Pre-Test (Electromagnetic Spectrum)

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Pre-test in Electromagnetic Spectrum

A. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which two waves lie at the ends of the visible spectrum?

a. Infrared and Ultra-violet rays
b. Radio waves and Microwaves
c. Radio waves and X-rays
d. X-rays and Gamma rays

2. In the visible spectrum, which color has the longest wavelength?

a. Blue
b. Green
c. Red
d. Violet

3. Which property spells the difference between infra-red and ultra-violet

a. Color
b. Speed in vacuum
c. Wavelength
d. None of the above

4. A certain radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 675 kHz. What is

the wavelength of the radio waves?
a. 280 m
b. 324 m
c. 400 m
d. 444 m

5. What type of electromagnetic waves is used in radar?

a. Infrared rays
b. Microwaves
c. Radio waves
d. Ultra-violet rays

B. Below are the applications of electromagnetic waves. State the type

of electromagnetic wave used in each application.

1. Camera autofocusing
2. Radio broadcasting
3. Diagnosis of bone fractures
4. Sterilization of water in drinking fountains
5. Sterilization of medical instruments

C. Answer the following question briefly but substantially.

1. How are EM waves different from mechanical waves?

2. Give two sources of EM waves in the Earth’s environment.

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