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2a4 Phrasal Verbs PHRASAL VERBS (1W0-WORD AND THREE-WORD VERBS) ‘The term phrasal verb refers to a verb and particle which together have a special meaning. For example, put + off ‘means “postpone.” Sometimes a phrasal verb consists of three parts. For example, put + up + with means “tolerate.” Phrasal verbs are also called swo-toord verbs or three-word verbs. SEPARABLE PHRASAL VERBS ‘A phrasal verb may be either separable or nonseparable. With a (a) Fhanded my paper in yesterday. separable phrasal verb, a noun may come either between the verb (©) Fhanded in my paper yesterday. and the preposition or after the preposition, as in (a) and (b) (c) Thanded it in yesterday. ‘A pronoun comes between the verb and the preposition if the (icoenecr: I handed init yesterday.) phrasal verb is separable, as in (c) NONSEPARABLE PHRASAL VERBS. ‘With a nonseparable phrasal verb, a noun or pronoun must follow (@) Tran into an old friend yesterday. the preposition, as in (A) and (e) (©) Hran into her yesterday. GincoRRecr: Iran an old friend into.) Cincornecr: I ran her into yesterday.) Phrasal verbs are especially common in informal English. Following is a list of common phrasal verbs and their usual meanings. ‘This list contains only those phrasal verbs used in the exercises in the text. The phrasal verbs marked with an asterisk (*) are nonseparable, A askout soseeeeseecsess ask someone to go on a date B bring about, bring on ‘ cause bring up. (D rear children; (2) mention or introduce a wpie © callback vee eeeeevecees sess return a telephone cll callin SiS eLs2 265225 ask to come to an official place for a specific purpose call off er cancel ‘call on - ee + (ask to speak in cass; (2) visit call up call on the wlephone catch up (with) cictcetesssseess reach the same position of level “check in, check into register ata hotel ‘check into investigate check out a (1) take a book from the library; (2) investigate ‘check out (of) Jeave a hotel cheer up + Soeess ces make Gomeone) fel happier clean up ‘make clean and orderly come across Diccceeecceeecss magtlfnd by chance cross out ct straw alin through cutout. sop an annoying activity D do over ‘drop by, drop in (on) rop off lop out (of) figure out Sih out Bnd out ‘get along (with) Bet back (from) ‘get in, get into sgetol sgeton get out of sget over et Unrough (with) ‘get up (from) Bive back sive up ‘grow up hend in hang up have on keep out (of) *keep up (with) ick out (of) look afer “look into “Took out (for) look over look up, make up ame after, name for pass out» “pass out pick out pick up point out - put away put back put off put on put out “put up with. ‘run into, run across “run out (of) show up shut off do again vise formally eave somedhingliomeone ata place stop going to school, toa class, toa club, ee «find the answer by reasoning ‘write the answer 1 a questionnaire or complete an oficial form «discover information exis sanifactorily (LD) return from a place; (2) receive again () erter a car; (2) arrive Teave an airplane, a bus, a tain, a subway, a bicycle ‘enter an airplane, a bus, @ train, a subtoay a bicycle () leave a car; (2) avoid work oF an unpleasant activity recover from am iliness finish ‘nie from a bed, a chair return an item 20 someone stop eying review or check carefully become an adult submit an assignment ((D conclude a telephone comoersaton; (2) put clothes on a hanger ora hook stay atthe same position or level force (someane) to leave take car of sowspate be card review or check carly {ook fr information in reference book CD invent; (2) do pase due work sve a baby the name of someone che die ddisrnbute love consciousness select (CD) 010 get someone (e8.,1m a car); (2) tae in one's hand call attention to remove wo a proper place return to original place posipone ‘ut clothes om one's body extnguth a cigarer, cigar, o fire tolerate rei by chance 269 ‘Finish a supply of something appear, come sop a machine ght faces T take after resemble take off + @D remove dothing; (2) leave on a tip take out (1) take someone on a dae; (2) remove take over take convo take up begin a new activity o topic tear down demolish rade 10 nosing tear up tear into many ile pieces think over consider carefully ‘throw away, throw out dlicard, get rid of throw up ‘ S555 com repuritate food ty on ‘ut om clothing to se if fis turn down decrease volume or intensity turn in (CL) submican assignment; (2) go 10 bed turn off Hop a machine, igh, faucet urn on stare a machin, ight faucet turn out extinguish a light turn up increase volume or intensity © PRACTICE 1. Phrasal verbs. Directions: Supply appropriate prepositions for these two-word and three-word verbs. 1. A: Where did you grow _up_? B: In Seattle, Washington, 2. A; I’m trying to find yesterday's newspaper. Have you seen it? B: I’m afraid I threw it _____. I thought you had finished reading it. 3, A: Don’t forget to turn the lights __ before you go to bed. B: I won't. 4, A: Thave a car, so I can drive us to the festival. B: Good. ‘A; What time should I pick you —____ B: Any time after five would be fine. 5. A: We couldn’t see the show at the outdoor theater last night. B: Why noe A; It was called —___ 0 account of rain, B: Did you get a raincheck? 6, A: Thomas looks sad. B: I think he misses his girlfriend. Let’s try to cheer him 7, As 1 would like to check this book __. What should I do? B: Take the book to the circulation desk and give the librarian your student 1.p. 270 8. A; What brought your decision to quit your present job? B: 1 was offered a better job. 9. A: How many people showed for the meeting yesterday? B: About owenty, 10. A: How was your vacation? B: Thad a great time. ‘A: When did you get _____ home? B: A couple of days ago. I had planned to stay a litde longer, bur I ran. money. © PRACTICE 2. Phrasal verbs. Directions: Supply appropriate prepositions for these two-word and three-word verbs. 1 10. ‘A: When do we have to turn _ our assignments? B: They're due next Tuesday. How does this tape recorder work? Push this button to carn it____, and push that burton to shut it A B: A: May I borrow your dictionary? B: Sure. But please be sure to put it _____ on the shelf when you're finished. A B T'm going to be in your neighborhood tomorrow. : Oh? If you have time, why don't you drop ___to see us? ‘A: Look ___! A caris coming! As I got very irritated at one of my dinner guests last night, B: Why? ‘A: There was an ashtray on the table, but she put her cigarette ___ on one of ny good plates! : Ineed to talk to Karen. Why don’t you call her ____? She's probably at home now. ‘Oh-oh. I made a mistake on the check I just wrote Don't try to correct the mistake. Just rear the check and throw it er eP > ‘Are you here to apply for a job? Yes, ‘A: Here is an application form. Fill it _____ and then give it___ to ‘me when you are finished. ‘A: Look, There's Mike at 271 ‘A: At the other end of the block, walking toward the administration building. \Ifwe run, we ean catch —_ with him, uL. 12, i > Is your roommate here? ‘Yes, She decided to come to the party after all. Have you ever met her? No, bur Pd like to ‘She's the one standing over there by the far window. She has a blue dress Come on. Ill introduce you Do you have a date for Saturday night? Yes, Jim Brock asked me ___. We're going bowling. © PRACTICE 3. Phrasal verbs. Directions: Supply appropriate prepositions for these nwo-word and three-word verbs. 1 10, & we Be SP DP Be Pe p> @P a> I think we should increase the membership dues from one dollar to two. ‘That might solve some of our financial problems, Why don't you bring that at the next meeting? Did you hand _____your composition? No. 1 didn't like it, so I decided to do it ‘What time did you get ______ this morning? sept late. I didn't drag myself out of bed until after nine What's the baby’s name? Helen. She was named _____ her paternal grandmother. Ineed to get more exercise. Why don't you take ___ tennis? You can’t go in there. Why noo Look at that sign. It says, cep ___. No trespassing.” can’t reach Fred. There's a busy signal. ‘Then hang ___ and try again later. ‘The radio is too loud. Would you mind if I turned it a five? No. a litele? Tcan’t hear the radio. Could you turn it Sure. ‘What are you doing Saturday night, Bob? I’m taking Virginia __ for dinner and a show. © PRACTICE 4. Phrasal verbs. Directions: Supply appropriate prepositions for these two-word and three-word verbs. 1. A: Omar, would you please pass these papers to the rest of the class? A B: I'd be happy to. A: When are we expected to be at the hotel? B: According to our reservation, we are supposed to check the hotel before 6M. Monday and check _____ before noon Tuesday. 3, A: How do you get ____ with your roommate? B: Fine, He's a nice guy. 4. A: Thanks for the ride. T appreciate it. B: Where should I drop you _? A: The next corner would be fine. 5. A: I’m going to be out of town for a couple of days. Would you mind looking my car? B: Not atall. I'd be happy to. Just tell me what I'm supposed to do. 6. A: [think I'm going to turn __ now. Good night. B: "Night. See you in the morning. Sleep well, 7. A: Don't you think it’s hot in here? B: Not especially. If you're hot, why don’t you take your sweater 8: A: How do you spell “occasionally”? B: I'm not sure. You'd better look it in your dictionary. : How much lettuce should we get? I think we could use two heads. Pick ‘two that feel fresh and firm. 10. A: Why are you sniffling? B: [had a cold last week, and I can’t seem to get ___ it. © PRACTICE 5. Phrasal verbs. Directions: Supply appropriate prepositions for these two-word and three-word verbs. 1. A: Are you ready to leave? B: Almost, I'll be ready to go just as soon as I get _____ putting the cler away, 273 2. A: I’m going crazy! I’ve been trying to solve this math problem for the last hour, and I still can’t get it. B: Why don't you give ______ for a while? Take a break and then go back to it. © PRACTICE 4. Phrasal verbs. Directions: Supply appropriate prepositions for these two-word and three-word verbs. 1, A: Omar, would you please pass these papers ____ to the rest of the class? B: I'd be happy to. 2, A: When are we expected to be at the hotel? B: According to our reservation, we are supposed to check _____ the hotel before 6 P.M. Monday and check ___ before noon Tuesday. 3. A: How do you get _____ with your roommate? B: Fine. He’s a nice guy. 4. A: Thanks for the ride. I appreciate it. B: Where should I drop you ___? A: The next corner would be fine. 5. A: I’m going to be out of town for a couple of days. Would you mind looking my car? B: Not at all. I be happy to. Just tell me what I'm supposed to do 6. A: Tthink I'm going to turn ___ now. Good night. B: "Night. See you in the morning. Sleep wel. 7. A: Don’t you think its hor in here? B: Not especially. Ifyou're hot, why don’t you take your sweater > 8: A: How do you spell “occasionally”? B: P'm not sure. You'd better look it in your dictionary. 9. A: How much lettuce should we get? B: I think we could use two heads. Pick _____ two that feel fresh and firm. 10. A: Why are you sniffing? B: Ihhad a cold last week, and I can’t seem to get __ it © PRACTICE §. Phrasal verbs. Directions: Supply appropriate prepositions for these two-word and three-word verbs. 1, A: Are you ready to leave? 3B: Almost. Fi be ready to go just as soon at I get —___purting the 7. away. 2. A: T'm going crazy! I've been trying to solve this math problem for the last hour, and I still can’t get it. B: Why don’t you give ________ for a while? Take a break and then go back to it. 3. A: Ihear you had a frightening experience yesterday. What happened? B: Ed suddenly got dizzy and then passed «I tried to revive him, but he was out cold. Luckily there was a doctor in the building. 4, A: What happened when the pilot of the plane passed out during the flight? B: The co-pilot took 5. A: Cindy is only three, She likes to play with the older kids, but when they're running and playing, she can’t keep with them, B: Does she mind? [Az She doesn’t seem to. 6. A: Imade a mistake in my composition. What should I do? B: Since it’s an in-class composition, just cross it 7. A: Ineed my dictionary, but I lent it to Jose. B: Why don’t you get it _____ from him? 8. A: I wish the teacher wouldn’t call _____ me in class. B: Why not? A: I get nervous. B: Why? ‘A: I don’t know. 9, Ttook a plane from Atlanta to Miami. I got _____ the plane in Atlanta, 1 got the plane in Miami. 10. It was a snowy winter day, but I still had to drive to work. First I got ______ the car to start the engine. Then I got of the car to scrape the snow and ice from the windows. 11, Last year I took a train trip. I got ___ the train in Chicago. I got the train in Des Moines. 12. Phyllis takes the bus to work. She gets ____ the bus at Lindbergh Boulevard and gets ______ the bus about two blocks from her office on Tower Street. © PRACTICE 6. Phrasal vertss. Directions: Supply appropriate prepositions for these two-word and three-word verbs. 1. Ai Why don’t we try to call _________ the O"Briens sometime this weekend? 97 4 ‘We haven't seen them for a long time. B: Good idea. I'd like to see them again. : Did you go ______ your paper carefully before you handed it _? Yes. Iooked it corefully : Do you believe his story about being late because he had a flat tire? No. Think he made i¢ —_ Could you pick _____ a newspaper on your way home from work tonight? Sure. Did you hear the bad news? About wha? Pero roar ee : Gary's grandmother passed Gary went home to be with his family and attend the funeral 1 like your new shoes. : Thanks. Thad to uy almost a dozen pairs before I decided to get these. Have you decided to accept that new job? Not yet. I'm still thinking it T'm red. I wish I could get ___ of going to the meeting tonight. Do you have to go? ‘Why hasn’t Mary been in class for the last two weeks? She dropped _______ school. 40, A: What time does your plane take ? 10:40. ; How long does the light take? Tthink we get______ around 12:30. LL. A: Do you like living in the dorm? : Tes okay. P've learned to put with all the noise. 12, A: What brought - your decision to quit your job? PRP PP PP OP ee ee Pee T couldn't get ——_______ my boss. © PRACTICE 7. Phrasal verbs. Directions: Supply appropriate prepositions for each of these two-word verbs. 1. A: Guess who J ran __ today as 1 was walking across campus. B: Who? A: Ann Keefe. B: You're kidding! 275) 2. A: There will be o test on Chapters Bight and Nine next Friday. B: (Groan,) Couldn't you put it until Monday? preprew Beer eer You'd better put __ your coat before you leave. It's chilly out What's the temperature? I smell something burning in the kitchen, Can I call you ina minute? Sure. Thope your dinner hasn't burned. So dol! Bye. Good-bye 1 think that if I learn enough vocabulary I won't have any trouble using English. That's not necessarily so. I'd like to point _____ that language consists of much more than just vocabulary. One billion seconds ago, World War II was being fought. One billion minutes ago, Jesus Christ was living, One billion hours ago, the human race had not yet discovered agriculture. How did you figure that : didn’t. Tcame that information while I was reading the newspaper. : Your children certainly love the outdoors. Yes, they do. We brought them ____ to appreciate nature. + What forms do I have to fill out to change my tourist visa to a student visa? I don’t know, but I'l look ____ it first thing tomorrow and try to find Peer ee Ti let you know. How long were you in the hospital? About a week. But I've missed almost two weeks of classes. It’s going to be hard for you to make ____ all the work you've missed, isn’t it? hel 276 Would you mind turning —____ the light? Not at all. © PRACTICE 8. Phrasal verbs. Directions: Supply appropriate prepositions for these two-word verbs. Bs A: Who do you teke ______ the most, your father or your mother? B: My mother, I think. I can see many similarities between the two of us. A: Hey, cur it ___, you guys! ’m trying to sleep. B: What's the matter? Are we making too much noise? A: Could Thelp you clean —__? B: Sure, Would you mind taking _____ the garbage? A: Miss Ward, what seems to be the problem? B: Well, Doctor, for the last two days I haven't been able to keep any food down. Every time I try to eat something, 1 throw _______ soon afterward. A: Where’s my jacket? B: Ibung ic. _____ the closet. A: Why are you going to see Professor Kelly? B: He called me to talk about my research project A: Is that man’s story true? B: Yes. A newspaper reporter checked _______ his story and found that it was true. A: The city government is planning to redevelop a large section of the inner city. B: What's going to happen to the buildings that are there now? A: They are going to be torn A: Some people uried to crash our party last night. B: What did you do? A: We kicked them . The test is about to begin. Please put ______ alll of your books and notebooks.

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