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Forms and Structure of Metamorphic Rocks

Shuvam Adhikari
November 7, 2020

1 Texture and Structure of Metamorphic Rocks

Texture are small scale features that are penetrative which occurs in virtually all of the rock body at the microscopic
level whereas sstructure are larger-scale features; found in hand-sample, outcrop, or regional scale. Texture of
metamorphic rocks depends on the shape of the minerals, their modes of growth and mutual arrangement. Structure
of a metamorphic rock depends on the interrelation of various textures within the same rock unit and are frequently
dominated by directive forces due to unequal pressure. What we find on the texture is often mirrored by structures
found at the hand-sample and larger scale, so looking at thin sections can help us understand the structural history
of a region.

2 Foliation
Foliation are pervasive planar structure that results from nearly parallel alignment of sheet-silicate minerals and/or
compositional and mineralogical layering in the rock develops as a result of differential stress and folding.

2.1 Foliated metamorphic rocks

When a rock is squeezed under directed pressure during metamorphism it is likely to be deformed, and this can
result in a textural change such that the minerals are elongated in the direction perpendicular to the main stress.
This contributes to the formation of foliation. Some examples of foliated metamorphic rocks are slate, phyllite,
schist, gneiss, etc.

2.2 Non-foliated metamorphic rocks

Metamorphic rocks that form under either low-pressure conditions or just confining pressure do not become foliated.
In most cases, this is because they are not buried deeply, and the heat for the metamorphism comes from a body
of magma that has moved into the upper part of the crust. This is contact metamorphism. Some examples of
non-foliated metamorphic rocks are marble, quartzite, and hornfels.

3 Types of structure of Metamorphic Rocks

3.1 Cataclastic Structure
A catalastic structure forms due to breakdown of fragmental rocks, mainly as a results of shearing action. This
causes soft rocks, such as shale to shatter and get crushed to form crushbreccia which forms mylonite at a latter
stage. In some instances more resistant minerals undergo less crushing while in other cases less resistant minerals
undergo severe deformation and form a porphyroclastic structure. This structure is typically exhibited by cataclasite
and mylonite.

3.2 Maculose Structure
In some metamorphic rocks, porphyroblasts of resistant minerals, such as coderite, andalusite and biotite are devel-
oped and in some varieties spotting is visible due to incomplete recrystallization of those minerals and segregation
of carbonaceous matter. Maculose texture is typically exhibited in argallaceous rocks under thermal or contact

3.3 Schistose Structure

A schistose structure is usually exhibited by schist rocks. These rocks show more or less parallel bands. Flaky
minerals, such as hornblende, chlorite and talc are influenced by the temperature and pressure conditions and form
parallel layered arrangements resulting in a schistose structure. Schistose structure is exhibited in rocks such as
hornblende schist, chlorite schist and biotite schist. A schist features a lepidoblastic foliation if this foliation is
defined by oriented micas, and a nematoblastic foliation if such a foliation is defined by the orientation of prismatic
minerals as amphiboles and pyroxenes.

3.4 Granulose Structure

A granulose structure is formed due to the presence of subhedral grain minerals such as quartz, feldspar, pyroxene,
calcite, e.t.c. A granulose structure exhibits more or less a uniform grain size. Marble and quartzite rocks exhibit
a granulose texture.

3.5 Slaty Structure

A pervasive, parallel foliation (layering) of fine-grained platy minerals (chlorite) in a direction perpendicular to the
direction of maximum stress. This structure commonly develops in shale that undergo slight metamorphism. Rocks
showing a slaty structre are very fine grained composed mainly of microscopic flakes of mica. This structure can be
seem in rocks like slate and phyllite.

3.6 Gneissose Structure

A gneissose structure is formed due to the alteration of schistose bands(flaky minerals) and granulose struc-
ture(granular minerals). A gneissose structure is not parallel, hence, it exhibits a dissimilarity in nature. Generally
the foilation is also not parallel, Hornblende and biotite show disconnected bands. A gneissose texture is exhibited
by rocks, such as granite gneiss and hornblende gneiss. Presence of gneissose structure is an indication of advance
degree of metamorphism under combined action of high temperature, pressure and active participation of fluids.

3.7 Augen Structure

This structure is typical in metamorphic rocks in which the effect of crushing under pressure is clearly associated
with recrystallization. In this structure some of the resistant minerals such as feldspar,quartz or garnet get deformed
into elliptical or eye shapes, which are commonly enveloped by parallel layers of contrasting constituents such as
mica or chlorite giving a characteristic appearance to the rock. This structure is seen in Augen Gneiss.

4 Conclusion
These are different types of structure fount in metamorphic rocks. Knowledge of thsese structrce in a rockmass can
give us many ideas about its orign, type, degree of metamorphism and stress history.

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