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Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

Bangladesh knit sector is one of the largest knit garments manufacturing industry in the world.
The sector is producing top quality knit garments for global fast fashion brands. Human
Resource Management is significant for Garments industry since pieces of clothing is an
assistance industry. The necessity Recruitment and Selection practices activities cannot be
ignored in any ways because of its dependency in the RMG industry.

Recruitment and selection procedure plays a vital role in the concept of present business. Since
the company’s functions start with the recruitment and selection, if it is not done in a systematic
and thus affected. This is true in case of garments industries. Garments industries in Bangladesh
presently face many problems such as labor unrest, infrastructure and HRM practices. The World
Bank stresses continuous efforts to reform garment sector in Bangladesh. The country had to be
warned by the importers about the safety concerns for the garment workers of Bangladesh. It is
thus proven that the RMG sector in Bangladesh is lacking human resource management practice
properly. In fact, HRM practice is impossible to maintain properly unless appropriate employees
are not appointed rightly. An effective recruitment selection process clearly identifies your
company's needs and matches them with the right candidate, who will fit into your organization
both on paper and in practice. When you build your team with top caliber people who are serious
about your company and the job, as well as gifted in working with others, your overall
organization is better set up for success in the marketplace

Since our companies are as good as the people we hire, our recruiting can literally make or break
our businesses. It costs money to find employees, screen them, hire them, keep them on payroll
and offer them benefits. If we find the wrong match for the position or our company, there are
additional expenses incurred in the form of severance pay and repeating the hiring process. The
importance of recruitment in a company lies in the reality that how you recruit will influence
who you attract to apply, which results in either a good hire or a bunch of wrong fits. So, what
you are looking for should influence where and how you recruit. Without a good selection
process in place, hiring managers might be tempted to hire the first qualified person who comes
along, or to hire the people they like the best. The importance of selection is not just about
finding someone to do the job, but about finding the person who is the best possible fit for the
open position. Therefore, the present study has been done in order to know the actual situation of
the readymade garment industries’ recruitment and selection process of Bangladesh.

1.2 Objectives of the report:

There are two objectives of this report:

Broad objective: To gather an overall idea on HR functions of the garments sector. Specially
recruitment and selection process of garments sector.
Specific Objectives: Specific objectives are as follows –

 To identify the HR core responsibilities and implementing it in the right way.

 To acquire depth knowledge on all the key area of HR.

 To learn the recruitment and selection process of KEL

 To identify the problem of recruitment and selection process of knit empire ltd.

 To recommend suggestions to solve the problems.

 Identify the opportunities and challenges for knitwear farm.

1.3 Methodology

Every report follows some method and principle. This report is based on both primary and
secondary data. Data was collected through previous documents, archival records and highly
dependent on observation. Main source of data is open ended interview and observation.

1.3.1 Nature of the study

The report entirely discusses the current service offered by “Knit Empire Ltd” and how they
perform different HR practices at “Knit Empire Ltd “The report discusses the current recruitment
and selection policies of the Knit Empire Ltd. at its top, mid and entry management level
employees. The work is not based on any other garment manufacturing factory otherwise
mentioned, or does not include blue collar labor force at Knit Empire Ltd. Also, it does not try to
discuss or conclude on any policies that does not affect the recruitment of management
employees at any rate. All policies of Human Resource other than recruitment are excluded in
this report. (Information source -Marketing Research)

1.3.1 Data collection

Data source

Primary data Secondary data

Primary Data

I have collected primary information be interviewing employees, officers by the process

assigned by KEL, observing various organizational procedures, structures, directly
communicating with the higher officials. Primary data were mostly derived from he discussion
with the employees and personal experience during Internship period.

Primary information is under consideration in the following manner:

 Practical desk work

 Face to face conversation with officer

 Direct observations
 Face to face conversation with client.

Secondary Data

I have taken the help of different types of secondary data in my report. The sources of those data
can be categorized as follows:

Internal Sources

 Prior research report

 Branch employees statement

External Sources

 Different books and periodicals related to RMG sector

 Website of KEL
 Related links available in the Internet

Target Population

The data are collected to make this report from the employees who are the official of recruitment
and selection practices.

Sample Size

The survey was conducted over 4 persons, who were actually employees of Knit Empire

Data Analysis

The data was analyzed and demonstrate with the relevant course material. Other sides the data
were used in the human resources tools and techniques. They were matched and compare with
the HRM term.
1.3.2 Data presentation and tabulation

For data presentation I used MS word, MS excel and pie charts to show the graph and others. MS
excel to represent the chart properly.

1.4 Limitations of the Report

1. Large-scale research was not possible due to time constraint.

2. Relevant data and documents collection were difficult due to the organization

3. The responsible persons tried to avoid answering many questions.

4. Management is very busy with their daily works. So, all requirements can’t be included.

5. As the organization doesn’t have much information in their website, so information

collection was so difficult.

Overview of the organization

With the vast professional experience Engr. Enayet’s core values are hygiene, integrity, and
passionate creativity. His goal today as yesterday, keeps him on the path of discovery meeting
new associates and reconnecting with past friends.

Engr. Enayet offers his 20 years experience in the garments industry to mentor others and is
moving forward as we all experience the journey of this creative, evolving world of fashion.

The KEL management team began working in the domestic knitwear business. Today, KEL
specializes in supplying knitted fabrics to mass merchandisers. We demonstrate the ability to
deliver a quality, on-time quality developed in close alliance with their retail customers as fabric
supplier. This alliance allowed for an innovative, high quality and timely approach to the
retailer’s needs.

A division of KEL will ensure the success of the package procurement venture for up market
brands and better fashion brands. The relationship with KEL offers a huge advantage for
flexibility, quality and reliability.

Knit Empire Ltd. (KEL) is a Knit Fabric Manufacturing Company established at Tenguri, Zirani
Bazar, Savar in 2004. The company produces approximately 25 tons of quality Knit fabric per
week. Its traditional business is to provide fashionable knitted fabrics to markets. KEL
Performance division provides technical fabrics to the outdoor and active wear markets.

KEL expand its production lines by introducing the softest, most comfortable and most durable
fabrics on the market for Apparel Industry.KEL prides itself on its flexibility in servicing its
customers’ needs in providing competitively priced, high quality fabrics and quick deliveries. It
is the company’s goal to service the needs of the apparel industry by offering fabrics that appeal
to the fashion, lifestyle and performance driven consumer.

Our highly trained staff is up to date on the latest advances in the industry and constantly strives
to maintain and improve their level of expertise. Our R&D department can analyze and duplicate
any fabric submitted to us. We are constantly creating new and exciting fabrics.
Most machines are equipped with feeders to add spandex to any fabric. KEL uses only the finest
yarns, including cotton, rayon, nylon, polyester and micro fibers.

All of KEL’s fabrics are dyed, finished, or printed Match-master Dyeing and Finishing. The
dyeing is done in pressure jets, using the finest reactive dyes available in the market.

KEL maintains a library of several thousand print patterns developed by the company’s print
designers, as well as a design studio that produces original artwork. KEL has the capability to
print all patterns on state-of-the-art printing machines.


“The goal of Knit Empire Ltd is to service the knit fabric needs of the apparel industry with high
quality, competitively priced fabrics backed by outstanding customer service and technical

• Customer satisfaction
• Commitment
• Integrity
• Fairness
• Innovation
• Environment.
Personal Experience
3.1 Role and Responsibilities:
Provide support to all the training projects and help in the executive search projects. Also
provide support to the other sectors as well. In my 3 months of work experience I go through
different responsibilities, one to one conversation, team meeting etc. I also screened the CV’s of
the candidates; short listed them, and called them for interview, job posting in BD jobs and so
on. Assist HR Manager in recruitment of Management staffs, Intern. Short-list the CVs from
available sources. Arrange interview date, time, and venue and panel for interview and
coordinate accordingly.

3.2 Organizational analysis:

From my experience in “Knit Empire Ltd.” I have learnt the demand of human resource
outsourcing, executive search, data entry and training in the business world. By working with
them in various projects I have learnt that now a day’s employers are looking for fast and
efficient means of HR related solutions. So, HR is continuously developing. “Knit Empire Ltd.”
has proved to be one of the leading providers of such HR services and accomplished a lot of
success in very short period of time. HR in this kind of industry recently established. But it doing
a great job and authority also understand the necessity of Human Resource Department. The
team of “Employee Relation and Talent management” may be a small team in comparison to
number but the work efficiency is incredible and very organized in nature. This is one of the
curtail factors of their success.

3.3Personal experiences:

It has been a great privilege to have worked in an industry like “Knit Empire Ltd.” It is a big
industry in comparison with other company’s activities or production and also in comparison to
other industry of its kind; it is a very good work place. What I have admired the most is that
during my time in the company I had the learning scope. There is a great potentiality to learn
many of the HR aspects with wide vision. As an intern I was assigned under in charge of ER &
TM and worked under one of my senior colleagues. Although I was assigned under the
recruitment program, but I also screened the CV’s of the candidates; short listed them, and called
them for interview, job posting in BD jobs and so on. Assist HR Manager in recruitment of
Management staffs, Intern. Short-list the CVs from available sources. Arrange interview date,
time, and venue and panel for interview and coordinate accordingly.
With the full support and permission of my supervisor I helped all the HR departments and the
senior associates in various projects. They did not treat me as an intern rather they allowed to
those tasks which their employees often do.

I have helped my team by working beside them in various projects and corporate presentations.
The time which I have spent with the ER&TM team has led me to understand a lot of HR issues
which managers and top-level management has to dealt with all the time and ways to solve them
by creating and effective guideline. I have also learnt some of the different type of informal tasks
like arranging application form, information form, interview rating form etc. conducted in
various types of organizations and how industry to industry recruitment can differ. It has given
me a valuable insight to a lot of issues which big organizations face and how organizations such
as “Knit Empire Ltd.” helps them in solving recruitment related problems. I have seen that a lot
of banks, financial institutions and Media are working with “Knit Empire Ltd.” Normally setting
up a recruitment program takes a lot time and hard work; first we must find out the requisition
from different department. Then if we think we need new employee then arrange for the
interview. There are two ways of hiring –external and internal hiring. Sometimes we contact HR
consultancy for Hear hunting. Different types of hiring programs, based on their level of the
designation. recruitment session could last to 3-4days or even an entire week sometimes.

In case of candidate search, the experience was very insightful and interesting. I had the
opportunity to work in many important tasks like-help them joining the candidates in a new post.
I had to check their original documents, certificates, medical reports, national ID and so on for
verification Though this process I learnt a lot about different job description formats of different
big companies. Before making phone calls and offering job to the candidates it is essential to
learn about the job post and its responsibilities. In short it is essential to study the job description
format provided by the client company. This has helped me to learn about the various posts and
level of jobs exists in the market, the requirements and qualifications. These are some of the
valuable knowledge which I couldn’t have learnt if I had not participated in such projects.

I was also associated in CV entry activity of the organization. I played a major role in sorting out
the CV’s which comes from BD jobs and other sources every day. It is important to sort and
store the CV’s to the database of “Knit Empire Ltd.” for future use. During my time in the
organization. I also learnt to write official mail.

The entire experience was very insightful and I had learnt a lot from my experience during this
internship period.
Chapter 4
Analysis and Findings
4.1. Recruitment Process of Knit Empire Limited

Knit Empire Limited believes, recruitment is that-

 Process of attracting qualified job applicants,

 Strategic recruitment involves the appropriate use of internal and external sources.

 The process of finding and attempting to attract job candidates who are capable of
effectively filling job vacancies.

4.1.1 Recruitment

Recruitment is the process of identifying and hiring best-qualified candidate (from within or
outside of an organization) for a job vacancy, in a most timely and cost-effective manner.
Recruitment is the process of attracting qualified applicants for a specific job. The process begins
when applications are brought in and ends when the same is finished. The result is a pool of
applicants, from where the appropriate candidate can be selected. According to Edwin B Filippo,
"Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and
encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization." Thus, recruitment enables the
organization to select suitable employees for different jobs. it is the most important function of
the personnel department. It is concerned with the discovery of the sources of manpower and
tapping of these sources so that the potential employees are properly evaluated and the new
employees are placed and inducted to fill up the vacant position in the organization. Recruitment
aims at developing and maintaining adequate supply of labor force according to the need of the

The recruitment process is all about gathering information about jobs and people and matching
the two. Recruitment also flows from the broader task of workforce planning. Recruitment
consists of 4 key steps:
Define: the role and the type of person you need to satisfactorily complete this work.

Attract: a pool of qualified and interested applicants (both within and outside the organization)
to the role.

Assess: information about your applicants so that you can make an informed decision about
which applicants have the required capabilities for the job.

Select: the best person for the role. Linking all of the four key steps involved in the recruitment
process back to the relevant key objectives identified for the particular role, considerably
increases the chances of choosing "the right person for the right job".

4.1.2 Internal Recruitment

Internal recruitment is the process of finding potential internal candidates and encouraging them
to apply for and be willing to accept organizational jobs opening. The Internal Recruitment is the
most favorite source of candidates in the stable and developed companies. The Internal
Recruitment can build a strong loyalty with the organization as the employees have a chance to
change their position after a period of time. The employees are not pressed to look for
opportunities on the external job market. Knit Empire Limited also uses to recruit as above-
mentioned process.

4.1.3 Employee Referral:

Employee referral is an internal recruitment method employed by organizations to identify

potential candidates from their existing employee’s social networks. An employee referral
scheme encourages a company's existing employees to select and recruit the suitable candidates
from their social networks. E.g. Recently Junior Executive (Accounts) Mr. Md. Mamunur Rashid
is appointed referred by Company Secretary Mr. Ismail Hossain.
4.1.3 External Recruitment

External recruitment refers to the practice of recruiting a candidate from the talent pool outside
the recruiting organization. External recruitment is the process of finding potential candidates
and encouraging them to apply to and be willing to accept the organizational job openings. It is
included the following things:

4.2 Advertisements

Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential candidates

to apply for a particular position. For these purposes, advertisements sometimes embed their
persuasive message with factual information. Every major medium is used to deliver these
messages, including television, radio, cinema, magazines, newspapers, video games, the Internet,
carrier bags and billboards. Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a
company or other organization. (BD jobs, Leaf lets, Poster, Banners, etc.).

4.2.1 Recruitment and Selection Framework (Officer Level)

 Assess the need for the job and ensure there is adequate funding for it.
 Review the job description to ensure that it meets the present and future requirements.
 Review the person specification to ensure it meets the requirements of the job
 Design the selection process.
 Draft the advertisement and select the advertising media.
 Validate references, qualifications and security clearance.
 Short list using the person specification only.
 Interview and test short-listed candidate.
4.2.2 Recruitment and Selection Framework (Worker Level)

Processes are being maintained to recruit are as follows-

 Respective department head with the approval of the HR Manager prepares requisition
for additional and replacement workers.

 Vacancies announced by advertising, posters, leaf lets, putting banners at the front side of
the main gate, different places, and reliable sources.

 Application receives from hand to hand and in most of the cases walk in interview system
is followed.

 In cases of skilled workers, recruitment’s being done by “on the job test” (Practical

 In cases of unskilled workers, oral test.

 General health checked-up by factory medical officer is an essential part of recruitment


 Salary, wages, and other benefits fixation is done in fulfillment to the applicable
Bangladesh labor laws-2006 and minimum wages gazette.
Job Circuler-1

Production Manager (Knit Empire Limited)

  Savar, Dhaka
  Permanent
  Full-time

Job Context
We are a 100% export oriented Knit Garments Manufacturer, looking for dynamic and highly
professional persons for the post of "Production Manager". The incumbent must be energetic &
possess an enthusiastic personality with self-driven competency for taking challenges

Job Responsibilities

 Plan, organize, lead and control manpower & equipment capacity to maximize utilization
with lowest cost, utmost efficiency and minimum wastage.
 Concentrate on all kinds of inputs received & study capacity of operation, identify and
remove constraints to make optimistic use of man, machines & materials in terms of
 Verify line layout of individual style and adjust through balancing of machine and skilled
 Directs and controls the day-to-day operations of the production department ensuring
achievement of production targets and guide production teams to attain targets for the
respective unit within given time-frame as per customer requirements.
 Monitor hourly production and ensure correct method so that the production output is as
per the desired limit, quality and compliance.
 Improve profitability by identifying cost reduction opportunities through integrated
production planning, information support and analysis.
 Update information on technical operations and cost parameters at every stage of the
production process.
 Able to take initiatives and understand how to manage the critical paths of delivery and
ensure timely shipment as per buyer schedule.
 Prepare the Daily/Weekly/Monthly production performance status report.
 Assure that employee disciplining is effectively administered and that employee
grievances are addressed in a timely and proper manner.
 Ensure implementation of best garments manufacturing practices in RMG using best
tools & techniques.
 Maintain relationships and coordinate with all departments for ensuring the smooth
execution of apparels production in the factory.
 Any other task assigned by Management.

Employment Status

 Full time

Educational Requirements

 Bachelor degree in any discipline, Masters degree in any discipline, Diploma in

 Textile background will get priorities

Experience Requirements

 At least 8 year(s)
Additional Requirements

 Age 35 to 45 years
 Only males are allowed to apply
 Good communication skills in Bengali and English.
 Minimum 5 years of experience as a "Production Manager" for a Knit Garments Factory.
 Good computer skills.
 Excellent knowledge on pattern and marker.
 Technical problem-solving ability with analytical skills as per quality standard based of
RMG production.
 Need to possess excellent knowledge of Compliance, Labor Law and Rules &
Regulations of the RMG sector in Bangladesh and abroad.
 Must possess very good interpersonal skills, to maintain effective relationship with
Workers, Supervisors and Managers.

Job Location

Dhaka (Savar)


Compensation & Other Benefits

 Mobile bill, Insurance, Performance bonus

 Salary Review: Yearly
 Festival Bonus: 2
 Others facility as per company policy.
Job Circuler-2

Officer - Work Study (Knit Garments)

Knit Empire Limited



Job Responsibilities

 Adopt industrial engineering practice in every possible area;

 Apply statistical methods and perform mathematical calculations to determine
manufacturing processes, staff requirements and production standards;
 Layout of equipment, materials and work space to illustrate maximum efficiency, using
 drafting tools and computer;
 Review production schedules, engineering specifications, orders, estimate production
 and related information to obtain knowledge of manufacturing methods, procedures and
 Implement lean manufacturing process;
 Monitor operations sequence, material flow, functional statements;
 Analyze statistical data and product specifications to determine standards and establish
 quality and reliability objectives of finished product;
 Evaluate staff performance, disciplinary matters and training needs;
 Regulate and alter workflow schedules according to established manufacturing sequences
 and lead times to expedite production operations;
 Any other assignment as assigned by the management.

Employment Status


Educational Requirements

 B.Sc in Textile Engineering from any reputed institution.

Experience Requirements

 2 to 3 year(s)
 The applicants should have experience in the following area(s):
Work Study
 The applicants should have experience in the following business area(s):

Additional Requirements

 Both males and females are allowed to apply

 Strong knowledge on operation breakdown and operation analysis.
 Leadership skill.

Job Location

Compensation & Other Benefits

 Salary Review: Yearly

 Festival Bonus: 2
 Excellent working environment;
 Earn leave encashment; and
 Other benefits as per company policy.

4.3 Selection process of Knit Empire Limited

4.3.1 Selection Provisions

Without a good selection process in place, hiring managers might be tempted to hire the first
qualified person who comes along, or to hire the people they like the best. The importance of
selection is not just about finding someone to do the job, but about finding the person who is the
best possible fit for the open position Managers need to design the selection process they will
use, giving consideration to the following points:

4.3.2 Panel Composition

All interviews for permanent posts must be conducted by a panel. The chief operating officer is
responsible for selecting interview panel members. The panel composites by the chief operating
officer, the HR Manager and respective department head. The Interview board is normally
presided over by the chief operating officer. Sometimes the interview board is presided over by
the director. This committee shall comprise
of the followings:
a) Director: Chairman
b) Chief Operating Officer: Member
c) Concern Department Head: Member
d) Manager (HR): Member & Secretary

4.3.3 Interview Questions

Human resources department hold the KEL interview guides that contain competency-based
interview questions. KEL potential team emphasis on basic knowledge rather than theoretical
knowledge. The chief operating officer thinks that if the candidates have the basic knowledge,
they can do the work effectively and proper way.

The purpose of interviewing is to appoint the best person for the job based solely on merit and
suitability. KEL recruitment and selection framework achieves this by using methods that are
systematic, thorough, fair, unbiased and based on rational, objective, job related criteria. At the
interview, each candidate should be treated consistently. To achieve this, the panel should:

 Ask the same initial questions of each candidate.

 Supplement their understanding of the candidate’s responses by following up questions
as appropriate.
 Not allow any discriminatory questions, harassment, or any other conduct which breaches
KEL equal opportunities policy or code of conduct.
 Keep in mind that information obtained throughout the selection process is treated as
confidential and is known only to parties involved in the selection process.
 Keep records of interviews and the reasons for decisions - returning this information to
HR for filing (and disposal six months later) Panel members must be aware that it is their
responsibility to ensure recruitment/interview documentation is stored securely and
confidentially while in their possession.

4.3.4 Decision to Appoint

In selecting the successful candidate, the panel must make a decision based on the merit and
eligibility of the candidates as judged by:
 Content of application

 Qualifications (if required for the post)

 Performance at Interview

 Outcome of any selection tests

The panel must seek to ensure that candidates appointed will actively promote the KEL Core

4.3.5 Checks

As part of assessing the merit of each candidate, Chief Operating Officer must satisfy themselves
that the information the candidate gives is authentic, consistent and honest. This include being
satisfied about information regarding the candidate’s:

 Application

 Work History

 Qualifications (where a qualification is a requirement for the post, supporting evidence or

certification must be obtained from the candidate and recorded)

 Evidence presented at interview

Should any of these not meet the required standards, HR must immediately discuss the issue with
the Chief Operating Officer.

4.3.6 Offer

Offer of Employment A conditional verbal offer of employment is to be made by the Chief

Operating Officer within a week of interview. The offer must be on a conditional basis while the
required checks take place in relation to security clearance, health declaration, references, and
qualifications. It is the Chief Operating Officer’s responsibility to notify HR of the offer. HR will
then send the candidate an appointment letter and statement of particulars detailing post, salary,
benefits, holiday entitlement, notice period, working hours and location. If the offer is acceptable
to the selecting candidates, they signed the appointment letter. When the following candidates
joined the offered position, they have to write a joining letter to the Chief Operating Officer. It is
also noted that Chief Operating Officer, HR Manager and other panel members are explained
and described the responsibility, working area, salary, compensation and other benefits to the
interviewee because of he can be adjusted with the mentioned situation. In case of the special
condition or important position, the Director specially discussed with the interviewee the
following details:

 Condition of work

 Job Responsibility

 Working Area

 Importance of the position

4.3.7 Placement to the Position

When the selected candidates submitted his joining letter, the HR Manager describes his
responsibility, ensure his responsibility, and introduce him to the other respective persons. Then
he finally took his responsibility and continues his daily activities.
4.4 Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Q1. Is company meets the current and legal requirement for recruitment and selection

Particular Option Number of Responds Percentage

Strongly Agree 15 60%
Agree 8 32%
Neutral 2 8%
Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Strongly agree Agree Nettral Disagree



From the survey it is found that, Out of 25 respondents, 60% respondent’s opinion that
they are strongly agree, 32% agree. With the view from the above information it can be
said that through majority respondents are strongly Agree about the conduction of
company meets the current and legal requirement for recruitment and selection process
but 8% of the respondent are neutral with the view.

Q2. How is their advertisement process for recruitment?

Particular Option Number of Responds Percentage

Very standard 1 4%

standard 2 8%

Average 11 44%

poor 9 36%

Very poor 2 8%

Total 25 100%

Very standard Standard Average Poor Very poor

8% 4% 8%



Within 25 respondents 44% employees said that KELs advertisement process for
recruitment is average, 36% said low, 8% very low. But some people said their opposite
like 8% employee said their advertisement process for recruitment is standard and 4%
said very standard. But in this survey we can see that their process is not standard.
Q3. Which recruitment process they are follow the most?

Particular Option Number of Responds Percentage

Internal 8 32%

External 15 60%

Both 2 8%

Total 25 100%

Internal External Both

8% 32%


Within 25 respondents 60% employees said that KELs follow external recruitment, 32%
employee said they follow internal recruitment and 8% employee said the follow both
internal and external. But actually external recruitment they follow the most.

Q4. How is their employee turnover rate?

Particular Option Number of Responds Percentage

Very high 1 4%

High 1 4%

Average 8 32%

Low 12 48%

Very low 3 12%

Total 25 100%

Very high High Average Low Very low

12% 4%



Within 25 respondents 48% employees said that company’s turnover rate is low, 32%
employee said that its average, 12% said that it is very low but 2 respondents said their
opposite. 4% people said that employee turnover is high and 4% people said its very high.
But overall, we can say that employee turnover rate is low.
Q.5 how much do you support the external source?

Particular Option Number of Responds Percentage

Too much 15 60%
About right 10 40%
Too little 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Too much About right Too little



Within 25 respondents 60% employees said that they support too much on behalf of
external source for recruitment, 40% recommended about right. So, we can say that an
external source is preferred over external source.
Q6. How much do you support the internal source?

Particular Option Number of Responds Percentage

Too much 5 20%
About right 10 40%
Little 10 40%
Total 25 100%

Too much About right Little




Within 25 respondents 20% employees said that they support too much on behalf of
external source for recruitment, 40% recommended about right and 40% recommended
Q7. How much their selection process is fair?

Particular Option Number of Responds Percentage

Too much 12 48%
Fair 10 40%
Average 2 8%
Little fair 1 4%
Total 25 100%

Too much Fair Average Little fair




From the analysis it is found that, Out of 25 respondents, 48% respondent’s opinion that
they support too much, 40% fair, 8% average and 4% little fair about their selection
Q8. How much do you support their direct recruitment?

Particular Option Number of Responds Percentage

Too much 2 8%

Fair 7 28%

Neutral 8 32%

Too little 8 32%

Total 25 100%

Too much Fair Netural Too little

32% 8%



Within 25 respondents 32% employees said that they support too much KELs direct
recruitment, 28% said it is fair, 8% employee support too little but 32% employee
comments they are neutral about UBLs direct recruitment process.
Q9. How much the HR department is loyal for internal recruitment and selection?

Particular Option Number of Responds Percentage

Too much 13 52%
Fair 10 40%
Average 2 8%
Little fair 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Too much Fair Average Little fair



Within 25 respondents 52% employees said that KELs HR department is loyal for internal
recruitment and selection, 40% employee said they are fair and 8% employee said KELs
HR department is loyal for internal recruitment and selection.
Q10. How you evaluate your interview for recruitment and selection?

Particular Option Number of Responds Percentage

High standard 8 32%

Standard 13 52%

Average 2 8%

Less standard 2 8%

Total 25 100%

High standard Standard Average Less standard



Within 25 respondents 32% employees said that UBLs written test for recruitment and
selection is high standard, 52% said it is standard, 8% said average and 8% said less
standard. But in this survey we can see that their process is standard.
Q11. How you evaluate your interview process for selection?

Particular Option Number of Responds Percentage

High standard 5 20%
Standard 10 40%
Average 8 32%
Less standard 2 8%
Total 25 100%

High standard Standard About right Less standard




Within 25 respondents 20% employees said that UBLs interview for selection is high
standard, 40% said it is standard, 32% said average and 8% said less standard. But in this
survey, we can see that their process is standard.

4.4 Findings
Recruitment & Selection are the core issues for choosing a right candidate for a right job. Many
organizations follow different techniques for recruit & select candidates. As I am doing my
internship at Knit Empire Ltd. I tried to communicate with one of the HR personnel to collect
some necessary information. That information’s are briefly discussed below:

1.For the worker level employees Knit Empire Ltd. usually make their recruitment through
attaching Notice in the main gate for job openings for workers.

2. For officer level from there interested candidates start submitting their applications for their
desired posts. From those applications HR screen candidates CV and then call them for a
interview session. After taking interview of candidates Knit Empire Ltd. select only those
candidates who actually deserve the job as per their experience or knowledge about that
particular job.

3. After joining Knit Empire Ltd. usually conduct a practical test on newly recruited worker to
see what amount of output a worker can produce in a day. After this test it can be easily identify
the capacity of the worker. This is because Knit Empire Ltd. put more emphasis on Practical test
as well as interview.

4. In terms of worker recruitment sometime Knit Empire Ltd. face some constraints like
recruiting wrong candidates.

5. Sometimes there are urgent needs of worker then Knit Empire Ltd. recruit some workers only
having some informal interview with workers. But at the time of production Knit Empire Ltd.
faced few situations like workers incompetence in work.

6. for Knitting and spinning need skilled worker to operate the equipment but they didn’t aware
at this section.

7. As their selection process is effective so that their employee turnover rate is not so high.

8. New philosophies of HRM are not practice in KEL.

After selecting workers, they have to abide by the rules & regulations of KEL Before joining
KEL ask the newly recruited worker to submit their old service book and KEL issues a new
service book to the worker. When that particular worker joins the work, they have to submit
following things:

a. National ID card photocopy.

b. Certificates (if have).

c. Interview sheet.

d. 4 copy picture

e. Old service book (if have).

In terms of Staff recruitment & selection, Knit Empire Ltd. use to recruit employees through
online service ( In recruitment process, Knit Empire Ltd. Short list the CV. If a
candidate got selected then HR contact with the candidate and arrange an interview session and
he or she does well in interview then Knit Empire Ltd. select that candidate for a particular job.
Knit Empire Ltd. usually takes 15 to 20 days to offer selected candidates’ appointment letter. In
terms of internal recruitment, employee referral candidates they also face the interview sessions.

Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Conclusion
Based on above discussion, Knit Empire Ltd. recruitment and selection procedures and opinions
of employees, it has been identified that they are following good criteria for recruiting and
selecting appropriate employees and worker for their organization. Knit Empire Ltd. is one of the
RMG manufacturing companies in Bangladesh. They provide exceptional products to their
buyers to retain them. In KEL there were no conflicts between workers and supervisors since I
was doing my internship there. This is because KEL strictly follows the rules & regulations
Imposed by BGMEA and Bangladesh labor law. To be a good is not perfect for this competitive
market of RMG sector, they have to be perfect. Interaction between Human resource
departments with all other department was quite well and they help each other to follow up the
direction given by COO to accomplish the task. Recently they are working on a new project
where all departments are working together to start the project as soon as possible.

5.2 Recommendations
After analyzing Knit Empire Ltd. (KEL) recruitment & selection procedures it has been
identified that they are following good criteria for recruiting and selecting appropriate employees
and worker for their organization. To be a good is not perfect for this competitive market of
RMG sector, they have to be perfect. For that reason, there are some recommendations that I
would like to suggest:

1. For internal recruitment KEL should follow “Succession Planning” technique specially for
those post which are tend to create leader (e.g. Assistant Manager). This technique will help KEL
to avoid extra training cost which will occur if they hired employee from outside.

2. KEL recruitment team should consider the "reliability" and "validity" of the methods they use
as part of the selection process. This means that the selection methods should be consistent and
measure what they are intended to measure.

3. Telephone interviews can be used at any stage of the selection process but are particularly
useful when the employer wants to screen out the least suitable candidates for the role.

4. A presentation exercise could be useful if the employer wishes to assess candidates' verbal
communication skills.

5. Employers need to be aware of the possibility of discrimination occurring during all stages of
the selection process, and make every attempt to mitigate this risk.

6. Short listing against the job-related criteria is a key early stage of the selection process. If the
employer carries out the short listing stage effectively, this means that it will need to interview
and test only the most suitable candidates for the role.

7. KEL should recruit employees with minimum computer knowledge which will be a
competitive advantage for them in terms of competition.

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