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*3015* (Pages : 3) 3015

Reg. No. : ....................................

Name : .........................................

Seventh Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, June 2009

(2003 Scheme)
Branch : Electronics and Communication

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100


Answer all questions. Each question carries 4 marks.

1. Derive Q of a rectangular cavity resonator.

2. Explain how helical coil is used as slow wave structure.

3. Explain the electronic admittance of a reflex klystron.

4. List the performance characteristics and applications of magnetron.

5. Differentiate between Klystron and TWT.

6. Explain the principle of operation of Tunnel diode.

7. Draw the energy band diagram of heterojunction bipolar transistor.

8. Define the terms directivity and coupling factor of directional coupler.

9. What is Faraday rotation ?

10. Why do FDM / FM microwave system use low index FM. (10×4=40 Marks)

3015 -2- *3015*


Answer any two questions from each Module.


11. Draw the diagram and derive expressions for power output and efficiency of 2 cavity

12. A TWT operates under the following parameters :

Beam current I0 = 50 mA
Beam voltage V0 = 2.5 kV
Characteristic impedance of helix Z0 = 6.75 Ω
Circuit length N = 45
Frequency f = 8 GHz
Determine :
a) The gain parameter C
b) The output power gain AP
c) All four propagation constants.

13. Derive expression for power output of a reflex klystron and draw the characteristics.


14. a) Draw the equivalent circuit and derive expression for power output and efficiency
of cylindrical magnetron.
b) An γ -band pulsed cylindrical magnetron has the following operating parameters
Anode voltage V0 = 26 kV
Beam current I0 = 27 A
Magnetic flux density B0 = 0.336 Wb/m 2
Radius of cathode cylinder a = 5 cm
Radius of Vane edge to center b = 10 cm.
Find :
a) Cyclotron angular frequency.
b) Cut off voltage for a fixed B0
c) Cut off magnetic fluxdensity for a fixed V0.
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15. Explain how Gunn diode acts as an oscillator.

16. Explain the power-frequency, current - frequency and power gain-frequency limitations
with reference to a microwave transistor.


17. Explain the methods for the measurement of power and frequency.

18. Why is a hybrid E-H plane referred to as Magic Tee. Derive the scattering matrix
of a Magic Tee.

19. a) Define fade margin.

b) For a system gain of 120 dB, a minimum input C/N of 30 dB and an input noise
power of –115 dBm. Determine the minimum transmitted power.
(6×10=60 Marks)


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