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Jungle and Rainforest Collection

Collection Includes:
Plant Species Plant Species, Root Bases and Vines (Bottom Group)
x4 Canopy Trees x3 Vine Roots
x4 Misc Trees x25 Root Systems with Vegetation
x6 Vine Trees x22 Leafless Root Systems
x4 Messy Root Systems
x4 Flowering Plants
x24 Ground and Misc Plants
x13 Palms

Specialty Materials
x1 Transparent Vegetation Material, for removal
- invisa_leaf.mat

Required – Primary Installation of Vue 7+ content, extra content included with Vue is not required.
Visit the “Installation and Codecs” page on the website, for more information on how to add content
collections to Vue.

For better memory management and to keep file sizes to a minimum, all texture maps are from native vue species.
Textures will be automatically loaded from your Vue content directory, the vegetation may be placed anywhere on
your system without conflict.

About this Guide:

All image in this guide are 450 x 600 pixel resolution. To view full size, you may need to use the zoom command
available with your PDF reader, 200% is normally fully size.

Possible Vue Vegetation Bug and Fix: (applies to all vue vegetation, not just this collection)
Bug: When opening the plant editor to edit a species, the shape of the species changes and massively droops below
the pivot. This is normally followed by a crash of the Vue application after making changes to the sliders. The bug
may also appear after the first edit. Always cancel the edition if this happens.

Because of the nature of this collection, it may be difficult to notice the change, because the plants are already
drooped below the pivot. Pay attention to the plant as you open the plant editor, if the shape changes, to more of a
droop, then the bug has occurred.

Fix: When this bug occurs, which seems to happen more with species that have no leaves, close the plant editor with
the X canceling any changes. Change the size of any material on the species, and reopen the plant editor. The
species should no longer droop after editing the material.

All plants, trees, and roots are compatible with SolidGrowth. To generate a new variation, edit the object to open the
plant editor. Click the New button at the top left of the editor to create a new plant from the species.
Canopy Trees

These tall trees have straight trunks and a nice root system at the bottom. The trees may need to be raised on
the up axis, z by default, in order to see the roots. When combined with the roots_bottom set of vegetation, they
make a rather complex and realistic trees. Copying the bark material from either the roots to the tree, or the tree
to the roots, may be needed for a realistic blend. You can also load in a preset bark and apply to both objects.

Populating these trees onto a terrain, and using the instance selector to convert the instances to objects, is a
good way to start a close-up forest scene. Painting the instances is also a helpful start.

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Misc Trees

These trees are a little more gnarled than the canopy trees. They are great for filler, or as a base for vines and
roots. Because of there dense vegetation, they would typically appear in more of a clearing, or as a smaller

misc_tree_0001 misc_tree_0002 misc_tree_0003 misc_tree_0004

Vine Trees

The Vine Trees look best when their trunks are mixed with those of another tree, like the canopy trees. Some
have rather nice root bases and don't need any extra help from the root_bottom group. An advantage to these
species, is the ability to place them almost anywhere in the scene, without the need to cover the tops, as is
needed with the root_bottom group. Almost all of these vines have a curved droopy shape.

VineTree_0001 VineTree_0002 VineTree_0003 VineTree_0004

VineTree_0005 VineTree_0006
Messy Roots

These root systems are very erratic. On their own they can look a little out of place, but when scaled down to
intersect with existing root systems, they add a nice bit of detail and extra vegetation. Using them as an
ecosystem base also produces some very nice results.

messroots_0001 messroots_0002 messroots_0003 messroots_0004

Vine Roots (Bottom Group)

Vine roots are complex root systems with large amounts of vegetation. They can be used to add a root base to
trees, along with vines and small vegetation. Raising some of the plants above their pivots will reveal long vine
systems, great for filler.

vineroots_bottom_001 vineroots_bottom_002 vineroots_bottom_003

Roots (Bottom Group)

These species can be used to add extremely complex or stylized root systems to any tree. Combining these
with the canopy trees can produce some amazing results. The tops of these species will need to be covered, or
placed inside the trunk of another tree.

This root group was made with tree species containing leaves. Although most of the vegetation is sparse, it can
be customized and will add an extra bit of detail. Enlarging the leaves will create very dense vegetation. Leaf
materials with the hooking point at a stem, rather than the center of a cluster, work best for the roots.

Most of the renders of these plants show two of the same species, side by side. One it the top of the plant, used
for root bases, and the other is the bottom of the plant, and can be used for hanging vines. Intersecting the
roots with the leaf canopy of a tree, will result in vines hanging around the tree trunk, and will produce some very
compelling renders.

The initial placement of these species is almost always too low, as most of the plant's detail is under the pivot.
Simply raise the species above the ground or terrain to see the roots or vines.

By default all roots have their wind and breeze settings turned off. If enabled, settings of .1 - .3 should be used
to maintain shape.

If any roots look polygonal, you can use the x2 button in the plat editor to increase the resolution. As with any
plant, the added detail is lost when growing a new plant.

To remove the vegetation from any of these roots, you can replace the leaf materials with the included
“invisa_leaf.mat” material.

roots_bottom_001 roots_bottom_002 roots_bottom_003 roots_bottom_004

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Roots (Bottom Group) Leafless

These species can be used in the same manner as the main Roots (Bottom Group) with these exceptions:
– No vegetation geometry or materials connected are connected to the species.
– Less flexible for vines, although many still have this option.

roots_bottom_leafless_001 roots_bottom_leafless_002 roots_bottom_leafless_003 roots_bottom_leafless_004

roots_bottom_leafless_005 roots_bottom_leafless_006 roots_bottom_leafless_007 roots_bottom_leafless_008

roots_bottom_leafless_009 roots_bottom_leafless_010 roots_bottom_leafless_011 roots_bottom_leafless_012

roots_bottom_leafless_013 roots_bottom_leafless_014 roots_bottom_leafless_015 roots_bottom_leafless_016

roots_bottom_leafless_017 roots_bottom_leafless_018 roots_bottom_leafless_019 roots_bottom_leafless_020

roots_bottom_leafless_021 roots_bottom_leafless_022

Plants (Flowers)

These plants are best viewed from a distance. They are great for adding color to vegetation.
The default color is purple; by using the overall color in the material editor, or editing color maps, you can
change the petals to any color you like.

flower_0001 flower_0002 flower_0003 flower_0004

Plants (Ground Vegetation)
A selection of modified vue species. Great for ground vegetation, or applying to root systems with ecosystems.

plant_0001 plant_0002 plant_0003 plant_0004

plant_0005 plant_0006 plant_0007 plant_0008

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Plants (Palms)
A selection of palms made from modified vue species.

plant_palm_0001 plant_palm_0002 plant_palm_0003 plant_palm_0004

plant_palm_0005 plant_palm_0006 plant_palm_0007 plant_palm_0008

plant_palm_0009 plant_palm_0010 plant_palm_0011 plant_palm_0012


Specialty Materials (Invisible Leaves)

Before After

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