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Today ENG 101 Quiz

BC100400183 : Manza Ali

Time Left 86

Quiz Start Time: 09:33 AM

Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 09:33:59 AM) Total Marks: 1
It is a ………………… assumption that if one will read rapidly; one’s comprehension will suffer.
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BC100400183 : Manza Ali

Time Left 87
Quiz Start Time: 09:33 AM
Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 09:35:23 AM) Total Marks: 1
He would starve to death rather than ---------- a loan.
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BC100400183 : Manza Ali

Time Left 87
Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 09:36:50 AM) Total Marks: 1
Fill in the gap by using the correct connective from the word bank. Floppies are very cheap, _____________; they are slow and
have a limited capacity.
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BC100400183 : Manza Ali

Time Left 88

Quiz Start Time: 09:33 AM

Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 09:38:07 AM) Total Marks: 1
Fill in the blank with appropriate connector. Emma Thompson was nominated for an Academy Award as both a screenwriter
__________ an actress in 1996.
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BC100400183 : Manza Ali

Time Left 83

Quiz Start Time: 09:33 AM

Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 09:39:29 AM) Total Marks: 1
Which is NOT a synonym for 'stingy'?
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BC100400183 : Manza Ali

Time Left 87

Quiz Start Time: 09:33 AM

Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 09:40:58 AM) Total Marks: 1
Read the cause in the given situation and choose the effect. We had a tremendous snowstorm during the night. Winds gusted to
45 mph. The roads are blocked, even at the bus stop.
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BC100400183 : Manza Ali

Time Left 87
Quiz Start Time: 09:33 AM sec(s)

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 09:42:13 AM) Total Marks: 1

Recall your knowledge of making inferences and choose the best option. "I see most of my students one day each week. They
come to my studio to learn. We use the piano in my studio." The speaker is_______ .
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BC100400183 : Manza Ali

Time Left 52

Quiz Start Time: 09:33 AM

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 09:43:19 AM) Total Marks: 1
Choose the synonym of the word in quotes " " from the following: Of course, I’m not saying that your plan is not good. I tend to
be "optimistic", so I won’t be surprised when you succeed.
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BC100400183 : Manza Ali

Time Left 88
Quiz Start Time: 09:33 AM
Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 09:44:45 AM) Total Marks: 1
It is through the author’s ……………. that we sense his wit, humor, sadness, indignation, friendliness etc.
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BC100400183 : Manza Ali

Time Left 65
Quiz Start Time: 09:33 AM
Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 09:44:45 AM) Total Marks: 1
It is through the author’s ……………. that we sense his wit, humor, sadness, indignation, friendliness etc.
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BC100400183 : Manza Ali

Time Left 88

Quiz Start Time: 09:33 AM

Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 09:46:09 AM) Total Marks: 1
Read the word. Choose the option that gives the best meaning of the prefix or suffix in the given word. Playful
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