am I hanging up on?

SPT Where? Inside or out?

PLT I don't know. I can't move out.

SPT Let me see. You - oh, wait a minute. There goes the
... bag. Which way do I throw it?

CDR The aft ... back.

SPT Well, your - your umbilical's free now. You ought to

be able to move on out.

PLT Wait a minute ... way's aft?

CDR By the hatch - in the direction of the h_tch.

SPT ...
Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 19 of 28

PLT Say, is the DAC on?

SPT I got it on ...

C_:EW ...

CDR Aft.

PLT ...

CDR All right now, Paul, you go ahead and try to turn

PLT Wait a minute.

SPT Are you hanging up on anything?

PLT Yes, but I can't see what it is.

SPT ... looks okay .... on your left shoulder. Now

you're go. However, oh, shoot. Paul, we didn't get
that ... It rolled the wrong way.

PLT I know. I just want to get the valve closed_

SFT Okay.

CDR Got 25 minutes.

SFT Hurry, Pete.

CDR Sorry ... everybody afraid, that's all.

PET Yes.

SPT I think one good solid ... the idea of pulling it,
that son of a gun is going to come out of there.

PLT Is the valve closed?

SET Yes.

PLT Now I can grab ...

SPT How's this thing go back in there?

Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 20 of 28

CDR Over by ... out, ...

PLT All right. Now, why can't I come out?

SPT You'll have to turn around. Oh, there's a - there's

a bag down here ... watch it.

PLT ...

SPT Alqyway you need to turn around ...

CDR Watch that bag. We're going to lose that bag.

PLT All right.

SPT .,. stay open, I'll catch it anyway. Wait a minute.

SPT ... you go.

00 00 08 CDR Now you're out, aren't you?

PLT Yes.

CDR I'll tell you, yeur hose is hanging up on something

down here.

PLT No, not - -

CDR There - -

PLT Yes, that's better.

CDR All right. Now, how close do you need to go?

PLT Good enough.

CDR Huh?

PLT That's good enough.

CDR It is, huh?

PLT Yes, if Joe could give me the tools. You'll have to

pass it to that tether_ if you can, babe. _k

CDR Tether?
Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 21 of 28

PLT ... not that way.

CDR What's it? The other? Oh.

CDR Hey, listen. If worse came to worse, I'ii turn on

the tunnel light and stationkeep here ...

PLT Oh, no. You don't want to do ...

PLT Can you tip - can you translate down and pitch up a

CDR Can you see how much that ... - Can I do what?

PLT Translate down and pitch up.

CDR A]] right. I'm going to try it .... minute.

PLT No, if it's a good stable position, never m_nd.

PLT Tell you one thing. You don't jump quite as far
out up here as you did in the water tank.

SPT Yes.

PLT You Just don't ....

SPT That's right.

00 01 33 CDR All right, now. How's that?

PLT Better.

SPT l'm trying to get the gosh darn pole up - up above ,
your hod.

PLT Okay.

SPT ... because ... whole tunnel.

PLT Yes. You know I need the mushroom end first.

SPT ... the last time you said to pass you the other
end first.

PLT Well, I mean the one with the mushroom.

Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 22 of 28

SPT Which - you want the mushroom end of it or the - -

PLT The other end of the one with the mushroom.

SPT All right, but I'll give you the mushroom - but - -

PLT ... stuck--

SPT ... a little more ...

PLT All right. Wait now, let me get the thing over here.

00 02 53 PLT Okay. Now, I've got to take this thing and turn it
around. There. Now can you screw the other pole on?
Let's see, I need the ... end, huh? Oh, brother!
Poles are fantastically hard to handle.

SPT Nice thing about - -

PLT ... enough room - -

SPT Five feet is a little long, isn't it?

PLT Yes. Gosh darn it.

PLT Pete, I ain't ... very different yet, but you know
you're a little far out right now.

CDR Oh, I know.

PLT Okay.

CDR I'm just setting here while you guys are making ...

PLT/SPT (Laughter)

PLT With what, our clocks?

CDR You're banging around. It sounds like you're

demolishing the spacecraft.

PLT ... just flew out.

CDR Featof strength. --

SPT That's al_ right.

Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 23 of 28

PLT ... Hi, world.

00 03 58 SPT How are you coming?

PLT All right; I'm ... here.

SPT Now, ... the ...

P].T Hey, wait a minute, maybe I'll ... You'll have

to tell me about the - -

SPT Here - here - -

PLT Wait a minute. Hold it, Joe. I'll ...

CDR Just bring it over towards me. Get your hazLd out
of the way.

PLT Yes.

CDR You got to - you got to rotate the pole. You got
to ...

PLT Huh?

CDR You got them stuck. No, you've got to wind them
up again.

PLT I know that, Pete, gosh darn it. We ... them.

CDR ...

PLT Well we're trying to ...

CDR You got to - wait, wait. For gosh sakes, wait,

hold it. Joe, just hold the show and let him wind
it up.

S]Xf All right.

CDR You got to go that way and up.

PLT The pins don't fit for anything.

SPT Let me - can you get the other pole to ...?

PLT All right.

Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 24 of 28

SPT ... do any good.

CDR Get it off?

SPT Yes, right now - -

PLT Shootl

SPT What?

PLT Well, here comes the tape [?]

SPT Tape?

PLT Tape. Get that thing ...

SPT Take it all the way outside and ...

PLT I don't think - I don't think we better risk doing it.

CDR It never looked to me like you ever got ...

PLT Wonder if we'll ever get them apart.

CDR Yes. You can throw that thing away, if that thing
comes out, for all I care.

PLT Okay. You got the tool on it yet?

SPT No, ...

PLT I'll do that after the ... - the work.

CDR I've got to get down, right?

BPT Yes.

CDR ... guys moved it.

SPT Is that right?

CDR Yes .... like a springing board. Going to be

awful ...

00 06 45 SPT Wait a minute. I'm just screwing it on.

PLT Okay.
Dump Tape 145-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03 .... -
Page 25 of 28

CDR ... if that thing comes out.

PLT Okay. Okay, Joe. I got the pole.

SPT All right. I'm Just trying to guide it a little.

PLT I still think that son of a gun hung up where he

said it would.

SI_P Oh, yes.

PLT All right. Okay, now can you kind of hold my feet
... down there? ... me try.

SPT You want me to pull you in the - in direction and

• then- -

PLT Just brace my legs against the couch.

SPT How is that? Push?

PLT Yes. Don't push me out too far.

CDR How far out do you have to go?

S_ How's that, ...?

PLT Good.

CDR I can't see it any more. Well, guess the darn

thing may be too close with this much pole out.

CDR Tell me to go.

SPT Yes, you're - -

PLT That gosh darn tether - there we go.

SPT Back up a hair.

CDR Okay.

SPT Okay. You better go like that. Let her dr[J't.

CDR Okay.
Dump Tape 1_5-0015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 26 of 28

00 08 27 PLT Let it drift out a little more.

SPT Here, I'ii Just push us out. I had the pole inside.
I don't want the - ... that I don't push us out in
the gimbal loft. He can't lay down Just a tad,
can he?

PLT Joe, you get ready to pull me in, if I say so.

PLT Here it comes.

SPT That darn ... fired right at it.

CDR Fired away. Oh. What's happening up at the far end?

PLT Nothing. This son of a gun won't . .. Look, look -

there it goes. There it goes .... toward us. You
really did get close to this thing.

CDR Here, here, I got it.

PLT Never mind.

CDR I got it.

PLT Okay.

00 09 44 SPT Wait, wait don't close it any more now.

CDR Okay. It came out?

PLT Oh-huh. It won't budge.

CDR Now where's it hanging? Could you see that far

piece over there?

PLT Yes. I think that's where it's hanging up.

CDR I - I'm watching the solar panels ...

Sl°T Translate down a little. You're still closing on it.

Go down and Just one blip back.

CDR Thatbe okay,


SPT Yes.
Dump Tape 145-015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 27 of 28

CDR Take that down ...

SPT Yes.

CDR Okay, what you want to try now?

PLT Think we ought to go up and look for that green

metal folded over, Pete? ... Skinny sideways,
to your right?

00 l0 42 PLT I'm going to lean out a little more, Joe.

SPT All right, l've got a hold of your legs.

PLT ... there. Just hang on to that foot.

CDR Looks like there's a thing hung under the under

lip. See that?

PLT That, Pete?

CDR Yes. What is that?

00 ll 06 PLT The meteoroid shield.

CDR Is it curled over that thing?

PLT The green piece is, yes.

CDR Huh?

PLT Yes, the green piece is. At that angle - -

CDR No, not the green piece. There's a black piece, ...
the green piece .... Looks like it's punched in
the lower end of the meteoroid ... of the thing.

PLT Yes, it is.

CDR There is a good tone ... the ATM.

PLT You're well cleared. Do you see the - -

CI)R I can see the ... out your hatch.

Dump Tape 145-015
Time: 23:12:52 to 00:12:03
Page 28 of 28

PLT Okay, you can start slowing her down, you're right
drift anytime. I hate like heck to try to trade
tools but I almost think we want to, Joe, for that
little two-pronged thing.

SPT Okay.

CDR Don't let me bank into that - -

PLT No, don't go any further to the right then you are.

00 12 03 SPT Oh, where is it?

\, F"

, Tape 145-0016




Time Segments(G/VlT)

From To

17:36:56 17:h2:12

Voice and time bad

Dump Tape 145-0016
Time: 17:36:56 to 17:42:12
Page 1 of 1

17 36 56 PLT Plus l, minus i, plus l; how about that (laughter).

CDR Yes. Okay, Paul, ... GIMBAL MOTORS, OFF, ...


CDR How come you're talking VHF?

CREW We got a ... band problem at Hawaii tracking station.

CDR Hand controller, down. Joe, you ready to monitor me?

SPT Yes.

CDR Okay. YAW i, SPS, okay okay, coming on with

MN2, Paul.

CREW ...

CC ... 1 minute to LOS at Hawaii, you're looking real

good; you're GO for the burn and we're going to see
you at Goldstone at h ...

CDR Oksjf, that's Just about burn time and we're Just
standing by to m_ke the burn.

CC ... and when you get it squared away after the burn,
I've got a little note here that I want to talk to
you about ...

CDR Okay. All talk about it ... now that we're going to
go to NCC and get the ...

CREW ...

PLT SPS, we got it ... MINIMUM IMPULSE, NCC at 16 seconds.

CDR Okay ... hand controllers are ON. I'd like Paul
and ... valve A, Paul ... How do you like riding
SPS burns standing up?

PLT Oh, and the first time it burned and the panel went
away from me Just like ... and I was in one g ... f
the whole spacecraft was moving ...

b 17 42 12 CREW Got a minute, got a minute ...

_ Tape147-003




Time Segments (GMT)

From To

00:29:04 00:31:20

00:55:25 00:58:41

01:08:15 01:30:51
Dump Tape 147-003
Time: 00:29:04 to 01:30:51
P_e 1 of 2

00 29 04 CDR Okay, Joe, you ready?

SPT I'm all set.

CDR Okay.

SPT She's all your's, Pete.

O0 29 34 CE_ It went out good, and now it's kind of billowing

out in segments. Let's let it settle down.

00 31 20 CE_ This fabric, you know ... is stuck, and the front end
that has the ... on it, that's pretty well deployed


00 55 25 PLT Now, did you rotate it at all that time?

CDR I seem to think that I may have rotated it back to

where it was originally.

PI_ That's right. That's about where it is now. I

tell you, every little shake shakes it a little
looser at the back end, Pete; where that material
is bunched up.

CDR Okay. Does it look like it's getting better, huh?

00 55 57 PLT Oh, I think it is, but very slowly. You want me to

come down and relieve you?

CDR No, let me wrap it once or twice.

O0 56 37 PLT Hey, Pete, you've twisted it a way off. Hold

what you got?

CDR Let me bring it back to its original place.

PLT I think I'll push it back to the line. Oh, what

do you mean - twist or push?

00 57 14 CDR Twist.

PLT Well, you're going to have to - yes, but do it very

carefully because you're going clockwise, and when
Dump Tape 1147-003
Time: 00:29:04 to 01:30:51
Page 2 of 2

you get to the end, you don't want to hit a big

load so that it unwinds. You want to do it very,
very, slowly.

CDR Did that other shaking do it good?

PLT I think it looks better. Put it back to where it

was and twist, and come up and look. Pull it into
a mark.

O0 58 41 CDR Hey, you need a break anyway. Come up and take a

look at it.


01 08 15 CDR Three zero, Roger.

PLT Okay, ... let's get the rest of that.

01 15 ll CDR Hey, what panel is the BAT bus A and B, PYR0

BAT A and B, circuit breakers on?

01 15 27 PLT Well, I don't remember the number. Heh, heh.

It's the one where the main chutes are. It's
two rows right above the main chutes there.
Where your ECS suit circuit breakers are. It's -
Yes, it's 29 or something, I think. See it?

O1 30 51 PLT It ... a little from there.

, Tape lh7-O02((Final)




Time Segments (GMT)

From To

O0 29 29 0Q58 _i
Dump Tape 147-002
Time: 00:29:29 to 00:58:41
Page i of 3

O0 29 29 PLT Well, she's still going, Pete. The lights went out,
good. Now it's going to billow in and cycle. Let's
let it settle down.

00 45 20 CDR I don't hear any shouts of Joy.

PLT Well, it was interesting. You raised it up all

right, and - I am - we can - you can see the tips
of both the back rods now, but the configuration of
it didn't really change at all. It looks as if pull-
ing it around and pulling it in might work, and it's
a small chance, I guess.

CDR Okay. Why don't you put some more - well, turn the
ECR on the way in and give it a few more shots of
that. I'll -

PLT Yes.

O0 51 36 PLT Yes, that helped a little bit, Pete, but you're right
it ought to rotate about 15 degrees clockwise.

00 52 03 PLT Okay. It's still moving around a little bit. Just

let it sit there.

CDR I'm not sure I didn't feel the rod unscrew a little.

PLT Well, it could be. Looks like you turned it awful

fast. We can always give her a ... 360 one way or
the other. See if you can shake it a little bit.

CDR Okay. How far does it turn?

PLT It turns Just right. It's lined right up, now.

CDR Is it doing anything for it?

00 53 33 PLT Yes, it's doing a little bit, but I think you're

right. I think one of those sections is loose.

CDR Is it locked?

O0 53 41 FLT No. I think it looks like one of them is rotating

a little hit. It looks like one of the rods might
be loose a little hit. You think you - did think
you felt one unscrew?
Dump Tape ih7-002
Time: 00:29:29 to 00:58:41
Page 2 of 3

CDR Yes. I've got it locked in there now. Is it still


00 53 53 PLT No, but while you were shaking it up and down, it

rotated off a little bit one way and then came back,
unless you happened to twist it a little while you
were shaking it.

CDR I might have done that, but as long as it hasn't

smoothed the ..., it's all right.

PLT Well, shake it some more.

00 5h 06 CDR That seem to do good?

_3R Little by little, the folds are falling out of the

bad part, which is - I - what I think is doing it.
Now, pull it back into the mark, why don't you, and
shake it a little from there?

00 55 21 PLT Now, have you rotated it at all any time?

CDR If I said anything, I'd say I rotated it back to

where it was originally.

PLT That's right. That's about where it is now. I

tell you, every little shake Just shakes it a little
looser at the back end, Pete, where that material is
bunched up.

CDR Okay. It does look like it fits better, huh?

00 55 5h PLT Well, I think it is, but very slowly. You want me

to come down and relieve you?

O0 55 59 CDR No, let me rattle it some more and just watch.

00 56 35 PLT Hey, Pete, just twist it, it - we're way off.

PLT Hold what you got.

CDR Let me bring it back to it's original place.

SPT Why don't you put it back to the line?

Dump Tape ih7-002
Time: 00:29:29 to 00:58:hi
Page 3 of 3

PLT Well, you know - what do you mean, twist or push?

CDR Twis t.

00 57 13 PLT Well, you really have to - yes, but do it very

carefully, because you're going clockwise and when
you get to the end, you don't want to hit a big
load so that it unwinds. You want to turn it very,
very slowly.
CDR Okay. Is that other ... doing good?

PLT I think it looks better. Put it back to where it was

and twist and come up and look. Pull it into a mark.

00 58 41 PLT You need a break, anyway. Come up and take a look

at it.

Tape 14T-oo4





From To

0;2:18:36 0_:09:_8
Dump Tape 147-004
Time: 02:18:36 to 03:09:58
Page 1 of i

02 18 36 CI_ I looked out the window. Can you see my fuel

cell purge?

PLT Negative.

03 09 58 PLT Hello, Chuck.

PLT Hello, Chuck. Chuck, you got Skylab; go ahead.

PLT Chuck, Skylab. Do you read?

03 09 58 CDR Chuck - -

_.-_ Dump tape 147-005 (Fins/
Time: 03 20 20 to Oh 47 41
Page i of i




No com_mications on tape.
_- , Tape 147-006




Time Segments (GMT)

From To

04:16:32 04:21:23

Dump Tape 147-006

Time: 04:16:32 to 04:21:23
Page i of i

04 16 32 CDR Read you, Bob, loud and clear. How me?

CDR Okay, we're in the process of dumping the condensate.

Soon as we brought this thing on it started .:. but
we're working that problem right now.

SPT It's SECONDARY, Houston.

04 17 50 PLT We're Just waiting for an attitude. We're not in

solar inertial you know, well, you're not even very
close ... do you know where to go?

SPT Well, looking out the window. It looks as if you

need a ... one rotation about Y and a plus about X
... about i0 degrees or more. More than i0 degrees.
It's hard to estimate, but it's a plus Y or plus X
rotation. We are not going to touch it this time;
we're going to let you guys fool with it. We'd like
to get in ... solar inertial once so we know what it
looks like .... And after that, if we get off, we
can get ourselves back on.

04 19 04 SPT Okay, what are the temperatures doing in the workshop?

SPT We - we haven't gotten to the evening report. We're

still about the middle of the afternoon for us. Pete
and Paul are working pretty hard on the condensate
system. Going back to the command module and stowing,
stuff like that.

CDR Yes, and we're going to have a couple of large ...

here, I think, because we have enough other problems
coming up. Thank you.

04 21 23 CDR Affirmative.

s_-- Dump tape 147-007 (Final)
Time: 0h:16:_2 to 04:21:2_
Page i of 1




Exact verbatim duplication of tape 147-006

I •
•...,m '_

, Tape




Time Segments (GMT)

From To

05:49:15 05:49:31
Dump Tape 147-008
Time: 05:49:15 to 05:49:31
Page i of i

05 _9 15 PLT You're not there, are you, Houston?

05 49 27 s/c ...

05 49 31 PLT Hello, Houston.

Tape z4T-oo9





From To

IB5746 iB5817
i_ t "

Dump Tape 147-009

Time: 13 57 46 to 13 58 17
Page i of i

13 57 46 PLT No tape recorder on, activate to the panel 403, the

solenoid ventport, has got a total of about inch
and a half of debris on the inlet side in the bottom
of it. It is miscellaneous stuff, mostly washers,
shavings, with one large rubber grommet.

13 58 17 PLT Also, for information, although the duct fans in

the workshop have been running for almost 24 hours,
now, the screens of the mixing chamber are estimated
2 to 3 percent covered with miscellaneous trash.
Again, paper, ... slicks, washers mainly.

Dump tape 147-0010A (Final)
Time: 15 lh 20 to 16 37 47
Page 1 of 1




No communications on tape.
Tape 147-0010 B (Final)





From To


Voice: Poor

Time: Good
Dump tape lhT-0OlOB
Time: 15:17:30
Page i of I

15 17 30 PIG Decide on your stowage .... hose number 2 is not

stowed as it was for launch. It had to be removed
again for something else and then replaced in the
same location but not for launch ....


Tape _7-oo_2
(Final I





From To

18:41:2_ 19:3%:15

Voice goo; time good

Dump Tape 147-0012
Time: 18:41:24 to 19:33:15
Page i of 2

18 41 24 PLT ...

18 52 12 PLT Tape recorder, this is the PLT answering the

questions that were sent up yesterday on the
teleprinter regarding the SEVA. Question 1 on trying
to cut the strap. No, I did not cut the strap,
because I felt we did not have the right tools on
board to do it with. The strap was down very tight
against the beam fairing. Next question: Can you
get to the strap under the beam fair - under the SAS
or beam fairing? Let me explain further to you what
it is or - what it appears to be. There is a section
of meteoroid shield which is directly under the beam
fairing, and this is then bolted through the - what
we saw at Huntsville as kind of a standard method
on the meteoroid shield of the shield sheet being
advanced to angle and the angle's then bolted
together_ And this is one of those joint lines that
ran longitudinally the length of the meteoroid shield,
parallel to and Just outboard of the beam fairing.
So it doesn't go under the SAS or under the beam
fairing. The next question is, Could I get the two-
pronged tool under the strap? Yes, sir, I could.
As a matter of fact, we almost left it there.
Because that goes with the next question - I did
push in on the beam, got the two-pronged tool
between the beam and the strap and then had one devil
of a time trying to get it back out.

18 53 48 PLT Question 5 is, Yes, sir, the strap is definitely dug

into the beam fairing. What it looks like to me is,
it is really wrapped tight right up against it, and
if there are any protruding bolt heads or - bolt
threads, they are right down into that beam fairing.
It's almost like it was put on there. I really - I
almost find it hard to believe it's on there so
tight. Number 6 is the specific origin of the strap
(chuckle) we just talked about - I think. Any more
questions give me a call. On - number 7 on observing
deflection, I d_d _ot observe any. However, the
f Comm_ider,watching out his window, said that the
end of the beam fairing, when I first pulled on it
using the shepherd hook, he estimates deflected about
a foot. Now I pulled it towards me; it deflected.
I also moved the whole workshop, surprisingly, at
which point the TACS squirted at us and started to
move back. And, as a matter of fact, the workshop
Dump Tape 147-0012
Time: 18:41:24 to 19:33:15
Page 2 of 2

was pulling the command module for a short while

there. Anyway, any deflection which was put on has
gone back out and there is no permanent deformation.
Question number 8, there is no sheet metal attached
to this angle strap outboard of the beam fairing.
Of course, there is underneath. The entire section
of meteoroid shield which lay under the beam fairing
at launch is still there.

18 55 27 PLT And question 9, the last - -

19 20 31 SPT Hello, friendly tape recorder. This is the SPT doing

temperatures. The ambient thermometer in wardroom 4,
749 Bravo, reads 103 degrees.

19 26 05 SPT Hey, Pete, the temperature indicator down here is off

the peg. It reads 98 now.

CDR Gre at!

19 29 58 CDR You read the workshop? You read the workshop?

19 33 15 CDR Hello, Joe.


Tape _-oo_ (_in_l_




Time Segments (GMT)

From To
Dump tape 147-0011
Time : 19 :20 :31
Page 1 of 1

19 20 31 SPT ... friendly tape recorder, this is the

SPT doing tempertures, and the ambient
thermometer in Wardroom 4, 749 Bravo reads
1033 degrees.

,- Tape147-OOl




Time Segments(GMT)

From To

23:28:38 23:28:38
/;'L,_tr,t'_' ,, ,.. " ,'it" _ 2'"
• f
<'7%" "J-

Dump Tape lh7-001

Time: 23: 28:38
Page 1 of 1

23 28 38 CDR Hello, Houston. Hello, Hank. Be advised we have

admltted. We have it connected through rod C. We
can't see it out the ... window, and with Just rod C
on there, and we're taking a little cooling break;
it's pretty warm down there. So we're progressing
slow but sure, but everything so far is working.
We're about to put rod Delta on. We had no trouble
venting it down, ... We're about 4 minutes and it
held zero for l0 minutes without any out-gasing.
The door opened very smoothly and so far the rod
extension has gone very smoothly, and as I say we' re
Just taking a little heat break.

Tape i_s-oo_




- TimeSegments

From To

00:26:h7 00:30:07
Dump tape lh8-001
Time: 00:26:47 to 00:30:07
Page 1 of 2

00 26 47 SPT Hello, tape recorder. This is the SPT. I'm

going to resume and repeat and correct the CSM food
log for days 1 and 2. We've given you the informa-
tion in this procedure and I'm sure M071 people are
most anxious to find out what is really going on.
So I'm going to go over the CSM menu, day by day,
and fill in the blanks. Day l, for the CDR, he ate
everything. He had 16 shots, that is 8 ounces of
water. He had no medication. No Delta H20 , no
salt packages. And we had no supplements on that
day. The SPT ate all his food, 15 shots of water,
one SCOP/DEX as previously recorded - reported. No
Delta H20 and no salt. The PLT ate everything on
day 1 except 1/3 of the asparagus and the bread.
And meal Charlie: he had 16 shots of water. And
one application of Afrin for nasal congestion.
_ There was no Delta H20, and no salt packs. Okay,
on day 2 for the Commander, the only foods that
were eliminated were the asparagus and the peanuts.
He had 32 shots of water, and two applications of
Afrin, in the medication. No Delta H20. No salt
packs. And we did not take our supplements on
day 2. The SPT did not consume one coffee, one
biscuit and one lemon pudding. The PLT did not con-
sume peach ambrosia, macaroni, bread, butterscotch
pudding, apricots, or coffee. He had 38 shots
of water. No medication. The SPT, to go back,
excuse me, had six shots of water and no medica-
tion. And the rest of the log is blank.

00 29 38 SPT On day 3, so far, to start with, we took our

medication - or supplements for day 2 and day 3
on the morning of day 3. The CDR took two
magnesium, two calcium. The SPT took one mag-
nesium and one calcium. The PLT took one mag-
nesium. This did not account for items ... were
nominal supplements.

00 30 07 SPT So far, the CDR has eaten everything in the

first two meals except the corn - which was
a bag failure. The bag failed at its seam
prior to being rehydrated. Got corn powdered all
over everything. The SPT has not had his biscuit
and Jam or his peach pudding. He intends to eat
at least the peaches and the rest as he gets to it.
However, the SPT will probably not get to his
apricots tonight nor his butter cookies. The PLT

Dump Tape i_8-001

Time: 00:26:47 to 00:30:07
Page 2 of 2

only had half of his bread for breakfast. And has

yet to eat his vanilla wafers or his lemon pudding
from lunch. And we're going to be vague on this
probably by evening report because the days are
running so late. We won't give you the water and
the salt or delta H20 until the evening report.
And that's it.

Dump Tape zks-o_

( AM)

Time Segments (GMT)

- To

Voice poor (variable speed); time good.

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-1 No communications are on tape.
I--I Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
[-I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I-1 Other

Dump Tape 148-05
Time : 00 :Oh :37
Page i of i

00 02 37 CDR - - ... I've ... a lot of malfs. We've had to

stop and ask questions. And it's been generally
... But if ... rest. I've been ... about 2 hours
... And, by golly, ... myself. And we're not ...
back. We have to be ...

]'ape 148-006A (Final)





From To

00:49:53 00:50:50


02:14:24 02:1h:31

Time: Good

Voice: Fair and poor

Dump tape 148-006A
Time: 00:49:53 to 02:14:31
Page i of i

00 49 53 SPT Okay.

00 50 50 SC Okay, we'll also play our comments by our ... battery



01 19 ii SPT One ... as previously recorded - reported; no

DELTA-H20, no salt. The PLT ate everything on day 1
except one-third of the asparagus and the bread, at
meal Charlie. He had 16 shots of water and one
application of Afrin for nasal congestion. There
was no DELTA-H20 and no salt packs. Okay, on day 2
for the Commander, the only foods eliminated were
the asparagus and the peanuts. He had 32 shots of
water and two applications of Afrin in the medication.
No DELTA-H20 , no salt packs, and we did not take
our supplements on day 2. The SPT did not consume
one coffee.


02 14 24 PLT Hey, Pete; stand by for a MASTER ALARM and disregard.

02 14 31 PLT ... can disregard the MASTER ALARM we didn't get.



Final i_6-ol
Dump Tape



From. To
00:58:18 01:44:25

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I--] Nocommunications
are on tape.
!-1 Only communications
on tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
r-I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I-1 Other
Dump Tape lh6-01
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:44:25
Page 1 of 25

00 58 18 PLT - - ... things are regulating. I'll try to stop it.

CDR All right. Get both REGs off ...

CDR ...? Oh, I know what's the matter.

PLT What?

CDR The SUIT CIRCUIT RETURN valve is not open.

PLT Oh, for Pete's sakes -

SPT ... - -

CDR I'll bet it wasn't on the checklist.

PLT That's it, too, I'll bet you. Gol dang it, you're
_-- right.

CDR Yes. Now go try that again.

SPT Let's let things settle down for a while ...

CDR All right, let me try it - -

SPT ...

CDR - - I'm going to dock one time.

SPT You are? Regular?

CDR Let's do it here.

SPT Regular way, or - -

CDR Regular way.

SPT - - shall I hold that thing in ...

CDR Regular way. Let me cycle the breakers : I, 2.

PLT All right.

CDR In, in; EXTEND/P_LEASE; i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Retract.

All right?

Dump Tape 146-01
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:44:25
Page 2 of 25

SPT All right.

Ol O0 41 PLT Stand by, Joe.

SPT Yes.

CDR Darn it. That one's perfect. Right in the hole.

Didn't do it.

PLT Well, we haven't tried method number 3 yet.

SPT Yes, you ready?

CDR Yes, I'm all lined up.

01 01 1B SPT All right. I'll have to go to EXTEND/P/W.EASE on this


CDR Yes.

SPT Are you sure we're not soft docked, backing off?

CDR Oh, no.

SPT Okay. Right.

SPT All right. I have to go to the EXTEND/RELEASE switch

and hold it in EXTEND/BET.EASE. When you get ready to
make your probe, can I hold it in EXTEND/RELEASE ...?

CDR You capture. You keep plus X on and youeount to 6.

SPT All right.

CDR And in 6 seconds I go to RETRACT and you keep plus x

on for about another 5 seconds and see if we can
capture. Okay?

01 O1 47 SPT Yes.

SPT Okay, you're _oing to watch the talkback ... When

do you go to Tc_
,"_D/WF.LEASE, on contact?

PLT No, before contact. Can you see?

Dump Tape 146-01
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:44:25
Page 3 of 25

SPT Yes.

01 02 13 PLT Here we go. Right through the ... 3 feet to go, Joe.

SPT Yes.

CDR You ready, J<._?

SPT Yes, count t,,6 _1 ... - -

01 02 20 CDR All right, 1,_re you go.

01 02 29 CDR i, 2, 3 - -

PLT I'll be darned.

-- CDR - - 4, 5, 6. Let go. Nothing happened.

PLT I faked myself out, is what I did.

PLT What it did - you went to - presumably hit, you went


SPT Because I got barber pole.

01 02 45 PLT MAIN BUS A UNDERVOLT. What the heek was that?

CDR You got barber _ole?

SPT Yes, on EXTEND/RELEASE position.

CDR Okay. Did you really?

PLT Yes.

01 02 55 CDR You Just left it there, huh?

SPT No, it - it switched to OFF. As soon I went -

EXTEND/RELEASE s the momentary position.

SPT I saw barber v;,',-_ ---',_n

we contacted.

CDR Yes?

PLT I said, "Shoot, maybe it's doing something." I ]ef_

it in - then it fell back to OFF. The minute it
Dump Tape 146-01
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:44:25
Page 4 of 25

did - of course, they went gray, I continued onto

RETRACT and they still went gray. That was at about
your count of 3.

CDR ... What's the MAIN A UNDEEVOLT? Nothing?

PLT Must have been transitory.

SPT Buying a lot of ...

01 03 36 PLT Yes. They all show up. How's that?

CDR Well, they're all on MAIN A. Let me go back and

configure it the right way.

PLT All right. 2, 2; whoops, that ... take the breakers

back in. All my breakers back in. 2, 2.

SPT You get the main ... back on?

PLT No; 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.

01 04 04 CDR Well, what do you want to do, gang?

SPT Well, shoot, if you don't mind stationkeeping, you ,

can stand by for word from the darn ground.

PLT Yes, let me reeonfigure and then get some of this stuff
put away. In case I do have to do an IVA in the

SPT Well, heck. The darn docking was Just like in the

CDR Yes.

PLT Figure out -

01 04 39 SPT What does the book say when to do - when you get -
.... 6 seconds in ,._,_'i'E,:r_?

CDR Yes.
Dump Tape 146-01
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:44:25
Page 5 of 25

SPT And then you go to RETRACT, right?

PLT Then you go to RETRACT and I didn't do that.

01 04 49 CDR Well, let's try it again. All right?

PLT ... try it ...

CDR Yes, darn it.

CDR All right, look when we get contact - Paul?

PLT Yes.

CDR When we get contact, snap off your watch and Just
mark 6 seconds to Joe.

/P_ PLT Yes. I'd do that if I had a watch.

O1 05 12 SPT Oh, I'll give you a watch.

PLT Oh, there goes the RCS again.

CDR They're going in and out.

CDR Why does it get hot so darn fast? I can't believe


PLT You want these switches OFF and then ON again?

CDR Okay, you ready, Joe?

01 05 45 SPT Well, wait, wait. Maybe we ought to Just poke it over

a little bit more.

PLT All right, start drive it on in.

CDR Well, I can't do that procedure right. That's one of

the things -

O1 05 53 SPT Yes, I know, i kn_._ but, heck, we been changing and

banging into tb_t ,:_.rned probe ...
Dump Tape lh6-01
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:44:25
Page 6 of 25

SPT I know, but that's assuming everything's right in the

cockpit, right? Do we doublecheck all that trap?

CDR Heek, let's do it.

CDR The docking probe, the MAIN A, MAIN B are in.

SPT All the logic breakers are in?

PLT No yet. I don't know what you guys know about this -
the RCS logic breakers are not in.

01 06 18 PLT Well, no. I was thinking of the -

CDR ... All those breakers are in.

SPT Six of them, and then ...

CDR We're ... daylight, here, very quickly. Let's turn

the spotlights OFF.

SPT All right.

CDR Gosh darn. What the heck can happen ...

PLT What do you see over there? Nothing on that side,


SPT Well, everything's normal over here. I got - I got

all my pyros, buses ready to go, and all that sort
of stuff, you know. That's about it.

PLT How about if we - What's the alternative to Just

driving right in to a clicking hard dock. Yes, I - -

SPT You got to - -

PLT - - Oh, you got to retract the probe. Yes -

Ol 07 ii CDR Yes. You got ?/our EV - you got to take that thing
off the bottGm of the deal.

PLT That I don't -.-&mrto do without hearing from the

Dump Tape 146-001
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:4h:25
Page 7 of 25

CDR Man, that's - that's the hard, hard way to get back.

SPT I 'll say.

CDR Well, we must be using ...

PLT Yes.

01 07 h8 CDR Where's my couch going? We get all our 02 and every-

thing. We - Why is the couch leaving ...

SPT I don 't know.

PLT Y, Y struts.


PLT Our -This one, there.

SPT ... ?

PLT Yes. Just do me ... this thing. It's kind of wrapped

around the end of it still - There you go .... CM
light on?

SPT ... any hurry.

CDR What the heck's that? How come all the ...?

SPT Whoops, there we Just pegged high again.

CDR Turn it off.

SPT It's blowing in over here.

PLT Yes, what is it?

CDR ... surge tank off. You think I could - What's that?

PLT You turn thc ...............

_,_.J. ,,IJ._ off, Joe?

01 i0 03 SPT I'll turn them o:'I".

Dump Tape 146-001
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:44:25
Page 8 of 25

CDR Some - Something must be - Is it still in bottles, or

something? Is this valve ON - this 02 REPRESS VALVE
ON over 601?


CDR Should the surge tank be on, so it can fill?

PLT Supposed to be, yes.

SPT It should be on, so i_ can fill the ...

01 i0 28 CDR It's not on.

PLT That shouldn't have axlything to dowith our problem.

:_ CDR I understand that. Now what happens? Now turn that

KEG on a minute.

01 l0 39 PLT There it goes. It's pegged high, Joe.

CDR Yes.

PLT Now, wait. If you're in FLOW and it's pumping -

CDR Is the cabin PRESS going up any more?

SPT It's up to 6, now.

PLT That's why I think we ought to leave them off.

SPT Yes.

CDR But let's bring the surge tank up.

SPT Fine. We've got to bring the REPRESS package up too.

PLT Well, let me put the REPRESS - -

SPT We might get - -

PLT - - that's th_ z_-._.e.

CDR What's the suz-[_

__ _u_o, now?
Dump Tape i_6-001
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:44:25
Page 9 of 25

Ol ii i0 PLT 250.

CDR Well, it's been 250 all the time, right? Because l
had it turned off. We weren't showing it. Good.
Now - now - Did you turn the PEGs back off again, Joe?

SPT Yes, sir.

CDR I am really confused.

PLT We got too darn many things going on at once.

SPT Yes. I don't like it.

CDR What do we need to do? Aah, get the 02 -

SPT I'd say, let's try to - Let's try to sort out the
02 probl_n
- -

CDR Yes.

SPT - - while we wait for word from the ground.

CDR Yes.

O1 12 01 SPT So let's go back to the SEVA checklist and see what,

if anything, we missed there. Okay?

CDR Yes. We got to put that bolt in.

PLT That can - We can do that any time.

CDR Yes.

01 12 23 PLT Does anybody got the SEVA checklist?

CDR I don't. Man, I have hit that probe 89 different


PLT Okay, I'll Jl]st r_a_1 them all, whether they apply or
not. BMAGs to RATE 2.

CDR Okay.
Dump Tape 146-001
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:44:25
Page i0 of 25

01 13 35 PLT For hatch closing, verify clear. Unstow lanyard.

Pull and close hatch. Verify hex clear. Close the
hatch. Gearbox SELECT to LATCH.

SPT Got it.

PLT Unstow the handle; lock the hatch. Verify lock pin
drops in white to white, which it has. Stow the
actuator handle, which we have .... to LATCH. Hatch
will not latch. Cabin repressurization: SIDE HATCH
of them, NORMAL, latch ON.


PLT 02 PRESSURE INDICATOR - surge tank, switch it in.

01 14 17 CDR Yes.

PLT REPRESS 02 valve - What is this thing?

CDR Don't know.


PLT Then close line - OPEN, then CLOSE. Monitor the

cabin pressure. REPRESS 02 valve OPEN when surge
tank pressure decreases to 150 - when surge tank
pressure decreases to 150 (panel 326), REPRESS PACKAGE v
valve OFF. Did you do that?


PLT ... cabin pressure gets to about 3 psi in a minute.

Then on 351, CABIN REPRESS valve OPEN, clockwise, adjust
to maintain at least 150 psia in surge tank.

01 15 02 CDR Has the CABIN REPRESS valve been closed?

PLT Yes, it has.

01 15 08 CDR Are you sure?

SPT Yes. Yes, ! _h_ckedit three times.

Dump Tape 146-001
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:h4:25
Page ii of 25

PLT The REPRESS 02 PRESSURE INDICATOR should have gone to

about zero ... Okay, it didn't. We got about 100 psi
in there.

CDR All right. N_w if I put it to FILL ... - -

PLT Yes, but wait, wait, wait, wait. Yes, but let's not
do it.

CDE Without any REGs on there -

PLT Okay, now - When it gets to about zero, REPRESS 02

valves, on 601, which is that one there, to CLOSED.

CDE Is that closed? Are you sure it's CLOSED?

SPT ...

PLT Well, let me check it. Yes, that's CLOSED.

CDR Yes, okay.

PLT That's CLOSED. CABIN PRESS h.7 to 5.3, on 351,


SPT Yes.

PLT Did you get that, Joe?

SPT That's right. Yes, we were late getting off -

PLT When surge tank is greater than h00 -

01 16 30 CDR Let me see if we have - you're absolutely sure this

regulator - Turn on the MAIN - one MAIN KEG, now.

PLT Do both MAIN REGs cause it to ..., Joe?

SPT I think so, but let's find out. Should be - Did you
hear flow?

CDR Yes. But ar_ _.,_ _,._ it's not flowing into the
surge tank?
Dump Tape 146-001
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:44:25
Page 12 of 25

PLT No, it 's downstream of the surge tank.

CDR Now hold it - look, it's fallen 0.6.

PLT Yes.

CDR Hold it now, let me go to ...

PLT Well, maybe -

CDR ... REGs ON.

SPT All right. Let's see if it's - but maybe it's filling -

CDR ... the glycol tanks are -

SPT It's droppingagain off, now.

CDR All right. Now wait a minute. Turn REG A on.

SPT All right. BEG A is ON.

PLT Looks like every thing is on.

SPT All right, now.

PLT Wait a minute.

CDR What's the surge tank?

PLT What's - way ...

CDR Yes.

Sl°T There's one ... switch that's in the abnormal position.

PLT What?

01 17 51 SPT _nergency cabin regulator should be both when we're

out of the suits.

PLT Yes, but I hav__n't _otten there yet.

SPT All right.

Dump Tape 146-001
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:hh:25
Page 13 of 25


CABIN REPRESS valve is OFF, right? Joe.

SPT CABIN REPRESS valve is O-F-F and I'll go check it

again. It was OPEN for a good long time there.

01 18 2h PLT Okay, but it's OFF now?

SPT Yes.

PLT Okay, surge tank pressure is greater than 400 and

on panel 326, go REPRESS PACKAGE valves tQ FILL.

SPT ...

PLT Yes.

SPT All right, we're going to go to FILL.

PLT Okay, let's dump this surge tank into REPRESS PACK-
AGE, huh, Joe ?

CDR Right.

SPT Yes.

CDR You can see that, right?

SPT Yes. This came down, that came up.


SPT Oh, okay.

PLT ... where we get a little trouble with the flow.

SPT ...

PLT Okay, then, n-,w let's go over here. PGA doffing and
stowage: verity surge tank greater than 400, which
is not quit_ ,,_r,_R,,w?P_ESS
PACKAGE is in FILL, Pete?


D_np Tape lh6-O01
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:h4:52
Page lh of 25


SPT Excuse me?


SPT Yes, sir.


CDR Yes.

01 19 h8 PLT Well, that's it. And everything is back like it's

supposed to be.

CDR I think it was that SUIT CIRCUIT RETURN valve and it

Just took awhile for everything to flow out.

PLT Okay, gang.

CDR What's next on the list? Shoot!

SPT That one, you're a mite off center on, Captain.

01 20 13 CDR I'm not sure that wasn't where we scraped out.

PLT Well, about that third one, you were pretty far off.

CDR Yes. Well, I'm doing the best I can with the COAS.

PLT Yes.

CDR The last couple ones I did dead on. Come on.

SPT I can't find any hints in here. You can look it over,
if you want, Pete.

01 20 h3 CDR I think we ought to try that other one. Let's try

that other ome, one more time.

SPT All right.

PLT Yes, I'm for that.

Dump Tape 146-001
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:4h:52
Page 15 of 25

SPT All right. All right.

CDR Well, ... I'd just as soon wait until night. I can't
see anything out of the COAS.

SPT Oh, is that right?

PLT Yes, you're better off at night ... like this is on

the SEVA checklist .... Okay. Pete, you got DOCKING
PROBE MAIN A and MAIN B CLOSED over there, right?


PLT ... from EPS group 4 ... Let me cycle these, all

--_ PLT Yes.

01 21 34 PLT I don't know what that could possibly have to do with

it. All right, cycle. I know ... power right off
the main buses .... I'm not sure how that gosh darn
•.. work.

CDR Well, they're complicated in their design, but they're

very simple in their operation.

SPT Are you going in?

PLT No, I 'm getting lined up.

SPT All right.

01 23 37 SPT Getting close? Getting close?

PLT No, I'd say - All right. That's dead center.

SPT All right, I'm ...

PLT Wait, wait. Hold St. How's that look to you, Pete?

CDR Well, it lookz pretty good from here, without -

-/-- PLT Yes.

PLT Try not to go in so hard.

Dump Tape 146-001
Time: 00:58:18 to 01:44:52
Page 16 of 25

CDR Yes, I won't.

PLT That's the one thing you've been doing. The first
one we did was the easiest of all.

CDR Yes.

PLT There, Just let it go in llke that.

01 24 35 CDR Now, close the thrust once I get there, though.

PLT Oh, yes. When you get in there, you want me to ... - -

SPT ...

PLT - - at 6, I'm _oing to ...

-- Ol 24 56 SPT i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, i0, ii, no.

PLT They both went barber pole at contact. That's very

odd, because - that's a prohibiting position, you
know. They stayed barber pole, until I went to ...

01 25 37 CDR I tell you we Just sent ... in a whole new orbit.

Heck, that's a 10-second RCS trim burn, four-4et

PLT That's right.

CDR If we're not careful, we'll deorbit this son of a gun.

PLT ... we are going ...

CDR That's what the.v wanted to do, anyhow.

PLT Better wait and tsTk it over with Houston.

SPT ... something.

PLT And, I don't w_:t to ...

CDR I don't see a_±:,,_h!r.._

_.:rongwith the probe, do you?
sF I mean the dro_,7_'

PLT No. No, I really don't. All right, I'm going to get
ready with part of the procedure.
Dump Tape lh6-01
Time: 00:58:18 to Ol:hh:52
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CDR Read them over once.

PLT Remove both access panels below panel 276. Unstow

WMS backup cable, Rll.

CDR I can do that.

PLT Have you ever seen that stuff?

CDR Yes, one time ... I would like to suggest something

•.. Is there anything I could have done wrong when
we undocked?

PLT Not that I can think of, Pete.

01 27 24 CDR Well, I wonder what part of the world we' re over.

_-- Anybodyhave any idea?

SPT No, I really don't•

SPT Looks like the middle of Australia.

CDR No. It looks like South America.

CDR k_nat are you doing, Joe?

SPT I know it's to_gh to get in, when I need to get in,

PLT This is probably one of those times when we got a ...

3 hours.

CDR It is. We're way off the range.

CDR Boy, they thought they had problems yesterday ....

again. What's the surge tank and repress package

01 29 h7 SPT They're filling up. About 500 each.

PLT ...

/ CDR The idea on t_._:

...... :_, Joe, that you get a hard
dock, because 770u dive 5he probe into the center
of the drogue, _nc] then aline from rim to rim.
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01 30 33 SPT Right.

CDR ...

PLT ...

CDR ... ha, ha, ha.

PLT ... that was 44?

CDR Huh?

01 30 54 PLT I've been making contact with this 44.

CDR It's Hawaii.

PLT What time does the ...

CDR We must be over Australia or something. You know?

Either that or we're decending over Mongolia or
someplace - -

PLT ... Mongolia.

SPT Okay. Okay, from L-3, L-2, the docking probe

AUX cables.

01 31 01 CDR I couldn't believe that when that thing Just hit.

PLT I didn't either. I hardly even looked up from what

I was doing. I need to stow that.

SPT That 's not it. Ye s.

PLT I tmstowed it. I guess we ought to stow it.

CDH I get the feeling there's no place to maneuver it in.

PLT Yes.

SPT ... maneuvering ...

/ CDR I wonder if ... cr,

v ... they get the batteries on us
too, don't they?

SPT ...?

Dump Tape lh6-01

Time: 00:58:18 to 01:44:52
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CDR Yes. "_

CDR That goldarn wing - that's ridiculous.

PLT I didn't believe it. I pulled on that son of a gun,

and I could see the thing squirting back - right
back at us. And - -

CDR Yes.

SPT How many pounds do you think you got on it?

PLT I got a good 110on it - -

SPT Uh-huh.

_-- PLT - - and that thin_ never budged.

CDR It's all hung by that little gosh darn thing,

01 33 55 SFT Okay. Below panel 276, both ...

CDR Wow, look at the ice in the water down there.

SPT You know what that is?

CDR What?

SPT That's the Kamchatkan Peninsula, right there,

CDR ...


PLT What?

SPT Right.

CDR ...

01 34 33 PLT Look here. Lc,c,k down.

/ CDR Oh, straight d,,,_

PLT Yes.

CDR Oh, we don't want to re-enter there.

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PLT All right. Oh, great. Under panel 276, right

where all that stuff is. I was afraid of that, ...

01 3h 57 CDR I got to urinate again.

PLT ... panels, have at those panels. Are you going to

do it?

SPT Yes. I'm going to open them.

PLT Okay, open them and locate the connectors and,

you know, everything but make the final connection.

PLT Well, we don't have to open the side hatch again,

right ?

SPT No, that is right.

CDR Ouch, I'm going to have to dump the UCTA here again
one of these days.

01 35 38 PLT I am too. We're in loads of trouble. Okay.

CDR You know what's going to happen if we can't dock,

don 't you?

PLT No, I'm Almost afraid to ask.

CDR Guess - Guess what.

PLT SEVA and ISC sail - -

CDR Sail and come home.

PLT Yes. I hadn't even thought of that.

CDR I had. I've got to admit, though, I get pretty

fine control around that bird.

SPT Yes. That's better control than a guy EVA has, though.

CDR Yes.

PLT I'll tell you _n_ -;crkshop took off and that ...
was hung in that ... (laughter) ...

01 36 46 CDR Yes, I saw that.

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PLT And I 'm hollering for Joe to grab the sample and ...
the sample ... by me and Joe's clear down here.

01 36 55 CDR I got it stopped. You deflected that panel a good


PLT I don't think I did.

CDR Oh, yes. I can watch the accordion on the solar panel.

PLT Could you?

CDR Yes.

01 37 17 PLT I forgot all about that being ... Fortunately, we

didn't lose it overboard.

PLT Yes, I think I got about a full UCTA in there, now.

CDR Well, I'm afraid we're going to have to say, the devil
will be darned, we don't have any - well, I guess
you could get out of your suit and put another one
on. We - -

PLT ... see what we have to do here.

SPT ... is the thing to do, yes.

CREW (Yawn)

SPT Do they have us do - they can have us do a little

SEP burn to - sleep tonight and rendezvous tomorrow.

CDR Sure.

PLT Think they'd do that? ...?

CDR All those EREP ...

PLT Oh, shoot. Turn on the music.

PLT Joe, that'z :nc cnc for -well, it's the same one
for retractin5 the probe, whether it's - -

01 39 01 SPT Yes.
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FLT - - for an emergency dock or for docking ring Jett,


SPT Yes, it's for retracting the probe. It should

say J-5. Ah, there it is. Yes, J-5. Okay, that's

CDR You have it?


SPT Yes. Wonder _f we ought to - Hadn't ought to

connect it to this end and leave it disconnected
from the other end?

01 B9 20 CDR Well, no, wait a minute, let's - Before we go into

anything_ let's get their approval.

SPT Well, all right. We found it anyway. We know where

- it is. I'ii need one or two of these rattling around.

CDR What time is it? l'm getting sleepy.

01 40 15 PLT I am, too, and it's 20 minutes until 2, which means

it's 20 minutes until i0 at the Cape.

CDR Is that a long enough day?

PLT A little later than we went to bed last night.

SPT We're going to have a long day.

PLT What else you going to do down there?

SPT Connect those to the utility power connector - -

PLT No, I mean right now.

SPT Nothing.

PLT Well, if you could trade places with me, then I'll
get that hatch thing screwed back in, and we'll get
the hatch tool_ put away. All right?

SPT Yes. Good _-_

PLT Unless you wanted to do it, as long as you were there.

01 41 06 CDR You don't see us opening that side hatch again, do

Dump Tape 146-01
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PLT Except for the MSC sail.

CDR Yes. So we better keep things neat and orderly

in the event that we do have to do that.

PLT Yes.

SPT How do you do it?

PLT Well, we might have to deploy the sail, right?

Just means getting them out again.

SPT Well, I'll leave them out.

PLT Or would you rather put them away?

CDR I'd rather put them away.

PLT Okay.

PLT Rather put them away. Where is the tool kit for
these ... ?

SPT Pete put it back, I think.

CDR It's in R - U-3.

PLT U-3.

01 41 49 CDR ... You want me to get it?

PLT No, ... - -

SPT I can't do it very well here.

PLT - - ... get it.

SPT Go ahead. Because very ... spacecraft.

CDR Now the probleLa is that - let me reach down here ...
This lower thiog that holds the ORDEAL gets in the

SPT Yes. I saw it. I got it.


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CDR One dog bone is painted black and one dog bone
is painted white and you would tie the - the -

01 42 41 SPT Marshall dubber on.

CDR Marshall dubber on.

SPT Is that right here?

CDR Suppose our probe could have gotten too hot ... was
looking at the - No -

SPT Well, s_nething - some effect in the EVA may have had
on it. Yes, it could have gotten pretty hot ...

CDR Leave the hook out.

SPT Oh, yes.

PLT I'm sure I didn't touch it though.

CDR Gentlemen - -

SPT No, that way.

CDR - - I thought we had the chance to salvage it. How

can I get my heels out of there? There we go.

SPT Okay, now. I need that tool ... deploy - -

CDR ... everything else (yawn).

SPT Okay. That 's not it.

PLT I think they're tight to start with, Joe.

SPT This one.

PLT Yes. It Hs ...

SPT Well, -3most. _L_,.


PLT Okay, we'll Ju__5 screw it all the way down. Now
whatever you _o -

SPT Yes?
Dump Tape lh6-01
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PLT Don't screw it in too hard.

CDR Here comes Hawaii.

SPT But does it go all the way down to -

PLT Yes, here. Why don't you let me do it.

SPT Yes.

PLT Because if you break it, you can't ever do it


SPT Okay.

PLT Hello, Houston ; Skylab. Get ready to copy something.

They may have something for us.

SPT Yes.

PLT Yes.

01 hh 25 PLT Okay. You have something to write on, Joe?

Sl_f Uh - -

Tape _46-oo2





From To

00:41:37 00:42:26

02:05:08 02:06:10

02:23:53 03:20:11

Voice: Good

Time: Good
Dump Tape 146-002
Time: 00:41:37 to 03:20:11
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00 41 37 PLT ... one to go.


PLT Wait, let me put the breakers in. Breakers are in.

SPT But I don't know whether you wanted it on MAIN A

or MAIN B, ...

CDR Hey, you want detent 2 on both of them.

CREW ... going to have ...

CDR What was the whatcha call it?

$PT ... battery ... alternator ...

PLT Yes.

CDR ...

PLT Battery ,..

00 42 14 CDR The battery on the line now?

PLT Yes, on both lines.

CDR All right. Here's pin release for 5 seconds.

PLT 3, 4, 5 and back to RETRACT.

CDR Okay. Ready?

00 42 26 PLT Yes.


02 05 08 CD_R I tell you, if we c_m't dock at all, ] "_ _%_[n_ i_

ask them if I can work my do_,king prob,, ,_H thai
go,_:hdarn solar panel out thr,re.

PLT Do you have _oth_' trash bucket _/_i_ down there,,


sFr Yes, a little one.

Dump Tape 146-002
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CDR l'm glad we had our two meal garbage dump.

PLT Yes. What 'd you get?

02 05 40 SPT Nothing yet. But I'm opening a can of vanilla wafers.

PLT There we go. There we go. We'll be coming up on

Vanguard in the dark at night.

SPT Is the spotlight on?

PLT Yes. Not sure I need the spotlight, to tell you the
truth. No, I got it off right now, as a matter of

02 23 53 PLT You going to watch them, Joe?

SPT Yes. Okay. About 2 foot.

SPT Five feet now. Nope.

PLT Nothing?

SPT Thumbs down.

02 24 20 CDR Well, the breakers are out.

PLT Okay.

CDR That means you ... it one more with the breakers out
and - and - and that was in the RETRACT position.
Right? In case that motor was stuck on.

PLT Yes. You have the batteries ON or OFF?

02 24 37 CDI_ IT won't make any difference. The breakers are out.

PLT You going to push ... to it this time? After ...?

CDR Yes.

PLT Like you did?

s. --

CD]_ Coming in.

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02 25 15 CDR Got it. Aw shoot! I thought we had it.

PLT You're right.

CDR I was just dead center on.

PLT Yes.

CDR I can't do it any better than that. Okay?

SPT Okay. Let's hustle.

02 25 34 CDR The docking probes are IN.

SPT What are we going to do? Go EVA again?

CDR Well, you're the one that did that. (Laughter)

What luck.

SPT What else is there to do ...?

CDR If we don't get a capture, we're going to go home

anyhow, huh? Sometime after tomorrow. There's
nothing else we could do, is there?

02 25 52 PLT Hang around until tomorrow.

SPT Yes.

CDR Well, we can't stand off for an hour and a half,


PLT No. Shoot !

CDR All right.

02 26 08 PLT Unstow two of W and I.

SPT We don't need ... EMU thing and skip the antifog.

PLT What's that?

SPT ... inverter valves to EVA. Then we'll ._o to SJ'_VA,

LI-4. Well, now - okay.

PLT ... things up to 700. You're goin_ to ,_Zowith th:d?

SPT Sure.
Dump Tape 146-002
Time: 00:41:37 to 03:20:11
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PLT Well, we're all set up. It's coming up all this

02 26 34 SPT Pretty good. All right. Comm's configured, unless

we want VOX .... we need? Well, I might go to VOX.
Okay. Systems prep for depress. Oh, wait a minute.
Let me get two of W and I ...

PLT Here, you want me to ...?

02 26 55 SPT Yes. We've got two checklists here.

PLT Yes.

SPT That's the Systems Checklist that I'll need for the -
You put that thing back, didn't you?

CDR Final docking ... turn the LOGIC OFF like it says,

SPT Yes.

PLT CB SECS ARM, two of them OPEN.

SPT Well, I don't knOw ... How does this procedure

influence ...?

CDR How do what ?

SPT Influence what's coming on?

PLT Yes.

CDR It doesn't.

PLT Doesn't it?

02 27 32 SPT No. The probes presumably will extend, even if _t

won't capture.

CDR Okay. We can blow this son of a gun off.

PLT All right.... W - -

SPT Save some ... here.

CDR What do you suppose happened to that - Hey, Joe.

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SPT Yes.

02 28 14 CDR By some screwy off-chance, make sure both umbilicals

are on that thing.

SPT I will.

02 28 35 PLT All right. All I need then is ... tools ... I going
to need ... Put them in there.

PLT Okay. I've got the tool assembled. We want helmets

and gloves, right?

SPT All right.

02 28 56 PLT I bet you don't want your SEVA.

SFT I just as soon not, but I can wear it if you want to

insist ... do it.

CDR I - I Just as soon have mine off, seeing it's night.

PLT Yes.

CDR You can put that away somewhere.

PLT Yes. Well, this one's yours, isn't it?

CDR Yes.

PLT ... Houston, I'll ... that other glove _n a m_nut_>.

I don't know where it is.

02 29 36 CDR No big rush. We've got all[ ... day.

PLT ... want it.

CDR ...

PLT What did you do from ...?

CDR Yes, but I mean, let's ...

PLT Yes, underst_id.

CDR To heck with ...

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CDR Why those lights on so gosh darn hot?

SPT There's you other glove, Pete.

CDR Thank you.

02 30 l0 SPT You can leave that on, if you'd rather not part with
it now.

PLT Okay.

CDR Anybody supposed to put helmets and gloves on right

now ?

SPT You got that part of the eheeklist_ Paul.

PLT No, we're just prepping.

SPT Before you do, is that where you are?

PLT Yes.

SIT Now there's your helmet. I wonder where your IV

gloves are. I bet they're up here. Wait a minute.

PLT Okay. CABIN PRESSURE RELIEF valve, two of them to


02 30 38 CDR They are.


02 30 41 CDR It's to FILL.


02 30 47 CDR It's ON.

PLT Cabin - for Joe.

SPT What is it?


02 30 59 SPT Verified.
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SPT Let me take this son of a gun off. I can't move

around to make this thing on.

PLT ... at it. I don't know how you're going to go up with

those ... there.

SPT I can't stick it up in the tunnel -

PLT Yes, trouble.

CDR What he's got to do is org_mize - Now listen, you

better get every line ... carrying out of the w_ when
you get up there.

SPT Oh, yes.

02 31 35 CDR Bring that hatch down and stick it down in ... where
Paul can pnt his hand on it.

SPT Uh-huh.

CDR And be very, very careful.

CDR That darn SIM SUP outdid himself on this ... plan.

PLT I figured SIM SUP would leave us alone.

CDR So did I.

PLT You need any long hoses, Joe?

02 32 24 SPT That's a thought, but I don't think I d_,. V_rif'y

that. _ a.l, the hot,tom
The probe cover is right the_'_
of it.

PLT Is it at the bottom?

SPT Yes. The red thing.

PLT Oh, boy! Well, there, that's kind oC out of the way.
(Chuckle) That's right. That was just ... wa_
broken. Okay. You can put your feet down again.

02 32 55 CDR Roger, Houston. R_d you 3 by 3. We were sti]l un-

successful in the other attempt. We're prepping to
do the - We'll move these back into the probe cover
now. We'll do a little EVA here in a m_imte.

Dump Tape 146-002

Time: 00:41:37 to 03:20:11
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02 33 48 CDR Okay, Houston. We'll try and have this completed

one way or another for a SEP maneuver in about an
hour and a half. Is that correct?

CDR Why don't you turn off all the cabin fans?

SPT Cabin fans.

PLT Here, you want your watch?

SPT No, not now.

PLT Oh, Pete's. I got Pete's this time.

02 34 33 CDR 15 plus 20. Roger. Roger.

PLT I'll hold it. I got it.

SPT Thank you.

PLT Oh, yes. I do have my watch over here. I forgot

about that.

02 3h 46 PLT Now, how about the tunnel lights. Could you turn
them on?

SPT Yes.

CDR Just a second.

PLT Good.

CDR All of them?

PLT Yes. All of them.

CDR ... prepped right, we'll do it in the daytime when

you've got lots of light.

PLT Yes. Okay.

CDR Which'll be coming up shortly.

PLT Right, - -

CDR ...
Dump Tape 146-002
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SPT How about ... there? l've got plenty of - really

plenty of length on the hoses. I couldn't possibly
go that far.

PLT Okay.

02 35 15 SPT All right. I've got my tools W and 1 right there, and
that is the only thing I need while I'm - in the tunnel.

PLT All right. Where are your tunnel procedures?

SPT My tun - Pete's got them. Right, Pete?

CDR Right there.

SPT You got the Systems Checklist there?

CDR Yes, yes.

SPT Probably best if Paul has them.

CDR Yes.

PLT Yes. Wait a minute.

02 35 41 CDR You're on - you're on VOX, aren't you?

PLT Yes. I'm on VOX. Yes.

CDR Okay.

SPT Okay. I'm going to put my gloves on, and then probe
procedure now, Paul?

PLT Well, let's get the ... on. Unstow tools w and i or
W and L?

SPT It's i.

02 36 01 PLT Unstow helmet shield, EMU maintenance kit, we don't ...

SPT All right.


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Time: 00:41:37 to 03:20:ii
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02 36 08 SPT They are.

PLT Okay. And then it says L-I ...

SPT Okay. All verified gas connective plugs, all con-

nectors locked. PGA DIVERTER valve, don ... and
comfort glove. Okay ....

PLT 02 valves - Hey, Pete.

CDR Huh?

PLT Is it- whoops. Shoot.

CDR Huh?

PLT I don't like that. I caught my finger in that camera.

Is there a place to can put that camera out of the

PLT I think so.

CDR I could put it here.

SPT I can stick it in this TSC [?]. Whoops. Don't like

... longer anyway .... need it on the EVA but I'll
sure as heck need it later.

02 37 12 CDR What's the matter with my helmet? ...

PLT Huh? Won't it go on?

CDR There it goes.

PLT Want to verify that?

02 37 27 CDR Circuit ..., Houston. Read you loud and clear.

PLT Down all the way. Looks good.

CDR Houston, you got some reason for why we keep getting
these ... high temps all the time?

PLT You want to use these IV gloves, huh?

SPT Oh, yes, ... you.

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CDR Be careful, Joe, for crip's sakes. It ain't worth

getting killed to get that cover off.

SPT l'm going to take it very slow. Watch, watch. Now.

02 38 30 CDR Hello, Cape, we read you loud and clear, Skylab.

PLT This is yours. That's going to be in my way. Wait

a minute .... open it.

SPT No, I got it. Okay, hold mine for a minute while [
snap your hoses back - -

PLT All right.

SPT - - out of the way of the hatch here.

02 39 14 CDR Roger, Houston, we read you. We're coming out into

daylight again.

SPT Yes.

CDR An - an - and, Joe.

SPT Yes.

CDR I wouldn't plan this docking until ... becau_e I get

my best alinement at night.

SPT That's fine.

CDR So you've got all the time in the world.

SPT Okay. Let me catch up with where the beck we are


PLT Okay. Let get my hat on ....

CDR We actually do the docking soft, ri_t?

SPT Okay.

PLT Okay. We hit the utility power switch which st:_rts

to retract the probe. Weeps.

SPT Did everybody's helmets and g_ves lock?

Dump Tape 146-002
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PLT ...

02 40 18 CDR Okay, real fine. My helmet is loeked_ my glove is

locked; my glove is locked. Red to red, blue to blue -
it's all locked. And here we are out in the daylight.

PLT Okay, I'm locked.

SPT Getting a little mixed up on these procedures. I 'm

sorry. Yes. It's SEVA-

PLT I know what it says.

SPT All right.

02 40 41 PLT Does he say do the suit circuit integrity check or

not ?

SPT Yes. Yes, he says to do it, unfortunately.

CDR Do you want to do that? You're going to have to put

my couch down again.

SPT I'm not thrilled at the prospect of doing it, Pete,

but, as a safety measure -

CDR Yes, I agree.

PLT Okay. We don't have to purge the suit circuit f_rst -

SPT No, we're pure oxygen now.

PLT All right. Have at it.

02 41 06 SPT SUIT CIRCUIT RETURN valve, CLOSED, push.

02 41 08 CDR I got a heck of a job doing all these - -

ZPT ... handle the spacecraft. What can I do for you?

CDR Well, let's see. Oh, we're all right, right now.

PLT Okay, you ready?

SPT Yes.

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PLT What are we going to do, PRESS - -


02 41 26 CDR It is. It is.

SPT Okay, you're - you're all ready going to PRESS.

PLT No, you want me to go to PRESS?

SPT Just says "SUIT PRESS indicator - 4.7 to 5.3, 02" - Oh,
yes. Yes, the standard baloney, right. SUIT TEST
valve to PRESS.

02 41 40 PLT Okay, gone to PRESS. All right.

SPT Okay, the DIRECT 02, OPEN.

02 41 49 PLT Going OPEN. Where the heck are my gages?

SPT I guess they're all ... l-l/2 to 2_ in which case

you cycle the SUIT CIRCUIT RETURN valve OPEN, then

PLT Okay.

SPT How _re the ears?

PLT ... too good, go ahead.

SPT Okay.

SPT Okay, do it now. Cycle it.

02 42 16 PLT Let me turn it OFF. Where in the heck is that thing?

Okay, OUT - IN. It's cycled.

SPT Okay. Now we're waiting .., 3-1/2 to 4 or above.

PLT The gosh darn ... I got them.

SPT We're almost fixing to gavinate [?] the suit.

PLT Oh, boy.

SPT We going to dump the cabin through the h_teh - t._,_,ou_h

the side hatch or through th(_ tunnel hatch?
Dump Tape 146-002
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PLT Oh, side hatch, I think, would be my choice.

CDE Yes.

PLT ... tunnel-

SPT Well, then I had better - -

PLT I can do that.

SPT Can you?

PLT Oh, yes.

SPT 0h, all right. Oh, boy .... kind of maneuver.

02 43 37 CDR What have you got in the suit now?

SPT A tad over 8.

CDR Huh?

SPT A hair over 8.

PLT Mine ain't off the peg yet.

PLT Where was this in the Systems Checklist, Joe, I lost

the darn place.

SPT Where what? Where were we?

PLT Yes.

SPT ... - 1 or 2-2 now, top of 2-2.

PLT Of the Systems Checklist?

SPT Yes. Yes, that's it. See ... down in there.

PLT Yes. Yes. That's fine.

02 4h 16 SPT We're - I'm off the peg - -

PLT So am I.

SPT - - if you want to - -

PLT I don't know of any way to ... it.

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PLT Yes.

SPT Okay.

PLT ... up there.

CDE What's the surge tank now?

02 44 33 SPT Oh, it's - oh_ we got it secured, isolated, it's a

tad under 800.

CDR Isolated? Heck, it's on. Who said it was supposed

to he off?

SPT Well, gosh darn it. Let me check.

CDR What's the sense now? Shoot, that's enough - -

SPT ... i almost 4.

CDR ... me start it down. There.

SPT Let it stabilize first. Well, it's h.0.

PLT Gosh darn it. I got - whoo - finally got it done.

SPT Me, to. I don't know why it's so much harder - -

PLT Where are you?

02 45 17 SPT - - in zero g. We've got the DIRECT 02, OFF, and

we're kind of waiting for 02 to - -

CDR ... 4.3.

SPT - - ...

CREW Brother.

CDR Well, next time let's clean up the cabin right so

that we don't mess around with the 02 .

SPT ...
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CDE Oh, I guess we didn't do that checklist right.

SPT Oh, yes.

CDR That's all right.

PLT Isn't that thing off the peg yet?

SPT No. Yes, it is. It's off the peg.

02 46 26 PLT Okay .... Watch it below 0.8 for 30 seconds after it


02 46 34 SPT MARK.

PLT I'd like to know what the hack causes that key like

CDR Think that's somebody's VOX or something.

PLT Well, it was doing it when none of us were on VOX.

SPT That's good. Why don't you go to DEPRESS?

02 h7 03 PLT Okay, SUIT TEST valve to DEPRESS.

CDR I've got to find it first. Oh, shoot. There it is.

What the beck is going on? Okay, there's depress.
Notice how those CMG packages are turning brown?

Sl°T Yes.

CDR Notice how those CR ... are turning brown?

SPT Um-hum.

CDR Lot of stuff's turning brown that's not supposed to


02 48 01 SPT Lot of stuff's in the Sun that's not supposed to be.


CDE That's what I mean.

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SPT Okay. The 02 flow is tanked low for the first time
today. Yeah!

CDR All right, Joe. What are you going to do with the
hatch now?

SPT I'm going to remove the hatch, per the decal. Which
is unstow, rotate the collar to unlatch, and pull to
unlatch, verify the little bolt there runs in the
slot to unlatch, l'm going to take it out; l'm going
to roll it down the aisle where P. J. can keep a hand
on it. And I'm going to follow the steps in the
checklist which is to remove the bolt that secures
the red pyro cover and then by just squeezing the
flanges and turning and pulling it out, I'm going to
remove the pyro cover.

CDR Is it one or two bolts?

SPT It's one bolt .... on AUTO, and - Then _'m goim_ to
put the hatch on, again, right?

PLT Right.

02 49 08 CDR Paul, I think while you're doing all this, we probably

ought to leave this hatch valve - We going to leave
this hatch valve open, Paul?

PLT Probably.

CDR Yes. Have to make sure you got it smooth.

PLT Yes, that's right - -

CDR No, problem putting this ... tunnel hatch in.

PLT Well, hatch integrity check, well, that's ind_cai.,d.

02 h9 31 CDR Where the heck is that?

SPT Okay, are we n_ar the cabin pressurize?

CDR You're 2 psi ...

PLT What's the surge tank now?


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02 49 44 CDR It's still 800.

PLT Okay.

02 50 05 CDR And off?

SPT Not yet. Is it low enough to go to off?

PLT What do you think, Pete?

CDR I don't know, you guys know more about this panel
over there than I do.

PLT Supposed to let it go to 1 pound above cabin.

02 50 23 CDR I know, but it's stabilized and 02 flow tank low -

I think we can do it.

SPT Just so you don't mess up the valve in it.

PLT I understand that, we're not going from - you know ...

SPT Okay.

02 50 42 PLT Okay - Okay, what was that? SUIT PRESS valve to

DEPRESS. Huh? SUIT PRESS valve, that was SUIT

SPT Valve to OFF.


PLT Okay, verify the 02 DEMAND REG valve - BOTH.

02 50 55 PLT It is.

SPT Okay. Wait a minute. Have we ever turned the

emergency ... and REGs to OFF.

PLT Well, I thought I asked you to.

SPT I don't ever remember doing it.

PLT All right.

CDR Can I put my feet up? Go ahead.

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PLT No, that's all right.

CDR No, put it up, I want it up.


CDR Unless you don't want it up.

PLT No, no, it's all right.

CDR All right.

02 51 25 PLT It says CABIN REPRESS, we never turned emergency

to OFF.

SPT Well, we should have. Okay. Maybe I did.

PLT Well, maybe that was our problem.

SPT It may have been.

02 51 36 SPT It's OFF now.

PLT Okay, remember that we're coming back on.

SPT Yes.

02 51 39 PLT Okay. Wait a minute, where am I? 02 DEMAND REG

valve - Was that you again, Kerwin?

CDR No, that was me, too. That was me.


02 52 04 CDR SUIT TEST valve is OFF.

PLT 02 DEMAND REG valve is BOTH.

02 52 07 SPT Yes.

PLT Okay. Now, where do we get to hatch openimg, whic!_

we don't want to open.

SPT ...


There it is, okay.
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PLT SIDE HATCH DUMP valve, OPEN. I'll give you all your
3 and 3-3/4 - -

SPT ...

PLT - - to close it.

02 52 39 SPT Okay.

PLT There it goes.

CDR ... look at all that stuff going out.

PLT Yes.

CDR ... giving us a little DELTA-V.

CREW ...

PLT When I give you a holler, then close it, Joe.

SPT Yes.

PLT 4-1/2 right now.

SPT Okay.

PLT Okay, close it.

02 53 19 SPT Okay.


SPT All right, wait i minute.


SPT Let me make sure it's closed.

02 53 40 SPT It's CLOSED.

PLT 0kay_ 02 closed, less than a half pound per hour.

Verify suit pressure is 35 and 40, it's about 38
and 39. Okay, 02 closed, 0.4 .... HATCH DUMP valve,

SPT Okay.
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PLT Must be eating the same stuff, all these ... smell
the same.

SPT Yes.

CDR Okay, orange drink ...

PLT ... empack ...

CDR Yes.

PLT You open it all the way, Joe?

SPT Pretty much ... In fact I did all the way.

CDR What's the matter, Joe?

SPT A little tricky going around the corner, that's all.

CDR What corner are you trying to go around? ... We'll -

we'll handle this.

SPT ... my head in the ...

PLT ... hoses ...

CDR I can handle this valve later.

PLT You got to come - no, no just lean straight back.

There you go,

SPT Okay.

PLT ...

CDR All ri_it, now.

SPT All right.

CDR Now think that ... turn around so we caI_ g_t t}_at
_xe back in. The, bothers me. That's one we new.,"
practiced before.

PLT ...

SPT That's a basic procedure ...

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PLT Wait a minute, wait a minute - -

SPT ... tight fit.

02 55 12 PLT Everybody's suit pressure stable - -

CDR Wait.

PLT - - and good?

CDR Mine's 3.7 - 3.85.

PLT Mine's 3.85.

SPT Mine's 3.8.

CDR Okay, ...

02 55 26 PLT Now we're ready for this other thing. Remove the
tunnel hatch for the decal. Want me to read you the
pro cedure ?

SPT Let me read the decal. Tunnel hatch removal one,

OPEN, counterclockwise ; veri1_y.

CDR Wait a minute, let me do data.

SPT Three, ACTUATOR HANDLE, unstow; push to stop, set

to U. That was pull to stop; set to U; and push
to stop. Verify the GEARBOX DISCONNECT SOCKET into
U, which has been held now. ACTUATOR HANDLE, STOW.
Select STOW. Push handle to STOW and remove the
hatch. Okay. And that's all pretty straightforward.

02 56 16 PLT Yes. So, the first thing is to open the equaliza-

tion valve.

SPT That's what it says.

PLT 0kay, let's do it.

CDR Well, I'll close th_s one, if that's the case. I,(%'s
not have both of them open.

02 56 32 SPT All right. All right, it's open. Now.

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pull to stop. Okay. It's unstowed, it's pulled to
stop; set to U. Set to U, and it is; push to stop.

SPT Okay, it works.

PLT Got your tools handy?

S_I' They're down in the °.. thing.

PLT All right, it's U, GEARBOX DISCONNECT socket is iu U.

SPT Okay, it says ACTUATOR DISCONNECT handle, stow, push

handle to stow.

PLT Okay, move to the stow position, plank the handle

down and it's stowed.

SPT Remove hatch.

PLT All right. Now, before I move it, l'm going to look
at the arrows. They're lined up very well.

CDR By very careful bringing it out.

PLT Okay.

CDR It's got all four - What's the problem?

PLT No big problem, I don't think. I thii_k it's ... _Lbout

not forcing it. And we should - it's just a little:
reluctant to come.

CDR Is it coming?

PLT Oh, yes. It 's coming.

SPT What are you going to do with it?

02 58 02 PLT Well, l've got to get it down out of my way. And

that means, I think, bringing it your way. Okay ....

CDR Darn ... liner. I've got my hands on it. }{old it.
I got it.

PLT Good.

CDR All right.


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SPT Why don't you transfer to Paul so that you can -

SPT Yes.

PLT Well, okay.

SPT Paul, I know there isn't much of a handle that you

can get on it, but -

CDR Wait, I got it.

02 58 58 PLT Let me get around it.

SPT Um-hum.

CDR There you go. Beautiful.

PLT Okay, I got it.

SPT All right. What the heck floated out of the spacecraft?

PLT ...

CDR Something small floated out the spacecraft ...

PLT I think it was one of those ... ends - Those plastic

ends they wrapped around the rope ....

SPT Okay .... unhooked?

02 59 28 SPT Let's verify that. One, hooked, the other one is

hooked. _Suey sure look good.

_. PLT Okay. Remove the probe final cover nut with tools W
and i.

CDB Having any trouble?

PLT I'm having a heek of a ... look. Okay ... detail.

SPT That's the cover. That's the cover nut.

PLT Okay.

03 00 45 CDR You notice your ratchet was in the wrong direction?

PLT ... flipping it over.

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SPT Yes, I know.

PLT I didn't check it before I -

SPT Bead me the next step while I'm doing this one.

PLT Squeeze upper end, inboard to remove.

SPT Okay.

CDR I remembered that.

SPT Get out of here.

03 01 28 PLT There goes the clip out by you, Joe.

CDR What kind of a clip?

PLT One of them clip on clips.

CDR Make sure it doesn't hang up - -

PLT ...

CDR - - Make sure it doesn't hang up in the probe.

SPT Well, I Just pushed one away. Darn it, I could tell -
wish they wouldn't do that. This one, you mean.

PLT I don't know.

SPT I'm going to give this one ... DELTA-V. Let's get the
heck out of here. Yes. Okay, come on now.

PLT Are you getting it off?

03 02 O1 SPT I'm getting it off. It's just - I don't remembm'

how long it is. Wait a minute, woops - that w:_s it.

CDR It came off?

SPT ... came off ... wet.

CDR I see it ....

SPT You see it? Then forget it.


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PLT Is that is?

CDR Now, squeeze the cover.

SPT Right. And the whole cover's coming off. Okay.

03 02 29 CDR Want to hand the cover down or swing it down?

SPT I'll hand it down. I think I'm done up here and -

CDR Yes - yes, you are.

SPT Starting from ... that little ...

CDR Yes.

SPT So, I'll just hand it down - -

CDR Yes.

PLT ...

SPT - - and here's the cover.

CDR Yes.

SPT And I'll take the tool and put it away.

CDR Yes.

PLT There was no way I could save that nut.


03 02 56 SPT Okay. That's it, babe, and I see no obvious dsu_age

or ... to the probe.

CDR Okay. Let's look at -

PLT I see the ... lights is off?

03 03 08 SPT No. No, the angle _s too steep, even if I get way
over to one side.

PLT Okay. Here's the hatch. Which way do you want it?

CDR It's got to go around.


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SPT It's got to go way - way -

CDR Way - way back.

PLT Towards me - like - that.

CDR Joe, we through with that hose?

SPT Wait a minute.

PLT Yes.

SPT Yes. Cause that's the cleanest -

CDR Hello is ... as I remember.

SPT Hello, ... my face or your head.

PLT Can you ... the other direction- I guess I'll hold
it - I'll hold it, if you want.

PLT Now, we're in ...

SPT ... leg or something.

PLT No, I'll just hold it.

03 03 45 PLT Okay. Go for the decal.

SPT All right.

PLT Look at that, what's making that blow like that?

CDR We aren't -

PLT Huh?

CDR We aren't ... are we?

SPT Nuh-uh. It just takes that shape.

PLT Gosh darn if I know.

<',DR How you doing, Joc?

SPT All right, it's just gettJnl_ i_, ...


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CDR Yes.

PLT ... hoses ... no problem.

CDR Easy with your feet.

SPT Uh-huh.

CDR Okay. Give me some support.

03 04 19 SPT There we go. Okay.

CDR Now, maybe - -

PLT Now, wait a minute. Absolutely perfect. The arrows -

the arrows go up ... parallel.

SPT You bet you. I don't want to have to fly home this
way either.

CDR ...

SPT Okay. Yellow to yellow and orange to orange azd


CDR Is it all the way up yet?

SPT No, no, not yet.


03 04 50 PLT Okay. You got - let me know when you're ready for
the handle business.

SPT I will. By gosh, that looks good. Let me sit back

and take a look at it. Yes, it looks good.

PLT You ready?

SPT Uh-huh.

PLT ACTUATOR HANDLE, UNSTOW, pull to stop. Unstow, pull

to stop, set to L.

03 05 19 SPT Set to L.

PLT Push to stop. Here we go. Pretty as you please.


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03 05 32 PLT It does.

CDR Crazy.


PLT Stow.

SPT Push handle to stow.

03 05 40 PLT Done.


PLT All that business is all the way closed.

.- CDR All right. Now, close your PRESSURE EQUALIZATION


CDR Are you there, Joe?

SPT What?

CDR Are you there?

03 06 27 SPT Yes, I'm there. You said close your pressure equ._i_-
zation valve and I though you were talking to som,.-
body else.

PLT No. He was talking to you.

CDR No, the cabin. Is it closed?

CREW ...

CDR - - that forward hatch.

PLT ...

SPT No - no, stand by. I'ii get to that.

PLT Okay. Well, here, let me take the flight back then.

SPT I'll just put it in this bag here ...

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CDR Why don't you Just close the gosh darn valve and
... with the repress.

PLT All right. Darn thing ... people around here.

.... CDR ... we both had you on the - -

SPT ... find theselater.

CDR - - ... and getting ... because some of them work.

PLT Yes.

03 07 08 CDR What are you doing?

SPT You asked me to close this pressure equalization


CDR No - no, I didn't want that one, I wanted the one

in the tunnel hatch.

SPT Yes ... I reported it.

CDR No, you didn't.

0B 07 09 SPT Yes, I did. I said, "That's all the way closed."

And anyway, well anyway, it's closed. Okay?

CDR Okay.

PLT Okay.

CDR All right .... repress?

PLT Okay.

CDR Up to 1 psi.

PLT All right. Just a minute. Let me catch up.

CDR Yes.

PLT Yes.


that both hatch - dump valves are CLOSED.


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03 07 44 CDE Dump valves? Oh, those dump valves. Yes. That was

PLT On 325 - B, both CABIN PRESSURE RELIEF valves are

NORMAL, latch verified.

03 07 54 CDR ... NORMAL, latch verified.

PLT 02 PRESS IND surge tank, I'll verify that.

SPT Yes.

PLT And a REPRESS 02 valve, Joe.

SPT Hum?

PLT Open and I'll give you holler when to close at I psi.

SPT Panel601. Right?

PLT Yes.

SPT Here we go, OPEN.

03 08 26 SPT T_kes a long time to come off the tape.

PLT Yes.

SPT Say, you got a hack? ... shut it off. Okay, it says
CABIN PRESS for 30 seconds, we got a little over I.
I got a mark on the time, it's 45. And it's going
up again, just like it did before.

PLT Yes, yes.

CDR Prob ably.

SPT Okay, Pete. Now, the next time when I give you a
holler when the surge tank pressure tank goes to ]50 - -

CDR Yes.

SPT - - on panel 326 over there, you turn your REPRESS


CDR Okay.
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03 09 29 PLT Now, it's still going up, Joe. Go ahead and dump it.

SPT Okay.

PLT Okay.

SPT The ... I'll give you a holler.

CDR Look at that other stuff on ... That just makes me


SPT I ought to get a picture from here, too.

CDR Yes.

SPT Okay, Pete. On 326, REPRESS PACKAGE valve, OFF.

03 i0 12 CDR Okay, it's OFF.

SPT Okay, now we can continue to dump the REPRESS PACKAGE.

CDR Yes.

SPT The pressure's up over 3.

CDR What's the surge tank?

03 i0 23 SPT It's 200.

CDR Okay.

SPT That 's all fairly typical.

PLT Where - where the heck are we?

SPT We're hanging around through the pressure to get

the - -

PLT Yes.

SPT - - ...

03 i0 43 PLT On 351, Joe, it says open the CABIN REPRESS va]ve,

and adjust to maintain more than 150 in the surge

SPT That's right .... ?

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CDR What did you do?

03 l0 5h PLT I'm about to open the CABIN REPRESS.


SPT It's full open now ... tell me what happened.

PLT You ...

SPT Okay.

PLT All right. It's still going up.

CDR REPRESS PACKAGE must be about zero.

03 ii 17 SPT We're dumping the whole REPRESS PACKAGE.

CDR Yes, I know. But isn't it about zero now?

SPT Well, just about. We're running ... about zero. We

closed the vs.Ive which I'll get to .... my watch

03 12 12 CDR ... your lights slowly.

SPT All right. No, that's ... or ... I forget which the
heck it is.

PLT ...

03 12 25 SPT Where are we? REPRESS - Okay CABIN PRESS at about 47

to 53. It's 37 now.

CDR Like ... gang.

PLT 350.

SPT Oh, think that's all the repress we can handle.

PLT Yes, let's go.

SPT Okay.

CDR We're sitting here waiting for pressure. Right?

PLT Right.
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03 12 58 SPT I suggest at 4 psi we get rid of helmets and gloves.

PLT Okay.

SPT That's higher than ...

SPT Well, you got a point there, don't you?

CDR Probably, . .. before.

PLT Big deal.

SPT Probably at the factory.

CDR Listen, I should ... that I am. Do you realize how

perfect alinement that has to be?

SPT It has to be pretty darn good. Well, you let us

down, Pete.

CDR What's it say?

SPT Pressure systems working.

PLT Yes. Read ... to me.

SPT Yes. Your part is yet to come.

PLT Wait a minute. Let me give it to you.

SPT Okay.

PLT Darn it, well shoot. Let's wait until -

SPT No, I'm Just - there. Darn it. All right. We h:ive
to hook up a wire now, but that won't take long.

CDR Yes.

SPT We're almost there.

CDR Yes.

03 14 22 SPT Okay. Now, attempt docking as before. Which as

you know, circuit breakers, closed - -

CDR Yes.
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03 lh 34 SPT - - and contact. Plus X until your hard dock within

i0 seconds.

CDR Yes.

SPT While thrusting utility power on UP, that power's that

... and retracts the probe.

CDR Yes.

SPT After hard dock, oh, after UTILITY POWER OFF, after
PROBE RETRACT .... But the . .. of it is take the
nicest dock that you can. And go plus X while you're
going plus X, Paul I guess, will have to hit utility
power on panel 15, I guess.

PLT ...

CDR You can - I can hit it.

PLT ... Which one is it?

CDR This one right here.

PLT That's panel 15?

CDR Yes.

03 15 21 PLT Okay. It specifies panel 15 so ... might as well

use, huh?

CDR Yes.

SPT And that's it. Have we got 4 psi yet?

PLT Yes.

SPT Okay.

CDR Okay. Can I take my gloves off?

PLT Now, wait a minute. Wait a minute, gosh darn it.

CDR Yes, let's do the checklist.

03 15 45 PLT 351, CABIN REPRESS valve, OFF. Well, I don't really

don't want to do that.
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CDR Why? The REGs will bring it up.

PLT They will eventually. Yes.

SPT Will they at 47

PLT Well, the emergency 02 will. It'll come on when

you turn it on. It's - it's a biggy.

Sl°T I admit you can a - you can get funny looking symptoms
by getting out of the suit early. But it couldn't
hurt anything and I'm trying to get things going.

PLT I'm not thinking of that. I'm Just thinking we got

all screwed up last time.

SPT We got screwed up - yes. I forgot the CABIN REPRESS

valve and we overpressurized the darn cabin.

PLT That was a dangerous thing to happened to us.

03 16 30 Sl°T Okay, I was Just thinking, heck with the gloves off -
we can pick this up later.

PLT No, wait. That's the problem, part of the - You got
to open up the - -

SPT I agree. Open that one.

03 16 40 PLT Okay. That's open right now.

SPT All right, my helmet's coming off - -

PLT Okay.

SPT - - and gloves.

PLT Man, if anybody had told me we would make two EVAs

today, 89 emergency procedures - -

CDR Ground ...

PLT - - I'd have told them to drop dead.

CDR It's been interesting, you'll have to admit.


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PLT Conrad' s lunch.

SPT Conrad's lunch, only the first part of it was Conrad

and nominal - -

PLT I admit the first part of it was a super-nominal

Conrad lunch.

SPT The rest of it - -

PLT You can have.

SPT The eggs are great.

03 17 2h CDR Well, I'll tell you, I don't know what we're going to
do if ... deploy the sails and come home - don't get

PLT Get docked-

CDR It tees me off about that panel.

PLT Now, did you open the suit circuit ... valve?

03 17 45 CDR Yes, I did. Now, is the cabin up - Here, Joe, let

me - -

PLT Keep an eye on that cabin, will you, while you're


CDR These gloves.

SPT Your gloves. Oh, okay give me a - just a second.

CDR All right.

SPT Get some more ... tunnel ...

SPT Okay.

CDR Here you go.

SPT Where's your hat?

CDR Coming at you. Got it?

PLT It's getting there. And I got a ... fooling around.

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SPT Here we've been talking about, and training for it -

PLT We've used just about all of it.

SPT Well, just the switch stuff ... stuff in the workshop.

CDR Yes.

03 19 14 PLT All right. PGA - You want me to read while you con-
nect this up. Wait a minute. You don't have that
checklist. Where the heek is it? Well, you look at
it and let me read to you.

SPT All right. It's just - well, - here it is. That's

over in your side of the world -

CDR Yes, I didn't quite understand that - are - we both

look for - we put the circuit breakers in and we
looked for normal ...

PLT No, shucks, no. I mean if we get a break we'll -

CDR ... I knew - shoot, I -

PLT Wait a minute. Shall I write those numbers down,


03 20 ll CDR Well, let me see. They may still be maneuvering.

PLT All right.

SPT 173 is - better ...

Tape _46-oo3





From To

02:53:21 04:21:_q
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02 53 21 CDR You know, I was Just thinking of the logic to this

thing. If that reflects up underneath, the wing
wouldn't open at all.

SPT Yes, I know, because it's wrapped around it. I got

the feeling that ... I got it. Right.

PLT One trash bag coming up.

PLT Well, you don't have that ... the heck out of that
stuff, doesn't it?

CDR Yes.

SPT You'd better have the right material.

CDR That is one of the reasons I suspect the temperature

is going up slowly.

SPT Yes.

CREW ...

CREW ... same place, same two-way around.

SPT No, sir.

PLT I got it .... Just showed up this morning.

SPT ...

PLT ... Joe, you got it?

SPT I got it, but I'm not sure I can get -

PLT Easy, now, easy. I'll get out of your way.

CREW Okay, I've got them.

CDR Okay, now - What are we going to do with the jackscrew?

SPT I'd like to take a look at the tunnel, here.

CDR All right, and I'll up the controls for you. Open
them wide. Okay, I guess they are. Which way is
open wide?

02 57 20 SPT Left to screw them.

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02 47 21 CDR That's open wide?


CDR Well, that's the way they are.

CREW Well, they were going to see if they can stow it.

PLT You want the end off ... or not?

CDR Yes, if you can.

CDR Are you ready for them, Joe?

SPT Ready for one of them.

t// CDR One of them. After we get the Jackscrews on, what do
I do? Put the - I can't put the tool kit away yet,
can I?

SPT No, I need that.

CDR Okay.

SPT Okay, I'm ready for another one.

f// CDR Yes ...

CREW Really, I had it. We'll ms_ke a ... out of it ...

PLT Oh, there's a better place to put that thing. Let

me ...

CDR All right - my way for a moment so I can keep on with

it. Okay .... tool kit ... the little Jackscrews ...

PLT That tool kit is a ...

PLT Yes, I'll do that right now, here.

CDR Okay, I'ii hold on until you're ready to put up the


PLT Yes, yes. Right now I'm ... okay.

CDR Yes.

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PLT Did you get my hose? ... Did I do that to myself?

02 59 29 CDR Yes. Yes. Try to pull that hand controller out of

there, Joe.

02 59 36 SPT I got the switch here. Hold it steady, now.

CDR You think that's fast?

SPT Yes, I do.

CDR Be careful, I got ahold of them.

CREW Okay.

CDR ... locate the ... right on ...

PLT Yes.

03 00 l0 PLT Are you going to pull in the hood?

CDR You got it? Keep turning ...

CREW ...

SPT Okay. Now, I got to ... someplace where it will stay.

CDR You want to put it back in ... 3?

CREW ...

SPT Yes, but I need a tool.

CDR Oh, all right.

SPT All I need is one tool.

CDR Well, where were we hanging it before?

SPT Right in here.

CDR Is that where you been looking?

SPT Yes.

CDR Okay. Now, you ready for this?

PLT Yes ... yes.

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CDR ... valve handle ...

SPT 0kay_ Let me get down in here.

CREW ...

PLT ... wait a minute ...

03 01 54 PLT ... what kind of shield I have, here.

Let me have ... Give it to me.

03 02 00 CREW Okay, it fits ....

SPT All right. Just a minute. Let me get that one

taken care of. You got to put your leg up.

CDR Oh, you got to do that?

CDR Okay.

SPT All right. Now, can you lean back? Yes .... position?

CDR Okay.

SPT Verify and give - or flash me a ... mark on the


PLT Already there.

CDR Can you see it?

SPT Okay. Disconnect counterbalance ..., and turn

counterclockwise to THRUST.

CREW ...

CDR Okay, Joe?

SPT Yes?

CDR If you want to stow EVA equipment bag on A-1 and

snap on the LED?

SPT Yes.

CDR You have?

SPT I have.
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CDR Have you unstowed the SPCTC plug to 13 and wait for
the SPT on the top pocket.

SPT You got them in your hand.

CDR They came from out of R-13. There you go, Joe, put
them in your CSP down there. Did we get the main-
tenance kit out?

03 03 28 SPT Don't need it.

03 03 29 CDR No ...

SPT I got it in my pocket.

CDR Okay.

SPT ... helmet.

CDR ... get any maintenance kit, we don't even ...

SPT ... l0 minutes right there. Darn you.

CDR Hey, you want me to put that away?

SPT Might as well.

CDR There you go. You don't need anything else out of
it, huh?

CREW ...

CDR Put it back in R13..

SPT Ah! Hal

CDR Joe, ... again, l_uh?

SPT No. No wonder I didn't have much room in that

, pocketanymore...
CDR ... .

SPT Optic cleaning kit ... Let me have my helmet, Joe,

will you?

SPT Pete, bring your helmet float. Your helmet - ...

your helmet, you're going to lubricate same?
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CDR Yes, I ought to have a tissue.

SPT I can't find - behind -

PLT And, I think I'd best get back -

CDR You get back in there!

03 05 06 CDR I sure,don't see any ... on the hatch.

03 05 14 SPT I'm going to have to hang onto my ..., I guess.

CDR Uh-huh.

CDR Well, just let me ... I got ... in the head.

CREW ...

SPT I haven't got -

CDR I'm sorry -

SPT ...

CREW ... got over with.

CDR Well, now wait a minute. Make sure the airlock

selector and actuator handle selector are both
in latch. And ... with the handle.

PLT That's what I'm trying to do.

CDR Okay. The hatch is closed and locked. And the one
on the left and the right, and throw the actuator
handle, and select actuator handle, select ...
airlock ... latch.

SPT It 's all complete.

CDR CABIN REPRESS, verify the DUMP valve is CLOSED.

SPT I'll doublecheck it, here. I got it over on my

right, Pete.

CDR And, please verify the CABIN PRESSURE RELIEF va]ves

are NORMAL, and latched - -
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SPT NORMAL and latched.

CDR - - the way you left them, and 02 PRESSURE indicator

to search ACK ...

CREW ...

03 06 59 SPT ... still with us?

CDR Okay, Paul?

PLT Yes?

CDR Position yourself where you can get at the 02 and

REPRESS 02 valve panel 601.

PLT I'm there.

03 07 17 CDR All right, I want you to open it, and close it at

about 1 psi in the cabin. Can you see the cabin
now [?]?


CDR Can you read the cabin pressure gage to me?

PLT ... why don't you just hold still until I get ...
soft docked.

CDR All right. Okay.

PLT Right. I - I can read the cabin gages ... now.

CDR All right. Now, hold it, now. Soft dock it. Can
you reach all the switches?

03 07 50 PLT Go - go ahead and hit REPRESS, and I can ...

CDR Well, all right. Give me a hold when _t gets to ].

PLT Now I can't see it.

CDR Can you roll over there and look?

PLT Huh?
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CDR Can you roll over there and look?

PLT I can't.

CDR What we're doing is ... check, Paul, so the exact

number is not that important.

PLT Yes, I know.

CDR We want to dump the whole thing - -

03 08 14 PLT Understand.

03 08 27 PLT That's about a half. Is that close enough, or should

it be more?

CDR I guess more is better - more is better.

PLT Well, I guess you want the docking probe circuit

breakers closed, Chief.

CDR ... closed.

PLT Okay, that's one. What do we do with it?

CDR Let it go for 30 seconds, for closed leakage.

PLT 24.

CDR That's all right. Say it again.

PLT You might turn that spotlight just to keep ... dark
because ... going on.

CDR I think he wants the docking probe extend release

switch in the retract position, too.

PLT All right.

CDR Be careful not to blow a bottle while you're doing it.

! PLT We have retractedthe pyro [?] ...

CREW ...
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CDR And, that ought to do it. I don't have a checklist

from you to keep track when we're docking, believe
it or not.

PLT That's okay. If I get in front of it, I'll be all

right. I'm all right now. I'm in a good position.
I 'm not ...

CDR Okay, you got that - did we not make -

CDR I don't think we came a little -

03 09 45 PLT Well, good, we're probably pretty well in.

CDR You are?

03 09 49 PLT We ... a little in.

CDR You got to hurry up a little bit. Okay, I'll get

back on the cue card.

03 09 57 PLT All that darn time out there, and never had time
to look around.

03 l0 01 CDR Yes. Okay, now open up the REPRESS 02 valve until

the surge tank is down to 150, and then close it.

PLT It'll bring some of the pressure up, ... anyway.

CDR Yes.

PLT Darn it! That stuff is pretty [?].

CDR What's that?

PLT Get out there - that close -

CDR Oh, yes.

PLT ... Pete, it's Just like it was built that way.

CREW ...

CDR And it was too thick to cut with the cutters, huh?
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PLT Yes. And those cutters ...

SPT You got any cutters on you? ... make it around here.

PLT Yes, and those cutters, the way they got them, you
can never get ahold of them.

CDR ... front of them. Yes.

PLT We got almost 3-1/2 in the cabin, as far as we can


CDR ... air trapped in there.

03 ii 26 PLT I guess that's to be expected.

CDR Hey, Joe, I got the CP's in the trap and ..., or

SPT To the best of my recollection it's two, yes.

SPT The ta]kbacks are gray and they ought to go barber pole.

PLT I was Just trying to stay out of your way, Pete.

CDR Yes, l'm in good shape now. I don't count any ... I
have, I got everything.

PLT What's the surge say?

CDR Plus 150.

PLT Okay. Pete, can you close the valves?

CDR Tell you in a moment.

SPT You don't have to close them, they are closed.

REPRESS 02 valve. No, the REPRESS PACKAGE valve,
should go OFF.


SPT Yes.

CDR Oh, shucks.

SPT Never mind. Forget it.

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CDR All right, I'ii - stop ... here. Just a minute -

Now what do you want, the REPRESS PACKAGE valve OFF
or ON? All right the SURGE TANK is OFF. What else
do you want?

SPT That's all.

03 12 58 SPT I'm in the checklist. I'm opening the CABIN REPRESS

valve and we're supposed to monitor surge tank pressure

PLT Pete's got it turned OFF over here.

SI°T I told you to turn it OFF. CABIN REPRESS, the on_

down here.

PLT Go ahead and dock.

PLT Good high poke.

03 13 18 SPT All right, it should be - I got this valve open, got

a barber pole.

PLT Am I in your way? Have we got a barber pole?

CDR I didn't see them. I think I got it. I didn't.

All right. Now, how do we cycle this thing?

CDR You go to ... RELEASE OFF.

SPT You go EXTEND/RET_ASE. Are you sure you're not


CDR Backing out right now.

CDR All right, now, RETRACT.

SPT Go to RETRACT, and stay in RETRACT, and I'ii watch it.

CDR Roger.

PLT How's that old hand? Tell me when you are about to
make contact.

03 14 35 PLT Trim RCS.

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CDR Punch it out down there if you can, Joe.

SPT All right.

SPT It didn't go gray; it didn't even go barber pole.

You got the breakers in?

CDR Yes, I got the breakers in.

SPT Wait a minute, here, take that cue card and get it
out of here.

SPT I got to go back to the launch checklist. Get the

procedures. How's the surge tank, Paul?

PLT Two hundred and holding right at 200. Oh, crap.

I got it, Joe.

03 15 38 PLT Okay, ... voice coming on again, - Oh, shoot that's

the wrong checklist - Oh, maybe it's in here.

CDR Holy smokes.

PLT What is that? Oh, these are off, right.

CDR Okay, we're going into dark. Turn on the spotlight,

ple as e.

PLT The spotlight has been on, sir.

PLT You got your visor up?

CDR I got it up as best I can.

PLT Okay. Okay, the PRE-DOCKING SWITCH LIST. It should

be in AUTO RCS SELECT, A3, MAIN A, that's 3-93 if
you want it.

CDR I have it.

PLT Okay. Docking attitude - -

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PLT Yes, ATT 1/RATE 2.



SPT DOCKING PROBE RETRACT switches both OFF, center.

Those are the bottles down there.

CDR Yes.


CDR All right.

PLT And, it should stay in RETRACT.

03 16 57 SPT Let's go to RETRACT and then ON.

CDR No, continue in TRACT.

PLT All right.

PLT The talkbacks ought to be gray.

CDR They are.

PLT All right, now, it says PYRO ARM on because that

would be preparing for a hard dock.


CDR Yes, yes.

PLT Okay. Well, station keeping and capture, and it

captured, see the backup docking procedures in the
Systems Checklist. Okay, go to that.

CDR All right. Let me - -

PLT You're doing it right.

CDR - - let me have a half a second on it. Are you ready?

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PLT Guess so, go.

CDR Get anything?


CDR Okay, back up.

CDR All right. What happened?

PLT I don't know, we just -

CDR I went to EXTEND/RELEASE and then back to OFF and

then t_ RETRACT, right?

PLT That's right, right. You got to go to EXTEND/RELEASE,


PLT Have you got the six ... docking latches?

SPT It's back in here, I'm trying to Juggle things -

What's the cabin pressure?

PLT The cabin pressure's a little over 4 - ... dock ...

pure oxygen here. Can you hold it for me, too?

03 19 01 CDR Time for another EVA, tonight.

CDR Oh, switch on there ... soft dock that long, babe.


CDR ... did something to the probe swinging on that lock

that long, babe. Gee, everybody ...

CREW Okay.

CDR Hello, Houston. We got a problem. We're repressing

the cabin to 4 - a little over 4 right now. I've
made two attempts to put us soft dock, and now I
can't get one, and we're Just about to start through
the emergency procedures. And standing by, awaiting
your suggestions. 12 44, okay, we think ... analysis
and I guess we'll try this third one. I guess that
fourth one's another maneuver - another _VA, right?
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CDR 12 44. Okay ... analysis and I guess we'll try this
third one and I guess the fourth one is another
maneuver EVA. Right?

PLT Yes, it's the - do the pyro cover. Have to depres-

surize the command module.

CDR You do what?

PLT You go up into the probe and you get the probe pyro
cover and you take it off.

CDR ... surge tank.

PLT Still at 250.

CDR And repress bottle to zero, right.

PLT That's right.

CC Good.

CDR Well see if I can't bring them -

PLT No, you can't bring them up any faster.

CDR I got to wait until the surge tank's 400.

PLT That's what you're supposed to do. Yes.

03 33 52 CDR Now, I'd never believe after the ... worked once.

PLT It worked so nice.

CDR I didn't hold it longer than 20 seconds.

CDR Perfect dock the first time.

PLT Yes.

SPT All right, there's another ... tight fit there. The
other end is tangled up in the COAS, Pete. Can you
free it?

03 34 37 CDR There you go.

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CDR In the cabin?

SPT Yes.

CDR How did that happen? Turn off the breakers, whatever
it is.

SPT Yes, I know.

PLT What's going on back there? Okay, you got the CABIN
REGs ON again?

is OFF.

03 43 ii SPT Want to go EMERGENCY CABIN PRESSURE to LOW - I get

LOW, which I should of, the cabin pressure is 5.6.

CDR Yes, 5.6 and that's ...

PLT Yes, 5.6. Let's hope the cabin pressure indicator

says so.

SPT What's 02 flow now?

SPT Flow down, tank HIGH.


SPT Yes.

CDR All right, you ready?

PLT Ready for what? What are you going to do?

CDR Well -

PLT Going to go in again?

CDR Yes.

03 43 46 CDR I'ii read you in the clear.

PLT Well, wait a minute. Pressure's still cominl< up -

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CDR How about the REPRESS package back there? Got the
surge tank off and the REPRESS off .... 02 is off ...
open it all the way down there and let you reach
down there and push it down.

PLT Well, I'm going to ...

CDR Okay.

PLT Get it later.

CC ...

PLT I copied.

CC ...

CDR Okay, understand. Try a docking with both breakers

out. Is that correct - and capture one breaker in.

PLT Then, try to retract, yes.

CDR Okay.

CREW ...

CDR I got both of them pulled.

CC ...

CDR Roger. We will delay until Vanguard.

PLT What time is that?

SPT Thirteen - twelve - I wrote it down, wait a minute.

CDR 12:16:16.

SPT 13 :12.

PLT I'm all for getting a look at it.

CREW ...

PLT I'm sure they're doing something.

CDR ...
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PLT I bet those guys are really saying, oh, gee, what's
the . ..

CDR Yes.

SPT Where's the Leiea?

PLT I've got more stuff in there -

CDR Try to take a picture of the descent [?] wing.

PLT Here, hold this.

CDR Let me hold it.

PLT How about the DAC? Can I just put DAC ... back in
your window to store it someplace, Pete?

CDR Yes, sure. Got any film left?

03 47 04 PLT I don't know. I didn't even look.

PLT ... to the left, there?

CREW Figure left.

PLT Yes, for left. Yes, I'll probably get it with this.
That's all right. You're right. Never mind. I'll
get it with ...

CDR Darn it! After all they gave you to do ...

PLT Got to try to get ... on the other side of the thermal
curtain, here.

CDR You know what I think we ought to do? No, I don't

want to run into anything ... You ought to attach
your rope to the end of that FAS panel. About ...
Ought to put it in four-jet ullage and keep backing
it ... the end of it. Well, that might happen - Don't
i augh.

PLT No, you're absolutely right. Looks like that might

work. For it to work, you'd have to do a complete
360 of the workshop for recovery ... you know ... we
can do it.
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03 49 34 CDR Possible to get capture with no motors [?] on?

PLT I guess they figure if they - yes, it is. If you

had a motor drive into the RETRACT position. Retract
the latch - I don't understand it. That ... is not
going to extend now .... very confusing.

CDR Got a lot of motion going now, I'll tell you. Last
one I'll crash into the ATM.

CDR Yes.

CDR ... to pop in tonight.

CDR ...

PLT We're docking, it's a hard dock anyway, right?

CDR Right.

CDR ... docking hatch ...

PLT What are you doing, Doctor. Doctor?

BPT Oh, fooling around with the stowage, trying to figure

out how to make things look neater.

CDR Hey, Doctor?

SPT Yes, sir.

CDR We have to do that EVA .... docking.

SPT ... I've got this spoiled wine here that l'd be glad
to get rid of.

CDR You want I set up so you can feed me?

SPT Yes.

PLT Need some help?

_- SPT There's one whole pocket here devoted ... spoiled ...

PLT ... talk you out of ... wherever you've put my

orange drink, and ... What else, vanilla wafers?
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PLT Dried apricots - no, l'd better save them until later.
No, I'ii take it now. Dried apricots and vanilla
wafers. There's orange drink in there, too. You
want to -

SPT Okay. You're going to get back in it, huh? There's

a chance to get back in it. That's exactly why I've
been working on the those helmets. I get all sweated

CDR VERB 60, NOUN 40. Oh, heck.

PLT What's the matter?

03 57 07 CDR Ah, I can't ... flying ... running the computer.

SPT That's what he wants.

CDR VERB 60 NOUN 20. What should I do? Should I correct -

SPT Wait a minute. Should I break those numbers down,


CDR ...

SPT 173 and ...

CDR Hey, if we can't dock at all, I'm going to work my

docking probe on that solar panel out there.


PLT You ... trash bucket going down there, Joe?

SPT Yes, a little one.

CDR ...

SPT 0key doke.

CDR What have you got?

PLT Nothing yet ... a can of vanilla wafers.

CDR There we go. There we go ... We'll be coming up

on ... Vanguard ... at dark, at night.
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PLT Yes ... light on -

CDR Not sure I need it, to tell you the truth. No, I
got it OFF.

CDR I'll tell you one thing, if we get docked, we ain't

going to undock for a while.

PLT ... try the sail. Going to try everything else.

PLT Hey, I want to get those poles put together. Get it

lined up Just so.

CDR I ain't going to line up anything else, man.

Oh 01 l0 CDR Well, if Vanguard is ready, I is lined up.

_. PLT Joe, you did a yeoman Job on the pears today.

_, SPT Yes, I feel like it.

PLT ... four C's today.

PLT Where's that bag?

SPT Right here.

CDR I don't feel bad, I'm Just getting sleepy and quiet,
you know.

PLT Yes.

CDR ... got to be able to do an EVA in the next couple

of hours, I can tell you that.

PLT I'd like to see you crawl up in that tunnel. It

really gets dark.

CDR We got to get docked.

0h 02 15 PLT A hit on the head is a pain, but work in the tunnel

is an advantage.

PLT I'll tell you, gang, next time I have to urinate.

I got to make room for it.

CREW ...
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PLT Those little suit tank cans are working their little
tails off today.

CDR How are we doing on the surge tank?

PLT It's up to 700.

CDR What do you need, both breakers -

SPT Both breakers open.

CDR Okay.

SPT If we get capture, close one of the breakers and

attempt retraction. Okay.

PLT How can you get capture with both out?

CDR ... the one motor is stuck on in the EXTEND/RELEASE


PLT And think if you put the switch to RETRACT, and then
open the circuit breakers, which is the point ... I
think that is the way you're supposed to do it.

SPT ... time and time and time. Why don't we pull the
breakers now?

CDR Hey, ... you got a minute?

PLT I want to make sure I got the - oh, heck.


SPT Excuse me?


SPT Yes, sir.

PLT CIRCUIT RETURN valve, OPEN? Well, that's it. If

everything is back the way it's supposed to be.

CDR I think it was that second return valve - it took a

while for everything to flow out.

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CDR Okay, gang.

PLT Shoot.

PLT That one you're right off center on, Captain.

CDR I'm not sure that's not where we spaced [?] out.

0h 07 21 PLT Well, that third one, you were pretty far off.

CDR Yes.

CDR Well, I'm doing the best I can with the COAS.

PLT Yes.

CDR The last couple of ones I've been dead on.

CREW Oh, come on ... here ...

CDR Think we got to ... try that other one one - try that
otherone one more time.

PLT All right.

PLT All right. Station keep.

CDR . .. way so high, I can't see anything out of the COAS.

PLT Is that right?

CDR Yes.

PLT ... better position in SEVA Checklist. Okay. You

know, docking from MAIN A and MAIN B closed over
there, right.

PLT ECS, four Jets, - Let me cycle these, all right. I

don't know what they can possibly have to do with
it. They're cycled. They get their power right
off the main bus. I'm not sure ... how those capture
latches work.

CDR They're very complicated in their design, but they're

very simple in their operation.

PLT Going in?

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CDR Yes. I 'm getting lined up.

PLT All right.

CDR No, I'ii take it. All right, ... that dead center.

o4 11 06 CDR ...

PLT Well, looks pretty good from here, but that target ...

CDR Yes.

PLT Why don't you not go in so hard?

CDR Yes, I won't

04 ll 20 PLT It's the one thing you've been doing. The first
one we did was the easiest of them all.

CDR Yes.

PLT Yes ... go in like that.

CDR And closer thrust once I get there.

PLT Yes, once you get there. Count l0 and I'll ...

PLT i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, i0, ii.

SC All right.

SPT No, they both went barber pole.

PLT It couldn't have.

CDR That's very odd, because ...

SPT That's in a prohibited position.

PLT They stayed barber pole unitl I went to ...

CDR I tell you, we Just have to stay and hold orbit - I

suggest checking RCS trim burn, four-jet ullage,
return. Careful, don't deorbit the thing.

PLT Okay.
Dump Tape ih6-003
Time: 02:52:21 to 04:21:39
Page 25 of 26

CDR I don't think ... with the probe. Do you? I mean

the drogue?

PLT No. No, I really don't. All right, we better get

ready for this part of the procedure.

PLT It'll be in that backup ...

SPT Have you ever seen that stuff?

SPT Yes.

CDR Is there anything I could have done wrong when we


PLT Not that I can think of, Pete.


SPT It's hard to say.

CDR ... stowing stuff I have to get at here.

PLT You know, it's hard to get into here. This is only
our second time and we have to try every 3 hours.
It's way off the range.

CDR We didn't have any problems yesterday. These go out

again. Surge tank and REPRESS PACKAGE.

04 17 17 CDR The idea on that one is, Joe, that you get a hard
dock because you guys have rolled into the center of
the drogue and then align from rim to rim.

CDE Ha, ha, ha.

PLT Did he say this was rev 44?

SPT Huh ?

PLT ...

CDR It's Hawaii. We must be over Australia or something.

Either that or we've descended over Mongolia or some
f suchplace.

PLT Okay. PL3 or docking probe .,.

Dump Tape 146-003
Time: 02:52:21 to 04:21:39
Page 26 of 26

CDR I couldn't believe it when that thing was capture.

SPT I didn't either. It hardly even hooked up there.

SPT ... stowage. I unstowed it.

CDR This is ridiculous.

MS Yes.

PLT I didn't believe it. I pulled on that son of a gun

and I could see the darn thing squirt past, right
back at us.

CDR Yes.

SPT Yes. How many pounds do you think you got on it?
I got a good 40 on it.

CDR All hung by that little, darn thing.

PLT Okay, we'll handle 27606.

SPT Wow! Look at the ice in the water down there. You
know what that is?

PLT What?

SPT Siberia. That's the Kamchatka Peninsula right there.

CREW ...

SPT ... that ice, man.

CDR Where there's ice -

SPT Look down.

04 21 39 CDR Oh, straight down. That should be where we enter there.

-- , Tape 146-004




Time Segments (GMT)

From To

50:15 15:18:12

Voice and time ggod

,l_i" °

Dump Tape 146-00h

Time: 14:50:15 to 15:18:12
Page 1 of 1

14 50 15 CDR ... can you?

14 50 43 CDR Okay, who's the blivet with?

SPT All righty.

I_ 50 55 CDR You could go ahead. Let me - here, let me get an

Activation Checklist and my pencil out, I have
Just finished breakfast, and I'll copy some
of this. Hey, how about ... ; I got a good enough
start on it yet? When do we see you again?
Quad A. Roger.

15 18 12 CDR Okay, we're ready to copy. We've got the

Activation Checklist open. Be advised, we've
pressurized the tunnel, and we had very little
leakage on it last night, maybe 0.1 of a
psi; but we got a good tunnel, and we're standing,
J by for your word. Up there, that's mission day 2;
go ahead. Okay, whose towel is that in? ...
give me two what? Okay, we got it. Go sh_ad.

Tape 146-oo8





From To

ih:51:53 14:51:53

16:25:51 16:25:51

16:34:hh 16:46:10

17:36:30 17:40:36

Good voice; time fair.

Dump Tape 146-008
Time: 14:51:53 to 17:40:36
Page i of 2

14 51 53 SPT I-A. Roger.


16 25 51 CDR Roger, Houston. And be advised, we had a BAT A

undervolt which cut the voltage down to about
25 volts, and it turns out that the heater cycle -
All righty. You can go ahead. Let me ... Yes,
let me get an Activation Checklist and my pencil
out. I have Just finished breakfast, and I'll stop
eating some of this.

SPT How about battery A? Does it have a good enough

charge on it yet?

CDR Okay. When ... we ... again?


16 34 44 PLT Okay. We have the ... two crooked Z-axis in the

process. The MDA hatch open.

16 35 05 CDR And Paul Just went in, and he said it's very cold
in there when you ...

16 35 23 PLT Well, I am going in. It looks great when you turn

on the lights.

16 45 33 CDR Okay, Houston, we are in the MDA and we're pretty

busy .... and we are Jumping around a little bit
to try clean up the command module because we have
so much stuff in here, so we are moving the probe
and drouge in its place. Be advised that nobody has
had any trouble so far in the MDA, and be advised
to tell the doctors that we did not ... satisfy
ol/r ...

16 46 i0 PLT Houston, Skylah. Never mind. We'll get you later.

Dump Tape 146-008
Time: 14:51:53 to 17:40:36
Page 2 of 2


17 36 30 SPT Gosh. (Laughter) Unaccustomed as I _m to public

speaking. (Laughter) This is the SPT recording
ATM T0V station that I am; let's see, 2-99.2.
Skip the RSCMS interconnection because it is minor.
Anyway, it's going to get us that thing.

17 38 45 CDR I have ... the caution-and warning. Okay?

PLT Okay.

CDR ... the caution and warning down here for one.

CDR You get a CM caution and warning? Okay. Hit

MEMORY RESET or something.

17 40 36 SPT On the ATMpanel, I am m_rking with red tape

switches that are to be off, circuit breakers
that are to be open at the off terminal.

, Tape 146-00> (Final)




Time Segments(GMT)

From To

i_:42:33 16:27:05
Dump Tape 146-005
Time: 15:42:33 to 16:27:05
Page i of i

15 h2 33 CDR Okay. We got the probe out, and the capture

latches were not engaged.

CDR Roger, Houston. Be advised we had a MAIN A

UNDERVOLT. We got the voltage down to about
5 volts, and it turns out to be a heater cycling.
All righty.

CDR You can go ahead. Let me - yes, let me get an

Activation Checklist and m_ pencil out. I have
Just finished breakfast, and I'll copy some
of this.

SPT How about battery A? Has that got a good enough

.- charge on it yet? Okay, when do we see you again?

16 27 05 CDR Quad A. Roger.

Tape _6-oo7(Final)




Time Segments (GMT)

From To

17:36:27 17:36:27
Dump Tape 146-007
Time: 17:36:27
Page i of i

17 36 27 SPT Boy (laughter), unaccustomed as I am to public

speaking (laughter), this is the SPT recording
ACS panel activation and I am on page 2-39.
Going to skip the RNBM antenna connection because
it is m_ understanding we aren't going to use
that mother.

Tape 1_6-oo9




Time Segments (GMT)

From To

18:22:43 19:01:51

Voice - Fair

Time - Good
Dump Tape 146-009
Time: 18:22:43 to 19:01:51
Page 1 of 1

18 22 h3 CDR Roger, Houston. Paul has been out working on the

... end of the OWS at this time. Joe is ... him.
I'ii have further word on that - - in just a minute.
Let's see, Paul is on his way back up now. The
teleprinter registered through kind of vaguely. I
hope they come through better than that ...

PLT Are you there, Houston?

19 01 51 SPT Roger, Houston; SPT. Over. Okay, and rolling the

canister to - part I, the ... nitrogen purge ...
The initial roll condition was minus 1440 instead
of 1350 for the - ...

Tape _46-o10




Time Segments(GMT)

From To

VNJCe np+. _*. p_npe_ _pp_d_

time for the one statement did not click in. --

Dump Tape 146-010
Time: 19:58:xx to 20:13:xx
Page i of i

xx xx xx CDR Do you want to do it tonight or wait until

tomorrow morning on that one?





From To

Dump Tape 148-003
Time: 00:58:37
Page i of i

00 58 37 CDR Hello, tape recorder. For the stowage people, the

condensate - the condensing heat exchanger servicing
adapter plates are restowed on M168 in the MDA,
rather than in the bags by the food locker.

Dump tape ih8-008 (Final)
_- Time: 02:_h to 03:hh
Page 1 of 1




No communications on this tape. Time track is good.

Dump tape lh8-006B (Final)
Time: 03:15 to 21:07
_-- Page 1 of1




No communications on this tape_ time track on tape was very

T_pe i&8-oo7 (Final)




Time Segments (GMT)

From To

04:3_:37 05:37:16

Voice good; time goo d

Dump Tape 148-007
Time: 04:34:37 to 05:37:16
Page 1 of 1

04 34 37 CDR Hello, friendly recorder. On page 2-ih4 of the

checklist, the PRD reading of the PRD in drawer A of
FS10 is 13017. And the PRD reading stowed in B-I of
the command module is 49017. Out.

05 23 53 SPT Anybody know what happened to the CSM ..., I mean the
checklist book?

PLT Joe, I assumed that you moved it.

CDR I know where it is. It's up on the ACS panel. We

had a ... out of it.

05 37 16 PLT Tape recorder, this entry concerns stowage, if you'll

pass to them. Tonight we dug out the personal hygiene
kit spares container and found that every tube of
Keri hand cream in there had ruptured. I don't know
why. It must have been a combination of the tempera-
ture and the pressure, because the ones that were
stowed in our individual hygiene kits in the waste
management compartment are intact. Also, about two-
thirds of the toothpaste, which is stowed - which is
all the toothpaste on board - which is stowed in the
overage kit, as it were, has burst. And some of it
h_s been cooked to the point where it is very, very
thick and unusable anymore, although some of it still
is usable. And it appears that that w_ll be a re-
supply problem for the next mission.

.---. Tape148-0011





From To

_- 14:51:57 15:09:01

Voice: Fair, music over voice

Time: Good
Dump Tape 148-11
Time: 14:15:56 to 15:09:01
Page 1 of 1

14 51 56 CDR Hello, friend - Hello, friendly tape recorder, the

CDR; and I'm using iodine tablets package to put
iodine tablets in the command module water return.
I'm using package type number 100T.

15 06 53 CDR Hello, friendly tape recorder, this is the CDR, after

the message 0316 Charlie. Thank you. Number l, as
the day goes by, each crewmen spent in the OWS
yesterday ... between rest and work. The CDR spent
all day.

PLT ...

15 07 18 CDR Oh! Okay, this - this ... The CDR and the PLT
worked about 20 minute intervals; wearing cloud
Jackets, PWGs, pants and shoes, worked about 20 min-
ute intervals and took about 5 to l0 minutes breaks
to cool off while erecting the parasol.

15 07 52 CDR ... provided analysis ... more troubles ... 20 min-

utes was about it. Without - ... . It was not get-
ting extremely hot. It was not sweating profusely or
anything like that. It was Just a time that we could
tell we were beginning to strain, and it was time to
leave and cool off a little bit. I think we could
have worked 20 minutes down there and 5 minutes up in
the cool all day long. We did drink plenty of water
that day.

15 09 01 CDR Okay, making a poll of the crewmen, nobody used any

mineral supplement out of the command module, other
than that normally called for during the meal. And
no extra salt was used by any of the three crewmen.
Question number h: during ...... transfer A, any ...
The answer to that question was no; B, any smells
detected? The answer to that question is no. And we
haven't tried to dispose of any food. Question number
5: what was the iodine concentration parts per million
when water was sampled at the wardroom food table -
at the end of the wardroom purge? The answer to that
is, it was somewhere between 3 and 4 parts per million,
closer to h, so we estimated 3.8 parts per million.
That answers all of message 0316 Charlie.

Dump tape 148-0016B (Final)
_- Time: 08:I_:XX to 22:27:XX
Page I of 1




Verbatim duplication of tape 148-0016A.

Tape ib8-00i6A




Time Segments (GMT)

From To

ll:iO:ll ii:31:12

13:17:36 13:53:28

Tape: Good

Voice: Fair
Dump Tape 148-0016A
Time: ll:10:ll to 13:53:28
Page 1 of 1

ii i0 ii PLT We're head up, Bill, if you're still there.

ii 31 12 CDR The ... are ... probably 70 percent air. Starting

today is the first good u_ine bag that we've been
_le to install with a full vacuum pull on her. So
I expect to improve on that with tomorrow's sample.
To ... to the fact that we had such a spectacular
view out of the wardroom window, which we didn't
open until yesterday late - I think we were back in
business ... Right now, we're over Italy and the
weather is spectacularly clear. We can see just
_out all of Italy, one end to the other. Oh, clear
across the Mediterranean ... Okay, I ... done
breakfast by then and we got a few other questions
for you and we will start working the probe and
whatever else we need to do.

13 17 36 CDR Right there, Houston. Sorry, I had the B side on

this channel.

13 53 28 PLT ...


Tape 148-0012_I





From To

14:25:12 15:01:05

Voice : Very poor

Time : Poor
Dump tape 148-0012A
Time: 14:25:12 to 15:01:05
Page i of i

14 25 12 SPT Voice control and ... turned on ...

SPT ... Houston ...

lh 27 16 CDR Skylab, Houston.

15 00 41 SPT ... questions to myself, or you want me to put them

on ... ?

15 Ol 05 SPT Okay, we'll put it on ... temp.

.... Dump tape 148-0012B (Final)
Time: 16:24 to 16:36
Page 1 of 1




No communications on this tape. Time track does not read times anything

like tape box indicated.

Tape 14_oo13(Final)





From To


Voice: Fair

Time: Fair
Dump tape 1_8-0013
Time: 16:26:25
Page 1 of 1

16 26 25 SPT This is a writeup for the Soyuz people .... one

can in the dome 416 locker. All three universal
mounts have been taken out instead of the two called
out in the checklist and, by the way, I'm referring
to the Activation Checklist, page 3-27 .... the
exposed film decals have been - whatever they're
supposed to be. The only other change is that the
other lens - the 55-millimeter lens for the Nikon -
instead of being put in - No, instead of being left
where it was, it is now in door G of the film vault.


- L __

- Tape -i_8-ooI_





From To

18:0_:21 18:07:28

Voice: Good

Time: Good
Dump tape 148-0014
Time: 18:05:21 to 18:07:28
Page 1 of 1

18 05 21 SPT Okay, this is the SPT on phototrip. This is infor-

matlon for the photo people. Apparently had a trans-
porter failure on transporter 01, which I was using
instead of 02, to load the film trim on 92 - M171.
I was also using supply reel Charlie India01 and
takeup reel Mike Tango01. And we had three consec-
utive failure jam_ in the transporting using that
combination. I then switched both transporter and
supply reel; transporter to 03, and supply reel to
Charlie India02. And then I didn't get a Jam in the
transporter, but the takeup reel failed to take up.
So I switched the takeup reel to Mike Tango02, and
everything works fine. So the situation now is that
we have transporter 02 with supply CI02 and takeup
MT02 ready for M151. Transporter 01 is in the locker
slot where I got 03 out of and it's red-taped. Supply
reel MT01 is going to go back where it was - came
from red-taped. I don't know what's wrong with it.
And supply reel 01, Charlie India01, if we find it,
it slipped off the velcro and is gone; if we find it,
I'm going to put it back, and we'll give it another
try before we declare it failed. Can't say anything
in detail about the jam_, except that they were in
the transporter, and film was either not getting
through at all to the takeup reel, or getting through
in a very bent-up and damaged condition.

18 07 28 SPT And that's it.

Tape 148-oo1_




Time Segments (GMT)

From To

18:10:01 18:10:39

]8:48:]_ 18:49:23

i_:01:4_ 19:02:08

19:16:31 19:16:45

Voice: Fair
Dump Tape 148-0015
Time: 18:10:01 to 19:16:45
Page i of i

18 i0 01 PLT Yes?

CDR Did I remember you saying we're on a trunkline [?]


PLT Oh, what's the - ? 0100, okay.

18 l0 39 PLT It's on your right, and it's just under the waste
management compartment to ... 060.


18 48 13 PLT Hello, Houston.

18 48 21 PLT ...

18 48 56 PLT Hey, Hank. The specimen mass measuring device in

the head doesn't work. And we don't have time to
pursue it. You turn it on and no lights come on.
You put the reset button up in ... mass moves. How
about having somebody research it and see if we've
got any spare parts for it on board or if it's Just
a troubleshooting routine, if you would, please. It
crapped out on me yesterday.


19 01 45 SPT That's right, Hank. This is SPT. I activated it

last night and it was fine. Paul remarked - when
he went in Just now that the MASS/OFF/TEMP switch
was in MASS - he indicated I may have left it in
MASS, although I don't remember doing so. The one
in the wardroom is still okay, and that's all the
information we've got.


19 16 31 CC Skylab, Houston.

19 16 45 PLT Hello, Houston. You read?

Dump t_e 148-004 A iFinal)
Time: 147:19:04:00 to 14_:06:02:20
Pe6e 1 of 1




• NO voice communications was recorded for the tape duration. The

following time segments transpired: ih7:19:05:00 to lh7:19:31:15

147:20:13:35 to 147:21:06:35

148:00:00:15 to lh8:00:10_25

lh8:00:25:00 to lh8:00:hS:35

148:05:59:10 to 148:06:02:20
- Dump tape 148-00hB (Final)
Time: 21:06 to 22:09
Page 1 of i




No communications on tape{ erratic time track.

Dump tape lh8-002B (Final)
Time: 21:06:40 to 22:00:06
Page 1 of 1




0nly conversation on tape is communications check.

Tape _48-oo_9B





_. From To
Dump tape 148-0019B
Time: 22:18:_4
Page i of i

22 18 44 CDR Hello, tape recorder. This is the CDR .... at 2215.

Tape 1_8-0022 (Final)





From To

23:2_:49 23:2_:58

23:36:52 23:37:51

23:42:08 23:45:42

2_:51:54 23:52:01

Static covered voice, sometimes.

Time code showed errors.

Dump tape 148-022
Time: 23:24:49 to 23:52:01

23 24 49 CDR Hey, Joe, come bring me a towel right away. This

ATM filter line leaked, and I got water all over
23 24 58 everywhere. I can't move.

23 36 52 CDR Did y_1 say "Hawaii for 1 minute," Dick?

CC That's our next station.

CDR Okay, I can talk to you about a couple of things


CC Okay.

23 37 51 SC All right.

23 42 08 CDR Okay, Dick. I was testing out the ATM coolant

loop filter, and the outlet ... stuck on when I
took off - (laughter) when I was changing the
filter, so I lost _ or 5 ounces of fluid out of it
before I could get it back on the - connected ...
stuck open. But I finally did get it changed out,
and that is when I noticed that it took a long
_/ time for the PUMP DELTA P light to go out, and I
guess maySe_here was pressure in_4 lines_ _n-d
we - lost_he pressure and I presume it took
awhile for the accumulator to get it on there,
but I ran 60 Uncle and completed 60 Tango, so
they're both done.

23 _3 2h CDR I'm about to - I've caught up and -My goodness.

Just a mlnute. Joe and Paul are a little bit
behind. Paul's Just in the middle of riding the
_i_leri_htno¥, and why don't you go ahead and
get the ... instruments.

SPT Okay.

CDR Okay.

CDR Did you want to see it out of'thepage _in the


CDR Roger,, Do you want to reference the page in the

Activation Checklist?
Dump tape i&8-022
Time: 23:24:49 to 23:52:01
Page 2 of 2

23 45 01 CDR Okay, I'm sorry. I was Just getting to the


23 45 42 CDR Okay.

23 51 54 CDR Missed your cap.

23 52 01 SC Okay.

, Tape 148-0021




Time Segments (GMT)

From To

23:53:22 23:54:36
Dump tape 148-0021
Time: 23:53:22 to 23:54:36
Page i of I

23 53 22 SPT (Music) ... 171, the percent ... 71.5 ... Water is
up to 5.86 in the vicinity of the metabolic analyzer.
And, ... CO 2 is 1.86.

23 54 36 SPT Just a note - Subject's isolation and the bicycle

was initially satisfactory. It is now zero.

Final ",

( AM)


From To
12: 38:53 13:50:06

Voice: Good Time: Good

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I--i No communications are on tape.
!--I Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
!-I Other


Dump Tape 148-09

Time: 12:38:53 to 13:50:06
Page 1 of 2

12 38 53 SPT Okay, B channel, this is the SPT on the MII0 blood

letting excercise. The serial numbers are as follows:
for the CDR, his ASP is 153; his vial 006; the SPT,
ASP 148, vial 004; the PLT, ASP 165, vial 011 ....
procedure, the major problem so far is that one of the
ASPs didn't take a good vacuum. It was the SPT's
ASP that was the last one used, and only about half
the blood went into it. I had to draw on myself,
again, using a freshly sucked down ASP, and that worked
fine. I recommend that from now on, and the way we're
going to do it, is that I will put the ASP, unaspered,
a couple of minutes before the draw. Leave it there,
and take it off Just in time to receive the blood.
That way we'll be sure we have a fresh vacuum and
no leakage, and then we don't have to do it twice.
... the general comment is that there are an awful
-f- lot of loose pieces, and the IBCS kit itself will
not stay closed, will not stay down on the table;
won't stay together at all because the material is
so stiff. And the Velcro, there is a lot of it, but
none of it holds. It's lousy stuff.

PLT Okay, B channel. Just had an accident with an in-

stant breakfast. There was a lot of air in the con-
tainer before reconstitution, and there was quite a
bit of instant breakfast powden leaking out the top
before reconstitution. On reconstitution, it wouldn't
accept 6 ounces of water because there was too much
air in it. And consequently, the water leaked out
around the nozzle.

CDR Darnl

PLT In general, if you put less than the specified amount

of fluid in, and don't get too much air in the water,
and hold your finger over the nozzle while you're
shaking it, you do better.

13 23 12 SPT TAPE RECORDER, for urine sampling, if you'll pass on

to the - Whoever's configured to that. Get this
thing out to record. The first day's sample on the
sample bags are logged as day 145. The second day's
/- sample, which is the day they were collected, is
logged as day 146. The third day's sample was logged
when they were sampled. So, that picks up tod%v with
day 148. Therefore, on the sample bags, day 147 Js
Dump Tape 148-09
Time: 12:38:53 to 13:50:06
Page 2 of 2

13 27 20 CDR Good morning, friendly tape recorder. The PRD read-

ings of day 148 are as follows: for the CDR, 44011;
for the SPT, 18011; for the PLT 06018. End of mes-

13 50 06 SPT Hello, B channel. Let me finish Mll0. The centri-

fuge worked okay. All the plasma samples are clear;
however, two of them, the CDR's and the PLT's, had
large bubbles of gas in them. And I suspect this
is the same problem that the ASPER, after it evac-
uated, is leaking back rather rapidly; and, that
those two had more air in it. The procedure I dis-
cussed previously for evacuating the ASPER will take
care of that. A glance at the specimens seemed to
show that the SPT's hem_tocrit is lower that the
other two. This may be a crude index of hydration,
and I'd like you guys to figure out something we _
talked about a long time ago and never did anything
about. And that is, the crew hematocrit index,
based on the level of the separation between cells
and plasma on the outside of the ASP.






From To

12:38:53 lq: 50:06

Voice : Good

Time: Good

Dump Tape 148-10
Time: 12:38:53 to 13:50:06
Page 1 of 2

12 38 53 SPT Okay, B channel; this is the SPT, on the MIIO blood

letting exercise. The serial numbers are as follows:
for the CDR, his ASP is 153, his vial, 006; the SPT,
ASP 148, vial 004; the PLT, ASP 165, vial 011 ....
procedure, the major problem so far is that one of
the ASPS didn't take a good vacuum. It was the
SPTrs ASP; it was the last one used, and only about
half the blood went into it. I had to draw on myself
again, using a freshly sucked down ASP and that
worked fine. I recommend that from now on, and the
way we're going to do it, is that I will put the
ASP on the ASPER a couple a minutes before the draw,
leave it there and take it off Just in time to receive
the blood. That way, we'll be sure we have a fresh
vacuum and no leakage and we don't have to do it
twice .... the general comment is there is an awful
lot of loose pieces, and the IBCS kit itself will
not stay closed - will not stay down on the table -
won't stay together at all because the material is
so stiff and the Velcro - there is a lot of it,
but none of it holds. It's lousy stuff.

PLT 0k_F, B channel. Just had an accident with a - an

instant breadfast. There was a lot of air in the
- (_ough) in the container before reconstitution,
and there was quite a bit of instant breakfast
powder, leaking out the top before reconstitution.
On reconstitution, it wouldn't accept the 6 ounces
of water because there was too much air i_ it, and,
consequently, the water leaked out around the

CDR Gosh darn it.

12 52 30 PLT In general, if you put less than the amount of

fluid in and don't get too much air in the water
and hold your finger over the nozzle while you're
shaking it, you do better.

13 23 12 SPT Tape recorder, for urine sampling, if you'll pass

on to the a - whoever's concerned with that. Just
to straighten out the records, the first day's
sample on the sample bags are logged as day 145. The
second day's sample, which is the day they were
collected, is logged as day 146. The third day's
sample was logged when they were sampled, so that
picks up today with 148. Therefore, on the sample
bags, day 147 is missing.
Dump Tape 148-10
Time: 12:38:53 to 13:50:06
Page 2 of 2

iS 27 19 CDR Good morning, friendly tape recorder. The PRD read-

ings on day 1_8 are as follows: for the CDR, 4_011;
for the SPT, 18011; for the PLT, 06018° End of

13 50 06 SPT Hello, B channel. Let me finish MII0. The centri-

fuge worked okay. All the plasma samples are clear;
however, two of them, the CDR's and PLT's had large
bubbles in - of gas in them, and I suspect this is
the same problem that the ASPER - after it's evac-
uation is leaking back rather rapidly. And that those
two had more air in it. The procedure I discussed
previo_ _---
for evacuating the ASPER will take care
of that. A glance at the specimens seemed to show
that the SPT's hematocrit is lower than the other
two. This maybe a crude index of hydration, and
l'd likeyo u guys t0 figure out something we talked
about a long time ago and never did anything about
it and that is a Crew hematocrit index based on the
level of the separation between the cells and plasma
on the outside of the ASP.




z_ 1_8 i

Time Segments (GMT)

From To

20_ 1_3"-
21 , 21_3'/'1_1

i i i i i

L , i i

i i i i , i

i i
/ -

Dump tape 148-0019A

Time: 20:43:21 to 21:37:51
Page i of i

20 h3 21 SI_ C_ay. MA end-to-end cal: the % 02 is 73.50.

20 47 18 SPT Okay. MA CO 2 is 0,180, on first update. 02

CONSL%9_D is 0.36. And the 02/C02 RATIO is

2.759. And MINV2E VOLUME is 8.h.

20 _9 h6 SPT % 02 . Stand by. 02 CONSi94MED is 0.047. The

RATIO is 2.873. The MINUTE VOLUME is 16.7.

20 56 40 CDR Would be - Percent 02 shows that the force read

is 0.047. MA C02, 0.670. The RATIO, 2.89.
And the MINUTE VOLUME is 39.1.

20 58 49 SPT Okay. I'll take ... MS SAMPLE INLET GAS PRESSURE,

F 5.013.

21 37 27 PLT Hello, tape recorder. This is the ... The

average food - had to be performed - a transfer
had to performed out of sequence. Therefore, we
Just leave it where it wound up, which, instead of
the left side of the freezer, the three average
food bundles are now stowed on top of the food
locker. That's the three average food bundles
are stowed on top of the food locker. End of
21 37 51 message.

Tape 149-01





From To

O_:28:30 0_: 33:iO

Voice: Good

Tape: Good
Dump Tape 149-01
Time: 03:28:30 to 03:33:10
Page I of I

03 28 30 CDR Hello, B channel; this is CDR. This is the Evening

Status Report for day 148. The following: Alfa -
Urine: CDR, 170; SPT, 170; PLT, 210. Bravo -
Drinking water gun reading: CDR, 3.434; SPT, 6.910;
PLT, 2.004. Charlie - BMMD body mass: that's NA.
It wasn't up today. We'll start with that tomorrow.
Delta - Exercise: CDR, zero; SPT, zero; PLT was
2/12/1800. Echo - Medication: CDR, none, SPT, none;
PLT, none. End of Evening Status Report, Alfa
through Echo.

03 29 50 CDR Okay, the following is the BMMD calibration - the

crewman is Conrad; the day was 148. The BMMD eal
was the first. The start time was 18:35, and
temperature was 92. The stop time was 20:30; cal
set sequence 1/26/9929, 2.69917, 2.69924, 2.69923,
2.69909. Sequence 2: 3.74987, 3.75054, 3.74956,
3.74995, 3.74975. Sequence 3: 5.01276, 5.01154,
5.01142, 5.01171, 5.01184. Sequence 4: 5.51338,
5.51238, 5.51350, 5.51445, 5.51322. Sequence 5:
5.96764, 5.96674, 5.96712, 5.96828, 5.97023.
Sequence 6: 6.39421, 6.39347, 6.39475, 6.39218,
6.39229. Sequence 7: 6.78378, 6.78764, 6.78939,
6.78592, 6.78778. Sequence 8: 2.70034, 2.69893,
2.69948, 2.69958, 2.69956. Remarks: It was noted
that the right thumbscrew that holds the calibra-
tion package, tied to the BMMD, had worked its
way loose during the calibration, thus I think the
scatter in sequences 4, 5, 6, 7. And I reco_end
the next time it be done, that it be tightened with
a pair of pliers. It was tight as much as I can
tighten it with my fingers, but in zero g, they
tend to back off. Another remark is, there was no
S020. We used 2509 batteries, T003, plus a piece
of mosite and a strap to hold them down. And we
will return the strap and the mosite at the end of
the flight and have the stowage people pick that
up. End of BMMD cal message.
Tape lb,9-002 (Final)





• From To

ol_n_ 01:31=22

The text of this tape is duplicated on tape number 1_-00_.

However. the time trek on th_ fnr_ dt_P_= f_ _ _ the

latter (1_9_02:07:39 to 02_08:06).

Dump tape 1_9-002
Time = 0153-2306
Page 1 of 1

Q1 _Q _ ......CDR_ Hey, Joe. Do you know where the binoculars are?

_v jj

01 31 00 SPT They were in A-9 last time I looked.

01 31 04 CDR We're catching up with some satellite down here.

You ought to come down and look out the wlddow
at it.

Ol 31 09 SPT I'm busy.

CDR Okey.

01 31 22 CDR Hey, I think there's a pair of binoculars in our

entertaj merit kit.


f_ DumpTape 149-o3

(AM )


- To
04:17:57 0h:23:26

Voice poor; time good.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I-1 Nocommunications
[7 Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1 Other
Dump tape i_9-003
Time: 04:17:57 to 04:23:26
Page i of i

04 17 51 SPT ... This is the SPT.

04 21 57 CDR ... Let me start sequence 9 over again. If

you missed any of the sequences, you'll have
to call me in the morning. The tape recorder
light went out. 3.05, 270, 121, 063, 217, 248,
155, 186, 149, 193, 107, 189, 158, 034, 149.
Sequence 9 never did settle down. The last
sequence, which is ... - -

04 23 23 CDR Okay, the last - the last sequence which is

this ... is 1.95, 637, 40, 36, 73, 32.

Dump tape 149-004 (Final)
Page i of i




Text duplicates tape 149-004, but the times derived from the

respective IRIG time tracks are in conflict.

Dump Tape 1_9-05A


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
03:21:04 04:23:10

Good voice, good time.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

[--] Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I--I Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I--I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I--I Other
Dump Tape 149-05A (Final)
Time: 03:21:04 to 04:23:10
Page 1 of 1

03 21 04 CDR Hello, Houston. You with us?

03 44 05 SPT Hey, Pete, you got those star tracking gimbals?

03 45 37 CDR Joe, was Canopus minus .°. 068 - minus 068. Yes,
that was plus 16 70.

SPT Did it give a - times that was good?

CDR No, it didn't.

03 45 58 SPT I think it's kerflooey right now.

04 14 33 CDR Joe, what did I tell you that star was?

04 14 41 SPT Canopus number 1.

CDR Yes, I know, but what gimbal angles?

04 14 48 SPT You said it was minus 660 and plus 60 something.

04 21 42 SPT Houston, Skylab.

04 22 41 SPT Yes, this is SPT. I was tape-recording this in the

DTL and I noticed that my record light was out. Did
you guys dump the recording?

04 23 l0 SPT Okay, maybe I knocked it off with my elbow ....

Tape 149-05B





•_ From To

23:h2:07 23:44:57

Voice: good

Tape: good ..
Dump tape 149-05B
Time: 23:42:07 to 23:44:57
Page 1 of 1

23 42 07 CDR Okay, CSI; we're closing out the ATM. The coolant
loop ... area and - the outlet ... stuck on when I
took off (laughter) - when I was fixing the filter.
So, I lost _ or 5 ounces of fluid out of it before
I could get it back on the ... and it ... stuck
open. But I finally did get it changed out and
then in checking it, I noticed that it took a long
time :forthe ... computer light to go out, and I
guess maybe there was pressure in the line. And we
lost the pressure and I presume it took awhile to
get on out. But I ... and completed 60 ... So,
they're both done.

CDR I'm abo_t the - I'm caught up with my ... Joe and
Paul are a little bit behind. Paul's in the middle
of riding the bicycle right now. And why don't you
go ahead ...

23 _3 49 SPT Okay. Okay. Do you want to do it out of the

space ...

SPT Roger. Do you want to reference the page in the

Activation Checklist?

23 44 57 SPT Okay, I'm sorry. I was ...

Dump tape ] hQ-O06 (Final)
Time : 05 :38
_'-_ Pagei ofi




No voice communications was recorded for the tape duration.



l'ime Segments (GMT)

From To
12:50:26 1R:26;14

Time: Error at beginning; voice good.

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunicationsareon tape.
I-3 Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I-3 This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I-1 Other
Dump Tape 149-07 (Final)
Time: 12:50:26 to 13:26:14
Page i of 1

12 50 26 SPT Good morning, PTL. The PRD readings are as follows:

the SPT is 18024; the PLT is 06025; and the CDR's
not long for this world. He is 44013; and the PRDs
are now going on station as follows: the PLT's is
in his sleep compartment; the CDR's is in his experi-
ment compartment, and the SPT's near the minus-Z SAL.

13 07 08 SPT Okay, PTL, with ATM experiment checkout. I'm going

to read all the frames r_maining to you, right now.
H-Alpha 15656; X-ray tele, 5789; XUV spee, 195; the
slit is 1608; the coronograph is 7749, and the X-ray
spect is 5841.

13 26 14 CDR Okay, B channel, the white light display is, so far,

a bit of a disappointment. It's very wavy and looks
out of focus. The slits or fiducialmarks are about
twice as broad in this display as they are in the
trainer. Haven't looked for Sun spots yet.

DumpTape _9-o8


TimeSegments (GMT)

From To

Voice good.

Thisdumptapehas been"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I-1 Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I--! This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
r-I Other
Dump Tape 149-08 (Final)
Time: 11:34:43
Page i of i

ii 34 43 CDR I thought we were on the time line and we would just

listen to a little country music.


( AM)


From To
13:31:20 16:49:00

•Time 5ood; music over voice.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

F--I Nocommuniications
areon tape.
[-I Only communicationson tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
I-1 This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
r-I Other
_TaPe ih9-09 (Final)
Time: 15:31:20 to 16:49:00
Page 1 of 1

15 31 20 CDR Hello, friendly tape recorder, this is the CDR, and

I ... the harness ... I will prove. From now on it's
flight number 1096. End of M092 message.

15 hl 55 SPT ... for the M092 run on the CDR .... data applied
to his left leg. The comfort is 13 and a quarter
inches. Right band ID is Alfa X-ray; L number, 3.7.
Right leg, 13-3/8. Charlie India, 4.5.

15 52 53 SPT For M092 on the CDR, we had to change out the left
leg band. We could not get an adjustment on it.
The new leg band is Charlie Hotel, 3.2. End of

16 30 34 SPT The MI71 done on the CDR - -

CDR (Laughter)

SPT The N2, 02, C02 gas pressure 1.672. 1.672.

16 36 55 SPT Hello, tape recorder. The CDR is MITI. The cal N2,
H20 pressure is 1.556. 1.556.

16 42 22 SPT For MI71 on the CDR, the MS sample gas pressure is


SPT Okay, the MI71 on the CDR, percent 02 is 73.42 -

73.42. Percent H20 - -

PLT What did they say the last one was, zero 2 or 02?

SPT Percent H20 _ras 3.87, 3.87. Percent C02 is 1.83,


16 49 00 SPT Tape recorder, for the CDR, MI71 has good isolation
in the LBNPD. He reads zero isolation on the bicycle.
We're going to press on.



Time Segments (GMT)

From To
13: 38:57

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I No communications are on tape.
I--I Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
r-I This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
I-I Other
Dump Tape 149-10 (Final)
Time: 13:38:57
Page i of i

13 38 57 CDR Hello, hello, friendly B channel on the tape recorder.

Checkout on EREP - it checked out okay. Only one
thing, when I started the tape recorder, I got a
MALF light when the TAPE RECORDER MOTION light was
at 5 seconds to ... went out. It came back on again
for 1 second and went out and stayed out. This is
the only anomaly. Everything else checked out fine
on the EREP 1 tape recorder.

DumpTape ___9-_i


( _ )

• TimeSegments(GMT)

From To
16:48:58 17:

Voice good; time good.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
[-1 Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I--I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I-1 Other
F .

Dump Tape 149-11 (Final)

Time: 16:48:58 to 17:16:42
Page 1 of 1

16 48 58 CDR Tape recorder, for the CDR M171: he has good isola-
tion in LBNPD. He reads zero isolation on the
bicycle. We're going to press on.

17 16 42 CDR For M171 run on the CDR, the postrun values:

percent 02, 71.14, 7 1 1 4; percent water 6.06,
6 0 6; percent CO 2, 193, 1.93.

._- Dump Tapez49-_2


From To
13:56:10 14:39:05

Time $ood; voice fair.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I-I No communications are on tape.
I-1 Onlycommunications
ontapeare CONINI
i-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationoftape
I'-I Other
Dump Tape 149-12
Time: 13:56:10 to 14:39:05
Page i of 2

13 56 I0 SPT Hey, as far as you guys know, is the Nikon flash

attackment still in the co--and module?

CDR ... supposed move it this afternoon.

PLT He says, yes.

SPT Okay. Look, I'm going to delay that if one of you

guys will remind me later to do it. Shoot, l'm so
far behind now, I'm going to skip it and pick it up

CREW All right.

13 56 38 CDR He says he's done the EREP-I except for the DAC.

13 57 12 PLT Hey, Pete, the DAC is not in EREP-2. Why are you
looking for it now? ... i now?

14 18 ii CDR Check. Okay. I just haven't gotten to that 20-step

procedure with - with hanging in there on the ...
but I'ii tell you, it's by the skin of our teeth.
But I think things will improve.

CDR Okay, that's all I had for you, and I - like I say,
apologize for the fact the medical stuff ... enter
my head that ground had A recorder on and we were
still on A recorder.

CDR No, I don't. If you got any questions, fire at us.

14 23 57 CDR Well, like I say, we - we got ourselves a little

short on sleep in the beginning, but I ... think ...
last night we ran about an hour late. Bat you really
don_t need a full 8 hours yet. I think we w_ll need
it, bu_ since this is our first day of orbit_lJ ops,
and let's see how we do on this. We're going to
have to draw a halt - I think a couple of times and
schedule by clean instructions. We've had nothing
... The food - the food gets away from you, and -
and I can see that to keep this place clean for the
rest of the guys, we're really going to have to take
a couple of good blocks of time and really go scrub
it do_:n, because the stuff does get _ound quite a
D_p Tape 149-12
Time: 13:56:10 to ih:39:05
Page 2 of 2

CREW ,..

14 35 ii SPT Pete wants to know how soon you'll be ready for

M09 2.

PLT Well, he can come down and start riding his hot
little seat off anytime. I'm just making these
changes to the ... checklist - about i0 more minutes.

SPT Copy.

14 39 05 SPT Hello, Ace. Ace, if you're ... we can't find it

anyplace. What DAC do you want us to put on the




- To
i_:35:10 14:39:04

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

!-! Nocommunicationsareon tape.
I-1 Onlycommunicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I--I This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
I"-3 Other
Dump Tape 149-13 (Final)
Time: 14:35:10 to i_:39:0h
Page 1 of 1

i_ 35 i0 SPT Three points to the left, then you will be ready for

CDR Okay. Because I ... off any time. I can't make any
data for the ..., or I'd take all day.

SPT Yes.

lh 39 Oh SPT Hello, Ace. Ace, if you ... find it anyplace, look

back. You ought to put it in ... VTS.

DumpTape _2-1_

( _ )


From To
17:16:40 17:41:25

Time good_ voice $ood.

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I--I Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I--1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
[] Other
Dump Tape 149-14 (Final)
Time: 17:16:40 to 17:41:25
Page 1 of 1

17 16 40 SPT For MI71 run on the CDR, the postrun values percent
02 71.14, 7 1 1 4. Percent water 6.06 6 0 6,
percent CO 2 193, 1.93.

17 41 25 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. This is for MI71; the

CDR. On my run today, the only way I could ride
the bike halfway efficiently was to move the seat
all the way forward, and I Jacked up the seat height
to - I jacked the seat height up to number 6. And
that puts my legs much more directly, or my hip
much more directly over the pedals, and then I take
the load, up-load through the harness on my
hips and my shoulders. Okay, the first step,
55 watts, and the next step, 105 watts were nothing,
and my heart rate did get as high as it normally does
on ground. But the 155 was just like finishing up
the 200-watt, 20 minute protocol that we had; I was
really running out of gas. And yet, I was using
muscles that I don't normally use down on the ground,
so I don't know whether I'm going to get more effi-
cient or less efficient or what's going to happen.
So take it for what it's worth. End of MO - MI71




From To
19:15:40 20:28:29

Voice good; time good.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I No communications are on tape.
I--I Only communicationson tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
I--I This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
I--I Other
Dump Tape 149-15 (Final)
Time: 19:15:40 to 20:28:29
Page i of i

19 50 40 PLT Hello, tape recorder. Stowage note. On the S190

cassette bags; that is, the bag that the replacement
SI90 film was brought up in, the pad says to stow
the empty bags in F-521. However, F521 is still full_
therefore, the bags are in F520. That's the empty
S190 cassette bags are in F520.

SPT Friendly PTL, the SPT with some ATM dumps. On the
JOP 6 building block i that I ran, the second 82A
exposure inadvertently reached to duration of 4 min-
utes instead of i minute and 40 seconds because when
l'm using the timer, l'm sorry. On the JOP 4 - no,
rather building block 4B, when I maximized detector i
on the H-alpha bright spot ... And, indeed it is
possible to maximize the detector by a factor of 3
or 4. So I got a reading of about 650 to 700, as
compared to a background of 150 to 200. And I got it
to about i slit width or a little more outboard or
toward the limb from the bright spot at H-alpha.
That might be useful both to the Pl's and to the
training people.

PLT And let me timecheck those remarks. The time is 20:05.

20 28 29 SPT Friendly B channel, this is the SPT on the latest

stowage change to preclude ... from using the only
empty locker in my sleep compartment. I have taken
the two charcoal gas masks and I've put them in dome
locker number 426 in the area vacated by the first
lot of urine bags.

Dump tape 149-16 (Final)
Time : 19 :39 to 20 :9"(
Page 1 of 1




No voice communication on tape.

Dump Tape z_9-1_



"Time Segments (GMT)

From To

Voice go_sd; time good.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunications
I-3 Onlycommunications
on tapeareCOMIVl
!-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I--I Other
Dump Tape 149-17 (Final)
Time: 21:11:22
Page 1 of 1

21 ii 22 CDR Hello, friendly PTL for the SPT's M092/171 run today.
His left leg is 14-5/16. His right leg is 14 and
a quarter. His left leg strap is Baker Victor 3.6.
And his right one is Baker ... 3.6.

Dump Tape 1_9-18

(_ )

" TimeSegments

From To
17:27:33 18:39:21

Voice fair; time erratic.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
[7 Nocommunications
1-1 Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
oftape .
N Other
Time: 17:27:33 to 18:39:21
Page i of i

17 27 33 CDR Hey, we're all congregated in the head, all for diff-
erent reasons. Why don't you go ahead and slip us
the news?

17 29 i0 SPT Yes, ..., I had to have it explained to me because

the music was way too loud, and then I had to drag
out my pad and put down my ... Let me know when you're
ready to copy.

SPT He says he's not going to put his macaroni down again
to answer you.

18 33 21 SPT Negative. I came up using the ... prop the first night,
yes .... the powering of the ... for ... seconds,
and proceding on. I did not hear all the - ...
However, they were operating perfectly normally, and
then suddenly .,. way to get at it and suddenly took

SPT Okay we'll do it.

CDR Okay, we got TV-2 on; CDR.

18 39 21 CDR You still there, Houston? Okay, ... S082A. It's

still operating. S082A still hasn't operated quite
... because ... is getting ago, and I think probably
it did, but the operating light stayed on.

Dump Tape 149-19

( AM)

" TimeSegments

From To
22:00:54 22:54:53


Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--1 Nocommunications
are on tape.
[] Only communications
on tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I-1 Other
Dump Tape 149-19
Time: 22:00:54 to 22:5h:53 _-_
page i of i

22 00 5h CDR Hello, friendly tape recorder. On the SPT's M171 run

is - MS - ... MS test press is h.877.

22 01 39 SPT Hel - hel - hello, tape recorder. On the EREP

checkout blank, when I checked drawer L, drawer Lima
to see if the film would advance, the film had
taken significant ... The f_]m could not he advanced
merely by lowering the metering ... roller. I had
to open the side access door and help feed the film
through the bottom platen area with my other hand.
It had been an ... significant ... In all cases,
the film that was exposed at the platen opening was
discolored and, I think, all of it was darker than
the rest of the film. I ran approximately a foot
and a half of film through on each cassette in order
to get all the set film on the takeup cassette. End
of S190 film message.

SPT Hello, friendly tape recorder, on the SPT's M171

round: the percent, 0273.48. Percentage zero is 3.96.
And percent C02 is 1.86.

22 34 46 SPT Hello, friendly tape recorder. On the SPT M171,

the percent 02, 71.46. Percent H20 , 5169. Percent
C02, 1.94. The amount of exercise was 14 minutes
and it was 1755 watt/minutes.

22 37 33 SPT Hey, you ought to hear it up here, Pete. All the

little EREPs are whirring, going, and making strange
little noises.

22 53 46 SPT ... tape recorder. This is EREP checkout ; S191 ready

light has not come on yet. But it has been 40 minutes
since power was supplied to the ... and the coolant.
The following readings are out of ... Alfa 7, cal ...,
reading off-scale low - the lower limit on the meter.
Alfa 8, the cal end curve - Disregard. The cal end
curve looks good. That's why I didn't see it.
Bravo 7, coolant ... temp is a little high at
82 percent.

22 52 53 SPT ... pressure iz still showing zero, however. Every-

thing else _s w_thin the specs, according to our decals

Final -"



From To
22:58:31 23:12:33

Voice good; time good.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-1 Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I--1 Onlycommunicationson tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
I-] This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I--1 Other
Dump Tape 149-20 (Final)
Time: 22:58:31 to 23:12:33
Page i of i

22 58 31 PLT - - ... It's down here. I'm going to press on to the

checkout of 192. The readings ...

23 04 00 PLT Tape recorder, I have 192 alinements on the v_sible.

The left meter reads 75; the right reads 35. Pass
that on to the EREP people, please. End of message.

23 06 56 PLT Hey, tape recorder, pass to the EREP people, please,

that on the S192 thermal alinement. The thing reads
12 percent, and nothing I could do with either the
alinement knob, or the focus will change it one bit.
End of message.

23 12 33 PLT Hey, tape recorder, it's for the EREP people on S192
checkout. Almost an hour after we turned power on to
it, the readings are Alfa 2, 15 percent; Del - or
Bravo 2 is 66 percent; Charlie 2 is 44 percent; Delta
2 is 70 percent. Alfa 3 is 78 percent, Bravo 3 is
79 percent, Charlie 3 is 72 percent, Delta 3 is 71
percent. Continuing on, Alfa 4 is 75, Bravo h is 74,
Charlie 4 is 72, Delta 4 is 72. Alfa 5 is 77, Bravo
5 is 83, Charlie 5 is 82, and Delta 5 is 13; that's
i 3. Charlie 6 is - and Charlie 6 is 45; Delta 6 is
12. End of message.

Final ,"


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
19:18:18 19:59:40

Time erratic, v.oiqe f.air.

This dump tape has been "cancelled"forthe followingreason:

I--]No communications are on tape.
r-I only communications on tapeare COMM TECH checks.
I-I Thistapeisa verbatimduplication
I-I Other

Dump Tape 149-21 (Final)
Time: 19:18:18 to 19:59:40
Page i of i

19 18 18 SPT Hey, Henry, I need a - just a verification for the

EREP boys in the back room there. And I want to
make sure that drawer K, which is for S190 - drawer K,
which is stowed ... November - the whole set is to
be replaced. And I'ii load the magazines now with
set Quebec. Is that correct?

CC Okay.

SPT Also, I just put it on tape that ... the man said to
put the empty cassette bags in F521. That's chuck
full to the gills here, so I put them in F520.

19 19 39 CDR Say, after we get ... Friday when we're away from
water or do we have enough ... to service module ...?
Say, Bill? Thank you.

19 20 58 SPT Hello, Houston; SPT. I see ... in experiment pointing

that the ... resistant to collective ... And - do
you know of a way to upgrade from zero?

SPT Okay.

PLT Okay, l'm on my own.

1!725 01 CDR Okay, Henry. Also, I see the - the change here. Are
we gonna write the brief or not? Can you just t,_:[t
me briefly, are we gonna write them while operating,
or what?

PLT Okay, I got the 190 window.

CDR Okay, you can give me the answer in Carnarvon. It's

no sweat. Also you had a question on the ... a dump
to free debris yet. We have not had a chance to
clear any debris yet, and it really needs it.

19 59 40 CC Okay.

Final •
DumpTape i_9-22

( c,M)


From To
21:00:2_ 21:47:1 _

Voice poor_ time good

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--1 Nocommunications
1-1 Onlycommunications
on tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
l--] Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1 Other

Dump Tape 149-22

Time: 21:00:24 to 21:47:13
Page i of 2

21 00 24 SPT I'm still in the ... of the check out book ...
MO - 171.

CDR All right.

SPT Hey, Pete, ... blood sample?

CDR Yes.

21 18 57 PLT Roger, Hank. On the S190 filter, filter Alfa, Alfa ...
would appear to be marked by little round spots like
water drops dried there, around the edge for a short
distance ...

21 19 24 PLT Okay.

21 19 36 CDR Okay. Also, why don't I have to ... the spare hot
water heaters sometime tonight, because they're in
the way. I had to stow one under ... 190 there be-
fore we run any EREP. So could someboby do a little
research ... on the number for the procedure for
that so we don't have to remember.

PLT Okay, thank you.

21 33 lO PLT Okay, Hank. It's in AUTO sequence now. I can hear

it running, but all six m_lf lights came on ....
operate ...

21 44 37 CREW Roger. We're back with you.

21 45 41 CDR What was it you wanted to know, Hank? How many I

have left juzt so far? Okay, how about 33, 3 singles
and sequence of 40, and I think ... find out, right
on the money in a minute and ... Yes, sir .... en-
Joyed ... Stand by.

PLT Charles'put it there, didn't he?

21 46 21 CDR Give it th_ Cunr_d ... put tape over the malf light
to go with i_ how's that?

f 21 46 42 PLT Do we do this berorc cur first EREP pass?

CDR That's it.

PLT Ok_r.
Dump Tape 149-22
Time: 21:00:24 to 21:47:13
Page 2 of 2

21 47 13 CDR Hey I guess I misunderstood that. Hank. That great

big long-winded list of stuff you gave me -

. DumpTape _9-23


• TimeSegments

From To

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for thefollowingreason:
I-'1 Nocommunications
I-1 Onlycommunications
1-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
1-1 Other
Dump Tape 149-23
Time: 22:34:48
Page 1 of 1

22 34 48 SPT Hello, friendly tape recorder; on the SPT's MI71.

Percent 02, 71.46; percent H20 5.105; percent C02,
1.94 .... going to exercise for 14 minutes and ...
i minute.

DumpTape _9-2_



From To
21:00:24 21:47:13

Time and voice good.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunications
I-1 Onlycommunications
on tapeareCONINI
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
[] Other
Dump Tape 149-24
Time: 20:00:29 to 21:47:13
Page 1 of 2

21 00 24 PLT I'm still in the midst of S190 checkout and the other
guys are running M092/171.

SFT Okay.

21 00 51 PLT Hey, ... are we running the ATM ... now?

SFT Yes.

21 18 58 PLT Roger. Angles on the S190 filter - Filter Alfa Alfa

has a few what appear to be water spots, you know,
little round spots like water drops had dried there
aro_md the edge for a short distance. Do you want
me to try to clean it or Just leave it be?

21 19 26 SPT Check.

21 19 38 PLT 0_ay. Also, when do we have to move spare hot water

heaters to some place so they won't - because they're
in the way? I'II have to fill one of the rear ... in
the S190 there before we run any EREPS. So, somebody
do a little research and just give us the page number
for the procedures ahead so we'll ... have to remember

SPT Okay.

21 33 i0 PLT Okay, Hank. It's in the AUTO sequence now. I can

hear it running. All six mall lights came on on the
... impulse. It Almost appears to be ...

21 44 43 CD_ Be right with you.

21 45 41 SPT What was it you want to know, Hank? How many I have
... so far? I have 0.43 ... single in a sequence of
40, and a sequence ... right on the money, I minute
and 24. Yes, sir, enjoyed ...

21 46 22 CDR You mean the C_,ncad ... will put ...

PLT Do we do that, ],_fl_,r_

_,ur first EREP pass?

CDR That's it _-

PLT Okay.

Dump Tape 149-24
Time: 21:00:29 to 21:47:13
Page 2 of 2

21 47 13 CDR I guess I misunderstood that, Hank ....

_..=.- • * _.

Final "-
Dump Tape lh9-25



From To
150:00:24:22 150:00:25:22

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--] Nocommunicationsare on tape.
[-I Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
l--1 This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
!-3 Other
Dump Tape 149-25 (Final)
Time: 150:00:24:22 to 150:00:25:22
Page 1 of 1

150 00 24 22 CDR Hey, anybody around?


CDR You got ... here, right? What do I do with this


SPT Well, you've got to look at the ... That's why

we got to keep log on it, and ... to the second
one to see ... preliminary ...

CDR Where's the time?

SPT Written on that piece of gray tape. It tells

when it started .... more than 2h hours ago,
throw it out, and put yours in.

SPT You understand?

CDR I got it; thank you [?].

SPT Okay, but don't forget to log yours on there,

now ...

150 00 25 22 CDR I did.

Dump Tape 15o-oi



From To
01:28:29 02:30:h0


Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
i--I Nocommunications
!-3 Onlycommunications
I"-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
N Other
Dump Tape 150-01
Time: 01:28:29 to 02:30:40
Page 1 of 2

01:28:29 CDR Hello, B channel; this is the CDR with the Evening
Status Report for day 149. You'll find one item,
Alfa: the CDR, lO0; the SPT, 075; the PLT, 120;
item Bravo: CDR, 3556; SPT, 6998; PLT, 2182. Item
Charlie: CDR, 6.099; 6.106; 6.099; the SPT, 6.662;
6.674;6.666;PLT, 6.832;6.838;6.839. Item Delta:
CDR, 2/15/1575/1/04/0170;
the SPT, 2/14/1755/1/05/0250.
Item Echo: CDR, none; SPT, none; PLT, none. End of
daily Status Report, day 149.

01:49:40 PLT Hello, tape recorder. For ATM operations for 8082A,
the performance of JOP 6 building block 1 Alfa, 82A
was placed for the stop position manually, and the
operate light stayed on. I finally, after about 20
or 30 seconds over the exposure time, closed the door
switch to turn the light out, opened the doors again
and the light was READY again. Will check it on the
next building block and advise. End of message.

02:03:55 PLT Hello, B channel. For ATM with a whitelight corono-

graph; S052. Stand by.

02:04:08 PLT In JOP 6 building block I Bravo, ... of the

continuous sequence on 52. The operate light went
out after it had been about - running for about 4 or
5 minutes on that sequence, stayed out for 15 or 20
seconds, and then came back on. That's all I can
say about it.

02:16:h7 SPT B channel, the SI_T has withdrawn on ... from supply.

02:17:43 PLT Hello, tape recorder. For ATM S - S082A, I ran it

again for the sixth JOP. And, once again, when I
placed the switch in STOP, the operate light stayed
on. I don't know if it - if you think you can make
that exposure or not. But, once again, I terminated
it by going far northward to off, at which time the
light went out. And, with that power door switch on,
the door opened and the light came back on READY.

02:23:52 CDR Hello, B ch_,nel. In _nswer to question ntm_er 5,

which AM caution and warning panel inhibited switches
are now inhibits.I?" The following switches are
inhibited: Ba_c_ _ charge mode 1 through 8..
Dump Tape 150-01
Time: 01:28:29 to 02:30:40
Page 2 of 12

02:24:34 CDR Okay, everything else is on. Now there were a few
off switches that - that I Just brought on; and I'm
not exactly sure why they were off. So, the ones we
Just brought on were SIEVA A, SIEVA B, C02, and

SPT SIEVE B should be on ...

CDR Okay. SIEVE B C02 we just inhibited .... DELTA ...

should be off .... were inhibited, and we have
brought them back on the line. And so, that's the
current status, right now. That is ... I through 8.
SIEVE B CO 2 row are the only switches inhibited.

02:26:38 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. Message 0615 Alfa. Ques-

tion number 1. (Laughter) Question number l: "Have
you detected any change in color, flavor, or texture
of food items?" Ketchup, yes, we had one bad ketchup,
the - the package had ruptured, and it had spoiled.
Butterscotch, we've encountered no bad butterscotch
pudding, so far. No bad asparagus. No bad peas. And
no bad salmon. And no bad eggs, although this morn-
ing's eggs, both the SPT's and the CDR's, had a
slightly different flavor along with PLT's ... His
tasted a little different, too. But not bad. Ques-
tion number 2: "Were the rehydration times long
enough for these items?" The answer to that is yes.
Question number 3: "CDR; were quads B and D plus-X
AUTO RCS light switches turned off prior to ...
burn?" The answer to that is no. The ... were hot.
However, the fuel shutoff valves ... Maybe, that's
a no-no, but, I thought that was the easiest way to
do it. That is the end of questions 1 through 3.
And I will turn this message over to the SPT to an-
swer the rest of them.

02:30:40 PLT Hello, B channel. This is the PLT again. In approxi-

mately a GMT of 02:30 - -

CREW (Laughter)

PLT - - with the end of the - that ATM ..., while observing
the H-Alpha 2 d_spls_ on the TV monitor, it appeared
to me that i saw a sunset behind the Earth. And we
were, in fact, in computer control at the time. So,
I don't know what happened. You all might take a look
at it and see if you see anything. Or, we might watch
it tomorrow.

DumpTape i_o-o2



- To
38:10[ 02:40:XX

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
ITI Nocommunications
F-I Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I--1 Other
Dump Tape _5o-o3


Time Segments (C-MT)

From To
03 18 22 03.3720

This dump tape has been "cancelled" for the following reason..
[-] Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I-] Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
F] This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
F] Other
Dump Tape 150-03
Time: 03:18:22 to 03:37:20
Page 1 of 1

03 18 22 SPT Hey, sweet lovely B channel, your lonely SPT, who

is hungering for hi,nan companionship, would like to
report that the serial numbers of the darn! - for
tomorrow's form letter- (Laughter).

03 18 46 SPT The PLT's (laughter) is number 09h. The CDR's is

number i17, and the SPT's is number 195. Please
remember that, number 195. Good night.

03 35 16 SPT Hello, B channel. This is the SPT at about 03:35,

answering the questions that came up on the
teleprinter as we went to sleep here. Question
number h was ... Dresently loaded in the ATMDC?
I really don't know_ possibly 0. I suggest if
Houston is unable to load one in the ATMDC and they
want a particular one loaded, we'll be glad to do
it for them. But I don't remember the last time I
loaded a maneuver card.

03 36 32 SPT Okay. Question number 6. I did report that S082 A

had the OPERATING light ON after the mode terminated.
And I'm trying to remember what the mode was; I
think it was auto. No, I know it was auto, but I
don't remember if it was auto 2 or not. Look that
up on the ATM schedule pad, which is not handy to me
at the moment. The light was on until I stopped it
by pulling MAIN POWER to OFF and back ON. Hitting
the STOP switch had no effect on the OPERATING light.
The PLT subsequently reported the same thing during
his night pass.

03 37 20 SPT Number 7 is confirmed - about the ... a half

second is obviously an estimate. The following
ones were 1 second, 2 seconds, h seconds, and I
don't know if I had - don't remember if you caught
an 8-second one or not, but those were the times.

• DumpTape _o-o_



From • To
04:14:XX Oh:20:XX

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

F! No communications are on tape.
i-I Onlycommunications
I-] Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I-1 Other
Dump Tape z_o-op



- To
01:27:15 02:37:33

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:

I-I Nocommunications
r-I Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
r-I Other
Dump Tape: 150-05
Time: 01:27:15 to 02:37:33
Page 1 of 3

01 27 15 CDR Hey, Joe, ... can use the ... timer on the ATM?

SPT ...

CDR You mean, we cannot use the ... timer?

SPT That 's right.

CDR Is that a power consideration only, or is there

something wrong with it?

SPT The power.

CDR Okay.

CDR Hey, Paul, did you clear the - the ... from the ...
check valve ...?

PLT Negative.

CDR ... Is that right ?

PLT I didn't do anything ... it.

CDR Okay.

CDR Think we should get it out?

PLT Yes, it's made to come out, but you got to take -
you've got to take the four poles out and then pull
it straight out. Then take the ... out ...

CDR Okay.

PLT Hey, Joe, baby.

SPT Yes?

01 46 08 PLT I took an 82A to stop. I had to ... to get it to

quit ... portable.

SPT .•.

O1 46 19 PLT And it was peculiar because although the operate

light was on, the ... remaining one wasn't
decrementing anymore .... that time because I ...
was okay.
Dump Tape L50-05
Time: 01:;'7:15 to 02:37:33
Page 2 of 3

SPT All right.

CDR Weitz, you left your blower on.

PLT How could I?

(',DR ...

PLT What can I say, dear?

CDR Try harder.

C_:tEW ... however.

SPT ...

PLT What they ought to have on that thing - they got

a 5-minute cutout on the ...ator they can do it.

SPT ...

CDR ...

SPT Hey, Pete. You know they can truly put in some hours
on that darn ... You ought to give them a couple words
on the fact that ... seems to be ...

CDR ... You're right. I'd put a little thing on B chan-

nel tonight for PTL and Clyde and tell them about
how ... we ...

V LT 0kay.

PLT Hey, Joe. Did you ... you ready for that ...
and ... my pocket on your ...

S]:T Okay.

CI_'W ...

CDR ... exhibital ... first ... out for the photo kit.

02 06 13 SPT Okay. I'll ge_ _ozc questions to you as soon as

it's straight [?].

02 25 50 CDR Hey, Joe.

Dump Tape : 150-05
Time: 01:27:15 to 02:37:33
Page 3 of 3

SPT ...

CDR Other than the ketchup ..., found any other foods
besides those eggs we had the other day? That
tasted stale. What the question is, ... you ...
asparagus, and .,. _ and eggs?

SPT ... any ... The ketchup was definitely spoiled.

The little package . .. it smelled like sour ketchup.
I{ was ...

CDR Okay.

PLT Hey, Joe, baby.

SPT Hello.

(;DR ... right now?

SPT ... computer control and I - I thought ... I

thought ...

SPT All right ....

(',DR I know it's not ... we ought to have ...

SPT Yes....

CDR Yes ... I put it on again.

SPT Okay.

02 32 55 PLT Hey, Joe. Can you come up here for a minute? I ...

PLT Hi there .... ?

02 37 33 CDR Fine. The Doctor ... run around the ... showing two


__. Dump Tape_5o-o6



From To
0;_:37:29 03:50:36

Fair time and voice

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:

I-1 Nocommunications
I-1 Onlycommunications
on tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1 Other
Dump Tape 150-06 _-
Time: 02:37:29 to 03:56:36
Page 1 of 1

02 37 29 PLT Hi, there. How are you tonight?

02 37 32 CDR Just fine. The doctor is trying to run ...

02 58 28 CDR Yes. Switch open now, anyway. Sorry. That's what

I mean - it won't make any difference, right? Not
until next sunrise .... Okay, I did that. On 54
it went back to 1 ...

PLT Come on, contact.

CREW ...

CDR We do ... MDA. It's failing or modulating or what-

ever you call it. Anyway, I went to ...

03 37 59 CDR Hey, Paul or Joe. Anybody remembering seeing the

M126. It's a little tiny package but it ... the
whole thing ... the film locker. It's not there.

03 39 16 CDR Does anybody hear ... my question?

SPT Yes, I answered it, I thought. I said, Peter, about -

Peter do you want your ear examined?

CDR Yes. Be right there.

03 50 22 CDR Hey, Paul, ... bag ...

03 50 36 SPT Go. He was number ...

Dump Tape z_o-o7


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
36 13:5_:09

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunications
I"7 Onlycommunications
I--! Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-! Other
m _

Dump Tape 150-07
Time: 13:32:36 to 13:54:09
Pa6e i of i

13 32 36 SPT Good morning, B channel. This is the SPT with some

comments on the M if0. The centrifuge is working
very well; however, it's still not batting a
thousand - on the complete procedure. Today, the
PLT's blood appeared to be on the verge of clotting,
when it got into the air. And although I evacuated
the air for a further procedure, I discussed yes-
terday, that is, leaving it on the fetal until it
was ready to receive the blood. It worked fine on
the other two. The PLT's blood didn't go in very
well, and I don't know whether that's because of
an inadequate vacuum, or because perhaps I didn't
shake the syringe hard enough and the - for one
reason or another we had some clotting problem. As
a result - here's - plasma vials did not fill and
the blood sample that you will receive has a layer
of plasma at the top of the column of blood, but no
plasma separated. The other two were fine. And
that's about it. The only other procedural comment
I have for the followZon troops is when you with-
draw the needle from the ASP after inserting the
blood, you should wrap a tissue around it ; because
it's very difficult to exert Just the right amount
of pressure not to withdraw blood from the ASP, and
also not to get a spill from the needle when you
withdraw the blood.

13 41 24 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. This is the CDR. Just

stowing the third suit that belongs to Dr. Kerwin.
I have taken the helmet guard, which we had for the
SEVA, and I have stowed it in dome locker 414 along
with one of the - - ... located there.

13 53 45 PLT Hello - Hello, tape recorder. This is for the FAO.

For airlock operation, the fit and pressurization of
the airlock takes much longer than I anticipated,
and we're going to have to allow about 5 minutes.
in there to vent the airlock and to pressurize it
prior to the airlock operations.

13 54 09 SPT End of message.

Final ".
DumpTape 15o-o8.



• To
ll :30 :XX 12: 29:XX

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
[_ Nocommunications
E-I Onlycommunications
E-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
E3 Other

DumpTape 15o-o9

(_ )

" TimeSegments

From To
i_:09:30 15:1_:_3

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for thefollowingreason:
!-] Nocommunications
are ontape.
I-] Onlycommunications
ontapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I-] Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1 Other

Dump Tape 150-09
Time: 14:09:30 to 15:14:43
Page 1 of 1

lh 09 30 PLT B-I activation yet, either.

14 2h 04 PLT B channel, a procedural note. The -with the TV

cameras in location A-10 - -

SPT We don't know that that's the right ...

14 2h 21 PLT - - the M131 supply locker can't be opened; the -

the camera has to either be turned upside down or

15 lh h3 PLT Okay, B channel, a couple of notes on M131. On the

OGI mode, for some reason the alinement between the
biteboard and the goggles was imperfect, by, I'd say,
5 to 8 degrees of nick side tilt [?]. In other
words, if he bit the biteboard, his head was to the
right or to the left of where it should have been
for the goggles. We did a little of metal bending,
and we wind up with his head firmly in the goggles
and straight, but he's not in the tooth holes in the
biteboard anymore. On the MS modes, the forward
proximity center is too short to be reached at all
by the subject when he bends forward. This is
because it was marginal in the first place, and
because you float up higher in the chair in zero g
than you do in one g, and you just can't get down
there and reach it. Another design comnent is that
the seat belt with the Velcro does not hold you well


DumpTape zso-zo

( AM)


From To
15.'h5"28 15'56'31

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--] Nocommunications
are on tape.
!--I Only communications
on tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
r-I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
[q Other
Dump Tape : 150-10
Time: 15:h5:28 to 15:56:31
Page 1 of 1

15 h5 28 SPT Okay, B channel, this is MI31, the PLT. The MS

mode -The result was as follows: 150 head movements
were performed at zero rpm. At fiftieth head move-
ment, the PLT reported that he felt like he was
moving. Pitching up and rolling left as a ... it is
not a symptom, it's a comment. The 70th head move-
ment, he repeated that cnmment, saying that he felt
as if his gyros were dripping. At the 150th movement,
he noticed epigastric awareness and a little saliva-
tion at about llO. However, those symptoms decreased
in intensity and he finished around 150 head movements
with essentially no symptoms. And also ... I'm -
I'm not going to repeat the direction of rotation in
the responses on the OGI test because the first test,
I'm not sure whether I added them all correctly. And
on the fourth level, I thought I had added them all
correctly, but the machine said increase, which was
wrong. So here we go. - At level l, clockwise - no,
that's - sorry - counterclockwise, left, none; clock-
wise, right, none; clockwise, none, right; count -
counterclock - clockwise again, left, right. That's
level h; counterclockwise, left, right ; clockwise,
none, none; clockwise, none, left; counterclockwise;
left, none; clockwise. This is for the eighth level,
level 8: clockwise, none, none; clockwise, right,
left ; counterclockwise, none, none; counterclockwise,
none, none. Level 10: clockwise, left, right. I
said left, right, and that's wrong. Let me start
level l0 over again. Clockwise, right, left; counter-
clockwise, left, left; clockwise, none, left; counter-
clockwise, left, right, which is six out of eight,
and that's - that's his threshold. At the 18th level
he got them all right, very strong positive sensations,
along with seat of the pants ... And that's it.

15 56 31 PLT Oh, tape recorder, regarding experiment ED76; that's

ED76. The two detectors behind the film vault are
somewhat shielded on the inner side by a package
containing the Marshall and JSC sails, the outside
protector parts that are stowed up there. End of

Dump Tape z_o-zz

(_ )


- To
16: i_: _) 17 :20: 22

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

1-1 Nocommunications
areon tape.
!--1 Onlycommunications
on tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
!-] Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I,] Other
Dump Tape 150-11
Time: 16:19:59 to 17:20:22
Page i of I

16 19 59 PLT Hello, ... On SOl9, a preliminary check of the

primer shows that opening the shutter is indicated,
and stopping when indicated at 30 seconds gives
you 30-second exposure, and at 270 seconds it
gives you 275-second exposure.

17 20 22 PLT Okay, B channel, this is ATM operation - the 17:13

pad, building block 4 on filament 62. The roll is
exactly the same today as it was yesterday. The
pointing, I think, is about 20 arc seconds. I was
going to say lower. It'll be lower, and I'll
give you the experiment roll, which is minus 5640.
In other words, about 30 arc seconds farther than
it was yesterday because the portion of the filament
Just beyond the western pointing end of it
appears to have thinned out ... between today and
yesterday. So in an effort to fill the slit, I
moved the slit about 30 arc seconds to the east [?].





From To
18:01:h_ 18:05:35

Voice poor (v_iable speed) at end of tape; time good

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

!-I Nocommunications
l-1 Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape.
!-'1 Other
Dump Tape 150-12
Time: 18:01:44 to 18:05:35
Page 1 of 1

18 Ol 44 CDR B channel, this is 18:02 GMT, with the - some

ATM observations. The SPT did a survey of the limb
prominences and Just wants to note, for the training
people especially, that the prominences are nicely
visible at H-alpha I, and their sensitivity to so
much of the temperatures in the monitor is fair,
hut it is not as great as it was in training. And
if you move the disks into the monitor, and they
don't ... quite so quickly. Which makes it easy to
do a survey - you can have about a quarter of a TV
screen filled with disks, do a front centered roll,
and - and convert it into ... that goes blank. For
the PI's are ... three - three - three type promi-
nences on the northeast ... on at this time about -
1680 arc seconds in range and appear to he static.

18 05 35 CDR Hey, B channel, this the S054 callout, that ATM ...
and the points remaining at this point are 5309.



Time Segments (GMT)

From To
20:i0:46 20:52:03

Voice good - Time good

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

1--I Nocommunications
I-q Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
F-1 Other
Dump Tape 150-13
Time: 20:10:46 to 20:52:03
Page i of I0

20 i0 46 CDR Hello, friendly A tape recorder on EREP. Bakers 7

reads 92 percent. Baker 8 reads 1 percent. And
Delta 6 reads 58 percent. Hey, friendly recorder,
some more readings. Alfa 5, 79 percent, Alfa 6 -
Alfa 6 reads zero. Bravo 2 reads 56 percent, Bravo 3
reads 80 percent, Bravo 6 reads 43 percent. Charlie 5
reads 84 percent, Charlie 6 reads 46 percent, Delta 4
reads 73 percent, Delta 5 reads 13 percent.

20 13 l0 SPT As you're through reading, we're through Gus_ ...

20 24 12 CDR Hello, A recorder for S190. We opened the S190 win-

dow; we have a cover close malf light.

PLT That's one we c_l check out easy.

f CDR However, we have checked it out. The door _s opened

and it's ... blanket and it's now run out, came back
on, and it's now gone out again.

SPT I don't understand that, how can - -

CDR Yes.

SPT - - how can a microswitch make or break?

CDR I don't know, but there it is - the cover closed

right, we'll ... tape over and ...

20 29 45 CDR Okay, friendly recorder, we're coming up to the live

... on the EREP pass, and I'm going to call out all
my sites, Doe. That won't bother you, will it?


CDR Okay.

SPT If it does, I'll let you know.

CDR Okay.

20 30 06 SPT I got a lit;.._ ...

PLT You got a wh_.,q?

Dump Tape 150-13
Time: 20:10:46 to 20:52:03
Page 2 of i0

SPT Yes, I got 15 seconds - operate - -

PLT Clean ... good, Joe? All we've got is clouds.

SPT AA coming up -

20 30 29 SPT MARK. 30:30 and ALTIMETER to STAND BY. B6; the red
is on. 42; EREP starts.

PLT Yes, and all I'm looking at is clouds. Oh yes, we're

not in attitude yet. I still have to ... the pitch.

CDR Okay, 31:06-

20 31 06 CDR MARK. Red; stand by 31:12. This must be give the

test yield, EREP stop. 33:40 is the next - -

PLT Oh, I don't know what we did there. I was a little ...

DREW We crossed ... Okay, they wanted to get a look at


CDR Yes.

CREW Because they - -

CDR Okay.

CREW Probably because of what happened on checkup, every-

thing I don't know.

CDR Yes.

PLT Okay, still looking at nothing but clouds.

CDR Okay, we don't go again until 33:40.

PLT Okay.

20 31 38 (',DR And we go right away with a nadir align. And at

35:10, you got a AUTO -VTS auto cal.

PLT 35:10 - you'll kill me. I don't have it over here.

(_R Okay.
Dump Tape 150-13
Time: 20:10:46 to 20:52:03
Page 3 of i0

PLT Well, I'm looking 53 degrees ahead, Joe, and I can't

see any break in the clouds.

20 32 l0 PLT Well, going to ... magnification helps a little bit


PLT l'm getting a little better field of view.

SI_P That was a big cloud.

CDR (Laughter)

SPT (Laughter ) _ne eee |

20 32 30 CDR If this run lasts - takes B0 minutes, I'ii be a wreck.

PLT 30 minutes. (Laughter) That's why we're changing


CDR Yes.

PLT When we do, we got to clean the ends when we're

changing the tape.

CDR I don't know. We'll figure that later.

PLT Let me do it - -

CDR Get the ... out of the way.

PLT Okay.

20 32 h7 CDE See I loaded it - you can do what you want, I don't


PLT 0h, okeydoke, I -

CDR If you want, I'ii help you because I want to see it.

PLT l'm wanting to zoo how was it.

20 32 57 CDR That was easy Lc lead if ... sweated off. Tape

40 seconds, :,:r:::::
_. :_tart.

PLT Okay, we've got a lot of clouds coming u D here.

Dump Tape 150-13
Time: 20:10:46 to 20:52:03
Page 4 of l0

CDR Well, they were there yesterday off the coast -

where - we come in over Washington? The State of
Washingt on ?

PLT Yes, we come in over Klamath Falls.

CDR Yes, there was a lot of them yesterday, right up to

the coastline.

PLT Yes, I can see a big break out ahead.

20 33 28 PLT Okay, we got nothing but clouds ...

CDR Just a second. 5, 4, 3, 2, i -

20 33 39 CDR MARK. EREP. Start. i, 2 - altimeter ... nadir line.

PLT ...

CDR ... unlock mall light.

PLT Man, it's moving slow, isn't it?

CDR Yes.

PLT Slow as the simulator. Going to ..., - now you

know . ..

CDR Yes .... I can't get anything over there.

PLT Yes, it's flopping, and it's going clear to the edge
of the circuit pattern.

20 34 38 PLT Man, oh man, lot of clouds.

CDR Well, I have or don't have an unlocked light.

PLT Yes.

CDR I don't have a I_JgADYlight either.

i PLT Well, that'z cu_. That's supposed to be out.

CREW ...

20 35 00 CDR 55:10; you got auto cal.

Dump Tape 150-13
Time: 20:10:46 to 20:52:03
Page 5 of I0

PLT Okay.

CDR Stand by. 4, _, 2, i-

20 35 08 CDR MARK. Auto cad.

PLT ... I don't have no READY light to go by.

SPT And a lot of things.

PLT ...

(;DR 94 t o manual.

PLT It hasn't come up. It hasn't marked data, Pete.

I think you ought to retest it.

(',DR Okay, going to standby.

PLT Yes....

CDR And going back on - to ready out.

PLT Houston, we're on single gyro and Y. You might want

to look at that.

CDR Hey, you goofed me up again, darn it'

PLT ... do that.

CDR Yes, the decision ... was 36:34; I blew it.

PLT That's not here yet.

20 36 06 CDR I know, but I went to standby because you said

reject it.

PLT That started all over again ....

PLT I guess I been at the decision point of ... since

the coast.

CDR It went back ;_uits preset i, and it's doing fine.

SPT That's ...

Dump Tape 150-13
Time: 20:10:h6 to 20:52:03
Page 6 of l0

CDR It's 90 percent. C1390.

SPT ... leave it there then. I don't understand.

CDR I don't either. All is 45 percent and B-I is

45 percent.

SPT ... the coast. There's the coast at 37. Okay.

20 37 12 CDR Yes I - you ... something here on the altimeter,


SPT Okay.

(;DR I don't know what it meant to go to standby when

you told me to.

SPT I didn't tell - okay.

(',DR Well - you know, reject.

PLT So you think there's only 0.8 ...?

SPT That's what they tell me.

20 37 39 PLT Okay, Mode 137 45A .... Haven't gotten a ready on

that. Ready 808 A .... MODE AUTO on 19.

CDR Confirmed. How about that? Still looking through

the little hole in the clouds.

PLT What did you find?

20 38 26 CDR I found the site. Okay ...

PLT Very good. This thing turns very nicely, smoother

than the simulator.

20 38 51 CDR Okay_ 52. There's MODE AUTO on 90 and in-track con-

tiguous, in-track noncontiguous, out on 193A at 41:26.
Getting an intermittent altimeter unlock light. I
f--_ have MALF LIGHTS on o>_and 6 on S190.

PLT Going through ,]_ta?

CDR I have a - st_ll have an intermittent altimeter

unlock light on 190.
Dump Tape 150-13
Time: 20:10:46 to 20:5°:03
Page 7 of i0

PLT Okay....

CDR Okay. I noticed when switching 92 on, I had a

flashing recorder malf light as it shifted it into
high gear, but I think that's normal .... the
altimeter unlocked light on the S190.

20 40 18 SPT Then the one I got there was of - southern end of

Smoke Creek Desert, on that thing.

CDR And l'm standing by for hi:26 on 190 - ready, yes -

413 -

CDR The ready light still didn't go out. Stand by. Add
on, and 38, red on .... 36 is the next one. And I
do not have a ready light on - ... and I have a SCAT
X-mitter light. Did it turn it off?

PLT No_ no, only the yellow ones. Okay.

CDR Okay, we've got a SCAT X-mitter light.

PLT Okay, on to White Sands and tracking.

CDR Got to stand by at 36 RAD to - Stand by at :38. Okay,

standing by for 43:36.

20 43 33 CDR MARK. SKAT ON; RAD ON. Mode 2 on the altimeter.

PLT Okay, ... 47.

SPT All you ... the target and water.

CDR All right. Get a - -

PLT Okay.

CDR RAD/SCAT gimbal light occasionally. I still have a

SCAT X-mitter warning ]_ght on.

CDR And the next th_ng I'm waiting for - to get those
three here. i z.e_-da time out.

PLT Oh, man. Th_b's 28 now, we should have shot those

Corpus Christi sites today. I was going to look for
him and he snuck up on me. Dag nab it.
Dump Tape 150-13
Time: 20_:10:_6 to 20:52:03
Page 8 of i0

20 h6 09 CDR 2h. The light went out on 546 09 ... to STANDBY.

Add S193 - 36. 93A, ON. 91 POWER, OFF.

PLT Wait a minute. Why is - okay you going to turn -

never mind.

CDR Stand by.

PLT 191 has to be back on in about l0 seconds.

CDR Yes.

PLT Okay.

20 46 54 CDR MARK. It's ON.

PLT Okay. Okay .... It's pretty much in the clear,

Houston - going to get your data back. Camp ...
Canada, we're tracking over now.

CDR 37 -

PLT Finally made it. That 10-second burn was ... QA now,
is in pretty good shape.

CDR 5 - -

PLT ... We should have tried for those Corpus sites


CDR 35 - Check. S194 on -

SPT ..., now.

PLT Information, Houston. No further ... gimbal. 53 de-

grees at which point I can see Just a little bit of
the spectrometer coverage of the left flank.

PLT ... Yes. That'll go on tape anyway. Okay, that's it.

20 48 25 CDR Wait - wait - wait. _lat's not it for me, man. I

_ got to go on to, U;752.
Dump Tape 150-13
Time: 20:10:46 to 20:52:03
Page 9 of l0

CC Okay. While you're at a break, here, I want to point

out that the housekeeping that is called out for the
CDR and SPT coming up here shortly is that pole pro-
cedure which we up-linked. And Rusty will be stand-
ing by at Vanguard for any questions you may have on

20 48 46 (;DR Okay.

CC And in case you get to doing something here again -

I'll tell you now that we're about 2-1/2 minutes
from LOS, _nd Vanguard will be coming up at O1, and
we're scheduled for a recorder dump.

(;DR Ok ay.

PLT Roger, Hank. Did you get my call about the rate gyro?

CC Affirmative and ... looking at it.

20 49 08 PLT Okay, and we have a BATTERY CHARGE light on CBR

number 5.

CC ... Houston. Could you give us the READY light status?

CDR You want the READY light status?

CC Affirmative.

CDR Tape recorder READY LIGHT is 0N_ and 192 READY LIGHT
is OUT. The 191 READY LIGHT is OUT; the 190 READY
the 194 READY LIGHT is ON.

CC Thank you.

PLT I'm going to stop here. We didn't get a ... align.

CC ... later align.

PLT That's righ_ _t _carcned all the way round the box.
All the wa_ __,',.-_u_,i
the edges and ADC never _-ame off
the peg. iz _:as sittlng on about 35, never budged.

Dump Tape 150-13
Time: 20:I0:46 to 20:52:03
Page i0 of 10

CDR Well, I don't think we timed out right. I - I think

we're a little premature, so l'd like to -- run it
again. I shut it off too soon.

20 51 03 SPT Oh, maybe so, but I still think they've been all the
way around once.

CDR It may have.

SPT I want to close the door. We have no more - -

CC SPT, we're coming up on LOS. We'd like to enable

i and 3 gyros and go back to rate gyro then ...

SPT ...

PLT Roger.

SPT It's not that one, is it?

CDR ...

PLT It's okay to do that during the maneuver, huh?

CC ...

PLT Okay.

CDR You hear this thing. You can tell when ycu get to
the end -

CC ... We would like that map before we start back to

solar inertial.

SPT Okay. He's working on it.

20 52 03 CDR We ought to bring - -

- - Final •
DumpTape i_o-z4



Time Segments (GMT)

From To
20:_2:03 _ 20,:58:43

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I--I Nocommunications
I-1 Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
!-3 Other
Dump Tape 150-14
Time: 20:52_03 to 20:58:43
Page i of 3

20 52 03 CDR We ought to bring a thermometer up here and find out

how much the temperature is up. l'm flat cold.
h8 degrees.

CDR Reminds me of _V old ... at home. I was working down

there in the black dank shoveling coal in the steam-

PLT Here comes the star. There's a little green man sitting
on it.

CDR (Laughter)


PLT Oops.

PLT "Serialnumber 102," it says.

20 53 03 SPT You still with us, Houston?

PLT I ... don't think we need this anymore either, do you?

CDR Well, I - -

PLT You want to wait awhile?

CDR No, no, no.

PLT Okay, Okay.

PLT ... you're the only one ...

CDR Right .... I was wondering ... but, that's done it.

PLT Yes.

PLT ... already, Joe? ...You are getting so speedy.

SPT Look at all those commands in there - I don't even

remember them.

f-- PLT ...

CDR Where - where do we find all that stuff?

CDR Along that track.

Dump Tape 150-14
Time: 20:52:03 to 20:58:43
Page 2 of 3

CDR What's that?

20 55 06 CDR Look at that. Just ... my tape recorder behind the

S190 cameras_ and I only have ... number five is the
only one that shows a mall light.

CDR Yes.

CDR Yes.

SPT ... look at ... 90.

CDR Yes.

SPT ... you can answer ...

CDR Yes. That's a good idea - to rig this one the same

CDR Now I don't want to blow m_ pass, here.

PLT Gosh darn it!

CDR I don't think he gave the altimeter enough time ...

I'm going to go back - -

PLT ... - -

CDR Yes.

PLT ... I ... time change ...

CDR Right, right, right.

20 56 21 CDR *** 610, SCAT off 20 is SCAT on in 30; manual on 194.

Look at *** out at 57:22. S190.

CDR Okay...

20 57 03 CDR I get an occasional malf on 194 L-band radiometer.

It flashed oo and off Just now.

20 57 31 CDR *** at 40.


20 57 43 _DR SCAT OFF at 46.

20 57 54 CDR *** stop. That's it.

Dump Tape 150-14
Time: 20:52:03 to 20:58:43
Page 3 of 3

CDR Okay, camera number 5 malf light is still on.

CDR That's the end of the pass, anyway.

CDR •.. tape recorder.

20 58 12 CDR Yes.

SPT ... verify it .°.

CDR Yes. I agree.

CDR (Laughter)

CDR ... reading right.

20 58 _3 (,DR ***



F DumpTape 15o-15

( AM)

• TimeSegments

From To
21:i1:_2 21:22:24

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I-1 Nocommunications
I-7 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1 Other
Dump Tape 150-15
Time: 21:11:52 to 21:22:2h
Page 1 of 1

21 ll 52 CC Channel B recorder, for the EREP people. Tell that

during tape replacement on the tape recorder at fast
forward, with the fast forward light on, we get a
steady tape motion light.

21 22 2h PLT Hello, tape recorder, for the EREP people. The S190
desiccants are not near as blue as they were yesterday.
As a matter of fact, they're very light blue. I don't
know what the significance of that is; we'll watch it.
Apparently, it's Just more moisture getting in those
camera stations than we thought would. End of mes-

Final ".
DumpTape 15o-16


Time Segments (GMT)

From• To
21:51:54 21:52:56

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

r-I Nocommunications
are on tape.
i'-I Onlycommunications
r-I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I-I Other
Dump Tape 150-16
Time: 21:51:54 to 21:52:56
Page i of I

21 51 54 PLT Hello, tape recorder. For the contamination observa-

tion, STS window number 3 is perfectly clear. The
wardroom window, however, is another story. It has
the ice - piece of ice in the middle of it which we
previously described. It also has what appears to be
a dirty film, probably on the outside of the outer
pane because it has what appears to be water streaks
down it and since they do tend to the aft end of the
vehicle, I suspect that that same water was on the
pad. There is quite a bit of oily looking film. It's
hard to tell if it's on the inside or outside of the
outer pane. A few darker, dirty looking spots like
condensation. And in these tracks it looks like
some water has run down over the_rlndow.

21 52 56 PLT End of message on contAmlnation.

. ...,_ tin.

Final ",
DumpTape z51-oz


From- To
02:38:22 02:h0:15

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I--! Nocommunications
n Onlycommunications
n This tape is a verbatimduplicationof tape
n Other
Dump Tape 151-01
Time: 02:38:22 to 02:40:15
Page 1 of 1

02 38 22 CDR Hello, there, friendly ... and all. This is day 150
Evening Status Report, given to you by the CDR. Alfa
- for the CDR, 120; for the SPT, 70; for the PLT, who
now holds the new world's record, 260. Bravo - for
the CDR reads 627; for the SPT 7020; and for the PLT,
2353. Item Charlie - for the CDR 6.093, 6.093, 6.093;
for the SPT, 6.652, 6.652, 6.651, for the PLT, 6.830,
6.837, 6.830. Delta - for the CDR, it's a 2/15/1600,
a 1/02/0200; for the SPT, it's a 2/15/1850; for the
PLT, it's a 2/10/1200, a 1/05/0250. Item Echo - for
the CDR, none; for the SPT, none; for the PLT, none.
And that is the end of the Evening Status Report for
02 40 15 day 150. Bye - bye.


DumpTape z_z-o2


" TimeSegments

From ' To
ii._9,0 0 12,0_:2_

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
[-1 Nocommunications
[-1 Onlycommunications
[--1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1 Other
Dump Tape 151-02
Time: 11:49:00 to 12:04:24
Page i of i

ii 49 00 CDR Hello, tape recorder. Concerning the CO 2 dewpoint

monitor operation this morning, as I have a feeling
there is something wrong with our detecting equip-
ment. First the Allen wrench part of the one batch
of screws stripped out on first application. We
had to get a hammer and a screwdriver and make our
own prod to open it with a screwdriver. Then when
I opened it, around the port A hold was a consider-
able quantity of film of dried, white power-like
substance, almost as though something inside the
port for A had broken and float - flowed out around
it and subsequently dried. Then I went ... performed
a protocol and each of the four locations - the
three sleep compartments and at the MOLSIEVE inlet
- the MOLSIEVE A, the readings were all the same.
CO 2 - also temperatures and these readings were:

C02, 12 part - Correction, C02, 12 millimeters of

mercury; temperature, 85; dewpoint, 45. The MOLSIEVE
readings are: MOLSIEVE A inlet, 3.5; temperature
in, 62; dewpoint, 48. End of message.

12 03 16 PLT Tape recorder, PRD readings this morning. The PRD

reading in the PLT sleep compartment reads 06040.

PLT The PRD reading in the experiment department is 44025.

12 04 24 PLT The PRD reading in the forward area is 18038.

Final "-
n DumpTape _5_-o3


• TimeSegments(GMT)

-From ' To
12:47:50 12:49:3_

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-1 Nocommunications
l-1 Onlycommunications
on tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
17 Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationoftape....
IC] Other

•r ._
Dump Tape : 151-03
Time: 12:47:50 to 12:49:34
Page i of i

12 47 50 SPT Good morning, B. channel. This is the SPT answering

his day 115 (sic) evening questions. Question num-
ber _ on water purification, the PLT did that. He
states that the color development was rapid. Ques-
tion number 5: during the flare drill, S082A, was
operated in the flare mode for approximately h minutes.
Number 6: on the S055 high voltage - Let me answer
kind of 6, 7, and 8 by giving a little chronology
of it. We were doing zero line scans with all re-
Jectors rating zero, and the detectors would all come
on the line normally. The interval between turning
the detectors on was about 1 second. The order was:
i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 5 - l, 2, 3. 7, 6, 5. Sorry.
As usual the PLT indications were normal. There was
no immediate trip-out until the mode was started, at
which time I would look back to check on it a minute
or so later, and it would have tripped out -with a
SCAN SPEC light and no READY, and no OPERATE; and
three times I reinitiated by shutting all the de-
tectors off, and all the detectors on again; and the
same thing would happen. The fourth time, I left
detectors 5 and 6 off and turned the others on, and
the mode continued normally. During no other mode
12 h9 34 except during light scan has the ejector ever tripped


Final •


• TimeSegments(GMT)

From To
14:19:13 14:35:49

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

i-! Nocommunications
I-1 Onlycommunications
ontapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1 Other
Dump Tape 151-04
Time: 14:19:13 to 14:35:49
Page i of i

14 19 13 CDR Hello. Friendly B Channel. Message 0719 Delta. The

answer to question l: following ... S082 mode, does
the OPERATING light stay ON? We haven't tried AUTO
1 yet, but it stays on TIME and AUTO 2. Question 2:
When the S082A door opens the next time, is the READY
light or OPERATE light on? The answer is: The READY
light is ON when we start the experiment the first
time; the OPERATE light comes on, then stays on for-
ever until you cycle the doors. Question number 3
we'll have the answer for you a little later today,
but as I remember you asked yesterday, "Have you
noticed any drift around H-alpha pointing around i
minute before sunset?" And the answer to that is l've
noticed some drift, but I don't think it's as far back
as i minute. We'll check that. That's it for now.

14 35 49 CDR Hello, Friendly B Channel. This is the CDR with

another comment for the follow-on crew. We have had a
fair amount of trouble with the 16 millimeter 400 foot
magazine combination running all the time. But the
first thing is all the noises that you're used to
hearing on the ground - the clickity clack, clack,
clatter, click clack - it does not do that at all up
here in zero G. It's a whole new set of sounds that
you have to see. And also you don't get the Jerking
dragged out for some reason that you see on the take-
up spool as it's first treading. And a - Practically
the only way you can check it is - if you really got a
good tread is to do all the things, and then take
your pen and mark - take the magazine off, mark the
frame, put it back on the camera, and run it again to
see if it's gone through. But it's an entirely dif-
ferent set of sounds up here. So all your good train-
ing down on the ground running that thing, you can
neglect them.


- DumpTape 1_1-o5

(_ )


From ' To
15:_o:0_ 16:_:_8 .

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

!-1 Nocommunications
I-1 Onlycommunications
I-I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I-] Other
Dump Tape 151-05
Time: 15:50:05 to 16:_5:58
Page i of 3

15 50 05 PLT Tape recorder this is M133 on the SPT.

SPT ii

]?LT Oh? Oh_ MI31. MI31 for the SPT. The time is
15:50 GMT. Ha. Ha.

13PT End of message.

16 30 31 SPT Friendly channel B, this is the SPT with the M131-2

debriefing question. It's more difficult to stand by
one's might.

SPT Okay. We will note, first of all, that the point

planning time allotted for the -2 run was sufficient.
That is _5 minutes per subject. Now back to the ques-
tion. It is more difficult relative to ground base
trials. The internal frames of the reference appear
to be as easy as they ever were. However, the external
frame of reference fittings represent pretty much
pure guess work. It's a pure visual turnaround. You
look at the workshop, you intellectually figure out
what angle you're at to it. You know, I'm pitched
about 20 degrees, and I'm rolled about 15 degrees.
And then you set - you close your eyes, and you set
the pointer to the internal frame of reference to the
... by those stored-in-memory amounts of degrees. So
you're not really using the vestibular apparatus to
m_e thisexternal frame reference Judgment at all.
And since it's difficult for the visual system, I
think, to Judge small angles like that very accurately
and then to set them in, the errors are probably go-
ing to be large, but they ought to be more or less
random. At least over a period of time.

13PT Now any conflicts between sensory cues for making

Judgments in perspective to the external frame of
reference? No, I simply noticed the absence of the
overriding gravity clue or cue, which makes it so
easy in one g to detect how far you're pointed off
the vertical. In answering question l, I said that
we estimated visually the number of degrees off the
vertical and the horizontal that you were, and that's
true, but it's much more difficult to deal with zero g
than it is one g because you don't have that gravity
clue. Did I - in answer to number 3 - no, never a
vestibular sense to the upright. The brain, I'm
Dump Tape 151-05
Time: 15:50:05 to
Page 2 of 3

convinced, gives you it's own frame of reference all

the time, hut in zero g this frame of reference is up

there on left
time you want to right
it to reference
change. And frame;
it does changes any
not occur
to be influenced by the vestibular system. Answer
to number 4 is no.

16 33 34 SPT Number 5 is a very good question, because in the

OGI mode yesterday, both the PLT and myself noticed
that the very low settings for line target appeared
to move slowly back and forth with a period of 1 to 2
seconds. I noticed today that the same thing occurred,
and obviously it's a - not related to rotation. It's
a drift that we have where headed steady here at
zero g - It's a left-right, left-right, 1 to 2 second,
small amplitude, but noticeable calculation. And
number 6, no additional co-,_ent. Oh, yes, I do have
one. In the litter mode, since one is strapped to
the litter only by a very inadequate Velcro strap
around the chest; you tend to flack, to Jackknife,
and it's very difficult to keep straight and to
keep down on the - on the chair. When you get a ...
in your litter mode data, would you mind - keep in
mind that the internal frame of reference might not
be parallel to the litter, but at some angle to it.

$PT Ok_, t_ape recorder, here's the data from the SPT_s
M131-2 run, table 1. I'll read pitch and then roll
for each of the ten steps. Table l: 8.5, 304.5;
O, 303.6; 1.5, 304.0; 1.5, 306.3; 3.0, 304.0; 13.5,
299.2; 11.5, 304.3; 6.0, 300.7; 7.0, 301.4; 4.0, 304.8.

SPT Table 2. 197, 183; 207, 183; 206, 185; 212, 180;
215, 180; 215, 186; 221, 184; 224, 185; 222, 180;
222, 176.

SPT Okay, table 3. Are you hanging in there with me, kids?
213, 186; 218, 187; 219, 185; 218, 183; 218, 186; 220,
187; 226, 189; 221, 187; 220, 187; 213, 191.

• SPT Table number 4: 4.0, 305.7; 3.0, 302.0; 0.0, 304.8;

7.0, 304.6; 10.0, 304.0; 10.0, 309.0; 5.0, 311.1;
3.0, 312.0; 6.0, 308.1; 13.0, 306.7.

16 40 38 SPT There's got to be a better way to do this stuff for

your sake and mine. Right?
_ Dump Tape151-05
Time: 15:50:05 to 16:45:58
Page 3 of 3

S_T Table 5. ll0, 168; iii, 163; ll4, 162; ll4, 162;
i17, 166; 203, 187; 206, 188; 210, 185; 203, 185;
200, 188.

S_ Table 6. 12_, 171; 127, 172; i13, 172; ll6, 173; i19,
172; 208, 180; 20h, 176; 205, 176; 209, 181; 213, 181;
allelulia, that's it for that run.

16 45 58 SPT Partisan B channel. This is the M131 SL mode test on

the PLT. The date is - I don't know - day 151, and
the time is quarter till 7 pm ...

r DumpTape _51-o6

(_ )


From- To
17:20:44 17:50:33

Time and voice good

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I'-] Nocommunications
are on tape.
!"-1 Onlycommunications
on tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
r-3 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I-3 Other
Dump Tape 151-06
Time: 17:20:44 to 17:50:33
Page 1 of 1

17 20 44 PLT Hello, tape recorder. This is the PLT - these are

PLT's comments after his M131-2 run. Question I,
degree of difficulty: it was much more difficult due
to the lack of a gravity back there. It was quite
difficult, as a matter of fact. That angle, I think,
is quite small for making - to be able to ... Number
2, conflicts between sensory cues: they were hardly
worrying me; so there were no conflicts. A positive
sense of the upright at anytime: no, not really.
I'm not sure now I understand what you mean by the
question. Okay, assuming that a foot [?] and three
means a positive sense such as the gravity vector,
the answer is negative. Judgments influenced by
auditory cues or other environmental factors: nega-
tive. Did the line target appear stable: pretty
much. It did have that same sort of lateral oscilla-
tion that Dr. Kerwin, the SPT, noted after his run,
previous. He described it Just as I would. As he
mentioned, it showed up first in the rotating mode,
yesterday. And I have no additional comments or
obseryations. Bye.

17 50 33 CDR Hello there, friendly channel B. Just a little bit

for the Sh87 checklist writers. While activating the
M487 1-A sound-level meter/frequency analyzer, down
at the bottom of page l-l, it says discard black
microphone cover. And the cover is white with green
wire wrapped around it. That's it.

I-- Dump Tapez51-o-r


Time Seglnents (GMD

From To
]51:18:31:XX ]51:20:II:XX

This dumptape has been"cancelled" for the following reason:

I-3 No communications are on tape.
i-1 Only communications on tape are CO/WvtTECHchecks.
/ i This tape is a verbatim duplicatio_ of tape
[_,Other B_ildin_
3'D personnel indicate that these

_ dump data are contained on tape 151-09.

r_ DumpTape_5i-o8



From ' To

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:

ITI Nocommunications
[-I Onlycommunications
!-3 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
i--1 Other
i- Dump Tape

(AM )

Time Segments (GMT)

From To
18: 33:24 20:Oh:Q8

Partial duplication of text of tape 151--12. duDiQcatas ti_es_ 20:00:24 to 20:0_:i0.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

L-3 Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I-I Only communications
on tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I--I, This tapeis a verbatimduplicatio'nof tape
I--I Other
/- Final
Dump Tape 151-09
Time: 18:33:24 to 20:04:08
Page 1 of 5

18 33 2h SPT Contamination observation on window - STS window 2.

The window itself is clean. However, it has several
linty particles on the outside. The_e come from the
fact that on all STS windows, which I neglected to
mention before, this is one of the most noticeable
looking into the Sun, is that as you open and close
the window cover, it rubs over that silver foil in-
sulation and frays it. And the backing material ap-
pears to be some kind of cloth, and that causes linting.

19 13 14 PLT Hello, B channel. This is the PLT with the M487-3

Alfa. Going to page 3-3 on restraints and mobility
aids. The fireman's pole we have not used yet because
we have not needed it. The OWS dome and wall handrails
have, on occasion, been of some use primarily for
stability. They are not used for transiting the dome
or forward areas. We do that by polnt-to-point
translations free floating. Same thing with the STS
handrailsand the MDA. We've generally found that
you just move about this vehicle by, as I say, Just
oushing off and translating from point to point. You
usethese handrails, but you use whatever is available;
a surface - The mol sieve surface, the back of the
ATM chair; whatever you need Just to give yourself a
little tweaks to keep yourself tr_m_ed up. The hand-
rails are not needed for translation. Handholds and
handrails are needed for stability. And on occasion,
for example, yesterday when I vacuum cleaned the
plenum inlet screen at the top of the domeL I found
the ducts themselves very handy for footholds. I'd
wrap my legs around them and use that to stablize my-
self while I was vacul,m4ug the screen. The triangular
shoes in the grid have come in very handy. The mode
we've gotten into usually, most of the time, is you
only hook in one shoe. Consequently, we've been try-
ing off and on, we'll comment on it later, on two
triangles as opposed to one triangle and one mushroom.

19 15 03 PLT The water tank foot platform has been used on occasion
when working in a dome locker. I think it's been
necessary and useful. Again, the usual use for myself
has been to hook one foot in one of the triangular

19 15 21 PLT The ATM foot platform has been used so far only to
hold the captain's chair. We have been using the
captain's chair almost exclusively at the ATM.
Dump Tape 151-09
Time: 18:33:2h to 20:04:08
Page 2 of 5

The portable foot restraint _la_Q_rm_in the MDA: the

CDB used it yesterday for an EREP run, and it appear-
ed to work quite well. He said he was quite happy
with it. The portable PGA foot restrai'nts we have not
used. Portable handholds: the only place we've really
used them is in the vicinity of the bicycle ergometer,
and we - were attempting to figure out how in heaven's
name we can really ride that bicycle and get some work
done in a fairly reasonable m-nner. Portable equipment
restraints: you could never have too many of those,
... Sethers, bungees, universal mounts. The one thing
that you're always looking for in a vehicle and we
neve _ -there a_re never toqm-_y straps or Velcro -
correction: not straps, snaps - never too many snaps
or Velcro patches in the vehicle itself. The ATM
seat/backrest restraint has been used. It's got the
airline _pipe belt-onitj-which is a necessity. Velcr0
Just doesn't do the Job in zero g for a belt. You
look at the belt on the MI31 chair, and it is practical-
ly negative, useless. The conical shoe cleats, we
are still evaluating. They come in handy at times in
that they are quick and easy to use relative to the
triangles; however, the one drawback to them is that
occasionally they get caught in the grid when you don't
want them to. Let's see now. Waste management: " !, _
as a new boy, and hearing horror stories from the old
heads, have been ... deliriously surprised with the
operation of the waste management equipment, the fecal
c_llection and the urinecollection both.--The air
stream on the fecal collection unit works quite well.
You must - I have found personally that you must use
the belt, and I must use the handhold and pull myself
down on the seat to _a_e sure you get a good seal.
The better the seal you got around the lid of the seat,
the better the equipment seems to work. The urine
collection equipment: once we found out that it didn't
work right unless you had a fecal bag in, otherwise
you don't get enough suction to the urine receiver,
works quite well. It is - it stays surprisingly clean,
and after some 4 days of use, the urine receiver and
hose has no odor, which I was concerned about prior
to launch.

19 19 37 PLT Okay. Pressing on to page 3-h, food management. The

wardroom table is, as far as an eating station, is
very nice. Just like training. The thigh restraints
I use two ways: either as designed or I also hook
Dump Tape 151-09
Time: 18:33:24 to 20:04:08
Page 3 of 5

my knees over the innermost of the two crossmembers.

I find that I personally don't use the foolstraps at
all. I Just hook my knees over the thigh restraints
and, with light pressure on the toes aga_instthe
table pedestal, maintain myself in position there.
So that covers the first three, I guess. The food
reconstitution dispenser is - is good. Le-5 me look
at your definitions.

19 23 20 PLT Okay, tape recorder. I find that for I don't know

how long I'ye been holding the record switch up on
this C0_4 bOX instead of the intercom box. Hopefully,
(cough) I got the run down on work restraints. ± got
page 3-3 on there. I'll do page 3-4 over again. The
wardroom table is convenient. It's - we've been using
itJus_t-as-we have in training. The thigh restraints
I use two ways. One is to put my legs in in the ...
method. The other is I hook my knees over the inner-
most of the two crossmembers and with light toe pres-
sure against the work table pedestal, I maintain
position that way. The foot restraint - for either
the straps or the tri_le fittings I haven,t been
using at _ll. Food reconstitution dispenser: those
water dispensers need some kind of handhold in their

19 24 16 PLT It's fairly difficult to press down on it, especially

a Juice bag, which is filling and unpleating it's
accordian style at the same time. I think we need some
sort of small fingerhold not a handhold, right around
those water dispensers. The water gun works, as I
suppose you know, it's easy to use. It takes about
three shots of water before you get chilled water,
but that's all right. The food tray has worked out
fine. The beverage dispensers are too small. Each
accordian dispenser that you put in there for each
accordian container we put in there seems to be around
1.05 times as big as the drawer's design. The drawers
need to be about l0 percent bigger than they are.
They're hard to open, hard to close, hard to get drinks
in and out of. The freezing dispenser has worked fine.
The eating utensils have worked fine. It is a necessity
that they be held in place magnetically. The teaspoon,
I still think, is too small. Although I have brought
my large spoon down out of the command module. The
miscellaneous column, the sleep restraint is extremely
useful, versatile, and very good, I think. You can
Final --
Dump Tape 151-09
Time: 18:33-2h to 20:0h:08
Page 4 of 5

quote "lie" unquote in any position you want. On your

back, on your side, on your stomach, with as many
covers as you want. It's all been quite nice. Trash
airlock - is all right. Right now the opening seals
in the lid are in very good shape. Plus that it takes
a pretty good heave. You either have to lie down,
straddle the thing, and really muscle and twist down
on it in order to release the interlock so you can get
the lid lock up over where two people have to use it.
We have also taken to taking our urine bags and folding
them double and wrapping them in 5 or 6 turns of gray
tape. It was because we had a slight palpitation the
first night in. W e dumped some urine bags from the
co--,=md module and evidently they had quite a bit mere
air in them than these urine bags have had. But we put
it in, put the urine bags in, dumped the airlock, tried
to push it out with the ejector, and it would only
move - It hardly seemed like it moved at all.

19 26 46 PLT When you tried to take a look, tried to close the outer
door and could not, it was obvious that what was in
there was stuck part way out. So we thought that on
day 2 of the mission, we had already lost the trash
airlock. However, by Judicious application of force,
we finally got the thing rammed down, decided that
it was the air in the bags expanding the bags being
exposed to vacuum and Just flat being too big for
airlock had JRmmed it in there. So subsequently, as
I say, we've taken to wrapping them with tape. The
vacuum cleaner was used as such for the first time
last night to clean the - all inlet screens to all
fans. It worked very well. It was use d mainly on the
flat debris screen surfaces where you could get at
them without any attachment on it at all. Now on a
couple of fans where I had to come in on an angle I
used the crevice tool, I believe it's called, and
cleaned it that way. The wardroom table is, as far as
noneating uses, has been used sometimes as a working
table and kind of reading checklists and sometimes
working on small equipment. That is the end of
487-3 Alfa.

19 28 17 PLT Tape recorder, if you missed any item on page 3-3 on

this h87-3 Alfa, let me know and I'll do them again
in case I was holding the record switch up instead of
intercom switch for that.
Dump Tape 151-09
Time: 18:33:24 to 20:04:08
Page 5 of 5

19 35 12 PLT Tape recorder, for the MI31 on the SPT. We consider

the first two steps that we did yesterday on the OGI
mode to be validated; therefore we're picking up with
the third step today at level 8. The subject's state
of fitness is cranky as usual; therefore, no concern
or use.

20 00 23 PLT MI31 on the SPT: the nitrogen pressure on the chair

is 1200.

20 O0 59 SPT Tape recorder, this is the SPT with the debriefing

from M131 OGI mode. Question number l: I had a slight
sense of rotati_on at the last step Y only. Question
_umber 2: yes, and I debriefed on this previously
that the light target occasionally exhibits the tend-
ency to oscillate back and forth slowly. And it seem-
ed to occur both at the_low steps and _hen to some
extent at the higher steps. It's superimposed on the
z illusion, or rather the illusion is superimposedon
it. And I think it accounts for the irregularity of
some of my responses. The only additional observations
I have are on the hardware. The misaligment between
biteboard and goggle is such that it's impossible for
me to hold the biteboard in my teeth and still have
a light leak - or a light seal through the goggles.
I have to almost swallow the biteboard in order to
get a light seal. Then, of course, the settings tend
to change because of zero g. And I've noti.-ed that
it's very easy in zero g to let the biteboard supporter
float up from its stop, which destroys the angle be-
tween your horizontal canal and the axis of rotation.
You have to be very conscious about not letting it do
that. That's all.

• 20 0_ 08 PLT Note of interest for MI31 for the MS mode. In zero

gravity you float up out of the chair such that it is -
We don't remember whether we debriefed this on the
tape or not yesterday. You float up out of the chair,
and you Just cannot reach the proximity detectors;
therefore, we are going to continue this flight with-
out using them.



Time Segments (GMT)

From To
20:56:5_ 21:56:39

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-1 Nocommunications
are ontape.
I-1 Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
i--I Other
Dump Tape 151-10
Time: 20:56:54 to 21:56:39
Page i of i

20 56 5h SPT B channel, the PLT's M092 calf circtmferences: left,

lh-I/8; right, 13-7/8.

SPT And, tape recorder, the ID numbers on the PLT's

leg bands are: left leg, Bravo Juliet; right leg,
Alfa Delta.

SPT The PLT is isolated in his usual fashion from the

LBNPD - Very poorly.

SPT Channel B, due to a delay in getting back to you on

the PLT, we're starting the vacum portion of the run
in 18 minutes elapsed time, rather than 20. You'll
have 7 minutes to baseline data.

21 _2 50 SPT B channel, the PLT's M171: the CAL N2, 02, CO 2 bottle
pressure is 16h5.

21 51 29 SPT M171, the CAL H20 gas bottle pressure is 1527.

21 55 02 SPT Channel B, the M171 MS SAMPLE INLET GAS PRESSURE

is 5.003.

21 55 h6 SPT The percent oxygen is 75.16. Percent water is 3._2.

Percent CO 2 is 1.90.

21 56 39 SPT Okay, tape recorder. The SAMPLE INLET GAS PRESSURE

is, once again, 5.003.

_.-- Dump Tape


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
20:00:2h 22:27:11

The period 20:00:2h to 20:0h:10 is an inferior duplication of the text of tape 151-09
but the times do not 8_ree.
Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:
I-1 Nocommunications
i-1 Onlycommunications
II TECHchecks.
I-!, Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape .
I-! Other
Dump Tape 151-12
Time: 20:00:24 to 22:27:11
Page 1 of 2

20 00 24 SPT For M131 on the SPT. The nitrogen pressure on the

chair is 1200.

20 00 59 SPT Tape recorder, this is the SPT with the debriefing

from M131 0GI mode. Question number l: I had a
slight sense of rotation at the last step - only.
Question number 2: Yes, and I debriefed on this
previously that the light target occasionally
exhibits the tendency to oscillate back and forth
slowly, and it seemed to occur both at the low steps
and then to some extent at the higher steps. It's
superimposed on the - on the - on the - No, on the
illusion - or rather the illusion is superimposed on
it. And I think it accounts for the - the irregu-
larity of some of my responses. And the only addi-
tional observations I have are on the hardware. The
misallgnment between biteboard and goggle is such
that it is impossible for me to hold the biteboard
in my teeth and still have a light leak - or a light
seal through the goggies. I have to 8_-_st swallow
the biteboard in order to get a light seal. And, of
course, the settings tend to change because of the
zero g. And I've noticed that it's very easy in
zero g to let the biteboard supporter float up from
its stop, which destroys the angle between you hor-
izontal canal and the axis of rotation. You have to
be very conscious about not letting it do that.
That's all.

20 04 l0 SPT Note of interest for M131 for the MS mode. In zero

gravity you float up out of the chair such Chat it
is - We don't remember whether we debriefed on this
the tape or not yesterday. You float up out of the
chair and you Just cannot reach the proximity detec-
tors. Therefore, we are going to continue this
flight without using them.

21 08 55 SPT The PLT is isolated in his usual bench in front of

LBNPD - very poorly.

21 16 53 SPT Channel B, due to a delay of getting vacuum on the

PLT, we're starting the vacuum portion of the run in
18 minutes elapsed time rather than 20. You'll have
7 minutes of baseline data.
Dump Tape151-12
Time: 20:00:24 to 22:27:11
Page 2 of 2

22 02 22 CDR And hello, friendlytape recorder. This is you friend-

ly new CDR S019 experimenter with the 270 exposures
off and running on time.

22 14 09 CDR Okay, friendly B channel. S019 270 exposures ter-

minated on time, And the 90's starting.

22 15 18 CDR MARK. The 90 exposures terminated on time on S019.

22 15 40 CDR MARK. The 30-second one's started.

22 16 05 CDR MARK. The 30-second one completed.

22 17 51 CDR MARK. S019 star field 309 270's started.

22 21 2h CDR And S019 - That's really star field 309 - I can't

read the nearest stars - got 270 exposure stopped on
time and the 90's started.

22 22 3h CDR 90 exposure completed on time on S019.

22 22 53 CDR Thirty-second exposure started on S019.

22 23 20 CDR Thirty-second exposure complete.

22 25 26 CDR MARK; 270 exposure on star field 556 started.

22 27 ii SPT Okay, this is in the - end of run on MI71. 02 is

71.49. Water is 7.13. And C02 is 1.94.

DumpTape 151-_3


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
00:37:13 01:09:32

Voice - good; Time - good

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I-7 Onlycommunicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
!_7 This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
Dump Tape 151-13
Time: 00:37:13 to 01:09:32
Page I of i

O0 37 13 CDH Hello, friendly B channel. This is the CDR.

00:37:16 CDB MARK. Liter bag dump initiate at 00:37:23.

01 08 05 SPT B channel, SPT with a report on the 00:16 ATM run.

Active region 18 was the object of study. It is one
area of reasonably bright plage on active region 18.
I noted that is w_s possible to peak detector 1 very
easily. The background was running between 50 and 75,
and over the area of plage, it was running 5 to 600,
with very sharp discrimination and very colinear with
the H-alpha display. This was surprising and pleasing,
and it should be passed on to the training people.
That's about it on solar discovery. The - about the
only thing I remembered doing wrong on the building
block was I prematurely started S056 and 82B - Just
prior to step B of building block _ without pointing
properly and I immediately stopped and, I guess, proba-
bly wasted a frame each. End of message.

01 09 32 CDE Hi, friendly B channel. Here is the old CDR tonight

with ds_ 151 Evening Status Report. Alpha, CDR, 160;
SPT, ii0; PLT, 230. Item Bravo: CDR, 370h; SPT, 7121;
PLT, 2h6L item Charlie: CDB, 6.128, 6.125,
6.124_ SPT, 6.681, 6.678, 6.68h; PLT, 6.816, 6.819,
6.823. Dump today was zero for the CDR, zero for the
SPT, and zero for the PLT. Item Echo: CDR, none; SPT,
none; and PLT, none. That's it for tonight. Good



' TimeSegments(GMT)

From To
02:26:50 02:39:00

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for thefollowingreason:
[] Nocommunications
are ontape.
I-] Onlycommunications
17 Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I-1 Other


Dump Tape 152-01
Time: 02:26:50 to 02:39:00
Page 1 of 1

02 26 50 PLT Hello, tape recorder, this is the PLT. Are your

white light coronagraph Ph0 aligned? Be advised, I
was running the procedure per the checklist and when
I got to the step to run in RAD/SCAT, I had to drive
it back to less than 6-arc seconds off before I could
get the READY light. And after, I started operating
that at 6-arc seconds off, instead of the 20, which
I had appointed previously.

CDR Hello, Pete; ... hello. We have ... frames remaining

on the ATM. They fired out further ... off, ended
today. H-ALPHA lh297; S056, 5108; S082A is a stan-
dard 182; S082B is 1336; S052 is 7251; S054 is 5918.

02 39 00 CDR Hello, sunny B channel. This is the CDR with a late

Joke. I forgot my cleaning the UF tape recorder this
morning. It was not dirty anywhere except on the
right pitch roller. It was dirty on the right pitch
roller, and it was quite dirty. It took about four
to five tips to clean it. But otherwise, it wasn't
any dirt hardly at all anywhere else in the tape
recorder. Please pass to the EREP group. Thank you.
Good night.


__ DumpTape z52-o2



From To
02:52:XX 03:03:XX

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
m No communications are on tape.
[-I Onlycommunications
i--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
[-1 Other
DumpTape 152-o3



From To

Time erratic; voice good

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

17 No communications are on tape.
I--I Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
!-1 This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I--I Other

Dump Tape 152-03
Time: 03:57:04
Page i of i

03:57:04 CDR Hello, B channel. I got a late addition - a late

addition. Will you take this, B channel? This is a
late addition to the Evening Status Report. On day
151, it seems that the CDR and SPT, both, managed to
get their exercise in, tonight. So, to Evening Status
Report, please add Delta exercise, CDR: 2/15/1500.
For the SPT: 2/15/1850. End of message. Nighty,

DumpTape 152-o_


From To
].h'_5.'23 15,3_:16

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I No communications are on tape.
[] Ontycommunicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
[] [his tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I-3, Other
DumpTape 152-04
Time: 14:45:23 to 15:34:16
Page i of i

14 45 23 CDR Hello, B channel; this is the CDR on the subject of

half urine samples. The cell cards and the ... probe
and checklist that we have and the urine tray were
all set up, so that our flrst-day sample went in the
flrst-day slot. And, therefore, we are very happy
with the way our urine collection of both full and
half samples is going. And we see no need for you
to bother us with that subject anymore. Because we
think you, on the ground, either don't have the
cards that we have or you are wrong. And we'll talk
about it on day 31. End of message.

15 34 16 PLT Hello, B channel. This is the PLT, with some changes

for the Stowage books. On page 2-22 Alfa, under CSM
stowage cleanup: The binoculars are now in W714;
LCG PCUwater adapters are in D - Delta 422; the
charcoal canister, adapter masks, and bags are all
in dome 426; the TDI detector kit - the whole thing -
is in dome 426. End of message. And for your
additional edification the CO monitor kit that was
launched in the cnmmand module is in dome 426. The
launch spin bag is in dome 400, and the spare over-
bags - a - a general collection of spare overbags to
put things in - is in dome 424.


( AM)


From To

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

r-1 Nocommunicationsare on tape.
i-7 Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
r-1 This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape _.
l-1 Other
Dump Tape 153-01 _
Time: _ 01:h4:26
Page I of i

01 _ 26 CDR Hello, friendly B Channel. This is the CDR with the

day 152 Evening Status Report being given to you at
153:01:_:40. Alfa: for the CDR, i_2; for the SPT,
170_ for the PLT, 250. Remarks for Alfa are the
Sl_2's urine volume of 170. There was a good deal of
air in the bag, and this volume is probably high.
Bravo: 3735 for the CDR; for the SPT, 71_5 ; for
the PLT, 2618. Charlie: for the CDR, 6.091, 6.089,
6.087; for the SPT, 6.658, 6.655, 6.656; for the
PLT, 6.82_, 6.82_, 6.820. Delta: CDR, 2/11/1500;
for the SPT, 2/12/1776; for the PLT, 2/12/1700. Also,
for the PLT, 1/05/0250. Echo is none. That's the
end of the Evening Status Report for day 152. Out.

DumpTape 3.53-o2

( AM)


From To
03 15 13

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

r-I Nocommunicationsareon tape.
[7 Only communicationson tapeare CO/VIM
I-I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
F-I, Other
Dump Tape 153-02
Time: 03:15:13 --"
Page 1 of 1

03 15 13 PLT ... PLT with comments on the shower. The shower is

feasible and pleasant. It takes a long time to get
the water up, because you don't have enough blower
power. And about an hour per man can be time lined
for the shower. End of message. (Music)

Dump Tape 153-o3


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
11:18:57 ll:40:bl

This dump tape has been "cancelled" for the following reason.
I-3 Nocommunicationsareon tape.
I--1 ()nly communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
I--1 This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
I--1. ()ther
Voice : Fair

Time : Good "

Dump Tape 153-03
Time: ii:18:57 to 11:40:41
Page i of 1

ii 18 57 SPT Okay, B channel, it is about ll:30, and the PRD

readings are as follows: in the center sleep
station, 06059; in the wardroom, 440 - That's
in the experiment compartment, excuse me -
44056; and by the minus-Z SAL, 16053.

ll 40 41 PLT Tape recorder, pass to Captain Bean and his

bunch - that when threading film 16-millimeter
DAC magazine that - As long as the lever is in
the thread position, it acts Just like it does
- did in training. However, when you go to
operate, the camera _ediately becomes much
quieter and, for some reason, any loops that
were on the takeup reel which were evident
due to the film remaining ball bouncing back
and forth - disappear, and you have a good
tight windup.

Dump Tape 153-o4A


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
12:42:52 12:43:25

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason-

i--I No communications are on tape.
I-1 Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
r-I This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
I--I ()ther
Dump Tape 153-04A
Time: 12:42:52 to 12:43:25
Page i of 1

12 42 52 PLT Details for photographing for the photography

people: the frame counter on Hasselblad
magazine, CX05, stopped operating at 64. We
were troubleshooting, we advanced a couple, we
took the magazine off, made a mark on the film,
advanced it once; the mark was gone. We assumed
the magazine is functioning normally. We are
doing our best to keep track of how many frames
we've used onboard.

12 43 25 PLT And we are now at 12:45 Zulu today at about a

count of 68 on that magazine.

-- ---- Final
Dump Tape 153-o6

( AM)


From To
15:09:26 15:29:55

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-1 Nocommunications
areon tape.
I--i Onlycommunications
i-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-3 Other
Dump Tape 153-06
Time: 15:09:26 to 15:29:55

Pagei of i __
15 O9 26 PLT

15 29 55 PLT Hello, B channel. This is an operational comment

for you to pass on to Captain Bean, please, and
the next crew. When you're using triangle shoes,
there are not really as many spaces available in
this grid to hook your feet into as you may think.
You get next to high beams, you got equipment or
gear or bolts sticking up throughout and you just
- you really got to look around and find a place;
and especially when you want to hook both feet in,
to secure yourself, you really got to look at it
and think about it.

Dump Tape I_3-o7

( TM )


From ' To

Inferior duplication of segment of Tape 153-06

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I--I ()nly communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I--I This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
i-! ()ther
Dump Tape 153-07 _.
Time: 15:29:55
Page 1 of 1

15 29 55 PLT Hello, B channel. This is an operational comment

for you to pass on to Captain Bean, please, and
the next crew. When you're using triangle shoes,
there are not really as many spaces available in
this grid, to hook your feet into as you may
think. You get next to high beama, you got
equipment or gear or bolts sticking up throughout,
and you Just - you really got to look around and
find a place; and especially when you want to
hook both feet in to secure yourself, you really
got to look at it and think about it.

Dump Tape ___3-o8



From To
17 :33 :h4.

Voice : Poor Time: Good

Thisdumptapehas been"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I--I Onlycommunicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I"-I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I--I Other
Dump Tape 153-08 _.
Time: 17:33:_h
Page 1 of 1

17 33 hh CDR Hello, friendly tape recorder. This is the CDR.

Experiment ... 3, the time is 17:33 on day 153.
We started sequence i, which was star field 303
on plate 003 with the exposures of 000/160/1260,
started on time, 17:33.

DumpTape 1_3-o9



From To
16 ::

Time good; voice good

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason.

I--I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I--I Only communications
on tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I--i Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
!-3 Other
Dump Tape 153-09
Time: 16:41:13
Page 1 of 1

16 hl 13 SPT Friendly B channel, the SPT at 16:h2 with an ATM

comment. As the ground knows, I made a mistake
in the 15:02 rev JOP 9. Did not get an 82A
exposure and used the wrong grating for S055.
So, on the 16:39 performance of JOP9, I simply
reversed it and got the 82A wavelength long,
1-mlnute and 20-second exposure and the S055
0192 grating position. End of message.


(_ )


From To
17:33:hi_ 18:07:12

Time segment 17:33:%h is a superior duplicate of the same time segment on tape 153-08.

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunicationsareon tape.
I--I Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I--I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I--1 Other

Dump Tape 153-10 ___
Time: 17:33:4h to 18:07:12
Page 1 of 1

17 33 44 CDR Hello, friendly tape recorder. This is the CDR.

Experiment S183, the time, 17:33 on day 15B. We
started sequence i, which was star field 303 on
plate 003 with the exposures of 000/160/1260,
started on time, 17:33.

18 07 12 CDR And, friendly tape recorder. S183 is complete,

the last sequence being terminated by going to
STANDBY at 18:06 Greenwich mean time. And we
are sec--u_ringthe operation. Everything appeared
'-_ normal, except I noted two TACS firing during
• the same period.

DumpTape 153-n


Time Segments (GMT)

From ' To

Voice fair; time good

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I--I Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I-I Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
i--! ,Other
Dump Tape 153-11
Time: 18:07:13
Page 1 of 1

18 07 13 CDR And, friendly tape recorder, S183 is complete,

the last sequence being terminated by going to
STANDBY at 18:062 Greenwich meantime. And we
are securing the operation. Everything appeared
normR1, except I noted two TACS firing during
the same period.

Dump Tape -_53-__3



From To
19 :46 :21' 20 :20 :57

Voice : Good. Time : Good.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I--I Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I-3 This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I-3 Other
Dump Tape 153-13 l--
Time: 19:46:27 to 20:20:57
Page 1 of 1

19 46 27 PLT Hello, tape recorder. For EREP, the S191 at

19:47 Zulu. Reading Bravo 7 is 100 percent. Char-
lie 7 is 36 percent.

20 17 51 PLT Hello, tape recorder. A question - friendly tape

recorder, the EREP tape recorder is indicating
75-percent tape remaining.

20 20 57 PLT Hello, tape recorder. At the end of the pass, Just

before powering down Sl91, meter Charlie 7 reads 76 -
correction that's meter Bravo 7 reads 76. Meter
Charlie 7 reads 42.


Dump Tape z54-oz


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
02: 32: 04

Voice and time good.

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-1 Nocommunicationsare on tape.
!-1 Onlycommunicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I-1 1his tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I-3, Other

Dump Tape 154-01 f__
Time: 02:32:09
Page 1 of 1

02 32 04 PLT Hello, B channel. Here are the ATM frames remaining:

H-alpha, 13767; S056, 4838; S082B, 1270; S052 then
indicated 6435; and S054 is 5164. End of message.


DumP Tape . _.5_,-o_



From To

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunicationsareon tape.
I--I Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
I--I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape __.
I--I ,Other

Dump Tape 15_-0h
Time: 15:18:34 _-_
Page 1 of 1

15 18 34 SPT Okay, B channel. Are you there? This the

SPT at 17:20_with the data from the 2 limb
ATM coalign _day 154. I said 17:10 to ...
20, the time is 15:20. H-alpha 1 was plus
995_ -.. plus 988; H-alpha 1 minus 928, ...
minus 928. And a 55 mirror position, 0832.
Didn't get much chance to look at the Sun
this morning. But I believe that active region
2& is Just visible at H-alpha as a very small
area of ... at the plotting position. I wasn't
able to film in onit - didn't have time.
The - all the other bright areas on the Sun -
are active region 18 and active region 23.

.- .... JP tr.

Final -" .



From To
Z6:_8:_ 1"r:o6:35

, i

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

17 Nocommunications
1-i Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape_
I--I Other
Dump Tape 152-05
Time: 16:49:05 to ]-7:06:35
Page i of 2

16 48 25 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. This is CDR with the

sound level meter at frequency analyzer lock. First,
be advised that the stab meter is stowed to the right
side of locker - The stab meter is stored on the
right-hand side of locker 623. The following stab
levels were recorded of the following locations:
wardroom with the frequency meter parallel _md over
the CDR's tray pointed towards the OWS window. The ambi-
ent noise level was 46.5. The filtered noise levels
were: i was 35.0, 2 was 46.0, 3 was 53.0, 4 was 39.0,
5 was 30.0, 6 was 21.0, 7 was 18.0, and 8 was 18.0.
In the experiments compartment, the sound level meter
was parallel to the floor, located at the L_NP
pointing towards the SF. The ambient noise level
was 46.0; i was 30.0, 2 was 38.0, 3 was 52.0,
4 was 43.0, 5 was 30.0, 6 was 19.5, 7 was 18.0,
and 8 was 18.0 The waste management compartment:
the frequency meter was located on the floor pointed
towards plus-X. And the following levels were re-
corded. The ambient noise level was 51.0; 1 was 35.0,
2 was 38.0, 3 was 54.5, 4 was 45, 5 was 32, 6 was 20,
7 was 17, and 8 was 18. In the sleep compartment,
the sound level meter was located in the PLT's sleep
compartment on the floor pointing toward plus-X.
The ambient noise level was 50.0; i was 32.(I,
2 was 33.0, 3 was 51.0, 4 was 41.0, 5 was 2"_I.0,
6 was 18.0, 7 was 17.0, and 8 was 18.0.

16 51 46 CDR In the forward compartment, the sound level meter

was parallel to the floor, located at the locker
ring area, pointed - pointed at plus-Y. The
ambient noise level was 51.0; i was 40.0, 2 was _i.0,
3 was 45.0, 4 was 44.0, 5 was 33.0, 6 was 4(;.0,
7 was 20.5, and 8 was 19. In the airlock, it was
parallel and pointing plus-X in the middle of the
airlock. The ambient noise level was 55.0;
I was 44.0, 2 was 48.0, 3 was 56.0, 4 was 5L.0,
5 was 44.0, 6 was 36.0, 7 was 33.5, and 8 was 21.0.

16 52 59 CDR In the MDA, the sound meter was located in +he M512
station, pointed minus-X. The ambient noisc level
was 53.5; I was 46.0, 2 was 46.5, 3 was 52.0,
4 was 46.7, 5 was 43.0, 6 was 36.5, 7 was 31_.0,
and 8 was 23.9. In the STS, it was located in the
Dump Tape 152-O5
Time: 16:49:05 to 17:06:35
Page 2 of 2

big part of the STS, pointed at the mol sieve A. The

ambient noise level was 62.0; i was 47.0, 2'was 49.2,
3 was 63.0, 4 was 51.0, 5 was 53.5, 37 - 6 was 37.5,
7 was 38.5, and 8 was 34.0. That's the end of the
sound level meter and frequency analyzer leg.

17 06 35 SPT Tape recorder, this comment is for flight l'lanners

and stowage people. We find extensive use for these
spring bungees. I suggest that the fol - following
crews launch with some extra ones. We're also using
a fair amount of gray tape. We can inventory it at
the end, but I suggest you consider launching some
more gray tape.

?2.;- _

t-- Final
DumpTape 152-o6



From To
17 51 24

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunications
are ontape.
I--1 Onlycommunications
on tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
I--! Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
oftape . .
I--I Other
Dump Tape 152-06
Time: 17:51:24
Page 1 of 1

17 51 24 SPT Okay, channel B. Here we go for the C02 monitor

flag dewpoint thing. Test was performed at the
inlet to mol sieve A. Using port A of the CO2

monitor, we get C02, 1.2 parts per million;

temperature, 78; dewpoint, 44. Using port B
of the CO 2 monitor, we get 12 parts per million;
76 degrees ambient; and dewpoint, 44. The panel
readings for sieve A were -were 3.8 parts per
million; inlet temperature, 60; dewpoint, 49.
For mol sieve B - indicated 2.9 parts per
million; inlet temperature, 58; dewpoint
temperature, 47. End of message.

• dl


( AM)

Time Segments (GMT)

From To

This dump tape has been "cancelled" for the following reason:
[-I No communications are on tape.
I-I Only communicationson tapeare COMtvA
I--] This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
I--I Other

Dump Tape 153-01 _
Time: _-01:hh:26
Page 1 of 1

Ol 44 26 CDR Hello, friendly B Channel. This is the CDR with the

day 152 Evening Status Report being given to you at
153:01:_:40. Alfa: for the CDR, 1_2; for the SPT,
170; for the PLT, 250. Remarks for Alfa are the
SPT's urine volume of 170. There was a good deal of
air in the ha@, and this volume is probably high.
Bravo: 3735 for the CDR; for the SPT, 7145 ; for
the PLT, 2618. Charlie: for the CDR, 6.091, 6.089,
6.087; for the SPT, 6.658, 6.655, 6.656; for the
PLT, 6.824, 6.824, 6.820. Delta: CDR, 2/i1/1500;
for the SPT, 2/12/1776; for the PLT, 2/12/1700. Also,
for the PLT, 1/05/0250. Echo is none. That's the
end of the Evening Status Report for day 152. Out.




From To
13:34:27 1_:31:08

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I No communications are on tape.
!--I Onlycommunications
!--1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
1-1 Other
r Final
Dump Tape 153-05
Time: 13:34:27 to 14:31:08
Page 1 of 2

,3 34 27 SPT Hello, tape recorder. These are the belated results

of the housekeeping, 60 Romeo; that is, the iodine
concentration testing. Tank number 1 is 9 parts per
gram; tank number 3 is 8 parts; tank number 6 is
i0 parts ; tank number i0 is i0 parts. End of

14 12 46 SPT Hello, tape recorder. For - for the MI51 films of

S183 this morningand that was on film CIC4 - -


SPT - - MTL1 is the tskeup reel. We got a couple of other

activities in there; I'm sure the PI will be interested
in at least knowing what they were. One was - while
the CDR was doing M - S183, the PLT was doing water
tank ss/npling. And also, at the end of it, then, was
a little bit for M516 on inflight maintenance, in
_ that the fourth missing screw from S019, which had
previously been taken apart, was found, and was
installed, although it was shielded by S183. You
couldn't see much, but that's what was going on.

14 13 36 CDR And, friendly tape recorder, the CDR on the same

M151/S183. Came to a part of the checklist that
said "turn DAC off," and unfortunately, that was
for an M516, and I didn't note that. I turned the
DAC off. I caught it a little later and turned
the DAC back on. And the ... that had ... is
connecting the SAL power cable and the SAL instru-
mentation cable to the S183. Otherwise, the MI51
and S183 is complete.

14 15 25 SPT Okay. For the VTR tape recordings of ATM, the time
is 14:16.

SPT Okay. And having gotten the time check on the tape,
channel B, I'd like to point out that the VTR recordings
included pictures of the white light coronagraph
during a high rate roll and during the door closing.

14 20 2[_ SPT (Music) And, friendly B channel, the SIT overexposed

a second exposure in JOP 12B by about 20 seconds.
Dump Tape 153-05
Time: 13:34:27 to 14:31:08
Page 2 of 2

14 21 26 SPT That last co_mnentwas for ATM. And the time

was 14:20 GMT.

14 29 38 PLT Hello, B channel. This is of general interest

under the heading of inflight observations. At ...
spacecraft ... which occurred at approximately
1_:25 Zulu today. Was observed out of one of the
SPS windows.

14 B0 01 PLT I forget which one right now. About 3 or 4 minutes

after sunset when it could have climatize@, I looked
off toward the south. There was a higher - what
appeared to be a higher band of aluminum that may
have been atmosphere near us or where the Sun had
set being illuminated by the Moon. We can't tell
because we can't really see the Moon. After a little
more dark-adaption, again looking toward the south,
we saw several streamers that almost appeared to be
aurora, although they did - appeared to be a little
too high up in latitude for that, although maybe not.
Either that or noctilueent clouds. The only thing
I could - only thing I could think of, although they
did appear to extend above this other sphere - this
dimly illuminated sphere that - which may have been
illuminated by Moonlight. That - the formation
appeared to be eccentially radial. That is - the -
were very thin and ethereal and radiated outward
from the Earth's center which kind of makes me dis-
believe they were any kind of clouds.

14 B1 08 PLT That's the end of the message.

Dump Tape 153-12


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
18:07:16 19:35:hl

Statement at 18:07:16 partial duplication of tape 153-10

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-3 Nocommunications
E] Onlycommunications
I--1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
Dump Tape 153-12
Time: 18:07:16 to 19:35:41
Page 1 of i

18 07 16 CDR Greenwich mean time. And we are securing the opera-

tion. Everything appeared normal except I noticed
two TACs firing during the same period.

18 14 42 PLT Tape recorder, for information, 5009 went closed at


18 23 4h PLT Tape recorder, for EREP for the S190 checkout, before
the check, the frame counters read 729h, 9h94, 7014,
6402, 8169, and 7072.

18 25 12 PLT And for the S190 check after single-frame advance,

all frame colmters advanced one digit.

19 i0 57 PLT Tape recorder, at 19:12 on EREP, Charlie 7 is reading

26, 2 6.

19 27 52 PLT Hello, B channel. Stand by. For EREP folks, meter

CB7 is reading 27 percent at 19:29 Zulu.

19 35 hl PLT Hello, friendly tape recorder. For EREP. At 19:37,

the 191 power was turned OFF, at which time Charlle 7
was reading 29, 29 percent.

Final z53z__
_ DumpTape - _/-_3
( AM)


From To
22 :37 :._2 23 :15 :06

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason-

I--! Nocommunications
I-3 only communications
I-I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
i-3 Other
Dump Tape 153-ih
Time: 22:37:42 to 23:15:06
Page 1 of 2

22 37 42 SPT Hello, Friendly B channel. This is 22:38. The

m131-2 spakel - spatial localization on the CDR is
over. We started it at 22:00, and the next voice you
hear will be that of the CDR himself answering the
debriefing questions.

CDH _\i



22 39 Oh SPT




22 h2 31 SPT And Friendly B channel, the numbers from this MI31

run are in the log book. And there they will remain
until the ground makes a decision whether or not we
have to voice them down. They're right here. Nothing
to worry about. End of message.

23 09 03 PLT Hello, Friendly B channel. This is the - Let me turn

off the other speaker box.
Dump Tape 153-14
Time: 22:37:42 to 23:15:O6
Page 2 of 2

PLT Hello, tape recorder. This is the PLT, your friendly

ATM operator speaking (music) to the ATM people. And
the performance of J0P 2 Delta during the 22:48 viewing;
I Just flat could not find active region 17. However,
there weren't any other good active regions around;
and since we didn't really use a whole lot of film,
I pointed at what appeared to be the remnants of
probably active - probably the remnants of active
region 17. And l'm running the building block on
that, for what it's worth.

23 15 06 CDR

"_- Final


Time Segments (GMT)

From To

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason-

I-] Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I-1 Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
r-I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
r-I Other
Dump Tape 154-02
Time: 12:45:37 to
Page 1 of 1

12 45 37 SPT Okay, yes. B channel, this is the SPT at 12:45

with a food co,_ent. I had a double failure on a
coffee container. There was a seam leak at the
bottom of the container in - and a failed valve at
the top of the container which leaked a lot of the
coffee back out as soon as I had it off the spigot.
End of message.

• DumpTape15_-o3

( AM)


From To
13:1_)4:09 ih:18:19

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
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f-_ Dump Tape 154-03
Time: 13:44:09 to 14:18:19
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iS 44 09 CDR Hello, friendly tape recorder; this is the CDR on

S18S. The time is iB:44; it's that sequence
number i, has been initiated on star field number
252 on plate 006.

13 45 45 SPT Okay, friendly B channel; this is the SPT at 13:45

with an M487-BA, subjective evaluation of the fol-
lowing equipment items. The OWS fireman's pole
has not been used. I believe, that if it were in
place, it would be a handy helper for - moving
rapidly down the workshop and for carrying large
objects with one hand; however, the strap, while
it probably doesn't do as good a Job - satisfactory
Job - and we don't have any present intentions
of rigging the fireman's pole. Okay, the 0WS dome
and wall handrails, again, are adequate for their
Jobs, maybe even give them a very good. Their Job
is not to hand-over-hand it - you never hand-over-
- hand it around that place, unless you've got a lot
of equipment in your hand and are carrying a
large package, for instance, that you want to make
sure you don't get loose. You ordinarily fly from
one location to the next, and all you need when you
get there is something to grab onto, and the hand-
rails are perfectly satisfactory for that. I
think the handrails in the STS, are very good.
Once again, they're not for hand-over-handing.
They're for steadying oneself at work stations,
stopping when you come flying through the hatch.
You want a handrail to grab to torque yourself
around on to get into position to look at a panel.
Having the panels circum - the handrails cireum-
ferentially around the various panels is a very
good thing.

13 47 53 SPT Triangular shoes. We all wear the triangular shoes

most of the time. They're not at all necessary for
translation or walking. And, of course, we never
use them in that mode. They're extremely handy
for keeping oneself steady at a work station
while doing a Job, leaving both hands free. We
have several kinds of mushrooms and buttons for the
shoes up here. My personal preference now, the way
I'm going, is to wear the large mushroom on my
right foot and the triangle on my left foot. The
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Pa_e 2 of 7

triangle is quite helpful when you want to concen-

trate on something else for a few too many minutes -
want to lock yourself in and stay locked. However,
itls a lot of trouble getting it in, and a little
trouble gettingit out. With two triangles on my
shoe, it drives me up the wall, because it takes me
B0 to 45 seconds to get locked in at a spot, which is
a waste of time. Between the mushrooms, I've evaluated
the medium and the large. I thought the medium mush-
rooms were adequate, but they were too easy to slip
out with, and you had to concentrate too much on
keeping your foot pressed against one corner of the
triangle so that the mushroom wouldn't pop out. With
the large mushroom - this is not nearly so bad. They're
fairly easy to slip in and they hold very well. Some-
times they're a little trouble getting out of. Trying
to get it out in a hurry, you have to sometimes look
down and figure out which direction you have to go.
I think, for that reason, Paul prefers small ones.
I prefer big ones. In snmmary, triangle shoes are
mandatory. If I had to make an improvement, I
would have loaded two pairs of shoes on board for
each crewman, so that I might leave the triangles
in one of them to ride the bike with and put mush-
rooms in the other.

13 49 55 SPT The water tank foot platform is handy but not required.
If you're working at a dome locker for a period of
time, it is very pleasant to be able to stick one foot
int_ a mushroom or a triangle into one of the holes
in the - in the foot platform. So, if you're Just
going there to get loose item of equipment, you can
steady yourself on your hands, then open the locker,
steady yourself with your hands again, reach in and
get what you want, and steady yourself again, and
close the locker on the way down. The portable EREP
foot platform, I have not used. The portable PGA foot
restraint, we have not yet used. The portable hand-
holds have not been used. The portable tether hooks,
I am currently using to try and rig ropes with handles
to hold myself down on the bicycle seat while peddling
the bike. The portable tether hooks hook you to the
floor grid and the ropes are attached to them, and
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various locations can be selected either forward or

aft, of the - of the pedals to try and find _.he right
axis along which to exert the force. The big difficulty
here is that we diLu't think, when we put all the extra
Junk in the experiment compartment, how handy those
triangles were going to be.

13 51 23 SPT

The shower is much too

close to the bicycle. Okay, portable equipment,
these three: The straps are extremely useful. The
short straps, I haven't used too much. They are
really too short to tie things to. But the long
straps and the equipment straps are extremely useful.
I have right now, the entertainment tape recorder
strapped to the radio noise burst monitor here -
monitor here at the ATM panel. Bungees we find very
useful, particularly down in the wardroom and so on
for temporary restraint of cameras and checklists.
Smaller things than that, such as pads, the bungees
are not adequate for me, because they - the pads
slip out and makes it too flat or too smooth. But
anything that's got hooks on it, like a camera,
works out very well under a bungee.

13 52 29 SPT The - One item of equipment that is a pain in the neck,

and it's not useful at all, are the large clipboards
that snap in the standard snap pattern. Everytime
you touch one of those things, they come flying off.
On the other hand, it's a major operation to get them
back on the snap. And we Just made a bad mistake by
assuming that we could snap something to a flat wall,
especially something with any standoff, such as these
clipboards have, and then exert any force against it.
The ATM seat is very useful, although you don't
really sit in it, obviously. You have to push the
seat belt down pretty tight ah - if you want your
back to be supported. I find it useful because it
gives you a body-centered restraint from which you
can work against. You can reach the whole ATM panel,
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nicely. Okay, the - I talked about the lap strap.

The handholds are fine, they're well-placed, and
they certainly are necessary - in the fecal collec-
, tion system. The handwasher handrail, let's just
say, in genera±, Lhat it's nice to have some hand-
" rails around the waste management compartment for
Z parking you body.

{ ---

lh 00 09 SPT It's nice to have a small, closed compartment like

that. You can go in there and close the door and
kind of bounce around. The waste management system's
ceiling handrail - didn't know there was one. The
light-duty foot restraints, I think we've talked
about. Our drying stations are adequate and handy.
Things dry out very rapidly up there. And as for the
zero-g shower, it's a pleasant experience, _Lnd I
think it proves the - the feasibility of the prin-
ciple that man can live in a small close space with
water, and he's not going to drown, because the water
does not fly through the air. It sticks to whatever
is there, mostly you, partly the walls. Ag_in, I
think the air flow in there is grossly inadequate.
The method of containing the water and getting it
into a, you know, compartment where you can throw it
away, is not good. It takes forever to dry both
oneself and the walls, using the inadequate little
vacuum cleaner that we've got, and some better method
ought to be come up with. But the principle of
crawling inside a shower and spraying yourself down
is great.
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and you can reach the comm box, and the TV SE]_gCTOR
switch on your left. You can't reach the VTR on the
right, and you can reach - myself, I cs.u only reach
the very nearest checklists and the checklist com-
partment. But, of course, by loosening the lap belt
you can then reach the VTR, you can reach abo'_e you -
all the lockers - you can reach the radio noi_e
burst monitor, you can even ziggf over and see
what time it is on the MDA panel, bring yourself back
to the ATM. And you can work either with or _aithout
the foot rest. Without the foot rests - I mean the
lap belt - without the lap belt, it just serw_--_s
as a
sort of a - nook. You know, your - body floats be-
tween the ATM panel and the chair, and it's useful,
too. I think it's a great tool. I've already
talked about the conical shoe cleats. I called them
mushrooms. The fecal collection equipment - _.¢orks,
much to our surprise_ if one is careful and t_:_kes
it slow. Stand by.

13 56 46 SPT Okay, B channel, where were we? Fecal collection

equipment. The air-flow method of collecticn
\ appears to be practical. A larger air flow, I think,

/ _ is mandatory on future mission designs. This one is

., , J marginal. However, the method appears feasible.
' And the urine collection, not only is the method
feasible, but the flow is probably adequate or very
close to it. The urine flush water dispenser, we
have not used. Let me get back to fecal collection
equipment to mention something I said on channel B
before. Stand by a minute.

13 58 O1 PLT That's all I could see_ so I didn't bother.

13 58 08 SPT
_-_ Final
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lh 02 17 SPT Okay, channel B, we're back to food management equip-

ment now. The wardroom table, the eating station is
fine, except for the co_ents on the foot restraints,
which are of the same type as the head foot restraints,
which are inadequate. The thigh restraints do their
Job, but require foot restraints along with them in
order to he maximally useful. And the option exists
of hooking the mushroom into a triangle. We do that
sometimes. Again, there aren't enough triangles
underneath these various working stations, in partic-
ular, in the wardroom, because so much of the area
hss been used up by structures of various kinds. So
the idea of having a slip-in foot restraint there is
.... good, but we need a better kind.

14 03 06 CC ... Hawaii at 14:1_.

CDR Roger.

SPT Okay, food reconstitution dispenser, no problems,

really. You need a little something to react aginst
when you're pushing the food down into the water dis-
penser. Generally, you either brace yourself with
your thigh restraints or you put one hand on the edge
of - of the food table and pull at that while you
push down with the other hand. The water gun is Just
fine. It's an excellent piece of equipment. The food
tray is okay, except that the friction set should be
spring clamped or something of that sort, so that it
can tolerate food cans and, in particular, drink
containers of a wider dispersion of sizes. A very
common event is for a small food tray - small food
can or drink container to Just go wandering off,
because it doesn't stick in the friction sets. Aside
from that, it's a fine thing. The food cans are okay,
with the split-the-seam proviso. The beverage dis-
pensers have a couple of drawbacks. They are adequate;
they are doing the Job. But aside from the failure-
type things, such as valves that leak air backwards
and seam failures that we've had, none of which, by
the way has been catastrophic, the problem with the
beverage dispensers is that the tendency, when they
are half full or less, is for them to suck air. And
the nozzle you have to flip into the top in order to
drink has a tendency to stay in place and aSlow them
to suck air, which gives you a mixture of half beverage
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and half air, and that's not good. Okay, seasoning

dispensers - I don't use the salt much. It tends to
bounce off the food a lot. It doesn't taste very
good. I think that needs work. The eating utensils
are fine. The sleep restraint, I think, is an excel-
lent thing. The only improvement I would make to it
at all is to put an additional elastic strap lower
down. You wouldn't have to use it if you didn't
want to, but I think it would be handy. The trash
airloek: so far, so good. It's easy to use, with
the exeption of closing and locking the doors is
almost a two-man Job, because of the forces required
to compress the seal. Its reliability, of course,
remains to be seen. The vacuum cleaner, fortunately,
I haven't had to use. I have never liked it. I don't
think it sucks enough, but I haven't used it on the
flight. And the wardroom table for non-eating uses.
The only non-eating use that I've put it to, aside
from just sitting there reading pads, is making notes,
and it's quite adequate for making notes. You don't
need a flat surface. So all you need is the re-
straint - something to lean your elbows on so you
can exert pressure with your pencil. And that's it
for 487-3.

14 18 07 SPT Fire alarm. I think we learned our lesson on that.

I really do .... - -

14 18 I0 CDR Hello, friendly B channel, this is the CDR, S183 at

14:18:00 - -

14 18 15 CC Okay, Joe, ... have a look at it.

14 18 18 SPT Thank you.

14 18 19 CDR Sequence i of the pad star fields - make it E;tar

field 252, Plate 06 and 07 were taken on time and
then star field 301 was completed at 14:18 per p_d.
That's the end of this ni_ht's session on S183.


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