Bulk WhatsApp Features - Techinfinity

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Ground Floor, Edwandar House, 
Prathna Samaj, Opp Gate 6 - HN Reliance Hospital 
Navalkar Lane, Mumbai - 400003 
022 23841425 / 9833388717 / 9022573205 / 9820267329 


Bulk WhatsApp 
Bulk Whatsapp is the business revolution your marketing campaign is looking for.

From messages to media sending everything with one click. 

Features of Bulk WhatsApp 

● Up to 5 Media with each of a limit of 10mb(at one time u can send (5 images+videos) or pdf 
or any document) 
● Send Unlimited campaign daily* 
● Get your campaign delivered in less than 24 hours 
● Get details of the number on which the messages are delivered and also non-delivered 
● Get R
​ eplies​ of people who message you while the campaign is on**. 
● Non Delivered messages credit would be refunded every 24hours. 

Steps for Sending Bulk WhatsApp 

STEP 1: 
Login to the panel using the link h
​ ttp://marketing.techinfinity.io 

Demo Login Credentials for testing purpose only 

Email id: ​info@techinfinity.io 

Password: Demo@123 

In case of credits not available you can send a WhatsApp message by clicking Add Credits. 

Add Credits 

STEP 2: 
Click on the messaging tab in the navigation menu and select compose campaigns 

STEP 3: 

Fill in the details of the form with your campaign name, list of numbers, media to send 
along with date and time for your campaign you can send it instantly or schedule for later. 

Reference form field to send campaigns 

You can upload up to 5 Media files (5 images+videos) or (pdf or any document) 

supported by WhatsApp.  


PS: Supported types of Campaigns are 

1. 5 Image or 5video + Message 

2. PDF + Message 

3. Total 5 (Video + Image) + Message 

STEP 4: 
Now click on Create Campaign. 

Congratulations you have successfully uploaded the campaign 

Points to Note:  
1. Make sure the date and time selected is anything in the future if the date is past the 
campaign would be canceled automatically. 
2. Numbers should be added in a comma-separated value (.csv) along with the country code 
a. Example if the number is 9022573205 and 9833388717 it should be added as 
b. For a larger Number file use the h
​ ttps://delim.co​ website for making your work easy. 
3. Make sure the demo is made with numbers 5 or less than it else it will go in the queue for and 
in the slab of delivery within 6 to 24 hours may delay in case of extra load. 
4. If you need API to Integrate its available with 5 Lakh and above quantity for demo kindly 
message us on WhatsApp.  
5. If any parameter is entered wrong the campaign with automatically get canceled. 
6. Reports that are sent may have a 2-5% chance of error. 
7. Panel support Bulk WhatsApp even on International Numbers. 
8. The panel will work from 9 AM to 9 PM IST daily until further notice. 

1. Numbers should be comma-separated converted using a given converter. 
2. Reports are automatic and will generate after 24-72 hours. 
3. Delivery reports are available for campaign more than 1000 Numbers. 

4. Any case of failures or wrong campaign credits will be refunded to the client but the 
client needs to inform us about this failure or mistake. 
5. In case of any support needed you can share the email of the campaign account with 
6. messages will not be delivered after 9 PM IST. 
7. If the Queue is more than processing speed - Techinfinity has all the rights to reschedule the 
delivery of your campaign. 
8. Reseller Whitelabel Panel is available ​Indian​ and I​ nternational. 
9. WhatsApp API is also available 

Terms and Conditions:  

● * - Maximum of 1 lakh messages per day. Additional Requirements will require 
up-gradation of the server with additional costs. 
● ** - Provided the channel number from which the campaign has been sent does not 
get blocked by the Whatsapp Community. 

Additional Notes 
● API Available  
○ Demo this is demo message from 


● ​IP to point on your domain for Whitelabel solutions 

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