Philippine Association of Service Exporters v. Drilon Ichong Vs Hernandez

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Philippine Association of Service Exporters v. Drilon Ichong vs Hernandez treated alike, under like circumstances and conditions both as to
privileges conferred and liabilities enforced.
FACTS: Phil association of Service Exporters, Inc., is engaged FACTS: The Legislature passed R.A. 1180 (An Act to Regulate the
principally in the recruitment of Filipino workers, male and female Retail Business). Its purpose was to prevent persons who are not The classification is actual, real and reasonable, and all persons of
of overseas employment. It challenges the constitutional validity citizens of the Phil. from having a stranglehold upon the people’s one class are treated alike.
of Dept. Order No. 1 (1998) of DOLE entitled “Guidelines economic life.
Governing the Temporary Suspension of Deployment of Filipino
The difference in status between citizens and aliens constitutes a
Domestic and Household Workers.” It claims that such order is a
A prohibition against aliens and against associations, partnerships, basis for reasonable classification in the exercise of police power.
discrimination against males and females. The Order does not
or corporations the capital of which are not wholly owned by
apply to all Filipino workers but only to domestic helpers and
Filipinos, from engaging directly or indirectly in the retail trade
females with similar skills, and that it is in violation of the right to Official statistics point out to the ever-increasing dominance and
aliens actually engaged in the retail business on May 15, 1954 are
travel, it also being an invalid exercise of the lawmaking power. control by alien of the retail trade. It is this domination and
allowed to continue their business, unless their licenses are
Further, PASEI invokes Sec 3 of Art 13 of the Constitution, control that is the legislature’s target in the enactment of the Act.
forfeited in accordance with law, until their death or voluntary
providing for worker participation in policy and decision-making
retirement. In case of juridical persons, ten years after the
processes affecting their rights and benefits as may be provided The mere fact of alienage is the root cause of the distinction
approval of the Act or until the expiration of term.
by law. Thereafter the Solicitor General on behalf of DOLE between the alien and the national as a trader. The alien is
submitting to the validity of the challenged guidelines involving naturally lacking in that spirit of loyalty and enthusiasm for the
the police power of the State and informed the court that the Citizens and juridical entities of the United States were exempted
Phil. where he temporarily stays and makes his living. The alien
respondent have lifted the deployment ban in some states where from this Act.
owes no allegiance or loyalty to the State, and the State cannot
there exists bilateral agreement with the Philippines and existing rely on him/her in times of crisis or emergency.
mechanism providing for sufficient safeguards to ensure the provision for the forfeiture of licenses to engage in the retail
welfare and protection of the Filipino workers. business for violation of the laws on nationalization, economic
While the citizen holds his life, his person and his property subject
control weights and measures and labor and other laws relating to
to the needs of the country, the alien may become the potential
ISSUE: Whether or not D.O. No. 1 of DOLE is constitutional as it is trade, commerce and industry. Provision against the
enemy of the State.
an exercise of police power. establishment or opening by aliens actually engaged in the retail
business of additional stores or branches of retail business
The alien retailer has shown such utter disregard for his
RULING: “[Police power] has been defined as the "state authority customers and the people on whom he makes his profit. Through
to enact legislation that may interfere with personal liberty or Lao Ichong, in his own behalf and behalf of other alien residents,
the illegitimate use of pernicious designs and practices, the alien
property in order to promote the general welfare." As defined, it corporations and partnerships affected by the Act, filed an action
now enjoys a monopolistic control on the nation’s economy
consists of (1) an imposition of restraint upon liberty or property, to declare it unconstitutional for the ff: reasons:
endangering the national security in times of crisis and
(2) in order to foster the common good. It is not capable of an emergency.
exact definition but has been, purposely, veiled in general terms It denies to alien residents the equal protection of the laws and
to underscore its all-comprehensive embrace. deprives them of their liberty and property without due process
Lutz vs. Araneta
the subject of the Act is not expressed in the title the Act violates
“The petitioner has shown no satisfactory reason why the international and treaty obligations the provisions of the Act
contested measure should be nullified. There is no question that against the transmission by aliens of their retail business thru Facts: Commonwealth Act No. 567, otherwise known as Sugar
Department Order No. 1 applies only to "female contract hereditary succession Adjustment Act was promulgated in 1940 “to stabilize the sugar
workers,” but it does not thereby make an undue discrimination industry so as to prepare it for the eventuality of the loss of its
between the sexes. It is well-settled that "equality before the law" preferential position in the United States market and the
ISSUE: WON the Act deprives the aliens of the equal protection of
under the Constitution does not import a perfect Identity of rights imposition of export taxes.” Plaintiff, Walter Lutz, in his capacity
the laws.
among all men and women. It admits of classifications, provided as Judicial Administrator of the Intestate Estate of Antonio Jayme
that (1) such classifications rest on substantial distinctions; (2) Ledesma, seeks to recover from the Collector of Internal Revenue
they are germane to the purposes of the law; (3) they are not HELD: The law is a valid exercise of police power and it does not the sum of P14,666.40 paid by the estate as taxes, under Sec.3 of
confined to existing conditions; and (4) they apply equally to all deny the aliens the equal protection of the laws. There are real the Act, alleging that such tax is unconstitutional and void, being
members of the same class. and actual, positive and fundamental differences between an levied for the aid and support of the sugar industry exclusively,
alien and a citizen, which fully justify the legislative classification which in plaintiff’s opinion is not a public purpose for which a tax
adopted. may be constitutionally levied. The action has been dismissed by
The Court is satisfied that the classification made-the preference the Court of First Instance.
for female workers — rests on substantial distinctions.
Issue: Whether or not the tax imposed is constitutional.
The equal protection clause does not demand absolute equality
among residents. It merely requires that all persons shall be

Held: Yes. The act is primarily an exercise of the police power. It is B. Whether or not the content and manner of just compensation expropriation, which requires the payment of just compensation
shown in the Act that the tax is levied with a regulatory purpose, provided for the CARP violates the Constitution. to the owner.
to provide means for the rehabilitation and stabilization of the
threatened sugar industry.
C. Whether or not the CARP and EO 228 contravene a well The cases before us present no knotty complication insofar as the
accepted principle of eminent domain by divesting the land owner question of compensable taking is concerned. To the extent that
It is inherent in the power to tax that a state be free to select the of his property even before actual payment to him in full of just the measures under challenge merely prescribe retention limits
subjects of taxation, and it has been repeatedly held that compensation. for landowners, there is an exercise of the police power for the
“inequalities which result from a singling out of one particular regulation of private property in accordance with the
class for taxation or exemption infringe no constitutional Constitution. But where, to carry out such regulation, it becomes
D. Whether agrarian reform is an exercise of police power or
limitation.” necessary to deprive such owners of whatever lands they may
eminent domain
own in excess of the maximum area allowed, there is definitely a
taking under the power of eminent domain for which payment of
The funds raised under the Act should be exclusively spent in aid
HELD: just compensation is imperative. The taking contemplated is not a
of the sugar industry, since it is that very enterprise that is being
mere limitation of the use of the land. What is required is the
protected. It may be that other industries are also in need of
Yes. The subject and purpose of agrarian reform have been laid surrender of the title to and the physical possession of the said
similar protection; but the legislature is not required by the
down by the Constitution itself, which satisfies the first excess and all beneficial rights accruing to the owner in favour of
Constitution to adhere to a policy of “all or none.”
requirement of the lawful subject. However, objection is raised to the farmer-beneficiary. This is definitely an exercise not of the
the manner fixing the just compensation, which it is claimed is police power but of the power of eminent domain.
Association of Small Landowners in the Philippines vs.
judicial prerogatives. However, there is no arbitrariness in the
Honorable Secretary of Agrarian Reform
provision as the determination of just compensation by DAR is LOZANO VS. MARTINEZ (G.R. NO. L-63419, December 18, 1986)
only preliminary unless accepted by all parties concerned.
G.R. No. 78742 July 14, 1989 Otherwise, the courts will still have the right to review with
finality the said determination.
Petitioner: Association of Small Landowners in the Philippines
This case is a consolidation of 8 cases regarding violations of the
No. Although the traditional medium for payment of just
Bouncing Checks Law or Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 (enacted April 3,
compensation is money and no other what is being dealt with
Respondent: Honorable Secretary of Agrarian Reform 1979). In one of the eight cases, Judge David Nitafan of RTC
here is not the traditional exercise of the power and eminent
Manila declared the law unconstitutional. Among the arguments
domain. This is a revolutionary kind of expropriation, which
ASSOCIATION OF SMALL LANDOWNERS IN THE PHILIPPINES, INC against the constitutionality of the law are a.) it is violative of the
involves not mere millions of pesos. The initially intended amount
constitutional provision on non-imprisonment due to debt, and b.)
of P50B may not be enough, and is in fact not even fully available
it impairs freedom of contract.
FACTS: at the time. The invalidation of the said section resulted in the
nullification of the entire program.
ISSUE: Whether or not BP 22 is constitutional.
The association of the Small Landowners of the Philippines
invokes the right of retention granted by PD 27 to owners of rice No. EO 228 categorically stated that all qualified farmer-
and corn lands not exceeding 7 hectares as long as they are beneficiaries were deemed full owners of the land they acquired HELD: Yes, BP 22 is constitutional.
cultivating on intend to cultivate the same. Their respected lands under PP 27, after proof of full payment of just compensation. The
do not exceed the statutory limits but are occupied by tenants CARP Law, for its part, conditions the transfer of possession and
The Supreme Court first discussed the history of the law. The SC
who are actually cultivating such lands. ownership of the land to the government on the receipt by the
explained how the law on estafa was not sufficient to cover all
landowner of the corresponding payment or the deposit of DAR of
acts involving the issuance of worthless checks; that in estafa, it
the compensation in cash or LBP bonds with an accessible bank.
Because PD No. 316 provides that no tenant-farmer in agricultural only punishes the fraudulent issuance of worthless checks to
Until then, title also remains with the landowner.
land primarily devoted to rice and corn shall be ejected or cover prior or simultaneous obligations but not pre-existing
removed from his farm holding until such time as the respective obligations.
rights of the tenant-farmers and the land owners shall have been There are traditional distinctions between the police power and
determined, they petitioned the court for a writ of mandamus to the power of eminent domain that logically preclude the
BP 22 is aimed at putting a stop to or curbing the practice of
compel the DAR secretary to issue the IRR, as they could not eject application of both powers at the same time on the same subject.
issuing checks that are worthless, i.e. checks that end up being
their tenants and so are unable to enjoy their right of retention. Property condemned under the police power is noxious or
rejected or dishonored for payment. The practice is proscribed by
intended for a noxious purpose, such as a building on the verge of
the state because of the injury it causes to public interests.
collapse, which should be demolished for the public safety, or
ISSUE: obscene materials, which should be destroyed in the interest of
public morals. The confiscation of such property is not
A. Whether or not the assailed statutes are valid exercises of compensable, unlike the taking of property under the power of
police power.

BP 22 is not violative of the constitutional prohibition against The Supreme Court however also explained that (regardless of Ratio: While every person is entitled to aspire to be a doctor, he
imprisonment for debt. The “debt” contemplated by the their previous explanation on ex delicto debts) the non-payment does not have a constitutional right to be a doctor. Thisis true of
constitution are those arising from contracts (ex contractu). No of a debt is not the gravamen of the violations of BP 22. The any other calling in which the public interest is involved; and the
one is going to prison for non-payment of contractual debts. gravamen of the offense punished by BP 22 is the act of making closer the link, the longer the bridge toone's ambition. The State
and issuing a worthless check or a check that is dishonored upon has the responsibility to harness its human resources and to see
its presentation for payment. It is not the non-payment of an to it that they are notdissipated or, no less worse, not used at all.
However, non-payment of debts arising from crimes (ex delicto) is
obligation which the law punishes. The law is not intended or These resources must be applied in a manner that will best
punishable. This is precisely why the mala prohibita crime of
designed to coerce a debtor to pay his debt. The thrust of the law promotethe common good while also giving the individual a sense
issuing worthless checks as defined in BP 22 was enacted by
is to prohibit, under pain of penal sanctions, the making of of satisfaction.The Court feels that it is not enough to simply
Congress. It is a valid exercise of police power.
worthless checks and putting them in circulation. Because of its invoke the right to quality education as a guarantee of
deleterious effects on the public interest, the practice is theConstitution: one must show that he is entitled to it because of
Due to the insufficiency of the Revised Penal Code, BP 22 was proscribed by the law. The law punishes the act not as an offense his preparation and promise. The privaterespondent has failed the
enacted to punish the following acts: against property, but an offense against public order. NMAT five times. While his persistence is noteworthy, to say the
least, it is certainlymisplaced, like a hopeless love. No
…any person who, having sufficient funds in or credit with the depreciation is intended or made against the private respondent.
Department of Education vs. San Diego G.R. No. 89572,
drawee bank when he makes or draws and issues a check, shall It is stressedthat a person who does not qualify in the NMAT is
December 21, 1989
fail to keep sufficient funds or to maintain a credit to cover the full not an absolute incompetent unfit for any work or occupation.The
amount of the check if presented within a period of ninety (90) only inference is that he is a probably better, not for the medical
Fundamental Principles and State Policies: Rearing of the Youth profession, but for another calling that hasnot excited his interest.
days from the date appearing thereon, for which reason it is
dishonored by the drawee bank. In the former, he may be a bungler or at least lackluster; in the
The issue before us is mediocrity. The question is whether a latter, he is more likely tosucceed and may even be outstanding. It
person who has thrice failed the National MedicalAdmission Test is for the appropriate calling that he is entitled to quality
And education forthe full harnessing of his potentials and the
(NMAT) is entitled to take it again. The petitioner contends he
may not, under its rule that- Astudent shall be allowed only 3 sharpening of his latent talents toward what may even be a
…any person who makes or draws and issues any check on chances to take the NMAT. After 3 successive failures, a student brilliantfuture. We cannot have a society of square pegs in round
account or for value, knowing at the time of issue that he does shall not beallowed to take the NMAT for the fourth time. The holes, of dentists who should never have left the farmand
not have sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee bank for the private respondent insists he can, on constitutional grounds. engineers who should have studied banking and teachers who
payment of said check in full upon presentment, which check is could be better as merchants. It is time indeedthat the State took
subsequently dishonored by the drawee bank for insufficiency of decisive steps to regulate and enrich our system of education by
FACTS:Private respondent is a graduate of the University of the directing the student to thecourse for which he is best suited as
funds or credit or would have been dishonored for the same
East with a degree of BS Zoology. The petitionerclaims that he determined by initial tests and evaluations. Otherwise, we may be
reason had not the drawer, without any valid reason, ordered the
took the NMAT 3 times and flunked it as many times. When he "swampedwith mediocrity," in the words of Justice Holmes, not
bank to stop payment.
applied to take it again, thepetitioner rejected his application on because we are lacking in intelligence but because we are anation
the basis of the aforesaid rule. He then went to the RTC of of misfits.
Congress was able to determine at that time that the issuance of Valenzuela tocompel his admission to the test.In his original
worthless checks was a huge problem. The enactment of BP 22 is petition for mandamus, he first invoked his constitutional rights to
a declaration by the legislature that, as a matter of public policy, academic freedom and qualityeducation. By agreement of the Restituto Ynot vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, et. al.
the making and issuance of a worthless check is deemed public parties, the private respondent was allowed to take the NMAT
nuisance to be abated by the imposition of penal sanctions. scheduled on April16, 1989, subject to the outcome of his FACTS: The petitioner had transported six carabaos in a pump
petition. In an amended petition filed with leave of court, he boat from Masbate to Iloilo in January 1984, when they were
Checks are widely used due to the convenience it brings in squarelychallenged the constitutionality of MECS Order No. 12, confiscated by the police station commander for violation of E.O.
commercial transactions and confidence is the primary basis why Series of 1972, containing the above-cited rule. Theadditional No. 626-A which prohibits the interprovincial movement of
merchants rely on it for their various commercial undertakings. If grounds raised were due process and equal protection. carabaos and the slaughtering of carabaos not complying with the
such confidence is shaken, the usefulness of checks as currency requirements of E.O. No. 626 (except when the carabo is seven
substitutes would be greatly diminished or may become nil. Any ISSUE: Whether or not there was a violation of the Constitution on years old if male, and eleven years old if female). The penalty is
practice therefore tending to destroy that confidence should be academic freedom, due process and equalprotection. confiscation of the carabaos and/or the carabeef.
deterred for the proliferation of worthless checks can only create
havoc in trade circles and the banking community. Thus, the ISSUE: Whether E.O. No. 626-A is unconstitutional insofar as it
HELD: No. The court upheld the constitutionality of the NMAT as a
Congress, through their exercise of police power, declared that authorizes the outright confiscation of carabao and carabeef
measure intended to limit the admission tomedical schools only
the making and issuance of a worthless check is deemed a public being transported across provincial boundaries, thus denying due
to those who have initially proved their competence and
nuisance which can be abated by the imposition of penal process.
preparation for a medical education.


RULING: The due process clause was kept intentionally vague so it therefore, rendered the decision declaring Section 9 of Ordinance Herein defendants, on the other hand, alleged (a) that no
would remain so conveniently resilient for due process is not an No. 6118, S-64 null and void. necessity existed for said expropriation and (b) that the land in
“iron rule.” Flexibility must be the best virtue of guaranty. The question was a cemetery, which had been used as such for many
minimum requirements of due process are notice and hearing years, and was covered with sepulchres and monuments, and that
A motion for reconsideration having been denied, the City
which, generally speaking, may not be dispensed with because the same should not be converted into a street for public
Government and City Council filed the instant petition. Petitioners
they are intended as a safeguard against official arbitrariness. purposes.
argue that the taking of the respondent's property is a valid and
reasonable exercise of police power and that the land is taken for
It is noted that E.O. No. 626-A imposes an absolute ban not on the a public use as it is intended for the burial ground of paupers. The lower court ruled that there was no necessity for the
slaughter of the carabaos but on their movement. The reasonable They further argue that the Quezon City Council is authorized expropriation of the particular strip of land in question.
connection between the means employed and the purpose under its charter, in the exercise of local police power, " to make
sought to be achieved by the question of measure is missing. Even such further ordinances and resolutions not repugnant to law as
Petitioner therefore assails the decision of the lower court
if there was a reasonable relation, the penalty being an outright may be necessary to carry into effect and discharge the powers
claiming that it (petitioner) has the authority to expropriate any
confiscation and a supersedeas bond of Php12,000.00. The and duties conferred by this Act and such as it shall deem
land it may desire; that the only function of the court in such
executive order defined the prohibition, convicted the petitioner necessary and proper to provide for the health and safety,
proceedings is to ascertain the value of the land in question; that
and immediately imposed punishment, thus denying the promote the prosperity, improve the morals, peace, good order,
neither the court nor the owners of the land can inquire into the
centuries-old guaranty of elementary fair play. comfort and convenience of the city and the inhabitants thereof,
advisable purpose of the expropriation or ask any questions
and for the protection of property therein."
concerning the necessities therefor; that the courts are mere
To sum up, it was found that the challenged measure is an invalid appraisers of the land involved in expropriation proceedings, and,
exercise of the police power because the method employed to On the other hand, respondent Himlayang Pilipino, Inc. contends when the value of the land is fixed by the method adopted by the
conserve the carabaos is not reasonably necessary to the purpose that the taking or confiscation of property is obvious because the law, to render a judgment in favor of the defendant for its value.
of the law and is unduly oppressive. Due process is violated for questioned ordinance permanently restricts the use of the
the owner was denied the right to hear his defense and was not property such that it cannot be used for any reasonable purpose
ISSUE: W/N the courts may inquire into and hear proof upon the
seen fit to assert and protect his rights. Executive Order No. 626-A and deprives the owner of all beneficial use of his property. Issue:
necessity of the expropriation?
is hereby declared unconstitutional, and the superseceas bond is Whether or not the ordinance in question was a valid exercise of
cancelled. police power. Held: No. The police power being the most active
power of the government and the due process clause being the HELD: Yes. The courts have the power to restrict the exercise of
broadest station on governmental power, the conflict between eminent domain to the actual reasonable necessities of the case
City Government of Quezon City vs. Ericta Facts: City government
this power of government and the due process clause of the and for the purposes designated by the law. When the municipal
of Qeezon City passed an, which provides tha tat least six (6)
Constitution is oftentimes inevitable. corporation or entity attempts to exercise the authority
percent of the total area of the memorial park cemetery shall be
conferred, it must comply with the conditions accompanying such
set aside for charity burial of deceased persons who are paupers
authority. The necessity for conferring the authority upon a
and have been residents of Quezon City for at least 5 years prior It will be seen from the foregoing authorities that police power is
municipal corporation to exercise the right of eminent domain is,
to their death, to be determined by competent City Authorities. usually exercised in the form of mere regulation or restriction in
without question, within the power of the legislature. But
The area so designated shall immediately be developed and the use of liberty or property for the promotion of the general
whether or not the municipal corporation or entity is exercising
should be open for. welfare. It does not involve the taking or confiscation of property
the right in a particular case under the conditions imposed by the
with the exception of a few cases where there is a necessity to
general authority, is a question that the courts have the right to
confiscate private property in order to destroy it for the purpose
The City Council passed a resolution City, to stop any further inquire into.
of protecting the peace and order and of promoting the general
selling and/or transaction of memorial park lots in Quezon City
welfare as for instance, the confiscation of an illegally possessed
where the owners thereof have failed to donate the required 6%
article, such as opium and firearms. It seems to the court that Republic vs. PLDT
space intended for paupers burial. Pursuant to this petition, the
Section 9 of Ordinance No. 6118, Series of 1964 of Quezon City is
Quezon City Engineer notified respondent Himlayang Pilipino, Inc.
not a mere police regulation but an outright confiscation. It Facts: Sometime in 1933, the defendant PLDT entered into an
in writing that Section 9 of Ordinance No. 6118, S-64 would be
deprives a person of his private property without due process of agreement with RCA Communications Inc., an American
enforced Respondent Himlayang Pilipino reacted by filing with the
law, nay, even without compensation. corporation, whereby telephone messages coming from the US
Court of First Instance of Rizal Branch XVIII at Quezon City, a
petition for declaratory relief, prohibition and mandamus with and received by RCA’s domestic station, could automatically be
preliminary injunction (Sp. Proc. No. Q-16002) seeking to annul City of Manila vs Chinese Community of Manila , GR 14355 (1D), transferred to the lines of PLDT, and vice versa.The plaintiff
Section 9 of the Ordinance in question The respondent alleged 31 October 1919 through the Bureau of Telecommunications, after having set up its
that the same is contrary to the Constitution, the Quezon City own Government Telephone System, by utilizing its own
Charter, the Local Autonomy Act, and the Revised Administrative appropriation and equipment and by renting trunk lines of the
FACTS: Petitioner (City of Manila) filed a petition praying that
Code. There being no issue of fact and the questions raised being PLDT, entered into an agreement with RCA for a joint overseas
certain lands be expropriated for the purpose of constructing a
purely legal both petitioners and respondent agreed to the telephone service.Alleging that plaintiff is in competition with
public improvement namely, the extension of Rizal Avenue,
rendition of a judgment on the pleadings. The respondent court, them, PLDT notified the former and receiving no reply,
Manila and claiming that such expropriation was necessary.
disconnected the trunk lines being rented by the same; thus,
prompting the plaintiff to file a case before the CFI praying for

judgment commanding PLDT to execute a contract with the While property may be regulated to the interest of the general government commenced to occupy the said land as lessee
Bureau for the use of the facilities of PLDT’s telephone system, welfare, and the state may eliminate structures offensive to the because the essential elements of the “taking” of property under
and for a writ of preliminary injunction against the defendant to sight, the state may not permanently divest owners of the the power of eminent domain, namely (1) entrance and
restrain the severance of the existing trunk lines and restore those beneficial use of their property and practically confiscate them occupation by condemnor upon the private property for more
severed. solely to preserve or assure the aesthetic appearance of the than a momentary period, and (2) devoting it to a public use in
community. such a way as to oust the owner and deprive him of all beneficial
enjoyment of the property, are not present.
Issue: Whether or not the defendant PLDT can be compelled to
enter into a contract with the plaintiff. Fajardo would be constrained to let the land be fallow and not be
used for urban purposes. To do this legally, there must be just Issue: Whether or not the taking of property has taken place
compensation and they must be given an opportunity to be heard. when the condemnor has entered and occupied the property as
Held: No. While the Republic may not compel the PLDT to
celebrate a contract with it, the Republic may, in the exercise of
the sovereign power of eminent domain, require the telephone An ordinance which permanently so restricts the use of property
company to permit interconnection of the government telephone that it can not be used for any reasonable purpose goes, it is plain, Held: No, the property was deemed taken only when the
system and that of the PLDT, as the needs of the government beyond regulation and must be recognized as a taking of the expropriation proceedings commenced in 1959.
service may require, subject to the payment of just compensation property.
to be determined by the court.
The essential elements of the taking are: (1) Expropriator must
The validity was also refuted by the Admin Code which states: enter a private property, (2) for more than a momentary period,
People vs. Fajardo (3) and under warrant of legal authority, (4) devoting it to public
use, or otherwise informally appropriating or injuriously affecting
SEC. 2243.Certain legislative powers of discretionary character. —
it in such a way as (5) substantially to oust the owner and deprive
Facts: Fajardo was mayor in Baao, Camrines Sur when the The municipal council shall have authority to exercise the
him of all beneficial enjoyment thereof.
municipal council passed the ordinance that prohibits the following discretionary powers:
construction of a building that blocks the view of the town plaza.
Moreover, it redirects the grant of permission to the mayor.After In the case at bar, these elements were not present when the
x xxxxxxxx
his incumbency, Fajardo applied for a permit to build a building government entered and occupied the property under a contract
beside the gasoline station near the town plaza. His request was of lease.
repeatedly denied. He continued with the construction under the (c) To establish fire limits in populous centers, prescribe the kinds
rationale that he needed a house to stay in because the old one of buildings that may be constructed or repaired within them, and
Amigable v Cuenca
was destroyed by a typhoon. He was convicted and ordered to issue permits for the creation or repair thereof, charging a fee
pay a fine and demolish the building due to its obstructing view. which shall be determined by the municipal council and which
He appealed to the CA, which in turn forwarded the petition due shall not be less than two pesos for each building permit and one Facts: Victoria Amigable is the registered owner of a particular lot.
to the question of the ordinance’s constitutionality. peso for each repair permit issued. The fees collected under the At the back of her Transfer Certificate of Title (1924), there was no
provisions of this subsection shall accrue to the municipal school annotation in favor of the government of any right or interest in
fund. the property. Without prior expropriation or negotiated sale, the
Issue: Is the ordinance constitutional?
government used a portion of the lot for the construction of the
Mango and Gorordo Avenues. On 1958, Amigable’s counsel wrote
Since, there was absolutely no showing in this case that the
Held: No. The ordinance doesn’t state any standard that limits the President of the Philippines, requesting payment of the
municipal council had either established fire limits within the
the grant of power to the mayor. It is an arbitrary and unlimited portion of the said lot. It was disallowed by the Auditor General in
municipality or set standards for the kind or kinds of buildings to
conferment. his 9th Endorsement. Petitioner then filed in the court a quo
be constructed or repaired within them before it passed the
a complaint against the Republic of the Philippines
ordinance in question, it is clear that said ordinance was not
and Nicolas Cuenca, in his capacity as Commissioner of Public
Ordinances which thus invest a city council with a discretion conceived and promulgated under the express authority of sec.
Highways for the recovery of ownership and possession of the lot.
which is purely arbitrary, and which may be exercised in the 2243 (c)
According to the defendants, the action was premature because it
interest of a favored few, are unreasonable and invalid. The
was not filed first at the Office of the Auditor General. According
ordinance should have established a rule by which its impartial
Republic vs. Vda De Castell VI to them, the right of action for the recovery of any amount had
enforcement could be secured. All of the authorities cited above
already prescribed, that the Government had not given its
sustain this conclusion.
Facts: After the owner of a parcel of land that has been rented consent to be sued, and that plaintiff had no cause of action
and occupied by the government in 1947 refused to extend the against the defendants.
The ordinance is unreasonable and oppressive, in that it operates
lease, the latter commenced expropriation proceedings in 1959.
to permanently deprive appellants of the right to use their own Issue: Whether or Not, under the facts of the case, appellant may
During the assessment of just compensation, the government
property; hence, it oversteps the bounds of police power, and properly sue the government.
argued that it had taken the property when the contract of lease
amounts to a taking of appellants property without just
commenced and not when the proceedings begun. The owner
compensation. Held: In the case of Ministerio v. Court of First Instance of Cebu, it
maintains that the disputed land was not taken when the
was held that when the government takes away property from a

private landowner for public use without going through the legal authorized by the constitution, but not without payment of just
process of expropriation or negotiated sale, the aggrieved party compensation. Also Resolution No. 2772 does not constitute a
may properly maintain a suit against the government without valid exercise of the police power of the state. In the case at
(4) Whether petitioners were denied due process because their
violating the doctrine of governmental immunity from suit bench, there is no showing of existence of a national emergency
parcels of land were immediately possessed by the NHA by virtue
without its consent. In the case at bar, since no annotation in to take private property of newspaper or magazine publishers.
of the writ of possession ordered by the respondent judge. 
favour of the government appears at the back of the certificate of
title and plaintiff has not executed any deed of conveyance of any
Sumulong vs Guerrero
portion of the lot to the government, then she remains the owner Held: (1) P.D. 1224 defines “socialized housing” as, “the
of the lot. She could then bring an action to recover possession of construction of dwelling units for the middle and lower class
the land anytime, because possession is one of the attributes of Facts: On December 5, 1997 the National Housing Authority members of our society, including the construction of the
ownership. However, since such action is not feasible at this time (NHA) filed a complaint for expropriation of parcels of land for the supporting infrastructure and other facilities.” The “public use”
since the lot has been used for other purposes, the only relief left expansion of BagongNayon Hosing Project to provide housing requirement for a valid exercise of the power of eminent domain
is for the government to make due compensation—price or value facilities to low-salaried government employees, covering is a flexible and evolving concept influenced by changing
of the lot at the time of the taking. approximately twenty five (25) hectares in Antipolo, Rizal. This conditions. The taking to be valid must be for public use. As long
included the lots of petitioners Lorenzo Sumulong (6,667 sq.m.) as the purpose of the taking is public, then the power of eminent
and Emilia Vidanes-Balaoing (3,333 sq.m.). The land sought to be domain comes into play. It is accurate to state then that at
expropriated were valued by the NHA at one peso (P1.00) per present, whatever may be beneficially employed for the general
square meter adopting the market value fixed by the provincial welfare satisfies the requirement of public use. Ergo, “socialized
Facts: Respondent Comelec promulgated Resolution No. 2772 assessor in accordance with presidential decrees prescribing the housing” falls within the confines of “public use.” 
directing newspapers to provide free Comelec space of not less valuation of property in expropriation proceedings. 
than one-half page for the common use of political parties and
(2) The State acting through the NHA is vested with broad
candidates. The Comelec space shall be allocated by the
Together with the complaint was a motion for immediate discretion to designate the particular property/properties to be
Commission, free of charge, among all candidates to enable them
possession of the properties. The NHA deposited the amount of taken for socialized housing purposes and how much thereof may
to make known their qualifications, their stand on public Issue and
P158,980.00 with the Phil. Nat’l Bank, representing the “total be expropriated. Absent a clear showing of fraud, bad faith, or
their platforms of government. The Comelec space shall also be
market value” of the subject 25 ha. of land, pursuant to P.D. No. gross abuse of discretion, which petitioners failed to demonstrate,
used by the Commission for dissemination of vital election
1224 which defines “the policy on the expropriation of private the Court will give due weight to and leave undisturbed the NHA’s
property for socialized housing upon payment of just choice and the size of the site for the project. The right to use,
compensation.”  enjoyment and disposal of private property is tempered by and
Petitioner Philippine Press Institute, Inc. (PPI), a non-profit
has to yield to the demands of the common good. 
organization of newspaper and magazine publishers, asks the
Supreme Court to declare Comelec Resolution No. 2772 On January 17, 1978, respondent Judge Buenaventura S. Guerrero
unconstitutional and void on the ground that it violates the issued a writ of possession pertaining to the subject parcels of (3) Yes. The provisions on just compensation found in Presidential
prohibition imposed by the Constitution upon the government land. Petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration on the ground Decrees No. 1224, 1259, and 1313 are the same provisions found
against the taking of private property for public use without just that they had been deprived of the possession of their property in P.D. No.’s 76, 464, 794, and 1533 which were declared
compensation. On behalf of the respondent Comelec, the Solicitor without due process of law. This was however, denied. Hence, this unconstitutional for being encroachments on judicial prerogative.
General claimed that the Resolution is a permissible exercise of petition challenging the orders of respondent Judge and assailing Just compensation means the value of the property at the time of
the power of supervision (police power) of the Comelec over the the constitutionality of P.D. No. 1224, as amended.  the taking. It means a fair and full equivalent for the loss
information operations of print media enterprises during the sustained. Tax values can serve as guides but cannot be absolute
election period to safeguard and ensure a fair, impartial and substitute for just compensation. 
Petitioners contend that the taking of their property subsumed
credible election. under the topics of public use, just compensation, and due
process.  (4) Yes. The petitioners were denied of due process. P.D. 1224, as
amended, violates procedural due process as it allows immediate
Issue: Whether or not Comelec Resolution No. 2772 is taking of possession, control and disposition of property without
unconstitutional. Issues:(1) Whether “socialized housing” as defined in P.D. 1224,
giving the owner his day in court. Respondent Judge ordered the
as amended, for the purpose of condemnation proceedings is not
issuance of a writ of possession without notice and without
“public use” since it will benefit only “a handful of people, bereft
Held: The Supreme Court declared the Resolution as of public character,” hence it is not a valid exercise of the State’s
unconstitutional. It held that to compel print media companies to power of eminent domain. 
donate “Comelec space” amounts to “taking” of private personal
property without payment of the just compensation required in (2) Whether NHA has the discretion to determine the size of the
expropriation cases. Moreover, the element of necessity for the property/properties to be expropriated. 
taking has not been established by respondent Comelec,
considering that the newspapers were not unwilling to sell
advertising space. The taking of private property for public use is (3) Whether P.D. 1224, as amended, allows unjust and unfair
valuations arbitrarily fixed by government assessors. 

LEJANDRO MANOSCA, ASUNCION MANOSCA and LEONICA actually benefit from the expropriation of property does not The trial court correctly stated the valuation in the decree may
MANOSCA, petitioners, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, HON. necessarily diminish the essence and character of public use. only serve as a guiding principle or one of the factors in
BENJAMIN V. PELAYO, Presiding Judge, RTC-Pasig, Metro Manila, determining just compensation but it may not substitute the
Branch 168, HON. GRADUACION A. REYES CLARAVAL, Presiding court's own judgment as to what amount should be awarded and
Judge, RTC-Pasig, Metro Manila, Branch 71, and REPUBLIC OF how to arrive at such amount.
DULAY, in his capacity as the Presiding Judge, Court of First
THE PHILIPPINES, respondents.
Instance of Cebu, Branch XVI, Lapu-Lapu City, and SAN ANTONIO
DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION The determination of "just compensation" in eminent domain
G.R. No. 106440. January 29, 1996 cases is a judicial function. The executive department or the
legislature may make the initial determinations but when a party
FACTS: Under Proclamation No. 1811, four parcel of land with an
claims a violation of the guarantee in the Bill of Rights that private
FACTS: Petitioners inherited a piece of land located at P. Burgos aggregate area of 22,328 sqm owned and registered in the name
property may not be taken for public use without just
Street, Calzada, Taguig. Metro Manila (492 square meters.) When of private individuals were included for the establishment of an
compensation, no statute, decree, or executive order can
the parcel of land was ascertained by the NHI to have been the export processing zone by petitioner Export Processing Zone
mandate that its own determination shag prevail over the court's
birthsite of Felix Y. Manalo, the founder of Iglesia Ni Cristo, it Authority (EPZA). The EPZA offered to purchase the land from the
findings. Much less can the courts be precluded from looking into
passed Resolution declaring the land to be a national historical private owners in accordance wit the valuation set forth in Section
the "just-ness" of the decreed compensation.
landmark. Which was approved. 22 of PD 464. Failure to agreed regarding the sale, EPZA filed with
the Court of First Instance of Cebu to expropriate the land
pursuant to PD No. 66(empowers the petitioner to acquire by Elimination of the court's discretion, under PD No. 1533, to
So on on 29 May 1989, the Republic, through the Office of the
condemnation proceedings any property for the establishment of appoint commissioners pursuant to Rule 67 of the Rules of Court,
Solicitor-General, instituted a complaint for expropriation3 before
export processing zones, in relation to Proclamation No. 1811, for is unconstitutional and void.
theRegional Trial Court of Pasig.
the purpose of establishing the Mactan Export Processing Zone)
Petitioners moved to dismiss the complaint on the main thesis
The judge authorized PEZA to to take immediate possession of the CORPORATION, respondent.
that the intended expropriation was not for a public purpose and,
premises. As per decision of the judge, EPZA should pay the
incidentally, that the act would constitute an application of public
private owners a just compensation for the properties and order
funds, directly or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or support of G.R. No. 127820. July 20, 1998
certain persons as commissioners to ascertain and report to the
Iglesia ni Cristo, a religious entity.
court the just compensation for the properties sought to be
expropriated. Facts: Pursuant to Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No. 93-95,
Hence this petition. Series of 1993, the Municipality of Parañaque filed a Complaint
for expropriation against V.M. Realty Corporation, over two
Three commissioners submitted their consolidated report at P 15
parcels of land. Allegedly, the complaint was filed “for the
ISSUE: Whether or not the expropriation of the said parcel of land per sqm as the fair and reasonable value of just compensation.
purpose of alleviating the living conditions of the underprivileged
is for the purpose of public use.
by providing homes for the homeless through a socialized housing
EPZA filed for Motion for Reconsideration for the court order and project.” Petitioner, pursuant to its Sangguniang Bayan Resolution
HELD: Yes. The taking to be valid must be for public use. There Objection to Commissioner’s Report on the grounds that PD No No. 577, Series of 1991, previously made an offer to enter into a
was a time when it was felt that a literal meaning should be 1533 has superseded Sections 5 to 8 of Rule 67 of the Rules of the negotiated sale of the property with private respondent, which
attached to such a requirement. Whatever project is undertaken Court on the ascertainment of just compensation; and such the latter did not accept. The RTC authorized petitioner to take
must be for the public to enjoy, as in the case of streets or parks. compensation should not exceed the maximum stated in set by possession of the subject property upon its deposit with the clerk
Otherwise, expropriation is not allowable. It is not so any more. As PD 1533. The trial court denied the petition. The case is for of court of an amount equivalent to 15% of its fair market value.
long as the purpose of the taking is public, then the power of certiorari and mandamus. Grounds is excess for sjurisdiction and Private Respondent filed an answer alleging that (a) the complaint
eminent domain comes into play. As just noted, the constitution with grave abuse of the discretion of the judge. failed to state a cause of action because it was filed pursuant to a
in at least two cases, to remove any doubt, determines what resolution and not to an ordinance as required by RA 7160; and
public use is. One is the expropriation of lands to be subdivided (b) the cause of action, if any, was barred by a prior judgment or
ISSUE: The question raised in this petition is whether or not
into small lots for resale at cost to individuals. The other is the res judicata. On private respondent’s motion, its answer was
Presidential Decrees Numbered 76, 464, 794 and 1533 have
transfer, through the exercise of this power, of utilities and other treated as a motion to dismiss. The trial court dismissed the
repealed and superseded Sections 5 to 8 of Rule 67 of the Revised
private enterprise to the government. It is accurate to state then complaint.
Rules of Court, such that in determining the just compensation of
that at present whatever may be beneficially employed for the
property in an expropriation case, the only basis should be its
general welfare satisfies the requirement of public use.
market value as declared by the owner or as determined by the Issue: Whether a Local Government Unit can exercise its power of
assessor, whichever is lower. eminent domain pursuant to a resolution by its law-making body.
The practical reality that greater benefit may be derived by
members of the Iglesia ni Cristo than by most others could well be
HELD:The court still have the power and authority to determine Held: Under Section 19, of the present Local Government Code
true but such a peculiar advantage still remains to be merely
just compensation, independent of what is stated by the decree (RA 7160), it is stated as the first requisite that LGUs can exercise
incidental and secondary in nature. Indeed, that only a few would
and to this effect, to appoint commissioners for such purpose. its power of eminent domain if there is an ordinance enacted by

its legislative body enabling the municipal chief executive. A individuals, although each advantage to individuals might Held: The phrase “exempt from taxation” should not be
resolution is not an ordinance, the former is only an opinion of a incidentally serve the public. interpreted to mean exemption from all kinds of taxes. The
law-making body, the latter is a law. The case cited by Petitioner exemption is only from the payment of taxes assessed on such
involves BP 337, which was the previous Local Government Code, properties as property taxes as contradistinguished from excise
Punsalan v. Municipal Board of the City of Manila
which is obviously no longer in effect. RA 7160 prevails over the taxes. A donee’s gift tax is not a property tax but an excise tax
Implementing Rules, the former being the law itself and the latter imposed on the transfer of property by way of gift inter vivos. It
only an administrative rule which cannot amend the former. Facts: Petitioners, who are professionals in the city, does not rest upon general ownership, but an excise upon the use
assail OrdinanceNo. 3398 together with the law authorizing it made of the properties, upon the exercise of the privilege of
(Section 18 of the Revised Charter of the City of Manila). receiving the properties. The imposition of such excise tax on
Wenceslao Pascual v Secretary of Public Works and
The ordinance imposes a municipaloccupation tax on persons property used for religious purpose do not constitute an
Communications, et al
exercising various professions in the city and penalizes non- impairment of the Constitution.
payment of the same. The law authorizing
Facts: said ordinanceempowers the Municipal Board of the city to
The tax exemption of the parish, thus, does not extend to excise
impose a municipaloccupation tax on persons engaged in various
professions. Petitioners, having already paid their occupation tax
"A law appropriating the public revenue is invalid if the public
under section 201 of the National Internal Revenue Code, paid the
advantage or benefit, derived from such expenditure, is merely
tax under protest as imposed byOrdinance No. 3398. The lower Abra Valley College vs Aquino (G.R. No. L-39086)
incidental in the promotion of a particular enterprise."
court declared the ordinance invalid and affirmed the validity of
the law authorizing it.
FACTS: Petitioner, an educational corporation and institution of
Governor WenceslaoPascual of Rizal instituted this action for
higher learning duly incorporated with the Securities and
declaratory relief, with injunction, upon the ground that RA No.
Exchange Commission in 1948, filed a complaint to annul and
920, which apropriates funds for public works particularly for the Issue: Whether or Not the ordinance and law authorizing it
declare void the “Notice of Seizure’ and the “Notice of Sale” of its
construction and improvement of Pasig feeder road terminals. constitute class legislation, and authorize what amounts to double
lot and building located at Bangued, Abra, for non-payment of
Some of the feeder roads, however, as alleged and as contained in taxation.
real estate taxes and penalties amounting to P5,140.31. Said
the tracings attached to the petition, were nothing but projected
“Notice of Seizure” by respondents Municipal Treasurer and
and planned subdivision roads, not yet constructed within the
Provincial Treasurer, defendants below, was issued for the
Antonio Subdivision, belonging to private respondent Zulueta, Held: The Legislature may, in its discretion, select
satisfaction of the said taxes thereon.
situated at Pasig, Rizal; and which projected feeder roads do not what occupationsshall be taxed, and in its discretion may tax all,
connect any government property or any important premises to or select classes of occupation for taxation, and leave others
the main highway. The respondents' contention is that there is untaxed. It is not for the courts to judge which cities or The parties entered into a stipulation of facts adopted and
public purpose because people living in the subdivision will municipalities should be empowered to impose occupation taxes embodied by the trial court in its questioned decision. The trial
directly be benefitted from the construction of the roads, and the aside from that imposed by the National Government. That court ruled for the government, holding that the second floor of
government also gains from the donation of the land supposed to matter is within the domain of political departments. The the building is being used by the director for residential purposes
be occupied by the streets, made by its owner to the government. argument against double taxation may not be invoked if one tax is and that the ground floor used and rented by Northern Marketing
imposed by the state and the other is imposed by the city. It is Corporation, a commercial establishment, and thus the property
widely recognized that there is nothing inherently terrible in the is not being used exclusively for educational purposes. Instead of
ISSUE: Should incidental gains by the public be considered "public
requirement that taxes be exacted with respect to the same perfecting an appeal, petitioner availed of the instant petition for
purpose" for the purpose of justifying an expenditure of the
occupation by both the state and the political subdivisions review on certiorari with prayer for preliminary injunction before
thereof. Judgment of the lower court is reversed with regards to the Supreme Court, by filing said petition on 17 August 1974.
the ordinance and affirmed as to the law authorizing it.
HELD: No. It is a general rule that the legislature is without power
ISSUE: Whether or not the lot and building are used exclusively for
to appropriate public revenue for anything but a public purpose. It
Lladoc v Commissioner of Internal Revenue educational purposes.
is the essential character of the direct object of the expenditure
which must determine its validity as justifying a tax, and not the
magnitude of the interest to be affected nor the degree to which Facts: In 1957, the MB Estate Inc. of Bacolod City donated HELD: Section 22, paragraph 3, Article VI, of the then 1935
the general advantage of the community, and thus the public P10,000 in cash to the parish priest of Victorias, Negros Philippine Constitution, expressly grants exemption from realty
welfare, may be ultimately benefited by their promotion. Occidental; the amount spent for the construction of a new taxes for cemeteries, churches and parsonages or convents
Incidental to the public or to the state, which results from the Catholic Church in the locality,m as intended. In1958, MB Estate appurtenant thereto, and all lands, buildings, and improvements
promotion of private interest and the prosperity of private filed the donor’s gift tax return. In 1960, the Commissioner issued used exclusively for religious, charitable or educational purposes.ン
enterprises or business, does not justify their aid by the use public an assessment for donee’s gift tax against the parish. The priest Reasonable emphasis has always been made that the exemption
money. lodged a protest to the assessment and requested the withdrawal extends to facilities which are incidental to and reasonably
   The test of the constitutionality of a statute requiring the use of thereof. necessary for the accomplishment of the main purposes. The use
public funds is whether the statute is designed to promote the of the school building or lot for commercial purposes is neither
public interest, as opposed to the furtherance of the advantage of contemplated by law, nor by jurisprudence. In the case at bar, the
Issue: Whether the Catholic Parish is tax exempt.
lease of the first floor of the building to the Northern Marketing

Corporation cannot by any stretch of the imagination be enactment clearly falls within the scope of the police power of the Issue: Whether or Not there was denial of due process.
considered incidental to the purpose of education. The test of State, thru which and by which it protects its own personality and
exemption from taxation is the use of the property for purposes insures its security and future. Furthermore, the law does not Held: There was no denial of due process. The essence of due
mentioned in the Constitution. violate the equal protection clause of the Constitution because process is simply an opportunity to be heard or, as applied to
sufficient grounds exist for the distinction between alien and administrative proceedings, an opportunity to explain one's side
citizen in the exercise of the occupation regulated, nor the due or an opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling
The decision of the CFI Abra (Branch I) is affirmed subject to the
process of law clause, because the law is prospective in operation complained of petitioner PHILPHOS agreed to file its position
modification that half of the assessed tax be returned to the
and recognizes the privilege of aliens already engaged in the paper with the Mediator-Arbiter and to consider the case
petitioner. The modification is derived from the fact that the
occupation and reasonably protects their privilege. The wisdom submitted for decision on the basis of the position papers filed by
ground floor is being used for commercial purposes (leased) and
and efficacy of the law to carry out its objectives appear to us to the parties, there was sufficient compliance with the requirement
the second floor being used as incidental to education (residence
be plainly evident — as a matter of fact it seems not only of due process, as petitioner was afforded reasonable opportunity
of the director).
appropriate but actually necessary — and that in any case such to present its side. Moreover, petitioner could have, if it so
matter falls within the prerogative of the Legislature, with whose desired, insisted on a hearing to confront and examine the
Ichong vs. Hernandez, GR No. L-7995 power and discretion the Judicial department of the Government witnesses of the other party. But it did not; instead it opted to
may not interfere. Moreover, the provisions of the law are clearly submit its position paper with the Mediator-Arbiter. Besides,
Facts: Republic Act No. 1180 is entitled "An Act to Regulate the embraced in the title, and this suffers from no duplicity and has petitioner had all the opportunity to ventilate its arguments in its
Retail Business." In effect it nationalizes the retail trade business. not misled the legislators or the segment of the population appeal to the Secretary of Labor.
affected; and that it cannot be said to be void for supposed
conflict with treaty obligations because no treaty has actually
Petitioner attacks the constitutionality of the Act, contending that: Ynotvs IAC
been entered into on the subject and the police power may not
(1) it denies to alien residents the equal protection of the laws be curtailed or surrendered by any treaty or any other
and deprives of their liberty and property without due process of conventional agreement. Facts: On January 13, 1984, the petitioner transported six
law ; (2) the subject of the Act is not expressed or comprehended carabaos in a pump boat from Masbate to Iloilo when the same
in the title thereof; (3) the Act violates international and treaty was confiscated by the police station commander of Barotac
obligations of the Republic of the Philippines; (4) the provisions of Philippine Phospate Fertilizer Co. v Torres   231 SCRA 335 (1994)
Nuevo, Iloilo for the violation of E.O. 626-A. A case was filed by
the Act against the transmission by aliens of their retail business the petitioner questioning the constitutionality of executive order
thru hereditary succession, and those requiring 100% Filipino Facts: Philphos Movement for Progress, Inc. (PMPI for brevity), and the recovery of the carabaos. After considering the merits of
capitalization for a corporation or entity to entitle it to engage in filed with the Department of Labor and Employment a petition for the case, the confiscation was sustained and the court declined to
the retail business, violate the spirit of Sections 1 and 5, Article XIII certification election among the supervisory employees of rule on the constitutionality issue. The petitioner appealed the
and Section 8 of Article XIV of the Constitution. petitioner, alleging that as a supervisory union duly registered decision to the Intermediate Appellate Court but it also upheld
with the Department of Labor and Employment it was seeking to the ruling of RTC.
In answer, the Solicitor-General and the Fiscal of the City of represent the supervisory employees of Philippine Phosphate
Manila contend that: (1) the Act was passed in the valid exercise Fertilizer Corporation. Mediator-Arbiter Rodolfo S. Milado issued
Issue: Is E.O. 626-A unconstitutional?
of the police power of the State, which exercise is authorized in an order directing the holding of a certification election among
the Constitution in the interest of national economic survival; (2) the supervisory employees of petitioner, excluding therefrom the
superintendents and the professional and technical employees. Ruling: The Respondent contends that it is a valid exercise of
the Act has only one subject embraced in the title; (3) no treaty or
However, the PMPI filed an amended petition with the Mediator- police power to justify EO 626-A amending EO 626 in asic rule
international obligations are infringed; (4) as regards hereditary
Arbiter wherein it sought to represent not only the supervisory prohibiting the slaughter of carabaos except under certain
succession, only the form is affected but the value of the property
employees of petitioner but also its professional/technical and conditions. The supreme court said that The reasonable
is not impaired, and the institution of inheritance is only of
confidential employees. The parties therein agreed to submit their connection between the means employed and the purpose
statutory origin.
respective position papers and to consider the amended petition sought to be achieved by the questioned measure is missing the
submitted for decision on the basis thereof and related Supreme Court do not see how the prohibition of the inter-
documents. Mediator-Arbiter Milado issued an order granting the provincial transport of carabaos can prevent their indiscriminate
petition and directing the holding of a certification election among slaughter, considering that they can be killed anywhere, with no
Issue: Whether the conditions which the disputed law purports to the "supervisory, professional (engineers, analysts, mechanics, less difficulty in one province than in another. Obviously, retaining
remedy really or actually exist. accountants, nurses, midwives, etc.), technical, and confidential the carabaos in one province will not prevent their slaughter
employees. PHILPHOS appealed the order to the Secretary there, any more than moving them to another province will make
of Labor and Employment who rendered a decision through it easier to kill them there
Undersecretary Bienvenido Laguesma dismissing the appeal.
PHILPHOS moved for reconsideration but the same was denied; The Supreme Court found E.O. 626-A unconstitutional. The
Held: Yes. We hold that the disputed law was enacted to remedy hence, the instant petition alleging denial of due process on the executive act defined the prohibition, convicted the petitioner
a real actual threat and danger to national economy posed by part of the DOLE to which the mediator-arbiter was under. and immediately imposed punishment, which was carried out
alien dominance and control of the retail business and free forthright. Due process was not properly observed. In the instant
citizens and country from dominance and control. Such case, the carabaos were arbitrarily confiscated by the police

station commander, were returned to the petitioner only after he security agencies or police organizations, and organization or PNP with violation of the Omnibus Election Code. He was not
had filed a complaint for recovery and given a supersedeas bond maintenance of reaction forces during the election period. informed by the City Prosecutor that he was a respondent in the
of P12,000.00. The measure struck at once and pounced upon the COMELEC also issued Resolution No. 2327 providing for the preliminary investigation. Such constituted a violation of his right
petitioner without giving him a chance to be heard, thus denying summary disqualification of candidates engaged in gunrunning, to due process. Hence, it cannot be contended that petitioner was
due process. using and transporting of firearms, organizing special strike forces, fully given the opportunity to meet the accusation against him as
and establishing spot checkpoints. Pursuant to the “Gun Ban”, Mr. he was not informed that he was himself a respondent in the
SerrapioTaccad, Sergeant at Arms of the House of case. Thus, the warrantless search conducted by the PNP is
Representatives, wrote petitioner for the return of the two declared illegal and the firearms seized during the search cannot
firearms issued to him by the House of Representatives. Petitioner be used as evidence in any proceeding against the petitioner.
FACTS: Alonte was accused of raping JuvieLynPunongbayan with then instructed his driver, Arellano, to pick up the firearms from Resolution No. 92-0829 is unconstitutional, and therefore, set
accomplice Buenaventura Concepcion. It was alleged that petitioner’s house and return them to Congress. The PNP set up a aside.
Concepcion befriended Juvie and had later lured her into checkpoint. When the car driven by Arellano approached the
Alonete’s house who was then the mayor of Biňan, Laguna. The checkpoint, the PNP searched the car and found the firearms.
case was brought before RTC Biňan. The counsel and Arellano was apprehended and detained. He then explained the
180 SCRA 218; G.R. 84818
the prosecutorlater moved for a change of venue due to alleged order of petitioner. Petitioner also explained that Arellano was
intimidation. While the change of venue was pending, Juvie only complying with the firearms ban, and that he was not a
executed an affidavit of desistance. The prosecutor continued on security officer or a bodyguard. Later, COMELEC issued Resolution
Herein petitioner is engaged in providing for services involving
with the case and thechange of venue was done notwithstanding No.92-0829 directing the filing of information against petitioner
telecommunications. Charging rates for certain specified lines that
opposition from Alonte. The case was raffled to the Manila RTC and Arellano for violation of the Omnibus Election Code, and for
were reduced by order of herein respondent Jose Alcuaz
under J Savellano. Savellano later found probable cause and had petitioner to show cause why he should not be disqualified from
Commissioner of the National Telecommunications Commission.
ordered the arrest of Alonte and Concepcion. Thereafter, the running for an elective position. Petitioner then questions the
The rates were ordered to be reduced by fifteen percent (15%)
prosecution presented Juvie and had attested the voluntariness of constitutionality of Resolution No. 2327. He argues that
due to Executive Order No. 546 which granted the NTC the power
her desistance the same being due to media pressure and that “gunrunning, using or transporting firearms or similar weapons”
to fix rates. Said order was issued without prior notice and
they would rather establish new life elsewhere. Case was then and other acts mentioned in the resolution are not within the
submitted for decision and Savellano sentenced both accused to provisions of the Omnibus Election Code. Thus, according to
reclusion perpetua. Savellano commented that Alonte waived his petitioner, Resolution No. 2327 is unconstitutional. The issue on
right to due process when he did not cross examineJuvie when the disqualification of petitioner from running in the elections was
Whether or Not E.O. 546 is unconstitutional.
clarificatory questions were raised about the details of the rape rendered moot when he lost his bid for a seat in Congress in the
and on the voluntariness of her desistance. elections.
Yes. Respondents admitted that the application of a policy like the
ISSUE: Whether or not Alonte has been denied criminal due fixing of rates as exercised by administrative bodies is quasi-
process. Issue: Whether or Not petitioner can be validly prosecuted for
judicial rather than quasi-
instructing his driver to return the firearms issued to him on the
legislative. But respondent’s
basis of the evidence gathered from the warrant less search of his
HELD: The SC ruled that Savellano should inhibit himself from contention that notice and hearing are not required since the
further deciding on the case due to animosity between him and assailed order is merely incidental to the entire proceedings and
the parties. There is no showing that Alonte waived his right. The temporary in nature is erroneous. Section 16(c) of the Public
standard of waiver requires that it “not only must be voluntary, Service Act, providing for the proceedings of the Commission,
Held: A valid search must be authorized by a search warrant
but must be knowing, intelligent, and done with sufficient upon notice and hearing, dictates that a Commission has power to
issued by an appropriate authority. However, a warrantless search
awareness of the relevant circumstances and likely fix rates, upon proper notice and hearing, and, if not subject to
is not violative of the Constitution for as long as the vehicle is
consequences.” Mere silence of the holder of the right should not the exceptions, limitations or saving provisions. It is thus clear
neither searched nor its occupants subjected to a body search,
be so construed as a waiver of right, and the courts must indulge that with regard to rate-fixing, respondent has no authority to
and the inspection of the vehicle is merely limited to a visual
every reasonable presumption against waiver. Savellano has not make such order without first giving petitioner a hearing, whether
search. In the case at bar, the guns were not tucked in Arellano’s
shown impartiality by repeatedly not acting on numerous the order be temporary or permanent, and it is immaterial
waist nor placed within his reach, as they were neatly packed in
petitions filed by Alonte. The case is remanded to the lower court whether the same is made upon a complaint, a summary
gun cases and placed inside a bag at the back of the car. Given
for retrial and the decision earlier promulgated is nullified. investigation, or upon the commission's own motion as in the
these circumstances, the PNP could not have thoroughly searched
present case. WHEREFORE, the writ prayed for is GRANTED and
the car lawfully as well as the package without violating the
the order of respondents is hereby SET ASIDE
Aniag vs COMELEC constitutional injunction. Absent any justifying circumstance
specifically pointing to the culpability of petitioner and Arellano,
the search could not have been valid. Consequently, the firearms
Facts: In preparation for the synchronized national and local Ang Tibay vs Court of Industrial Relations
obtained from the warrantless search cannot be admitted for any
elections, the COMELEC issued Resolution No. 2323, “Gun Ban”, purpose in any proceeding. It was also shown in the facts that the
promulgating rules and regulations on bearing, carrying and Facts: TeodoroToribio owns and operates Ang Tibay a leather
PNP had not informed the public of the purpose of setting up the
transporting of firearm or other deadly weapons on security company which supplies the Philippine Army. Due to alleged
checkpoint. Petitioner was also not among those charged by the
personnel or bodyguards, on bearing arms by members of shortage of leather, Toribio caused the lay off of members of

National Labor Union Inc. NLU averred that Toribio’s act is not physical injuries inflicted upon him on the same occasion. exhaustion of remedies is when the case involves a question of
valid as it is not within the CBA. That there are two labor unions in Petitioner Dean Cynthia del Castillo created a Joint law, as in this case, where the issue is whether or not respondent
Ang Tibay; NLU and National Worker’s Brotherhood. That NWB is Administration-Faculty-Student Investigating Committee which students have been afforded procedural due process prior to their
dominated by Toribio hence he favors it over NLU. That NLU was tasked to investigate and submit a report within 72 hours on dismissal from Petitioner University.
wishes for a new trial as they were able to come up with new the circumstances surrounding the death of Lennie Villa. Said
evidence/documents that they were not able to obtain before as notice also required respondent students to submit their written Minimum standards to be satisfied in the imposition of
they were inaccessible and they were not able to present it before statements within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt. Although disciplinary sanctions in academic institutions, such as petitioner
in the CIR. respondent students received a copy of the written notice, they university herein, thus:
failed to file a reply. In the meantime, they were placed on
ISSUE: Whether or not there has been a due process of law. preventive suspension. The Joint Administration-Faculty-Student (1) the students must be informed in writing of the nature and
Investigating Committee, after receiving the written statements cause of any accusation against them; 
HELD: The SC ruled that there should be a new trial in favor of and hearing the testimonies of several witness, found a prima (2) that they shall have the right to answer the charges against
NLU. The SC ruled that all administrative bodies cannot ignore or facie case against respondent students for violation of Rule 3 of them with the assistance of counsel, if desired: 
disregard the fundamental and essential requirements of due the Law School Catalogue entitled "Discipline." Respondent (3) they shall be informed of the evidence against them 
process. They are; students were then required to file their written answers to the (4) they shall have the right to adduce evidence in their own
(1)     The right to a hearing which includes the right of the party formal charge. Petitioner Dean created a Disciplinary Board to behalf; and 
interested or affected to present his own case and submit hear the charges against respondent students. The Board found (5) the evidence must be duly considered by the investigating
evidence in support thereof. respondent students guilty of violating Rule No. 3 of the Ateneo committee or official designated by the school authorities to hear
(2)     Not only must the party be given an opportunity to present Law School Rules on Discipline which prohibits participation in and decide the case.
his case and to adduce evidence tending to establish the rights hazing activities. However, in view of the lack of unanimity among
which he asserts but the tribunal must consider the evidence the members of the Board on the penalty of dismissal, the Board
presented. left the imposition of the penalty to the University Administration.
(3)     While the duty to deliberate does not impose the obligation Accordingly, Fr. Bernas imposed the penalty of dismissal on all
to decide right, it does imply a necessity which cannot be respondent students. Respondent students filed with RTC Makati FACTS:Unjieng was convicted by the trial court in Manila. He filed
disregarded, namely, that of having something to support its a TRO since they are currently enrolled. This was granted. A TRO for reconsideration which was elevated to the SC and the SC
decision. A decision with absolutely nothing to support it is a was also issued enjoining petitioners from dismissing the remanded the appeal to the lower court for a new trial. While
nullity, a place when directly attached. respondents. A day after the expiration of the temporary awaiting new trial, he appealed for probation alleging that the he
(4)     Not only must there be some evidence to support a finding restraining order, Dean del Castillo created a Special Board to is innocent of the crime he was convicted of. Judge Tuason of the
or conclusion but the evidence must be “substantial.” Substantial investigate the charges of hazing against respondent students Manila CFI directed the appeal to the Insular Probation Office. The
evidence is more than a mere scintilla It means such relevant Abas and Mendoza. This was requested to be stricken out by the IPO denied the application. However, Judge Vera upon another
evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to respondents and argued that the creation of the Special Board request by petitioner allowed the petition to be set for hearing.
support a conclusion. was totally unrelated to the original petition which alleged lack of The City Prosecutor countered alleging that Vera has no power to
(5)     The decision must be rendered on the evidence presented at due process. This was granted and reinstatement of the students place Cu Unjieng under probation because it is in violation of Sec.
the hearing, or at least contained in the record and disclosed to was ordered. 11 Act No. 4221 which provides that the act of Legislature
the parties affected. granting provincial boards the power to provide a system of
(6)     The Court of Industrial Relations or any of its judges, probation to convicted person. Nowhere in the law is stated that
therefore, must act on its or his own independent consideration Issue: Was there denial of due process against the respondent the law is applicable to a city like Manila because it is only
of the law and facts of the controversy, and not simply accept the students. indicated therein that only provinces are covered. And even if
views of a subordinate in arriving at a decision. Manila is covered by the law it is unconstitutional because Sec 1
(7)     The Court of Industrial Relations should, in all controversial Art 3 of the Constitution provides equal protection of laws for the
questions, render its decision in such a manner that the parties to Held: There was no denial of due process, more particularly reason that its applicability is not uniform throughout the islands.
the proceeding can know the vario issues involved, and the procedural due process. Dean of the Ateneo Law School, notified The said law provides absolute discretion to provincial boards and
reasons for the decisions rendered. The performance of this duty and required respondent students to submit their written this also constitutes undue delegation of power because
is inseparable from the authority conferred upon it. statement on the incident. Instead of filing a reply, respondent providing probation, in effect, is granting freedom, as in pardon.
  students requested through their counsel, copies of the charges.
The nature and cause of the accusation were adequately spelled HELD: The challenged section of Act No. 4221 in section 11 which
ATENEO DE MANILA UNIVERSITY VS. HON. JUDGE IGNACIO out in petitioners' notices. Present is the twin elements of notice reads as follows: This Act shall apply only in those provinces in
CAPULONG [222 SCRA 644; G.R. 99327; 27 MAY 1993] and hearing. which the respective provincial boards have provided for the
salary of a probation officer at rates not lower than those now
Facts: Leonardo H. Villa, a first year law student of Petitioner Respondent students argue that petitioners are not in a provided for provincial fiscals. Said probation officer shall be
University, died of serious physical injuries at Chinese General position to file the instant petition under Rule 65 considering that appointed by the Secretary of Justice and shall be subject to the
Hospital after the initiation rites of Aquila Legis. Bienvenido they failed to file a motion for reconsideration first before the trial direction of the Probation Office. This only means that only
Marquez was also hospitalized at the Capitol Medical court, thereby by passing the latter and the Court of Appeals. It is provinces that can provide appropriation for a probation officer
Center for acute renal failure occasioned by the serious accepted legal doctrine that an exception to the doctrine of may have a system of probation within their locality. This would

mean to say that convicts in provinces where no probation officer HELD: The law is a valid exercise of police power and it does not violation of the ordinance is 3 to 6 months imprisonment or a fine
is instituted may not avail of their right to probation. deny the aliens the equal protection of the laws. There are real of P100 to P200, or both.
and actual, positive and fundamental differences between an
alien and a citizen, which fully justify the legislative classification
There is no difference between a law which denies equal Issue: Whether the ordinance imposes a regulatory fee or a tax.
protection and a law which permits such denial. A law may appear
to be fair on its face and impartial in appearance, yet, if it permits
Held: The ordinance’s purpose is clearly to raise money under the
of unjust and illegal discrimination, it is within the constitutional RATIO: The equal protection clause does not demand absolute
guise of regulation by exacting P50 from aliens who have been
prohibition. equality among residents. It merely requires that all persons shall
cleared for employment. The amount is unreasonable and
be treated alike, under like circumstances and conditions both as
excessive because it fails to consider difference in situation among
to privileges conferred and liabilities enforced.
Ichongvs Hernandez aliens required to pay it, i.e. being casual, permanent, part-time,
rank-and-file or executive.
FACTS: The Legislature passed R.A. 1180 (An Act to Regulate the
Retail Business). Its purpose was to prevent persons who are not [ The Ordinance was declared invalid as it is arbitrary, oppressive
citizens of the Phil. from having a stranglehold upon the people’s The classification is actual, real and reasonable, and all persons of and unreasonable, being applied only to aliens who are thus
economic life. one class are treated alike. deprived of their rights to life, liberty and property and therefore
violates the due process and equal protection clauses of the
Constitution. Further, the ordinance does not lay down any
- a prohibition against aliens and against associations, The difference in status between citizens and aliens constitutes a
criterion or standard to guide the Mayor in the exercise of his
partnerships, or corporations the capital of which are basis for reasonable classification in the exercise of police power.
discretion, thus conferring upon the mayor arbitrary and
not wholly owned by Filipinos, from engaging directly
unrestricted powers. ]
or indirectly in the retail trade
Official statistics point out to the ever-increasing dominance and
- aliens actually engaged in the retail business on May
control by alien of the retail trade. It is this domination and
15, 1954 are allowed to continue their business, unless Dumlao v COMELEC G.R. No. L-52245. January 22, 1980
control that is the legislature’s target in the enactment of the Act.
their licenses are forfeited in accordance with law,
until their death or voluntary retirement. In case of
Preliminary Injunction and/or Restraining Order
juridical persons, ten years after the approval of the The mere fact of alienage is the root cause of the distinction
Act or until the expiration of term. between the alien and the national as a trader. The alien is
- Citizens and juridical entities of the United States were naturally lacking in that spirit of loyalty and enthusiasm for the J. Melencio-Herrera
exempted from this Act. Phil. where he temporarily stays and makes his living. The alien
- provision for the forfeiture of licenses to engage in the owes no allegiance or loyalty to the State, and the State cannot
retail business for violation of the laws on rely on him/her in times of crisis or emergency.
nationalization, economic control weights and
measures and labor and other laws relating to trade,  Petitioner Dumlao is a former Governor of Nueva Vizcaya, who
While the citizen holds his life, his person and his property subject
commerce and industry. has filed his certificate of candidacy for said position of Governor
to the needs of the country, the alien may become the potential
- provision against the establishment or opening by in the forthcoming elections of January 30, 1980.
enemy of the State.
aliens actually engaged in the retail business of
additional stores or branches of retail business He specifically questions the constitutionality of section 4 of Batas
- Lao Ichong, in his own behalf and behalf of other alien The alien retailer has shown such utter disregard for his
Pambansa Blg. 52 as discriminatory and contrary to the equal
residents, corporations and partnerships affected by customers and the people on whom he makes his profit. Through
protection and due process guarantees of the Constitution.
the Act, filed an action to declare it unconstitutional the illegitimate use of pernicious designs and practices, the alien
for the ff: reasons: now enjoys a monopolistic control on the nation’s economy
- it denies to alien residents the equal protection of the endangering the national security in times of crisis and S4 -Any retired elective provincial, city of municipal official who
laws and deprives them of their liberty and property emergency. has received payment of theretirement benefits to which he is
without due process entitled under the law and who shall have been 65 years of age at
- the subject of the Act is not expressed in the title the commencement of the term of office to which he seeks to be
Villegas vs HiuChiong Tsai Pao Ho (1978)
- the Act violates international and treaty obligations elecOted, shall not be qualified to run for the same elective local
- the provisions of the Act against the transmission by office from which he has retired.
aliens of their retail business thru hereditary Facts: The Municipal Board of Manila enacted Ordinance 6537
succession requiring aliens (except those employed in the diplomatic and
He claimed that the aforecited provision was directed insidiously
consular missions of foreign countries, in technical assistance
against him, and that the classification provided therein is based
programs of the government and another country, and members
ISSUE: WON the Act deprives the aliens of the equal protection of on "purely arbitrary grounds and, therefore, class legislation.
of religious orders or congregations) to procure the requisite
the laws. mayor’s permit so as to be employed or engage in trade in the
City of Manila. The permit fee is P50, and the penalty for the

His colleague Igot, assailed the same law for the prohibition for c. They are actually without cause of action. It follows that the Regarding Igot's petition, the court held that explicit is the
candidcay of a person who was convicted of a crime given that necessity for resolving the issue of constitutionality is absent, and constitutional provision that, in all criminal prosecutions, the
there was judgment for conviction and the prima facie nature of procedural regularity would require that his suit be dismissed. accused shall be presumed innocent until the contrary is proved,
the filing of charges for the commission of such crimes. and shall enjoy the right to be heard by himself and counsel. An
accusation, according to the fundamental law, is not synonymous
However, they relaxed the procedural standard due to the public
with guilt. The challenged proviso contravenes the constitutional
He also questioned the accreditation of some political parties by interest involved and the imminent elections.
presumption of innocence, as a candidate is disqualified from
respondent COMELEC, as authorized by Batas Pambansa Blg. 53,
running from public office on the ground alone that charges have
on the ground that it is contrary to section 9(1), Art. XII(C) of the
2. Section 4 of BP Blg. 52 is not contrary to equal protection. The been filed against him before a civil or military tribunal. It
Constitution, which provides that a "bona fide candidate for any
constitutional guarantee of equal protection of the laws is subject condemns before one is fully heard. In ultimate effect, except as
public office shall be free from any form of harassment and
to rational classification. to the degree of proof, no distinction is made between a person
discrimination." Apart form this, hey also attacked the term of
convicted of acts of disloyalty and one against whom charges have
office and the election period. These were Sec 7 of BP 51, Sec 4;
If the groupings are based on reasonable and real differentiations, been filed for such acts, as both of them would be ineligible to run
Sec 6, and Sec 1 of BP 52.
one class can be treated and regulated differently from another for public office.
class. For purposes of public service, employees 65 years of age,
have been validly classified differently from younger employees. A person disqualified to run for public office on the ground that
Employees attaining that age are subject to compulsory charges have been filed against him is virtually placed in the same
1. Did petitioners have standing retirement, while those of younger ages are not so compulsorily category as a person already convicted of a crime with the penalty
retirable. of arresto, which carries with it the accessory penalty of
2. Are the statutory provisions violative of the Constitution? suspension of the right to hold office during the term of the
The requirement to retire government employees at 65 may or sentence.
may not be a reasonable classification. Young blood can be
encouraged to come in to politics. And although the filing of charges is considered as but prima facie
evidence, and therefore, may be rebutted, yet, there is "clear and
1. No present danger" that because the proximity of the elections, time
But, in the case of a 65-year old elective local official who has
already retired, there is reason to disqualify him from running for constraints will prevent one charged with acts of disloyalty from
2. Dumlao's petition dismissed. Igot's petition partially granted. the same office, as provided for in the challenged provision. The offering contrary proof to overcome the prima facie evidence
need for new blood assumes relevance. against him.
Petition granted
The tiredness of the retiree for government work is present, and A legislative/administrative determination of guilt should not be
what is emphatically significant is that the retired employee has allowed to be substituted for a judicial determination. Igot's
Ratio: petition was meritorious.
already declared himself tired an unavailable for the same
government work, but, which, by virtue of a change of mind, he
1. Dumalo sued as a candidate while Igot sued as a taxpayer. In would like to assume again. PASEI [Philippine Association of Service Exporters Inc] v. Drilon
order to determine judicial review, three requisites are present: [GR L-81958, 30 June 1988]
It is for the very reason that inequality will neither result from the
a. actual case and controversy application of the challenged provision. Just as that provision does En Banc, Sarmiento (J): 12 concur, 2 on leave
not deny equal protection, neither does it permit such denial.
b. proper party Facts: The Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. (PASEI)
In fine, it bears reiteration that the equal protection clause does is a firm "engaged principally in the recruitment of Filipino
c. existence of a constitutional question not forbid all legal classification. What is proscribes is a workers, male and female, for overseas placement." It challenged
classification which is arbitrary and unreasonable. hat the Constitutional validity of DOLE’s Department Order 1 (series
constitutional guarantee is not violated by a reasonable of 1988), in the character of "Guidelines Governing the Temporary
a. Dumlao has not yet been affected by the statute. No petition classification is germane to the purpose of the law and applies to Suspension of Deployment of Filipino Domestic and Household
has yet been filed for his disqualification. It was only a all those belonging to the same class. Workers," in a petition for certiorari and prohibition. The measure
hypothetical question.
is assailed (1) for "discrimination against males or females;" that it
The purpose of the law is to allow the emergence of younger "does not apply to all Filipino workers but only to domestic
b. Did they sustain direct injury as a result of the enforcement? blood in local governments. The classification in question being helpers and females with similar skills;" (2) for being violative of
No one has yet been adversely affected by the operation of the pursuant to that purpose, it cannot be considered invalid "even if the right to travel, and (3) for being an invalid exercise of the
statutes. at times, it may be susceptible to the objection that it is marred lawmaking power, police power being legislative, and not
by theoretical inconsistencies. executive, in character. PASEI also invoked Section 3 of Article XIII
of the Constitution providing for worker participation "in policy

and decision-making processes affecting their rights and benefits Ishmael Himagan vs People of the Philippines & Judge Hilario Suppose the trial is not terminated within ninety days from
as may be provided by law as Department Order No. 1, as Mapayo arraignment, should the suspension of accused be lifted?
contended, was passed in the absence of prior consultations. It
also claimed that it violated the Charter's non-impairment clause,
FACTS: Himagan is a policeman assigned in Camp Catititgan, The answer is certainly no. While the law uses the mandatory
in addition to the "great and irreparable injury" that PASEI
Davao City. He was charged for the murder of Benjamin Machitar word “shall” before the phrase “be terminated within ninety (90)
members face should the Order be further enforced. On 25 May
Jr and for the attempted murder of Benjamin’s younger brother, days”, there is nothing in RA 6975 that suggests that the
1988, the Solicitor General, on behalf of the Secretary of Labor
Barnabe. Pursuant to Sec 47 of RA 6975, Himagan was placed into preventive suspension of the accused will be lifted if the trial is
and Administrator of the POEA, filed a Comment informing the
suspension pending the murder case. The law provides that not terminated within that period. Nonetheless, the Judge who
Court that on 8 March 1988, the Labor Secretary lifted the
“Upon the filing of a complaint or information sufficient in form fails to decide the case within the period without justifiable
deployment ban in the states of Iraq, Jordan, Qatar, Canada,
and substance against a member of the PNP for grave felonies reason may be subject to administrative sanctions and, in
Hongkong, United States, Italy, Norway, Austria, and Switzerland.
where the penalty imposed by law is six (6) years and one (1) day appropriate cases where the facts so warrant, to criminal or civil
In submitting the validity of the challenged "guidelines," the
or more, the court shall immediately suspend the accused from liability. If the trial is unreasonably delayed without fault of the
Solicitor General invokes the police power of the Philippine State.
office until the case is terminated. Such case shall be subject to accused such that he is deprived of his right to a speedy trial, he is
continuous trial and shall be terminated within ninety (90) days not without a remedy. He may ask for the dismissal of the case.
Issue: Whether Department Order 1 unduly discriminates against from arraignment of the accused. Himagan assailed the Should the court refuse to dismiss the case, the accused can
women. suspension averring that Sec 42 of PD 807 of the Civil Service compel its dismissal by certiorari, prohibition or mandamus, or
Decree, that his suspension should be limited to ninety (90) days. secure his liberty by habeas corpus.
He claims that an imposition of preventive suspension of over 90
Held: Department Order 1 applies only to "female contract
days is contrary to the Civil Service Law and would be a violation
workers," but it does not thereby make an undue discrimination
of his constitutional right to equal protection of laws.
between the sexes. ‘Equality before the law" under the
Constitution does not import a perfect identity of rights among all
men and women. It admits of classifications, provided that (1) ISSUE: Whether or not Sec 47, RA 6975 violates equal protection
such classifications rest on substantial distinctions; (2) they are guaranteed by the Constitution.
germane to the purposes of the law; (3) they are not confined to
existing conditions; and (4) they apply equally to all members of
HELD: The language of the first sentence of Sec 47 of RA 6975 is
the same class. The classification made — the preference for
clear, plain and free from ambiguity. It gives no other meaning
female workers — rests on substantial distinctions. The sordid
than that the suspension from office of the member of the PNP
tales of maltreatment suffered by migrant Filipina workers, even
charged with grave offense where the penalty is six years and one
rape and various forms of torture, confirmed by testimonies of
day or more shall last until the termination of the case. The
returning workers, are compelling motives for urgent Government
suspension cannot be lifted before the termination of the case.
action. As precisely the caretaker of Constitutional rights, the
The second sentence of the same Section providing that the trial
Court is called upon to protect victims of exploitation. In fulfilling
must be terminated within ninety (90) days from arraignment
that duty, the Court sustains the Government's efforts. There is no
does not qualify or limit the first sentence. The two can stand
evidence that, except perhaps for isolated instances, Filipino men
independently of each other. The first refers to the period of
abroad have been afflicted with an identical predicament.
suspension. The second deals with the time from within which the
Discrimination in this case is justified. Further, the impugned
trial should be finished.
guidelines are applicable to all female domestic overseas workers,
not all Filipina workers. Had the ban been given universal
applicability, then it would have been unreasonable and arbitrary, The reason why members of the PNP are treated differently from
due to the fact that not all of them are similarly circumstanced. the other classes of persons charged criminally or administratively
What the Constitution prohibits is the singling out of a select insofar as the application of the rule on preventive suspension is
person or group of persons within an existing class, to the concerned is that policemen carry weapons and the badge of the
prejudice of such a person or group or resulting in an unfair law which can be used to harass or intimidate witnesses against
advantage to another person or group of persons. Where the them, as succinctly brought out in the legislative discussions.
classification is based on such distinctions that make a real
difference as infancy, sex, and stage of civilization of minority If a suspended policeman criminally charged with a serious
groups, the better rule is to recognize its validity only if the young, offense is reinstated to his post while his case is pending, his
the women, and the cultural minorities are singled out for victim and the witnesses against him are obviously exposed to
favorable treatment. constant threat and thus easily cowed to silence by the mere fact
that the accused is in uniform and armed. the imposition of
preventive suspension for over 90 days under Sec 47 of RA 6975
does not violate the suspended policeman’s constitutional right to
equal protection of the laws.

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