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Polymer Testing 24 (2005) 648–655
Test Method
Use of split-disk tests for the process parameters
of filament wound epoxy composite tubes
Cevdet Kaynaka,*, E. Salim Erdillerb, Levend Parnasb, Fikret Senelc
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, TR-06531 Ankara, Turkey
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, TR-06531 Ankara, Turkey
Baris Electrical Industry Co., Ankara, Turkey
Received 22 February 2005; accepted 31 March 2005

The aim of this study was to investigate processing parameters of continuous fiber reinforced epoxy composite tubes
produced by the filament winding technique. For this purpose, split-disk tests (according to ASTM D-2290 standard) were
performed for the specimens produced with two different epoxy resin systems, five different fiber materials and five different
winding angles. By determining the hoop tensile strength and modulus of these specimens, the effects of three filament-winding
processing parameters; resin type, fiber type and winding angle were evaluated. It is found that use of different epoxy resin
systems has no significant influences, while use of carbon fibers compared to glass fibers and use of winding angles greater than
608 increase the performance of the structures considerably. It is also concluded that split-disk tests are efficient to determine the
performance of these tubular structures which are usually used under internal pressure developing high hoop stresses.
q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Split-disk tests; Filament winding; Composite tube; Hoop tensile strength; Hoop modulus of elasticity

1. Introduction and (ii) To verify the accuracy of the completed design

studies. For these purposes, a test specimen configuration
Filament winding is a continuous fiber reinforced must be selected on the basis that test results should provide
composite production technique in which a resin-impreg- material properties useful in the design stage.
nated band of continuous fibers is wound over a rotating Three types of testing geometry are commonly used
mandrel. The process continues with winding of additional in testing of filament-wound composite structures; flat
layers until the design requirements are achieved. The (coupon) specimens, ring specimens and tubular specimens.
production is completed by curing the filament-wound Axial, shear, and bending response of each testing geometry
product in an oven and the removal of the mandrel. This can be determined by applying a suitable type of loading.
method is especially used for hollow tubular structures such Tests involving biaxial/combined loading is also possible. In
as pipes and pressure vessels which are generally used under addition to these tests, internal pressure and torsion tests can
internal pressure leading to high hoop stresses. be applied to the tubular specimens. The following is a
Filament-wound composite structures have been tested selection of experimental works cited in the literature for the
to fulfill two main requirements: (i) To provide ring and tubular specimens.
the necessary material and strength data for design purposes, Cohen and his coworkers [1,2] investigated the effect
of winding tension, stacking sequence, winding tension
gradient, and winding time on hoop stress, hoop stiffness,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C90 312 210 5920; fax: C90 312 fiber and void volume fraction distribution through thickness,
210 1267. and interlaminar shear strength of carbon fiber reinforced
E-mail address: (C. Kaynak). filament wound ring specimens. Hoop strength and hoop
0142-9418/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Kaynak et al. / Polymer Testing 24 (2005) 648–655 649

Table 1
Properties of the epoxy resin systems used

Tensile Strength Tensile Modulus Elongation at Curing Schedule

(MPa) (GPa) break (%) (h/8C)
Resin 1: HUNTSMAN MY740/HY918/DY062 61 3.6 2 2/80C2/120
Resin 2: HUNTSMAN LY556/HY917/DY070 80–90 3.2–3.6 3–7 4/80C4/140

stiffness of the specimens were obtained by performing complex, and the rate and ratio of biaxial loading affect the
pressurized ring tests on filament-wound ring specimens. It monotonic failure strength, damage accumulation and
was shown that composite strength increases for cylinders, failure mode of the specimens.
wound without winding gradient, wound in short time, with Further to the works cited above, the purpose of this
high winding tension. However, it was also stated that the study was to determine the effects of three filament winding
effect of these variables on strength were relatively small, processing parameters (resin type, fiber type, winding angle)
with effect of winding tension being the largest. by comparing the mechanical performance (hoop tensile
Wang et al. [3] developed ring hoop tension tests strength and modulus) of various specimens under split-disk
(RHTT) for ring samples with a single reduced section of tests which achieves the development of hoop stresses as if
area. After determining and evaluating the hoop stress– they are under internal pressure.
strain curves of the samples, they concluded that the ring
hoop tension test is an accurate method to measure
transverse tensile properties of tubular specimens. 2. Experimental work
Lee and his researchers [4] performed biaxial tests on
cross-ply carbon/epoxy composite tubes under combined 2.1. Process parameters
torsion and axial tension/compression up to failure to
investigate the effect of biaxial loading ratios on failure (i) Matrix resin systems: two different epoxy resin systems
strength and failure mechanism. In that study, it was used as matrix material are:
concluded that there is a strong interaction between the axial † Resin 1: HUNTSMAN MY740 (Epoxy
stress and the shear stress at failure. Resin)/HY918 (Hardener)/DY062 (accelerator)
Bai et al. [5] investigated the mechanical behavior of system.
G558 filament-wound glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin † Resin 2: HUNTSMAN LY556 (Epoxy
tubes under three different stress states; pure axial tensile Resin)/HY917 (Hardener)/DY070 (Accelerator)
load, pure internal pressure, and combined loading. system.
According to the behaviour of the specimens loaded to Both are hot-curing resin systems suitable for filament
twenty to fifty percent of their ultimate tensile strength, they winding. Their mechanical properties and curing
showed that the main damage initiation mechanisms are schedules are given in Table 1.
microcracking and delamination. Depending on the loading (ii) Fiber reinforcements: five different continuous fiber
levels, one of the mechanisms dominates over the other. reinforcements (three of them glass and two of them
Another experimental study about G558 filament- carbon) used for filament winding are:
wound composite tubes was performed by Caroll et al. † Fiber 1: PPG Roving 1084 Glass Fiber (2400 Tex)
[6]. These glass fiber/epoxy tubes were tested in a biaxial † Fiber 2: CAMELYAF WR3 Glass Fiber (2400 Tex)
testing machine with various ratios of axial stress to hoop † Fiber 3: TENAX HTA5331 Carbon Fiber (800 Tex)
stress. The resulting stress/strain curves were analyzed and † Fiber 4: PPG Roving 1084 Glass Fiber (1200 Tex)
biaxial failure envelopes in terms of stress and strain were † Fiber 5: FORTAFIL 503 Carbon Fiber (2190 Tex)
constructed. It was shown that the behaviour of the tubes is Their mechanical properties are given in Table 2.

Table 2
Properties of the fiber reinforcements used

Linear Tensile Tensile Elongation Filament Specific

density strength modulus at break (%) diameter density
(Tex) (MPa) (GPa) (mm) (g/cc)
Fiber 1: PPG Roving 1084 2400 Glass Fiber 2400 2600 75 3.00 15 2.60
Fiber 2: CAMELYAF WR3 Glass Fiber 2400 22
Fiber 3: TENAX HTA 5331 Carbon Fiber 800 3950 238 1.55 7 1.77
Fiber 4: PPG Roving 1084 1200 Glass Fiber 1200 2600 75 3.00 15 2.60
Fiber 5: FORTAFIL 503 Carbon Fiber 2190 3800 231 1.64 6 1.80
650 C. Kaynak et al. / Polymer Testing 24 (2005) 648–655

Fig. 1. Split-disk Test specimen geometry.

(iii) Winding angle: during the production of specimens separation of the two half disk shape components. An
five different fiber winding angles were used: 08, apparent tensile strength rather than a true tensile strength
G258, G458, G658, and 908. can be obtained in the test because of a bending moment
imposed during the test at the split between the split disk
test fixtures. The test fixture was therefore designed to
2.2. Specimen fabrication minimize the effect of this bending moment.
For all the combinations of each process parameter
mentioned above, tubular specimens were produced by 2.4. Test procedure
using a wet winding technique on the filament-winding
facilities of Baris Electrical Industries, Co. (Ankara– The testing machine used in split-disk tests was an
Turkey). Winding operations were performed on a 60 mm INSTRON 4206 Universal Testing System with a loading
diameter steel mandrel with a three axial, computer capacity of 150 kN. The procedure followed during split-
controlled Bolenz and Schafer filament-winding machine. disk tests was as follows:
These wound tubes together with the mandrel were then
(i) Reduced section dimensions of the specimens were
placed into temperature-controlled ovens for the curing
measured with digital calipers. For each specimen,
operation. After curing, the composite tubes were removed
from their mandrels. Split-disk test specimens were then thickness measurements were made at four places, two
produced by cutting these composite tubes. of which were in the gage sections. Width of both of
the reduced sections was also recorded. Specimen
reduced section areas were then calculated by using
2.3. Split-disk tests

Determination of hoop tensile properties of filament-

wound composite tubular specimens by split-disk method
was the main objective of this study. The tests were
performed according to ASTM D-2290, ‘Apparent Hoop
Tensile Strength of Plastic or Reinforced Plastic Pipe by
Split Disk Method’. Five specimens were tested for each
process parameter combination. Mainly, the ultimate hoop
tensile strength and hoop tensile modulus of elasticity of the
specimens were determined.
As shown in Fig. 1, test specimens were full-diameter,
full-wall thickness rings, with an inner radius of 60 mm and
an average outer radius of 64 mm. Each specimen involves
two sections of reduced area, which were located 1808 apart
from each other. The specimens were produced free of
machining marks and each were uniform in cross-section.
The test fixture (Fig. 2) involves two half disk shaped
components which were attached to the upper and lower
connecting arms of the test fixture with pins. Split-disk test
specimens were located between the two half disk shape
components and the upper and lower connecting arms, with
the reduced sections aligned perpendicular to the plane of Fig. 2. Test fixture used in split-disk tests.
C. Kaynak et al. / Polymer Testing 24 (2005) 648–655 651

the minimum thickness and minimum width winding angles. For specimens having 908 winding angle
measurements. (Fig. 3(a)), fiber-matrix debonding parallel to the fibers and
(ii) Specimens were mounted on the split disk test fixture loading axis was followed by fiber fracture. For specimens
with the reduced sections located at the split in the having G658 winding angle (Fig. 3(b)), similar mechanism
fixture, taking care to align the test specimen on the was observed with the addition of a delamination stage. The
split disk specimen holder so that it was centered along outer layer was observed to be totally damaged.
the line joining the points of attachment of the fixture For the G458 winding angle specimens (Fig. 3(c)), fiber-
to the test machine. matrix debonding occurred more dominantly. Delamination
(iii) Loading rate of the testing machine was set to a of G458 layers was also observed for these specimens. In
constant level and the test was started. Load and strain G258 winding angle specimens (Fig. 3(d)), fiber breakage
data were taken until the failure of the specimen. was very limited and the specimens failed mainly with a
(iv) After obtaining stress–strain curves of all specimens, matrix cracking mechanism.
arithmetic mean of the measured ultimate hoop tensile Fig. 4 shows winding angle dependence of hoop tensile
strength and hoop tensile modulus values were strength of specimens for the same epoxy resin system
calculated and reported with standard deviations for reinforced with five different fibers. As expected, the highest
each test group. strength values were obtained for the specimens having a
winding angle of 908, since the fiber direction is parallel to
the direction of loading. Conversely, the lowest strength
values were obtained for the specimens having a winding
3. Results and discussion angle of 08, where the fiber direction is perpendicular to
the direction of loading. The results for the specimens
Besides obtaining hoop tensile properties of the speci- having G258, G458, and G608 winding angles exhibited
mens, failure types and their locations were also investi- intermediate performance between these two extremes.
gated. Fig. 3 shows dominant failure mechanisms observed In Fig. 5, hoop tensile strengths of specimens with five
during the tests and their locations on the specimens for different fibers are compared as a function of winding
different winding angles. As seen from the photographs, angle. Specimens having the same epoxy resin system
failure of specimens occurred in the gage section for all (LY556/HY917/DY070) are compared to investigate

Fig. 3. Dominant failure mechanisms observed and their locations on split-disk specimens. (a) (qZ908) Fiber fracture and fiber-matrix
debonding. (b) (qZ658) Fiber fracture, fiber-matrix debonding and delamination. (c) (qZ458) Delamination and fiber-matrix debonding. (d)
(qZ258) Matrix cracking.
652 C. Kaynak et al. / Polymer Testing 24 (2005) 648–655

Fig. 4. Hoop tensile strength vs winding angle curves for the specimens having the same epoxy resin system (LY556/HY917/DY070) reinforced
with (a) Fiber 1, (b) Fiber 2, (c) Fiber 3, (d) Fiber 4, and (e) Fiber 5.

the effect of fiber type on mechanical performance. Among the specimens reinforced with glass fibers, the
According to this figure, it can be stated that the specimens one reinforced with PPG 1200 Tex glass fiber (Fiber 4)
produced by carbon fibers showed better mechanical showed better performance. This result can be explained
performance compared to the ones reinforced with glass by the effect of the low linear density of Fiber 4. As the
fibers. This result became more dominant as the winding linear density of fibers decreases, the diameters of the
angle of specimens approached the direction of loading fiber bundles used during the winding operation
(908). Highly anisotropic behavior of the carbon fiber system decreases, which cause the fiber bands to crisscross
can also be seen in the same figure, such that a sharp decrease more efficiently by creating a weaving effect. The same
of hoop tensile strength was detected when the winding result can also be seen by comparing the strength results
direction of the fibers was altered from the direction of of carbon fiber reinforced specimens. The specimen
loading. produced with low linear density carbon fibers (Fiber 3)
showed better mechanical performance compared to
C. Kaynak et al. / Polymer Testing 24 (2005) 648–655 653

Fig. 5. Comparison of hoop tensile strengths of specimens with five different fiber types as a function of winding angle.

the one produced with high linear density carbon fibers modulus of elasticity of carbon fiber reinforced specimens is
(Fiber 5). almost 2–3 times greater than that of glass fibre reinforced
In Fig. 6, hoop tensile strengths of specimens with two ones when the winding angle is greater than G658. This
different epoxy resin systems are compared for each fiber result can be better observed from Fig. 8 which shows the
type. The specimens having the same winding angle (G658) comparison of hoop tensile modulus of elasticity of
are compared to evaluate the effect of epoxy resin system on specimens with five different fibers as a function of winding
the mechanical performance. According to this figure, it can angle.
be stated that the effect of epoxy resin system on hoop
tensile strengths of specimens is negligible.
Similar to the strength results of split-disk tests, winding
angle dependence of hoop tensile modulus of elasticity of 4. Conclusions
specimens is evaluated in Fig. 7.
This figure shows that a similar distribution of hoop This study was aimed at satisfying the requirements of
tensile modulus of elasticity is obtained with the strength experimental data for the characterization of filament-
results given in Fig. 4. However, the calculated hoop tensile wound epoxy composite tubes. For this purpose, many

Fig. 6. Comparison of hoop tensile strengths of specimens with two different epoxy resin systems as a function of fiber type under the same
winding angle of G658.
654 C. Kaynak et al. / Polymer Testing 24 (2005) 648–655

Fig. 7. Hoop tensile modulus of elasticity vs winding angle curves for the specimens having the same epoxy resin system
(MY740/HY918/DY062) reinforced with (a) Fiber 1, (b) Fiber 2, (c) Fiber 3, (d) Fiber 4, and (e) Fiber 5.

Fig. 8. Comparison of Hoop Tensile Modulus of Elasticity of specimens with five different fibers as a function of winding angle.
C. Kaynak et al. / Polymer Testing 24 (2005) 648–655 655

different testing groups were defined by considering five Acknowledgements

different fibers, two different epoxy resin systems and five
different winding angles. Split-disk tests were performed for This study was a part of a research program supported by
each group and the following conclusions were obtained: TUBITAK TIDEB (Turkish Scientific and Technical
Research Council) and Baris Electrical Industry, Co. The
† Hoop tensile stress–strain curves were generally linear
authors would like to acknowledge their sincere thanks to
up to the point of failure. For the specimens having
TUBITAK TIDEB and Baris Electrical Industry, Co. staff
08 winding angle, deviation from linearity was detected
for their help throughout the study.
as the failure occurred predominantly by matrix
† In almost all the split-disk tests, failure occurred in the
gage section of the specimens. Fiber fracture and fiber- References
matrix debonding was observed to be the dominant
failure mechanisms for specimens having 908 winding
[1] D. Cohen, Y.T. Toombes, A.K. Johnson, M.F. Hansen,
angle. For specimens having G658 winding angle, in Pressurized ring test for composite pressure-vessel hoop
addition to these mechanisms, delamination of layers strength and stiffness evaluation, Journal of Composites
was also detected. For G458 filament-wound specimens, Technology and Research 17 (4) (1995) 331–340.
fiber-matrix debonding was more dominant. For speci- [2] D. Cohen, Influence of filament-winding parameters on
mens having G258 winding angle, fiber breakage was composite vessel quality and strength, Composites Part A,
very limited and the specimens failed with the rupture of 28A 1997; 1035–1047.
the matrix phase. [3] H. Wang, R. Bouchard, R. Eagleson, P. Martin, W.R. Tyson,
† Both hoop tensile strength and hoop tensile modulus of Ring hoop tension test (RHTT): A test for transverse tensile
elasticity depended strongly on the winding angle (fiber properties of tubular materials, Journal of Testing and
direction) of specimens. Specimens having 908 and G Evaluation 30 (5) (2002) 382–391.
658 had much higher values compared to the ones having [4] C.S. Lee, W. Hwang, H. Park, K.S. Han, Failure of
G458, G258, and 08. carbon/epoxy composite tubes under combined axial and
† Specimens produced using carbon fibers showed much torsional loading I. Experimental results and prediction of
biaxial strength by the use of neutral networks, Composites
higher mechanical properties compared to the ones
Science and Technology 59 (1999) 1779–1788.
produced with glass fibers for loading directions closer to
[5] J. Bai, P. Seeleuthner, P. Bompard, Mechanical behaviour of G
the direction of loading.
558 filament-wound glass fiber/epoxy resin tubes: I. micro-
† The effect of epoxy resin system on the mechanical structural analyses, mechanical behaviour and damage mech-
performance was negligible, since the properties of anism of composite tubes under pure tensile loading, pure
these systems were quite similar with a slight internal pressure, and combined loading, Composite Science
difference in glass transition temperature and resin and Technology 57 (1997) 141–153.
viscosity. [6] M. Caroll, F. Ellyin, D. Kujawski, A.S. Chiu, The rate
† Split-disk tests are an effective method to determine dependent behaviour of G558 filament-wound glass fiber/e-
hoop tensile properties of filament-wound tubular poxy tubes under biaxial loading, Composite Science and
structures. Reliable results were obtained with low Technology 55 (1995) 391–403.
standard deviations. Tests with carbon fiber reinforced
specimens resulted in relatively higher deviations.

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