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Gagarino, Adrian D.



Global Citizenship

“No one is an Island. There are no people in this world that is alone. There are a
ot of people who is with you your Family, Friends and so many more. This people are
not just with you locally but most of them are in the global world.

Judging it from the title, at first I thought that we are going to tackle about how
citizen in one country will be competitive with another country globally. But what I
learned is being a global citizen is significant because being a global citizen I should not
be aware but I also need to have a sense of my own role as one of the global citizen.

Being a global citizen is challenging because you need to participate in the

community that is range from local to global and I also need to know how the global
world works and by this I can be a part of global citizenship.

As I learn from the reporter, I realized that global citizenship is used to describe
individual as a member of not just diverse but also local and non-local networks rather
than just single actors affecting isolated societies. I also realized that an individual who
wanted to be a part of the global world needed to serve the world globally not just his or
her country but so as the other country as they care for their own.

Global citizenship is not easy because you need to be a citizen not just by my
own country but I should be a citizen of the world. I should incline my social, political
environmental and economic actions and decisions as a globally minded individual on a
worldwide scale in order to help the world to reach their goal and to solve different
global issues such as poverty and climate change. This kind of global issues can be
solved if a global citizen like me will cooperate to build great ideas to solve these
different issues.

Respect’ this is the most important value that the global citizenship nurtures.
Respect for the self on the individual but also to other people wherever they live as well.
Next to respect is equality, to fix the word from breaking we need to stop judging
anyone from how they get dressed, how they do stuff but let us start to think that
everyone of us is the same as the person next to us. Stop discriminating because it is
not a solution but it just act as a poison that is slowly killing the system of every country
around the world

While the reporters continue I asked myself how would the new generation
accept and know about this global citizenship. After a few moments I was shocked that
UNESCO’s Education Sector’s strategic area that build on the work of peace and
Human Rights education created Global Citizenship Education. I learned that it is
UNESCO’S response to the different challenges. This education works by empowering
all individuals from children up to adulthood needed to understand that this is not just
locally but this is globally. Also to improve the active promoting programs that will
promote peaceful, secure and environmental friendly society.

Global Citizenship can be affected by different aspects like if the change affected
the true meaning of the national is changed then the meaning of being a citizen of that
nation will change.. Second aspect is Human Rights, by not giving enough recognition
the world body can trigger the global citizen themselves to create rights and obligations.
Rights and obligation as they start to form a nation states.

By knowing all of this stuff from w reporters I can say that I am myself will start to
work not just by my own country but also the word globally where I should start to
spread the things that I’ve l will join different social movements like world citizen,
mundialization and earth science in order to help anyone who is in need and for the
global citizenship to expand and develop.

For no one has no reason to be alone in this world for you will always have
someone at your back locally or globally. It is just our decision if we will join or not and
you should decide carefully for this decision will surely change not just your life but also
the life of the people who needs your help. Will you accept the challenge to be a global

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