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Reference Sheet Template

Part 1: Reference Sheet

School Vision: Empowering learners and leaders to benefit our world.

School Mission: Sunset Hills community shows respect, ownership, achievement, and responsibility in the pursuit
of excellence in academics, athletics and the arts.

Budget Account INSTRUCTION

Function Code-Object code Description CIP/SIP Goals
1000-642 (Example) Science text books Grade 7 Students will have textbooks no older than seven (7) years.
(Example) (Example)

1000-020 Instruction Improvements Compensation for enrichment programs

1000-071 English Language Learners Use for tutoring to increase levels for the AZELLA test

1000-072 Compensatory Instruction Summer School for iSchool students who are behind or
missed an abundance amount of school.

© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Budget Account Academics
Function Code-Object code Description CIP/SIP Goals
1000-100 Zoom Licensure for all Provide teachers and students with the proper technology to
teachers. successfully teach/learn remotely.

1000-2213 PBIS training w/PBIS Arizona Develop Tier 2 of PBIS to implement the following school

1000-2100 Tutoring for core subject Teachers will tutor students who are struggling in each core

Budget Account
Function Code-Object code Description CIP/SIP Goals
2600 Maintenance-Clean Air School will have adequate air flow to provide a safe
System environment for staff and students

2660 Door Security School will update lock system in the before/after school
program areas for the safety of all.

Part 2: Reflection

The budget is aligned with our Sunset Hills elementary school budget:
Vision Statement:
Empowering learners and leaders to benefit our world.
 Mission Statement:

© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Sunset Hills community shows respect, ownership, achievement, and responsibility in the pursuit of excellence in academics, athletics
and the arts.
The budget line items that I pulled from our school CIP is preparing our students and school for a pursuit of excellence in all
areas of improvement. By having a safe school for your staff and students, it will help not keep the school functioning by keeping
everyone safe. Without a safe work and learning environment, we are unable to perform at the level that our school is capable of.
Making sure that our school is in the best shape possible, will ensure safety of the students from the parents. The PBIS portion of the
budget is such an important piece. PBIS is a positive way to encourage students to be respectful citizens in our community. By
rewards, and praise students are able to perform at a higher level and be more invested into making the right choices in the school
setting. The principal’s responsibility of aligning the budget with the CIP, mission, and vision is vital, so that we have one solid plan
of improvement for our school, and by doing so, it will be more successful. When there is alignment, the direction is the same, and the
needs are being met for all. The process that is taken to come up with a plan, and set a goal is very detailed. The process has all
stakeholders involved in decision making so that there is ownership and accountability from everyone.

Instructor Summary,

As stated in the readings and class discussions, the principal’s primary responsibility in school budgeting is that of planning the school

budget from year to year. What’s needed in school funding is a better, strategy-oriented and deliberate methodology to school budgeting as well as

tools and resources that will give challenged districts a leg up so they can make better spending decisions. More importantly, school budgeting

means ensuring the budgets alignment with the school’s improvement plan, planning for unplanned expenditures, understanding and

planning for the school’s needs, planning for and adjusting to declining school funds, and providing evidence of the budgets impact on

student achievement. All elements of the assignment criteria are met at a very high standard, with solidifying comments of your own

to support your understanding of the principals’ role and responsibility to logical and realistic budget categorizes. Great reflective

comments to support your understanding of the budgeting process (categories and codes) and the alignments with the CIP, the

school’s mission and vision, and the overall importance of accountability and skillful planning in site budgeting. Very good

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explanation and alignment of each budget area and item to the overall goals of the school, with a distinct correlation to the CIP plan.

Clear and concise references to the school’s mission and vision, which shows good understanding of how the site budget supports all

aspects of the CIP. Good job.

© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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