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Name: ____________________

1. The meaning of the acronym HRM is ______________?

A. Human Relations Management

B. Humanistic Resource Management
C. Human Resource Management
D. Human Resourceful Management

2. Which of the following statements is false?

A. Organizations are now less hierarchical in nature

B. Organizations are now generally focusing upon domestic rather than international matters
C. Organizations have adopted more flexible norms
D. Organizations have been subject to a raft of organizational change programs

3. Scope of the HRM includes ______________?

A. Retirement and separation of employees

B. HR training and development
C. Industrial relations
D. All of the above

4. Human Resource Management (HRM) is_________?

A. A Staff function
B. A line function
C. A staff function, line function and accounting function
D. All of the above

5. The objectives of HRM are categorized as _____________?

A. Personal objectives
B. Functional objectives
C. Organisational and social objectives
D. All of the above
6. The actual achievements compared with the objectives of the job is
A. Job performance
B. Job evaluation
C. Job description
D. None of the above

7. Recruitment is widely viewed as a ______________?

A. positive process
B. negative process
C. positive as well as negative process
D. none of the above processes

8. A brief write-up of what the job is all about is ____________?

A. job finding
B. job summary
C. job analysis
D. job specification

9. A job specification is one of the areas of ___________?

A. job analysis
B. job design
C. job description
D. job summary

10. Selection of the candidates is done out of______________?

A. Target population
B. internal sources
C. external sources
D. internal as well as external sources

11. A list of the duties, responsibilities, reporting relationship, working conditions and
supervisory responsibilities of a job as a product of a job analysis is

A. job enlargement
B. job design
C. job description
D. job enlistment

12. Recruitment__________________

A. follows selection
B. precedes selection
C. matches selection
D. none of the above

13. E-recruiting methods include____________?

A. internet job boards

B. career websites
C. employer websites
D. all of the above

14. ___________ is the name given to a philosophy and set of methods and techniques
that stressed the scientific study and organisation of work at the operational level.

a. Scientific Management
b. Human Relations Model
c. Two factor theory
d. Achievement motivation theory

15. Which of the following is a content theory?

a. Expectancy theory
b. ERG Theory
c. Equity theory
d. None of the above

16. Who propounded the Need's Theory

a. Frederick Herzberg
b. Alderfer
c. Abraham Harold Maslow
d. None of the above

17. The two factor theory is based on which factors?

a. Hygiene and behavioural

b. Safety and self - esteem
c. Self - actualisation and status quotient
d. None of the above

18. What does "E", "R" and "G" stand for in the ERG theory?

a. Export, Risk and Guarantee

b. Exponential, Reliability and Growth
c. Existence, Relatedness and Growth
d. None of the above

19. Which of the following is a need that motivates human behaviour as per the
achievement motivation theory?

a. Power
b. Affiliation
c. Achievement
d. All of the above

20. What are the alternate names used for the expectancy model?

a. Instrumentality theory
b. Path - goal theory
c. Valence - instrumentality - expectancy theory
d. All of the above

21. Which of the following is a process theory?

a. Achievement Motivation theory

b. Performance - satisfaction model
c. ERG theory
d. Two factor theory

23. Which of the following option, is an important term used in the theory?

a. Inputs
b. Promotion
c. Working condition
d. Responsibility

24. Which of the following options is a factor which the equity theory is not clear about?

a. How does a person choose the comparison other?

b. Carefully explaining to the employees what their roles are
c. Making sure the rewards dispersed are valued by the employees
d. None of the above

24. _________ and ___________ came out with a comprehensive theory of motivation
called the performance - satisfaction model.

a. Festinger and Heider

b. Jacques and Patchen
c. Porter and Lawler
d. Weick and Adams

25. _______ are variable rewards granted to employees according to variations in their

a. Remuneration
b. Perks
c. Fringe Benefits
d. Incentives

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