How To Write A Paragraph Fun Activities

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What is a paragraph?

Paragraph Writing
A paragraph is a group of about 6-12 sentences about one topic. Every sentence in a paragraph is about the same topic.
All of the sentences explain the writer’s main idea (most important idea) about that topic. When the writer wants to
write about a new main idea, he/she begins a new paragraph.

The first line of a paragraph is indented; the first word in each sentence is capitalized; each sentence ends with a period,
A. Parts of a paragraph.
A paragraph has three main parts: (1) a topic sentence (main idea), (2) supporting sentences, (3) and a
concluding sentence
1. The Topic Sentence

The topic sentence is often (but not always), the first sentence in the paragraph. The topic sentence tells
the reader what the main idea of the paragraph is. It has two parts: a topic and a controlling idea. The
topic part names the topic; it tells what the paragraph is about. The controlling idea part limits what the
paragraph will say about the topic. It tells the reader: This paragraph will only discuss these things about
this topic.
Canada is a beautiful place to live in for three reasons.

1. The topic 2. The controlling idea

2. Supporting Sentences
The supporting sentences develop the topic. That means that they explain the topic sentence. Supporting
sentences provide: examples, facts, arguments, analysis, details, reasons, personal experience, stories, and
information from the readings.

First, Canada has an excellent health care system. All Canadians can go to hospitals and get medicines without
having to pay anything. Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students in Canada have good teachers
and are encouraged to go to universities. Third, Canadian cities are clean and well-organized. They have many
gardens and lots of space for people and cars.

3. A Concluding Sentence

The concluding sentence is the last sentence in the paragraph. It is often similar to the topic sentence and
reminds the reader of the topic and focus of the paragraph, but it should use different words, if possible.

As a result, Canada is one of the best countries in the world.

B. Linking Words
Addition Cause Effect Contrast Illustration/Examples Conclusion/Summary

also, moreover, Because (of), due As a result, as a Although, but, Examples To conclude, to summarize,
furthermore, in to, as, for, since, consequence, even though, For example, for instance, all in all, in conclusion, on
addition to, due to the fact consequently, however, on the such as, like, the whole, summing up,
contrary, on the Illustration
additionally, that, because of therefore, for this finally, in brief, to sum up,
other hand, in other words, to illustrate,
besides, what is the fact that, reason, hence, so, whereas, in in short, in a word, to put it
to put it differently, to
more, first owing to (-), thus, because of contrast, despite, demonstrate, to make it briefly, overall, generally,
(second, third. thanks to (+), etc. this, etc. yet, etc. clear, to clarify, that is to as mentioned earlier, etc.
A. Choose the best topic sentence for each of the following paragraphs and put an “x” on the line next to it.
1. ……. a. Korea has a great variety of plant life. ….. b. Korea is great! ……..c. Korea is a nice place to visit.
……………..There's more to Korean plant life than just rice, apple trees, and pine trees. Because of the diversity of Korean
soil and environments, it has a wide variety of plants. A drive around the countryside will show you what an interesting
assortment of plants there are.
2. ……. a. Flying in bad weather is difficult. ……. b. Pilots do a lot of pre-flight preparation. ……. c. Pilots make a lot
of money and fly all over the world.
……………………They check their plane to make sure that it is working properly. They also make sure that baggage or
cargo has been loaded correctly. They check the weather forecast to see if they will run into any bad weather on their trip.
Pilots then decide what route they should take, and how high and fast they should fly.
3. ……. a. Doctors work very hard. ……. b. Doctors have an effect upon all our lives. ……. c. Doctors know a lot about
…………………..When we are sick, they tell us what we have. They give us medicine and other kinds of treatment.
Doctors examine us and listen to us. They also tell us what is good for us to eat and how we can have better hygiene.

B. Read the following paragraph and identify its three main parts.
There are three reasons why the Internet is one of the best new technologies. First, the Internet is a good
source of information. One click and you get everything you are looking for and within a short period of time.
Second, the Internet is an effective means of communication. It allows people to see and speak with each other
over long distances. Last but not least, the Internet is a wonderful tool of entertainment. People can listen to
music, watch videos and play online games. In brief, the Internet is extremely amazing thanks to its advantages.

C. Look at the topic sentences below and choose the best 4 supporting sentences for each one.
1. Learning English is very difficult. Firstly, ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………. In addition, ……………………………………………………….
……………………………………... Also, ……………………………………………………………......
………………………. Finally, ……………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………... I think it will take a long time to learn English well.
a) I don’t like speaking English. b) we don’t have the chance to practice with native speakers. c) many people in
the world learn English. d) the grammar is very different from my native language. e) the pronunciation is
difficult to get right. f) it is easy to learn English vocabulary. g) I have only one English class a week.
2.I hate my job. For one thing, ……………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………. Another thing is that ………………………………………….
……………………………………. Also, …………………………………………………………………
………………………. However, the worst thing is that ………………………………………………...
……………………………………………………….. I think it’s time to look for a new job.
a) my colleagues are friendly. b) the salary is very low. c) my boss is always getting angry and shouting at me.
d) the office is in a great location. e) I want to work there forever. f) I have to work until about nine o’clock
every night. g) our office building is old and dirty.

D. Complete the following paragraph.

There are three reasons why ……………..………. is my favorite sport. First, …………………………………...
………………………………………All in all…………………………………………………………………….
…………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

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