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Marketing Plan

University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila

(Software Engineering Department)


Subject: Management and Marketing

Submitted By: Zain Iqbal

Registration No: 19-SE-28

Section: Omega (Ω)

Submitted To: Madam Maria Andleeb

Marketing Plan

Real Time Human Body Monitoring

Annual Marketing Plan

Nano-Tech Technologies
P.O. Box:31450
Area Block p-1412/90
Santa Clarita Street, LA.
Tel: +213-1224512
Fax: +661-12415379
Marketing Plan

Table of Contents
Sr. No Title Page. No
1 Assignment Title 1
2 Company 2
3 Table of content 3
// 4
4 Introduction 4
5 Executive Summary 4
6 About product 4
7 Targeted Audience 4
8 Problem 5
9 Marketing Strategy 5
10 Motives 6

Marketing Plan
Marketing Plan

4. Introduction

Nano-tech is launching a new technology which will be used for real time monitoring of human
body. Through this technology nano-chip will monitor micronutrients ,macronutrients, blood
pressure and sugar levels in human body. All of this information will displayed through mobile
or desktop application.

5. Executives Summary

Through this technology a nano-chip will inserted in human body which will track records of
blood pressure, sugar levels, and other information. This record would be displayed through
mobile or desktop application.

6. About product:

7.1 Current problem:

There is no such technology in medical field which could record real time data of our body. For
different type of diagnosis we needed different type of tests. Such as blood test ,hormone test,
sugar test etc.
7.2 Solution:

The solution to this problem to create such technology which could monitor our body in real
time. There should be no need of separate test for each diagnosis.

8 Targeted Audience

The targeted audience of this technology are those patients whose body needs to be
constantly monitored daily. Such patients who are admitted in ICU.
Marketing Plan

9 Marketing Strategy

9.1 price

The price of this system varies with needs . The fully functional system costs about 1000$ per

9.2 Place

This system would be available in ICU wards in hospitals

9.3 Promotion

This would be actually introduced to doctors. So it can be only promoted in hospitals.

10 Implementation of Marketing Strategy:

It’s an important step to turn the planned strategy into practice. For this purpose, Micro-Chip
Technologies has taken the following steps in this respect:

10.1 Building a Team:

Following roles will help to implement the marketing strategies:

 Marketing Officer
 Marketing Analyst
 Marketing Manager
Marketing Plan
10.2 Communication:

Meetings and communications will be held between the team members to communicate the
marketing strategy and to help them understanding their role under the firm policies. In addition
to these meetings, a progress report will be given to the company.

10.3 Monitoring the Result:

Nano-tech Technologies board members will monitor the progress, so there is record of how the
system is working. For maximum output weekly meetings will be held with the marketing team
to reach the goals.

11 Motives:
Many pateints loose their life because their body condition could not be monitored quickly. So
condition of patient could not be determined accurately by doctors. So this technology should be
implemented in hospitals so to save life of patients.

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