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By 19-SE-53

FEBUARY 1, 2021
Question 1: (CLO-2)
Identify a problem for software design and for that you will write a single
paragraph that:
- identifies a user group and problem,
- convinces the reader that the problem is important,
- (if applicable) describes limitations existing solutions,
- suggests ways in which technology could address the problem

The main purpose of any organization is to build a high-quality product. We have
to pass through many stages for building a high-quality product, but the main part
is designing the interface of the software. Good interface can really attract the
user and increase the usability of software. The design process is affected b
various classes such as the organization team, the designing team, the
development team and most important the end user who is expecting a user-
friendly interface. Product designer are under the influence of development
organization, external and internal factors. Managing these influences is
important for maximizing the product quality. The stakeholder is directly
influence with designing team. The designer team should be aware of these
influences. Some suggestion of stakeholder can increase the usability of the
software. But sometimes they can cause bad influence to the product.
Stakeholder can lead the designing process to the complex level and cause many
problems regarding the designing process. And changes in the software can take
a lot of time in future regarding designing process. We can manage stakeholders’
influences effectively by the use of technology. We can use emergent
stakeholders’ requirement management tools. In which we create a tracking
matrix to trace and manage conflicting, inconsistent, or incomplete requirements.
Question 2: (CLO-3)
Find an example of both a Hall of Fame UI and a Hall of Shame UI. Justify your
choices with design and usability principles that were covered in class or that you
learned elsewhere; e.g. Nielsen's heuristics, The UI can be for anything that
involves human interactions to perform a task; from webpages, apps, kiosks
to appliance controls, gadgets, or toys.
You will submit a brief writeup that describes both UIs. For each UI provide:
- a photograph or screenshot
- a description of what the interface is for (1-2 sentences),
- a justification for why it belongs in the "Hall of fame/shame' (3-4 concise bullets
referring to design principles)

A user interface, also called a "UI" or simply an "interface," is the means in which
a person controls a software application or hardware device.
Hall of Shame User Interface:

Its an airline website that books online tickets for travelling from one place to
another city to another or from one country to another country.
Reason why it belongs to Hall of Shame:
 No Hierarchy.  All the menu options seem to be randomly set across all the
tabs, with no system of order.
 No Flexibility and efficiency of use: The web Page have no shortcuts, so
the speed of interaction is slow.
 Mis-Match between system and the real world: The wording in this
webpage is difficult. The wording is not user-friendly.

Hall of Fame User Interface:

It is also an airline website that’s book online tickets to travel from one
place to another place.
Reason why it belongs to Hall of Fame:
 Good Hierarchy.  All the menu options seem to be set in order and showing
the clear message.
 Flexibility and efficiency of use: The web Page have shortcuts, so the
speed of interaction is good.
 Match between system and the real world: The wording in this webpage is
user-friendly and easy.

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