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Out of all the subjects, creative writing had been my favorite. I have always wanted and loved

writing. I love to read stories and poems and had always dreamt of making my own. There were

numerous times where I attempted to do so. But only a few I finished and I am not realy pleased

about the outcome. One problem of my mine is that I tend to forget or decide not to do certain

things just because. I once started a journal but it did not last for a week because I kept forgetting

I had one and if I do remember, I ignore it. That is what I have been doing and resulted to me

being frustrated about myself and just stuck to reading. This semester started with writing a

poem for the first performance task in Creative Writing. I was very happy about that and I

became curious as to what the next module would have for me. The questions weren’t that hard

but I tend to procrastinate so the questions became hard for me. Over all, I’ve enjoyed the first

half of my Grade 11 journey, because I had the chance to explore the world of poetry and

somewhat improve my writing skills, which I’ve been wanting to improve since forever, all

thanks to this subject.


Abstract………………………………………………………………………. i

Autobiographical poem……………………………………………………… 1

Being One With The Ocean…………………………………………………. 2

The One Who Stayed……………………………………………………….... 2

A Full Package………………………………………….……………………. 3

Yes………………………………………………………………………….…. 4

Tanaga and Dion…………………………………………………………..…. 5

The Black Rose……………………………………………………………..… 5

Haikyu……………………………………………………………………...…. 6


Take a Step………………………………………………………………..……7

One-act Play………………………………………………………...………....10

A Letter for Me…………………………………………………….……….…12

A normal girl,

Who dreams big,

But do nothing.

Just some average girl,

Who wants to create,

But doesn’t experiment.

I am just an ordinary person,

Who’s full of talent,

But never practices.

I cannot say that I am proud, well sort off,

But knowing and understanding my shortcomings

Gives me room for improvement.

Being one with the Ocean

Engulfed by its cold embrace Being one with the ocean,

Soft and cool, The perfect way to unwind

Calming your thumping heart When you’re stressed and down

Easing your busy mind It would ease your mind and clears your frown

The waves caressing your body

Rocking you from side to side
Creating soft, comforting sound
Lulling you into darkness

The One Who Stayed

When life is treating you badly When you are in shambles

And you feel like giving up, In need for someone to come fix you up.

Turn to Him, the one who stayed Call for Him, the one who stayed,

And make Him the reason to stand back up. And you’ll be given a new start

When your thoughts are eating you up

And you can’t even hear the tick of the clock,
Seek for Him, the one who stayed
And the monsters would disappear

If you’re looking for a quick relaxing escapade, then Matinao Hot Springs is the best

option. Matinao Hot Springs, located at Maco, Compostella Valley, is a natural hot spring where

heated water flows from the springs and through a stream which then cascades over a rocky side

off a mountain where minerals are deposited on the surface creating beautiful yellow stalactites.

The water is only ankle-deep and is hot at the beginning but once you get used to it, it’s the

perfect temperature to soothe your body. If you want to take it to the next level, you could try

getting under the cascading water. I promise it would be a whole new level of relaxation that can

turn you in to a pile of goo. The location is also surrounded by trees providing shade and fresh

and cool air that can prick you when you get up from the water, so make sure to bring some


In getting there, I recommend taking the tricycle from Tagum City to Maco Terminal and

though a bus is much faster, you wouldn’t be able to experience and deeply appreciate the beauty

of the route unlike with the tricycle. Once you’ve past the city boundaries, buildings and houses

become scarce and nature became abundant. The roads are adorned with trees and greeneries

which are pleasing to the eyes, relaxes our mind, and produces fresh and cool air making the trip

super relaxing. The trees aren’t the only beautiful thing you’ll be able to see. Once you’ve

reached higher grounds, you’ll be able to see breathtaking sights. Views from up the mountain

are the best views, accompanied by the fresh air. It’s a hundred times better. Not only is the

location relaxing, it also has a soothing and therapeutic route. So, what’s stopping you from


The jingle of the keys,

The ringing in your ears.

The tapping on the floors,

The thumping of your heart.

Voices filled your head.

“He’s here”, “HIDE!”

Contradicting themselves,

“Show yourself!”, “GREET HIM!”

With shaky breaths,

Trembling as his eyes inspects.

“Have you been good?”

With a trembling voice you said, “Yes”.


Shooting stars passed by and stars filled the night sky,

Your eyes sparkling and it shines so bright,

And by this I knew that the choice I made was right,

To kneel with one knee and give us a try


Mga matatalinghagang salita

Mga ngiting nagniningning

Hindi ko mapigilang mahulog


Walking through a rose field that stretches past the horizon, and

Has thorns that’s sharper than knives and would pierce you with every move

Having one purpose, to bring back the colors you once possessed

Easing the stress with the beauty and pacifying the pain with pain.

After hours and hours of aimless walking, that turned to limping,

You stopped. Not because you felt the tiredness nor the pain seeping in.

You stopped because you saw something that had struck a chord in you

A black rose swaying along with the red ones, like she belongs.
The bright, soft ambiance,

And fresh air— now turning cold—

Will be missed by all.


Fogs occupied my mind for the past weeks.

Blocking my thoughts, everything was hazy.

I was close to calling myself crazy—

Cause my thoughts were so loud, so loud it shrieks.

At the same time, its empty, thoughts unheard.

Like there’s walls, which stretched higher and higher.

Head full of ideas, full of answers

But they stay stuck in my head, unuttered.

But there’s a voice inside that keeps pushing

Telling me that it’s done, I’ve done my part

Its time to free myself, to fall apart

To drop that façade and serious thinking.

Cause after all, I’m just a baby sheep,

Thrusted into a situation neck=deep.

Dear self,

If your reading this for the second time around, I assume its already 10 years since you’ve

written this. Your supposed to be 26 when you read this so don’t cheat. So, how’s the adult

life doing? What type of job did you have? Did you pursue teaching? How about

psychology? Are you happy? I hope your happy. I hope your surrounded by people who

loves you. Those who always listen to your rants and would be willing to be dragged by you

to the darkest part of hell. Speaking of friends, do you still talk to each other? You know,

best friend? I hope you still do. I really hope so. What are your hobbies now? Are you still

into crochet? Knitting? Embroidery? Do you still prefer to read the manga than watch the

anime? The most important question would be, do you still remember Seventeen? 10 years

from now I think Seventeen would have already disbanded, so I’ll ask you, do you love

them still? Have you been collecting their merch? I hope that you’re not spending too much

though. One version of an album is enough. No need to buy all 13 or 14 of them. Me, from

the future, I would guess that while reading this, you have a ton of unfinished work because

of Desma, the procrastinating and lazy part of or brain. So, I want you to do, finish reading

this and work! I don’t really have much to say to you and I know you understand. I just

hope that the me 10 years from now, is a strong woman, far from the me today. I hoped

you’ve overcome the fears and insecurities. That’s all I could wish for.

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