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Day to day management of the company, financing and debt restructuring, corporate
finance, bank and investor negotiations and relationship management. Project finance and
feasibility studies, cost cutting and optimization, company audit (IFRS, RAS). Maximizing
shareholder's returns. Board of directors scheduling and preparation, board reporting.


15th September 2009 - today (2011)

Oil company Aurora Oil (Independent Oil producer in HMAO region). Executive

2010 primary merits.

1. Rolled out consolidated IFRS/RAS accounting system for the group of companies (1C
8.2) with budget and finance control modules and capital construction project management
2.Completed development of a new KPI-based system for monitoring company
performance and employee remuneration
3. Plan-Fact budget analysis, CAPEX profiling and monitoring.
4. Advanced finance control for allocation of shareholders contributions within the
company, CAPEX spending monitoring and audit. Rolled out a Primavera-based software
solution to review and assess project and finance risks within the company.
5. Focus on optimizing NPV of drilling projects, establishing good relationship with key
company contractors, implemented incentive-based payment systems for contractors
(Workovers, transport, drilling, capital construction). Optimized drilling timelines and
reduced turn-key well completion time to 15 days per well. Extended account payables time
to 60 days with major contractors, established credit with key drilling contractors.
Implemented new well control, completion, supervision procedures to minimize standby
time, failure, technical faults.
6. Extensive liaisons with Merrill Lynch, completed company valuation models, drilling
projects NPV valuation models. Together with Merrill Lynch preparation of company
materials for strategic sale and IPO process, preparation of investment memo and teaser and
company's presentations for foreign and domestic investors.
7. Constant communications with capital markets to establish future bridges for project
financing (Sberbank, Sberbank Capital)
8. Analysis and profiling of drilling project risks, capital construction projects evaluation, risk
mitigation and performance review.
9. Management reporting for company's shareholders. Established new rules and regulations
that laid out the framework for reporting.
10. Summary reporting for year 2010. Preparation and review of company's balance sheet,
cash flow statement, P/L statement.
11. Established framework for tendering procedures. New tendering procedure implemented
and in place now, appointed Chairman of Tendering Committee by shareholder's vote.
12. Under my supervision in 2010 company successfully completed the following capital
construction projects: Reconstruction of Oil Treatment Facility (capacity extended by 300%
up to 2000 tones of oil per day); Phase II oilfield development plan, including construction
of 15 km of road, pipeline and electrical line, construction of the bridge (80 meters wide).
Received 1.2 bln roubles of new financing for capital construction in 2011 (shareholder's
capital, bank loans).

Assembled new finance department team (IFRS controller, Deputy CFO, chief analyst), new
production department (12 employees, including Technical director, Head of Capital
Construction). Liaison with foreign and domestic investors. Board meetings and materials
preparation (Cyprus, Moscow). Weekly and monthly shareholder reporting (production,
finance, capital construction). Procurement control for major construction projects,
procurement review and audit, cost cutting and contract review. Licensing risks review and
2009 primary merits

1. Sberbank 300 mln USD loan restructuring. Dropped semi-annual interest payments,
reduced interest rate from 11.5% to 9% flat uncapitalized rate. Drafted company's business
and development plan to present and Sber's Credit Committee. Management of due
diligence with Sberbank (geological, technical, financial data).
2. Drafted a new business plan and new field development program presentation for the
board of directors of the company. In charge of board preparation and internal processes,
managed a team of geologists, capital construction dept and finance to prepare and finalize
board materials on time.
3. Budget plan-fact analysis and review, CAPEX spending review, OPEX optimization,
including transfer to operational leasing contracts for corporate transport and oil transport.
Preparation of company's budget, budget review and approval, internal compliance. P/L
statement completion and approval by the Board.
4. Developed AFE system to aid with audit and finance control, implemented new vertical to
manage CAPEX spending and optimize recurrent costs. Management of Accounts Payable
and receivables.
6. Feasibility studies for primary drilling projects (pad 5, 22, 1033, 31, Phase II)
7. Implemented new procedures to authorize workovers, transport and drilling expenses
according to budget allocations.
8. Contract authorization procedures in place to minimize company's third-party related risks
and ease of financial compliance.
9. Cost cutting and optimization of OPEX, including transportation 40% cost reduction,
workovers 25% reduction / cost / frequency. Workover KPI framework established to
control unauthorized expenditures.
10.Running CAPEX tenders and workflow optimization with key contractors, review of old
contracts (review of contractors, replacement and appointing new contractors to trim costs
and improve quality). Drilling costs optimized by 30%, credit facility established with drilling
11. Constant monitoring of major CAPEX expenses, incld drilling, workovers, fracs, surface
infrastructure to optimize delivery timelines and running costs.
12. CAPEX 2010-2011 plan completed (MS Project / MS Excel) with category breakdown.
13. Development of new kpi-based program to monitor performance.
14. Liaison with key managers in the subsidiary companies to track project merits in drilling,
capital construction and workover divisions. Constant liaison with Technical and Finance
Director to track progress and measure KPI and performance deliveries and evaluate
01.2008 – RIGROUP ASSET MANAGEMENT, Moscow, Director Business

€ Started New Sales and Marketing department from scratch. (team of 6)
€ Marketing and sales of new products (online sales, print media, TV, press-conferences,
investor presentations, road-show)
€ Acquisition of a total of 140 000 000 mln roubles (USD $5.6 mln) new clients equity
deposits, corporate bonds)
€ Relationship management with key corporate clients (insurance companies, pension
Gathering commitments for the new real estate fund – signed $ USD 13mln total of
commitments to the New Rigroup Russia Real Estate Fund (primarily investing in
real estate in Moscow and Moscow Region).
€ Signed contracts with insurance companies worth over 90 mln roubles for 2009 (USD $
3.5mln), including Rosgosstrakkh.
€ Inception of three new funds under management, including one real estate investment
fund(projected asset value at USD $ 60 mln by 2009)
€ Arranging and attending meetings with top level execs across TOP10 insurance companies
and foreign institutional companies (Flemming Family partners, Starr Investments Russia,
€ Developed an offshore investment structure (REIT) for the new funds to be launched in
2009 teaming up with experts at Ernst and Young Moscow. New REIT would be disbursing
investments across a wider array of projects owned and managed by RIGROUP, including
but not limited to a chain of 30 retail centers in Moscow and Moscow Region during 2009-
2012. Net investments projected at USD $460 mln USD.
€ Development of new products, including private brokerage and online brokerage for key
accounts, municipal bonds assured by the Moscow Region State gvt.
€ Drafting an overall sales and development strategy for the Asset Management division 3
heads in advance (business plan)
€ Implemented a CRM system (Microsoft CRM) across divisions of the company for record
sharing and client management (installed in the Brokerage, Development, Investment
Banking and Sales departments). Leading a team of developers to address implementation
issues. Project finalized in July 2008.
€ Drafted new products financial prospectus and financial models of the new funds for the
foreign/local investors, drafted and finalized investments memos for investors.
€ Leaded delegation at MIPIM 2008, Cannes, France, 2008. Meeting and liaising with
potential investors and gathering commitments onsite.
€ Development and management annual business plans identifying key activities, priorities
and risks.
€ Building relationships and managing the delivery of consulting process with stakeholders in
line with future strategies.
€ Represented company at industry investment events; delivering presentations and
participates on panels as needed.

09.2006 – 11.2007 – Capital Growth Asset Management

(, Director Business Development.
€ Marketing and sales of mutual funds, acquisition of new accounts (corporate and private
investors starting at US $500 000).
€ Marketing and pre-sales of offshore hedge fund (Capital Growth
Russia Fund). Marketing and sales of AAA-rated CLN (Nomura Securities).
Arranging product presentations and scheduling meetings with clients. Strategic
planning (business development plan for 2007, sales, marketing, events/promo
planning for 2007, budgeting and cost allocation).
€ Developing new products for the clients (currently structuring Private Wealth Management
€ Hiring sales and marketing personnel for the company. Organizing department workflow
(document templates, presentations, promo materials).
€ In charge of handling all VIP-client requests, in regard with managed accounts, offshore
hedge-fund and PWM services. Structuring the PWM product, negotiating with contractors
and partners (Quintessentially CIS, Red Spot, Marriott Exclusive, Ritz Carlton,
Merridean Country Club, Pestovo Golf club and others).
€ Prospecting new VIP accounts, extending referral network (real estate brokers, lawyers,
 09.2005 – 09.2006 – CityHotel, Russia, Director, Sales.

 Negotiating lease and sales terms with prospective tenants, primarily office and retail

developments. PR support for the company’s projects. Investor relationship management,

including commercial banks, private equity funds and individual investors. Financial
analysis of the company’s real estate portfolio. Sales/purchases recommendations. Sales
and leasing of three commercial properties in Moscow and St Petersburg (Moscow,
Sherrizone, mixed-use business park total area 9 000 sq/m; St Petersburg mixed-use office
retail complex, total area 36 000 sq/m Constitution Square).
 01.06.04-09.2005 – Knight Frank LLC, Moscow. Senior Real estate consultant.

Landlord representation, class A office projects – landlord account management,

negotiations with prospective tenants (lease terms, options), tender submissions. Complex
marketing solutions for class A business centers, including design of project brochure, text
copywriting, Vedomosti/Commersant advertising, website design and management. Sales
and leasing of multiple class A office complexes, including but not limited to Leninsky 13-
15 the Gorky Park Tower (Stimul Group) and Citydel on Kurskaya (ZAO TEMA).
 During undergraduate studies at GUU-HSE (1998-2000), worked in telco industry with

Verysell Holding.
 During my stay in New Zealand I worked part-time as a stock broker with (NZSE), and

then had a full-time job with Ace Motors Company as an assistant to the Financial
Director, specializing in finance products and car insurance packages.

1. Sales
VIP Client management skills, negotiations skills, presentations skills, attended sales
courses and seminars while at Knight Frank. Proficient public speaker
(presentations at trade fairs and conferences). Strong sales approach,
experienced in “cold calling”, managing a database of clients and acquisition of new
2. Project management
Leadership skills, Team-work, ensuring timely execution of the project stages
(marketing and pr support, negotiations, contract signage), meeting deadlines, timeline
management (MS Project gannt charts).
3. Corporate finance
�Successfully completed CCIM 101, 102, 103, 104 courses (financial analysis of
real estate projects, investment analysis, feasibility and marketing studies,
comprehensive analysis of real estate projects). Attended courses in 2005,
while working for Knight Frank.
�Preparing business plans / investment memorandums for the top
management (evaluation of feasibility of real estate investment, comparing buy
and lease options, hotel and office developments).
�Preparing and filing bank loan applications and all the relevant documents
(project finance and bank loans)
�At CityHotel I took a role in the appraisal of the company’s properties and
landplots (project contracted out to 2K Audit company).
�Attended commercial real estate appraisal courses in Moscow, Russia, 2006
4. Marketing and PR
While and Knight Frank and currently at CityHotel I take on various marketing and
PR responsibilities, drafting marketing and PR plans (with price and time
allocations) including project brochure development, copywriting brochure texts,
providing content for media and press-releases.
5. PC
�Advanced Microsoft Office Skills (PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Outlook).
�Microsoft Project and SmartDraw (flowcharting software) intermediate user.
�3D studio max intermediate user (exteriors and interiors); AutoCad 2006 and
ArchiCad intermediate user.
�Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop intermediate user.
6. Other skills
A tenacious self-starter able to successfully develop and promote new ideas, improve
performance, and get to the bottom line in any complex management and legal
transaction. Committed to solving complex marketing/sales/management
problems, streamlining, facilitating quality and service improvements, increasing
productivity and financial performance has been consistently acknowledged for
producing immediate and outstanding results.
Business skills
Outgoing interpersonal skills, enthusiasm, optimistic and active personality, always on
the go, excellent time management, keen to work under pressure, attention to detail,
quick learner and adopt new skills, able to multitask, result-oriented, team player.
Excellent VIP-clients databases and established contacts within real estate / legal /
luxury industry.


1994-1997 Moscow School of Economics (private school), Moscow

 Learning in english-speaking environment

 Focused on finance and economics

1998-2000 State School of Economics, Moscow

Completed two terms, focused on economics and general management

2001-2004 Unitec University of Auckland, New Zealand

• Business school study, double major - Finance and Marketing.
• Completed CCIM designation courses (101, 102, 103, 104 - Certified investment
• 2005-2008 - State University of Management - Finance - Finance&Economics
specialist (bachelors degree)


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