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Elang : How was your holiday?

(Bagaimana liburanmu?)
Apis : It was terrific!
Elang : Really? Where did you go to?
(Benarkah? Kamu pergi kemana?)
Apis : I went to Ambon.
(Aku pergi ke Ambon)
Elang : What? Are you kidding?
(Apa? Kamu bercanda?)
Apis : No, I’m serious. I went to my uncle’s house. But, of course, I also visited many tourist
attractions there.
(Tidak, aku serius. Aku pergi ke rumah pamanku. Tetapi, tentu saja, aku juga mengunjungi banyak
pertunjukan turis di sana.)
Elang : What did you visit?
(Apa yang kamu kunjungi?)
Apis : Well, I went to Tanjung Marthafons and Amuhusa beaches. I also went to Siwalima museum.
(Aku pergi ke Tanjung Marthafons dan pantai Amuhusa. Aku juga pergi ke museum siwalima.)
Elang : Are the beaches beautiful?
(Apakah pantainya bagus?)
Apis : Oh, they are just magnificent! They are very beautiful, and the sea gardens are gorgeous.
(Oh... pantainya sangat bagus! Pantainya sangat indah, dan taman lautnya elok.)
Elang : Don’t tell me you went diving!
(Jangan bilang kamu juga menyelam!)
Apis : I did. I also went snorkelling.
(Ya benar. Aku juga snorkelling)
Elang : Oh, you’re killing me. I’ve been dying to go diving.
(Oh...kau membunuhku. Sudah lama aku sangat ingin menyelam)
Apis : Yes, I know you really want to go diving. That’s why you should go to Ambon.
(Ya, aku tahu kamu benar-benar ingin pergi menyelam. Karena itu kamu harus pergi ke Ambon.)
Elang : How about the museum that you went to? Is the collection good?
(Bagaimana dengan museum yang kamu kunjungi? Apakah koleksinya bagus?)
Apis : Well, there are historic objects of Maluku there. There are other places that are also worth
visiting, but I didn’t have enough time go there. But, still, I’m pleased with my stay there.
(Ya, disana ada benda-benda sejarah Maluku. Ada tempat lain juga yang bagus untuk dikunjungi
tapi aku tidak memiliki cukup waktu untuk pergi ke sana. Aku senang berada di sana.)
Elang : Yes, I can see that.
(Ya, bisa ku lihat itu)
Apis : Oh, but I was disappointed with the flight delay. It was a five-hour delay.
(Oh, tapi aku kecewa dengan penundaan penerbangan. Penerbangan tertunda lima jam.)
Elang : Oh, that must be boring.
(Oh, pasti membosankan)
Apis : Yes, I was quite bored then.
(Ya, aku benar-benar bosan)
'Would rather' mempunyai arti: Would prefer to ( lebih suka ).
A- I would rather have ice cream than milk shake.
B- Would you rather have ice cream or milk shake?
C- I would prefer to have ice cream rather than milk shake
D- I would rather not have anything
E- Do you want to eat out? 'no I’d rather not'
F- I would prefer eat out rather than go/to go/going to the movies
1} Dalam kalimat Tanya kita menggunakan or untuk memperkenalkan suatu pilihan, sedangkan
dalam kalimat pasif yang menggunakan would rather kita menggunakan than.
2} kita menggunakan rather than dengan would prefer + to invinitive.
3} Untuk kalimat negative. Kita menambahkan not setelah would rather/would prefer dan sebelum
kata kerja utama sehingga kalimat
- I would rather not have ice cream
- I would prefer not to have ice cream
4} kita menggunakan
Would prefer + to infinitive + rather than + infinitive
Would prefer + to infinitive + rather than + to infinitive
would prefer + to infinitive + rather than +V ing(dalam contoh f diatas)
5} Kita mengatakan 'I’d rather not' sebagai jawaban pendek. kita menggunakan prefer dengan cara
~ Prefer to + infinitive + rather than + infinitive/to infinitive/verb/ing
I prefer to swim rather than play/to play/playing basket ball
~ Prefer + verb + ing + to + verb + ing
I prefer swimming to playing basket ball
~ Prefer + verb + ing + rather than + verb + ing
I prefer swimming rather than playing basket ball
~ Prefer + something + to + something
I prefer tea to coffee
A} "Rather than" dalam kalimat diatas dapat diganti dengan instead of tetapi kata kerja yang
mengikuti 'instead of' harus dalam bentuk Verb + ing
I prefer to stay (at) home instead of going out
B} "rather than” dapat diikuti oleh infinitive, to infinitive atau verb + ing, tetapi penggunaannya lebih
baik di sesuaikan dengan kata kerja sebelumnya
C} Jika kita lebih suka seseorang melakukan sesuatu kita menyatakannya dengan prefer : I prefer you
to do it for me.
(Prefer + somebody + to + infinitive)
D} Dengan would rather (would rather + some body + the past form)
- I'd rather you did it for me
- I'd rather you didn't smoke

A. Adverb of manner (kata keterangan cara)
Kata-kata yang termasuk kedalam adverb of manner diantaranya adalah :
Best : terbaik yang paling baik
Better : makin baik, lebih sehat, lebih suka
Calmly : dengan tenang
Carefully : dengan hati-hati, dengan teliti
Carelesly : dengan sembarangan, gegabah,tanpa tanggung jawab
Early : pagi-pagi
Fast : cepat
Faster : lebih cepat
Grandually : secara berangsur-angsur
Hard : keras, lebat, dengan tajam
Harder : lebih keras, lebih telat, dan lebih tajam
Hurrledly : terburu-buru, tergopoh-gopoh
Late: terlambat
Well: baik, jauh, benar

a. I am Felling better today
b. She is best language spanis in the class
c. He driver carefully every where

B. Adverb of place (keterangan tempat)

Kata-kata yang termasuk kedalam adverb of place diantaranya:

Above : Diatas
Abroad : Luar negri, dengan luas, tersiar, tersebar
Below : Dibawah, kebawah
Down town : Kota
Far : Jauh
Gance : Dari sini
Here : Disini
In side : Kedalam
Near : Keluar, diluar
Thence : Dari Sana
There : Disana, disitu, kesana

a. She lives above tree
b. They go to abroad every year
c. We go to down town

C. adverb of definite time (keterangan waktu yang jelas)

Kata-kata yang termasuk kedalam adverb of definite time diantaranya :

A few days Ag : Beberapa hari yang lalu

A few minute Ag : Beberapa saat yang lalu
At the moment : Sekarang ini
Farmerly : Dahulu, tadinya
In the past : Dimasa lalu
Last night : Tadi malam
Now : sekarang
Right now : sekarang ini juga
The other day : beberapa hari yang lalu, baru-baru ini
Tomorrow : besok
a. I met than a few days ago
b. They finished their work a few minute ago
c. I lived in bandung formerly

1.Student who does not do the task before, please solve it and send!
( yang belum kerjakan tugas sebelumnya, kerjakan dan kumpul,....)

Newest assignment.
Write the dialog concerning with dissappointed, opinion, like, dislike, proud, {can be more} !

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