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16 April 2020


CMP (`) 1360 CRISIL is India's foremost provider of ratings, data, research, ana-
TARGET (`) 1490 lytics and solutions with a strong track record of growth, culture
of innovation, and global footprint.
Upside 10%
The acquisition of Greenwich Associates LLC, would benefit
M.Cap (` in cr) 9832.80
CRISIL as Greenwich is having over 300 clients across top in-
Equity ( ` in cr) 7.23 vestment banks, corporate banks, commercial banks, asset man-
52 wk H/L ` 2070/1083.50 agers and key players in the market infrastructure space globally.
Face Value ` 1 Thus, this acquisition will enable the company to bring in a differ-
ent, new & more hefty analytics together with, the leading player in
Div Yield 2.35%
the growing market of global benchmarking analytics across finan-
NSE Code CRISIL cial services.
BSE Code 500092 Also, company’s continuous efforts towards creating & monetiza-
tion of new products, a number of integrated solutions such as
Valuation Data Quantix, SMART, SPARC, ICON have enabled the much required
shift towards tech-enabled client delivery. Thus, given the in-
P/E 28.56
creasing demand for niche tools and products all over the world,
P/BV 8.39 the company would carry on with investing in technology & inno-
BV 162.09 vation.

Q4FY19 & FY19- Highlights

Key Financial Data  During Q4 & calendar year FY19, the consolidated income
EV 9671.65 from operations stood at ` 464.3 crore & Rs 1,731.7 crore respec-
Net Worth 1171.92 tively. The revenue was up by robust 8% & 12% in the same pe-
riod on back of ratings quality, addition of large corporate clients,
EPS 47.61 increase in securitisation mandates, and new offerings such as Inde-
pendent Credit Evaluation (ICE).

Index Detail  PAT for Q4 reported at ` 95.3 crore, compared with ` 113.8
Sensex 30495.76 crore (includes additional one time expense provision for receiv-
Nifty 8971.85 ables & tax credits of past years) in Q4FY18. However, Q4 FY19
PAT after adjusting these items grew by 6.4%. 1



 PAT for calendar year FY19 reported at ` 344 crore,

compared with ` 363.1 crore in the previous year.
Q4 FY19 & FY19
Highlights  It is a cash rich company with cash & cash equivalents
at ` 341.69 cr for FY19.

The business continued to innovate and rated India's

first wholesale real estate sector receivables securitisation
transaction and the first partial credit enhanced (PCE)
bond transaction in accordance with the Reserve Bank of
India's (RBI) PCE guidelines.

 Also, the Global Analytical Center (GAC) increased cov-

erage for S&P Global Ratings in the areas of new analytics
such as ESG, and sharpened focus on automation and optimi-
sation by leveraging new technologies to streamline opera-
tions in data and analytics.

 The India Research business saw growth in funds and

fixed income research by leveraging its proprietary data
and analytics platform Quantix for asset and wealth man-
agers, and institutional investors. But the segment's per-
formance was affected by changing demand in the risk and
analytics space, with the global financial services sector
preparing itself for the next wave of regulations.

 For the full year, the Advisory segment grew on the

back of new wins in the credit risk, regulatory reporting
and business analytics space in addition to new mandates
from government and multilaterals in the infrastructure
space. 2



A steep crash in market provides once in a decade opportunity to invest for both purpose ei-
ther to get high dividend yield or chance to get a good capital appreciation. The company has
declared a Total dividend of ` 32 per share for the year 2019, which provides security to-
wards risk free return and secondary has a chance to get a good capital appreciation in me-
dium term.
Below is the share price chart of Crisil for past one year, where “D” symbol represent
the Dividend paid by the company.

The Indian economy although did not perform well as there was a continuous stress in the
financial sector with projected lower GDP numbers & lower investment. However, the rating
business showed remarkable performance & growth. On the global front too, the regulatory
changes and low demand affected the Risk and Analytics business, though the alliance saw
robust traction in client & competitor analytics which boded well for the company.
Considering Q4 & calendar year 2019 performance into perspective, company have delivered
strong growth despite a challenging market environment and are committed to maintain the
growth trajectory thereon.
Thus, as the company is paying double digit dividend, is also delivering strong per-
formance and over the top, is available at corrected levels which could give advantage
to invest at lower levels. we recommend to buy the stock at current levels for the
price target of ` 1490 in medium term. 3



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Rudra Shares & Stock Brokers Limited is engaged in the business of providing broking services & distribu-
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Other Disclosures:
The research analyst has served as an officer,director,employee of the
subject company. NO
Rudra or its research analyst has been engaged in market making activity
for the subject company. NO
Rudra or its or associates have received any compensation from the
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This Research Report (hereinafter called report) has been prepared and presented by RUDRA SHARES & STOCK
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