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The honorable The Head of English Department

The honorable The advisors of English Students Association

The honorable The Board of Council of English Students Association
The honorable The Head of English Students Association
The honorable The Chief Committee of ESA’s Students’ Conference 2016
The honorable all the participants and guests

Good morning ladies and gentlemen

First of all, Let’s thanks to Allah SWT, who has been giving us guidance, happiness, health, and
mercy, so we can attend and participate in this event without any obstacles.
Praise and salutation may be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the
darkness to the lightness.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the English Students Association’s Student Conference 2016
With the theme : The Gate of Reformation
Today’s English Students Association Students Conference 2016 is supported by SL Community
On this special morning, please allow us to read our agenda :
1. Opening
2. Reciting Holy Qur’an
3. Greetings
4. Praying
5. Main event: The Plenary’s session of English Students Association Sudents Conference 2016
6. Closing
Ladies and gentlemen, Let’s start this agenda by reciting Bismillah
The next agenda is reciting holy Qur’an that will be read by Mr. Holiz. To mr. holiz time is yours
The next agenda is Greetings
The first greeting will be delivered by The Chief Committee of English Student Association Student
Conference 2016. To Ms. Nesya Aqidatul Izza, time is yours.
The next greeting will be delivered by The Head of English Students Association. To Mr.
Muhammad Nurhadiyansyah, time is yours.
The next greeting will be delivered by The Advisor of English Students association. To Mr. AK.
Amarullah time is yours.
The next greeting will be delivered by The Head of English Department. To Ms. Anjar Dwi Astuti
time is yours
The next agenda is Praying who will be led by Mr. Farezha. To mr. Farezha time is yours.
The next agenda is the main event, the plenary session of english students associaton’s students
conference 2016, that will be led by the temporary presidium team. For the temporary presidium
team, time is yours.
And here it is, our last agenda is closing.
The first closing agenda is the handover position that will be submitted by the Head of English
Students Association period 2015/2016 to the chosen head of English Students Association period
2016/2017. To Mr. Muhammad Nurhadiyansyah and Mr./Ms. ……………………………......., time
is yours.
Next, the handover of remaining funds English Students Association by the teasurer period
2015/2016 to the chosen treasurer of ESA period 2016/2017
Next, the handover of token to the chosen head of English Students Association, that will be
submitted by the the Head of English Students Association period 2015/2016. To mr. Nur
Hadiyansyah and mr./ms. .............................................................. time is yours.
Next, greetings from the chosen head of English Students Association period 2016/2017. To
mr. ....... time is yours

Next agenda is, prayer who will be lead by Fahreza

With the end of the prayer, then it is also the end of today’s event, the English Students
Association’s Student Conference 2016.Congratulation to mr./ms.
…………………………………...... with its members that is chosen to be the daily administrators of
Englis Students Association period 2016/2017.

Finally, from the deep of my heart, I’m Fhiersa as the master of ceremony and behalf of all the
committee members. I would like to exprss my upmost gratitude to all the distinguished guests.
Lets close the conference with hamdalah.
And Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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