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Started on Saturday, 9 May 2020, 6:41 PM

State Finished
Completed on Saturday, 9 May 2020, 7:12 PM
Time taken 30 mins 33 secs
Grade 14.0 out of 20.0 (70%)

Question 1 Which of the following physical exam findings is consistent with moderate emphysema?
Mark 0.0 out of Select one:
0.5 A. Increased tactile fremitus

B. Dullness to percussion "

C. Distant heart sounds
D. Deviated trachea

Question 2 ST segment elevation indicates-:

Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
A. myocardial infraction #
B. atrial fibrillation
C. myocardial ischemia
D. AV block

Question 3 A patient has severe aortic stenosis. When assessing the patient, which of these
Correct findings would be expected?
Mark 0.5 out of
0.5 Select one:
A. Hypertension

B. Narrowed pulse pressure #

C. Diastolic murmur
D. Diastolic murmur

Question 4 Which is correct about bronchial breath sounds?

Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
0.5 A. Inspiratory sounds last longer than expiratory ones.
B. Inspiratory and expiratory sounds are about equal.

C. Expiratory sounds last longer than inspiratory ones. #

D. Inspiratory and expiratory sounds are indistinguishable

Question 5 What kind of changes are seen on ECG of patient with inferior wall myocardial
Correct infraction :
Mark 0.5 out of
0.5 Select one:
A. depression of ST segment in leads V3, V4, V2
B. Elevation of ST segment in leads I , aVL, V5, V6

C. Elevation of ST segment in leads II , III, aVF #

D. Elevation of ST segment in leads V2, V3, V4
Question 6 Clubbing fingers is NOT common for:
Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
0.5 A. Bronchiectasis
B. Congenital heart disease
C. Pulmonary fibrosis

D. acute bronchitis #

Question 7 Timing of angina pectoris is

Mark 0.0 out of Select one:
0.5 A. A.Usually 1-3 min but up to 10 min
B. B.Persistant timing

C. C.20 min to several hours "

D. D.Variable timing

Question 8 What is the non-modifiable RISK-FACTORS for the coronary artery Disease?
Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
0.5 A. Smoking
B. Alcohol
C. Stress

D. Gender #

Question 9 Pink, frothy and profuse sputum is seen in

Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
0.5 A. Pneumoconiosis
B. Lobar pneumonia

C. Acute pulmonary edema #

D. Aspergillema

Question 10 For mitral stenosis is common

Mark 0.0 out of Select one:
0.5 A. left atrial dilation

B. left ventricular hypertrophy "

C. right atrial dilation
D. right ventricular hypertrophy

Question 11 What kind of changes are seen on ECG of patient with anterior wall myocardial
Correct infraction :
Mark 0.5 out of
0.5 Select one:
A. depression of ST segment in leads V3, V4, V2
B. Elevation of ST segment in leads I , aVL, V5, V6
C. Elevation of ST segment in leads II , III, aVF

D. Elevation of ST segment in leads V2, V3, V4 #

Question 12 A patient has COPD and a barrel chest. Which findings would the doctor expect when
Incorrect assessing the chest?
Mark 0.0 out of
0.5 Select one:
A. Paradoxical chest movement

B. Presence of friction rub "

C. Decreased respiratory excursion
D. Absent breath sound

Question 13 Wheezes are

Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
0.5 A. A.Discontinuous

B. B.Continuous #
C. C.Non musical
D. D.Low pitched

Question 14 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, includes the diagnosis of which lung
Correct diseases?
Mark 0.5 out of
0.5 Select one:
A. A.Chronic bronchitis and asthma
B. B.Emphysema and pneumonia

C. Chronic bronchitis and Emphysema #

D. D.Neither

Question 15 The following target organs are damaged in arterial hypertension:

Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
A. Heart, kidney, eye #
B. The pancreas, kidney, eye
C. Liver, brain, triceps
D. Blood vessels, spleen, heart

Question 16 What may be heard on thoracic auscultation in a patient with a pneumothorax

Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
0.5 A. Increased lung sounds as the patient struggles to breathe
B. Increased heart sounds

C. Decreased or absent lung sounds #

D. Absent heart sounds

Question 17 You are auscultating for heart sounds in a 3-year-old girl and hear an S3. You assess
Correct the sound to be a
Mark 0.5 out of
0.5 Select one:

A. normal finding. #
B. probable sign of heart failure.
C. possible sign of arterial septal defect.
D. probable sign of mitral stenosis.
Question 18 S2 is more louder at the
Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
A. base of the heart. #
B. apex of the heart.
C. aortic area.
D. Second intercostal space to the right of the sternum.

Question 19 What is the colour of Purulent Sputum?

Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
0.5 A. White or gray

B. Yellow or Green #
C. Black Phlegm
D. Red or Pink

Question 20 Wheezes most commonly suggest

Mark 0.0 out of Select one:
0.5 A. secretions in large airways.
B. abnormal lung tissue.
C. airless lung areas.

D. narrowed airways. "

Question 21 Left ventricular hypertrophy is related to what findings?

Mark 0.0 out of Select one:
0.5 A. The presence of an S4 heart sound

B. A widened split S2 heart sound "

C. Increased intensity of the S1 heart sound
D. The presence of a systolic ejection click

Question 22 Hemoptysis means:

Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
A. Vomiting with blood #
B. Shortness of breath
C. Coughing with blood
D. Coughing purulent sputum

Question 23 The main complaints of cardiovascular disease are:

Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
A. Chest pain, palpitation, shortness of breath #
B. Chest pain, cyanosis, shortness of breath
C. Chest pain, palpitation, swelling of the lower extremities
D. Chest pain, palpitation, hepatomegaly
Question 24 Which is correct about vesicular breath sounds?
Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
A. Inspiratory sounds last longer than expiratory ones. #
B. Inspiratory and expiratory sounds are about equal.
C. Expiratory sounds last longer than inspiratory ones.
D. Inspiratory and expiratory sounds are indistinguishable

Question 25 A 19 year old man complains of mild non-productive cough and shortness of breath on
Correct cold days. No chest tightness or wheezing normal physical examination. Chest films are
clear and lung function tests are normal. What is the most likely clinical diagnosis?
Mark 0.5 out of
Select one:

A. Asthma #
C. Heart failure
D. Anxiety attacks

Question 26 The healthcare provider is caring for a patient with a diagnosis of aortic stenosis. When
Incorrect auscultating the patient's chest, which type of heart sound should the healthcare
provider expect to hear?
Mark 0.0 out of
Select one:

A. Systolic ejection murmur "

B. Midsystolic murmur
C. Diastolic murmur
D. Pandiastolic murmur

Question 27 A 45 year old male with a history of rheumatic fever presents with progressive
Correct shortness of breath and dyspnea on exertion and is progressively getting worse. He
has also developed intermittent complaints of palpatations.On exam:Increased
Mark 0.5 out of
respiratory rate, Normal PMI, RV lift, Increased JVP, Crackles on lung exam, You hear
this upon auscultation diastolic murmur on the apex. The most likely diagnosis is:

Select one:

A. Mitral stenosis #
B. Aortic stenosis
C. Aortic regurgitation
D. Pulmonary stenosis

Question 28 Sputum in case of bronchiectasis is

Mark 0.0 out of Select one:
0.5 A. A.Mucoid
B. B.Purulent

C. C.Mucoid to purulent "

D. D.None of the above
Question 29 The healthcare provider is caring for a patient with a diagnosis of mitral stenosis. When
Correct auscultating the patient's chest, which type of heart sound should the healthcare
provider expect to hear?
Mark 0.5 out of
Select one:
A. Systolic ejection murmur
B. Midsystolic murmur

C. Diastolic murmur #
D. Pansystolic murmur

Question 30 Atrial fibrillation is characterized by:

Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
A. Absence of P wave. #
B. The presence of a positive P wave before the QRS complex.
C. The presence of a negative P wave before the QRS complex.
D. Regular ventricular rhythm.

Question 31 A pregnant woman may have which of the following heart sounds?
Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
0.5 A. A pericardial knock
B. A fixed split S2 heart sound

C. A S3 heart sound #
D. A S4 heart sound

Question 32 Which of the following diseases is NOT known to be caused by or associated with
Incorrect hypertension?
Mark 0.0 out of
0.5 Select one:
A. Aortic aneurysm
B. Atrial septal defect

C. Stroke "
D. Coronary artery disease

Question 33 In case of Pulmonary hypertension develops:

Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
0.5 A. Left ventricular hypertrophy

B. Right ventricular hypertrophy #

C. Dilatation of the left atrium
D. Dilatation of the right atrium

Question 34 What is responsible for the myriad of physical examination findings in patients with
Incorrect aortic regurgitation, including pulsation of multiple organs?
Mark 0.0 out of
0.5 Select one:
A. Arrhythmia
B. Increased stroke volume

C. Congestive heart failure "

D. Backward regurgitant flow
Question 35 The healthcare provider is caring for a patient with a diagnosis of tricuspid stenosis.
Incorrect When auscultating the patient's chest, which type of heart sound should the healthcare
provider expect to hear?
Mark 0.0 out of
Select one:
A. Systolic ejection murmur
B. Midsystolic murmur
C. Diastolic murmur

D. Pansystolic murmur "

Question 36 The medical term for chest pain is

Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
A. Angina #
B. There is no medical term for chest pain
C. Flutter
D. Arrhythmia

Question 37 Soft and low-pitched breath sounds normally heard over most of both lungs are
Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
0.5 A. bronchovesicular.
B. bronchial.
C. tracheal.

D. vesicular. #

Question 38 Elevated JVP shows

Mark 0.5 out of Select one:
0.5 A. Hypovolemia
B. GI bleeding
C. Left sided heart failure

D. Right sided heart failure. #

Question 39 Tall and picked P waves on ECG shows

Mark 0.0 out of Select one:
0.5 A. left atrial enlargement
B. impaired AV nodal conduction

C. right atrial enlargement "

D. myocardial infarction

Question 40 What kind of changes are seen on ECG of patient with lateral wall myocardial infraction
Correct :
Mark 0.5 out of
0.5 Select one:
A. depression of ST segment in leads V3, V4, V2

B. Elevation of ST segment in leads I , aVL, V5, V6 #

C. Elevation of ST segment in leads II , III, aVF
D. Elevation of ST segment in leads V2, V3, V4
$ Cardiac arrithmias

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