Final Project: Mini Consultant Integrated Marketing Strategy Decorner Restaurant Sukoharjo

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1 Name of Agency : deCorner Steak

2 Team Leader : Roffan Rais Rueyanno
 NIM : L100164007
 Major/Faculty : Communication Science/Faculty of Communication and
 University : Muhammadiyah Surakarta University
 Adress : Geduren RT/RW 01/03 Gonilan, Kartasura, Sukoharjo
 Handphone Number : 0812 7178 0883
 E-mail :
3 Team Member
 Number of Members : 4 (four)
 Member’s Name/NIM : 1. Rania Farhana Dinningrum/L100164004
2. Rifdah Ufairoh/L100164011
3. Muhammad Rizki Yulian Rochadi/L100164013
4. Imam Fajar Sanyoto/L100164015
4 Adress of Agency
 Adress : Dusun I, Singopuran, Kartasura, 57164
 City : Sukoharjo
 Province : Centre of Java
5 Period of Implementation : 25 Mei 2019 - Finish

Ascertain, Surakarta, 20 May 2019

Head of Study Program Team Leader
Communication Science
Dr. Dian Purworini Roffan Rais Rueyanno
NIK. 1102 NIM. L100164007



Surakarta has become a ‘paradise of culinary’ for tourists, with a variety of places
offering various kinds of food and drinks. Surakarta or solo is known as one of the tourist
destinations thick with customs and traditions. Located in Central Java Province bordering
Karanganyar Regency and Boyolali Regency in the North, Karanganyar Regency and
Sukoharjo Regency in the East and West, and Sukoharjo in the South of the city is the third
largest city of Java after Bandung and Malang. With a population of around 500,000 people,
the population of Solo is known as Javanese culture. Solo is growing rapidly in terms of
culinary, fashion, architecture and various other cultures.
Business that move in culinary basis are a great demand by most people. With the
many opportunities that arise from the culinary business, The rise of culinary
destinations in various cities has become a competitiveness for business people. Various
culinary concepts emerge over time.
This promotional activity becomes very important in the marketing process and builds a
positive image in the community. Therefore, we having plans as Muhammadiyah University
of Surakarta students to become mini-consultants towards deCorner Restaurants that works
at culinary business. We have formed a marketing strategy using Integrated Marketing
Communication (IMC) tools that are equally applicable to promoting and increasing the
number of occupancy in deCorner Solo.
B. Purposes
1. Increasing the number of deCorner’s consumer through Instagram social media
2. Giving additional and appropriate information about promotion, facilities, package, even
offers deals about deCorner towards consumers.
3. Promoting using Integrated Marketing Strategy towards deCorner to the public.
4. Fulfill the final project of Integrated Marketing Communication courses.
DeCorner will get consulting services for free (prices outside the students services)
from students of the Muhammadiyah University of Communication Studies
Surakarta. And get the development of knowledge about Marketing Communication.
In addition, students who carry out activities can also assist in the construction or
ideas or needs needed by deCorner Steak, Kartasura.
Practicing and exploring marketing communication theories that have been presented
by lecturers in college and expanding knowledge in the field regarding real business
marketing carried out at the location of the activity. As well as in this activity, the
students will for sure knowing how to organize strategy for market places and form a
positive image of a brand to create customer loyalty and trust.

S.W.O.T ANALYSIS(Strengh, Weakness, Opportunities, Threat).
Before planning a marketing strategy for deCorner Solo, we analyzed the strengths and
weaknesses through it’s internal as well as opportunities and threats that may be faced by
restaurants in the external environment. This SWOT analysis is done so that we can easily
develop the right marketing strategy. The following is the SWOT analysis that we
a) Strength
1) deCorner rooms and facilities are comfortable enough, with Air Conditioner (AC) and
having room specifications specifically for Smoking area (outdoor) and Non-Smoking area
2) Providing free WI-FI for free.
3) Various taste of menu that varies from traditional to modern food and drinks.
4) Adequate parking for bicycles, motor-cycles, until cars.
5) It has an affordable price for various groups, from students to family oriented consumer.
b) Weakness
1) Digital promotion media (Instagram) that have not been maximized.
Here are some disadvantages in conducting promotions through online media before:
a. The display of DeCorner Instagram account’s feeds that do not attract customer
interest (monoton theme and not creative enough)
b. DeCorner Instagram account’s that lack of organize and need immediate
c. The Design’s promotion on Instagram are less updated and less attractive to
d. DeCorner social media is less consistent in displaying images, it can be seen from
the colors of feeds that tend to be too crowded and unmatched.
e. Highlights features on DeCorner's Instagram account are not well organized, it
should be used to create a positive image for the customer.
g. DeCorner Instagram caption that less attractive, both diction and persuasive
sentences for customers tend to be monotonous.
2. The appearance of the deCorner menu is less informative and less attractive, the
customer theirselves does not have a clear picture of the menu they will order.
3. Opportunity
DeCorner has the potential to get business opportunity through meeting activities ranging
from formal aspects such as meetings around private institutions or such, to non-formal
activities such as social gathering, Islamic events, until birthday celebrations.
4. Threats
1) The location of deCorner that are less strategic (far from the crowd or public area)
2) The number of competitors in the culinary field is increasing in which if deCorner does
not develop their marketing strategy, they will lose in such a competition.

Based on the SWOT analysis that has been formulated, we plan to form a marketing
strategy using Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) the right tools to implement towards
maximize the promoting strategy of deCorner Solo. Following are the program designs that we
1) Marketing oriented Public Relation
Performing optimal promotions strategy through Instagram social media in such a way:
a) Optimize the highlight features on the display of deCorner Instagram account, ex:
Make a number of interesting highlights, each can conduct highlighting the 'menu', 'promo',
'event decoration', 'info' etc that are organize more creative by adding cover designs that
represent each highlight and suit up with deCorner’s theme personality, that might got
recognition and recall from the consumer later.
c) Designing deCorner Instagram feeds to be more interesting and organized, giving the
appearance of various deCorner menus packed with the latest designs as well as being able to
attract potential customers. Complement the feeds design for promotion, discount and promo
information, facts around culinary around the world, trivia, games and the testimonials also
documentation of the consumer. Also in each photo in deCorner Instagram account, the captions
will be upgraded to be more persuasive, using persuade and interesting sentences, also with
interesting and appropriates diction.



Based on the SWOT analysis that lead to implementation and the application of the
Integrated Marketing Tools and strategy towards deCorner, hereby the final results that been
made by our team :
1. Marketing oriented Public Relation
a.) Performing optimal promotions strategy through Instagram social media in such a way by
optimizing the highlight features on the display of deCorner Instagram account, we have been
organize the highlights more creative by adding cover designs that represent each highlight and
suit up with deCorner’s theme personality, for sure it might not only got the recognition and ease
the consumer, but also attract and recall in the prospective consumer’s mind.


Still not well organize enough, consumer find it hard to get the information about the menu,
promo, discount, etc.


By shorten the highlights feature to make it more simple, and also by putting the cover at each
highlight that represent of each function and make it more attractive it also comes to a
presentable display and orderly well organized.

b.) Designing deCorner Instagram feeds to be more interesting and organized, giving the
appearance of various deCorner menus packed with the latest designs as well as being
able to attract potential customers. Complement the feeds design for promotion, discount
and promo information, facts around culinary around the world, trivia, games and the
testimonials also documentation of the consumer.


Contain less information about each photo, and having less consistency in the theme of feeds and


After make each photo having a huge layer of yellow theme to make it more attractive, our team
also complement it with menu photos, trivia, fun fact, testimonial also documentation from
consumers that arranged by turn has made the deCorner Instagram feeds well organized.

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