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Pengertian Obligation

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Expressing Obligation?

Expressing Obligation adalah sebuah Ekspresi atau Ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan
untuk menyatakan sebuah Kewajiban.

Penjelasan Materi
Simak penjelasan di bawah ini:

1. Selain “should/ought to” kalian dapat menggunakan “‘be supposed to” untuk memberikan
Obligations/ Kewajiban. Penggunaan ini dalam Bahasa Inggris yang diucapkan menunjukkan
kewajiban kurang kuat.

 I have an appointment with Mr Hens at 10 a.m. tomorrow. So I’m supposed to be at the
office by 9:30 a.m. at the earliest.
 You’re supposed to turn off the light when you are not working in the room.

2. “be supposed to” sering digunakan untuk menceritakan tentang sesuatu yang dianggap benar
oleh banyak orang atau yang secara luas diyakini.

 It’s supposed to be bad luck to spill salt.
 Milk is supposed to be good for our bones.
 You’re not supposed to open an umbrella indoors. It’s unlucky.

3. “Be supposed to” dapat diartikan “be required” atau “be expected to” jika kenyataan tidak
sama dengan pernyataan.

 You were supposed to submit your assignment a week ago. (You were required to submit
your homework a week ago, but you didn’t do it.)
 Miss Corrine is supposed to give a conference in Denpasar tomorrow, but she has the flu
now. (Miss Corrine will probably not be able to give the conference in Denpasar tomorrow.)
 The test was supposed to start at 10 sharp, but the teacher was late. (The test started after

4. “Be not supposed to” digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa ada sesuatu yang tidak
diperbolehkan atau dilarang.

 You’re not supposed to smoke in this room. This is an air-conditioned room. (It is forbidden
to smoke in the air-conditioned room.)
 I’m not supposed to tell you this secret. (I am not allowed to tell you this secret.)

Part A.
Directions: Complete each statement or question with "(be) supposed to" in the present tense. Use
the main verb provided.

1. The flight ____________________________________ at 10:00 this morning. (leave)

2. I ___________________________________________ some email to my students today. (send
3. The garbage ________________________________________ today. (collect)
4. __________ these packages ____________________________ to the post office? (go)
5. We _____________________________________________ in this classroom. We have to go
next door. (meet - negative)
6. What __________ they _______________________________ with their unused notebooks?
Save them? (do)
7. Hurry! You _______________________________________ at work by 9:00. (be)
8. My wife _____________________________________ dinner tonight. (make)
9. That business ____________________________________ its doors this week because it isn't
making any money. (close)
10. _____________ you ______________________________ this homework before you go to
sleep? (finish - negative)

Part B.
Directions: Complete each statement or question with "(be) supposed to" in the past tense. Use the
main verb provided.
1. She ______________________________________ me here at 12:30. Where is she? (meet)
2. His car _____________________________________ by now, but it's still in the garage. (fix -
3. ____________ you _____________________________ to that meeting? (go - negative)
4. I _________________________________________ my brother yesterday, but then he called
and said he didn't need it. (help)
5. We __________________________________________ a baseball game today, but it rained and
the game got called off. (see)
6. This chicken __________________________________, but it was left out too long and now it's
spoiled. (refrigerate - passive)
7. It ________________________________________ last night. (rain - negative)
8. What __________ I ___________________________ today? I can't remember. (do)
9. The newspaper ______________________________________ before 7:00. Where is it? (deliver
- passive)
10. The baby ___________________________________ a couple of days ago. (bear - passive)

Part C
Read the text below and answer the questions.


Do you understand the meaning of punctuality? Punctuality means “the state of completing
a certain task before or at a previously designated time.” Being punctual is also called “being on
time.” Being punctual is seen differently in some cultures, especially between Eastern and Western.
For Americans, time is money.
Time is a precious matter. A small degree of lateness, about ten or fifteen minutes, is still
tolerable. But in the case of school lessons or examinations, lateness is intolerable. You’re to come in
time or on time. Germans are definitely punctual about time. If you have an appointment with a
German at 8, you’re supposed to come at 8 o’clock sharp. Time is also a strict matter for Japanese.
Being late is considered as disrespectful and it’s supposed to be insulting.
Countries in Latin America, Italy, and Greece are regarded as living at a slower pace. If guests
are invited to a dinner party at 6 p.m., they will show up two or three hours later. In some cultures,
there is an unspoken understanding. For example, when a person is supposed to come at 9, but he
shows up an hour later, no one will be surprised.
What about punctuality in your country? Is punctuality one of the values in your culture?

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